Test for determining menopause Frautest in Severny (Moscow)

The approach of menopause is characterized by certain signs. They can be very vague and it is not always clear whether the disruption of the menstrual cycle was affected by a certain medication, stress, a cold, or whether it was really time for hormonal changes. To clarify the condition, there is a test to determine menopause, which will help eliminate uncertainty and confirm the onset of menopause.

Stages of menopause

Menopause is a fairly long period characterized by complete loss of ovarian function. Irreversible age-related hormonal processes begin in the female body. There are 3 stages of this period:

  1. Premenopause is the period preceding menopause. The first signs of perimenopause may appear at age 45. An earlier or later manifestation of this period is also observed. On average, its duration is up to 1.5 years. The process of fading of ovarian function begins, and a decrease in estrogen and progesterone produced in the body is observed. At the same time, the amount of FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone, increases significantly. At this time, women suffer from headaches, hot flashes, and emotional instability. Many people notice that libido decreases and mucous membranes become dry. A woman may be bothered by periodically racing heartbeats.
  2. Menopause is the time of the onset of the last menstruation and their absence for 12 months. As a rule, this period is observed in women who have reached the age of 50-53 years. Menopause is characterized by increased levels of FSH.
  3. Postmenopause - This stage occurs after 12 months without menstruation. FSH levels remain elevated. Painful, unpleasant symptoms inherent in menopause, as a rule, completely disappear at this time.

Test for determining menopause Frautest in Severny (Moscow)

If a woman’s menstruation has become irregular and symptoms of “menopausal syndrome” have appeared, then FRAUTEST for menopause will help check the onset of perimenopause.

The operating principle of the test is based on determining a long-term increase in FSH in the urine.

The sensitivity of the test is 25 mIU/ml.

There are 3 stages of menopause (menopause): Perimenopause (the period before menopause) - begins after 45 years and lasts on average 15-18 months (there are cases of early onset before 40 years and late after 55 years). At this time, there is a gradual decline in ovarian function, the production of female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) decreases, and the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increases. Women during this period may have symptoms of “menopausal syndrome”: headaches, hot flashes (that is, sudden redness of the face, neck, chest, neck, accompanied by a feeling of heat; this condition lasts 2-3 minutes, more often in the evenings), rapid heartbeat, mood swings, dry vaginal mucous membranes, fatigue, decreased sexual activity.

Menopause is the period when the last menstrual period occurs and the absence of menstruation for the next 12 months. On average, menopause occurs at the age of 50-53 years.

This is the period when the last menstruation occurs, as well as its absence during the next 12 months. On average, menopause occurs at the age of 50-53 years. During this period, high levels of FSH are observed.

Postmenopause - This period begins after 12 months of absence of menstruation. FSH levels remain elevated during this period. All symptoms of menopause disappear.

Instructions for use To make a diagnosis, two tests should be performed at intervals of a week. This is because FSH levels fluctuate throughout the cycle.

Testing should be carried out on morning urine, as it contains the highest concentration of the hormone and, therefore, you will get the most reliable result. Reduce the amount of fluid you drink and refrain from passing urine for 2-3 hours before testing. Before testing, make sure that the test package is sealed and should be opened immediately before testing. Each package of dough is for one-time use only.

If symptoms of “menopausal syndrome” appear and your menstrual cycle is regular, then the first test should be carried out in the first week of your cycle (from 1 to 6 days of the cycle). The second test is repeated after a week. If your menstrual cycles have become irregular for 3-5 months, you can do your first test on any day of the month. The second test must be performed in a week.

  1. Open the pouch and remove the test strip by holding the colored end.
  2. Immerse the strip vertically in the container with urine to the mark indicated by the arrows for 10 seconds. Place the test on a horizontal, dry surface.
  3. Wait for the colored lines to appear. Depending on the FSH content of the urine sample, a positive result may take at least 40 seconds. However, a total testing time of 5 minutes is required to confirm a negative result. Do not interpret results after 5 minutes.

There are 2 test strips in the package.

How the test works

Changes in a woman's reproductive system are accompanied by hormonal fluctuations. Before menopause occurs, all necessary substances are concentrated in the body with a certain cyclicity. With the onset of menopause, ovarian function declines and the amount of hormones produced changes accordingly. They can be produced at first in chaotic quantities, and after some time a tendency to decrease will be noticeable. This process is accompanied by an increase in follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood. Its goal is to force the ovaries to produce progesterone and estrogen in the same quantities, but this does not happen.

