Qlaira - hormonal contraceptive for women, analogues, reviews

Claira. Reviews

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10/25/2011, Svetlana Evgenia, thank you very much, you reassured me!

10/18/2011, Polly Good afternoon! The doctor prescribed Klaira for me. At the same time, having said that this is a new generation drug and therefore I can drink it until I want a child. But I already have a son. And if I never want a second one, then can I take it without interruption until menopause? This has been going on for at least 20 years... I was somehow confused, but the doctor didn’t say anything intelligible...

10/18/2011, Evgeniya34 Polly, it’s too early to think about what will happen in 20 years, but for now, modern world medicine does not recommend taking any breaks or “rests” while taking OK. Except for planning a child. Time will show….

10.20.2011, Ariana Hello, Evgenia! I have been taking Qlaira for the 5th month. All this time, from the 11th day of admission until menstruation, I have had brown-pink spotting. Menstruation begins almost a week earlier and lasts almost 10 days. I am 35 years old, 2 children. As I understand it, Claira contains too low a dose of hormones for me. Here on the forum I read that if spotting in the second half of the cycle is a lack of gestagens, right? Which contraceptive should I switch to? You need the least libido-reducing one. This was fine on Klaira, but there is the problem described above.

10/20/2011, Evgenia, 34 Ariana, it’s not always just the gestagen component. Your situation indicates a lack of the estrogen component. If you are satisfied with Qlaira as a drug, then you can switch to Janine. The composition of these drugs is identical, but Zhanine contains a little more hormones.

10.24.2011, Ariana Evgenia, thanks for the answer! And please tell me, if you stay on Klaira, is there a chance that the body will get used to it and the smear will stop? Or is six months a sufficiently indicative period, and there is only one way out - to change the drug?

10/24/2011, Evgenia, 34 Ariana, you know, there are approximately 5-10% of women who sometimes develop spotting on any OC and no matter how long the woman takes the OC. I'll give you my example. I have been taking Janine for a long time, but I still often experience spotting at the end of the cycle, and sometimes in the middle. But it doesn’t bother me at all; it never even occurs to me to change it to something else. If you don’t like the daub, you can try looking for “your drug.”

10/21/2011, Svetlana Good afternoon. I am 37 years old. I am taking Qlaira 2nd cycle. The first one had a brown daub throughout the entire cycle. Menstruation is one day per 26 tablet and very scanty. On the second cycle, the spotting started with 8 tablets. My gynecologist advised me to take Tranescam 500, 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 days until the spotting stops, and if that doesn’t help, then increase the dose of Qlaira to 2 tablets and the cycle will be shortened. Take the 3rd pack as usual and the daubing should stop. Is it correct? There are no side effects other than spotting, compared to Yarina (terrible nausea and libido gone) and Zhanin (terrible headaches and leg cramps). When taking claira, my libido even increased. But I’m embarrassed by the daub, I can’t have sex fully and without complexes, why then take it at all? Thanks in advance for your answer.

10/21/2011, Evgeniya34 Svetlana, taking Tranexam is not cold or hot. The correct solution is to increase the daily dose of Qlaira to two tablets (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening). To do this, you will have to splurge on another package of Qlaira, since you need to increase the daily dose with the same pill that you are taking for the current day. And it’s no secret to you, I hope that Klaira’s tablets are different in dosage.

10/21/2011, Svetlana Evgenia, my doctor did not recommend buying an additional package of Qlaira to increase the dose, but taking 2 tablets at a time in the evening from one package, and the cycle will shorten, your period will begin earlier, and on the third package everything should stop (I have due to spotting) today I started taking Tranexam, took two tablets, the spotting decreased, but did not stop, and I was also prescribed rheumoxicam suppositories rectally at night for 5 days

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Modern pharmaceuticals offer women a huge number of products that can prevent pregnancy. Effective drugs not only prevent the fertilization of the egg, but also have a beneficial effect on the female body as a whole. Doctors include the contraceptive drug “Qlaira” as one of these effective means.

Qlaira - hormonal contraceptive for women, analogues, reviews

Qlaira are round tablets coated with a film coating of different colors, which has the following shades:

  • dark yellow;
  • pink;
  • pale yellow;
  • red;
  • white.

A detailed description of the drug Qlaira can be found in the RLS - the register of medicines in Russia.

Composition and release form

Release form: tablets.

This product contains:

  • estradiol valerate;
  • lactose;
  • corn starch;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Indications for use

Indications for use are:

  • oral contraception;
  • treatment of heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding without additional pathological conditions;


The drug should not be used during menopause.

Here are the contraindications mentioned in the instructions for the contraceptive Klaira:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • venous and arterial thrombosis, as well as deep vein thrombosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke currently or if it has been suffered;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • severe liver disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • malignant tumors.

For all these conditions, taking Qlaira tablets is not recommended.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. If pregnancy is already a fait accompli at the moment when Qlaira is already being used by the patient, then it is recommended to immediately stop using the tablets.

The drug can also affect lactation, since it can reduce the production of breast milk in a nursing mother and change its composition.

Failure of the menstrual cycle with Klaira

The drug can cause disturbances in a woman’s menstrual cycle. Especially if it was not stable before. What can be understood in this case as a failure of menstruation:

  • long delay;
  • the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule.

Also, a delay in menstruation may be due to a gynecological disease, in which case the drug will act as a catalyst for this type of failure.

If, when using Qlaira, menstruation comes ahead of schedule, this happens for the following reasons:

  • addiction to the drug (it lasts for the first 3-4 months);
  • breakthrough bleeding (occurs in every cycle), in this case you need to consult a doctor, most likely the drug will have to be discontinued or replaced with another.

Experts also prescribe this remedy for the treatment of endometriosis. The disease is characterized by changes in the uterine mucosa and an increase in the number of endometrial cells.

Forms of the disease:

  • genital (ovaries and fallopian tubes are affected);
  • extragenital (the abdominal organs are affected).

Due to the high content of dienogestan, an analogue of progesterone, Klaira copes well with foci of the disease. However, Qlaira should be used with caution for endometriosis, since the estrogen analogue contained in this drug provokes the development of the disease. As a rule, Qlaira is prescribed at the initial stage of the disease. The results will be noticeable within six months.

What should a woman do if she forgot to take a Qlaira tablet?

Here is the action plan in this case:

  • missed the dark yellow pill - no need to use a condom;
  • missed the pink pill, use a condom for 9 days after missing the drug; pale yellow tablet from 8 to 17 in a row - use a condom for 9 days after missing the drug; missed pale yellow tablet from 18 to 24 in a row - use a condom for 9 days after missing the drug;
  • Missed the red pill - no need to use a condom.

How to start taking pills from the first package?

  • if you did not take hormonal contraceptives last month, then you should start using Qlaira at the first menstruation;
  • if you are switching to Qlaira from another means, then you should start taking Qlaira the next day after you take the last pill from the previous contraceptive.

On what day do menstruation begin after stopping Qlaira?

While taking the drug, the ovaries are blocked.

It takes time for the ovaries to resume normal functioning, usually about a month or two after stopping the pills.

But often a cycle failure can last up to six months. The first menstruation after stopping the drug may be heavy.

Klaira and thrush

Due to changes in hormonal levels, the patient’s immune system suffers and the fight against external negative factors decreases. An increase in estrogen in the blood leads to the accumulation of glycogen, which, in turn, contributes to the proliferation of fungal infections. Therefore, thrush may develop.

