Candles after cauterization of cervical erosion using various methods

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Cervical erosion is a condition in which a defect forms on the mucous membrane of the organ. Various causes of pathology require different treatments. Among other methods, the use of suppositories for cervical erosion is popular. In what situations is this treatment regimen acceptable?

Indications for the use of suppositories

Not every cervical pathology can be treated with suppositories (suppositories, vaginal tablets). Drug treatment helps fight the disease in the following situations:

  • True erosion of the cervix (defect of the mucous membrane resulting from infections and injuries);
  • Any pathology of the cervix, complicated by an inflammatory process (cervicitis): ectopia, ectropion, dysplasia, etc.;
  • Treatment of cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) before or after destructive treatment.

Treatment of true erosion with gynecological suppositories is completely justified. This pathology occurs against the background of inflammatory changes in the genital tract. One course of local therapy is usually enough to get rid of colpitis and cervicitis. After the inflammation subsides, true erosion - a defect in the mucous membrane - disappears on its own. No other methods of therapy are required here.

Erosion often occurs and progresses against the background of cervicitis. In some cases, it is enough to cure the accompanying inflammation with a course of suppositories so that the pathology of the cervix goes away.

On a note

The selection of suppositories for the treatment of erosion should be carried out taking into account the identified causative agent of the disease.

In the treatment of other forms of erosion, gynecological suppositories are used only as one of the stages of treatment. And if in the case of mild dysplasia, which usually occurs against the background of chronic cervicitis, the drugs used will bring the desired effect, then in other situations it will not be possible to get rid of the problem so easily.

Conditions for which suppositories are used as part of complex therapy:

  • Ectopia (pseudo-erosion);
  • Ectropion (eversion of the mucous membrane);
  • Leukoplakia;
  • Moderate to severe dysplasia.

In these situations, suppositories are used with the simultaneous presence of inflammation (cervicitis) and erosion of the cervix. Local therapy allows you to remove the source of inflammation, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and restore the balance of normal microflora. In the future, destructive methods of therapy are usually used. Often, only cauterization (diathermocoagulation, laser vaporization, radio wave therapy, etc.) makes it possible to completely get rid of erosion.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used only in the treatment of the disease at the initial stage. Before choosing a particular drug, you should consult your doctor. Many solutions are incompatible with tablets, so self-medication is prohibited. This can cause serious harm to the body.

The most effective means:

Borovaya uterus.

  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory
  • astringent action.

All this together has a powerful effect on the disease. To use, 2 tablespoons of herb are poured into 0.5 liters. water and boil for 5 minutes. Then the solution is filtered and cooled for 5 minutes. Immediately after this, a tampon is moistened in it and inserted into the vagina before bed for 1 hour. Repeat the procedure for a week. Borovaya uterus for erosion is also used if the disease was caused by hormonal imbalance.

Winter-lover . The recipe includes 50 g of grass and 500 grams of vodka. The tincture is mixed and infused for 10-14 days, remembering to shake. Then you should strain it and take a tablespoon before meals until it runs out. Sea buckthorn oil. An alternative option for suppositories is sea buckthorn tampons for cervical erosion. Use for 3-4 hours every day. You can also take the oil internally, which additionally nourishes the body with useful substances and strengthens the immune system.

Wintergreen . It relieves inflammation and helps wound healing. 2 tablespoons of wintergreen mixed with 200 ml. water, the herbal solution is brought to a boil, filtered, cooled and taken orally.

Mumiyo . To treat the disease, only natural, high-quality mumiyo is used. There are several options for use: The tampon is moistened in a solution of 2.5 g. mummy and 100 ml of boiled water, then it is injected into the organ overnight. A lotion of 4% mummy solution is applied to the affected area. The course of procedures consists of daily lotions for 7-11 days. Performed before or after menstruation. Can be used during pregnancy.

Soak a napkin in the same solution and secure it with a cotton swab. The course includes 1-3 weeks of procedures. For better results, you can drink 0.1 g of mumiyo after meals. The effectiveness of using mumiyo to treat erosion has been tested for years.

Each of the drugs brings its own results for the treatment of erosion. As a rule, the doctor prescribes a treatment complex consisting of the use of tablets, tampons and suppositories simultaneously. But medications only help with mild cases of the disease; in severe cases, cauterization of the affected area is prescribed. In order to avoid further development of the disease, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist every six months for prevention.

