Traditional medicine has a long history. Their effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed by previous generations. However, we should not forget that modern methods and means of therapy have made it possible to increase the life expectancy of some patients by more than twice.
That is why non-traditional methods of treatment should occupy a separate niche in the arsenal of a modern physician. They often complement and enhance the main therapy, and can be used in the initial stages of the development of a pathological process or as maintenance therapy for chronic diseases in remission.
Traditional healers' recipes are used by doctors of all possible directions. Gynecologists often resort to alternative medicines. This is quite logical and understandable - high efficiency and relative safety of treatment are important in order to avoid side effects on the female body, which is especially valuable during pregnancy.
Gynecologists prescribe to patients, as part of complex therapy, decoctions, infusions, tinctures for oral administration or directly to the female genital area, for example, for douching or making medicinal tampons from cotton wool and bandage/gauze. In gynecology, onion tampons are used to treat various diseases.
Onion medicinal properties of tampons
A large amount of vitamins makes onions an indispensable product.
Most of the vitamins cannot be physiologically reproduced by our body, which means that a person can receive their daily dose only during meals. Vitamins cannot be stored by the body in reserve, so it is necessary to constantly have year-round sources in your diet - and among them, naturally, onions.
In addition to vitamins, onions contain a lot of other useful minerals, as well as acids, for example, ascorbic acid. Its deficiency can become the root cause of anemia, scurvy, cardiovascular and infectious diseases. This is why it is so important to eat onions daily. Phytoncides, which are found in abundance in any, even small, onion head, almost instantly kill various microbes and molds, thereby promoting the healing of wounds, cracks, scratches and abrasions.
Pharmacists also use onions to prepare some very specific pharmaceutical preparations. For example, onions are used for alcohol extract Allilchep. Its bactericidal properties are widely known in medicine. This drug tones smooth muscles, normalizes the secretory functionality of the intestine, stimulates peristalsis, which relieves a person of diarrhea of various etiologies. It can also help in relieving the manifestations of advanced atherosclerosis, hypertension and other sclerotic lesions. Alliglycer is a mixture of glycerin and onion extract, necessary for the treatment of colpitis caused by the pathogenic pathogen Trichomonas.
Onions are an indispensable component of traditional medicine recipes.
Traditional healers say that to get rid of all pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity, it is enough to chew several “leaves” from an onion head once a day. Eating it regularly will help regulate gastrointestinal motility, relieve desbacteriosis, diarrhea and stomach pain. Onion juice has a detrimental effect on most pathogenic bacteria that are found in the large and small intestines. The essential oils contained in onions are especially dangerous for this type of pathogen. It is for this reason that during the autumn-winter season it is recommended to eat as much onion and garlic as possible, which will help protect us from the invasion of bacteria, infections and viruses.
Onion is a famous virus fighter
Onions also contain B vitamins, nicotinic acid, carotene, copper, iron and zinc. All of them help strengthen the body’s natural defenses and increase hemoglobin levels. This becomes especially important during pregnancy and lactation. Onion juice contains iodine, which prevents the progression of diseases such as ischemia, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. In case of acquired diabetes, onions are designed to cleanse the blood of excess glucose.
Talking about the healing and beneficial properties of onions, we are talking about ordinary onions, which are found in every family's food supplies. It is necessary to take into account that in nature there are many varieties of this vegetable, and almost all of them have one or another medicinal qualities. About half of these varieties are common vegetable crops and are used for human food.
Onions stimulate the secretion of gastric juice necessary for normal digestion, as well as calm and stabilize the nervous system, cleanse the blood and help the body in the process of eliminating toxins and waste. Rheumatism and gout are treated with fresh onion pulp by taking it orally or by rubbing it in. It is best to use ordinary white onions; red and blue varieties are absolutely not suitable for these purposes. Prostaglandin A, found in this vegetable, lowers blood pressure and prevents hypertensive crises. Previously, scientists were able to detect such an undeniably useful substance only in products of animal origin. In addition to all of the above, onions have a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep and the process of falling asleep. Numerous studies have confirmed the fact that onions significantly reduce the risk of recurrent heart attack and micro-stroke, if you have already had them before.
