Is it possible to smear levomekol for thrush?

Doctors say that Levomekol works well for thrush.

This drug is in most cases known as a healing and anti-inflammatory agent, but practice has shown that it also helps with more serious disorders in the human body.

To ensure that treatment does not reach a dead end, it is necessary to begin eliminating the problem immediately after it is discovered. In this case, the ointment will definitely help get rid of it.

Diseases of the genital organs are always serious problems that require long-term treatment. One such disease is candidiasis, which is popularly known as thrush. This disease can occur in both women and men of any age, so it is important to know how to treat it.


Levomekol began to be used in gynecological practice in the form of homemade tampons of gauze and cotton wool with ointment in the treatment of diseases:

  1. candidiasis (thrush) and its consequences;
  2. inflammation in the cervix with bacterial vaginitis;
  3. as a combined remedy for the treatment of uterine erosion and after its vaporization (cauterization);
  4. with inflammatory processes in the ovaries;
  5. postoperative inflammation of vaginal sutures (after complicated childbirth);
  6. superficial microcracks and injuries to the vaginal mucosa.

Levomekol itself is not effective against yeast-like fungi. The drug is prescribed in complex therapy of mixed infection (with simultaneous detection of fungus and other pathogenic and opportunistic flora).

Levomekol ointment is used externally with single-use antiseptic dressings for the treatment of:

  • burns of II and III degrees;
  • skin damage with deep traumatized wounds;
  • furunculosis, abscesses of infected tissues, acne;
  • dry and weeping bedsores and eczema;
  • deep frostbite;
  • diaper rash and prickly heat;
  • purulent otitis and sinusitis;
  • deep cuts and cracks;
  • deep purulent wounds infected with pathogenic microflora.

Levomekol for thrush: instructions for use, rules of use, how to treat candidiasis

A disease such as thrush is a fairly common pathology. This disease is well known among women thanks to the media. The pathology can be easily diagnosed as a result of clinical manifestations.

After this, the doctor prescribes effective treatment. This article will describe the use of the drug levomekol for thrush in women.

In order to begin treatment against thrush with levomekol, you need to understand how to identify the disease, and, of course, how to treat it.

Mechanism of action

The effect of the drug is due to the active and auxiliary components:

  • Levomycetin is a widely used antibiotic that kills and prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora:
  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococci;
  • coli;
  • viruses.

Levomycytin disrupts the protein synthesis of pathogenic organisms, their vital activity due to which the bacteria are destroyed.

  • Methyluracil is the second component in the composition, helps stimulate the metabolic process in the cells of the body, wounds and damaged tissues are more likely to heal and be restored, and participates in increasing local immunity. Thanks to the stimulation of methyluracil, the following are produced: leukocytes - blood cells that protect the body from bacterial microflora;
  • interferon is an antiviral, immunostimulating protein that helps fight the disease;

The antibacterial component in the ointment treats patients with infections of staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and cleans purulent wounds. Its effect reduces swelling and restores damaged tissue.


If, as a result of certain reasons (allergy), the patient cannot use levomekol, or due to the impossibility of purchasing the drug, doctors offer similar medications. The drugs are at the level of therapeutic action, no worse than levomekol. Analogs of levomekol include the following drugs:

  • Levomethyl ointment;
  • Specific dressings, which include levomekol with wax. Used only for external wounds;
  • The drug liniment, a representative of which is streptocide. The solution is diluted in water and the vagina is douched;
  • Ointment streptonitol, the active ingredient of the drug is streptocide + nitazole;
  • Levosin cream.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or use the drug yourself. Only after the doctor's permission can you use the ointment.

Levomekol ointment for thrush: instructions for use

In gynecology, there are many types of fungal diseases of the female reproductive system, including candidiasis.

The reason for their manifestation may be:

  • hormonal shift;
  • stressful situations;
  • weakening of the protective properties of the immune system;
  • inflammatory process in the body.

The disease in its advanced state causes complications in the female body, which can affect reproduction. The disease is often accompanied by symptoms:

  • white cheesy discharge;
  • severe burning, itching;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • uncomfortable urination.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to consult a doctor promptly at the first signs. Levomekol ointment for thrush is often used in conjunction with other antibacterial drugs, enhancing the effect of treatment.

