Is it possible to have sex with thrush? Ways of transmission of thrush

Candidiasis is a fungal infection that can affect the mouth, digestive tract, skin, vulva, vagina and rectum. Candidiasis (thrush) is caused by Candida fungi.

Although the Candida fungus is present in 20-40% of the population, their intensive reproduction and development of the disease occurs only under certain conditions:

  • Hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy or while taking oral contraceptives.
  • Iatrogenic (as a result of treatment) nature. Antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid inhalers and oral contraceptives disrupt the natural balance of microorganisms, which leads to the proliferation of fungi and the development of infection.
  • In patients with diabetes (if it is not compensated)
  • And in 80-90% of people with weakened immune systems (Vil infection)

Forms of sexual contact when infected with a fungal infection

Doctors do not recommend engaging in traditional sex if you have an illness due to additional trauma and increased inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and the development of secondary infections.

Oral sex with thrush

Allowed if there is no fungal infection of the oral cavity.

Anal sex classes

Allowed with the use of condoms.

Masturbation for thrush

Not recommended due to the possibility of developing cystitis.

Sex during a woman's thrush?

Let's return to where we started, is it possible to have an intimate life during thrush - yes, it is possible! But with a small caveat: if she is ready to endure pain, itching, burning and irritation in the vagina and anus. At the same time, a man must be aware that his every movement causes discomfort to his partner, and his own health depends on the use of contraceptives.

The other side of the issue may be this: normal sex, as a process of protein metabolism, can become a catalyst for the recovery of the partner, provided that the partner himself is not the source of infection.

Should I stop having sex?

This question always arises when candidiasis appears. Everyone knows that the disease is infectious in nature and is therefore transmitted through sexual contact. Of course, during intimacy you can use barrier methods of contraception. But the danger here lies not only in the possibility of infecting a partner. According to any gynecologist, having sex during treatment of candidiasis is undesirable due to the development of complications in the woman. Let's take a closer look.

Which partners should you be wary of?

At first glance, candidiasis seems like a minor disease. In fact, the danger lies not only in the possible infection of a partner - if treated incorrectly or not following the rules, it is insidious with complications:

  • For women and men, unprotected sexual contact with an unreliable or unfamiliar partner is dangerous. Vulnerable, fungal-affected mucous membranes are easily injured, increasing the risk of infection or sexually transmitted disease.
  • During sexual intercourse, it becomes possible to introduce an infection into the urinary organs, thereby provoking inflammation - cystitis.
  • For the sake of her health and her unborn child, a woman should make every effort to cure the disease before the period of conception. The danger is that candidiasis can cause miscarriage or premature birth; it is easily transmitted in utero or during childbirth when passing through the infected tract of the mother. In an infected woman during childbirth, the risk of cervical rupture increases, and in the postpartum period it can cause the formation of adhesions and the appearance of endometritis.
  • In men, Candida fungus can lead to urethritis and prostatitis. The danger of urethritis is that the disease can spread to the kidneys, causing an inflammatory process (fungal pyelonephritis). Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) leads to infertility and causes impotence.

Everyone chooses for themselves - to make love or to postpone pleasant moments for later. In this case, you need to take into account the following pattern: thrush without sex is treated faster and more effectively. This is exactly the option when it makes sense to abstain from sexual intercourse for a short time and receive effective treatment, rather than then get rid of an advanced or chronic form of candidiasis for a long time, or even worse, deal with its consequences.

Sources: pri-molochnitse.html


To do this, you must follow a special diet. It is important to exclude from your diet:

  • spicy and sweet;
  • fatty and salty foods;
  • everything sour is taboo;
  • yeast.

Otherwise, after consuming the above delicacies, the symptoms will intensify even more. Can be used:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • porridge;
  • fresh soups.

Most likely, the doctor will prohibit you from sex not only during thrush, but also for several weeks after treatment, when you recover. In addition, your partner needs to be examined. In this way, the risk of infection in the future can be completely eliminated. Even one act of love during an illness can cause your partner to become a carrier of the disease.

Read also: Is sex acceptable with chlamydia?

When to see a doctor?

If certain symptoms occur, you need to stop intimate relationships and consult a doctor:

  1. If the head of the penis is covered with a white coating.
  2. A burning sensation appeared in the area of ​​the foreskin.
  3. Painful sensations appeared during sexual intercourse or urination.

Even during the course of treatment for thrush, a man may experience redness of the head of his penis after sex. If left untreated, cracks may appear into which lubricant penetrates during sexual intercourse, and an inflammatory process will begin. A woman's vaginal discharge increases after sexual intercourse. They become thicker and may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. When infected with candidiasis, symptoms appear in women within ten days, in men they do not appear at all, proceeding secretly, or make themselves known after quite a long time.

