Tablets and drops Mastodinon for mastopathy: description, composition and action + reviews from women and existing analogues

Many women complain of pain in the mammary glands. Excessive workload, depression, regular stressful situations, poor nutrition contribute to the development of female diseases. The instructions for use of Mastodinon state that the drug can be used to treat mastopathy and menstrual disorders. How effective is it?

Often, chest pain is not related to problems with the mammary glands. These may be manifestations of osteochondrosis, neuralgia, heart and vascular diseases. "Mastodinon" is effective against functional disorders, when dysfunction is caused by problems of dysregulation of the genital organs and mammary glands by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Operating principle

"Mastodinon" is a homeopathic medicine that is intended for the treatment of mastopathy, menstrual cycle disorders, and premenstrual syndrome. The drug is available in two forms.

  • Drops . It is a clear and aromatic liquid of a slightly yellow color. When taken orally, it first tastes sweet and then bitter. Produced in dark dropper bottles of 100 and 50 ml.
  • Pills. Beige, round, odorless, 20 pieces in blisters.

The composition of the active components in both forms of release is the same. (All these are extracts of medicinal plants, as detailed in the following table). Identical and bioavailability. Therefore, you should not think about what is better, tablets or drops of Mastodinon.

Table - Composition of the drug "Mastodinon"

ComponentHow it works
Vitex sacred (Abraham tree)Has hormone-like activity
Common prutnyak— Has a dopaminergic effect; – eliminates hyperprolactinemia (increased prolactin levels)
cohoshNormalizes the menstrual cycle
Chilibukha ignationHas an anti-inflammatory and calming effect
Tiger lily— Helps eliminate pain and heavy bleeding during menstruation; - has tonic properties
Iris variegated- Anesthetizes; - relieves inflammation; - has a hemostatic effect; - acts as an antioxidant

The excipient in the drops is ethyl alcohol (47-53%). Tablets contain potato starch, magnesium stearate, lactose.

Mastodinon contains no hormones, only natural raw materials. In addition to the main effect, the drug allows you to reduce the level of the hormone prolactin in the body. Its increase disrupts the normal activity of the pituitary gland, causing ovarian function to suffer. As a result, hyperprolactinemia occurs, which causes infertility in both sexes and gynecomastia (enlarged mammary glands) in men.

A decrease in the concentration of prolactin in the female body contributes to the reverse development of cystic fibrous mastopathy. Reviews of Mastodinon tablets (as well as its drop form) confirm a decrease in laboratory prolactin levels after a course of treatment.

Existing analogues

There are no Russian analogues of Mastodinon; among the imported ones, the following are known:

  • Lakzenov solution . This is a cheaper analogue of Mastodinon, which is used to treat mastopathy. The dietary supplement is available in powder form, which must be dissolved in a special solution immediately before use. Contains royal jelly, chamomile, fennel, lemon balm, goat's rue, potassium sorbate and fructose;
  • Gormel . Homeopathic medicine in the form of drops. The composition includes cyclamen extract, marjoram, medicinal cuttlefish, nutmeg, columbine, lumbago;
  • Gynekohel . Homeopathic drops, which include ammonium bromide, lily, chamelirium, palladium, platinum, sweet clover, ethanol;
  • Remens . Homeopathic drops based on the venom of the surukuku snake, sanguinaria, cosimifuga, pilocarpus and the secretion of the cuttlefish gland;
  • Tazalok . Herbal preparation produced in the form of drops. The composition includes celery root, tincture of meadowsweet roots, parsley root, bedstraw, calendula;
  • Mammoleptin . Herbal preparation in capsule form. It has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The composition of the drug includes an extensive complex of plant components.


When choosing Mastodinon analogues, you need to consult with a specialist, and also remember that all homeopathic remedies can only be used in combination with basic medications.

Indications for use

"Mastodinon" is used as a symptomatic drug in complex therapy of the following pathological conditions:

  • fibrocystic form of mastopathy - manifested by pain, engorgement, thickening of breast tissue;
  • infertility and/or cycle disorders - if this occurs due to inferiority of the corpus luteum, against the background of an ovarian cyst, with uterine fibroids, endometriosis;
  • premenstrual syndrome - helps with migraine-like headaches, engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands, swelling, constipation, and severe nervousness.

