List of essential vitamins for the treatment of mastopathy

Mastopathy » What vitamins to take for mastopathy?

Mastopathy is a dangerous and insidious disease. It is very important not only to achieve proper treatment, but also to support the body in order to avoid the occurrence of new lumps and benign tumors. Only a general effect on the body will certainly give a positive result in a short period. The physical and emotional state of a woman is no less important in the treatment of any disease, and complexes of correctly selected micro- and macroelements help maintain it. Vitamins play an important role in mammary gland mastopathy, but not all of them are recommended.

Many people believe that with a balanced diet you get enough vitamins necessary to support immunity. Undoubtedly, proper nutrition is important, but a body weakened by illness does not absorb everything it needs from food, especially since some vitamins dissolve during heat treatment. We will look in more detail at which vitamins will speed up the healing process and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

How to choose a balanced complex of vitamins for mastopathy

Why are vitamins important for mastopathy?

Mastopathy is a disease based on an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood. An excess of these hormones, or more precisely their metabolites (for example, 4-hydroxyestrogens), contributes to the aging of the female body, reduces the life expectancy of the fair half of humanity and is responsible for an increase in the number of patients with fibrocystic disease. What do vitamins have to do with it, you may be indignant?

A complex of vitamins is an important component in the treatment of benign changes in breast tissue. These substances work in four directions:

  1. They act as antioxidants and adaptogens (prevent premature cell death as a result of peroxidation and stimulate the body's defenses). Vitamins protect the cells of our body from the toxic effects of the drugs that we take to treat the mammary glands.
  2. Normalizes the functioning of the liver and intestines. This indirectly improves the metabolism and excretion of estrogen. Normalizing the metabolism of female sex hormones leads to a reduction in swelling and pain in the breasts, and reduces the risk of fibrous tissue proliferation.
  3. They are cofactors of enzymes (a compound necessary for the enzyme to exhibit bioactivity) involved in the metabolism of estrogens. By modeling a diet and using vitamin therapy, it is possible to normalize the balance of a woman’s sex hormones and reduce the risk of relapse of fibrocystic disease.
  4. They have a positive effect on the central nervous system and increase the resistance of the nervous system to stressors. Stress is another reason for the development of mastopathy.

Vitamins are essential substances. Despite the fact that our body absolutely needs them, remember, you cannot take vitamins and their complexes uncontrollably for 2 reasons:

  1. You cannot determine on your own which specific group of these substances is in demand by the body at the moment.
  2. An overdose of vitamin preparations leads to illness, as does their deficiency.

Can women suffering from fibrocystic disease take vitamin complexes during pregnancy and lactation? It is possible, but with extreme caution. No matter how useful these substances are and no matter how good reviews you come across on certain drugs, you should not drink them without a doctor’s prescription!

Because, for example, an excess of folic acid in the body (and it is prescribed to all pregnant women to avoid fetal developmental abnormalities) leads to a decrease in the activity of killer cells, which ensure the antiviral and antitumor work of the body’s immune system. And hypervitaminosis of vitamin E can cause fetal hypoxia.

Excessive consumption of vitamin D leads to disruption of calcium metabolism in the body and disruption of all major systems. And taking large doses of ascorbic acid causes difficult labor and stillbirth.

Folic acid for breasts

Oddly enough, folic acid is also used for breast growth. Since it accelerates the formation of new cells and supports their growth, consuming this vitamin during puberty will increase the chances of having a beautiful bust.

You don't necessarily need to take folic acid tablets. During this period, it will be possible to introduce into the diet a sufficient amount of foods that contain the maximum amount of vitamin Bc. These are white cabbage, red fish meat, pork liver, bananas, and dairy products. All this should be in the daily diet throughout the entire period of intensive growth of the body. If we talk about breast enlargement at an older age, there is no accurate evidence of the effectiveness of this method.

What vitamins to take for mastopathy?

Traditionally, for mastopathy it is recommended:

  • B vitamins;
  • antioxidants (vit. A, E and C);
  • vitamin D

Of the drugs in group B, the most commonly prescribed are: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobolamin (B12), folic acid (B9). Substances of this group:

  • normalize the functioning of the liver, intestines, and central nervous system (thiamine, pyridoxine);
  • affect the functioning of the thyroid gland and reproductive functions of the body (B2).
  • are cofactors of enzymes involved in the conversion of estrogens (B6, B12, B9).

Group B drugs also affect the response (reaction) of target tissue cells to estrogen (for example, glandular tissue of the mammary glands). This means that glandular tissue, with a sufficient amount of group B compounds, does not react so sharply to increased estrogen levels. This prevents the appearance of cysts. Group B drugs are contraindicated if you are allergic to them!