The green tops of onions, as well as garlic, leeks, wild garlic and several other varieties of onions, have a very useful and valuable quality; when an insect bites, just rub the affected area and the pain will quickly subside, and the swelling and swelling will significantly decrease in size. If there are a lot of bites, then a paste of fresh onion greens is applied to these places, which is carefully wrapped in a gauze swab.
In the modern world, onion phytoncides are used to treat flu and runny nose, while soaking pieces of cotton wool in onion sauce and placing them in both nostrils for a short time. It is also useful to inhale the smell of onions during purulent processes in the bronchi and throat; for this you need to prepare fresh gruel from the vegetable, and inhale the phytoncides, covering your head with a towel.
In terms of medicinal and beneficial properties, the base of the bulb is the strongest place of the entire head. Therefore, when cooking, try to eat this part as often as possible. The constant presence of onions in the menu can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood of older people. It is also necessary to note the sugar-lowering properties of onions, therefore, to prevent diabetes, you can eat baked and stewed vegetables.
Well-fried onions in butter can soften a dry cough. Vegetables boiled in milk have the same effect. A paste of it can be applied to small burns, which will reduce pain, relieve irritation of the upper layer of skin and prevent the formation of burn blisters. You can do the same with calluses from tight shoes.
From traditional medicine recipes, we know that rubbing onion pulp or its juice into the scalp not only helps prevent hair loss, but also relieves the manifestations of seborrhea. This simple method also helps rapid hair growth, makes hair soft, supple and manageable. And a decoction of onion peels is very useful; when washing your hair, you just need to use it as a rinse, this will help get rid of dandruff and seborrheic itching. To obtain such a decoction, you need to boil the husks in clean water for 10 minutes. After this, let it brew overnight in a cool place and strain through several layers of gauze. Hair that has been washed in this way will not only become stronger, but will also acquire a beautiful golden hue. You can get rid of the onion smell very simply - just after the rinsing session, thoroughly rinse your hair with cold water.
Benefits of onion peels
It is a source of many useful substances. It contains the following components:
- vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP;
- carotene;
- cellulose;
- sulfur and fructan compounds;
- antioxidant quercetin;
- minerals;
- flavonoids.
A decoction of onion peels affects the body as follows:
- improves blood circulation;
- used as a laxative;
- strengthens the cardiovascular system;
- tones;
- relieves pain;
- removes toxins;
- relieves muscle spasms;
- carries out the prevention of malignant tumors;
- acts as a choleretic agent;
- has an antiseptic effect.
Taking the decoction has a positive effect on people suffering from:
- allergic reactions;
- asthma;
- diabetes;
- renal pathologies;
- hemorrhoids;
- problems of the genitourinary system;
- oral infections;
- skin diseases.
Unlike traditional healers, medical specialists have always ignored the medicinal properties of the husk. For painful periods, onion decoction helps eliminate discomfort, and in case of delay, taking the product causes menstruation and normalizes the cycle.
treatment of erosion with onion or garlic tampons
The only negative is the smell of garlic; few people like it. And in the morning you get up, it feels like you are exhaling garlic. But because of its safety and therapeutic effect, I think you can tolerate it. and then the doctors are amazed.
Additionally, you can drink a decoction of pine nuts and douche with a decoction of chamomile. By the way, this treatment also puts the microflora in order.
By the way, I read that if there is bad breath, it means the pipes are well passable))
I confirm. Lovers of chemicals, no one forbids you to love and use them, and keep your horror stories of ripa burning and pinching to yourself.
I TRIED JUST ONIONS!. The fact that it was combined treatment with a special cream externally and tablets internally was cured in a few minutes. days. I made onion tampons for 10 days to consolidate the effect. Nothing burned or stung, I’m glad I found this recipe, I won’t use these chemical creams anymore. Good health to everyone.
Based on numerous reviews from women about treatment with onion tampons, we can conclude that this remedy is indeed effective in the fight against female diseases. Some girls even note increased sexual arousal after using them, but talk about the unpleasant smell of the vegetable. This problem can be easily solved by maintaining intimate hygiene. Onion-based tampons are praised for their useful composition, painlessness, low price, availability and high effectiveness.
There are cases when a woman could not cure the disease with the help of physiotherapy and medications. Only folk remedies in the form of onion tampons helped her. They should be used only in consultation with the treating doctor. After all, such treatment is not suitable for all women and not in every case.