Is it possible to have sex DURING treatment?

If there is no direct prohibition from the doctor, then yes, intimate life continues, but with caution (without fanaticism), because the processes taking place in the body can be sources of unpleasant sensations. We definitely note that a woman’s achievement of orgasm has a beneficial effect on her general condition and contributes to the speedy treatment of thrush in particular.

It is unacceptable for male semen to come into contact with the infected area (sperm is a very beneficial environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora).

Diagnosis – candidiasis

If one of the partners is diagnosed with candidiasis, you will have to take care of your own health immediately. To avoid the disease becoming chronic and re-infection, you should follow all doctor’s instructions. In addition to the actual course of drug treatment, you will need to make several lifestyle changes.

  • Sexual rest

Sex with candidiasis is not a good idea. It is better to abstain from intimate communication until the end of the course of treatment. A loving person will understand and support; getting pleasure through your partner’s pain is the surest path to destroying a relationship. If the disease is relatively painless, the ban on sexual contact can be relaxed, but only if a condom is used. If you experience discomfort or severe pain, you should not endure it. It is better to stop immediately and postpone intimate life until complete recovery.

If we are talking about exacerbation of chronic candidiasis, it is better to refrain from experiments. The presence of a chronic infectious process indicates serious problems in the body. Recurrences of thrush occur with less pronounced symptoms, but the risk of spreading the fungus to other organs is much higher than with the acute form of the disease.

  • Joint treatment

In men, thrush is quite rare, but this does not exclude the option of asymptomatic carriage. Therefore, it is very advisable for both partners to be examined. The doctor will make a decision on joint treatment based on the examination results.

  • No self-medication

Candidiasis is such a common condition that it is often not taken seriously enough. The drug, treatment regimen and course duration are prescribed only by a doctor. Advice from friends, advertising on the Internet or the media, even advice from a pharmacist are more likely to harm than help. Your health is very valuable, and your body deserves more than to be treated lightly.

  • Hygiene

Prevention is easier than cure and this rule remains unchanged. Basic observance of personal hygiene rules can significantly reduce the risk of getting sick. Considering nightly washing as sufficient care is a very common mistake. Bacteria and fungi multiply constantly, regardless of the time of day, so you need to wash your intimate area twice a day: after waking up and before going to bed. It’s a good idea to do all hygiene procedures before having sex.

You need to wash with warm, clean water, preferably previously passed through a filter. The direction of hand movement is from front to back, towards the anus. Otherwise, there is a risk of transferring microorganisms from the rectum to the urethra and vagina.

It is optimal if intimate hygiene products do not contain dyes, fragrances, and contain lactic acid. Synthetic additives sometimes become an additional factor that provokes the proliferation of candida. Regular toilet soap is not recommended in the acute period of candidiasis; it has a detrimental effect on the depleted population of lactobacilli and slows down recovery.

Washing and douching with soda solution is considered an outdated method of treatment, but sometimes doctors recommend these procedures as an addition to the main treatment.

Gynecologists do not approve of the use of panty liners, especially deodorized ones. The pad is very convenient not only for you, but also for candida; it retains the heat and moisture necessary for the growth of the fungus. If you are diagnosed with candidiasis, during your period you will need to change your pads approximately twice as often as usual, and you will have to give up tampons. Every time you change the pad, the genitals must be washed.

For hygienic reasons, you should use separate towels, washcloths and other hygiene products. All manipulations in the intimate area are performed with extreme caution and care, avoiding intense friction.

Hygiene requirements also include recommendations for choosing underwear. Underwear should be changed daily, and if you prefer to sleep in panties, then twice a day. Beautiful and practical synthetic underwear does not stand up to criticism as soon as it comes to health. It does not absorb moisture and impedes heat and gas exchange. Combined with panty liners, this creates an ideal incubator for candida.

Causes of the disease

Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is a disease caused by the Candida fungus. This is a lesion of the vaginal mucosa.

Yeast-like fungi Candida are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. They can live in the human body for many years without causing any concern. But when favorable conditions are created, bacteria begin to actively multiply, which leads to the appearance of thrush.

The main factors that provoke the development of candidiasis:

  • use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • taking antibiotics that destroy pathogenic and “good” bacteria;
  • decreased immunity;
  • negligent attitude towards observing personal hygiene rules;
  • diabetes mellitus and other pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • anorexia or obesity;
  • pregnancy period.

In some women, the development of candidiasis is associated with constant stressful situations, allergic reactions to perfumed hygiene products, sanitary pads. These factors increase the likelihood of developing thrush.

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