Increased libido before and during menstruation

Perhaps not only women, but also their partners know that libido tends to increase before menstruation. In order to understand the mechanism of this dependence, a sufficient number of studies have been carried out, but the answer to the question of interest still remains not found. Nevertheless, doctors agree that changes in sexual desire in women at different periods of the menstrual cycle are significantly influenced by hormonal levels.

Many representatives of the fair sex note an increased interest in sex immediately before the onset of menstruation. The desires of a lady during this period can be predicted, since the body seems to require mastery of her body, however, here, in case of unpreparedness to conceive a child, one should be as careful as possible, since this time (namely a few days before the start of menstruation) is favorable for pregnancy .

What, after all, can predetermine surges in libido in women and in what phases of the menstrual cycle does it increase or, conversely, decrease, will be explained by the material presented below.

Pregnancy immediately after menstruation

The female body is a complex individual system. Modern women are more knowledgeable about issues of conception and pregnancy than they were 30 years ago. Representatives of the fair sex were clearly confident that pregnancy did not occur during menstruation and immediately after it. We tried to make the most of 7 days of safe sex. And they were very surprised when pregnancy did occur. Is sex after menstruation safe for conception?

Ovulation in a normal, constant menstrual cycle occurs 14–16 days after the start of the previous menstruation. The first day of menstruation is considered the beginning of a new cycle. Controls the entire process of the reproductive system of the central nervous system, sex hormones. Numerous factors can affect the functioning of the nervous system and the amount of hormones. Ovulation may not occur at all, it may occur earlier than expected, much later, or 2 eggs mature at once. Consequently, conception can occur on any day of the cycle, even during menstruation and immediately after menstruation. This means you always need to protect yourself. Using the calendar method to prevent pregnancy is not entirely correct these days.

Safe sex

Why do you want sex during your period? Is it possible to get pregnant during this period? One of the most common reasons for increased sexual desire is the realization that sex will not lead to an unwanted pregnancy, and it is possible not to use contraception. The woman and man relax as much as possible, and all attention is focused on internal sensations.

But there are risks of conceiving a child even during menstruation. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body, late or repeated ovulation. Therefore, you should not neglect contraceptives. It is best to use a condom, this will reduce the risk of infection of the uterus and protect against unplanned pregnancy.

A woman can be sure of safe days by keeping a diary, which records a graph of changes in basal body temperature throughout the entire menstrual cycle. This way you can track when ovulation occurred and which days are safe. You are least likely to get pregnant during the first 2 days of your period.

Religious ban

A woman during menstruation is considered unclean from a religious point of view.
She suffered the fate of monthly bleeding after Eve committed sin in the Garden of Eden. From that moment on, the woman is doomed to endure torment every month, to atone for her guilt. In ancient times, a woman who suffered from bleeding was considered cursed. Not only was it forbidden to have intimacy with her, it was even forbidden to touch her. A man who had sexual intercourse with a woman during menstruation, from a religious point of view, also became unclean. But it was much more difficult for him to atone for his guilt. The woman stopped bleeding - she was cleansed. Men do not have this opportunity. In those days, a woman was also called unclean due to the lack of proper hygiene products. There were no effective pads or tampons in those days. It’s no wonder that there were stains on clothes and traces of blood on the floor and chairs. Nowadays, this problem has been solved, but the woman feels unclean in her own feelings. He washes himself several times a day and tries to be in society less.

In addition, it was believed that blood could change the composition of a man’s sperm. In the case of conception, the pregnancy was difficult, the child had defects and deviations. As for conception during menstruation, there is a chance, but it is low. The composition of sperm changes periodically. By the time the days are favorable for conception, she will no longer be the same as she was 14 days ago.

Currently, only true believers and representatives of religious communities pay special attention to the religious issue. All other women and men are the least concerned about this issue.

Sex after menstruation and health

Some sources of information emphasize that sexual intercourse after menstruation should be with the use of condoms. They justify their statement as follows. The new endometrial lining is unable to fully protect the uterus from infections. The cervix remains slightly open for another 5–7 days. That is, these days the risk of catching an infection, getting inflammation, and gynecological diseases increases. Theoretically, this is true. In practice, only a few follow these recommendations.

If sexual intercourse occurs with a regular partner, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. The microflora of the genital organs has long adapted to each other. If hygiene is maintained, sex will be safe from a health point of view. In addition, condoms dry out the vagina. And immediately after menstruation, there is often a lack of lubrication. You have to use special lubricants. Which, from a health point of view, is even more undesirable than sex without condoms. One of the negative manifestations is an allergic reaction. However, sex immediately after menstruation with a new partner should be with a condom.