Is it possible to cure cervical erosion with onions, honey and aloe at home?
Cervical erosion is a common gynecological disease that is diagnosed in every second woman of childbearing age. The basis of treatment is laser and radio wave procedures, but in the early stages of the pathological process, you can get rid of it using traditional methods. Treatment of the cervix with honey gives noticeable results, and the effectiveness of the beekeeping product will be complemented by onions and aloe. The principles of treating cervical tumor erosion with folk remedies, the safety and effectiveness of the methods will be open to readers. The main thing is a clear answer to the question, is it possible to cure erosion using traditional methods or is it better to choose a traditional treatment regimen?
Beneficial properties of honey in the treatment of gynecological diseases
Honey is not a dessert, but a real medicine. The beekeeping product has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, due to which it is actively used in gynecology and other branches of medicine.
There are several usage patterns:
- oral administration;
- lotions (effective for injuries of the external genitalia);
- douching (used for erosive lesions);
- honey tampons.
With regular oral consumption of high-quality bee honey, you can achieve normalization of the menstrual cycle and get rid of PMS symptoms. Consumption of the product will benefit pregnant women; in the early stages it eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis, and in the rest of the period it simply increases the resistance of the immune system to viruses and bacteria. To achieve results, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day. The therapeutic effect will appear in the first month of use.
Bee honey eliminates inflammation and destroys pathogenic microorganisms, ensures rapid regeneration of affected tissues. The product has a short list of contraindications for use; before use, experts recommend eliminating the possibility of an allergic reaction.
In the case of erosive lesions of the cervix, honey is effective only in the initial stages of the disease, when the ulcerations of the mucous membrane are small. For serious lesions, the basis of treatment is medicinal and surgical methods, and traditional methods are used only as auxiliary ones.
Tampons with drugs for thrush
Tampons with medications can only be used after they have been prescribed by a doctor, since not all components of the drugs may be suitable for a particular patient. The following drugs are used against genital thrush:
Name | Description of the drug |
Mumiyo | The drug is prescribed for many diseases and injuries. It is recommended by doctors for complications after a long period of untreated thrush to eliminate polyps, cystitis and inflammation of the fallopian tube. |
"Dimexide" | It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is an analgesic. This remedy quickly comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the fallopian tube, so patients feel an improvement in their condition quite quickly. |
How to properly use honey to treat erosion
Before starting to treat erosion using folk remedies, a woman should familiarize herself with the basic rules. It is worth visiting a gynecologist and finding out the stage and nature of the erosion. The doctor needs to be told that she plans to use traditional methods of influence. If the disease is at an early stage and is not aggressive, the doctor will not insist on medical or surgical intervention.
The beekeeping product has the following effects:
- anti-inflammatory;
- bactericidal;
- healing;
- painkiller.
Honey is used to eliminate scars left after erosion treatment. In order for the treatment to bring results, the effect must be applied directly to the affected area, therefore the honey solution is used for douching, lotions and compresses. Honey helps to cure incipient erosion, but does not show its effectiveness in advanced cases.
Basic rules for douching
To carry out the manipulation, you need to purchase a special syringe bulb with a thin tip. A solution prepared from pure water and honey is taken into a bulb for vaginal douching.
The manipulation process is as follows:
- One tablespoon of natural bee honey is dissolved in a glass of warm, boiled water, stirred thoroughly and left for 10 minutes. It is necessary to take into account that the solution should be homogeneous, without sediment.
- Before carrying out the procedure using this solution, the vagina should be additionally cleaned with a weakly concentrated solution of chamomile or soda. This is necessary to eliminate accumulated secretions.
- Using a syringe, the honey solution is injected into the vagina.
- To obtain a sustainable result, you need several procedures, performed once every 2 days.
The minimum duration of treatment is 14 days. After a month, the woman should return to the gynecologist so that the doctor can evaluate the results of treatment.
Honey candles
Honey candles are more effective; the result with this type of exposure can be seen even in advanced cases, when erosion begins to bleed. Honey relieves inflammation and accelerates healing, and the butter included in the composition softens the lesions. The composition also includes propolis, it helps eliminate swelling.
Rules and tips
The following rules will allow you to safely and effectively use medicated tampons:
- The procedure for inserting a tampon must be performed daily if the course of treatment is no more than 2-3 weeks. Only then can good results be achieved.
