How will childbirth proceed after cauterization of cervical erosion?

Childbirth after cauterization of cervical erosion can be planned if complete recovery has occurred. With a high-quality procedure that does not cause scars, you can become pregnant and give birth on your own.

Cervical erosion is a very common gynecological disease that requires proper treatment. The disease, without proper surgery, can cause serious complications, infertility, and degeneration into a malignant tumor. Girls who have not given birth need to choose the moxibustion method more carefully in order to be able to give birth to a child naturally in the future.

How will childbirth proceed after cauterization of cervical erosion?

Childbirth after cauterization of cervical erosion can be planned if complete recovery has occurred. With a high-quality procedure that does not cause scars, you can become pregnant and give birth on your own.

Cervical erosion is a very common gynecological disease that requires proper treatment. The disease, without proper surgery, can cause serious complications, infertility, and degeneration into a malignant tumor. Girls who have not given birth need to choose the moxibustion method more carefully in order to be able to give birth to a child naturally in the future.

Is it possible to eliminate the problem while carrying a child?

Ectopia is not a reason to terminate a pregnancy. You can give birth with any type of pathology. To treat or not to treat is a pressing question.

More often, ectopia is simply observed. After childbirth, with erosion of the cervix, the foci of the disease are removed.

It also happens: a woman went through her entire pregnancy with erosion, gave birth, came to see a doctor - there were no violations.

This is due to the fact that the epithelium was damaged due to the growth of the uterus and weight gain. The uterus returned to its previous size - the ectopia disappeared.

In pregnant women, the affected areas are not cauterized, because a scar appears at the site of the adhesions. The uterus is constantly growing, the wound is not healing well.

During labor, a fresh wound may open and cause bleeding. Scars prevent the uterus from stretching during childbirth.

What to do if the baby is conceived immediately after cauterization of cervical erosion, how will the birth proceed?

When 7 weeks have not passed from the removal of the ulcers to the onset of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes a cesarean section. Since the scar on the cervix is ​​fresh, natural childbirth may be complicated.

If the disease poses a danger to a pregnant woman, the doctor chooses gentle treatment methods. When ectopia is manifested by itching and discharge, suppositories with methyluracil are prescribed.

Find out more:

  • what are the nuances of planning pregnancy with erosion and after cauterization;
  • about the symptoms of the disease during pregnancy;
  • how it is diagnosed, what suppositories it is treated with;
  • about the features of therapy with medications and folk remedies, sea buckthorn oil and suppositories.

Causes of erosion, its treatment

This disease is often asymptomatic, and can be detected in a gynecological chair using mirrors. Sometimes, if the disease progresses, a woman feels pain, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and bleeding is observed.

To avoid the development of pathological changes on the mucous membrane of the cervix, you need to know why the disease appears?

The main factors that cause pathology:

  • Infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted.
  • Mechanical damage to organs, after poor-quality abortions, difficult childbirth, use of an intrauterine device.
  • Injuries that caused inflammatory processes.
  • Decreased immune system, which is caused by a chronic form of gynecological diseases.
  • Vaginal microflora disorders.
  • Sexual activity before the age of sixteen causes injury to the organ, which affects the formation of pathological changes.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners.
  • A hormonal imbalance can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle, promiscuous sexual intercourse, and labor at a very young age.

Before treatment, it is important to determine the cause of the disease and undergo a special examination of the patient. Then the cauterization method is prescribed, it all depends on the size of the affected area, the woman’s age, her desire to have children, the presence of infections in the body and inflammatory processes.

After cauterization, the doctor prescribes drug therapy, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing drugs. If the pathology is not treated, it leads to an increase in the size of the affected area, which leads to infertility.

Surgical intervention leads to the removal of erosion, after which you need to follow the recommendations of specialists, and in the future you can become pregnant and avoid serious consequences.

How does childbirth proceed with this pathology?

Erosion is any damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix.

Physiological ectopia does not affect the health of the mother and fetus unless it is complicated by inflammation, infection and cell degeneration.

The only risk is the labor process. When a child passes through the birth canal, pseudo-erosion increases the likelihood of micro-tears in the cervix.