Indications for the use of Mastodinon can be expanded at the discretion of the doctor. For example, the medicine is used to treat symptoms of menopause and polycystic disease.

The drug is not intended for the isolated treatment of fibroadenomas or cysts in the mammary glands. "Mastodinon" does not lead to their disappearance or reduction in size. But this homeopathic remedy can be used to prevent the formation of new nodes and cysts, as well as to reduce pain and tension in the mammary glands, which always accompany this pathology.

Description of the drug Mastodinon

The main form of release of Mastodinon is tablets and drops.

The drug Mastodinon is very effective due to the fact that it contains a large number of natural plant components.

  • Agnus castus - Abraham's apple perfectly normalizes the level of female sex hormones in the body;
  • Caulophyllum thalictroides is a cornflower-like cohosh. Helps with severe menopause, uterine pain;
  • Сyclamen europaeum - European cyclomen. The plant has sedative, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Ignatia chestnut helps with nervous system disorders, panic attacks, etc.;
  • Iris versicolor iris is used in the treatment of migraines and headaches;
  • Lilium tigrinum tiger lily perfectly helps with increased irritability and nervousness;
  • Potato starch;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Lactose.

The use of homeopathic herbal preparations can be an excellent alternative to treatment with hormonal drugs. The components of herbal medicines are more easily and quickly absorbed by the body, do not harm it and are combined with other drugs.

Instructions for use of "Mastodinon"

"Mastodinon", regardless of the form of release, is taken orally and washed down with water (about half a glass). If a woman becomes pregnant while taking the drug, its use should be stopped.

The best option is to protect yourself from possible pregnancy during the course of treatment, and plan conception one to three months after stopping the medication. Mastodinon is often used to normalize the cycle and subsequent pregnancy, but not to conceive while taking the medicine. Its effect on the embryo has not been established.

This medicine is often prescribed as part of a complex treatment. In this case, its effect is more lasting and pronounced. If a woman has complaints for two to three weeks, she should stop taking the drug and visit a doctor.

Both Mastodinon tablets and drops are taken after meals, an hour and a half, or 15-30 minutes before meals. This does not affect the effect of the drug in any way, so a woman can choose a regimen that is convenient for her personally. The dosage of Mastodinon in one tablet corresponds to 15 drops of solution. You can take Mastodinon during menstruation.


Before each use of the drop form of the drug, it must be shaken. During storage of the solution, it may become cloudy or have small flakes. This does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Regardless of the pathology, the regimen for taking Mastodinon is as follows:

  • 30 drops in two doses throughout the day (the best option is morning and evening);
  • treatment lasts at least three months;
  • for the period of menstruation - there is no need to interrupt the use of the medicine.

Drops can be washed down or diluted with water. Diluting it with juice, compote, tea or fruit drink will help reduce the slightly unpleasant taste of the drug.

Most often, an improvement in the condition can be expected after about a month and a half of continuous use of Mastodinon drops; if, after a course of treatment, manifestations of the disease reappear, you need to consult a specialist.


The tablet form should be taken one tablet every 12 hours, washed down with water. The minimum duration of treatment is three months. The course of treatment is continuous. If the condition does not improve, you should additionally consult a doctor.

Side effects

The drug is quite well tolerated by patients. However, the following side effects while taking this drug cannot be excluded:

  1. Painful sensations in the stomach area.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Allergic reactions.
  4. Acne.
  5. Slight weight gain.
  6. Confusion, hallucinations, psychomotor disturbances.
  7. Dizziness and headaches.

This is confirmed by reviews of the medicine for mastopathy (“Mastodinon”).
Side effects may vary for everyone. If the above symptoms appear, you must stop taking Mastodinon and seek qualified medical help.

The drug is taken 2 tablets or 60 drops per day. The dose is divided into two times: morning and evening. The medicine should be taken immediately before meals or an hour after. It is necessary to take mastopathy tablets with plenty of water. Reviews of Mastodinon indicate that when using an alcohol tincture, sediment was observed at the bottom of the bottle. Therefore, before use, you need to shake it to mix the sediment with the rest of the liquid. Before use, the drops are diluted in a small amount of water.