Klaira for uterine fibroids

For uterine fibroids, Klaira suppresses the growth of foci of the disease and regulates the menstrual cycle.

The drug is prescribed under the following conditions:

  • fibroid nodes no more than 2 centimeters;
  • the size of the uterus together with the neoplasm is similar in size to 11 weeks of pregnancy;
  • fibroids do not grow, symptoms are not expressed;
  • there are no interruptions in the functioning of other female organs;

But it is impossible to achieve complete disappearance of fibroid nodes with hormones.

Side effects

Side effects include the following:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • migraine;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • fluctuations in weight in one direction or another;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • depression;
  • decreased libido;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • allergic reactions;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • gallstones.

Qlaira and alcohol

Alcohol in combination with any oral contraceptives, including Qlaira, can increase the side effects of medications. Drinking alcohol can cause headaches, nausea and vomiting.


The drug has quite a few analogues, among which the following are popular:

  • Janine;
  • Yarina;
  • Silhouette;
  • Belara

What's better? Pros and cons of Qlaira

  • Claira or Janine.
    The drug Janine contains a higher concentration of hormones. Therefore, for those who are prone to allergic reactions, it is better to use Qlaira. Medicines differ in the estrogen they contain, but the progesterone component is the same in both medicines.

    Klaira contains natural estrogen, similar to the natural hormone that the female body itself produces, while Zhanine contains a synthetic analogue. The drug Janine is more suitable for young girls.

  • Klaira or Yarina.
    Yarin contains artificial estrogen, which is very harmful to the liver.

    Many women complain of frequent and quite intense negative effects when using the drug. This means Klaira is safer than Yarina.

  • Claira or Silhouette.
    The silhouette is similar in composition, action, indications, contraindications, side effects to Janine. The only difference is in price: Silhouette is cheaper.
  • Klaira or Belara.
    Like Yarin, Belar contains synthetic estrogen, so it is preferable to opt for Klaira.

Pregnancy after Klaira

Here you need to know the following subtleties:

  • if you do not use additional protection during the first week, you can become pregnant while taking the first course of Qlaira;
  • the effect of antibiotics reduces the effectiveness of this drug, which can also cause pregnancy;
  • in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, the risk of pregnancy also remains, since in this case the drug is washed out of the body.

If pregnancy is planned in advance and the woman stops taking the drug, then conception may occur after the first ovulation.

Brown discharge when taking Qlaira

In the case of the so-called “brown daub” when taking Qlaira, it can be assumed that the drug is not suitable for a particular patient in terms of the set of hormones. It is worth consulting a doctor for advice and getting tested.

Consequences of canceling Qlaira

Studies have revealed that the abolition of any oral contraceptives sharply increases the activity of the ovaries. Oddly enough, sometimes they speed up the process of achieving the desired pregnancy, since after stopping the drug the chances of conceiving a child increase.

Negative consequences usually occur if the drug was prescribed incorrectly.

However, if Qlaira was taken not only as a contraceptive, but also as a therapeutic agent for diseases such as endometriosis, fibroids, dysfunction of uterine bleeding, discontinuation of the drug may result in previously untreated diseases. In order for ovarian function to recover well, it may be necessary to replace the drug.


Among doctors, the drug is perceived positively, as it has a low dosage of hormones. The effectiveness of the drug, and side effects, in most cases, are not very pronounced.

Among the reviews of women, especially after the age of 40, there are mainly positive and neutral characteristics. Some experienced very mild side effects from the drug, while others did not experience them at all. Those patients who took the pills against the background of endometriosis speak well of Klaira. They note that the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Like all contraceptive drugs, Qlaira should not be used without the advice of a specialist doctor. It is possible that this drug will not suit some women, so you cannot use it on your own.

Source: https://DrLady.ru/kontraceptivy/klajra-otzyvy-zhenshhin-posle-40-let.html

General information about the drug

The new generation contraceptive Qlaira is an effective hormonal contraceptive with virtually no side effects. Its main components are estradiol valerate (estrogen) and gestagen (dienogest). Thanks to hormones of natural origin, the drug is close to the group of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) drugs.

In addition to obtaining a contraceptive effect, Qlaira is intended for the following purposes:

  • elimination of menstrual irregularities;
  • minimizing the risk of cancer of the female reproductive system.

One Qlaira blister contains 28 tablets of different colors:

  1. Bright yellow – 3 pcs. containing 3 mg estrogen.
  2. Pink – 5 pcs., consist of 2 mg of estrogen and 2 mg of gestagen.
  3. Light yellow – 17 pcs., containing 3 mg of dienogest and 2 mg of estradiol valerate.
  4. Red – 2 pcs. with estrogen in the amount of 1 mg.
  5. White – 4 pcs., do not contain any hormones.

Each package of the drug is designed for 1 month cycle. You need to take 1 piece every day. at the same time. If the pill is not taken on time, you need to drink it soon. If, for some reason, vomiting occurs after use, you should take the tablet again.

Different colors of tablets help you avoid confusion about the days you take them. Taking the red pill increases hormone levels to induce menstruation. White pills are designed to restore hormonal levels, and while taking them, the onset of menstruation is expected. If the red ones fail to achieve their goal, menstruation does not come.

Qlaira bleeding in the middle of the cycle what to do

I have been taking Qlaira for the second month. Everything was fine on the package. But for some reason, on the second package, in the middle of the cycle, it started to smear (almost menstruation). The gynecologist suggested either stopping drinking or taking two tablets a day. But for now he suggested watching 1-2 cycles, maybe the body gets used to it. Girls, who has this happened to? Share your experience

Woman.ru experts

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Berdnik Elena Valerievna

Psychologist, Children and adults. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Pustovoitova Elena Yurievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Martynova Irina Viktorovna

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Dyachenko Elena Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist in training. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Bezmenova Anna Alekseevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Arzamastsev Dmitry Valerievich

Psychologist, existential therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Boldova Olga Ivanovna

Psychologist, Supervisor, Medical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Tolmacheva Marina Aleksandrovna

Psychologist, Consultant Coach. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Glavatskaya Irina Viktorovna

Psychologist, Supervisor, Individual-and-family therapy. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ershova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Psychologist, Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Specialist from the site b17.ru

It happened to me too. I don’t know with what joy. This is probably the norm.

It happened to me too. I don’t know with what joy. This is probably the norm.

Which pack did it go through?

I also had some smears on the second package, and my chest really hurt, but on the third package everything went away, probably my body got used to it.

Hello! I've been taking Qlaira for 10 months. In the first two - in the middle of the cycle there was spotting, then everything returned to normal - the periods came on time and were quite scanty. I was already glad that it suited me.

But on the 10th cycle - in the middle (from 17 to now 25) there is spotting. I haven’t missed any pills, I take them almost at the same time. Please tell me what this could mean? Thank you in advance.

I was prescribed Klaira to prevent endometriosis from progressing.


Klaira is in the middle of her period. What does bleeding in the middle of the cycle indicate?

Klaira contains a combination of two hormones: gestagen (dienogest) and estrogen (estradiol valerate).

The dosage of hormones differs depending on the phase of the cycle:

The main indication for prescribing the drug is the prevention of unplanned pregnancy. In addition to performing a contraceptive function, the drug:

  • helps with;
  • reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system, without having such a strong effect on the liver as other drugs.