Therefore, 2 months after birth they undergo a gynecological examination. If the cervix ulcerates and bleeds, they are sent for colposcopy. Based on the results of the study, treatment is prescribed.

If true erosion is detected during pregnancy, the doctor chooses treatment tactics based on the cause of the pathology.

Foci of ectopia appear under unfavorable factors:

  • mechanical impact. No treatment is carried out, the irritant is simply eliminated;
  • bacteria and viruses. They can be the cause of the pathology or its consequence. To identify the causative agent of the disease, a smear is taken for the bacterial flora.

    If there is an infection, antibiotics or topical medications are prescribed. The treatment regimen depends on the causative agent of the infection;

  • hormonal disbalance.
    A common cause of hormone imbalance is stress and autoimmune diseases. When a woman registers with the antenatal clinic for pregnancy, her medical history is studied in detail. If there are hormonal disorders, and the disease is associated with them, an endocrinologist prescribes research and treatment.

Do people give birth with cervical erosion? Most often, erosion is not treated during pregnancy.

After birth, she is cauterized and restorative therapy is prescribed. Childbirth takes place naturally if there are no contraindications.

Is it possible to give birth with cervical erosion? Ectopia is not an obstacle to the release of the fetus. Women with erosion give birth under normal conditions.

Erosion and ectopia of the cervix - how to distinguish and understand when treatment is necessary:

Erosion control methods

Before surgery, the patient is recommended to undergo examination; more often she takes a blood test, urine test, and a smear for microflora. If infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs are detected, cauterization is postponed and other treatment is prescribed.

In modern medicine, there are many ways to cauterize erosion.

The most common method of surgical intervention is electric shock. This method does not require special equipment and is used in every clinic. The downside is that after the procedure, scars appear, which causes a difficult birth.

But this is an affordable operation, and when performed well, it is highly effective. Electric current is applied to the affected area, this causes a burn, and the pathological cells die. The recovery period is about two months, and bleeding may occur after the procedure. The formation of scars can lead to poor dilation of the uterus during labor, but often it all depends on the mental state of the woman. After the procedure, you must abstain from sexual contact for a month or on the recommendation of the treating doctor, everything is determined individually in a particular case.

After electric cauterization, discharge may appear, but if there is severe pain in the lower back, abdomen, or high temperature, you must urgently contact a medical facility for help.

After the operation, you cannot take a hot bath, visit saunas, swimming pools, do physical activity, or play sports.

Professionally performed cauterization with electric current will not bring serious complications; after recovery, the girl will be able to become pregnant and give birth to a baby.

There are more modern methods of influencing the cervix, which are often used for nulliparous girls and do not affect childbirth.

Exposure of affected cells to liquid nitrogen is called cryodestruction. Pathological cells of the cervix are frozen with a special apparatus, healthy tissue is not affected. Recovery occurs within ten days and leaves no scarring.

The disadvantage is the high price; the equipment is available only in special clinics. If the pathology is not completely eliminated, the procedure can be repeated only after a month.

How does childbirth proceed after cauterization of cervical erosion?

Childbirth after cauterization of cervical erosion can be planned if complete recovery has occurred. With a high-quality procedure that does not cause scars, you can become pregnant and give birth on your own.

Cervical erosion is a very common gynecological disease that requires proper treatment. The disease, without proper surgery, can cause serious complications, infertility, and degeneration into a malignant tumor. Girls who have not given birth need to choose the moxibustion method more carefully in order to be able to give birth to a child naturally in the future.

This disease is often asymptomatic, and can be detected in a gynecological chair using mirrors. Sometimes, if the disease progresses, a woman feels pain, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and bleeding is observed.

To avoid the development of pathological changes on the mucous membrane of the cervix, you need to know why the disease appears?

The main factors that cause pathology:

  • Infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted.
  • Mechanical damage to organs, after poor-quality abortions, difficult childbirth, use of an intrauterine device.
  • Injuries that caused inflammatory processes.
  • Decreased immune system, which is caused by a chronic form of gynecological diseases.
  • Vaginal microflora disorders.
  • Sexual activity before the age of sixteen causes injury to the organ, which affects the formation of pathological changes.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners.
  • A hormonal imbalance can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle, promiscuous sexual intercourse, and labor at a very young age.

