The most effective suppositories after cauterization of cervical erosion

The effectiveness of therapeutic therapy with drugs

It is quite difficult to relieve the inflammatory process of the prostate with the help of pills or injections. The organ has an increased susceptibility to the rapid flow of medicinal solutions.

In case of accidental overdose, the patient's condition may worsen. Oral medications are additionally processed by the liver organ, which suggests that the active substances of the tablets may simply not reach the prostate in the required quantities.

Effective anti-inflammatory drugs are suppositories. They are used at various stages of the disease. Rectal products allow you to deliver medicinal components to the site of inflammation safely, without overdose, in a slow and smooth manner.

how to insert a suppository correctly

Anti-inflammatory suppositories for prostatitis are drugs that deliver the original composition to the affected tissue without being processed by the body.

The effectiveness of therapeutic therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs is due to a number of positive effects on the affected organ and the general condition of the patient:

  • reduction of pain with its complete elimination;
  • reduction of the affected area;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • restoration of normal blood flow in the gland;
  • accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissue.

The suppositories have their own unique composition, which is aimed at eliminating pathologies of the male reproductive system. They are also used during the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

Suppositories that relieve inflammation are prescribed according to the form of the disease. The duration of therapy, effectiveness, and duration of therapeutic effectiveness depend on this. Drugs for chronic prostatitis are selected based on the form of autology.

pharmachologic effect

The medication, administered intravaginally, has a soft base, so the active substances reach the site of the disease quite quickly. The convenience of this method of therapy is associated with the effect of the components not only on the mucous membrane, but also on other affected tissues. The effect of the composition on the body is:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • healing;
  • antibacterial;
  • immunostimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Contraindications and precautions

Contraindications for treating gynecological diseases with suppositories include intolerance to any drug.

Such treatment with vaginal suppositories is also prohibited if a woman has:

  • cysts;
  • erosive formations;
  • cracks in the vagina.
  • Rectal suppositories are contraindicated for:
  • hemorrhoids;
  • presence of cracks in the anus;
  • inflammation of the intestines;
  • bleeding in the intestines.

When taking suppositories, the following precautions should be taken:

  • Before use, read the instructions for use. If there are contraindications, it is better to refuse use. Often, drugs cannot be used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, hemorrhoids, during lactation and breastfeeding.
  • Maintain hygiene when inserting suppositories.
  • Use suppositories only on the advice of a doctor.

Important! Before use, a woman should ask her doctor:

  • Is pre-douching necessary?
  • Does the introduction of suppositories depend on the menstrual cycle?
  • Frequency and duration of use of suppositories
  • Is it worth stopping sexual intercourse?

Bloody discharge from suppositories

After using suppositories, this sign indicates infection. The pathology may be accompanied by a concomitant disease of the reproductive system. If taking the drug causes a similar reaction, then treatment with this medication should be discontinued.

To find out the causes of vaginal discharge, you should consult your doctor. This sign is diagnosed if the patient has endometriosis, a cyst or a polyp. Typically, a gynecologist prescribes suppositories based on methyluracil.

Papaverine for potency

Papaverine has a specific list of indications for use

Papaverine is a well-known antispasmodic. It is used for spasms of smooth muscles of various organs. The effect of the drug is based on reducing spasm and improving blood flow to the diseased organ.

The drug is used for impotence, which is caused by spasm of the muscles of the penis. In this case, injections are usually prescribed. Papaverine is simply injected into the penis with a syringe. After some time, the spasm is relieved, vascular tone is normalized and blood flow improves, which ensures an improved erection.

The medicine is available in tablets, injection solution and suppositories. Suppositories have a pronounced antispasmodic effect and are prescribed for various diseases of the genitourinary system, which are accompanied by spastic pain. Indications for use:

  • pain syndrome with prostatitis;
  • bladder spasms;
  • increased prostate tone;
  • decrease in the lumen of the urethra due to spasm.