The healing property of the product relieves the symptoms of the disease - an unpleasant sensation when it burns, hurts and itches in the vagina. The ointment helps protect the mucous membrane from harmful microflora and removes fungus.

Candidiasis in advanced form is treated with an enhanced therapeutic course.

How should a woman use it?

Levomekol for thrush is used to treat and relieve painful symptoms in women. Vaginal tampons with ointment are placed, which are made independently; for this you will need:

  • sterile gauze or wide bandage;
  • cotton wool;
  • threads;
  • ointment.

Gauze or bandage is cut into small squares, a cotton ball is rolled up and covered with ointment, then wrapped in gauze and tied with thread. Instead of a homemade one, you can use a tampon for critical days, also soaked in ointment.

Frequent changes are required every 4 hours because purulent tissue is absorbed into them. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who will determine the course and stage of the disease and how the therapy will be carried out. When treating thrush, doctors additionally advise following a diet, eating healthy foods, and eating more vegetables and fruits.

Levomekol for candidiasis in men

Male genital organs are different from female ones, which is why the yeast fungus cannot adapt for a long time, but there are still cases of infection. When contacted with the mucous membrane, fungi multiply and spread through the blood, causing harm to internal organs.

The immune system in men often resists the disease, and it may not develop. The latent course of the disease helps to manifest sexually transmitted infections and inflammation of the male appendages.

In men, the symptoms of candidiasis are:

  • severe itching;
  • swelling of the foreskin;
  • painful urination;
  • unpleasant, pungent odor;
  • the head becomes covered with a white film and rash.

Obvious signs require an urgent visit to a urologist, who will explain how and how to treat the disease. Most often, Levomekol is prescribed for candidiasis in men in the form of an ointment (regardless of the form of the disease).

The ointment is applied to the affected area and covered with a bandage, which is changed once a day, the course of treatment is 5 days. Male physiology is designed so that the drug gets quick access to the site of direct damage. The partner must be treated together with the patient, otherwise the disease will become chronic and affect the internal organs with complications.

IMPORTANT: untimely treatment of fungal diseases leads to damage to the digestive, genitourinary, and respiratory systems.

Predisposing factors to the appearance of an unpleasant disease

The trigger mechanism that directly affects the development of fungal infection of the genus Candida is:

  • weak immunity,
  • diseases of the endocrine system,
  • improper use of antibiotics, cytostatics, glucocorticoids,
  • wearing tight, synthetic underwear,
  • diabetes mellitus, etc.

There are three types of thrush:

  1. Acute – has pronounced symptoms. The most characteristic of them are burning and itching in the vagina or on the head of the penis, and a cheesy discharge.
  2. The chronic form is also accompanied by a white coating and unpleasant sensations in the vagina, but these symptoms are not so acute. In this form of the disease, the fungus will periodically make itself felt; the patient may experience up to four relapses per year. By the way, the chronic form of the disease is also characterized by pain during sex, dryness of the vaginal mucosa or the head of the penis.
  3. Carriage of candidiasis is a specific form of the disease. This form is insidious in that it cannot be recognized because the person has no symptoms. But he may well infect another person, and that person will show all the known signs of the disease.

Knowing the main causes of infection of the body by a yeast-like fungus and the symptoms of the attack, we can move on to the issue of treating a patient with Levomekol for candidiasis.

Contraindications and harm

The ointment has no special contraindications. Only individual intolerance to the components in the composition cancels the use of the drug. To do this, a control test is done, a thin layer of ointment is applied to the hand and left for 25 minutes. If there are no red spots, swelling or burning, then the product can be used.

The use of the ointment should not exceed the periods specified in the medical regimen and in the instructions for the drug. Otherwise, side effects are possible: allergic rash, urticaria, impaired immunity, which helps the progression of the disease.

It is important to handle the ointment carefully during use so that the contents do not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. The person himself will not get rid of the disease, will not give a correct assessment of the symptoms, and will not select the right medicine.

Methods of use

Levomekol for foot fungus helps as a restorer of the integrity of the skin and as a means of preventing secondary infections from occurring.


Levomekol can be used after studying its interaction with an antifungal drug. Treatment for both is not effective enough.

Levomekol ointment should be applied 1-2 times a day. It is acceptable to use it as a night compress, when a gauze bandage is applied on top. In the intervals between two compresses, it is necessary to treat the surface of the foot, nails, and the area between the toes with an antiseptic and dry them well. This will add to the effectiveness of the treatment.