Before treatment, it is important to determine the cause of the disease and undergo a special examination of the patient.
Then the cauterization method is prescribed, it all depends on the size of the affected area, the woman’s age, her desire to have children, the presence of infections in the body and inflammatory processes. After cauterization, the doctor prescribes drug therapy, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing drugs. If the pathology is not treated, it leads to an increase in the size of the affected area, which leads to infertility.

Surgical intervention leads to the removal of erosion, after which you need to follow the recommendations of specialists, and in the future you can become pregnant and avoid serious consequences.

Before surgery, the patient is recommended to undergo examination; more often she takes a blood test, urine test, and a smear for microflora. If infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs are detected, cauterization is postponed and other treatment is prescribed.

In modern medicine, there are many ways to cauterize erosion.

The most common method of surgical intervention is electric shock. This method does not require special equipment and is used in every clinic. The downside is that after the procedure, scars appear, which causes a difficult birth.

But this is an affordable operation, and when performed well, it is highly effective. Electric current is applied to the affected area, this causes a burn, and the pathological cells die. The recovery period is about two months, and bleeding may occur after the procedure. The formation of scars can lead to poor dilation of the uterus during labor, but often it all depends on the mental state of the woman. After the procedure, you must abstain from sexual contact for a month or on the recommendation of the treating doctor, everything is determined individually in a particular case.

After electric cauterization, discharge may appear, but if there is severe pain in the lower back, abdomen, or high temperature, you must urgently contact a medical facility for help.

After the operation, you cannot take a hot bath, visit saunas, swimming pools, do physical activity, or play sports.

Professionally performed cauterization with electric current will not bring serious complications; after recovery, the girl will be able to become pregnant and give birth to a baby.

There are more modern methods of influencing the cervix, which are often used for nulliparous girls and do not affect childbirth.

Exposure of affected cells to liquid nitrogen is called cryodestruction. Pathological cells of the cervix are frozen with a special apparatus, healthy tissue is not affected. Recovery occurs within ten days and leaves no scarring.

The disadvantage is the high price; the equipment is available only in special clinics. If the pathology is not completely eliminated, the procedure can be repeated only after a month.

After each technique, you need to undergo a second examination by a gynecologist to confirm complete recovery.

If you experience nagging pain in the abdomen, you can take a painkiller; white, pinkish discharge after surgery is also considered normal; everything unnecessary is removed from the body, sometimes it lasts about ten days.

Of course, it is better for young girls to use a more modern technique, but if this is not possible, cauterization with electric current can be done. A professionally performed operation will not cause serious complications during childbirth, but a woman needs to be under the supervision of a gynecologist during pregnancy.

Cauterization of erosion does not affect pregnancy planning, but the pathology must be cured before planning conception.

Following the recommendations of specialists after the procedure, you can get rid of serious complications and avoid relapses of the disease.

To prevent inflammatory processes in the body, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory, wound-healing drugs.

In addition to drug therapy, it is important for a woman to adhere to:

  • Rules of intimate hygiene.
  • Avoid sexual activity until your body recovers or after consulting a doctor.
  • Do not swim in natural bodies of water, avoid hot baths, saunas, and swimming pools.
  • Do not overheat in the sun, do not allow hypothermia.
  • After cauterization, do not use tampons so as not to disturb the epithelium or damage the blood vessels.

An advanced form of the disease can degenerate into a malignant tumor, which is life-threatening and can lead to complete removal of the reproductive organs and death.

To avoid infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact, it is important to have one sexual partner. For casual sexual relations, use condoms.

Pregnancy after intervention

Of course, it is better for young girls to use a more modern technique, but if this is not possible, cauterization with electric current can be done. A professionally performed operation will not cause serious complications during childbirth, but a woman needs to be under the supervision of a gynecologist during pregnancy.

Cauterization of erosion does not affect pregnancy planning, but the pathology must be cured before planning conception.

Following the recommendations of specialists after the procedure, you can get rid of serious complications and avoid relapses of the disease.

To prevent inflammatory processes in the body, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory, wound-healing drugs.