The drug does not treat impotence, but only temporarily improves blood flow to the penis. Suppositories with papaverine to increase potency in men cannot be used on an ongoing basis. The drug is also prohibited from being used to improve erection and prolong sexual intercourse. Firstly, it does not work if there is no spasm, and secondly, it has many side effects and is unsafe for health.

Suppositories will be effective only if erectile dysfunction is associated with prostate diseases. Papaverine suppositories contain 0.02 g of active ingredient. The permissible daily dosage is two suppositories, one in the morning and one in the evening. The drug is injected deep into the rectal opening, after which you should lie on your stomach for half an hour. It is best to use the product before bed. Before administering the suppository, you should do a cleansing enema.

The duration of treatment is determined for each patient individually. On average, the course of treatment takes about 10 days.

Contraindications to the use of such suppositories:

  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypotension;
  • glaucoma;
  • liver diseases;
  • renal failure.

Before starting treatment, you should carefully study the instructions, especially the section with a list of side effects. When using suppositories with papaverine, the following complications may develop:

  • arrhythmia;
  • heart block;
  • hypotension;
  • prostration;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • constipation.

As you can see, the drug is far from safe, so only a doctor should prescribe Papaverine suppositories. Elderly people are advised not to take this drug due to the negative effect on heart function.


Hexicon vaginal suppositories contain chlorhexidine, an effective antiseptic for topical use.
We described the spectrum of its action when we talked about Depantol. It is prescribed to prevent infectious and inflammatory complications after surgical treatment of erosion. Hexicon is well tolerated and is approved for use in pregnant and lactating mothers. Possible side effects include itching and burning that go away after discontinuation of the drug. Hexicon does not mix with soap and other detergents.

"Tambuil" (candles): instructions for use

The drug is used rectally at night. Before using suppositories, it is recommended to administer a microenema from a warm decoction of chamomile flowers. To do this, you need to brew 10 g of dried flowers in 200 ml. boiling water and cool to an acceptable temperature.

After the enema, one or two Tambuil suppositories are inserted into the rectum. The use of suppositories is acceptable both daily and every other day. The frequency of procedures should be determined by the attending physician. The usual course of treatment lasts from 10 to 15 days. For serious urological or proctological diseases, the duration of treatment can reach 30 days. After 3 months, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

For diseases of the female genital area, Tambuil is used vaginally, after douching with a solution of a light antiseptic. Suppositories (one or two) are inserted into the vagina before bedtime every day for ten to fifteen days.

Using Tambuil (suppositories), a doctor may prescribe a special procedure - ultraphonophoresis. It is performed using ultrasound devices (“Rod” or “UZT-101U”) using the intracavitary method after preliminary insertion of a suppository into the vagina or rectum. The procedure lasts 10 minutes. and is carried out daily for 10 days.

It must be said that the body’s reactions caused by treatment with suppositories with healing mud continue after the course (consequences phase). A repeated treatment cycle consolidates the effect obtained, makes the remission stage longer, or even makes it possible to completely recover from the disease. Therefore, depending on the indications, it is possible to repeat courses of treatment with Tambuil every three months.

Conditions and shelf life

Suporon can be used for 2 years after release. To avoid damage, keep it away from light and heat, at a temperature of 2 to 10 ° C.

There are no other pharmaceutical products identical to Suporon in composition and action. To replace the medication with other drugs, you need to consult your doctor.

"Nizhpharm" (RF)

Average cost: (5 pcs.) – 463 rubles, (10 pcs.) – 636 rubles.

Gynecological drug in the form of vaginal suppositories. The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the active substance – ketoconazole, which belongs to the indazole compounds. Suppresses the functioning of fungal pathogens, dermatophytes, streptococci and staphylococci.

Used in the treatment of thrush, as well as other diseases provoked by pathogens against the background of reduced immunity.

For acute forms, a 5-day course is indicated, for chronic pathologies - a 10-day course. The recommended dosage is one suppository per day (in the evening).