The ointment should be distributed evenly on the skin in a thin layer. To cleanse the feet, a soda and salt bath is first taken. The feet are steamed well and cleaned as much as possible. This procedure will ensure that the ointment penetrates as deeply as possible.


Therapeutic effect

Levomekol is an antibiotic, since the drug contains chloramphenicol. This antibiotic suppresses a significant number of gram-positive microorganisms, destroying the formation of proteins. Selectively acts on some strains that are not affected by penicillin and sulfonamide. Its adsorption is quite high, so it has a therapeutic effect almost immediately.

In addition to chloramphenicol, Levomekol contains methyluracil, which has an anti-catabolic effect on proteins and stimulates regeneration in damaged skin cells. This substance has an effect directly at the site of application and is practically not absorbed into the blood. The peculiarity of methyluracil is expressed in stimulating the production of interferon, which improves immunity by actively multiplying leukocytes.

The basis of the ointment is polyethylene glycol, which ensures the stability of the ointment, and also prevents its delamination and increases the adsorbing properties of the active ingredients.

Price. We pay for high efficiency and quality

Levomekol ointment can be freely purchased at any pharmacies in the city, the price ranges from 90 rubles per package to 150 rubles.

When using antifungal drugs, there is often a deficiency of vitamins in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to combine courses of treatment with the use of synthetic vitamins and foods enriched with vitamins.

In addition, the use of antifungal drugs leads to inhibition of the vaginal biocenosis, so it is necessary to carry out antifungal treatment in two stages.

This two-stage therapy involves taking antifungal drugs together with drugs containing live strains of lactobacilli, or prescribing them after treatment of the infection. These drugs include probiotics, prebiotics, and eubiotics.

Tags: woman, levomekol, thrush, against About the author: Admin4ik

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How to use it correctly

Since thrush in women mainly affects the vagina, and then, due to discharge, the external part of the genital organs, treatment with Levomekol is carried out only with the help of tampons.

The technique for making a homemade tampon with ointment is very simple:

  1. A small layer of cotton wool 2-3 mm high, preferably sterile, is prepared and laid out in the form of a square measuring 2 x 2 (cm).
  2. Cut a strip of gauze measuring 2.5 x 10 (cm) and fold it in half.
  3. Place prepared cotton wool in the center and squeeze a small amount of ointment onto it (volume ½ teaspoon).
  4. Wrap the gauze 5 mm along the length and twist it into a doll shape.
  5. Tighten the folded edges of the tampon with white silk threads and leave a free edge of the thread of about 15 cm. This is done so that later you can freely remove the tampon from the vagina.

Some women use only gauze when making a tampon, but this is impractical in the sense that the ointment can be squeezed out through a large mesh of gauze without reaching its intended purpose.

The tampon is carefully inserted into the vagina with two fingers at night and removed in the morning. For administration, you can also use a special vaginal applicator, which is sold separately in pharmacies. The duration of treatment for thrush lasts on average 7-10 days, but is precisely determined by the gynecologist on an individual basis, depending on the severity of the disease.

Levomekol ointment for thrush in women and men

Doctors say that Levomekol works well for thrush.

This drug is in most cases known as a healing and anti-inflammatory agent, but practice has shown that it also helps with more serious disorders in the human body.

To ensure that treatment does not reach a dead end, it is necessary to begin eliminating the problem immediately after it is discovered. In this case, the ointment will definitely help get rid of it.

Diseases of the genital organs are always serious problems that require long-term treatment. One such disease is candidiasis, which is popularly known as thrush. This disease can occur in both women and men of any age, so it is important to know how to treat it.

How to use ointment for candidiasis?

Everyone knows that both women and men can get candidiasis, but mostly in men, a similar problem occurs after sexual contact with a woman suffering from this disease.

In women, thrush primarily affects the mucous membranes of the vagina, and then, due to a peculiar discharge, the external parts of the genital organs, after which unpleasant itching and burning appears.

Treatment of thrush with Levomekol is carried out in only one way for women and one way for men. In the first case, a special tampon is made, soaked in a medicinal preparation. The process of making a special tampon is quite simple:

  1. First you need to prepare a layer of sterile cotton wool, the height of which will be at least 3 ml.
  2. It is laid out in a square, the size of which should be approximately 2 by 2 cm.
  3. After this, you need to cut a strip of gauze, the size of which will be 3 cm by 10 cm, and fold this piece in half.