Features of sex after menstruation

Women during menstruation feel limited and deprived. After the end of menstruation, they want to feel full again. First of all, there is an urgent need for sex, it turns out, for a reason!

  1. During menstruation, the entire nervous system is tense. A woman is accompanied by tearfulness, nervousness, mood swings, aggression, depression and many unpleasant conditions. Sex allows you to relax. During orgasm, a large amount of happiness hormones are released. Sexual intercourse makes a woman happy, satisfied, cheerful. A new stage of life begins with your beloved man.
  2. Critical days exhaust a woman physically. Head, stomach, back hurt, there is weakness, loss of vitality. I want to compensate for my suffering with the pleasure that sex gives.
  3. Menstruation has ended, which means conception has not occurred. The body begins to prepare again for the maturation of the egg, ovulation. The desire for intimacy increases. A woman feels a strong attraction under the influence of sex hormones. A decrease in libido occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle. And the peak of desires occurs at the time of ovulation.

  4. After the end of the critical days, the uterus remains sensitive, sexual sensations change for the better. The sensations are more pleasant, strong, sharp.

Blood flow to the reproductive organs

Why do you want sex during your period, what is the reason for this? During menstruation, endometrial detachment occurs in the uterus, which is accompanied by rupture of blood vessels and blood loss. The blood supply to the uterus, ovaries and appendages increases, thereby improving the innervation of the nerve endings of the reproductive organs. A woman becomes more receptive to caresses, sensations during sex intensify, orgasm becomes brighter and sharper.

The discharge actively moisturizes the vaginal walls, the mucous membranes swell slightly, which also contributes to pleasant sensations for the woman and her sexual partner.

Menstrual cycle

A woman's menstrual cycle is more than just monthly bleeding for three to seven days. This is a complex hormonal restructuring of the body, preparing the internal genital organs for pregnancy and bearing a child.

If conception does not occur, the inner surface of the uterus - the endometrium - is renewed, the mucous membrane is rejected along with the blood. This is called menstruation.

All processes occurring in a woman’s body during one cycle are regulated by sex hormones - estrogens and progesterone. Their oscillations ensure the sequential occurrence of different phases of the cycle. However, sex hormones also affect the general condition of the body. The change in mood and emotional lability of a woman depend on them. Also, these substances are the main culprits in changes in libido - sexual desire, attraction to a partner.


Libido, or sexual desire, depends on both psycho-emotional factors and physical ones. It is influenced by:

Logically, the desire for sex should increase significantly during the period of ovulation. It usually occurs in the middle of the cycle and represents the release of a mature egg from the ovary.

This moment is the most favorable for pregnancy, because the female reproductive cell remains viable only for 24 hours. And, therefore, increased desire during ovulation increases the likelihood of sexual intercourse and successful conception and is an element of natural selection. However, people differ significantly from animals, in which all reproductive processes are subject to natural laws of regulation.

In practice, it is not women who notice an acute desire for sex in the middle of the month. Most often, they do not even notice any changes in the sexual sphere at this time.

However, for many, there is a clear relationship between changes in libido and menstruation - for example, its increase. How can we explain this?

Craving during menstruation

Why do you want sex during your period? It would seem that this is the most unfavorable time for receiving pleasure.

During menstruation, many women experience pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region, a feeling of heaviness in the body, and irritability. Swelling of the legs or arms is often observed. If menstrual bleeding is heavy, most people don't even want to think about having sex.

But sometimes it is during this period that sexual desire is more pronounced than ever. This is usually due to the following factors:

  • Sharp hormonal changes.
  • A rush of blood to the pelvic organs
  • Psycho-emotional component.
  • Relief after sexual intercourse.

Physiology and psychology of change

Fluctuating hormones cause a woman's mood to change, and she may well want sex during her period. Increased blood flow in the area of ​​the internal genital organs promotes rapid arousal and more vivid sensations from sexual intercourse. It is not uncommon for women to experience intense or multiple orgasms.

Increased libido can also be explained by the positive effect of sexual intercourse on a woman’s well-being. It helps her relax, relieves pain and discomfort. Psychological factors also have a significant impact on sexual desire.

