Is it possible to go to the pool if you have thrush: how to protect yourself

When a woman is being treated for candidiasis, even a minimal violation of hygiene rules can aggravate the disease, and treatment will take longer. Thrush and the pool are one of the precautions that say that you can get a fungal infection there. Because of this, women stop visiting swimming pools, but swimming has a positive effect on health and supports the immune system, which only helps eliminate candidiasis. In this case, strict adherence to hygiene rules and a head on your shoulders will help.

Is it possible to go to the pool with thrush?

When a woman is being treated for candidiasis, even a minimal violation of hygiene rules can aggravate the disease, and treatment will take longer. Thrush and the pool are one of the precautions that say that you can get a fungal infection there. Because of this, women stop visiting swimming pools, but swimming has a positive effect on health and supports the immune system, which only helps eliminate candidiasis. In this case, strict adherence to hygiene rules and a head on your shoulders will help.


Swimming is a great way to get your body and mind in order. After all, while swimming, all the muscles work, the body finally relaxes. All this relieves stress, and the woman receives long-awaited pleasure.

In some cases, you can still visit the pool. The main thing is that the temperature is normal; immediately after swimming you need to change into dry clothes to minimize the risk of hypothermia.

So, we can answer the question that worried many girls. Medical practice does not recommend visiting the pool during treatment. But she allows this possibility, subject to a number of rules.

Tags: pool, avoid, thrush, after

About the author: Admin4ik

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Thrush and causes of development

Factors in the development of candidiasis directly depend on the health and protective functions of the body. And you should not be under the illusion that men and children do not suffer from this disease. They get sick less often, but no one is immune from candidiasis. The main reasons influencing the development of Candida fungus:

  • weakened immunity due to vitamin deficiency, lack of sleep, lack of rest and excessive physical activity;
  • constant stress and psychosomatic problems;
  • unhealthy and disordered eating;
  • excessive consumption of foods containing glucose and yeast;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • hormonal imbalance during pregnancy or as a result of illness;
  • failure to maintain personal hygiene at home and in public places;
  • unsuitable underwear (wrong size, synthetic fabric that does not allow the skin to breathe);
  • scented hygiene products that wash away beneficial microflora, helping pathogenic ones to expand their “zones of influence.”

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What is the likelihood of contracting candidiasis in the pool?

Unfortunately, there is always a chance of infection. And based on the reasons, we can conclude that not a single woman is immune from infection or development of fungus. But if characteristic symptoms are observed after going to the pool, most likely the woman has neglected some hygiene rules or she simply has a weak immune system. Swimming is a useful form of recreation that stimulates muscle function, but negligence leads to the fact that the desire to visit such places disappears.

Typically, water in public bathing areas is treated with a bleach solution. The event is carried out to kill harmful bacteria without causing harm to humans. Therefore, in theory, going to the pool with thrush is allowed, since the risk of infecting someone is minimal. But as a rule, preventive procedures are carried out in violation of sanitary standards. Let's look at the factors that help you catch the fungus:

  • Water with high/low chlorine content or pool workers do not adhere to water treatment standards. In the first case, the vaginal microflora is disrupted during bathing, and the body’s ability to control the development of Candida is reduced. If the level of disinfection is insufficient, all bacteria and microbes live quietly in the water, waiting for the owner.
  • People are allowed into the pool area and into the water without checking their health records. A self-respecting establishment will never allow a person into the water who can introduce infection through domestic means.
  • Inattention to one's health on the part of a woman. Staying in a wet swimsuit for a long time creates a favorable atmosphere for bacteria and fungi, or sharing towels and other personal hygiene items with a friend/family.

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If you are worried about whether you can go to the pool with thrush, then you should consider the basic recommendations on this matter.

Visiting the pool is allowed if the woman follows certain tips:

  • It is necessary to minimize lengthy procedures. Swimming should not last more than half an hour;
  • In order to dry yourself, you must use only your own towel;
  • You should not walk in wet clothes. After leaving the pool, you must immediately change clothes;
  • Do not forget to visit the shower, both before and after water treatments;
  • When washing, use baby soap. This inexpensive product is effective for personal hygiene;
  • The method of washing is downward, this helps to minimize the risk of bacteria entering the genital tract;
  • The usual cut of the underwear and its natural composition are considered the most optimal during treatment.

Swimming should not last more than half an hour You must use only your own towel Do not walk in wet clothes Do not forget to go to the shower When washing, use baby soap Regular cut of linen

Symptoms of the disease

A woman went for a swim in a public pool, and after a while she noticed the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • a feeling of itching and burning in the vagina, which intensifies before bed or after a bath;
  • unpleasant, copious discharge of a cheesy nature from the genital tract, which has an unpleasant odor;
  • swelling of the vaginal mucosa;
  • impaired urination process, frequent and painful urges occur;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

These symptoms may indicate the development of candidiasis. You should not delay going to the doctor. But you shouldn’t immediately blame the pool; a weakened immune system may be to blame, since a healthy person will not develop an illness after contact with contaminated water. And now, the diagnosis of candidiasis is confirmed; it is important for a woman to know how to protect herself before visiting the pool with thrush.