You need to take Qlaira one tablet at the same time every day. If you forget about the pill or vomit after taking it, take the medicine as soon as you remember.

If more than 12 hours have passed after missing pills from 8 to 24, then you need to use protection for 9 days. If you miss tablets 18 to 24, you should stop taking tablets from the current package and start another one.

If you forgot the last two tablets, it’s okay, you can skip it, but start the next pack after these two days.

The effect of Qlaira on the menstrual cycle

The contraceptive role of Qlaira is associated with the suppression of ovulation and changes in the properties of cervical mucus. Menstruation becomes less painful, and the volume of bleeding and the number of days decreases, which is very important in the prevention or treatment of anemia.

They start drinking the first package from the first day of menstruation and move on to the next one without a break. Usually, menstruation appears on the last two tablets, and continues on the first tablets from another package. If you use the tablets correctly, you are completely protected even in the last days of taking inactive tablets.

If a woman decides to switch to Qlaira from other methods of contraception, then Qlaira is started:

  • after combined contraceptives, as soon as the tablets with hormonal content are finished;
  • on the day of removal of the skin patch or vaginal ring;
  • immediately after an early abortion;
  • on days 21-28 after interruption in late stages and after childbirth, but only in the absence of lactation.

In the following cases, it is necessary to use barrier methods for 9 days, as the risk of conception increases:

  • on days 2-5 of menstruation they started drinking the first package;
  • on any day when switching from progestin contraceptives, on the day of removal of the intrauterine device or implant.

There are a number of contraindications for prescribing the drug:

  • thrombosis, thromboembolism, angina pectoris, stroke, myocardial infarction at the time of contraceptive prescription or in the past;
  • complicated diabetes mellitus;
  • liver diseases or neoplasms;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • bleeding from the genital tract when the cause is unclear;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • sensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
  • should be used with caution, as it may negatively affect the growth of hormone-dependent tumors.

No periods after taking Qlaira: reasons

Some women note that after drinking the first package they do not have periods. Don’t worry, hormonal changes in the body occur over the course of three menstrual cycles. But in the absence of menstruation for 2 cycles, it is necessary.

While taking Qlaira in the middle of the menstrual cycle on the 14th day, spotting may appear, or your period may start earlier, for example, on the 20th tablet.

Other systems may react:

  • thrush;
  • painful sensations and slight enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • dizziness, headache, mood swings;
  • nausea, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation;
  • increased blood pressure, hot flashes;
  • weight gain;
  • allergic skin rashes, itching;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in body temperature.

In most cases, everything goes away after three months. If there is a pronounced deterioration in your general health, seek additional advice and they will select another method of contraception for you.

If pregnancy occurs while taking Qlaira, then stop taking the pills immediately.

It is impossible to say with 100% certainty that the drug had no effect on the embryo. But many studies have shown that the number of congenital anomalies of the fetus with Qlaira and without taking a contraceptive is not fundamentally different.


Do not prescribe or discontinue the drug yourself, only after consulting a doctor.

Vladlena Razmeritsa, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

The combined-action contraceptive Qlaira is classified as a hormone replacement therapy drug, which is based on the use of natural hormones. In fact, Klaira occupies a middle position between contraceptives and HRT drugs. A new generation product. There was no contraception with a similar composition before the appearance of Klair.

A unique drug is produced in Germany. It contains the hormone estrogen, which is as close to natural as possible. A distinctive advantage was the good tolerability of the drug without significant side effects. However, women complain of a lack of menstruation when taking Qlaira.

What is the reason for this phenomenon? What should menstruation be like while taking new generation birth control pills?

The product is produced in the form of contraceptive pills of different colors. There are 28 pieces in the package. Tablets in several colors differ in composition and amount of hormones. Qlaira includes the hormones dienogest and stradiol valerate.

  • 3 tablets of rich yellow color
    . The hormone estradiol valerate is included in the amount of 3 mg.
  • 5 pink tablets
    . Each of them contains the hormone estradiol valerate - 2 mg, the hormone dienogest - 2 mg.
  • 17 pieces of light yellow tablets
    . Each contains 2 mg of the hormone estradiol valerate, dienogest – 3 mg.
  • 2 red tablets
    . The active substance is the hormone estradiol valerate, dosage 1 mg.
  • 4 white tablets
    . These are pacifiers that do not contain hormones. Only auxiliary components are present.

Tablets of different colors are specially created so that a woman does not get confused in taking it and knows approximately the dosage of hormones. White tablets are designed to restore hormonal levels.

While taking them, your period should begin. After the red pill, the body at an accelerated pace tries to increase the level of hormones, in the absence of pregnancy.

If these efforts are not enough, problems with your periods may occur.

Rules for taking Qlaira

In order for the effect of taking Qlaira to be maximum, with a minimum number of side effects, everything must be done according to the rules.

  • If hormonal contraception was not used in the previous monthly cycle, start taking it at.
  • When using tablets in the previous monthly cycle, the drug Qlaira begins to be used immediately after the end of the active pills of the previous drug. Menstruation will begin only in the next cycle.
  • When using an intrauterine device, you can start taking Qlaira on any day. Remove the spiral and begin packaging.
  • Klaira is taken on the day of surgery. After childbirth, the drug is taken 4 months later.

If you miss a white tablet, nothing bad will happen. You must continue to take the medication as scheduled, and simply throw away the missed pill. If you miss another pill, the situation changes. If 12 hours have not passed, you need to take the dispensed pill. If the interval is more than 12 hours, you should take 2 tablets of Qlaira at once.

The effect of the drug on the female body

The influence of hormones is aimed at blocking the work of the ovaries, preventing the onset of ovulation, and changing the concentration of secretions. The contraceptive is highly effective. If Qlaira is used correctly, conception cannot occur.

  1. Estradiol valerate
    distinguishes the drug from other contraceptives. In its structure, it is closest to natural estrogen. The rest of the drugs are content with a synthetic substitute. Estradiol valerate has virtually no effect on the rate of blood clotting and does not burden the liver. This significantly reduces the number of side effects.
  2. Dienogest
    is a progestogen or progesterone substitute. This hormone is produced in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and promotes the onset of menstruation.

The combined effect of estradiol valerate and dienogest leads to a decrease in menstrual flow, pain, and a reduction in the duration of menstruation.

Features of menstruation when taking Qlaira

During the first 4 months of taking the pills, there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle. There is spotting discharge at different periods of the cycle. Some women experience persistent brown discharge throughout their cycle.

After taking the last white pill, your period should begin. Discharge can be abundant or scanty. In the first 4 months of taking this, this is considered normal.

The body adapts to new conditions, the reproductive system adapts.

Source: https://sfmggu.ru/klayra-krovotechenie-v-seredine-tsikla-chto-delat/

Why is it prescribed?

Zoely is a modern contraceptive drug. It contains estrogenic (1.5 mg estradiol hemihydrate) and progestin (2.5 mg nomegestrol acetate) components. One blister contains 24 active tablets and 4 inactive tablets with a placebo effect. It is this ratio that gives the most gentle hormonal effect on a woman’s body.

Zoely is a monophasic oral contraceptive. This means that the amount of its active substances in the blood during the entire time of administration is approximately the same and does not vary depending on the processes occurring in the body.