In this situation, the principle of the sweetness of the forbidden fruit comes into play. It is human nature to want what is forbidden to him. If a woman experiences difficulties with sexual intercourse outside of menstruation, and sex does not bring her joy, a forced ban on intimate life helps the disappearance of fears and relaxation. And libido is paradoxically restored and even significantly enhanced.

Sometimes the desire for sex during menstruation is a kind of subconscious provocation of a man, a test of his feelings. After all, not all partners are ready to overcome disgust and experience pleasure from sexual intercourse during the period of bleeding. But if a man shows attraction, it means that his feelings for his partner are quite strong.

Of course, this logic of reasoning is incorrect, but it is precisely their irrationality that distinguishes subconscious motives from common sense.

What to do if libido increases during menstruation?

Sex during your period

There is no direct ban on having sex at this time. Although in many cultures, sexual activity during monthly bleeding is not encouraged, and sometimes even strictly prohibited.

Gynecologists also have a rather negative attitude towards this and explain their opinion by the increased susceptibility of the female body to infections. Indeed, at its core, the inner surface of the uterus at this moment is a continuous wound surface. And although it is reliably protected from pathogens from the outside, sexual intercourse can facilitate the penetration of germs.

One should also take into account the fact that not all men share a woman’s desire to be sexually active during menstruation. However, if the partner does not mind, there are no special contraindications to sex at this time. It is only important to observe certain hygiene measures:

  1. Use paper or regular towels if the bleeding is excessive.
  2. Take a shower immediately after sexual intercourse.
  3. Remember that menstruation does not guarantee the absence of conception.
  4. If possible, use a condom to avoid infection and for contraceptive purposes.

Hormonal influence

Why does the desire to have sex appear during menstruation?
Sexual contact stimulates the production of endorphins in the brain, these are “hormones of happiness”, the effect of which is similar to opium intoxication. An increase in libido is associated with the body's desire to get rid of stress and discomfort associated with the onset of menstruation. During orgasm, the hormone oxytocin is secreted, causing contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus. The woman gets more pleasure than on other days, the feeling of anxiety decreases, and trust in her partner appears. Sex also stimulates and accelerates the cleansing of the uterine cavity. The endometrium renews itself faster; immediately after intercourse, bleeding may increase and clots may appear, but later the discharge decreases and the menstrual days end earlier.

Starting from the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the production of estrogen decreases, and the concentration of testosterone becomes higher. This hormone increases libido, reduces pain, alleviates PMS symptoms, and is responsible for physical activity and endurance. An increased desire to have sex usually occurs a week or a few days before the start of your period.

Women with painless periods may want sex during menstruation. If the appearance of bloody discharge is accompanied by severe pain (dysmenorrhea), then there can be no talk of sex. Intimacy can further worsen a woman’s well-being and cause severe uterine cramps.

Thanks to the biological rhythms of the female body, testosterone and oxytocin are at high levels during menstruation. Reacting to all these changes, a woman’s libido increases, and she herself becomes very vulnerable and sensitive.

Testosterone levels remain high twice during the monthly cycle: during menstruation and during ovulation. These are the periods when a woman most wants sex. This is all no coincidence, because it is during ovulation that you have the highest chance of getting pregnant, and during menstruation, pleasant sensations will help relieve nervous tension and lift your spirits.

The level of these hormones in girls rises some time before the onset of menstruation, which is why they want sex before their period. This happens several days, or even a week before the onset of critical days. Instincts are designed in such a way that at this time a woman emits a smell that attracts men, so they usually do not object to such active behavior on the part of their fair half.

When it comes to having sex during your period, couples make their own decisions: some like to do it because the likelihood of getting pregnant is low, and some abstain from sex because they believe there is a certain risk of developing diseases. In part, both are right.

Desire before menstruation

Increased sexual desire before menstruation is perhaps even more common. Some women even consider it as a characteristic and unmistakable sign of the approach of menstruation. Some gynecologists identify it as a component of premenstrual syndrome. Why do you want sex before your period?

This phenomenon is explained quite simply. On the one hand, the same physiological mechanisms operate - hormonal fluctuations and increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. Their plethora promotes the rapid development of arousal and an easier onset of orgasm. A positive experience of intimate life at this time awakens attraction in the subsequent cycle.

On the other hand, a woman may want sex more, since sexual activity is unacceptable for her during menstruation. These psychological factors contribute to a physiological increase in libido.

Do not forget that the period of time before menstruation is not safe for pregnancy. Ovulation does not always occur strictly in the middle of the cycle. She may be late. This means that even 1–2 days before bleeding during unprotected intercourse, successful conception is possible. The best method of protection in this situation is condoms or hormonal contraceptives.