Place cotton wool in the center of the prepared gauze and squeeze a little ointment onto it. Experts recommend using no more than 0.5 tsp. drug for one procedure.

After this, this piece of gauze is wrapped in the form of a tampon and can be sent into the vagina. For added security, some women sew on a small thread.

This will allow you to painlessly and very quickly remove the tampon after the required period of time.

Often, ladies use only gauze, but this is not a very good option, since the ointment is simply squeezed out through large holes and does not act where it is needed. The tampon is carefully inserted into the vagina at night and must be removed in the morning.

In the case of this disease in men, the ointment can be used as a compress or bandage. It is most effective to do this also at night, so that the ointment has time to be absorbed into the source of the disease, and after a few days the person has completely forgotten about thrush.

Can this drug be used to treat thrush during pregnancy?

Quite often, candidiasis occurs during pregnancy. Most often it is a consequence of early toxicosis, and not an infectious disease, as everyone thinks.

That is why professionals do not advise pregnant women to get rid of thrush using this drug, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

At this time, the main organs are formed, on which the future life of the child depends.

If the symptoms of thrush do not stop in the future, then there is a need for more serious treatment. Already in the 4th month of pregnancy, the ointment can be used, but only under the supervision of a gynecologist. There is no need to decide on the need on your own, since Levomekol has the ability to quickly penetrate the placental barrier.

It wouldn’t hurt to tell your doctor if you have liver disease or allergies. If this is not said in time, then serious problems may arise for the baby himself.

Contraindications to the use of ointment

The main contraindication to the use of this remedy for thrush is individual intolerance to the drug or the presence of an allergy to a certain component of the substance. In order to avoid complications, specialists should take samples from the skin:

  1. To do this, apply the ointment to delicate areas of the skin and hold there for at least 20 minutes.
  2. If a person does not experience redness or itching, Levomekol can be used.

Side effects are typical for long-term use. Only then can a serious allergic reaction occur. Plus, frequently used ointment can weaken the body's protective reserves, which cause even greater progression of the disease.

The need to use Levomekol should be addressed by a specialist. Despite the effectiveness of the remedy, self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Consumer Opinion

Olga, 40 years old:

“I tried everything to get rid of thrush. I had to use suppositories, tablets, and compresses - nothing helped. Not long ago I went to see a doctor who advised me to use Levomekol.

I had never even suspected that this ointment could be used for candidiasis. Having tried this product, I was extremely surprised.

After a few days I felt relief, and after a couple of days the disease disappeared completely.”

Marina, 24 years old:

“Several times I had to fight thrush. This time I decided to try Levomekol. I have never regretted my choice. Such a tampon, soaked in ointment, does not cause discomfort in the vagina and very quickly fights the disease. In the future I plan to use only this drug.”

Svetlana, 30 years old:

“A few months ago I was lucky - I found out that I would soon become a mother. But not so long ago I was struck by candidiasis. I thought for a long time about how to cure the disease, but then I decided to consult my doctor. He recommended trying to make a homemade tampon from Levomekol. After only 4 days I got rid of this insidious disease.”

As you can see, reviews about the drug are only positive. But before starting such treatment, it is better to consult a gynecologist.


Contraindications and side effects

Manufacturers of the ointment, when using the drug, recommend paying attention to individual intolerance to one of the components of the ointment. When using ointment in the form of tampons, it is very difficult to understand whether there is an allergic reaction. It is recommended to conduct a skin test yourself before use. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the bare part of the hand for 10-15 minutes. After the time has passed, check the application site. If there is no area of ​​redness or itching on the skin, then the product can be safely used.

If, when using the first tampon, a woman immediately feels a burning sensation that does not go away within 10 minutes, she urgently needs to remove the tampon and douche with warm water. Further use of Levomekol ointment should be discussed with your doctor.

The side effect of the drug is expressed in a local allergic reaction in the form of urticaria on the skin, itching, redness, burning and swelling at the site of application.


Many women and men have already tried Levomekol for thrush. Reviews on the Internet are mixed. We present to your attention a few of them:

Victoria, 23 years old, Perm: I used Levomekol ointment for thrush once, and I’ll tell you – the results were disappointing. I used it according to the instructions for 5 days - even the symptoms did not subside. As a result, I had to go to the hospital.