- For treatment, only raw or baked onions are suitable; boiled onions cannot be used.
- Together with onions, you can use sea buckthorn oil, honey, and aloe juice. Honey should be taken only fresh and of high quality.
- You should not hope that the disease will go away overnight. You need to be patient and take treatment seriously.
- Therapeutic tampons should be used only as an auxiliary therapy. In some cases, they can only remove the symptoms of the disease, and not the pathology itself.
- This product should not be used if you have an individual intolerance to onions or during menstruation.
- You need to calculate the size of a homemade tampon so that it does not pop out at night.
- You need to insert an onion tampon into the vagina after careful personal hygiene. It is advisable to douche with a herbal decoction.
- You cannot use the same tampon twice. Too much contact with the mucous membrane can lead to burns.
- During the treatment period, it is necessary to reduce physical activity as much as possible.
If, while using tampons, an allergic reaction occurs in the form of itching, swelling, irritation, you need to stop therapy, douche with an antiseptic and take an antihistamine.
You should not treat yourself, because the reaction of each organism is individual. In some cases, the problem can be made worse. Therefore, before starting therapy with onion tampons, you should consult a gynecologist.
Onions in the treatment of cervical erosion
Onion pulp contains biologically active substances - phytoncides, which can have a positive effect in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. When considering their work, it can be compared to antibiotics. The advantage of the plant extract is that treatment with its use is not accompanied by adverse reactions.
Onions have the following properties:
- antioxidant;
- wound healing;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antimicrobial;
- painkiller.
When using onions for cervical erosion in combination with honey, you can achieve lasting results. Onion tampons for erosion are effective only in the first stages of the disease. Obtaining a result does not guarantee the absence of relapse of the disease. You can resort to using the method after obtaining a qualitative assessment of the condition of the mucous membrane and establishing the causes of erosion.
Features of application
The duration of the course of using home remedies to treat an erosive condition depends on several conditions:
- the nature of the disease;
- degree of erosive damage;
- the body's reaction to the treatment used.
- Onion tampons are inserted into the vagina before bed after hygiene procedures.
- If adverse reactions occur in the form of unbearable itching or burning, the tampon should be removed immediately.
- The process of restoring the integrity of the mucous membranes should be monitored by a gynecologist. A woman should be examined at least once every 2 weeks, and more often if prescribed by a doctor.
- The duration of use of onion tampons is no more than 2 weeks.
How to make medicinal tampons
The process of making tampons from onions and honey is quite simple. The main point to pay attention to is the use of sterile instruments for cutting and peeling onions. To disinfect the knife, douse it with boiling water and then wipe it with alcohol.
- A small onion is peeled and the middle is removed.
- Liquid honey is placed in the middle and placed in the oven for 5-7 minutes.
- The prepared tampon is wrapped in sterile gauze, the onion is fixed and small tails are left to ensure removal from the vagina.
When manufacturing the product, you must use sterile materials and instruments. It is worth making a tampon before direct use, because during storage, baked onions lose their medicinal qualities.
A course of treatment
The duration of use of herbal preparations is individual and depends on the severity of the condition and the body’s response to treatment. As a rule, the gynecologist will tell you how long to use medicated tampons and how to properly combine them with other medications. Here are some of the recommendations for use:
- Most often, products are inserted into the vagina immediately after hygiene measures before bedtime, leaving the active substances overnight.
- To eliminate erosion, it is recommended to use a small onion. The core is removed from it, the resulting hollow is filled with honey, and baked in the oven for about five minutes. The prepared onion must be wrapped in 2-3 layers of gauze or sterile bandage, leaving a “tail” for removing the medicine from the female vagina. Tampons with onion and honey are administered at night for a week, sometimes up to 10 days. After completing the course of treatment, a consultation and examination by a gynecologist is necessary.
- For small myomas and fibroids, you can use the following recipe: dip a slice of onion in honey, then wrap it in several layers of gauze and carefully form a swab. The therapeutic effect appears after 2.5-3 months with daily use.
- In case of endometritis or endometriosis, grated or finely chopped onion is combined with honey and celandine or garlic. Onion tampons can be used for this diagnosis for 10 days, put them before bed all night.