A test to determine menopause shows that the FSH level is higher than the required norm. It can be purchased at a pharmacy and carried out at home after studying the instructions in detail. Frautest is common today. It is able to instantly respond to an increase in FSH in a woman’s urine. There will be visual confirmation of this that the woman will see. This test to determine menopause shows a 95% reliable result. For convenience, the package contains 2 test strips. The woman does the first test, repeated after 7 days. After this, you should contact a specialist to correct the course of the menopausal period and alleviate the general condition of the body.

How to find out about the upcoming menopause?

There is nothing complicated about the procedure to determine menopause. Many people think that FSH is found only in the blood, and therefore this biological material is necessary for the analysis. This substance is also found in urine, and therefore it is important to collect it in a sterile container in the morning and conduct a study.

However, you need to follow a few recommendations:

  • do not go to the toilet 3-4 hours before the examination;
  • do not drink large quantities of water;
  • Open the package only when you are ready to use it.

The timing of the procedure is also important. If a woman is still menstruating, it is recommended to do it in the first week of the cycle. An additional check must be done on the same day of the next cycle. If there has been no menstruation for more than 3 months, testing can be done at any time. A repeat study is allowed to be done within a week. Instructions for use are simple:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Go to the toilet.
  3. Open the package.
  4. Grasp the bright strip.
  5. Place the test in a container with urine for 10 seconds.
  6. Place the strip on a dry surface.
  7. See the result in 1-5 minutes.

The menopause test, whose instructions are very simple, can be done at home in a few minutes.

  1. If one pale stripe appears, this only means that menopause has not occurred, and it is better to identify the causes of your pain with your doctor.
  2. If two bright stripes appear on the identifier, it means that menopause has occurred and the brighter the stripe, the greater the amount of FGS in the analysis. In this case, you also need to consult a doctor and undergo additional tests to determine menopause.

Sometimes a study may show an unreliable result. Most often this happens when it is carried out incorrectly, the expiration date has expired or the product is defective. There are two strips in the package, and if there is a suspicion that one of them is defective, it is recommended to run a second one.

When to do it

Women crossing the threshold of their 40th birthday try to be more attentive to their health and well-being. They know that the onset of menopause is inevitable and a timely response to unpleasant symptoms will help further stabilize the body’s condition and ease the course of menopause.

The first period of menopause is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • the appearance of hot flashes;
  • periodic muscle cramps;
  • sleep problems;
  • increased irritability;
  • headache;
  • mood swings;
  • increased sweating.

These symptoms may indicate the onset of menopause or be a signal of the development of another disease. To protect herself, a woman should take a menopause test. Based on its result, she will see whether there are hormonal changes, this concerns an increase in the level of FSH, which is signaled by a positive test result. Instructions for use will help you understand the intricacies of the home procedure. If the result is negative, the woman should immediately contact a gynecologist to exclude the possible development of the disease. If the test result is positive, the procedure must be repeated after 7 days. A repeated positive result is a reason to come to a specialist for consultation and examination.

A simple home test will help you take care of your condition in a timely manner and stabilize it during a period of important hormonal changes.

Testing rules

In order to get the most accurate result, you need to adhere to certain principles when testing. These include:

  • if the test is negative when climatic symptoms appear, the procedure must be repeated no less than two months later;
  • if the result is negative and there are no pronounced symptoms of menopause, re-diagnosis is allowed no earlier than six months later;
  • if the first test was positive and the second negative, then this is considered within the normal range and the examination must be repeated after 2 months;
  • do not use strips after the expiration date;
  • Hormone therapy and oral contraceptives may confound results.

If you have performed 2-3 Frautests at weekly intervals, and they indicate a positive result, you need to consult a gynecologist for advice - you are in a state of premenopause. The doctor will tell you how to make it easier to endure this difficult period, which can last for a long time.

You can purchase such a product at any pharmacy, even if you are in a small town. While pregnancy test strips are produced by different manufacturers, menopause products are produced by only one manufacturer, Frautest Menopause, which creates tests to determine ovulation and pregnancy. The cost of two strips usually does not exceed 200 rubles.

The test for detecting menopause can be considered reliable, since they have been used for several years, and many women have recognized their convenience. To get an accurate picture, one examination will not be enough. It is advisable to make 3-4 of them, that is, you will need two packages. But still, some representatives of the fairer sex are scratching their heads: are there methods for determining the approaching menopause? And they don’t know the answer to it.

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How to do the test correctly - instructions

When conducting a home test, a woman should follow the instructions - this will ensure a reliable result. There are general rules to follow:

  1. Testing should be done on morning urine - this will allow you to get the most reliable results.
  2. The test must be in a sealed container. You need to remove the strip with clean, dry hands.
  3. Place the test strip in the container with urine, lowering it to the specified level, wait 10 seconds.
  4. Remove and place on a dry surface.
  5. Wait for the specified time (approximately 5 minutes). During this time, a positive or negative result will clearly appear.