Contraindicated in case of allergies to components and in the first months of pregnancy.



  • Possible exacerbation of thrush
  • High price.

Tambukan candles “Nova Vita”

“Adonis” (RF)
Average price: 350 rubles.

Homeopathic medicine based on the unique healing mud of Lake Tambukan. Enriched with sea buckthorn extract, propolis, substances from the roots of the ginseng plant.

Thanks to the strong properties of its constituent components, it has several actions at once: suppresses microbial and fungal infections, relieves pain, inflammation and itching, regenerates tissue, accelerates healing, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

The homeomedicine is produced in suppositories, which can be used to treat organs located in the pelvis. Effectively copes with hemorrhoids, prostatitis, and female inflammatory diseases.

The duration of use is determined individually; the manufacturer's recommended dosage is one suppository per day.


  • Natural composition
  • Effectiveness.


Itching and allergies are possible.


Heparin ointment – ​​about 50-70 rubles. Heparin suppositories exist in combinations with other active ingredients.

The active substance is sodium heparin - a direct anticoagulant. It prevents the development of a dangerous complication - the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids. Thrombi are blood clots that fill the lumen of varicose veins, stretching their walls and causing pain. Heparin at a dose of 1000 units most effectively dissolves blood clots and prevents their formation.

Nigepan - a combination of heparin with anesthesin

The more expensive drugs “Nigepan” (243 rubles) and “Hepatrombin G” (208 rubles) contain a combination of heparin with anesthesin or prednisolone, laumacrogol. And the range of their effects is wider - additional analgesic, anti-edematous and venosclerotic effects. These suppositories will help fight hemorrhoids more effectively.

Price of Suporon candles, where to buy

The average price of Suporon candles is 350 rubles. for package No. 10.

Education: Graduated from Nikolaev National University. V. A. Sukhomlinsky, received a specialist diploma with honors in the specialty “Embryologist, cytologist, histologist”. Also, she completed a master’s degree in “Human and Animal Physiology, Biology Teacher.” Completed the course in the discipline “Pharmacology” with honors.

Work experience: Worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Nikolaev National University. V. A. Sukhomlinsky in 2010 - 2011


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Indications for use

Allergy to bee products or other components of Suporon.

You can use suppositories rectally or vaginally 1-2 times a day, best before bed. The standard course of treatment lasts 30 days.


To use rectally (in the anus), you must do a cleansing enema or wait for spontaneous cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

May be accompanied by heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.

Doctors recommend Suporon to many patients, because reviews about it in the treatment of various diseases and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs are only positive.

Suppositories really help, and they are often recommended because of their beneficial effects on the body:

  • Suporon relieves burning and pain;
  • heals ulcers;
  • act gently, without undermining the immune system;
  • erosion decreases after just a week of therapy and eliminates the need for cauterization.

The average price of Suporon candles is 350 rubles. for package No. 10.

Suppositories are prescribed to the following patients:

  • those who have the disease at an early stage;
  • if the woman has not given birth yet;
  • if the cause of erosion is a bacterial imbalance;
  • in the presence of sexually transmitted complications;
  • if there is an unpleasant odor, which indicates the presence of an infection caused by bacteria;
  • with irregular periods;
  • if there are inflammatory diseases of the uterus;
  • to eliminate mucosal injuries after interventions, for example, after curettage;
  • with low body resistance;
  • if you have a large number of sexual partners;
  • to relieve inflammation and rapid healing after and before cauterization of erosion.

Vaginal suppositories are not used in the following cases:

  • if there is an individual intolerance to some components of the drug or excessive sensitivity to them, which is manifested by itching, redness of the skin and irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • when the erosion value is more than 2 cm;
  • for grade 3 dysplasia;
  • if there is a high probability of cancer of the cervix and cervical canal.

Some suppositories for erosion have a wide spectrum of action, so they can be used both in gynecology and in other areas of medicine, for example, in urology and proctology.