"Mastodinon" has contraindications for use. You should not undergo treatment with the drug in the following situations.

  • Pregnancy period . There is no reliable data on how the components of the drug affect the fetus. But it is better not to experiment while carrying a baby. Any interventions in the first trimester are especially dangerous.
  • Breast-feeding . The components of the medication may enter the baby through breast milk, so it is better not to use the drug during lactation.
  • Allergic reactions . This especially applies to people who suffer from allergies during flowering plants. But anyone can have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. If during use a skin rash, itching in the nasopharynx, or red or watery eyes occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.
  • Girls under 12 years old . The drug cannot be used in this age group, as there is a risk of hormonal imbalance, which is dangerous in this period.
  • Malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands . The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of this pathology has not been proven. Therefore, this can only trigger the disease, because treatment must use stronger medications or even require surgical removal of the tumor.

Also, tablets are contraindicated for lactose intolerance, since it is an auxiliary component of this release form.

Mastodinon tablets and drops for mastopathy: reviews

Mammologists and gynecologists generally rate the drug positively. It effectively fights mastopathy, relieving symptoms and regulating the menstrual cycle. The drug is also effective in the treatment of infertility. Of course, you can give preference to analogues, but if your doctor prescribes Mastodinon, then it is better to listen to his opinion and follow the recommendations.

What positive aspects are noted in reviews of Mastodinon drops for women with mastopathy? The undoubted advantages of the drug for the patient include:

  • Absolute naturalness of the composition.
  • Elimination of such an unpleasant symptom of mastopathy as pain in the mammary glands.
  • There is no weight gain when taking it (unlike many steroid drugs).
  • Convenient release form.
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  • Good tolerability of the drug components.
  • Alleviating the signs of premenstrual syndrome (especially irritability and headaches).
  • No conflict with other drugs.
  • Low risk of side effects.

In addition to the positive ones, you can also find negative reviews on the Internet about Mastodinon drops, the instructions for which were discussed above.

Basically, women complain about the duration of taking the drug, the high cost and the unpleasant taste of the drops. Some women treated with Mastodinon for mastopathy note in their reviews such a side effect as intestinal upset. They were forced to stop taking the drug. Most likely, this is a consequence of individual intolerance to its individual components.

Side effects and complications of use

Side effects of the drug occur extremely rarely, usually with long-term use. Details are given in the table.

Table - Side effects from taking Mastodinon

— Allergic skin rash; - pain in the stomach; - nausea; - confusion or hallucinations — Allergy; - heaviness in the stomach; - nausea; - cephalgia; - the possibility of developing depression increases; - temporary weight gain

If such reactions occur, you should stop taking Mastodinon and definitely visit a doctor.

Cases of intoxication and overdose have not been described. Taking doses significantly higher than recommended may cause diarrhea. More often this concerns people who suffer from a deficiency of the enzyme for processing galactose.

Menstrual cycle while taking the drug

Mastodinon is often prescribed to patients who have menstrual irregularities. After treatment with this particular drug, the following changes are observed:

  • From the second cycle, menstruation becomes less painful, passes more easily and unnoticed;
  • Normalization of discharge. After the restoration of hormonal levels and the production of progesterone in the body, the abundance of discharge during menstruation is significantly reduced.

While taking Mastodinon, your periods are smoother and easier, irritability and nervousness disappear. There are no noticeable mood swings, loss of energy disappears.

Mastodinon is a fairly strong drug and has a number of side effects, such as allergic reactions, weight gain, nausea, and so on. The drug should not be considered safe and suitable for absolutely everyone. You should take a homeopathic remedy only as prescribed by a doctor after examination.

Similar medicines

As for the active substance, Mastodinon has no analogues, like any other homeopathic medicine. Similar in mechanism of action are:

  • "Gynekohel";
  • "Remerns";
  • "Ovarium compositum";
  • "Qi-klim";
  • "Sigetin";
  • "Mamoklam";
  • "Mammoleptin";
  • "Galavit";
  • "Metro adnex inel";
  • "Klimadinon".