- To treat ovarian cysts, use medicinal tampons made from onions soaked in honey for 6-8 hours. The treatment period is 10 days, then it is recommended to undergo ultrasound control.
Hello girls. I've made onion tampons a couple of times. The gynecologist told me that I have cervical erosion. I have not given birth and they didn’t want to cauterize it for me. So what can I say about these tampons. I recently went to the doctor and I don’t have any erosion. Well, isn’t this a miracle. Now I have inflammation, I took a bunch of pills, spent a lot of money and there’s no point. then 1 then another. I also want to use these tampons, maybe the inflammation will also go away
I treated it for a month with tampons with garlic and honey. On the third day, it burned terribly and radiated into the uterus. I couldn’t resist taking it out. I waited 5 days and installed it for another three weeks. Then several more times every other day or two. It didn't hurt that much anymore. Sometimes only, but the polyps came out - they were on the tampon. I noticed that I am highly dependent on garlic, supermarket garlic is weak, but homemade garlic burns at first. The pads are really wet. BUT the result is impressive.
Girls, hello. I collected my thoughts for a long time and decided to treat myself with tampons with onions and honey. I tried to treat the cyst. The recipe can be found on many sites: a small onion is dipped in honey in the morning and soaked in it until the evening, at night in gauze and deeper into the vagina. They write that you need to do this for 10 nights. I made 4 tampons, nothing burned, apparently there is not such sensitivity. After 4 swabs, while washing (sorry), I felt some crusts and looked at them with a mirror. It's terrible, everything is crusty, a real chemical burn. Moreover, they write that when the crusts are (necrotic) it is already a 4th degree burn! Going to the doctor is scary and embarrassing. My aunt is 40 years old and suffers from such garbage. I started treating myself. I inserted candles with sea buckthorn oil and pieces of burnt skin came out. horror! Now I’m inserting methyluracil ones. I don’t know what to do next. I can already see that I have thrush, although before this the smears were always perfect. The ovary on which there is a cyst began to hurt severely. I'm afraid to go for an ultrasound. My advice - don’t even try to treat yourself like this! You will earn a bunch of additional problems. And don't listen to anyone here! they either did not treat themselves, or they deliberately lie. PS. If anyone had such problems, please share how you recovered after such “treatment”. You can email [email protected] gu. I would appreciate that.
I made tampons with onions, there was no burning sensation, don’t write nonsense. they help perfectly with erosion and cirvicitis, only I didn’t grate the onion, but cut it very finely, when I wrapped it in a bandage and made a tampon, I kind of crushed it a little so that the juice was released and inside overnight. I did it on my mother’s advice, they cauterized it and it was all to no avail. and with onion tampons I was cured within a week. And don’t burn anyone, neither my mother nor I. When you drip it into your nose, notice that ONION JUICE WITH OIL burns, but the chopped onion in the swab does not. I did them after visiting the doctor before the colposcopy, and at the colposcopy everything was already clear. I see everyone here is really literate, they haven’t tried it, but write.
How to treat erosion with aloe juice and honey
Aloe juice is a popular component included in many alternative medicines. The effectiveness of the component has been proven, which is why it is actively used in the creation of medical products. Products based on it have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, helping to relieve swelling and pain.
Aloe with honey for cervical erosion is used in this way:
- One tablespoon of aloe juice is mixed with the same volume of natural honey and a little water is added. The composition is mixed well and used to lubricate the vagina. The product is applied for 10-15 minutes and then washed off using a syringe with clean water.
- Alternate use of tampons based on honey and aloe. The essence of the method is that on the first day of treatment a honey tampon is used, and on the next day one containing aloe. Course duration is 10 days.
- Aloe and honey tampons. Aloe is peeled from rough peel and wrapped in gauze, leaving small tails to ensure removal of the device from the vagina. The resulting tampon is soaked in a solution of honey and water in a 1:1 ratio and used before bed.
In some cases, only aloe juice is used for treatment. This method is applicable if the patient is allergic to bee products.
Aloe, onion and bee honey are permanent components of folk recipes that provide treatment for various gynecological diseases, and this fact is confirmed by patient reviews. When used in the early stages, the products help get rid of dangerous pathologies without causing harm to the reproductive system and the entire woman’s body. In the case of advanced erosion, the described methods are ineffective, and therefore can only be used as auxiliary ones. Due to the risk of allergic reactions, the use of the products is unacceptable without additional consultation with a doctor.
