When can you exercise after hysterectomy?

Uterine amputation or hysterectomy is not the most pleasant process for a woman, both physiologically and psychologically. However, this is often the only way to save a woman’s life and health (for example, in the case of organ cancer). Most women after surgery are depressed and experience many complexes, not to mention physical difficulties. To restore emotional harmony and improve the well-being of the body, women who have undergone a hysterectomy are recommended to engage in therapeutic exercises and specialized exercises for the intimate muscles of the perineum.

The need for exercise after removal of the reproductive organ

The muscles of the perineum play an important role in the female body. They are the ones “responsible” for the correct position and functioning of the pelvic organs, bladder and intestines. Therefore, intimate muscles should always be in a state of tone.

Physical therapy exercises and a set of Kegel exercises are indicated in the following cases:

  • formation of adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • presence of thrombosis;
  • constipation and manifestations of hemorrhoids;
  • inability to control bowel movements or urination;
  • when there is a difficult or time-consuming process of healing of wounds received during surgery.

Exercises after a hysterectomy help achieve the following effects:

  • In a short period of time, improve the physiological and psychological health of a woman who has undergone surgery;
  • Increase the natural tone of the vaginal muscles in order to avoid pain during intimacy;
  • Make the vaginal muscles stronger and stronger;
  • Increase sexual desire and make your intimate life brighter and more intense;

As a result of such exercises, there is an improvement in blood circulation processes, an increase in the functionality of the bladder and intestines. Exercises prevent the formation of inflammation and blood stagnation in the pelvis.


After a woman has lost her uterus, she not only has to go through all the stages of restoring the body, but also remember once and for all that any imbalance of hormones can lead to significant fluctuations in weight.

Therefore, following a diet is not just a recommendation from your doctor, but also a motto for life, which if you follow, you will remain in harmony with your body and soul.

Basic diet requirements:

  • drinking enough fluid (women who have undergone surgery run the risk of dehydration, and this in turn leads to completely different, no less dangerous diseases. So make it a habit to drink an average of 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day).
  • fractional meals (food should be taken in small portions, 150-200 grams, but quite often - 5-6 times a day).
  • You should avoid foods that lead to gas formation and constipation (baked goods, coffee, strong black tea, chocolate).
  • eating foods that increase hemoglobin. Such products include: buckwheat, pomegranates, dried apricots, red meat. This rule is relevant in the first weeks of the postoperative period, since any operation leads to significant blood loss.
  • Do not subject products to prolonged heat treatment.
  • eat more vegetables, fruits, fiber, foods rich in microelements and vitamins.

It cannot be said that such rules are necessary especially for those who have lost their reproductive organs. Any woman who follows a healthy diet can avoid many unpleasant diseases, as well as prolong her youth and beauty.

Be that as it may, any operation is not at all pleasant and difficult for a person, but removal of the uterus after childbirth is not a death sentence after which life loses its meaning. A woman decides for herself whether to be happy. The psycho-emotional mood is very important here. It’s not for nothing that they say that thoughts are material. You should definitely set yourself up for the best. Having lost her main reproductive organ, a woman still remains a woman.

Uterine amputation or hysterectomy is not the most pleasant process for a woman, both physiologically and psychologically. However, this is often the only way to save a woman’s life and health (for example, in the case of organ cancer). Most women after surgery are depressed and experience many complexes, not to mention physical difficulties. To restore emotional harmony and improve the well-being of the body, women who have undergone a hysterectomy are recommended to engage in therapeutic exercises and specialized exercises for the intimate muscles of the perineum.

Features of the exercises

A radical surgical intervention aimed at removing the uterus rarely leaves its mark on women’s health. As a result, difficulties in the processes of defecation and urination may be provoked, or, on the contrary, excessive, sometimes uncontrollable speed of these processes. The reason for such problems lies in the fact that during the operation the tissues and ligaments responsible for the physiological processes of the body were affected.

Gymnastics after uterine amputation is an effective therapy in the presence of similar symptoms. Classes are allowed at home. The body position can be any sitting, standing, lying down. The main condition is the comfort and positive attitude of the woman performing the exercises.

It is quite natural that drastic physical exercises are not recommended for a woman who has undergone uterine amputation. To maintain good physical shape, leisurely and relaxing types of physical activity are quite suitable for the fair sex: yoga, bodyflex and Pilates.

A woman’s physical activity after uterine amputation must be as gentle as possible

With the permission of the attending physician, a woman is allowed simple exercises and a number of simple exercises of the following type:

  • Standing on all fours, alternately (slowly) arch and unbend your back;
  • Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs straight forward. Bending your torso, touch the fingers of the upper extremities to the fingers of the lower extremities;
  • Lying on your back, alternately pull your lower limbs bent at the knees towards you.