The possibility of using analogues must be agreed upon with a specialist.

delayed menstruation when taking mastodinone

2015-12-11 16:24:27

Angelica asks:

The gynecologist’s answer: “Mastodinone (a herbal preparation) cannot provoke a delay in menstruation.” However, this happens every time after taking mastodinone for the first month (a delay of more than 10-12 days or more). Before taking this drug and after stopping it, everything was normal.

When examined by a gynecologist, everything is normal. A direct dependence on mastodinone is revealed.

Maybe herbal preparations can also affect a woman’s hormonal levels, which leads to a change in her cycle while taking them? Should the course of treatment in this case be continued for 3 months or should the drug be discontinued?

December 21, 2015

Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna answers:

If you have delayed menstruation while taking mastodinone, then you need to be further examined. Possible: *individual intolerance to the components of the drug Mastodinon.

*the dosage form of the tablets contains lactose, therefore it is not recommended for the treatment of patients with galactose intolerance or those with genetic lactose deficiency and impaired glucose absorption.

*negative impact of smoking and alcohol consumption on the results of any treatment, including treatment with homeopathic medicines. *use very carefully for liver diseases. * simultaneous use with dopamine antagonists weakens the effect of Mastodinone.

Being a herbal non-hormonal drug, Mastodinon helps lower the level of prolactin in a woman’s body. If prolactin levels are not very high, mastodinone reduces them; if the numbers are high, the treatment is different. The therapeutic effect occurs after 6 weeks.

Perhaps something has not been taken into account, or you have been under-examined, or there really is an intolerance to the drug Mastodinon itself, because this drug is mainly used for impaired MC, the presence of mastopathy, for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. In addition to mastodinone, there are a number of other drugs that can be recommended. Therefore, contact your doctor for further examination and treatment adjustment.

2011-07-09 20:51:16

Victoria asks:

Good afternoon I am 27 years old. She did not give birth, there was no pregnancy or abortion. The diagnosis was made: fibroadenoma of the left mammary gland, size 1.3*0.5. The diagnosis was made based on the results of ultrasound and biopsy. I took a blood test for hormones - progesterone: 23.3 nmol/l, (at normal: f.f. up to 3.6 median 1.5; l.f. 3.0-76.0), estradiol - 55.8 ng/ml (at normal f.f.f. 0-160 median. 42 l.f. 27-246 med. 91 ovu 34-400 med.), both analyzes were taken with a 3-day delay of menstruation. I would like to add that my cycle is not standardized, there are delays, my periods do not last 3 days but from 5 to 7 days. The mammologist said that my level of one of the hormones was too low for my age and prescribed 6 months to improve ovarian function. drink “Lindinet 30”, in addition to this for the chest: progestogel, smear both breasts for 3 months, mastodinone - drink for 3 months. When I started taking Lindinet 30 (on the first day of the cycle), my periods, instead of the usual 7 days, lasted 2 weeks, and then there was a spot for another week. I decided to seek advice from a gynecologist, opinions were divided - one told me that everything was fine and continue drinking, another doctor said that Lindinet 30, on the contrary, is contraindicated for breast problems and advised me to stop taking this drug or at least replace it with another. Question: 1) can I get by with treatment with only progestogel and mastodinone. 2) do my blood test results really show that I have a low level of one of the hormones and should I take contraceptives?

Please help me figure it out, thanks in advance!

03 August 2011

Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna answers:

If you have pain or tension in the mammary glands in the premenstrual period, you can indeed get by with taking mastodinone and progestogel, although in the treatment of mastalgia and mastodynia (pain and tension) the use of two drugs is recommended, and also, for example, dysmenorm, vitamin therapy, and always herbal sedating drugs. I must tell you that treatment is not aimed at resolving fibroadenomas, since they do not resolve (with the exception of juvenile fibroadenomas), they are simply monitored. As for hormones, the interpretation is not entirely correct, since you took the test against the background of a delay, but your progesterone is normal, and estradiol is reduced, but against the background of a delay this is not indicative.

Lindinet is not contraindicated for mastopathy.

2009-04-12 15:44:46

ELENA asks:




April 16, 2009

Babik Andrey Ivanovich answers:


All consultant answers

A delay in menstruation does not appear “at the same time,” but as a result of certain hormonal problems. It can be cured, but a lot depends on who is doing the treatment.