How to protect yourself from infection?

Health protection primarily depends on the woman herself. First you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a pool. And it’s easy to distinguish high-quality from low-quality. Employees of the establishment are required to ask for a medical certificate and conduct a preventive examination. If this was not the case, feel free to change the institution. In addition, you can read reviews on the Internet.

Let's consider a number of rules that will help protect your health and avoid going to the doctor:

  • Before swimming, you should take a shower with bactericidal soap, but not a bath.
  • Use only your own personal hygiene items: towels, swimsuits, soap.
  • It is better to choose baby soap. It does not dry the skin and does not disturb the microflora.
  • If you feel that the water in the pool is cold, it is better to get out. Hypothermia can cause fungal growth.
  • You should remove your wet swimsuit as soon as possible to avoid hypothermia.
  • After swimming, dress in cotton underwear. It will absorb remaining moisture and allow the skin to breathe.

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Is it possible to go to the pool if you have thrush?

Doctors give a clear answer: going to the pool with thrush is allowed, but not recommended.

Let's look at the question from different points of view:

  • Impact on your own health. A visit to the pool will be beneficial if you avoid hypothermia. Hypothermia will only worsen the pathology and delay the moment of recovery. Plus, overly chlorinated water can disrupt the already damaged vaginal microflora, which will allow the fungus to develop more intensively.
  • To avoid infecting other people. Women diagnosed with candidiasis should not worry - the likelihood of infection is minimal. The fact is that the Candida fungus is not adapted to chlorinated water.

To go or not is an individual choice. But it is not necessary to deny yourself pleasure if you can simply follow the rules of hygiene and not expose yourself and others to the risk of infection. For example, with candidiasis, you can reduce the time spent in water to half an hour. Dry yourself with your own towel, and do not walk around in a wet swimsuit, but immediately change into dry clothes.

Hygiene procedures

The vaginal microflora is quite delicate and sensitive. A yeast infection can be triggered by a variety of factors. These are all things that change the acid balance.

It is important to pay special attention to personal hygiene. It is worth using special care products. An alternative to expensive products is baby soap. You should also allocate a separate towel for yourself.

During this period, you should forget about using alkaline products, gels, and pads made from synthetic material. If these points are not adhered to, then the normal acid-base balance is disrupted. All this adds up to an environment that promotes the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

During the treatment period, as at other times, you should pay attention to the fabric of your underwear. It is best to give preference to natural fabrics. For example, thongs, beloved by young girls, are not entirely suitable during treatment. They irritate the labia and anus. This affects the development of hemorrhoids in the future.

During thrush, sexual contact is prohibited. After all, this is an additional load on the mucous membrane. If candidiasis is detected, then a course of treatment is prescribed to both partners. Treatment is necessary even if the characteristic symptoms are observed in only one partner.

In order to minimize the infection process, condoms should be used. If at this time you notice discomfort or pain, then postpone pleasure until after recovery. After this, you will enjoy each other to the fullest.

If you follow the specialist’s recommendations and fulfill all the requirements, you will get rid of the disease in a short period of time.

Is it possible to swim in the pool if you have thrush?

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A swimming pool is a wonderful place not only for relaxation, but also for healing the body. But his frequent visits may carry a hidden threat. This is especially true for the female half of humanity. Many representatives of the fairer sex are interested in how to avoid thrush after the pool?

Diagnosis of thrush

Thrush is a disease that is associated with the female reproductive system. This is a fungal infection that affects the vaginal mucosa, which is caused by Candida fungi. The disease as a whole does not pose a great threat to the female body, but it does provide a lot of trouble and discomfort. The disease occurs in both men and women. But the male type of the disease is called candidal balanoposthitis.

The main signs of the disease:

  • abundant white or yellowish discharge with a curd consistency appears;
  • itching and discomfort in the vaginal area;
  • presence of pain during sexual intercourse;
  • discomfort during urination.

In some cases, redness and swelling of the genitals are observed. With late diagnosis or improper treatment, the disease can become chronic.

The following indicators can serve as the causes of candidiasis:

  • the presence of diseases such as diabetes and AIDS,
  • weak immunity,
  • pregnancy,
  • taking antibiotics,
  • wearing synthetic underwear,
  • improper metabolism
  • poor nutrition,
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body,
  • constant stress,
  • lack of sleep,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • lack of personal hygiene.

When the first signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment. In some women, symptoms are mild and disappear completely during menstruation.