The estrogenic component included in the composition is almost identical to the natural one in its properties and chemical structure. During administration, its average concentration is maintained in the blood throughout the entire cycle.

The progestin component, nomegestrol acetate, in addition to its high similarity to progesterone in women, has antiandrogenic properties. Therefore, it is preferable to prescribe it to girls with signs of increased levels of male sex hormones in the blood - excess hair growth (hirsutism), a tendency to acne, oily skin and others. Taking Zoele will help normalize the concentrations of estrogens and androgens, eliminating the main symptoms of the pathological condition.

The main purpose of Zoely is to obtain a contraceptive effect. If taken correctly and following all recommendations, the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced to almost zero.

This effectiveness of the drug is due to its ability to suppress ovulation from the first day of use. Zoely also promotes thickening of cervical mucus and a special transformation of the endometrium. All this prevents sperm from penetrating the egg. Zoely is also preferable in the sense that when the drug is discontinued, ovulation resumes the next month in most women.

Menstruation after taking Zoely, as a rule, becomes less painful and not as heavy, if this bothered the woman before. The cycle itself also normalizes while taking the pills.

Watch the video about the action of contraceptives:

Features of menstruation when taking Qlaira

Initial use of Qlaira should begin on day 1 of the cycle. After completing the packaging, you must immediately begin the second one. Correct use of the contraceptive causes menstruation on the last two pills of the initial package, they end on the first two tablets of the next blister.

Taking this remedy suppresses ovulation and prevents the growth of the functional layer of the uterus, which is shed with menstruation in a normal cycle. This makes critical days painless and light.

In the first 3–4 cycles of taking the drug, the following phenomena may be observed:

  • Spotting is possible on any day of the cycle and can develop into more significant discharge.
  • Menstruation in the middle of the cycle when using Qlaira is explained by the insufficient effect of the hormones contained in the drug. In this case, you can double the dose of the drug. If after 4 months from the start of taking the pills the situation repeats, you should consult a doctor.
  • Lack of menstruation. This phenomenon is especially typical for women with light menstrual flow in natural cycles. This is explained by the absence of a functional layer in the uterus, which is prevented from growing by one of the components of Qlaira - dienogest.
  • Very intense discharge that does not go away after doubling the dose requires contacting a specialist. This may be due to the individual characteristics of the woman’s body or the presence of endometriosis, which can manifest itself in this way when taking this hormonal drug.

Spotting when taking hormonal contraceptives Claira

Oral contraceptives contain hormones that are involved in regulating a woman's menstrual cycle. Discharge when taking birth control pills may be normal, signal the need to change the drug, or indicate health problems.

Natural acyclic bleeding should have the following characteristics:

  • duration of episodic discharge up to 3 months;
  • small amount (2–3 panty liners per day);
  • brown or red (see photo).

Brown discharge Discharge during implantation of fertilized egg

This phenomenon does not require cancellation of the course or replacement of the contraceptive. It is enough to wait for the reproductive system to stabilize and get used to new conditions.

The protective (contraceptive) function of the drug is not reduced if a woman periodically bleeds. It is important to adhere to the pill regimen without missing a day, and then such secretion will not be considered a side effect.

Read in one of our articles what other causes of bleeding between periods may be.

How long can bleeding last?

When taking hormonal pills, obvious bleeding occurs in the first three months in 40% of women. This secretion is a consequence of the contraceptive effect. This is how much time the reproductive system needs to adapt to changes in hormonal balance. And only 10% of the patients surveyed noted scant traces of blood on their daily diaries for six months.

Significant disorders in the form of bleeding after OC were diagnosed only in 5% of women. The secretion in the blood continued to persist even after repeated changes in medications, so I had to give up the pills and also undergo examination in the hospital.

The duration of the adaptation period to oral contraceptives increases due to the following factors:

  • age;
  • hormonal instability;
  • too low dose of hormones;
  • presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • skipping a pill;
  • violation of instructions;
  • various diseases of the reproductive system;
  • wrong type OK.

Why does this symptom occur?

During each period of the monthly cycle, the body produces a certain amount of different sex hormones, the doses of which are responsible for various processes (ovulation, menstruation, etc.).

While taking OCs, synthetic hormonal components may simply not be enough to cover the natural content of estrogens and gestagens. Therefore, the body needs several months to get used to such doses.

While the adaptation period lasts, the endometrium is partially rejected, causing the appearance of spotting when taking hormonal contraceptives.

There are other reasons for the presence of blood in vaginal fluid that need to be considered depending on:

  • cycle phases;
  • type of oral contraceptive;
  • serial number of the tablet (end, beginning of packaging).

Impact of Cycle Time

When more than three months have passed since the start of the course, and when taking contraceptives, discharge marks a specific period of the monthly cycle, there is no need to immediately suspect pathology. Minor bleeding may begin due to hormonal conditions or the pills themselves.

After menstruation

If a woman has taken a break after the blister pack (21 tablets) or has finished taking placebo pills (28 tablets in a strip), then cleansing the uterus is allowed for two to three days. The blood clots remaining inside after menstruation come out, and spotting occurs after menstruation.

Even dark brown discharge after menstruation occurs due to too low a dose of estrogen, which, unlike progesterone, stops the rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus. It is necessary to choose another drug, but before that you should consult a doctor; you cannot take other oral contraceptives of your own choice and desire.

During ovulation

The following factors can provoke brown discharge in the middle of the cycle when taking birth control pills:

  • lack of synthetic estrogens;
  • lack of gestagen;
  • natural processes.

When you take the OC (“mini-pill”), the egg develops and leaves the follicular sac, causing a small amount of blood in the cervical fluid.

After ovulation

The most common cause of bloody discharge before menstruation after taking modern contraceptive methods is a lack of progestogen. It is still impossible to exclude pregnancy when the order of the pills was disturbed or a day was missed (bloody secretion on days 6–12 after ovulation).

There are also situations when a woman notices brown discharge instead of menstruation when taking OK. Natural progesterone rises after ovulation, preparing the body for the expected menstrual bleeding.

When there is not enough hormone, the endometrium does not shed in time, causing a delay. But if you take Jess or other microdosed contraceptives, pseudo-menstruation may appear instead of menstruation.

In the most advanced cases, a woman’s cycle is disrupted, which is why there are no monthly bleedings. Read about spotting after taking Jess in the article at the link.

Bloody discharge when taking birth control pills can sometimes be observed by girls who use contraceptives to prevent unwanted menstruation. In this case, there is no break before a new package of pills, but the next tablet begins immediately.

In most cases, menstruation does not begin, but spotting may occur. It is somewhat larger in volume, but has no signs of bleeding. You can understand this by how you feel and the gasket. It can bleed so much that the hygiene product becomes unusable within an hour, and you feel weak and dizzy.

This is a direct indication of pathology or hormonal disorder.

Adaptation doesn't end there

The reason for prolonged spotting while taking OCs may be a violation of the rules for using a contraceptive or the fact that the drug was incorrectly selected. This explains the side effects. Oral contraceptives are considered safe for a woman’s health, and a negative reaction in the form of bleeding is caused by a lack of dose of a particular hormone.