When treating this disease, the use of a suppository is preceded by careful hygienic procedures; if necessary and if there is a medical prescription, douching can be performed. The patient should lie down or take any other comfortable position, remove the suppository from the protective shell and insert it into the vagina. The candles have a convenient shape, so the procedure is quick and painless.

When carrying a child, any drug is prescribed taking into account its effect on the fetus, therefore, if the expectant mother has erosion, sea buckthorn suppositories are usually prescribed as the most gentle and mild drug. For bleeding erosion, suppositories with methyluracil may be prescribed. In any case, a prescription in such a delicate condition can only be made by a doctor.

Alina, 28 years old.

Irina, 35 years old.

Alexandra, 20 years old.

Medicinal properties

The effectiveness of Suporon suppositories is explained by several factors. First of all, this concerns the composition: suppositories contain natural substances with strong properties. In addition, natural components are characterized by high bioavailability: after administration, they enter the blood almost in full, which contributes to a powerful healing effect not only at the site of application, but throughout the entire body. In addition, the use of Suporon practically does not bring any discomfort: they are easily administered without causing irritation.

The homeomedicine was created thanks to the unique development of Professor I.F. Shcherbak, who in the 80s. last century, selected a unique composition of candles based on the mud of Lake Tambukan.

Tambukan mud extract. Has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It also perfectly heals tissue damage, accelerates their recovery, and suppresses microbial infection.

Honey and propolis. Natural products are famous for their strongest antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing effects. In addition, they relieve pain, eliminate itching, swelling and tissue hyperemia. The candles use products that have undergone special processing, thanks to which the substances penetrate more easily to the lesions. Therefore, they have not only a superficial, but also an intracellular effect.

Ginseng is a leader among substances with adaptogenic properties. Activates local immunity, suppresses pathogenic microorganisms, accelerates the formation of new tissue cells, which contributes to the rapid restoration of damage. In addition, the plant counteracts the development of cancer.

In its properties, Eleutherococcus is equated to the famous root of life, which is why it is often called Siberian ginseng. Plant substances stimulate the immune system and promote the restoration of damaged cells.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Suporon suppositories are patented and are considered a good preventative anti-inflammatory agent for local action. They are made on the basis of cocoa butter, contain a concentrate from Tambukan mud (healing mud from Lake Tambukan) and beekeeping products. The active components are able to penetrate the mucous membrane and enter directly into the bloodstream, maintaining their medicinal properties.

The action of the components of the drug Suporon (vitamin complex, bioactive substances and microelements) is aimed at improving metabolism, stimulating microcirculation and maintaining immunity.


“Delladonna extract”, rectal suppositories – 48 rubles.

The action of the suppositories is due to the content of belladonna alkaloids - atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine. These substances act on smooth muscle fibers, promoting their relaxation. This is an important mechanism for eliminating muscle spasm of the anal sphincter, which develops in response to irritation of the nerve endings. In the rectum, such irritating factors are feces caked due to constipation and the remains of gastric juice, which is an aggressive solution of hydrochloric acid and various enzymes. Their effect on the damaged rectal mucosa causes sharp pain, and then severe spasm of the anal sphincter.

Suppositories with belladonna, when used immediately after bowel movement, relieve this painful spasm

“Anuzol” – 80 rubles.

"Anuzol" for rectal use contains several active components in the best ratio. These are the active substances of belladonna extract, a mixture of zinc and bismuth sulfate salts. Zinc sulfate reduces tissue inflammation due to its active astringent effect. In addition, the substance causes coagulation of proteins in pathogenic bacteria, as a result of which they die, and the place where the suppositories are used is protected from infection.

The combined action of the components relieves discomfort and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is good to use Anuzol to relieve spasmodic pain and heal microtraumas of the rectal mucosa.

“Betiol” – 63 rubles.