During exercises, you should carefully monitor your breathing technique.

Important! If gymnastics after removal of the uterus causes unpleasant or painful sensations, exercises should be stopped immediately and consult your doctor.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are considered the most effective for restoring the pelvic floor muscles after removal of the uterus. And although the main reproductive organ in a woman’s body is now absent, it is recommended to maintain the vaginal muscles in a state of optimal tone.

The set of exercises developed by the German doctor Arnold Kegel is striking in its simplicity and at the same time effectiveness. During the first time after surgery, you must exercise as carefully as possible so as not to provoke unnecessary fatigue. Daily exercise for a few minutes is considered sufficient.

The system of training the vaginal muscles according to A. Kegel is an effective way of rehabilitation after hysterectomy

If a woman does not have the skill to train intimate muscles, you can start by trying to delay the process of urination. If the tissues of the perineum are excessively weakened, this will be difficult to do. As a result of constant exercise, muscles acquire elasticity and firmness. Stopping urination in this case will not be difficult.

Attention! The positive effect of exercises is achieved if they are performed systematically. The main conditions are daily classes, without absences.

Another important aspect of training is the complete relaxation of muscles and tissues not directly related to the perineum. So, during exercise, only the vaginal muscles should be involved. The buttocks, thighs, abs and other parts of the body should remain motionless.

After removal of the uterus and ovaries, the optimal time to perform one exercise is within 3 seconds. In the future, these indicators can reach 10 seconds.

Regardless of the reasons that provoked the lesson (in particular, after surgery), the gymnastics complex consists of 4 fundamental stages:

  • slow compression of the perineal muscles;
  • alternate relaxation and tension of intimate muscles;
  • pushing out (many women compare this exercise to the process of pushing during childbirth);
  • fast rhythmic muscle contractions.

Having entered the rhythm of the exercises and mastered the basic techniques, a woman can practice, drawing in the muscles of the perineum and anus, in approaches - three times a day for 20 minutes. It is very important to change the rhythm - the transition from fast compressions to complete relaxation.

Exercise therapy after gynecological operations

This treatment method is used for the following conditions:

  • malignant tumors in the ovaries, cervix or uterine body;
  • uterine fibroids that are large or actively growing, as well as multiple fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • bleeding;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • chronic pelvic pain;
  • surgical gender reassignment (in combination with operations to change the breasts and genital organs).

The operation is performed in three ways: laparoscopic, laparotomy and transvaginal.

There are several types of hysterectomy:

  • Supravaginal amputation. With this manipulation, the cervix and appendages are preserved.
  • Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus and cervix, which may be accompanied by amputation of the appendages.

Advantages of supravaginal amputation of the uterus with preservation of its cervix:

  • Urological disorders develop less frequently after surgery;
  • There is almost no sexual dysfunction observed after surgery;
  • preservation of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus.

The choice of a specific access and extent of surgical intervention depends on several parameters:

  • underlying disease (reason for surgery);
  • patient's age;
  • results of examination for the presence of malignant cells.

Why is it necessary to perform a gymnastic complex for women with a removed uterus?

It is known that the perineal muscles are very important for the normal functioning of a woman’s body. First of all, they are responsible for the performance of the internal genital organs, gastrointestinal tract and bladder.

The natural (normal) performance of functions by the above organs directly depends on the current state of muscle tissue in this area.

After surgical removal of the uterus, you should regularly perform Kegel exercises for the following reasons:

  • For rapid recovery of physical and psychological condition as a result of the operation;
  • To increase the tone and level of elasticity of muscle tissue in order to enjoy sex;
  • To strengthen the muscles of the vaginal muscle tissue.

As a result of undergoing a procedure to remove the uterine organ, patients face many problems. Performing physical exercises helps improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of the bladder and gastrointestinal tract. Also, gymnastics can prevent inflammatory processes in organs located in the pelvis.

Complications of the operation

Exercise therapy serves:

  • for the prevention of adhesions;
  • strengthening the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • relapse prevention;
  • strengthening the pelvic floor muscles;
  • restoration of organ functions;
  • increasing physical performance, improving social adaptation.

After the stitches are removed, the woman can do gymnastics. It is allowed to use fitballs, expanders and similar devices. Dosed walking at an average pace is useful.

It is recommended that a woman continue to engage in exercise therapy at home or in a specialized office for 4–6 months after discharge from the hospital. This allows you to achieve stable clinical and functional results of therapy.