2013-04-16 13:43:32

Ekaterina asks:


special instructions

When using the drug, you need to pay attention to some points.

  • Alcohol and nicotine . The use of alcohol and nicotine-containing products negatively affects the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. Due to the presence of ethanol drops in the composition, you should not use the drug after anti-alcohol treatment. Also, for liver diseases, this form of release can only be used with the permission of a doctor.
  • Vague complaints . If symptoms persist and recur during treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Dopamine antagonists . The effect of Mastodinon may be weakened when used simultaneously with drugs of this group.
  • Diabetes . The drug can be used if a woman has this disease, because a single dose contains less than 0.020 bread units.

The drug should be kept in a dry place, protected from light. Temperature range: up to +25°С. The shelf life, regardless of the form of release, is three years. Once opened, the drops can be used for six months.

Reviews from doctors and women prove the effectiveness of using Mastodinon drops for mastopathy. The medicine is also used in treatment and prevention regimens for other female ailments. Mostly for hormonal reasons. Including during menopause.

Release form

"Mastodinon" is part of the group of homeopathic drugs. Available in two forms: tablets and drops.

Tablets are more common. Produced in packs of 60 pieces. The use of the drug should be systematic and long-term, for at least 3 months. This is true for all homeopathic remedies. It is necessary to take into account that the tablets contain auxiliary components such as starch, magnesium and lactose. If you are allergic to one of these substances or lactase intolerant, it is better to give preference to drops. The latter actually have no contraindications and are the safest option for the drug. They are used diluted with water. However, it is necessary to take into account the presence of ethanol in the droplets. Alcohol intake is contraindicated for patients with liver disease, epilepsy, former alcoholics, etc. Taking drops does not prohibit driving a car, but you should be careful about the body's reaction to treatment, as inhibition may occur. All this is confirmed by reviews of the remedy “Mastodinon” for mastopathy.


I have been taking cyclodinone for 2.5 months. Prolactin was at the upper limit of normal. Previously, for 2 weeks in the cycle, I carried my breasts almost in my arms from pain. I generally remain silent about pain on the first day of menstruation, from the second year after the start of menstruation. And so, in the first cycle, my breasts did not hurt at all. In the second, the pain at 1 dmc became tolerable, and I only found out that “they” had come in the shower in the morning. This is fantasy to me, but it's true. Prolactin has decreased slightly so far, by 100. I will continue. Now I hope for pregnancy.


I’ll also tell you about my experience of taking this “harmless” herb. I’ll say right away - I drank them for a month, it all started in the first week, depression, drowsiness, lack of strength, from the second week my chest and lower abdomen began to hurt very much, even more severe lethargy appeared, starting from the third week I stopped eating normally, constant dizziness, confusion, in the fourth week, plus all this, my heart ached, I didn’t understand that it was all from these pills, it’s just weed, as many people write, on the last day of taking it I couldn’t get out of bed all day, I thought my head would explode, there was no memory at all , I didn’t remember what happened a couple of days ago. Became slow. Today is the third day that I have not taken them. I feel great, like an adequate normal person!!! The only thing is an unpleasant sensation in the head, it doesn’t hurt, but it’s discomfort. It’s as if my head is in a vice and someone is crawling there. I hope this all goes away. I don’t argue - everything is individual, but the fact that the drug is not so harmless is a fact. I’m ready to continue living with a broken cycle, just don’t drink them anymore. before the drug I weighed 46 kg for 10 years, now I weigh 40 (((


A gynecologist recommended that I take it for a long time, but not because of mastopathy, but because of painful periods. But then I ignored this recommendation, since a monthly Tempalgin tablet is simpler and more effective for me than long months of herbal medicine.


I've been taking Mastodinon for the 5th week. There is already an improvement in my health. I hope that in combination with a healthy lifestyle and diet, the improvement will be stable and the process of improvement will go even faster.