In addition to drug therapy, it is important for a woman to adhere to:

  • Rules of intimate hygiene.
  • Avoid sexual activity until your body recovers or after consulting a doctor.
  • Do not swim in natural bodies of water, avoid hot baths, saunas, and swimming pools.
  • Do not overheat in the sun, do not allow hypothermia.
  • After cauterization, do not use tampons so as not to disturb the epithelium or damage the blood vessels.

An advanced form of the disease can degenerate into a malignant tumor, which is life-threatening and can lead to complete removal of the reproductive organs and death.

To avoid infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact, it is important to have one sexual partner. For casual sexual relations, use condoms.

It is better to diagnose the disease in the early stages, it will be easier to get rid of it. To do this, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist, at least twice a year. After the examination, the doctor will select the correct way to remove the pathology; there is no need to delay treatment, because erosion can develop into cancer.

Self-medication of such a problem will lead to serious consequences; to remove erosion, it is better to contact a specialized clinic, where experienced specialists will perform a painless cauterization procedure. After the operation, the girl will be able to become pregnant, and childbirth will take place naturally.

Erosion is a gynecological disease that a doctor diagnoses in every second woman of childbearing age. The disease is asymptomatic. A common method of treatment is cauterization of erosion.

Do I need to treat before giving birth?

It is prohibited to cauterize erosion during pregnancy, as this can lead to complications during labor. But it is necessary to treat the pathology, since the wound surface easily becomes infected, which leads to a number of complications: from inflammation to early childbirth. You can cauterize the erosion after the feeding period is completed.

When can you give birth after cauterization of erosion? After the procedure, a wound remains that hurts, and uterine discharge persists. A woman’s sex life also changes: sexual intercourse is allowed no earlier than 1.5-2 months after the procedure. Conceiving a child can be done after complete recovery and rehabilitation of the female body

  • The erosion is small. Removal took place pointwise. The recovery period takes 3-4 months. After this, you can already plan your pregnancy.
  • The erosion was localized near the opening of the neck. Removal leads to disruption of closure (this makes pregnancy difficult). Recovery after the procedure takes at least 6 months.
  • Multiple erosion. Large areas have been removed. It takes at least 1 year to prepare the body for pregnancy.

If less than 7 weeks have passed after cauterization and removal of erosion, and the woman is already pregnant, she will be shown a caesarean section. This is due to the fact that the scar on the wound is fresh and can easily disperse, and childbirth will occur with complications.

The essence of the procedure

The cauterization procedure for cervical erosion is a group of therapeutic techniques whose goal is to eliminate the disease by destroying pathological cells. There are several ways:

  • diathermocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser vaporization;
  • radio wave coagulation;
  • argon plasma ablation method;
  • electroconization;
  • ultrasound;
  • chemical or medicinal cauterization.

Diathermocoagulation involves treatment with electric current. The method is considered outdated and the most traumatic.

Cryodestruction is a method of getting rid of erosion using cauterization with nitrogen. The specialist freezes the pathological cells, thereby stopping their destruction.

Laser vaporization involves laser removal of erosion. The method is gentle but effective.

Radio waves are used to carry out radio wave coagulation. The method of getting rid of the disease is promising and less traumatic.

Erosion is also treated with argon, a method called argon plasma ablation.

To perform this, a device is used in which argon undergoes ionization by high-frequency currents and a plasma beam, and the action occurs exclusively in a targeted manner.

Electroconization - removal of erosion by partial removal of the cervix.

Ultrasound is a method of getting rid of erosion by exposing it to ultrasound.

Chemical or medicinal cauterization involves the use of a special drug, with the help of which the specialist causes tissue necrosis, forms a scab, which is subsequently replaced by a new layer of epithelium.

It is worth noting that the gynecologist excludes contraindications to the procedure, refers the woman for a full examination and prepares her for manipulation.

The cauterization procedure is performed in the second half of the cycle. First of all, the doctor treats the area and determines its boundaries, after which he destroys the erosion cells. Next, a scab or film forms on the treated area. After some time, the tissue damaged during the procedure comes off, healthy tissue is formed, and a scar often appears in place of the affected area.

Pregnancy after cauterization of erosion

The main thing women are afraid of when they hear that erosion should be cauterized is the consequences of the procedure on reproductive function. Any of the above methods does not have a direct effect on ovarian function and cell production. After cauterization of erosion, problems with conception arise for the following reasons:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • stress;
  • the presence of a large number of scars.