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  1. Mechanisms of therapeutic action of manual therapy


  • Manual diagnostics 106
  • Therapeutic techniques 108
  • Basic principles of mobilization and manipulation

    technology 117

  • Combination of manual therapy with other methods

    treatment 119

  • Exercise therapy during this period is prescribed for the purpose of preoperative preparation of the patient for a planned operation.

    Objectives of exercise therapy:

  • general strengthening, general tonic effect, increasing immunity as part of general preparation for surgery;
  • improving the function of the body’s most important systems (cardiovascular and respiratory);
  • preparing the surgical field for surgery: increasing the elasticity of the skin and muscles; improving blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs, reducing congestion in the pelvis;
  • improvement of peripheral circulation, mainly in the vessels of the lower extremities (prevention of thrombophlebitis);
  • training in early postoperative exercises and self-care, emptying the bladder and bowel while lying down (during bed rest);
  • training in controlled localized breathing, painless coughing, relaxation;
  • prevention of constipation and urinary retention;
  • normalization of the psycho-emotional sphere.

Contraindications to the use of exercise therapy:

  • serious condition of the patient;
  • acute purulent or inflammatory process;
  • elevated body temperature, severe symptoms of intoxication;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • bleeding or threat thereof;
  • pedunculated mobile cyst;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Normal menstruation is not a contraindication to therapeutic exercises.

Means and methods of exercise therapy: simple general strengthening and special physical exercises for small and medium muscle groups in combination with breathing of a dynamic and static nature. The choice of starting position depends on the nature of the disease: for prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs - i.p. lying on your back and standing on all fours;

Particular attention is paid to teaching techniques that patients should use in the early postoperative period:

  • painless coughing with small cough impulses with fixation of the postoperative wound area;
  • correct getting out of bed with the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall turned off.
  • You can start classes on an outpatient basis in a antenatal clinic using a group or small group method, depending on the patient’s condition. The LH procedure (15-20 minutes) is carried out at a moderate pace, it is possible to use gymnastic apparatus. The duration of the course is determined by the duration of the preoperative period.

Early postoperative period This period begins from the moment the patient awakens after anesthesia and lasts 1-3 days, depending on the severity of the operation.

Objectives of exercise therapy:

  • prevention of early postoperative complications (congestion in the cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems, atelectasis, intestinal and bladder atony, disorders of the rheological properties of blood - thrombosis and thromboembolism), thrombophlebitis and postoperative hypostatic pneumonia;
  • improvement of peripheral blood circulation;
  • improvement of blood and lymph circulation in the area of ​​the postoperative wound, which promotes rapid epithelization and scarring;
  • prevention of orthostatic disorders;
  • acceleration of the removal of narcotic substances from the body;
  • increased psycho-emotional status.
  • threat of bleeding (when ligating large vessels);
  • disorders of the blood coagulation system, threat of thrombosis;
  • severe anemia, hypovolemia due to the loss of a large amount of blood during surgery;
  • increase in the phenomena of cardiovascular and respiratory failure;
  • diffuse peritonitis, septicopyemia;
  • acute thrombophlebitis.

During surgery and in the postoperative period, the following complications may develop:

  • psychological discomfort and development of depression;
  • violation of sexual and urinary functions;
  • bleeding;
  • hematomas in the area of ​​manipulation;
  • infection in the suture area, peritonitis;
  • allergic reactions to anesthetic drugs;
  • sudden cardiac arrest (complication of anesthesia);
  • intraoperative injury to surrounding organs, tissues, vessels and nerves;
  • infertility;
  • when removing the ovaries - surgical menopause;
  • phlebitis and thrombophlebitis.

After surgical treatment (total hysterectomy), in 50-80% of cases, the so-called post-castration syndrome occurs, which includes a combination of the following disorders:

  • neuropsychic: weakness, tearfulness, nervousness, irritability, memory impairment, sleep disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular: feeling of heat, sweating, pain in the head and heart, redness of the face, dizziness, manifestations of fear and lack of air;
  • metabolic-endocrine.

Consequences of hysterectomy and the use of therapeutic exercises

Radical surgical intervention to amputate the uterus often leads to difficulties in carrying out physiological processes such as urination or defecation.

This is explained by the fact that surgical intervention to remove the uterus often affects some muscle tissues and ligaments that are responsible for the implementation of a number of physiological functions in the body.

Using gymnastics after removal of the uterus is the most effective therapy when these symptoms occur.

Such training is quite possible at home; any posture is suitable for it: sitting, standing, lying down. The main thing is the comfort that a woman should feel while performing the training algorithm.