Endometriosis and endometritis
Manifestations of this disease are heavy menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen, and problems with reproductive function. This occurs due to an inflammatory process that causes a pathological change in the mucous membrane. With endometriosis, the epithelium grows and begins to extend beyond the uterus. If the case is not advanced, you can use onion tampons with honey and celandine juice. In its natural form, the vegetable can cause burns to the mucous membrane, so it must be combined with other means.
In the case of endometritis, tampons made from garlic and onions have worked well. They help restore normal endometrial cells, remove infection, and fight bacteria. It is necessary to grate the onion on a coarse grater and squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. These two products are mixed, the resulting composition is wrapped in gauze and inserted into the vagina overnight. The recommended course is 10 days.
This remedy can cure chronic pathologies of the ovaries and bladder. Many girls may think that itching and burning will begin in the genital area. This is not true; a tampon does not cause such discomfort if it is formed correctly.
Onions and honey: recipe for proper preparation, use for treatment
Fresh onions are full of minerals (iron, zinc, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, iodine, manganese). It also contains vitamins (B, C, E), carotene, folic acid and many other ingredients.
The most accessible type of vegetable is yellow, characterized by the most pungent taste. However, the most common is white onion, which has a mild flavor and is not suitable for long-term storage. It is also worth mentioning blue and red onions, characterized by an interesting color, pleasant smell, and sweetish taste.
Honey is a natural antibiotic, a folk remedy used in the treatment of various diseases. According to its origin, it is divided into light and dark varieties.
Considering the therapeutic qualities, the beneficial properties of onions with honey are beyond doubt.
For cough and sore throat
At the first sign of respiratory illness, use onions. All of the following recipe options have similar medicinal properties. The most famous recipe is honey with onions to treat cough. The following medications help with a sore throat - relieve pain, hoarseness, treat a sore throat, and alleviate the symptoms of colds and flu.
Natural medicines retain their healing properties for several days. How to store them? Just put it in the refrigerator, covering it with a lid. Reception – 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
Mix onion juice with bee sweetness (2:1).
Cut the raw spicy vegetable into slices, pour boiling water over it, add a pinch of marjoram, leave for 15 minutes. Add honey.
Cough and sore throat medicine for children is prepared with sugar, because... Bee product is a strong allergen that can cause a negative reaction. Chop the onion, sprinkle with a spoon of sugar. After an hour, the spicy vegetable will release juice, which is used as a therapeutic agent.
Mix chopped onion, honey and a little fennel.
Prepare a decoction: pour hot water over the chopped onion, cook for about 5 minutes, strain, mix with linden tea, add bee product or sugar. The recipe is suitable for adults and children.
Contraindications and side effects
Such a powerful set of useful substances, in addition to beneficial effects, can also have side effects. To prevent them, you need to take into account contraindications to the use of onion peel decoction:
- Combination with hormonal drugs (without a doctor’s permission) and other medications.
- For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- If you are allergic to this plant or substances contained in its husk.
- With poor blood clotting.
- During pregnancy.
Side effects can make themselves felt in the form of gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea), dizziness, allergic reactions (rash, redness, itching).
It is important to begin therapy only after an examination and with the permission of a doctor, and also to strictly adhere to the dosage and prepare decoctions and tinctures not according to any spontaneous, but according to proven recipes, because thoughtless use of the drug can provoke severe bleeding.
Read about which pills can induce menstruation by clicking on the link.
Runny nose, sinusitis
Natural nasal drops will help with runny nose and sinusitis. Chop the onion and fill it with warm water (200 ml). Add honey (2 tbsp) and sunflower oil (1 tbsp). The product can be used both for rinsing the nose and as drops (2 drops 3 times a day).
A mixture of onion juice, honey and oil is suitable for use in a child’s nose - 1 drop 3 times a day.
The next cure for sinusitis offered by traditional medicine is a solution with laundry soap. Dissolve a small piece of soap in a water bath. Add onion juice and 1/2 tsp. honey
Stir, soak a folded piece of gauze in the solution. Place it in the nostril with inflammation for 30 minutes.