This situation can be clearly seen using the example of a specific stage of the course:

  1. The first tablets. At the beginning or halfway through the package you may bleed due to a lack of estrogen in the drug. If your period does not end when taking Jess, you must stop using OK, but it is advisable to consult a doctor and drink the tablet to the end.
  2. Remains of packaging. From the middle of the total number of tablets to the end of the package, spotting may begin due to the too low content of the progestin component. And also the gestagen itself may not be suitable, so the selection of another oral contraceptive is required, but you cannot suddenly stop using the old drug, otherwise there is a risk of bleeding and other side effects.

Termination of course

The appearance of discharge after discontinuation of contraceptives is allowed for several months. Everything will depend on the ability of the female body to restore its own hormonal levels. But it shouldn’t bleed systematically, otherwise you can’t do without a medical examination.

Read what menstruation should be like after stopping OK in the article by following the link.

After completing the course, secretion with blood may appear in one or two days. It resembles a daub and does not cause a woman much discomfort. Sometimes a woman’s body reacts more strongly to stopping the use of OCs, so it is possible that more heavy discharge may occur due to a sharp drop in hormone levels.

How many months after OC will the reproductive system stop producing pseudomenstrual periods?

In almost half of women who decide to cancel a course of contraception, spotting vaginal secretions with blood disappear after 10–14 days. The duration of adaptation is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Age. The older the woman, the slower the state of the reproductive system stabilizes.
  2. Total reception time. The shorter the course, the faster the chance of getting pregnant. When contraceptives have been used for many years, there is a risk that the body will be destabilized within six months or even 12 months.

Effect on menstruation

If a woman decides to stop taking oral contraceptives, then she needs to prepare for the fact that she will not have heavy periods in the first few months. Monthly bleeding will become more and more frequent over time until the situation finally returns to normal. The presence of scanty brown discharge instead of menstruation with a negative pregnancy test is considered normal.

Source: https://tepcontrol.ru/mazhuschie-vydeleniya-pri-prieme-gormonalnyh-kontratseptivov-klayra/

Opinion of gynecologists

Today, many doctors prescribe birth control pills to plan pregnancy and normalize the menstrual cycle. Qlaira is very popular because it consists of the most important hormones. Pregnancy may occur while taking the drug, in which case it should be stopped immediately. In most cases, after several months of taking this remedy, the menstrual cycle is completely normalized. A very important point is strict adherence to the recommendations given by the attending physician.

Qlaira is a very popular contraceptive. The drug is designed to stabilize the general condition of a woman’s body. Klaira has a number of features, which most often manifest themselves in the absence of menstruation. With long-term and correct use of the pills, the menstrual cycle improves and the reproductive system returns to normal.

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Among doctors, the drug is perceived positively, as it has a low dosage of hormones. The effectiveness of the drug, and side effects, in most cases, are not very pronounced.

Among the reviews of women, especially after the age of 40, there are mainly positive and neutral characteristics. Some experienced very mild side effects from the drug, while others did not experience them at all. Those patients who took the pills against the background of endometriosis speak well of Klaira. They note that the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Like all contraceptive drugs, Qlaira should not be used without the advice of a specialist doctor. It is possible that this drug will not suit some women, so you cannot use it on your own.



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Menstruation after quitting Qlaira

The absence of menstruation when taking Qlaira is not always explained by light menstrual flow in a woman’s natural cycles or by the increased content of a hormone in the tablets that suppresses endometrial growth. There may be other reasons:

  1. Pregnancy. Forgetting to take pills, stomach or intestinal disorders can lead to an undesirable condition. Also, concurrent treatment with antibiotics can reduce the contraceptive effect. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the pill intake regimen.
  2. Side effect. If after using the pills for 2 months your period still does not come, you should consult your doctor.

When discharge should not be a concern

When taking contraceptives in tablets according to instructions, menstrual flow does not stop. They still make themselves felt every month, but their frequency becomes clear (28 days exactly) and their intensity is moderate.

Spotting may occur on any day of the cycle at the very beginning of taking contraceptives, indicating a restructuring of the body.

Natural acyclic bleeding should have the following characteristics:

  • duration of episodic discharge up to 3 months;
  • small amount (2–3 panty liners per day);
  • brown or red (see photo).

Brown discharge Discharge during implantation of fertilized egg

This phenomenon does not require cancellation of the course or replacement of the contraceptive. It is enough to wait for the reproductive system to stabilize and get used to new conditions.

The protective (contraceptive) function of the drug is not reduced if a woman periodically bleeds. It is important to adhere to the pill regimen without missing a day, and then such secretion will not be considered a side effect.

Read in one of our articles what other causes of bleeding between periods may be.

Side effects

Depending on the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, side effects can be frequent or rare. Common negative effects include:

  • headache;
  • abdominal pain;
  • skin rashes;
  • weight gain;
  • discomfort in the chest;
  • pain in the nipple area;
  • failure of menstruation;
  • the occurrence of various bleedings.

There are also rare side effects when taking Qlaira. These include:

  • the appearance of thrush;
  • strong appetite;
  • state of depression;
  • depressed mental state;
  • decreased libido;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • migraine;
  • loose stools;
  • problems with skin condition (itching and significant rashes);
  • intrauterine bleeding;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • the appearance of cystic formations in the ovaries;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • PMS;
  • insufficient vaginal hydration;
  • frequent irritability;

But there are rare effects that can be caused by the use of a contraceptive. Experts include such negative consequences:

  • genital herpes;
  • various swelling;
  • increased levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream;
  • the appearance of aggressive behavior;
  • state of anxiety and anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • problems with concentration;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • variceal bleeding;
  • hepatic hyperplasia;
  • excessive hair growth;
  • change in skin color;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • pain in the sternum and muscles;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • benign oncological processes in the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of bleeding during intimacy.

Thus, the contraceptive Qlaira is a natural hormonal drug. It is perfect for women of reproductive age. In addition to contraception, this medication helps improve immunity and facilitates the cycle. But like any medicine, Qlaira also has its contraindications. This means that taking such a drug should only be started after prior consultation with a doctor.

Qlaira is a contraceptive based on natural estradiol. It has a very good effect on a woman’s reproductive system and is often used as the main drug during therapy when planning conception. One of the features is that when taking Qlaira there is usually no menstruation.

Thrush and claira – Site about thrush

Have you been fighting thrush for many years without success?
Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure thrush by taking it every day...

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The drug Qlaira for endometriosis has quite positive reviews. Indeed, treatment with this remedy has proven to be very effective. However, this drug can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, it is worth understanding in more detail the features of the use of this drug.

What is endometriosis


Our readers successfully use Candiston to treat thrush. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...

This disease is classified as benign. It is characterized by changes in the uterine mucosa and a significant increase in the number of endometrial cells. With such a disease, the development of cells of this layer of the uterus in other organs can be observed. Most often, this disease is diagnosed in middle-aged women.

This disease can occur in several forms:

  • Genital.
  • Extragenital.

In the genital form, the disease can affect the ovaries and fallopian tubes, while in the extragenital form it affects the abdominal organs.

Causes of the disease

There is still no consensus among doctors about what causes the development of this disease. However, it has been established that heredity plays a rather significant role.

Some doctors believe that this disease is just a manifestation of a very extensive pathology that develops due to disruptions in hormonal levels and immune processes.

In addition, the factors influencing its occurrence include:

  • Late or complicated labor.
  • Abortion.
  • C-section.
  • Diametric coagulation of the cervix.