Before you start the exercises, you should urinate so that in the future the urge will not distract you from doing the gymnastics.

Kegel exercises for women consist of performing the following simple steps:

  • first you need to take a deep breath and exhale several times to achieve maximum concentration on the sensations of your own body;
  • further, it is worth introducing the muscles of the lower pelvis into a state of maximum tension (the sensation is similar to that of the processes of urination and gas release at the same time);
  • to make sure that the muscles are activated and in tension, it is recommended to conduct a small test: a finger is inserted into the vaginal cavity, and if there is a feeling of full girth, the system is working;
  • When performing gymnastics, the stomach, legs and buttocks should be relaxed.

Unpleasant symptoms will begin to disappear if you perform therapeutic exercises using the Kegel system at least two to three times a day.

The following approaches should last about 10 seconds and be accompanied by deep, balanced breathing.

Contraindicated exercises

We cannot ignore the fact that exercises suitable for a particular woman after removal of the uterus must be selected independently. She must coordinate all her actions with a specialist. If this advice is neglected, the health status of a representative of the fair sex who has undergone such a complex operation may change for the worse.

During gymnastic exercises and exercises, you should avoid the following loads:

  • exercises that aim to abduct the legs to the sides are excluded;
  • Abdominal exercises should be strictly dosed, and in some specific cases, completely excluded.
  • While performing Kegel exercises, a woman should carefully monitor her actions. Exercises at the peak of capabilities that cause excessive tension in the abdominal muscles are unacceptable. Otherwise, there is a high risk of increased intra-abdominal pressure, which may lead to additional complications.

Many representatives of the fair sex are extremely worried about the loss of the uterus, considering themselves inferior women without it. This opinion is wrong, because it is not the genitals that define a real woman. Life (including intimate life) after the removal of the reproductive organ can play with colors just as brightly as before the intervention. The main thing is a positive psychological attitude and self-confidence. Therapeutic gymnastics and exercises for training intimate muscles will help to achieve this integrity. After systematic exercise, a woman may be surprised to find an improvement in her psychosexual and physical condition.

Some women require complete removal of the uterus as indicated by their doctor. Such surgical intervention is performed exclusively in rare cases when drug and physiotherapeutic treatment has not brought a positive result. The rehabilitation period lasts a long time, so patients are prescribed medications. Women also need to regularly do gymnastics and physical exercises that will help bring muscle tissue to normal condition. Before performing them, you should consult with your doctor, who will give all the necessary recommendations and advice. In most cases, after surgery and removal of the uterus, women face problems such as spontaneous urination and defecation. During surgery, the doctor excises the muscle layer that supports the body of the uterus. In this case, only Kegel gymnastics will help.

Recovery and rehabilitation at home

Rehabilitation at home is aimed primarily at maintaining physical health and correcting mental disorders (if any). Here, for a woman, the main thing is attention and care, as well as understanding from loved ones and others.

You need to start recovery with generally accepted medical recommendations after removal of the uterus, which must be followed strictly.

Exercise stress

For at least 3-6 months after treatment, all physical activity and overexertion are prohibited. Doctors recommend lifting loads weighing no more than the weight of one loaf of bread. This is especially true for patients in whom surgical treatment was performed using an open approach. This is due to the fact that when accessing the abdominal cavity, several incisions are made through the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Until a dense, wealthy scar forms between them, it is forbidden to strain these muscles. This prevents the risk of hernias.

In the first month, wearing a bandage is mandatory. It is selected in such a way that the upper and lower edges overlap the postoperative suture and extend beyond it by at least 1 cm. For women with a history of multiple births and weakened abdominal muscles, wearing a bandage is recommended for 6 months after surgical treatment, especially with physical load.

Gymnastics and physical therapy

Do not limit yourself in training and sports. On the contrary, light aerobic exercise or yoga will be very beneficial for the body. This will raise your vitality and mood, making you believe in your attractiveness and irresistibility.

After removal of the uterus, the muscles of the genitourinary diaphragm lose their main support, which entails problems with urination and defecation. To prevent these disorders, each operated patient is recommended to carry out daily exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles - Kegels. Choose the most suitable ones for yourself and perform several approaches a day. This intimate gymnastics prevents vaginal prolapse and prolapse of the pelvic organs.

Sex life

The first month after removal of the uterus, sexual intercourse is prohibited, as there is a risk of sutures coming apart and developing internal bleeding. During this period, there may be spotting from the vagina, but do not be alarmed by it. This is a normal physiological process. Stock up on gaskets in advance.