Disadvantages of sex during menstruation

During menstruation, the cervical canal is slightly open and through it infection can freely penetrate into the uterine cavity, endometritis can develop, and sexually transmitted diseases can occur. Blood is a convenient environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms, so it is recommended to use a condom. This contraceptive will also protect against unwanted pregnancy, since menstruation does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection.

The woman herself can become a source of infection, since chronic diseases worsen before menstruation and immunity decreases. It is not recommended to have rough sex with deep penetration into the vagina. This can lead to injury to the cervix.

In women with painful menstruation, sexual intercourse causes strong contractions of the uterus and increases pain and discomfort. The amount of blood loss may increase and the risk of developing endometriosis increases. In such cases, it is better to postpone intimacy until the end of the critical days and the body’s recovery.

Sex during menstruation has both physical and emotional benefits. Along with this, no doctor can give a categorical negative answer to the question about the possibility of having sex during this period of time.

Sex, first of all, is a way to show another person your love and desire, therefore, when making love with her man, a woman feels unity with him, his support and admiration.

Thus, the girl’s emotional state improves, irritability goes away, and her mood rises.

During menstruation, a woman’s vagina swells a little, its walls become more moisturized, so when sliding during intercourse, a woman, and a man too, feels more acutely and vividly, thus, a woman can get more pleasure than even making love in the middle of the cycle .

Having received pleasure, and especially if a woman has experienced an orgasm, she experiences uterine spasms and the pain that accompanies them, if such side effects accompany the woman during her menstrual period.

If during menstruation the desire is not strong, and especially if there is severe pain in the abdomen, then it is better to refuse to have sex during this period of time, as this leads to emotional shyness, insufficient relaxation and, as a result, even greater pain.

Not every person finds sexual intercourse during menstruation acceptable. Moreover, refusal of intimacy can come from both the man and the woman.

A lot depends on the nature of the bleeding, its abundance and duration, as well as on how the fairer sex tolerates the period in question.

There is also no consensus among experts. Although there are no obvious contraindications, many gynecologists do not recommend having intimate relations during menstruation. This is due to the fact that:

  1. During menstruation, the uterine mucosa, which is a barrier between the internal and external environment, is damaged for physiological reasons. It becomes an entry point for infection. Accordingly, the risk of infection during menstruation is slightly higher than on other days.
  2. There is a risk of endometrial particles being thrown into the upper parts of the cervix, since it is open during menstruation. That is, sex during menstruation is one of the factors in the occurrence of endometriosis.
  3. Microtraumas may occur during harsh sexual contact.
  4. The likelihood of conception, although minimal, is also present during menstruation.
  5. Due to the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, a mechanical effect on the wall of the rectum is possible. Therefore, sex can trigger an attack of diarrhea.

All this, of course, can be avoided by using condoms, controlling the intensity of sexual intercourse, and also choosing appropriate positions. There is also an opinion that sex during menstruation prolongs a woman’s youth, preventing the functions of the ovaries from fading away prematurely.

The question of whether it is possible to make love and how safe it is during menstruation must be approached individually. Every woman experiences her period differently. For some, sex at this time will be acceptable and useful, for others, on the contrary, it may cause a deterioration in their general condition.

However, if the partner does not mind, intimacy can even be useful. Traditional, no-frills vaginal sex can improve a woman’s overall condition and give her pleasure. Moreover, some studies have proven that representatives of the fairer sex more often achieve orgasm if they make love during menstruation.

The main caution is to remember to use contraception, especially condoms. During the period under review, the mucous membrane is injured, therefore, there is a high risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

Desire after period

The increased desire for sex after menstruation is most easily explained.

Firstly, a forced break in intimate life awakens sexual desire in the best possible way. And it doesn’t matter how long the bleeding lasts - 3 days or a week. After it ends, you want sex very strongly, and your intimate life begins to play with bright colors.

Secondly, the female body begins to prepare for pregnancy again, and hormone levels begin to change. Their fluctuations immediately affect the female libido.

Thirdly, a strong desire for sex closer to ovulation is a natural and natural phenomenon. And if there is an early release of the egg from the ovary, then you should not be surprised by the surge in desire after menstruation.

Sex at this time is highly likely to lead to pregnancy. Therefore, if a couple does not plan to have a child, they should carefully take care of contraception.