Symptoms of the development of the disease

There are quite a lot of clinical so-called typical symptoms of the development of this disease. These include:

  • Heavy menstruation.
  • Spotting discharge.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Infertility.
  • Pain in the pelvic area.

If the deviation affects neighboring organs, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Constipation.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Hematuria.

The most characteristic symptom of this disease is spotting. Most often they can be detected during the intermenstrual period.

However, in some cases, this disease can occur without any symptoms.

That is why, in order to detect a deviation of this kind as early as possible, it is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of this disease is a very difficult process. This is because some other diseases closely resemble endometriosis. In addition, the deviation can occur with virtually no symptoms, which also complicates its diagnosis.

Most often, this disease is detected when:

  • Gynecological examination.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Taking tests.

As a rule, if there is suspicion, the doctor will recommend undergoing a comprehensive examination, which will include:

  • Clinical examination.
  • Gynecological diagnostics.
  • Ultrasonography.
  • Laparoscopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.

Possible complications

One of the most serious complications that can result from lack of treatment is infertility. This complication occurs in 60% of women. Also, during the process of compression of nerve endings, neurological disorders can be observed.

Prolonged and frequent bleeding can serve as a factor provoking the appearance of anemia, which, in turn, is accompanied by:

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Dizziness.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Weakness.

The most negative complication that can provoke endometriosis is malignancy.

What to do

If you suspect the development of this disease, you should consult a doctor. The earliest possible start of treatment can eliminate the disease and increase the chance of pregnancy. That is why it is worth regularly undergoing examinations by a specialist.

As a rule, if treatment measures and doctor’s recommendations are followed, the chance of pregnancy increases from 40 to 70%.

A specialist can make an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of a comprehensive examination. Ultrasound examination and laproscopy may be prescribed as prescribed by the doctor, and a biopsy may also be prescribed.

The main goals of treatment:

  • Reduced pain.
  • Reducing process activity.
  • Elimination of infertility.

The specialist assigns influence taking into account:

  • Features of the condition.
  • Severity of the disease.
  • Age category.
  • Number of pregnancies.

Most often, the influence on the disease is carried out using hormonal and immune therapy. Its focus is to reduce ovarian activity and slow down the formation of new tissue.

A combination of surgical treatment and medication is also used.

The duration of taking such drugs is prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and other important factors.

Most often, this effect is accompanied by spotting discharge for several weeks. The first results are observed after 4-8 weeks of exposure.

This type of treatment, such as surgery, is most often prescribed for the treatment of complicated forms of the disease. It is also used to treat related diseases. After surgery, hormonal therapy is most often prescribed.

In addition to hormonal effects, a specialist may prescribe restorative measures in the postoperative period. As a rule, they are necessary to prevent the development of complications and the formation of adhesions.

Treatment with Qlaira

This drug is used quite often to treat endometriosis. Its effectiveness is due to the fairly high content of dienogest, an analogue of progesterone. It copes quite effectively with suppressing foci of the disease.

However, this drug should be used with caution for the treatment of endometriosis. After all, it contains an analogue of estrogen, which provokes the development of the disease.

Most specialists prescribe this remedy to treat the disease at the initial stage of its development. As a rule, the first result is noticeable after six months.

How does the drug affect the body?

The contraceptive effect of this drug is due to the influence on the body of substances such as dienogest and estradiol valerate. These substances affect and suppress the ovulation process. Thus, the egg does not mature and pregnancy does not occur.

In addition, one of the effects of Qlaira is to reduce the amount of menstrual flow and reduce the duration of menstrual bleeding. Thanks to this, the drug reduces the risk of developing anemia in women.

Difference between the drug and other drugs

Qlaira contains a natural component - estradiolavalerate. This is precisely the main difference between this remedy and other contraceptives. This component has minimal impact on the liver and does not affect the level of blood clotting.

Another component that has a beneficial effect on the body is dienogest. It improves the condition:

  • Facial skin.
  • Hair structures.
  • Nails.

However, in some cases, this component can lead to a decrease in the level of sexual desire.

Indications for use

One of the main indications for the use of this remedy is to prevent pregnancy. As prescribed by a doctor, it can be used to normalize menstruation and treat various types of genital diseases.

It has proven itself to be quite effective in the treatment of endometriosis. It is often prescribed for adenomyosis. Due to the fact that it contains hormones, the effect occurs on almost all systems. That is why the range of its use is quite wide.

Contraindications for use

There are quite a few contraindications for using Qlaira. These include:

  • Thrombosis.
  • Strokes, heart attacks.
  • Heart pathologies, migraine.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pancreatitis, liver diseases.
  • Malignant formations of a hormonal nature.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Bleeding.
  • Allergy.

Contraindications of this kind act as absolute ones for taking such a drug. In addition to contraindications of this kind, there are relative contraindications for use.

If there are indications that cause such a condition, the medication should be taken under the strict supervision of a specialist.

When to stop taking it

You should stop taking the medication if the following signs appear:

  • Increased frequency of migraine attacks.
  • Pain in the abdominal area.
  • Heart problems, hypertension.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Recurrence of jaundice.
  • Development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Digestive problems, the formation of ulcerative colitis.
  • Development of liver pathology.

Reviews about the drug

Most reviews about this product are quite positive. This is due to the fact that the drug is highly tolerated. In addition, it has a high level of efficiency.

In addition, one of the significant benefits of the medicine is easy passage of menstruation. The drug demonstrates quite high effectiveness in eliminating endometriosis.

However, negative reviews about this drug are also found. Most often they are due to low effectiveness in eliminating diseases or side effects. That is why it must be used as prescribed by doctors.

Janine or Claira: what to choose

Before starting to use this type of medication, you should consult your doctor. Many experts note that the drug Janine contains a higher concentration of active ingredients, so women prone to allergic reactions should refrain from using it. That is why only a specialist can prescribe Janine.


Our readers successfully use Candiston to treat thrush. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...

In general, a medicine such as Janine is more suitable for young women. Janine differs from Klaira only in the estrogen component. Most experts agree that the synthetic analogue of this component contained in Jeannine is more suitable for young girls.

To summarize, we can say that a disease such as endometriosis is quite difficult to diagnose. This is largely due to the fact that no special symptoms are observed during its development. Various influences can act as provoking factors.

For example, the number of abortions. Treatment of this disease should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Most often, the influence is carried out in 2 forms: medicinal and surgical.

The choice of the form of influence is carried out by a specialist, taking into account the woman’s condition, the characteristics of the body, age and other factors.

The drug Qlaira has proven itself to be quite good in eliminating this disease. It is classified as a contraceptive, however, due to its natural analogue of estrogen, it has a beneficial effect on the female body.

The medication effectively suppresses the foci of development of the disease and helps normalize hormonal levels. In addition, it has virtually no negative effects on the body, but has a number of contraindications for use. Reviews about the use of this medication for treatment are very positive, however, despite this, it should be used only after consultation with a specialist.

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Source: https://molochnica-lekarstvo.ru/molochnitsa/molochnitsa-i-klajra/

Contraindications for use

Despite the almost complete absence of side effects, the drug has a number of contraindications:

  1. Varicose veins, a tendency to thrombosis of various etiologies, disorders in the blood clotting system.
  2. A history of stroke or myocardial infarction.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Frequent migraines.
  5. Liver failure and other liver diseases.
  6. Malignant neoplasms.
  7. Bleeding for an unknown reason.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Suspicion of pregnancy.
  10. Breastfeeding period.
  11. Individual intolerance to any component of the hormonal drug.