After four weeks, the discharge stops, the woman can return to sexual life, but there is no need to worry. When the uterus is removed, the vagina and cervix are left and sutured tightly. Sexual partners will not feel any discomfort or inconvenience, and the girl herself will still enjoy it. Often, patients after treatment, on the contrary, note an increase in libido.

Features of hysterectomy

Surgeries to remove the uterus are carried out with resection of muscle tissue and numerous ligaments. The surgical procedure depends on the diagnosis.

Access is achieved by cutting the abdominal wall or several punctures. After surgery, the internal organs located in the pelvis may become displaced. As a result of such exposure, patients face the following problems:

  • spontaneous urination;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

In addition to these problems, patients may be depressed for a long time. After removal of the uterus, adhesions often form, the vaginal stump and the bladder wall can grow together, so women experience spontaneous chronic urinary incontinence.

How to properly recover for a woman after hysterectomy

Hysterectomy (or hysterectomy) is one of the most common operations performed in the gynecology department.
This highly traumatic operation has a lot of negative health consequences, so removal of the uterus is carried out strictly according to indications. However, the issue of rehabilitation and restoration of physical and, most importantly, moral health after the removal of such an important organ has not yet been finally resolved. Severe hormonal disorders, complications and infertility are just a few of the problems that a woman will have to solve after treatment. How can I help her during this period of her life and how to properly recover after removal of the uterus? Important! The rehabilitation period depends on the type of surgical intervention. With laparoscopic access, early recovery takes no more than three days. With open access (laparotomy), rehabilitation in a hospital takes 1 week or more.


During the operation, all internal organs of the small pelvis are removed - these are the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, ligaments and surrounding muscles. The most common and widespread complications include a complete cessation of the production of female sex hormones. Such serious changes in the body lead to the premature onset of menopause.

If you do not moisturize the walls of the vagina, they begin to become easily inflamed and cracks appear during physical activity, as well as sexual intercourse. Patients are diagnosed with a chronic form of irritation and excessive itching. In this case, it is necessary to regularly perform Kegel exercises, which will help establish the correct secretory function of epithelial tissues.

What are exercises for?

The perineal muscles help the female body to function normally. They are responsible for the functioning of the internal genital organs, gastrointestinal tract and bladder. It is for this reason that every woman should take care of the tone of the perineal muscles with the help of Kegel exercises. After surgery in the uterine cavity, patients need to regularly perform special Kegel exercises. They are helping:

  • restore physical and psychological condition within a short period of time;
  • increase the tone and level of elasticity of muscle tissue in order to avoid discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse;
  • strengthen the muscles of the vaginal muscle tissue.

Kegel exercises

You should start doing Kegel exercises only after consulting with your doctor. After the operation, some time must pass for complete recovery and rehabilitation. Gymnastic exercises can be performed in different positions - lying on your back, sitting or standing. Before starting classes, experts advise completely emptying your bladder to achieve maximum results.

Kegel exercises consist of several main stages:

  • periodic slow compression of the perineal muscles;
  • gradual compression and relaxation after an equal period of time;
  • pushing out;
  • fast rhythmic contractions.

Every day you need to do one exercise. During exercise, intimate muscles tense, so they work better and perform their main functions. After holding and squeezing, you need to relax the muscles. All of these actions require consistency.

After the operation, when a woman has her uterus and ovaries removed, at least two months must pass. This applies to abdominal access to the uterine cavity. After removal of the uterus, Kegel exercises are performed only after consultation with the attending physician. If surgery was performed laparoscopically, the recovery period is at least two weeks.

Kegel exercises in case of hysterectomy: specifics of exercises and contraindications


Removal of the uterus is preceded by various reasons. As a rule, hysterectomy is performed in exceptional situations, if other treatment methods have not brought the expected result. The recovery period lasts a fairly long period of time.

At this time, the woman undergoes not only a rehabilitation course with the help of medications. An important component of the postoperative stage is gymnastics. After surgery, the muscle tissue of the uterine organ is damaged and loses its former tone.

To bring muscles into proper condition, almost all experts advise performing physical exercises.

As practice shows, many patients, after undergoing a hysterectomy procedure, encounter problems with urination and bowel movements. During the operation, the muscle layer that supports the uterine organ is removed (flakes off).

The lack of muscle tissue tone directly affects the performance of certain functions of the female body. When the muscles of the pelvic floor are weakened, the ability to maintain the vagina in normal condition is lost. Physiological gymnastics is prescribed by the doctor purely individually for each patient.

Kegel exercises are generally recommended after a hysterectomy.