Mastodinon was prescribed to me by my mammologist when I came in with breast problems. Both breasts hurt very much, I couldn’t sleep, even taking a bath was painful, my husband was denied everything. Life has stopped. I took tests, did an ultrasound, and discovered cysts. The first thing the doctor suggested to me was to have surgery, but then they decided to carry out a course of treatment to see what changes there would be. Mastodinon was on the list of prescriptions. I took the drug according to the course. There is a result. The pain has decreased, the nodes have not disappeared but are not increasing. I feel much better now there is no question of surgery.


delay in menstruation when taking mastodinone, doctors' answers, consultation

Mastodinon and menstruation. It would be good if this relationship became clear to many women. The mentioned drug restores hormonal balance and prevents pathological diseases. Representatives of the fairer sex can often experience negative symptoms during their menstrual periods. Therefore, it is important to decide which medicine can bring relief.

What properties does Mastodinon have?

Like all homeopathic remedies, the drug is made on the basis of natural gifts. The components included in its composition are obtained from medicinal plants.

These plants include: multi-colored iris, alpine violet, tiger lily, cohosh, bittersweet, and twig. The auxiliary substance is ethanol.

The positive effect that Mastodinon has on menstruation is determined by the manifestation of the properties of these plants.

Taken together, the herbal components have an active effect called dopaminergic. As a result, the production of prolactin decreases, which contributes to the development of pathological processes.

This in turn reduces the risk of diseases, one of which is fibrocystic mastopathy. Mastodinon has these properties due to the content of twigs in it.

Taking the medicine alleviates premenstrual syndrome and treats infertility.

The drug is manufactured in Germany and has scientific evidence of its effectiveness. Available in the form of drops and tablets. In order for the treatment results to become obvious, the drug must be taken for six months.

Release form

Mastodinon is presented in the form of tablets and drops . They are intended for oral administration and are characterized by the presence of the same active ingredients, which are extracts and other preparations obtained from the following plants:

  • Abraham tree;
  • cohosh;
  • European cyclamen;
  • chilibukha ignatia;
  • iris variegated;
  • tiger lily.

In addition, the tablets contain as auxiliary components:

  • lactose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • potato starch.

They have a beige color with brownish splashes and a round shape. The product is packaged in packages of 60 tablets.

In addition to herbal preparations, the drops contain only ethyl alcohol in a concentration of 47-53%. In general, the solution can be characterized as follows:

  • homogeneous;
  • transparent;
  • having a yellowish color and a specific odor.

In case of prolonged storage, the drops may become cloudy or a slight sediment may appear in them. The product goes on sale in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 100, 50 or 30 ml.

Instructions for use

The homeopathic remedy is taken 20 minutes before meals or 40 minutes later. In drops: 30 drops, 2 times a day, diluting with water (shake before use). In tablets: 1 twice a day.

Contraindications for use

Basically, the treatment proceeds without side effects. You need to be careful when using the medicine for those who have a diseased liver. While taking a homeopathic remedy, you should not drink alcohol.

If a woman becomes pregnant while taking Mastodinon, treatment should be stopped. Not prescribed for nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. The drug is contraindicated for malignant tumors. Course – from 3 to 6 months. Repeated treatment is only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The medicine is prescribed for menstrual irregularities.

Side effects

It is extremely rare to experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle and pain in the mammary glands. Homeopathic medicine may cause allergic reactions. If the side effects are pronounced, then the drug should be stopped.

Use of Mastodinon in a cycle

If a teenage girl has established a menstrual cycle, but there are irregularities, this should not be ignored. If your period is late, you should not immediately resort to hormonal medications. There is an alternative. Mastodinon helps to cope with this problem.

The drug restores various disorders of the menstrual cycle: heavy bleeding, prolonged menstruation, insufficient menstrual flow and, if menstruation is premature. A homeopathic remedy is prescribed after 13 years of age with a course of treatment of 3 months.

It usually turns out to be effective.

For infertility, Mastodinon is taken for 12 months. Practice shows that after treatment, many women restore their menstrual cycle and become pregnant.

It happens that women taking Mastodinon notice a delay in menstruation. Experts believe that this is due to the patient’s physiology. Any disturbances while taking this medication are most likely caused by other reasons and not related to its use. This may be stress or individual intolerance.