Thrush due to Klyra

The appearance of thrush as a result of taking oral contraceptives is a fairly common phenomenon, the causes of which concern many women. Qlaira is a popular contraceptive that can also cause thrush, but unlike other drugs, it is a fairly safe choice for women who care about their intimate health.

Description of the drug

"Qlaira" is a combined oral contraceptive with estradiol, which is identical to the natural estrogen of the female body, due to which the drug is well tolerated by women in 98% of cases. Used to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

The pack contains 26 multi-colored tablets. The color of the tablet has a different proportion of hormones - estradiol valerate and dienogest.

There are also 2 colorless tablets containing inactive additives (lactose, magnesium, povidone), which are taken to continue the cycle for a month.

Effect of the drug

The contraceptive property of the drug "Klayra" is achieved due to the action of two hormones - estradiol valerate and dienogest.

Estradiol valerate is a natural estrogen hormone, which, unlike synthetic hormones, overloads the liver much less, minimally affects the blood clotting process, regulates the metabolism of nutrients and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Dienogest is a progesterone with an antiandrogenic effect that improves the quality of hair, nails, and facial skin.

Thrush is caused by a yeast-like fungus.

These hormones block ovulation and egg formation, change the properties of cervical mucus, as a result of which pregnancy does not begin. Dienogest reduces the sensitivity of the uterine endometrium to the blastocyst (the first phase of fetal development).

In addition to its protective effect, Qlaira reduces the amount of blood during menstruation by 65% ​​of the initial level, reduces the intensity and pain of the menstrual process and, as a result, prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia in women.

Possible side effects: abdominal pain, headaches, nausea, weight fluctuations, changes in menstrual bleeding, thrush, low libido, allergic reactions, impaired liver function.


  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • the presence of thrombosis or thromboembolism;
  • varicose veins, ischemic attacks, angina pectoris;
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • migraine attacks, frequent headaches;
  • heart disease: heart valve pathology, hypertension;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • liver diseases, malignant tumors, metastases;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • allergy to any components contained in the drug;
  • age after 50 years.

Cause of thrush "Klaira"

Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease.

Estrogen and progesterone are components of the Qlaira contraceptive, which affect the state of hormonal levels in the female body.

The accumulation of progesterone due to changes in hormonal levels negatively affects the immune system and reduces the body's resistance to external factors.

An increase in estrogen in the blood provokes the accumulation of a specific substance in the vaginal mucosa - glycogen, which creates an ideal environment for the proliferation of fungal infections. For this reason, microflora is disrupted and thrush develops.

Treatment of thrush

Thrush is not a dangerous disease, but it can cause a lot of trouble. If the primary symptoms are not treated, the disease can become chronic. There are several groups of antifungal drugs for the treatment of thrush: local use (suppositories and ointments), for systemic treatment and combined.

Local medications can help with uncomplicated infection. In this case, vaginal suppositories and ointments are used: “Kandizol”, “Ginezol”, “Pimafucin”, “Irunin”, “Ginofort”, “Acilact” and others.

If a woman has severe or chronic thrush, it is necessary to use general treatment drugs: Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Rumikoz.

In situations where treatment lasts several months, oral contraceptives should be discontinued.

Source: https://EtoGribok.ru/molochnica/dop/klajra.html

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Despite the fact that one of the contraindications to the use of Zoely is pregnancy, there is no exact data on the dangers of the drug during this period. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, the drug should be stopped at the first signs of pregnancy.

The active substances included in its composition affect the production of breast milk, namely, they suppress this process. If a woman wants to maintain lactation, she must stop taking Zoely during the breastfeeding period in favor of other methods of contraception. Hormones in small quantities can be excreted in breast milk and enter the child’s body, which is extremely undesirable.

Possible reasons for the delay

A common reason why there are no periods after stopping birth control is pregnancy. Fertilization occurs for a number of reasons:

  • non-compliance with the regimen of taking pills (missed a day or different times of taking);
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

If the test result is negative, then the reasons why there are no periods after birth control pills may be different. Most often this is due to the functioning of the reproductive system. When canceling contraceptives, cycle disruption is an acceptable norm. The body needs time to restore the functions of the pituitary gland so that all hormones are produced in the right quantities and on time, which is why there is a delay.

However, if contraceptives were taken for a short time, then restoration of the uterus and ovaries (regular menstrual period with ovulation, formation of the corpus luteum and proliferation of the endometrium) occurs within 1–3 months.

With long-term use of OK (more than 3 years), recovery continues for six months, and sometimes longer. After discontinuation of contraceptives, there is usually a long delay.

If menstruation does not begin for several months, then this is an alarming signal about other disorders occurring in the body. This will require a full examination, not only of the reproductive system, but also of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones.

A separate article on our website will tell you more about the nature of menstruation after stopping birth control.

What color is the secretion?

Most women complain of brown discharge when taking birth control pills. Such secretion normally has a spotting character and a darker shade than that of normal menstruation. Pink or light red discharge is also allowed when there is more natural mucus than blood due to the influence of the oral contraceptive.

White discharge with a uniform consistency, odorless and unpleasant sensations should also not cause concern. Their appearance is especially important after discontinuation of OCs, when the body indicates that the recovery period is over. Yellow and beige tints of cervical mucus are allowed, but without itching or burning.

Briefly about the main thing

If you start bleeding after your period while taking birth control pills, you should not immediately suspect pathological processes and serious hormonal imbalances. This is a natural reaction of the body in the first three months. The reason for going to the hospital is a protracted adaptation period, severe bleeding and a sharp deterioration in general health.

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Admission rules

The drug must be taken daily. Preferably at the same time. It is recommended to do this before bedtime. The first 24 tablets are considered the main ones. They regulate hormonal levels, suppress ovulation, prepare for menstruation, and control the amount of blood. The last 4 have a placebo effect. Their main purpose is to reduce the level of progesterone in the body so that menstruation begins.

After 24 days, according to the schedule, menstruation should begin. Its duration is also adjustable, 3-4 days. The full cycle should be 28 days. After which they begin to take tablets from a new package.

Despite the maximum proximity of the composition to natural hormones, the drug, if used incorrectly, can harm the body. It is recommended to take only after consultation with a specialist.

Other causes of bleeding

Other reasons that cause spotting when taking birth control pills may be:

  • smoking: has a significant effect on hormonal levels, suppressing estrogen production;
  • medications: some medications are not recommended to be taken together with oral contraceptives. Therefore, if you regularly take any medication, be sure to inform your gynecologist about this before he prescribes you OK;
  • infections or diseases of the reproductive system: as a rule, such pathologies are accompanied by discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen, an uncharacteristic odor of discharge, and a change in the consistency of mucus.

If you find any deviations from the norm, you should immediately consult a doctor so that, based on the tests, he can select timely and effective treatment.

The effect of contraceptive drugs on menstruation

First of all, it is worth understanding the mechanism of action of hormonal pills. Oral contraceptives (OCs) most often combine male hormones (progestins) and female hormones (estrogens) and are aimed primarily at reducing or completely suppressing ovulation. After all, the release of a mature egg in the middle of the menstrual cycle (ovulation) is the most important factor for pregnancy.