Maria, 36 years old, Moscow: I suffer from chronic candidiasis, Levomekol in the form of an ointment almost always helped, but the last time I did not see any effect. Perhaps there was an addiction - I had to use antifungal suppositories.

Oleg, 27 years old, Rostov: it so happened that he contracted thrush from a girl - terrible itching and pain when urinating began. In general, she recommended Levomekol ointment to me, it seemed to feel better after 7 days of use. I hope the thrush is gone.

Doctors say that Levomekol works well for thrush. This drug is in most cases known as a healing and anti-inflammatory agent, but practice has shown that it also helps with more serious disorders in the human body. To ensure that treatment does not reach a dead end, it is necessary to begin eliminating the problem immediately after it is discovered. In this case, the ointment will definitely help get rid of it.

Diseases of the genital organs are always serious problems that require long-term treatment. One such disease is candidiasis, which is popularly known as thrush. This disease can occur in both women and men of any age, so it is important to know how to treat it.

Analogs of the drug Levomekol

If a patient has allergic reactions to the components of Levomekol, or this drug is not on the market, doctors can offer an analogue that is suitable for a specific disease and has the same therapeutic effect.

These include:

  1. Levomethyl ointment. Complete analogue of Levomekol.
  2. Voskopran with Levomekol. A special bandage impregnated with natural wax and Levomekol ointment. For use only on external wounds.
  3. Levosin ointment. The composition, in addition to the same substances as in Levomekol, contains sulfadimethoxine with antibacterial properties and trimecaine with an anesthetic effect.
  4. Streptonitol-Darnitsa. Ointment with an antimicrobial effect (streptocide) and antiprotozoal effect (nitazol).
  5. Streptocide soluble. Liniment with antimicrobial action (streptocide).

Personal hygiene and recommendations at the time of treatment

Hygiene during candidiasis is a very important point, even after all the symptoms have disappeared. Lack or excess of intimate care is also the cause of the development of thrush. By observing basic hygiene rules, the risk of developing the disease is reduced. Hygiene is especially important in the chronic form of the disease, since the slightest error leads to relapse of candidiasis.

  1. The stronger sex should know that it is in the folds of the foreskin that the causative agent of thrush accumulates. Therefore, after each visit to the toilet, you need to dry your penis with a napkin and wash your hands.
  2. If you are intimate with a woman who has candidiasis, it is better to use personal protective equipment.
  3. For hygiene purposes, it is not recommended to use soap and gel with a strong aroma and bright colors. This may cause irritation. You need to wipe your genitals dry. Try to wear only natural underwear.
  4. Moisture should not be allowed to accumulate under the foreskin. In such conditions, the fungus begins to actively multiply.
  5. Hands and nails should be clean even during sexual intercourse.
  6. During sexual intercourse, use only water-based intimate lubricant and use a polyurethane condom.
  7. When performing oral sex, oral hygiene is also important. If there is thrush in the oral cavity, it is better to avoid contact.
  8. If anal sex occurs, then you cannot use a condom for vaginal sex.

By the way, it is recommended to read more about whether you can have sex during thrush


The main purpose of Levomekol ointment is the healing of purulent wounds, burns, cuts and boils. Therefore, before using a remedy to treat a gynecological disease, you should consult your doctor to avoid the negative consequences of self-medication.



  • Clotrimazole: indications, method of application of antifungal ointment
  • Levomekol in gynecology: ointments and tampons
  • Clotrimazole - ointment for thrush for pregnant women
  • TOP 8 most effective drugs for thrush for women
  • Treatment of thrush with chlorhexidine, instructions for use
  • Analogue of flucostat for thrush

Why is thrush difficult to treat?

This is a question many people ask on forums. In fact, the success of recovery directly depends on the patient himself. You can cure candidiasis within a week, but to do this you need to see a doctor, get tested, find out the cause of the disease and start with eliminating it, and not with eliminating the symptoms of the disease. But many people prescribe treatment for themselves and do not consult doctors; as a result, the disease begins to progress and enters the chronic stage with repeated relapses throughout the year. Thrush requires proper treatment, so if you are not a doctor, then you do not need to prescribe medications for candidiasis; it is better to consult a specialist to avoid health problems.

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