The combination of belladonna extract with ichthyol allows us to recommend “Betiol” in the treatment of hemorrhoids, both to combat pain and to treat inflammation, microtrauma and anal fissure. Ichthyol has established itself as an excellent antiseptic and wound-healing agent. When introduced into the anus, it comes into contact with the mucous membrane and is well absorbed into the local bloodstream, causing vasoconstriction, thereby reducing swelling and the production of pus during infection. It has an antiseptic effect, preventing the spread of the infectious and inflammatory process to the pelvic organs.

Ichthammol can also act as the main medicinal substance in suppositories

The name of the drug is “Ichthyol”, rectal suppositories with a dosage of 200 mg. Price – from 79 rub. Even in this monocomposition, it has a mild analgesic effect, regulates vascular tone, restores microcirculation, eliminates inflammation and swelling of perihemorrhoidal tissues.

In addition to the antispasmodic effect, suppositories can also have a direct analgesic effect by blocking the production of pain impulses in nerve cells. The group of medications includes local anesthetics - novocaine, benzocaine.

“Suppositories with novocaine” – 43 rubles.

The cheapest suppositories for pain relief from hemorrhoid attacks. Can be used before or immediately after bowel movement. The main task of the drug is to quickly relieve pain caused by the passage of stool through inflamed hemorrhoids. Novocaine is a local drug, but in case of overdose it can cause systemic side effects - fluctuations in blood pressure, weakness, convulsions, itching.

As a means to relieve attacks of pain from hemorrhoids, it can be used for no longer than five days. If the pain does not go away, you should seek medical help.

“Anestezol” – 94 rubles.

Contains benzocaine, which is also a local anesthetic.

This drug, along with an anesthetic, will have a good anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.

Thanks to the subgallate and levomenthol included in bismuth, the suppositories dry out the inflamed nodes and prevent the leakage of inflammatory exudate. Used for hemorrhoids and anal fissures as a hemostatic and analgesic.

“Olestesin” – 143 rubles.

The drug cannot be called the cheapest, but it effectively combines anesthesin (to eliminate pain) and sea buckthorn oil (for healing and tissue regeneration). In addition, suppositories also increase the tone of the vessels of the cavernous bodies, which helps reduce blood stagnation and reduce the level of discomfort. The third component in the composition, etazol sodium, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, the key aspects of the disease are eliminated - pain, swelling and inflammation, bleeding and damage to the mucous membrane in the intestine.

What's so special about candles?

As you know, any drugs act more effectively and faster if they act locally. The widespread use of suppositories to improve potency is explained very simply. The active substance reaches the source of the problem - the prostate gland and pelvic organs. Absorption of the drug occurs in the rectum, that is, in close proximity to the male genital organs. If a pill taken to improve potency passes through the stomach, and only then the active substances enter the blood and stimulate the prostate gland and testicles, rectal suppositories act immediately on the spot, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

Almost all suppositories for potency are bioregulators of the prostate gland. They contain natural ingredients - plant extracts, vitamins, important micro- and macroelements. Such suppositories do not treat erectile dysfunction, but normalize potency in cases where its decrease is associated with disruption of the prostate gland.

Candles are used in the following cases:

  • congestion in the pelvic organs;
  • narrowing of veins;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • erectile dysfunction due to prostatitis.

The main property of suppositories for increasing male potency is the normalization of blood flow to the most important organs of the male genitourinary system. When using suppositories, metabolic processes in the prostate gland are improved, stagnation of blood, lymph and prostate juice is eliminated, which, in turn, improves blood filling of the penis and stimulates potency.

Unlike tablets, suppositories act directly at the location of the problem

Concept of cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is a pathology in which an inflammatory process develops in the organ. The area represents a defect in the mucous membrane, that is, a wound surface that is devoid of epithelial cells. As the disease progresses, infection may spread to other reproductive organs.

Causes of erosion:

  • infectious diseases of the reproductive system of an acute or chronic nature - streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia;
  • the influence of chemicals contained in personal care products or intimate lubricants;
  • trauma when performing gynecological manipulations - examination, curettage, abortion;
  • frequent aggressive sexual intercourse.