A defect in the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the exocervix, or the vaginal part of the cervix, is called erosion. Drug treatment is used in the early stages and is preferred for nulliparous women. At the initial stage, the disease is asymptomatic and is characterized by the displacement of squamous epithelium by columnar cells.

Suppository use regimen

During treatment with suppositories, you must follow these simple rules:

  • Vaginal suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina. Rectal - into the rectum;
  • It is better to introduce suppositories at night. After using the drug, you should remain in a horizontal position for 15-30 minutes;
  • Some vaginal suppositories can be used during menstruation. If necessary, take a break during monthly bleeding. Rectal suppositories can be placed on any day of the cycle;
  • During therapy, personal hygiene should be especially carefully observed, and underwear and towels should be changed regularly.

Vaginal suppositories, tablets and creams should be inserted deep into the vagina. Vaginal cream is administered using a special dispenser, which is included with the drug.


Reduced immunity is one of the causes of pathological processes in the female reproductive system. For a speedy recovery, it is necessary to increase the body’s protective properties. For erosion, Polyoxidonium tablets are prescribed; they increase the effectiveness of complex treatment. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The drug Immunal is made on the basis of echinacea, it improves immunity and relieves inflammation.

As a local preparation, you can use Epigen spray, which has antiviral, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulating effects. In addition to the listed effects, Epigen relieves symptoms of itching and dryness.

For the conservative treatment of cervical erosion on an outpatient basis, solutions such as Solkovagin and Vagotil are used.


Contains concentrated acids. When applied to affected areas, it causes necrosis of columnar epithelium without damaging healthy tissue. It is used as a chemical agent for treatment.

Read more about Solkovagin for erosion in a separate article.


Accelerates the epithelization of mucous membranes without leaving scars, has bactericidal and vasoconstrictor properties.

Self-medication with these drugs is unacceptable; a tampon is applied strictly to the site of erosion for a certain time. These manipulations can only be carried out in a medical facility.

Review of suppositories used to treat cervical pathology

The following groups of drugs are used in gynecological practice:

  • Suppositories that act directly on the pathogen (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral);
  • Suppositories with an anti-inflammatory component;
  • Suppositories that accelerate tissue healing;
  • Immunity boosting candles.

List of recommendations to follow when using candles:

  • All suppositories for the treatment of cervical erosion can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable;
  • The choice of drug takes into account the form of erosion, the woman’s age and the presence of concomitant pathology;
  • All candles should have a convenient shape. It is desirable that the selected drug does not melt in the hands, but dissolves only upon contact with the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • The route of administration of the drug is always indicated in the instructions. Before starting therapy, it would be a good idea to study the annotation;
  • When inserting suppositories, mild discomfort (itching, burning) may occur in the vagina. This is a normal reaction of the mucous membrane to a foreign body. The discomfort lasts no more than 15 minutes, after which all unpleasant symptoms should go away. If the burning does not stop, or even worsens, you need to remove the candle, wash the genitals and consult a doctor. Such a symptom may be a sign of an allergic reaction and indicates individual intolerance to the selected drug.

Prolonged itching and burning in the vagina after the administration of suppositories may indicate an allergic reaction to the drug.

The effect of using these products is felt after 48 hours. During this time, discharge from the genital organs should decrease and the accompanying symptoms of inflammation (itching, burning, discomfort in the vagina) should go away. If no effect is observed after 3 days, you should consult a doctor to change the medication.

On a note

The therapeutic effect of immunomodulator suppositories and some other drugs may appear much later. Therefore, in each specific case, the issue of replacing the drug is decided individually.

During the use of suppositories, slight bleeding from the genital tract may occur. This is possible with extensive erosion. The injected drug irritates the mucous membrane, which leads to minor bleeding. If the discharge gets worse, you should see a doctor.

It is also useful to read: What symptoms can cervical erosion manifest itself in?

Indications and contraindications

Suppositories are prescribed to the following patients:

  • those who have the disease at an early stage;
  • if the woman has not given birth yet;
  • if the cause of erosion is a bacterial imbalance;
  • in the presence of sexually transmitted complications;
  • if there is an unpleasant odor, which indicates the presence of an infection caused by bacteria;
  • with irregular periods;
  • if there are inflammatory diseases of the uterus;
  • to eliminate mucosal injuries after interventions, for example, after curettage;
  • with low body resistance;
  • if you have a large number of sexual partners;
  • to relieve inflammation and rapid healing after and before cauterization of erosion.