When might it come

After the procedure, pregnancy will certainly occur if there are no other reasons for difficulties with conception.

However, this will not happen immediately. The performed manipulation requires regular observation of the woman by a gynecologist during the first three months. Further, depending on the state of health and the woman’s body, the doctor makes a prescription, only after that can an attempt to conceive be made.

Danger of conception after cauterization of erosion

The procedure for cauterizing erosion is a short-term procedure that, if you follow the doctor’s recommendations, will help you forget about the disease forever.

When cauterized, inflamed pathological cells are destroyed. A kind of wound will form at the cauterization site, which will heal for some time. Typically this period is about a month.

In order for the wound to heal and the vaginal mucosa to recover, doctors recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse. Also, during sexual intercourse, a new infection at the site of the wound is possible. Very often, wound healing is accompanied by pain impulses, to which the body responds by contracting the muscles of the perineum. After cauterization of the erosion, the process of secretion of cervical mucus, which is responsible for the entry of sperm into the uterus, may be disrupted.

If the cause of erosion is an infectious or venereal disease, then in addition to cauterization, the doctor will prescribe complex treatment to eliminate the infection. For example, one of the reasons for the appearance of erosion in the vagina may be the papilloma virus, which can be treated for a long time with medications. Accompanying drug treatment excludes the possibility of becoming pregnant in the near future, since this can not only threaten the health of the child, but also affect the course of pregnancy.


If erosion is not one of the stages of cancer, doctors recommend cauterizing it after the birth of the baby.

This is due to the fact that after cauterization, rough scars are formed that will not allow the cervix to open to its full extent. And for the successful course of natural labor, it is imperative that the cervix is ​​sufficiently elastic and can fully open.

If a woman is nevertheless diagnosed with a pathology that is at stages 1, 2 or 3 of cervical dysplasia, then doctors will insist on cauterizing the erosion before pregnancy. Do not forget that erosion is an infectious source, which, against the background of reduced immunity during pregnancy, can have an adverse effect on the woman’s body and on the health of the unborn child.

When cauterizing erosion, injury to the endometrium is possible. At conception, the formed fertilized egg is attached to the endometrium. An egg will not be able to attach to the injured endometrium, which can cause miscarriage in the early stages. Therefore, when cauterizing, it is necessary to choose a method with the least impact on the reproductive function of the woman’s body.

Pregnancy after cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current: differences

Pregnancy, which is planned after the procedure of cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current, is nothing remarkable. The only thing that should be noted is that the number of inspections is slightly larger.

This is necessary so that the doctor has the opportunity to observe the absence of pathological epithelium.

How soon can you give birth?

It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question: how long after the operation can you give birth. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

The cauterization method is very traumatic, and therefore it is necessary to obtain permission from a gynecologist to conceive; as a rule, the body recovers on average from three months to one and a half years.

Can complications occur?

The scars that form as a result of cauterization directly affect childbirth, or more correctly, can become an obstacle to the natural resolution of the situation.

Special cases

If the disease was detected already during pregnancy, its treatment should be postponed until after childbirth.

Planning pregnancy after moxibustion

Almost all women who are faced with this disease are concerned about one question: how long before you can get pregnant after cauterization of erosion? The answer will vary depending on the type of treatment.

Modern medicine offers several ways to combat cervical erosion:

  • Diathermocoagulation or electrocoagulation;
  • Laser coagulation;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • Chemical coagulation;
  • Radio wave coagulation.

Diathermocoagulation is a method in which erosion is affected by electric current. It provokes the death of pathological cells. This method is one of the most traumatic, since in the process of exposure the electric current damages the lower part of the cervical canal and there is a possibility that the woman will no longer be able to give birth. The consequences of using this method are rough scars at the site of erosion.

After the diathermocoagulation procedure, it is necessary to take into account that the resulting scars can become an obstacle to natural childbirth. You will need to monitor your cervix throughout your pregnancy. Before giving birth, your doctor will help you assess the risk of natural childbirth and whether the cervix will be able to stretch as the fetus passes through the birth canal.