Pharmacological group

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
E22.1 HyperprolactinemiaHyperproduction of prolactin
Drug-induced hyperprolactinemia
Hyperprolactinemia with infertility
Hyperprolactinemia in men
Idiopathic hyperprolactinemia
Tumor galactorrhea
Argonza del Castillo syndrome
Chiari-Frommel syndrome
Forbes-Albright syndrome
Forbes-Albright syndrome
E28.3 Primary ovarian failureOvarian hypogonadism (primary)
Ovarian hypofunction
Estrogen deficiency
Insufficient estrogen content in the body
Estrogen deficiency
Estrogen deficiency
Primary ovarian dysfunction
Estrogen deficiency conditions
N60.1 Diffuse cystic mastopathyBenign breast tumor
Benign breast disease
Benign cystic change in the mammary glands
Cystic fibrous mastopathy
Precancerous condition of the mammary glands
Fibrocystic mastopathy
N64.4 MastodyniaBreast tenderness
Cooper's disease
N94.3 Premenstrual tension syndromeSevere premenstrual syndrome
Menstrual psychosomatic disorder
Menstrual syndrome
Premenstrual tension
Premenstrual condition
Premenstrual period
Premenstrual syndrome
Menstruation syndrome
N94.6 Dysmenorrhea, unspecifiedAlgomenorrhea
Pain syndrome due to smooth muscle spasms
Pain syndrome due to smooth muscle spasms (renal and biliary colic, intestinal spasms, dysmenorrhea)
Pain syndrome due to spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs
Pain syndrome due to spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs (renal and biliary colic, intestinal spasms, dysmenorrhea)
Pain during menstruation
Painful, irregular periods
Pain during menstruation
Pain during menstruation
Dysmenorrhea (essential) (exfoliative)
Menstrual disorder
Menstrual crumpies
Menstruation is painful
Menstrual irregularities
Menstrual irregularities
Primary dysalgomenorrhea
Prolactin-dependent menstrual disorder
Prolactin-dependent menstrual dysfunction
Menstrual disorder
Spasmodic dysmenorrhea
Functional disorders of the menstrual cycle
Functional disorders of the menstrual cycle
N97 Female infertilityAnovulatory infertility
Female infertility
Infertility due to hyperprolactinemia
Infertility of ovarian origin
Infertility caused by hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction
The marriage is barren
Hyperprolactinemic infertility
Hyperprolactinemia with infertility
Female infertility due to anovulation
Stimulation of growth of one follicle
Functional infertility
Endocrine infertility

Delay due to drug use

Some believe that taking Mastodinon and missing your period is not an easy coincidence. Experts explain some reasons why this may seem so.

Firstly, there are cases when the drug does not cope with the task of lowering prolactin. If its concentration is very high, then more effective drugs are needed. Secondly, there are patients who are lactose intolerant.

This substance is contained in Mastodinon tablets. For such cases, there is medicine in the form of drops.

For problems associated with the reproductive organs and disorders of the monthly cycles, Mastodinon does not act as a separate drug. It is often prescribed in combination with other medications. Therefore, if misunderstandings arise during treatment, it is not a fact that this is caused by taking this homeopathic remedy. Questions should be addressed with your doctor.

It is important to remember that the effect of homeopathic remedies does not occur immediately. It may appear after 6 months. Drinking alcohol may reduce the effect of the drug. And since the drug acts slowly and gradually, treatment should be carried out regularly. There is no need to skip medications. If menstruation is delayed while taking Mastodinon, a thorough examination is recommended.

A delay in menstruation can occur from an overdose of the drug. Such improper use of the medicine can lead to delayed release of the follicle and the release of the egg.

In general, the homeopathic remedy Mastodinon does not negatively affect menstruation.

Mid-cycle menstruation

In medicine, menstruation in the middle of the cycle has 2 types of classification: intermenstrual and uterine. Uterine bleeding can be caused by the following serious diseases: cervical erosion, endometriosis, fibroids, cervical cancer.

If such manifestations occur, you need to go to the hospital. If bleeding is caused by taking contraceptives, this is normal. But there are small disruptions that occur at the hormonal level.