Vaginal suppositories are not used in the following cases:

  • if there is an individual intolerance to some components of the drug or excessive sensitivity to them, which is manifested by itching, redness of the skin and irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • when the erosion value is more than 2 cm;
  • for grade 3 dysplasia;
  • if there is a high probability of cancer of the cervix and cervical canal.

Antibacterial and antifungal suppositories

Suppositories from this group destroy pathogenic bacteria and fungi, do not allow them to multiply and thereby eliminate the cause of inflammation. The medicinal substances contained in them act locally, which is why they practically do not cause side effects and do not lead to complications from internal organs. Unlike systemic drugs, many vaginal suppositories and tablets are approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Among the most effective suppositories used in gynecological practice are:


Broad-spectrum antiseptic. Effective against a large number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is used for the treatment of trichomonas and nonspecific cervicitis and colpitis that occurs against the background of erosion. Does not work against fungal infections, not effective against thrush.

The main active ingredient of Hexicon suppositories is chlorhexidine bigluconate, an antiseptic.

  • Approved for use during pregnancy from the first trimester;
  • Course of therapy – 10 days;
  • Price – 250-300 rub.


A well-proven iodine-based antiseptic. Effective against many pathogenic bacteria, some fungi and viruses. When applied topically, it is practically not absorbed into the blood.

The main active ingredient of Betadine suppositories is povidone-iodine. Analogs of the drug are Yodosept, Yod-Ka, Vokadin, Yodovidone, Aquazan, Povidone-Iodine.

  • Approved for use during pregnancy from the first trimester;
  • Course of therapy – 7-10 days;
  • Price – 300-350 rub.

On a note

Reviews about the use of antiseptic suppositories for cervical erosion are mostly good and indicate that such products effectively cope with the manifestations of bacterial vaginosis and nonspecific colpitis caused by opportunistic flora.

The treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina with Betadine suppositories is described in detail in the following video:

Names of other popular suppositories for the treatment of cervical erosion:

  • "Terzhinan." A combined remedy against bacterial and fungal infections. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Price – 350-400 rubles;
  • "Klion-D 100" and "Neo-Penotran Forte". Used for mixed bacterial and fungal infections. Effective for bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis). Price – 350 / 750 rubles;
  • "Makmiror complex" and "Polygynax". Combined antibacterial and antifungal drugs. Price – 850 / 500 rubles;
  • "Clindacin" or "Clindamycin". An antibiotic effective against many bacteria, including the famous Streptococcus agalactiae. Price - about 500 rubles;
  • "Fluomizin." Broad-spectrum antiseptic. Destroys fungi, bacteria and some viruses. Price – 700-800 rub.

Separately, antifungal drugs should be highlighted. They are effective only against thrush and do not work against bacterial infections:

  • "Nystatin";
  • "Clotrimazole";
  • "Livarol";
  • "Pimafucin";
  • “Gyno-digester.”

Most drugs have cheaper analogues. When prescribing treatment, the gynecologist can select the drug in accordance with the patient’s financial capabilities.

The cost of antifungal agents varies from 100 to 900 rubles.

What are the best suppositories for cervical erosion and concomitant cervicitis? No gynecologist will give a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the causative agent of the disease. Where one drug will remove inflammation in 7-10 days, another will be ineffective. That is why it is so important to begin treatment only after receiving the results of a bacteriological examination and taking into account the sensitivity of the identified microorganisms to specific drugs.

For your information

After a course of antibacterial or antifungal therapy, it is necessary to restore the natural microflora of the vagina with probiotics.

Solutions and ointments

Along with tablets and suppositories, solutions and ointments are used. The exact dosage and treatment time are calculated individually at a doctor’s appointment.

Solkovagin is a solution for cauterizing the affected area. Cauterization with solkovagin is carried out only by a doctor.

The process includes:

  • removing mucus from the affected area;
  • treating the area with a solution of 3% acetic acid;
  • wetting the tampon in the vagina and treating the affected area with it;
  • repeat cauterization after a few minutes for an effective result.

Reviews of Solkovagin in the treatment of cervical erosion prove that the solution does not leave scars or scars, does not require painkillers, since it does not cause severe discomfort and cauterization does not take much time.

Levomekol . The product is also called “surgeons’ ointment.” It restores damaged tissue and heals wounds. To use the ointment, lubricate a cotton swab and insert it into the affected organ overnight. For a full course of treatment for cervical erosion, Levomekol is used for 14 days. The ointment can cause a large number of side effects.