The healing process of the resulting wound after cauterization with electric current will take more than 2 months. Healing of tissues and restoration of the mucous membrane with this method takes quite a long time. Therefore, the average period after which a woman can become pregnant ranges from 3-5 months or more. The diathermocoagulation method is not recommended for women who have not given birth and is used if there is no other choice.

Laser coagulation

One of the safest methods of treating erosion is laser coagulation. Its advantages are that the procedure itself is painless and healthy cervical cells are not injured. When using this method, scars do not form at the site of erosion, so you can already plan a pregnancy in the next cycle.

Another least traumatic method is cryodestruction. This method involves exposing the affected tissue areas to liquid nitrogen, pre-cooled to a temperature of 180C. During the cryodestruction process, healthy cells are not affected and scars are not formed. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

The healing process of the resulting wound occurs within 1-1.5 months. However, full recovery after the procedure requires a little more time. Therefore, it is not recommended to become pregnant for six months (and maybe longer).

Chemical coagulation is a method in which erosion is affected by applying a special agent to it using colposcopy, so as not to affect healthy cervical cells. This method is used in cases where the erosion is minor.

The recovery period for the body after chemical coagulation will be approximately 4 months. The disadvantage of this method is that erosion may appear again during pregnancy.

Radio wave coagulation allows you to remove the affected cells of the cervix using high-frequency waves. This method is carried out a week after the end of the menstrual cycle. The disadvantage of this method is the pain that the woman will experience during the cauterization process. The advantage of the method is the absence of scars later during healing.

The healing process will take 1-1.5 months. After cauterization with radio waves, bloody discharge is observed for up to 25 days. In this case, the doctor prescribes special suppositories.

Cauterization for nulliparous women - video

The essence of the procedure

Cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current is the most painful and traumatic method of treatment. The essence of the procedure is that the affected area of ​​the epithelium is exposed to high temperatures, which are obtained as a result of the current switching to different frequencies.

At the moment, such cauterization is practically not carried out, since the treatment method itself is considered outdated. She was replaced by:

  • Ultrasonic cauterization.
  • Cryodestruction, that is, treatment of erosion with liquid nitrogen.
  • Cauterization using a radio knife.
  • Laser vaporization.
  • Cauterization with various medications.

Electrocoagulation and diathermoexcision - what is the difference and which is better?

There are two main types of treatment for cervical erosion with electric current:

  1. Diathermoexcision is the direct cutting out of a damaged area of ​​the epithelium by electric current. Usually the cutout has a conical shape. This treatment option is indicated for severe cervical dysplasia and inversion of its mucous membrane.
  2. Electrocoagulation (diathermocoagulation) is the effect of high frequency current on the tissue area affected by erosion. As a result of such exposure, the damaged epithelium receives a severe burn, then it scars. This treatment option is quite painful and outdated.

Indications and contraindications

The main and only indication for cauterization with electric current is the presence of pseudo-erosion . But there are many more contraindications to this method of treatment:

  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • congenital or true erosion;
  • any inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • open bleeding of any type;
  • presence of cancer;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • C-section;
  • no history of childbirth;
  • the presence of any sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV;
  • poor smear and blood tests;
  • the presence of an intrauterine device and other metal implants;
  • serious mental disorders.

Rules for preparing for coagulation

A woman should prepare in advance for such an operation:

  1. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist and take a smear to check the vaginal microflora.
  2. Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Take general and biochemical blood tests.
  4. Avoid sexual intercourse a week before cauterization.
  5. Submitting material for biopsy.

Cauterization with electric current is carried out only between the 7th and 9th day of the menstrual cycle. The recovery period will be faster and easier.

Duration and technique of execution

The average duration of a cauterization operation of any of the two types takes no more than half an hour. Minimum time is 20 minutes.

Electrocoagulation is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. One spherical electrode is inserted into the vagina;
  2. the second electrode is placed near the sacral region;
  3. the device turns on;
  4. the high temperature generated between the electrodes burns the damaged areas of the epithelium.

When the entire affected area of ​​tissue has been treated, the procedure is considered complete. After a couple of days, a crust appears at the site of erosion, which will disappear over time, leaving a small scar underneath.