Why is it necessary to perform a gymnastic complex for women with a removed uterus?

It is known that the perineal muscles are very important for the normal functioning of a woman’s body. First of all, they are responsible for the performance of the internal genital organs, gastrointestinal tract and bladder.

The natural (normal) performance of functions by the above organs directly depends on the current state of muscle tissue in this area.

After surgical removal of the uterus, you should regularly perform Kegel exercises for the following reasons:

  • For rapid recovery of physical and psychological condition as a result of the operation;
  • To increase the tone and level of elasticity of muscle tissue in order to enjoy sex;
  • To strengthen the muscles of the vaginal muscle tissue.

As a result of undergoing a procedure to remove the uterine organ, patients face many problems. Performing physical exercises helps improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of the bladder and gastrointestinal tract. Also, gymnastics can prevent inflammatory processes in organs located in the pelvis.

What are Kegel exercises?

It is generally accepted that after surgery leading to the removal of the uterus, Kegel exercises are an indispensable method of rehabilitation therapy.

Physical activity on intimate muscles can be given only after consultation with a specialist. Such gymnastic actions can be performed in different positions: lying, standing or sitting.

It is recommended to completely empty your bladder before starting class.

You can learn more about the Kegel exercise technique from this video:

The principle of performing physiological actions after surgical removal of the uterus is no different from the procedure for doing gymnastics by other women. The pelvic muscles should be tensed as if simultaneously holding back the emission of urine and the removal of gases from the rectum. With the right tension, the intimate muscles will contract and rise slightly.

After surgery and the start of exercise, the patient may not feel muscle contractions. However, this does not mean their complete absence. Over time, the muscle will strengthen and the results will become more obvious. To check, you can insert two fingers into the vagina and tense.

During contraction of the muscles, the fingers will be completely enveloped by the vaginal walls.

Women who have undergone hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) are strongly advised to pay close attention to the condition of other muscles during exercise. When performing physiological Kegel exercises, it is important that there is no tension in the muscle tissue of the abdomen, buttocks or legs.

All other muscles should be in a relaxed state. According to the advice of doctors, after surgery and removal of the uterus, it is best for patients to perform the described complex several times a day. Initially, each exercise can last no more than 3 seconds.

In the future, the contraction time will need to be increased to ten seconds or more.

Female genital organs before and after hysterectomy

What set of exercises should be performed as a result of removal of the uterine organ?

Regardless of the reasons for performing Kegel exercises, including after undergoing surgery leading to removal of the uterus, the entire gymnastic complex consists of 4 main stages:

  • Squeezing the perineal muscles at a slow pace;
  • Relaxation and compression alternately with a certain time interval;
  • Pushing (some patients compare it to childbirth, when pushing is required);
  • Rhythmic contractions (squeezing at a fast pace).

Every woman, regardless of physiological characteristics, performs one of the Kegel exercises every day. It is necessary to tense the intimate muscles when urinating or imitate urination and retention, thereby increasing the tone of the intimate muscles.

During each process of urine emission, the stream must be interrupted by tensing the muscles of the pelvic floor. Next, you need to count to three and continue emitting. This exercise can be performed after a hysterectomy, simulating the process of urinating.

The patient needs to voluntarily squeeze the muscle tissue, stay in this position for a while and then try to slowly relax.

Another gymnastic action in everyday life is called “elevator”. The technique of doing this exercise is reminiscent of the movement of an elevator, i.e. up and down. After undergoing surgery to remove the uterine organ, the patient will be able to quickly restore the tone of her intimate muscles. The principle of performing the exercise is as follows.

The woman needs to slowly begin to squeeze the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor. After a certain pause, you need to tighten the muscle tissue even more. After the second stage of tension, a third muscle contraction is performed. Typically, three stages of contraction provide maximum muscle tension.

During gradual muscle tension, a feeling of lifting of the internal organs occurs.

This video provides examples of gymnastic exercises using the Kegel technique:

After holding the muscle tissue in this position for a couple of seconds, gradual relaxation is performed. As practice shows, it is very difficult to relax muscle tissue consistently and not immediately.

The gradual unclenching is very important and affects the correctness and effectiveness of the exercise as a whole. The third exercise consists of alternating rhythmic tension and compression of muscle tissue, while the rhythm can have different time intervals.

The gymnastic action of “pushing”, as well as tensing/relaxing the anus, is easiest to do for women who have already given birth. However, performing physiological actions of this kind requires extreme caution.

It is important to remember that the effect of performing therapeutic exercises will be noticeable no earlier than one month after the operation.