Antiviral and immunomodulating suppositories

Since no specific antiviral local treatment has been developed, it is advisable to combine these drugs into a common group. In this section it is worth highlighting the following tools:

  • "Viferon";
  • "Genferon";
  • "Natalsid" and others.

The first two drugs differ in name, but in essence they are very similar. Both of these agents are human alpha interferon. They stimulate the immune system, mobilize the body's defenses to fight the disease, and also have a nonspecific antiviral effect. This means that such suppositories do not work against specific pathogens, but help destroy any viruses. They are used to treat erosion caused by HPV infection, with activation of the herpes virus and cytomegalovirus, as well as in the case of bacterial infection to stimulate local and general immunity.

Immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed in combination with other drugs to treat erosion caused by HPV or the herpes virus.

Antiviral suppositories are injected into the rectum 1-2 times a day. The course of therapy is 5-10 days. The dosage is selected individually. The cost of such treatment is from 500 rubles. per package of the drug.

It is also useful to read: Cervical erosion during pregnancy - is it dangerous?

The drug "Natalsid" is used in the treatment of erosion as an immunostimulating agent. It does not have a direct effect on the condition of the cervix.

Candidiasis colpitis

In the treatment of candidal colpitis, suppositories with an antifungal effect are used: nystatin, natamycin, clotrimazole, canesten. Antifungal creams may be prescribed: pimafucort, miconazole and oral tablets (flucostat, pimafucin, see antifungal drugs in tablets), and also see a detailed review of all suppositories for thrush.

After etiotropic therapy (suppression of activity and death of the pathogen), the second stage in the treatment of colpitis begins, aimed at reviving the normal microflora of the vagina. The purpose of the second stage is to create conditions for the proliferation of lactobacilli and increase their number. The list of candles used includes:

  • Bifidumbacterin (contains live bifidobacteria) is prescribed 1 suppository twice a day for 5 - 10 days.
  • Bifikol (dried bifidobacteria) daily, one course for 7 - 10 days.
  • Acylact 1 time per day in the evening for 10 days (about 110 rubles).
  • Vagilak (500 rubles), Laktozhinal (400-450 rubles), these are lactobacilli, 1 vaginal capsule in the morning and evening for a total cycle of 10 days.

In addition, the contents of ampoules with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are diluted with water and administered intravaginally on tampons (colibacterin, bificol, bifidumbacterin).

Suppositories that enhance regeneration for cervical erosion

This is a special group of drugs that is very popular among women. Suppositories with a regenerative effect are used mainly after cauterization of the cervix for rapid tissue healing. They accelerate regeneration and promote epithelial restoration. They are almost never used as monotherapy. They can be prescribed as the second stage after the use of antibacterial suppositories for speedy regeneration in case of true erosion.

The list of popular suppositories that promote rapid healing of the wound surface during cervical erosion includes:


It has a pronounced regenerating and anti-catabolic effect. Available in the form of rectal suppositories. Prescribed in a course of at least 7 days, 1 suppository 2-4 times a day. Therapy can be extended up to 4 months as prescribed by a doctor.

The approximate price of the drug is 70-100 rubles.


Stimulates the regeneration of cervical tissue. Due to the inclusion of chlorhexidine, it has an antiseptic effect. 1 suppository is inserted into the vagina 1-2 times a day. The course of therapy is 10 days. According to indications, the doctor can extend the duration of treatment to 20 days.

The estimated cost of the drug is 450-550 rubles.

Sea buckthorn candles

They have a regenerative, anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulating effect. In combination with other means, they help get rid of pathogens, restore the natural balance of the microflora of the genital tract, and accelerate tissue healing after cauterization.

  • Used vaginally and rectally;
  • Approved for use during pregnancy;
  • The course of therapy is from 10 days;
  • The estimated cost of the drug is about 100 rubles.

Sea buckthorn oil suppositories have regenerating properties, so they are often prescribed after cauterization of erosion.

Sea buckthorn is a potential allergen and can cause quite a strong adverse reaction. If severe itching and burning occurs in the vagina or rectum while using sea buckthorn suppositories, you should stop using them.

Other suppositories used in complex therapy of erosion:

  • Ichthyol candles;
  • Phytocandles based on cocoa butter, etc.

On a note

Popular contraceptive suppositories, contrary to popular belief, are not used to treat erosion. They do not have an antibacterial effect, do not promote rapid healing of erosion, and do not affect hormonal levels. On the contrary, these drugs disrupt the microbial balance of the genital tract, so many gynecologists advise abandoning the use of contraceptive suppositories during therapy.