There are factors that can increase the likelihood of cervical erosion.

These include the following points:

  • sexual intercourse at an early age, when the organs of the reproductive system or hormonal levels have not yet fully formed;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • neglect of personal hygiene.

Sometimes women do not even know about their disease. Symptoms may not appear or may not be pronounced. But this is individual. For example, some symptoms may be absent, while others may be pronounced.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • discomfort in the reproductive organs;
  • burning sensation in the vagina;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • pain and discomfort upon contact with a sexual partner.

If erosion occurs as a result of inflammation, the secretion from the vagina is green or yellow. Additionally, there is a strong and unpleasant odor. Pain sensations are also localized in the lower abdominal cavity.

When the inflammatory process spreads to the appendages and uterine wall, the woman notices a spotting secretion from the vagina, which is not associated with menstruation. She had never had such discharge before.


Nowadays, many drugs are produced against inflammatory diseases in the female reproductive system, each of them contains 1-2 active components and auxiliary healing elements that have a general strengthening and healing effect, for example, bee products, plant extracts, oil extracts from medicinal mud, etc. .
One candle weighing 2.050 g contains the following active substances: 9.67% is a concentrate (extract) from Tambukan mud, 1.67% is propolis (in terms of natural), 1.67% is buckwheat honey and pollen, 0.167% - ginseng, 0.167% - eleutherococcus.

The preparation is made on the basis of cocoa butter - 75%, and also uses beeswax (1.167%) as an emulsifier-hardener.

Effective suppositories

A list of suppositories for prostatitis in men that can treat the disease well and are inexpensive:

  • "Vitaprost" - relieve inflammation and eliminate infection. The price of the drug is about 500 rubles for 10 suppositories. Among the distinctive features of Vitaprost is the ability to normalize microflora and regulate bladder contractions. The drug has no contraindications or side effects.
  • "Papaverine" has an antispasmodic effect, improves blood circulation and reduces muscle tension. The price of a package of candles is only 40 rubles. It is worth noting that this medicine has contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before use.
  • Voltaren is one of the most prescribed drugs. The active ingredients of suppositories enter the bloodstream very quickly, so they begin to act within 5 minutes after their administration. At the same time, they do not have a negative effect on the body as a whole. Contraindications to the use of Voltaren are hemorrhoids and duodenal ulcers. Reviews show that in very rare cases, after using the drug, the patient may experience: dizziness, migraine-like pain, convulsions, and irritation of the mucous membrane is possible at the site of drug administration.
  • "Viferon" is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug. Additionally, its use helps improve blood circulation.

"Diclofenac" and "Diclovit" belong to NSAIDs and are very often used to treat the disease. Reviews of Diclofenac suppositories for prostatitis prove their high effectiveness and ability to relieve pain, relieve swelling and spasms, and have an antipyretic effect. But there is a category of patients who cannot be given them: hypertensive patients, patients with liver or kidney diseases, as well as those who have experienced internal bleeding. Propolis suppositories. The list of such drugs is quite wide. The most common ones include “Propolis DN”, “Prostopin”, etc. All of them are effective anti-inflammatory drugs that promote the regeneration of damaged prostate tissue. "Anestezol". The suppositories contain 4 active components, each of which provides analgesic, anti-inflammatory and restorative functions. The medicine has no contraindications. But side effects did appear in some cases: abnormal bowel movements, skin rash and a burning sensation at the injection site. "Galavit" - suppositories for chronic prostatitis with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. “Tykveol” is a herbal medicine that can cope with any prostate disease in a man. The active component of "Pumpkin" is oil obtained from pumpkin seeds. The product has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the choleretic tract. "Tykveol" is used both for the treatment of prostatitis and similar symptoms of prostate adenoma. Contraindications include only individual intolerance to its components.

When using "Tykveol" it is very important to strictly adhere to the dosage, because an excessive amount of the drug can cause diarrhea. The average price for "Tykveol" is 400 rubles.

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