The menopause test and its instructions may differ from one manufacturer to another, but the principle of testing is the same. You must first study the recommendations specified by the manufacturer.

It should be remembered that taking hormonal drugs or COCs can distort the results. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist and get tested in a laboratory. It is also prohibited to use expired test strips; their results cannot be considered reliable.

There are a number of other recommendations that are worth paying attention to:

  1. The test may be negative, even with pronounced menopausal symptoms. In this case, you need to do tests once every 2 months.
  2. If there are no symptoms of menopause and the test result is negative, it must be repeated once every six months.
  3. If regular periods are maintained and symptoms of menopause appear, the test is performed in the first 7 days of the cycle. It is repeated after a week, this will confirm the initial result.

In some cases, the first test may be positive, but the second may be negative. This phenomenon is considered normal because FSH levels fluctuate. The test is repeated after 2 months.

If two tests confirm the onset of menopause and show an increased level of FSH, you need to consult a gynecologist. The prescribed therapy will stabilize the condition. You cannot tolerate unpleasant, painful symptoms - this will worsen the quality of life and provoke the appearance of other unpleasant consequences and complications. High-quality therapy stabilizes well-being and minimizes the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Where to buy the test and how to use it

Frautest Menopause is a medical product, so you need to look for it in a pharmacy chain. It is located in the section of products for contraception and intimate hygiene. Sometimes it is placed in a display case for pregnant women. The bright design of the box with silhouettes of secretive ladies immediately attracts attention. The package contains 2 strips, very similar to the pregnancy test. The research methodology is the same.

The instructions for Frautest for menopause indicate the procedure:

  • open the individual packaging of one test;
  • collect some urine in a measuring cup;
  • lower the strip there to the mark and hold for 10 seconds;
  • place it on a flat horizontal surface;
  • evaluate the result after 10-15 minutes.

Please note! After half an hour, the test reaction is no longer considered reliable. If not a single strip appears, the test was performed incorrectly or the seal of the package was broken and the reagent does not work.

One transverse mark - there are no changes in the body. If 2 clear transverse lines appear and the color of the main part of the strip changes, the FSH content is increased and it is worth talking about the beginning of menopausal changes.

If you wish, you can order the test via the Internet, but there is little point in this. It is inexpensive, ranging from 120-200 rubles , is available in almost all pharmacies, and is sold without a referral or prescription.

To confirm the result, you need to test again in a week. During the cycle, the FSH level changes, but in any case remains above normal. If the results coincide, then you can prepare for full menopause.

Important! Hormonal changes begin gradually, the process takes several years, the time of onset of hormonal changes is also individual. Therefore, you should be sensitive to changes in well-being, promptly noting new sensations or the appearance of a number of ailments. Together with the use of the test, such a strategy will allow you to react in time to the restructuring that has begun and will protect you from groundless worries.

What the results look like

The menopause test has several interpretations that a woman should be aware of:

  • After the test, 1 line appeared on the strip. It may be a couple of shades lighter than the control track - this indicates that the FSH level is normal. It’s too early to talk about menopause, but deterioration in well-being and emerging unpleasant symptoms may indicate other problems. You need to see a doctor and get examined.
  • If after the test there are 2 clear lines on the strip, this is evidence of an increased level of FSH. The clarity of the test line shows how much the hormone level is elevated.

The test strip may show an ambiguous, unclear result. This happens if a woman ignores the rules for home testing or if the test is expired (spoiled). In this case, you need to repeat the procedure.


Feedback from women shows that properly conducted testing allows you to timely detect the onset of menopause and stabilize the condition by consulting a doctor.

Galina 45 years old, Omsk

I took a menopause test at home because I was afraid to go to the hospital. It tested negative twice, which helped me calm down. Still, I went to the hospital; the cause of my illness was hidden elsewhere. The test is convenient and accessible, which is very pleasing.

Olga 48 years old, Voronezh

I am very pleased with the test, I do it regularly at home to monitor the condition and behavior of the body. It’s good that it’s available in almost every pharmacy; the instructions are simple and clear.


Women respond well to the price of the menopause test. On average, the cost reaches 200 rubles for 2 test strips. Since it is only needed a few times a year, the price is considered budget. It may vary depending on the pharmacy chain and region of the country.

You can find out about the approaching menopause quite easily and quickly at home using a special test. Attentive attention to your health, regular examinations, and self-monitoring will help a woman easily endure hormonal changes without feeling the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

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