A woman's sexual desire is difficult to predict. It can change depending on menstruation, mood and even the phases of the moon. However, the partner should remember that regardless of the day of the cycle, increased libido is a normal process.

Elena Malysheva: “Powerful potency can be at any age!”

Many women wonder why there is an increase in libido after or before menstruation? It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously, because a woman is a multifaceted creature, largely impulsive and dependent on her emotional state and environment.


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This is exactly my problem. It’s a problem because I think it’s an abnormal phenomenon when you want sex only a few days a month, and so much so that you can climb the wall. And during the rest of the time - complete frigidity, you have to agree almost through clenched teeth. I’ve already made an appointment with a gynecologist, I want to consult about hormone tests, I need to sort this out somehow, and if a problem is discovered, I’m even ready to take hormonal medications, just to improve my personal life.


It’s strange, but for me it’s the opposite: before menstruation there is no sensitivity, but after menstruation such a desire awakens that I myself am sometimes in shock. Apparently, everything is different for everyone.

The nature of female libido

It is impossible to say unequivocally about the nature of female libido. Many studies have proven that attraction in women can change due to various parameters. At the same time, the female body responds to these factors differently. Many psychologists and sexologists avoid the topic of female libido.

It is customary to identify the following factors that most strongly influence a woman’s level of desire:

  • Periods of the menstrual cycle. Thus, it is believed that libido increases in women after the end of their periods. This has been proven by a number of studies. The results of the experiments confirmed that women's sexual response to erotic films and magazines increases after menstruation.
  • Emotionality, temperament. Scientists identify several character types. For some, libido increases not only before or after menstruation, but also during it. And some do not feel attracted to their partner throughout the entire time, limiting sexual contact to 1-2 sexual acts per week or even month. Increased libido is a sign of a fiery temperament.
  • Relationships with a partner. If a woman does not have confidence in her chosen one, she begins to feel insecure and constrained, which leads to a decrease in libido, especially during sexual intercourse.
  • The nature of sexual life. It has been proven that it is much easier for a woman to experience an orgasm with affectionate and caring men. Positive sexual experience affects the future relationships of lovers. This greatly increases a woman’s desire.
  • Hormonal background. This factor is associated with a number of other signs, such as age and the state of the hormonal system.

The connection between libido and hormones

Sex hormones have the greatest impact on libido levels. The desire after, before and during menstruation depends on them. A malfunction of the reproductive system immediately affects a woman’s sexual well-being.

The level of sexuality and desire is influenced not only by sex hormones, but also by thyroid and adrenal hormones. Changes in their production, as a rule, are accompanied not only by a decrease in libido. In this case, women have other symptoms - weight gain, infertility, menstrual irregularities and others.

The formation of desire largely depends on the content of prolactin in the body. When this hormone increases, libido decreases. A natural increase in prolactin in the body is associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding. All other cases may be a sign of a woman’s illness. The consequences can be very serious, so if your prolactin levels increase, you should consult a doctor.

Deviations from the norm

Violations of a woman’s behavior during the menstrual cycle are a purely individual concept. The fact is that some women have increased levels of androgens. This is not always a pathology if the body functions normally and the woman feels well. In a woman with high levels of androgens, the difference between the peak and decline of sexual desire is greatly smoothed out, since it is testosterone that is responsible for libido in women. The peak in this case also occurs during ovulation, but sexual desire practically does not deteriorate before menstruation.

Cases of increased libido before menstruation in women with normal hormonal levels are not always a pathology. For some representatives of the fair sex, the psychological aspect of the problem of conception is triggered. Since it is practically impossible to get pregnant before your period (only if your cycle is stable), many women feel more relaxed at this time.

A decrease in libido before menstruation is an absolutely normal reaction of the body and a change in hormonal levels. But the lack of libido after menstruation is a reason to consult a doctor. This symptom is observed with a lack of female sex hormones, the level of which gradually increases from the first day of the new cycle.

If libido does not disappear before menstruation and increases directly during menstruation, you should check your androgen levels, since this reaction occurs with high testosterone levels.

The reason to consult a doctor is the lack of sexual desire during ovulation. This symptom may indicate low levels of female hormones. As a rule, in this case the egg does not mature, and menstruation begins with a delay and is characterized by scant discharge and rapid flow.

The reason why libido may increase before menstruation is an increase in the levels of all hormones. This may indicate an irregular flow of the menstrual cycle.