Indications for implementation

Often, after surgery to remove the uterus and appendages, women may encounter various problems. Ligaments are damaged and weakened, as well as the muscle tissue of the pelvic diaphragm, internal organs are displaced and the mucous membrane is not sufficiently moisturized. All these problems can be solved by systematically performing Kegel exercises.

The main indications include:

  • prolonged and difficult wound healing after surgery;
  • formation of adhesions;
  • constipation;
  • the appearance of hemorrhoids;
  • blood clots;
  • pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • spontaneous urination and defecation.

Wounds begin to heal quickly, serious complications are prevented, scars and adhesions do not appear. After surgery to remove the uterus and pelvic organs, Kegel exercises help normalize blood circulation, so blood stagnation does not occur. They can cause varicose veins and bleeding after surgery.


Kegel exercises are distinguished by their specificity and technology, which must be strictly observed and adhere to all rules. At the first stage, patients need to learn proper breathing. If women strain their muscles too much during exercise, intra-abdominal pressure may occur.

Breathing should be smooth and measured. Kegel exercises are not performed when diagnosing any inflammatory processes, especially if the lesions are located in the urinary system. It is also worth giving up classes during periods of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases and in the last stages of pelvic prolapse. After an operation to remove the body of the uterus and its appendages, it is necessary to undergo a period of rehabilitation in order to avoid serious complications.

How to do exercises correctly

At the initial stage, exercises are performed with extreme caution to prevent severe fatigue. Classes require systematic implementation, so it is strictly forbidden to miss even one session. Experts recommend exercising for a few minutes throughout the day.

If women do not have the skills to train the vaginal muscles, then you can try to find them by stopping urination. There are situations when muscle tissue is greatly weakened, so this action is given with great difficulty.

If you regularly perform exercises for two months, your muscles will regain their former elasticity and strength. Women will be able to independently control their bladder function.

Removal of the uterus, or, in more professional terms, hysterectomy, is a forced surgical intervention caused by gynecological diseases that are not amenable to alternative treatment methods.

In what cases is a hysterectomy performed?

Reasons for having a hysterectomy:

  • Malignant formation - oncology (cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, etc.). In such a situation, there is no question of alternative treatment, since cancer is always a high risk of developing metastases and death;
  • Benign formations (the most common disease of the female organs is uterine fibroids);
  • Endometriosis (benign formations inside and outside the lining of the uterus);
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • Prolapse or complete/partial prolapse of the uterus (quite common in older women when the pelvic floor muscles become weak);

Many women who have had to deal with such an operation are interested in many questions, mainly related to the behavior of the body in the postoperative period, the ability to lead a normal lifestyle, play sports, have sexual intimacy with their other half, and much more.

Recovery process

As after any other operation, the patient must adhere to many rules and conditions so that unforeseen circumstances do not arise that could lead to complications.

The entire process of a woman’s recovery after a hysterectomy can be divided into two periods: stay in a medical institution (first period), and home postoperative care (second period). Now let’s find out what can and cannot be done after something like this.

After removal of the uterus you can:

  • in the first few hours after surgery, with the permission of the attending physician, get out of bed and walk. This need is due to the risk of developing blood stagnation in the body.
  • eat light food, in the form of vegetable or chicken broth, pureed fruit and green or weak black tea.
  • take painkillers.
  • increase physical activity every day in order to go through the recovery period faster.

After removal of the uterus, it is impossible (it should be noted that restrictions that must be followed in the first 6-8 weeks after hysterectomy will be given here):

  • lift, carry and move heavy and bulky objects (fraught with bleeding and suture divergence);
  • have sexual intercourse in the first month and a half (the same consequences as in the first paragraph);
  • sunbathing in the open sun;
  • visit baths and saunas, take a hot bath, swim in open water.
  • drinking alcohol;
  • eat fatty, fried, excessively salty, sweet foods;

At first, women may experience changeable mood, unstable psycho-emotional state, tearfulness, and sleep disturbances. This is due to a harmonious imbalance that occurs in all women who have undergone this type of surgical intervention. Such symptoms most often go away on their own after the postoperative period.

Rehabilitation and recovery in hospital

Rehabilitation in a hospital after removal of the uterus is primarily aimed at restoring physical and mental health and preventing complications. To achieve this, a number of activities and procedures are carried out.

Rehabilitation and recovery in the first hours after surgery

Here, measures are taken to eliminate pain, replenish blood loss and anemia, and preventive measures to prevent, identify and eliminate infections and thromboembolic complications. For this we use:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or narcotic analgesics.
  • Infusion therapy with blood replacement solutions and electrolytes.
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics.
  • Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants.