Vitamin E is a group of beneficial substances. The most valuable of them are tocopherols and tocotrienols. The latter have antitumor activity. Tocopherols are considered one of the most powerful antioxidants; they participate in the production of liver enzymes, normalizing its work. tocopherols help the body absorb vit. A. Caution should be exercised when taking tocopherols in case of hypoprothrombinemia or allergies to them.

Vitamin A is also not one substance, but a group of compounds, including retinol and retinoids. This substance takes part in many processes in the body. For example, in the production of liver enzymes, hormones involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, extracellular matrix proteins that inhibit cell growth. It is not recommended to take this drug for gallstones and chronic pancreatitis. An allergy to the substance is considered an absolute contraindication.

Ascorbic acid (Vit. C) performs an immunomodulatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective function in our body. Ascorbic acid inhibits aging, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Ascorbic acid is contraindicated for vulvovaginitis caused by the fungus Candida, inflammation of the veins and a tendency to thrombosis.

Vitamin D. The main role of this compound is to ensure the absorption of phosphorus and calcium. For mastopathy, it is prescribed because, according to some studies, this substance takes part in the regulation of cell reproduction, hormonal metabolism and harmonizes the functioning of the endocrine system. Vit. D is contraindicated if you are allergic to it!

In addition to vitamin complexes, to normalize the condition of the mammary glands, you will also need other nutrients, for example, iodine and selenium. These substances are also often included in complex mineral-vitamin products.

The essence of pathology

Mastopathy is a disease that is characterized by active proliferation of connective tissue of the mammary glands. This process causes the formation of a benign tumor. If therapy is not started promptly and correctly, the tumor can become malignant.

IMPORTANT! At the slightest sign of this disease, you should immediately contact a doctor who will conduct a comprehensive analysis and prescribe treatment.

Mastopathy is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

  • chest pain;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • highlighting a green tint.

However, these are only the initial manifestations of the disease; in the future, the growths can become so large that they will be visible to the naked eye.

Top vitamin preparations for mastopathy

Can you tell me the names of minerals and vitamins that you can drink for mastopathy? Please!

For those who prefer imported drugs and know that chelated forms of nutrients are the best, there are drugs on the market from the American company Solgar, for example, Solgar, Vitamin D3a, Solgar, Folic Acid. Not a cheap pleasure, but most effective.

Preparations containing chelated forms of minerals (combined with an amino acid) are the best because they have two important properties:

  1. Beneficial substances are combined with a transport agent (amino acid), which ensures their almost complete absorption.
  2. The nutrients are protected from the aggressive environment of the stomach by the same amino acid. And without breaking down they are delivered to the intestines, where they are absorbed.

Those who choose traditional vitamin preparations prefer complexes: Aevit, Triovit, Pikovit, Vetoron, Multi-Tabs, Vitrum, Polivit, Complivit and other means familiar to everyone.

Precautionary measures

Vitamin complexes for mastopathy should be taken with caution. There is a risk of experiencing an allergic reaction. To enhance the effectiveness of supplements, the mammologist also selects other medications.

If it is necessary to combine vitamin complexes with potent medications, you should consult a specialist. Some substances can affect blood clotting and absorption of the active components of medications.

Attention! If side effects occur, you should stop using the vitamin complex.

Rules of application

Vitamin complexes are good, but how to take them? Do not forget that the treatment of fibrocystic disease does not come down to a diet that helps you get the maximum of necessary vitamins or vitamin therapy with pharmaceuticals. This is a complex task. When deciding, the doctor takes into account the patient’s condition and the list of medications you are already being treated with.

The dosage is selected by the doctor individually and depends on the specific drug. For example, Aevit is usually prescribed one capsule per day for a month. And Triovit, 1-2 capsules per day for a course of 1-2 months. Manufacturers recommend taking most vitamin complexes once a day before meals with water for 30-40 days.

This concludes our review of the topic. We hope we have helped you understand the role of vitamins in maintaining the health of the mammary glands and you will visit us again with your friends. You can share the link via social networks.

Brief description of the disease

Mastopathy is characterized by a complex of pathological abnormalities accompanied by hormonal imbalance (estrogens predominate, progesterones decrease). Fine-grained benign compactions form in the mammary glands, and an imbalance of epithelial and glandular tissues occurs. The main causes of development are trauma, stress, hereditary predisposition, menopause, hormonal therapy, and surgery.

The disease is divided into types:

  • fibrous - connective tissue grows;
  • glandular - cysts form;
  • involutive - tissue depletion occurs;
  • cystic - hollow cysts with fluid appear;
  • diffuse - adipose tissue grows against the background of pituitary imbalance;
  • nodular - nodes of connective tissue;
  • fibrocystic - adipose tissue thickens.

Regardless of the type and form of the disease, the doctor prescribes complex therapy, which involves taking vitamin complexes.

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