Factors that cause bleeding between periods:

  1. Taking medications containing estrogen;
  2. Stress;
  3. Any termination of pregnancy;
  4. Drugs;
  5. Intrauterine device;
  6. Restructuring of the body associated with hormonal levels;
  7. All kinds of infections;
  8. Hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland;
  9. Injuries to the genital organs.

Can Mastodinon cause menstruation ahead of schedule, the question is clear. The drug eliminates the causes that prevent the formation of progesterone, which is necessary for the natural onset of menstruation.

If there is not enough progesterone, then Mastodinon causes menstruation and thus performs its intended function. It serves as a stimulant. If menstruation is delayed not due to progesterone deficiency, then other hormonal drugs are prescribed.

From the above we can conclude that the drug does not cause unwanted bleeding.

Changes in menstruation when taking Mastodinon

Symptoms that Mastodinon can relieve during menstruation:

  • Swelling of the mammary glands;
  • Premenstrual syndrome;
  • Too painful menstruation;
  • Heavy menstruation.

After a certain period after taking the drug, a woman may notice the desired changes in her body.

  1. For some, a week before menstruation, their breasts become engorged. This process is painful. Within 2 months after taking the medicine, you can get relief. Such manifestations begin to pass much softer.
  2. Mastodinon has a positive effect during menstruation and on the emotional state. Drowsiness is not so pronounced. The woman becomes less irritable. The feeling of anxiety and despondency disappears. Tearfulness does not appear.
  3. Over time, nagging pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen decreases. Headaches become less frequent and less frequent, or even disappear altogether.
  4. The medicine stimulates the production of progesterone and normalizes ovarian function. Changes in the mucous membrane occur (in the second phase of the cycle), which contributes to the volume of normal secretions.

I want to warn all women against Mastodinon

List of messages in the topic “I want to warn all women against Mastodinon” forum Beauty, Health, Recreation > Gynecologist

MASTODINON! WARNING ! ACHTUNG: MASTODINON! Doctor Baskakova L.A. from the Center for Gynecology and Obstetrics on the street. Oparina in Moscow prescribed me this drug for no reason, which caused irreversible consequences in my body in the form of dysfunction of the endocrine system and neoplasms in the uterus. This is what we managed to learn about this “medicine” from foreign sources, which our gynecologists, led by the manufacturing company, are pushing to patients left and right. Representative Volkov V.V. in a telephone conversation I was forced to admit that Mastodinon is a complex medicine. As is clear from foreign open medical sources, the main component of “Mastodinon” is Vitex agnus-castus L. known in Mediterranean countries since time immemorial as ANAFROSIAC (anti-aphrodisiac). The Vatican monks specially cultivate this shrub under the popular name “monk’s pepper” in order to suppress libido and chew the leaves at the rate of no more than 40-60 mg per day: =272: “Vitex does not have a slowing effect on the excessive presence of estrogens, but has been proven to increase the amount of progesterone ... thus, Vitex is an inhibitor of lactation through the secretion of prolactin. This is not a traditional prescription for use at all!” Vitex likely affects hormones through stimulation of dopamine in the hypothalamus. This leads to the suppression of prolactin and the production of increased amounts of progesterone. This is all that is known to science today. Most likely, the information will be constantly updated. The question is why dopamine levels are primarily affected in some patients. Thus, Vitex solves problems in much the same way that caffeine solves problems in the treatment of a tired body. The harm is that Vitex actually masks serious problems in the body. I saw one student who was bleeding before ovulation. She followed the homeopath's advice and took Vitex for these indications. She was forced to stop taking it because for two cycles in a row the bleeding continued without stopping for 28 days. There is quite a significant amount of evidence that Vitex disrupts the menstrual cycle, does more harm than good, or at least leads to strange and unusual consequences. By stimulating the production of progesterone, Vitex is also capable of producing the well-known opposite effect of progesterone - nervous depression. In my practice, there were two women suffering from premenstrual syndrome who took Vitex. The depression has gotten worse. One woman seriously considered suicide, another began taking antidepressants. It is difficult to attribute all this to Vitex, but after stopping the drug, the suicidal intentions disappeared. THIS IS NOT WOMEN'S WEED AT ALL. - medical information from this site indicates that Vitex should not be taken by women planning a pregnancy.

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