At the same time, the effect of the drug on the female body is to increase the viscosity of the fluid in the cervical canal and the acidity of the vagina. This has a detrimental effect on sperm entering the vagina during sexual intercourse. Hormonal drugs also help reduce the functional layer of the endometrium. So, if fertilization does occur, the egg will not be able to implant in the uterus.

While taking OCs, a change in hormonal levels occurs, which gynecologists sometimes call artificial pregnancy. During this period, the reproductive system “rests”.

The discharge that appears after each course of contraceptives is withdrawal bleeding. After all, real menstruation occurs if ovulation occurs in the cycle.

After the end of contraception, the body needs time to start producing hormones in the right quantities again. In this regard, at first there are no periods after stopping birth control pills. Many women face this standard situation.

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Zoel is taken to restore the menstrual cycle, regulate the balance of hormones, and prevent pregnancy. The contraceptive effect is associated with suppression of ovulation, changes in the quantity and quality of cervical mucus. Each tablet contains a certain dose of hormones. Their accumulation in the body leads to changes in the reproductive sphere. The egg stops developing, does not leave the follicle, and ovulation does not occur. Pregnancy in this case is impossible. If ovulation does occur, the altered cervical mucus will not allow the fertilized egg to penetrate the cervix and attach to the genitals for further development.

In the second phase of the cycle, the body prepares for menstruation. Thanks to the controlled level of progesterone, all processes proceed according to the desired scenario. The endometrium changes structure, becomes loose, and the uterus prepares for rejection. The last 4 tablets in the package are intentionally hormone-free. During these days, there is a sharp decrease in the level of progesterone in the body, and menstruation begins.

Zoeli is characterized by a mild action, no side effects, fast, reliable results. After discontinuation of the drug, reproductive function is quickly restored, ovulation occurs in the next cycle.

If you miss a pill

There are situations when a woman was unable to take the next dose of hormones or simply forgot. What to do in this case?

  1. If less than 12 hours have passed from the prescribed time of taking the tablets, you must immediately take another tablet. Then follow your normal schedule.
  2. If more than 12 hours have passed, you will have to throw away the tablet and take the next one according to the schedule. It is not allowed to take 2 tablets at once. This threatens an excess of hormones, deterioration of well-being, and menstrual irregularities.

A missed pill does not guarantee 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy. It is recommended to use additional contraception, preferably a condom, for a week. If several tablets are missed in one cycle, the likelihood of conception and changes in the nature of menstrual flow increases.

Home Forum Contraception (prevention against pregnancy)

Total messages: 2975

07/25/2014, Elena Hello! I’ve been taking Qlaira for 4 years, the discharge always comes in the middle of the pack - maybe ovulation is still happening? I am 31 years old. Thank you in advance.

    Evgeniya34 (consultant): Elena, this is not ovulatory discharge, otherwise you would have simply given birth a long time ago)) The discharge is associated with a lack of estrogen dose in Claira specifically for you.

07/24/2014, Anna Hello, Evgenia! Is additional contraception necessary when taking the antibiotic azithromycin?

    Evgeniya34 (consultant): Anna, no, it does not reduce the contraceptive effect.

07/23/2014, Yulia ...I just really like that there are no periods on Klaira at all - and this seems to be a feature of dienogest - if only there were no breakthroughs in the middle))

    Evgeniya34 (consultant): Yulia, if it were only a matter of breakthroughs, then you can switch to Zhanine - the composition is the same, the dose of estrogen is higher, which will improve cycle control. But because of thrush, I recommend Microgenon.

07/22/2014, Ksenia, 38 years old, was prescribed Klaira after hysteroscopy for polyps. I drank 2 packs and never had a period. This is fine?

    Evgeniya34 (consultant): Ksenia, yes, this is normal. This is how the drug works.

07/22/2014, Margarita Hello!! I’ve been taking the drug Klaira for 1.5 years, everything is fine. And the last two cycles on the 26th tablet there is spotting, literally 1-2 days, but there is no menstruation as such. After the first cycle I took a test (negative). I'm wondering if it's normal to only have spotting and not menstruation?

    Evgeniya34 (consultant): Margarita, absolutely normal. Qlaira contains dienogest, which helps to thin the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus), and sometimes there is simply nothing to reject. If you stop taking the OC, your periods will return in full.

07/23/2014, Margarita Is it normal to have a complete absence of menstrual-like discharge with a negative pregnancy test? Thanks in advance for your answer.

    Evgeniya34 (consultant): Margarita, this is a variant of the norm with a negative test. A bonus from Klaira for your comfortable existence. This is not menopause, don’t make it up))

07/21/2014, aleksandra hello, I’m 26 years old. I just had one childbirth! Three months ago I started taking Klaira, although after an abortion, after waiting for the first day of my period. In the middle of the cycle I have spotting, a tummy tug. And after the last pills my periods are very weak. In general, just a little , they smear more in the middle of the cycle, for about a week! what could it be??

    Evgenia34 (consultant): aleksandra, The topic of spotting and breakthrough bleeding in the first 3 months of taking any COC has been discussed hundreds of times on the forum. Please read the instructions for the drug, and then here in detail: https://www.sikirina.tsi.ru/ok-faq-29.phtml scanty menstrual-like reactions (menstruation) against the background of the COC variant of the norm.

07/20/2014, Victoria Good afternoon! I am 30 years old, I am taking Qlaira, my fourth pack. During the reception of all packs, including the fourth pack, there is a daub that begins in the middle of the pack and continues until the end of the pack. I read that within 3 packs this is the norm, if more, you need to change the drug. My question is this: yesterday, on the fourth pack, I had sexual intercourse while there was a spot, no additional methods of contraception were used (only Qlaira tablets). Is the contraceptive effect of the pills reduced if there is a bloody spot on the fourth pack? I also missed one pill a week ago, but the pill was taken after 10 hours, the rest of the pills were taken on time. Is there a risk of pregnancy?

    Evgenia34 (consultant): Victoria, spotting is not dangerous, does not reduce the contraceptive effect, in 5-10% of women adaptation can take from 3 to 6 months. You have the right to be late in taking the next pill by no more than 12 hours. There is no risk.

07/20/2014, Victoria Evgenia, thank you very much for your answers! It’s very nice that you always answer all questions on time and clearly! Thank you!!!

    Evgeniya34 (consultant): Victoria, please)) Good health to you!

07/18/2014, Nelly Minsk Hello, Evgenia. Can you please tell me if Kratinex drops are compatible with Qlaira? Or what mild (herbal) sedatives can be taken simultaneously with Qlaira? Thank you.

    Evgenia34 (consultant): Nellie Minsk, Kratinex is compatible with Qlaira. You can take any sedatives that do not contain phenobarbital and St. John's wort.

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The effect of contraceptives on the presence of discharge

Combined oral contraceptives are a common method of protection against unwanted pregnancy throughout the world. Their advantage is:

  • reliability;
  • excellent tolerability;
  • availability;
  • lack of connection with sex;
  • correction and control of the monthly cycle;
  • the possibility of restoring a woman’s fertile function;
  • safety;
  • the presence of a therapeutic effect, correction of pathology;
  • prevention of malignant neoplasms of the reproductive tract and colorectal cancer;
  • resolution of fear and complexes about the possibility of accidentally becoming pregnant;
  • the ability to delay the next menstruation for some time.
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