Use during pregnancy

When carrying a child, any drug is prescribed taking into account its effect on the fetus, therefore, if the expectant mother has erosion, sea buckthorn suppositories are usually prescribed as the most gentle and mild drug. For bleeding erosion, suppositories with methyluracil may be prescribed. In any case, a prescription in such a delicate condition can only be made by a doctor.

Alternative Treatments

Despite the fact that modern medicine offers a large number of effective and relatively safe drugs for the treatment of erosion and concomitant cervicitis, many women refuse to use such drugs. They turn to alternative remedies, among which various herbal preparations are very popular. It is worth noting that such drugs have their own niche of application, but not all of them make sense to use in the treatment of cervical diseases.

At home, many women try to use the following remedies:

  • Suppositories with propolis;
  • “Suporon” candles based on an extract from medicinal Tambukan mud;
  • Homeopathic remedies in the form of suppositories (“Anti-K” and others).

Not only products purchased at the pharmacy are used, but also those made independently. Unfortunately, such drugs rarely bring the desired effect. In addition, when using them, women often experience allergic reactions, which does not contribute to recovery at all.

In recent years, Chinese suppositories and tampons against cervical erosion have become very popular. Not trusting Russian drugs, women are looking for suitable options from foreign manufacturers. However, you should not blindly trust positive reviews about these products on the Internet.

Some women prefer to treat erosion with alternative medicine, in particular Chinese tampons, which cause a lot of controversy. The risk of using such drugs is not justified, and the consequences are sometimes disastrous.

The effect of Chinese suppositories and tampons on the female body has not yet been studied, so practicing gynecologists do not recommend them to their patients. Using such means, a woman takes full responsibility for possible complications and acts solely at her own peril and risk.

The effectiveness of treatment with tablets

For timely detection of pathology, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination at least once every six months. In this case, there is a possibility of early detection of a mucosal defect. As a remedy for erosion (ectopia), the gynecologist uses conservative therapy aimed at restoring the mucous membrane of the cervix and eliminating the causes that led to its occurrence.

Medicines for treatment are selected by the doctor based on the diagnosis. Anti-erosion tablets can be used either alone or in combination with suppositories and ointments. In order to completely cure this disease, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the drug dosage regimen.

What suppositories are there to prevent cervical erosion?

Are there any means to help prevent the development of pathology? Are there some magic pills and suppositories that can be inserted into the vagina and forget about the problem forever? Unfortunately, such drugs do not exist. Drug prevention of erosion has not been developed. However, one cannot deny the fact that timely treatment of infections and the use of specially selected local remedies reduces the risk of developing true erosion, dysplasia and other pathologies of the cervix.

Indications for treatment with medications

Cauterization or cryotherapy has a good effect, but in some cases this effect is excessive or too traumatic. Thermal methods have long-term negative consequences:

  • scar formation;
  • stenosis of the cervical canal and accumulation of uterine secretions in it;
  • endometriosis;
  • dilation of the blood vessels of the cervix.

These complications can cause abnormal labor, premature termination of pregnancy and infertility. Thus, drug treatment of erosion is indicated for nulliparous women and those patients whose pathology has affected only the superficial cells of the mucous membrane.

Names of anti-erosion tablets include:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • immunostimulating drugs.

The purpose of a particular drug depends on the result of the analysis and the indications for its use.

Causes of the disease

Causes of the disease: penetration of hostile microorganisms, hormonal disorders in the body or damage to the mucous membrane due to childbirth or promiscuity. Also, the disease can be acquired due to improper implementation of hygiene rules or failure to comply with them at all. Sometimes there may be no symptoms of trouble and, as a result, the disease is detected only during an examination by a gynecologist.

There is reason to fear this disease. Due to the damage caused to the mucous membrane, there is a high chance of picking up a bunch of dangerous infections that will lead to severe gynecological problems, such as herpes or chlamydia. If you do not take any action to correct the situation and the disease is thoroughly neglected, the problem can lead to infertility and cervical cancer.

The best thing you can do if you are sure that you have contracted this disease is to take professional help from gynecologists. There is a wide choice of ways to solve the problem: these are drugs, pills, operations and traditional methods. Be careful and consult with your doctor, even if you decide to heal yourself.

The doctor may prescribe drug therapy for erosion

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