Diathermoexcision is performed using a local anesthetic:

  1. First, speculums are inserted into the vagina.
  2. The cervix is ​​then treated with a special anesthetic solution.
  3. After this, the doctor carefully places a special rubber cuff into the vagina.
  4. Through the cuff, the electrode is inserted into the cervical canal and there, turning in a circle, cuts off the damaged areas of tissue in the shape of a cone.

Rehabilitation period: practical recommendations

The recovery period after cauterization of erosion with electric current lasts about 60 days . During this period it is possible:

  1. general weakness;
  2. severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  3. heavy discharge, sometimes reminiscent of menstruation.

During the rehabilitation period, gynecologists recommend:

  • abstain from sexual intercourse;
  • refuse heavy physical activity;
  • spend more time alone;
  • do not use tampons;
  • wear underwear only made from natural fabrics;
  • do not swim in open or dug public reservoirs;
  • do not visit solariums, baths and saunas.

Discharge may occur throughout the rehabilitation period and is considered normal. But if they have a greenish or yellowish tint, as well as a strong unpleasant putrefactive odor, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Is it possible to give birth to a baby after cauterization and how to avoid complications?

After cauterization of erosion, complications can arise only during labor. It could be:

  • sharp dilatation of the uterus and rapid labor (the child’s head is injured, which affects its further development);
  • delayed opening of the uterus and emergency cesarean section;
  • the muscles of the uterus lose their elasticity and do not stretch well (the woman receives severe wounds when the baby comes out).

To protect yourself and your baby from complications during pregnancy and childbirth, be sure to follow medical advice. The first and most important thing is planning pregnancy and conceiving only after the female body has fully recovered. During the recovery period it is important:

  1. Avoid excessive physical activity and do not lift heavy objects;
  2. in the first days after cauterization, observe bed rest;
  3. do not use tampons, give preference to pads;
  4. abstain from sexual intercourse for the next 3-4 weeks;
  5. do not go to the sauna, bathhouse, or take a hot bath;
  6. do not take medications containing aspirin;
  7. take prescribed medications, follow a therapeutic diet;
  8. protect yourself from anxiety, worry, stress.

Consequences and complications

The woman will always feel general fatigue and irritability, and tissue scarring will occur extremely slowly. It’s easy to avoid such consequences - just don’t break the prohibitions.

Cauterization of erosion with electric current leads to tissue scarring. In the future, this has a detrimental effect on reproductive activity. Women often cannot carry a child to term or have ruptures during childbirth. Therefore, this method of treatment can only be used by women who do not plan to give birth again.

Myths and facts about the procedure

There are not many myths left around this outdated method of treating erosion:

    All women can cauterize cervical erosion with electric current.

This is an old Soviet delusion. Not a single qualified gynecologist will recommend this treatment option to a nulliparous girl, so it is necessary only after childbirth! Cauterizing erosion with electricity is just as painful as treating it with other methods.

It is a myth. It is diathermoexcision and electrocoagulation that are considered the most painful treatment options. After such an operation, erosion does not reappear.

In fact, in almost 45% of cases, after cauterization of erosion with electric current, it appears again.

Treatment of cervical erosion with electric current is an outdated and painful method of treatment. An increasing number of gynecologists are refusing to use it in favor of more modern and gentle types of operations. Therefore, it is very important to find a competent specialist who will select the appropriate treatment option depending on the age, health condition and wishes of the patient.

Bearing a fetus after cauterization of erosion and childbirth

After cauterization of the erosion, the woman’s body must be completely restored. If pregnancy occurs and the recovery process is not completed, an unfavorable outcome is possible. The cervix must fully recover in order to secrete mucus, which will protect the child from possible infections from the outside for nine months. If the cervix has not restored its functions, the child may be infected in utero.

Cauterization of cervical erosion is only half of the treatment process. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of its occurrence, be it an infectious or venereal disease or hormonal disorders in the body. If the cause is not eliminated, erosion may appear again.

Basically, pregnancy after treatment for cervical erosion is no different from normal pregnancy. It’s just that the woman is subjected to more close attention from the gynecologist.

Before conceiving a baby after cauterization of erosion, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will confirm the complete recovery of the body after the procedure and rule out any possible risks.

Childbirth after cauterization of cervical erosion without scarring will occur naturally. Proof can be those who carried a child and who gave birth after cauterization of erosion.

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