The connection between the menstrual cycle and libido

Of course, every woman has her own biological time. For some, the menstrual cycle lasts 21 days, while for others it lasts 36–40 days. And yet, within the menstrual cycle of every woman, the patterns are the same, it’s just that some stages go through a little faster than others.

The first day of the menstrual cycle is the beginning of menstruation, which lasts 3–7 days. During the menstrual cycle, the female libido behaves as follows:

  • From 7 to 11 days This period is characterized by emotional and physical recovery in a woman. It coincides with the end of menstruation. Libido increases greatly. The woman becomes more sensual, the orgasm experienced improves qualitatively. During this period, the likelihood of subsequent pregnancy is minimal. Increased libido levels are a hallmark of this part of the menstrual cycle. It has nothing to do with possible pregnancy.
  • From 12 to 15 days At this time, the woman becomes even more passionate due to an increase in the amount of androgens in the blood. Signs of this period are sharpening of memory, increased endurance and stress resistance. Conception these days becomes the most favorable beginning of pregnancy. The woman forgets about work and problems. She becomes the embodiment of sexuality, femininity and passion. Her thoughts are absorbed in lovemaking, sex with her man. All this is due to a sharp increase in sex hormones. The woman becomes easily excitable and sensual. It has been proven that it acquires a special smell that can really attract men.
  • Ovulation day This is the time when a woman is literally filled with passion. The main symptom is a very high libido. Desire and passion reach their peak. Doctors do not recommend abstaining from sex during the period of ovulation, as this can reduce libido levels after some time, and then it will be very difficult to restore it. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you need to take care of protective equipment before sexual intercourse.
  • Day 19 After ovulation, the second phase of the cycle begins. Testosterone levels are still high, which means female desire remains strong. The peak of sexuality on this day occurs in the morning.
  • Immediately before the start of a new menstrual cycle It is no secret that before the start of menstruation, women experience strong attraction, which cannot be said about the end of the cycle.

Thus, a woman experiences the greatest attraction in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and not after or before her period.

Why not again?

Female sexuality is a complex phenomenon. It is influenced by many factors, both biological and psychological. Psychological ones primarily include relationships with a partner. For a woman to passionately desire physical intimacy, she usually needs emotional intimacy. She should feel that she is loved, respected, admired and, of course, not cheated on. And therefore, husbands who dream of passionate nights should first provide their wives with days full of love and care. In addition, for quality sex, a woman needs confidence in reliable protection from unwanted pregnancy. Try to relax and have fun when all your thoughts are about one thing: just not getting pregnant.

There are also physiological reasons that prevent a woman from passionately wanting sex. These include the presence of iron deficiency anemia, depression, and hormonal disorders. So it would be a good idea for ladies who have suddenly become frigid to take a blood test and visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Reasons for increased libido at the end of the menstrual cycle

Undoubtedly, there are certain principles of the menstrual cycle in women. And yet, sometimes it happens that at the end of the cycle a strong sexual desire suddenly awakens. Therefore, any representative of the fair sex should listen to herself, her physiological rhythms. There is no reason to compare yourself with others and consider the manifestations of your body abnormal for no reason.

Psychologists tend to believe that the increase in libido at the end of the menstrual cycle in some women is due to the fact that they are not afraid of a possible pregnancy. Such ladies become more courageous and liberated, giving their feelings and emotions freedom.

You shouldn't adjust to someone's hormonal calendar. It is better to monitor the manifestations of your own body and listen to it.

Is increased libido normal or a sign of pregnancy?

The first signs of pregnancy cannot always be recognized quickly. Sometimes toxicosis or growth of the uterus does not occur in the initial stages.

Successful conception provokes the production of hormones such as progesterone (“pregnancy hormone”). Their increase affects the physical and emotional state of a woman.

It would seem that an increase in progesterone reduces desire, which means that increased libido cannot be a sign of pregnancy. But it's not that simple. Pregnancy is not always accompanied by a decrease in libido. Sometimes the attraction on the contrary becomes very strong.

Thus, a decrease in libido may be associated with general fatigue of the body, which appears due to the active production of progesterone. A pregnant woman may develop insomnia and increased fatigue.

On the other hand, libido can increase, thereby relieving tension and relaxing. Additionally, breast tenderness is a sign of pregnancy. A man's touch becomes more pleasant for a woman during sex. She moves to a whole new level of sensuality and pleasure.

Sometimes pregnant women experience hypersensitivity. In such cases, caresses and touches may cause discomfort.

In any case, a sharp change in libido (growth or decline) in most cases is the first sign of pregnancy.

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