The choice of drug and dosage selection is carried out individually by the doctor.

Recovery in the following days

During this period, constant monitoring of the body's condition is necessary. First of all, monitor the passage of stool and gas. The appearance of urination and defecation indicates the start of normal bowel function. A delay in physiological recovery indicates complications in the gastrointestinal tract, which is an indication for further diagnostic measures.

During the same period, the prevention of infectious complications and thromboembolism continues. According to indications, patients continue to take painkillers and administer blood replacement solutions.

Nutrition of a woman in the early rehabilitation period

An important aspect of the normal course of recovery and rehabilitation is proper nutrition.

On the first day after surgery, the patient is prohibited from eating any food. In the evening, you can drink half a glass of water.

On the second day, the patient is given low-fat meat broths (chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit) without adding salt and other spices, as well as water.

In the following days, patients are recommended to follow a low-calorie diet with limited salt and sugar. The main goal of such nutrition is to start intestinal motility and peristalsis, without loading the digestive tract itself. Main dishes for the diet after hysterectomy:

  • Porridge (Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley).
  • Soups made from broths made from lean meats.
  • Vegetable purees.
  • Pieces of lean meat (chicken, turkey, etc.)
  • Yogurts and other fermented milk drinks (but not whole milk).
  • Dried black bread.
  • Baked fruits.

All dishes are prepared with a neutral taste: not salty, not spicy, not sweet, etc. Food intake is fractional: up to 5-6 times a day. All products that can cause constipation, dyspeptic disorders and motor skills are prohibited for consumption.

Physical activity

An equally important aspect of early rehabilitation is getting the patient out of bed early. After laparoscopic surgery, you can move around the ward after 6-12 hours. In an open form of surgery, the first rise from the bed should occur no earlier than on the second day of the postoperative period.

Important! Early physical activity after hysterectomy is the key to successful treatment and recovery. This is the most effective method of preventing the formation of adhesions and, as a result, adhesive disease - a life-threatening complication that requires long-term treatment and rehabilitation.

In the first days, move around within the ward, then along the corridors and alleys of the hospital.

Consequences of hysterectomy

Any operation carries with it the risk of negative consequences. To minimize all risks, you must follow all instructions and prescriptions of your doctor.

However, be that as it may, such consequences do occur, so it is worth mentioning them:

  • risk of infection;
  • formation of hematomas;
  • loss of sensation in the scar area;
  • the appearance of colloidal scars (if there is a predisposition to this);
  • adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • menopause (an inevitable consequence of surgery);

Sexual life after hysterectomy

It is worth immediately making a reservation about a woman’s ability to conceive and give birth after such an operation. Since the reproductive organ has been removed, becoming pregnant and having offspring in the future becomes completely impossible, and therefore the frequent question of inexperienced ladies: “is it possible to get pregnant after removal of the uterus” disappears on its own.

There are situations when a woman has experienced a difficult birth, and during the process, something went wrong (uterine bleeding began), then doctors can make a difficult, but necessary decision to save the mother’s life - to remove the uterus. No one is immune from this, but the fact that a child was born does not so darken the future life, without the possibility of getting pregnant again.

Also, a considerable number of representatives of the fair sex are wary of losing libido - the desire to have sex and receive pleasure from it. Here women can be reassured, since the sensitive endings are located precisely in the vagina, so the pleasure from sexual intercourse will not disappear anywhere, and orgasm is possible with the same probability as in absolutely healthy women.

Many patients who have undergone hysterectomy report more intense orgasms and a more active sex life. This can be explained by the lack of fear of unwanted pregnancy.

The conclusion of this topic suggests itself: sleeping with your husband or just a loved one is not only possible, but also necessary. The main thing is to do all this after 6-8 weeks.

Is it possible to exercise after a hysterectomy?

Everything went well yesterday. My fears were not about the operation itself, but about the consequences. I fell asleep - I woke up already “clean”) The anesthesia was good - I didn’t feel sick and the drowsiness immediately went away. By the way, even after repeated cleaning there was less bleeding than on the 12th day after the first. We sent these pieces for histology, well, since there is a fee, they will do it faster. I'm glad that they didn't clean it in a hospital, so you don't have to lie there for a week. The gynecologist said that the cervix was not formed, which was to be expected with a 3.5 cm piece of placenta. Read more →

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I, like you, have read stories about girls who took a long time to get pregnant and they succeeded. I was happy for them, and sometimes envied them, but I thought it worked out for others, but it wouldn’t work out for me, because I’m an adult and I don’t believe in miracles anymore. But in vain!

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