Gynecological diseases
In gynecology, tampons with onions and honey are used. They are used as a treatment for cervical erosion and cysts. Heat 1 small onion in the oven or microwave, pour honey over it. Leave it to soak for 2 hours, then wrap it in gauze and insert it into the vagina (at night). Course – 2 weeks.
This therapy has contraindications. It can be harmful if the vaginal microflora is disturbed - most women experience unpleasant symptoms when using tampons: itching, burning, swelling. If such manifestations occur, it is necessary to stop treatment and choose another method!
The use of tampons is not suitable for pregnant women.
Indications for use
Quite often, onion tampons are used in gynecology. Here are a number of pathologies for which they are prescribed: cysts, colpitis, infertility, erosive processes, inflammation, dysbiosis, hormonal imbalance.
It should be noted that onion tampons help with erosion in the early stages of the disease. It is necessary for the woman to understand that a positive result of treatment is not a guarantee that erosion will not reappear; a violation of the cellular composition of the mucous membrane is a symptom that has arisen for a specific reason. Having carefully assessed the results of all tests, including a biopsy, the gynecologist can begin treatment with an unconventional, minimally invasive and harmless method, such as a course, for example, of medicinal tampons.
It is necessary to be examined deeply and comprehensively when diagnosing inflammatory processes, because they can be caused by pathological microflora. In such a situation, the main therapeutic substance for inflammation will be antibacterial agents, which onion tampons will not fully replace, but the benefits of the folk remedy will definitely be part of complex therapy.
Wine for liver health
If you suffer from gall bladder and liver problems, you will definitely appreciate this onion wine recipe. If you have no desire to consume a raw spicy vegetable, but need to cleanse and treat the liver and stimulate bile secretion, onion wine will be an ideal remedy.
- 1/2 kg chopped blue onion;
- 750 ml white wine;
- 150 g honey;
- 1-2 liter jar.
Combine the ingredients in a jar, mix well. Leave for 48 hours in a warm place. Shake every day.
Blue onion wine with honey for the liver has a good taste. Drink it in small glasses 3 times a day.
A tincture with vodka is prepared in a similar way, which is infused for 3 days. Reception – 1 tbsp. three times a day.
The course of treatment is until the end of the medication.
For cerebral vessels
Grate the onion and mix with honey to a paste consistency. For cerebral vascular health, take 1 tsp of the mixture. 2-3 times a day. The product is especially useful for older people.
Urinary incontinence is a problem that occurs not only in children, but also in adults. You can get rid of it using traditional methods. One of them is a mixture of grated onion (1 tbsp) with apple and honey (2 tbsp each). Take 1 tbsp. for the night.
To improve the taste and effect, you can prepare puree with carrots and apples. The recipe is similar, carrots are taken in the same quantity as the spicy vegetable and grated.
We are talking about a disease that is often found among the modern population. The reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, which adversely affects blood circulation and the condition of blood vessels. Traditional medicine for varicose veins recommends the cleansing properties of garlic and the strengthening properties of lemon. The medicine with garlic and lemon is taken orally, 2 tbsp. in a day.
Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons and 1 onion, mix it with 3 crushed cloves of garlic, 1 glass of honey.
Onion peel for delayed menstruation
On women's forums you can find a large number of reviews about onion peel decoction for delayed menstruation. They say that this remedy helps provoke the onset of menstruation even in case of hormonal imbalance. This occurs due to the fact that the substances contained in the membrane help to increase the tone of the uterus, which, under their influence, begins to actively contract and reject the endometrium, thereby provoking the onset of menstruation.
But you should be careful about inducing menstrual periods in this way, and you should first visit a gynecologist and establish the cause of the cycle disruption and delay.
You should not drink a decoction of onion skins during pregnancy or serious pathologies of the reproductive system.
This method causes menstruation in case of a slight delay (5–7 days) due to the following factors:
- Stress experienced.
- Great physical and emotional stress.
- Change of climate, place of residence.
- Minor imbalance of sex hormones.
- Wrong lifestyle.
- Low or overweight.
Sometimes calling menstruation is necessary not because of irregularities, but due to certain circumstances: planned events, vacation, sexual contact.
If we are talking about a delay, and it is observed for several cycles in a row, then there are serious disturbances in the body, which must be reported to a specialist.
If menstruation needs to be induced within 24 hours, many women resort to Pulsatilla. Reviews of Pulsatilla for delayed periods are mostly positive.