Characteristic symptoms

Due to the symptoms of the disease, it can often be confused with other diseases. Such signs usually appear before the onset of menstruation. Women prone to allergies experience the disease to a greater extent. The following signs can be identified:

  1. Feeling of itching, burning in the genital area;
  2. A curd-like discharge is discharged from the vagina; it has a heterogeneous consistency;
  3. Redness is noticeable in the genital area, the same situation is observed in the mucous membranes;
  4. The discharge has a specific, sour odor;
  5. Discomfortable sensations observed in the vaginal area;
  6. Frequent pain. This sign is characteristic of urine excretion;
  7. The labia minora and majora swell;
  8. Discomfortable and sometimes painful sensations are observed during sexual intercourse. Therefore, during the treatment period it is better to refrain from physical intimacy.

Can you get thrush in a swimming pool?

Thrush is a disease that occurs very often, and affects women, men and even children of any age. Most often, older people and women suffer from thrush. In them, the disease manifests itself almost immediately, and it is difficult to confuse it with another due to the presence of cheesy discharge, due to which the disease was called thrush. Men often have virtually no symptoms of candidiasis, so they can be unwitting spreaders of the infection.

At the same time, many believe that you can become infected with candidiasis, which is the medical name for thrush, in a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool. When answering the question whether infection is possible in such places and whether it is possible to go to the pool with thrush, you should consider the problem in more detail.

A fungal infection, which is candidiasis, occurs not only in case of infection through sexual contact. The disease can begin if:

  • weakening of the immune system under the influence of various factors;
  • long-term use of certain medications (corticosteroids, antibiotics);
  • the presence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • neglect of hygiene rules.

In the presence of these factors, hypothermia or overheating of the body can provoke the onset of the disease.

The development of a fungal infection can be judged by the presence of itching, burning and swelling of the genitals, as well as the presence of a characteristic cheesy discharge of white, grayish or yellowish color.

In case of poor quality and untimely treatment, the disease can become chronic, in which case it will require serious and long-term treatment and can cause many complications.

Antifungal drugs are used for treatment; in addition, to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, you can use traditional medicine after consultation with a doctor. It is allowed to wash the genitals with decoctions of chamomile, sage or string, as well as make baths with the addition of decoctions.

Can you get thrush in a swimming pool?

This question arises quite often, because for many girls the disease begins precisely after visiting the pool. It is impossible to become infected with thrush from swimming in a pool, because the water in it must meet sanitary standards, it must be chlorinated, and in addition, for infection to occur, the concentration of fungus in the water must be too high, this simply cannot happen.

Swimming can provoke the onset of the disease with weak immunity, hypothermia, which often occurs during prolonged stay in water - this can also cause candidiasis, which will develop almost immediately after the desired swimming in the pool. This is why girls often tell each other that they became infected with candidiasis in the pool.

And of course, you should choose fitness centers carefully: if the establishment does not comply with sanitary standards, visiting such a pool can have a lot of unpleasant consequences. Avoid walking barefoot to avoid fungal infections on your feet and nails.

Advice: be sure to pay attention to whether a medical certificate is required when visiting the pool, because if you are not asked for it, they will not check it for other visitors.

But, in addition to thrush, there are a lot of unpleasant diseases, for example, skin infections, so paying attention to your health is an opportunity to preserve it for a long time.

Sickness after swimming

Despite the impossibility of spreading the disease in water, women often observe its occurrence after visiting the pool. There are a number of reasons that may accompany this process:

  1. Irresponsible behavior of the owners of the complex. First of all, this concerns the disinfection procedure and high-quality cleaning of the aquatic environment. If these procedures are neglected, a woman can really suffer.
  2. Disturbed state of the vaginal microflora. After contact with chlorinated water, the situation worsens.

The influence of water procedures on the course of treatment of thrush

If thrush occurs, you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-treatment, in the absence of the necessary knowledge, may well lead to the disease taking a chronic form. And this is fraught with the development of serious diseases of the kidneys, bladder, reproductive system, and in severe cases becomes the cause of infertility.

It should be remembered that you must undergo the treatment prescribed by your doctor together with your partner. Otherwise, repeated infection will not allow you to get rid of the infection. In addition to taking medications, you need to wash yourself with warm water in the morning and evening, you can use a decoction of chamomile or string.

Visiting a sauna or public bath is extremely undesirable, since the fungus develops rapidly in a humid, warm environment, cleaning in such places is usually not very high quality, in addition, common objects can also become a source of infection for a weakened body.

To be sure to get rid of the disease, you need to know exactly the reasons for its development. Of course, the absence of casual sexual partners and the use of a condom will prevent infection with candidiasis through sexual contact. Do not take medications, especially antibiotics, without a doctor's prescription.

If the disease manifests itself as a reaction to hormonal changes, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause. In this case, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. In case of weakened immunity, it is necessary, after consultation with a doctor, to develop a system for strengthening it. This could include hardening procedures or the use of a good vitamin and mineral complex. In severe cases, it is necessary to prescribe special drugs to correct immunity.

And, of course, following the simplest rules of personal hygiene is an opportunity to avoid not only thrush, but also a host of other unpleasant consequences.

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