Conspiracies for uterine fibroids from Stepanova

Uterine fibroids are a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. Modern medicine has a large number of ways to treat this disease. But in addition to standard methods, there are various possibilities to cure the disease using folk remedies. Thus, the conspiracy against fibroids has unprecedented popularity among most healers. With the help of faith in magical rituals and in your own strength, you can be cured of the most dangerous diseases that traditional remedies cannot cope with.

According to medical practice, fibroids are a benign neoplasm that develops in the wall of the uterus, in its muscle layer. In most cases, the tumor is round in shape with clearly defined boundaries. As a result of ignoring the disease, serious consequences can occur (read more). For this reason, many women who are affected by this disease try to try any treatment methods, including magical spells.

We treat uterine fibroids with a conspiracy

Conspiracies against fibroids are an effective way to be cured. However, we should not forget that in addition to them, you need to use other means of treatment. It is better to carry out the ritual simultaneously with the methods prescribed by the doctor. In order for the effect of the conspiracy to affect the tumor and heal the woman, you need to follow an important set of rules when performing the healing ritual.

Let's take a closer look at them:

  • you need to perform the ritual only during the waning moon;
  • you should properly tune in to the ritual. Throw away all the negative aspects and focus on thoughts of recovery;
  • the ceremony can be performed on any day of the week, the only exception being Monday;
  • before the start of the ritual, several icons should be prepared - one should depict the Mother of God, the other should depict a guardian angel;
  • at the beginning of treatment you should refrain from smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • You should not read conspiracies during the menstrual cycle;
  • it is important to believe in yourself and in a quick victory over the disease;
  • The ritual should be carried out for thirty days or even more. Following the order of actions is very important when reading the prayer.

Egg spell

One unkind look or someone’s damage can have a negative impact on the uterus. The development of a tumor will interfere with the ability to give birth to a child. In this case, standard treatment may not be enough and the inflammatory processes will only intensify. This is when the egg plot comes to the rescue. It must be fresh and only chicken (homemade). It should be rolled along the stomach counterclockwise, in the place where the uterus is located.

In this case, you need to read the following words:

“The tumor has weakened the servant of God for a long time; may the disease recede at this moment. Get out of the burning pain, get rid of the uninvited disease from your stomach. Let everything happen as I say, let the disease recede. Amen".

The egg spell for uterine fibroids should be read at least ten times. The egg is then taken to a water source where it is buried. It is best for the source to be a river.

Be sure to carefully ensure that it does not break under any circumstances. If the egg breaks, the treatment will continue for a long time, and it will be better to forget about the disappearance of the fibroids. The inflammatory process will continue, and the node will increase in size. You'll have to repeat the ritual again.

Conspiracy for fibroids: a folk remedy successfully relieves the disease

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In any case, the disease develops quickly. The most affordable treatment is complete removal of the uterus. Sometimes all female reproductive organs are removed if they are also captured by the tumor. In itself, fibroids are not dangerous, because they are benign formations, the growth of muscle tissue.

Dangers of disease

The disease is accompanied by severe pain. A woman may have only one focus of growth, or many. If there is only one, only the lesion is removed, this is a serious abdominal operation. Recovery takes a long time.

To prevent this from happening, you need to check with your doctor.

A very effective method is folk conspiracies that help against fibroids. It is very important to react quickly.

The advanced form is dangerous - it can lead to uterine cancer. Traditional medicine successfully fights the disease. Be sure to try this method, because it is safe, proven and works for everyone.

You don't need to be a healer to speak to fibroids yourself.

Effective conspiracies for fibroids

They must be learned by heart. No woman is immune from such danger. There is a method of fighting against fibroids.

Important: if your diagnosis is old, more than 2-3 months, then such conspiracies will not help.

They act only in the first stages of 1-1.5 months. Any doctor will tell you this period. In later stages, you need to contact a professional healer.

Conspiracy on the mirror

To ward off illness, you will need a new folding mirror, a church candle and holy water. All this must be bought without haggling. Buy candles only in a church shop. Water must be collected from a source; they do not pay for water.

Don't forget to leave gifts at the cemetery

Place a mirror on the table with a candle in front of it. Drink a sip of holy water. Let the abdominal area (where the uterus is located: below the navel) be reflected in the mirror.


“The Mother of God walked, got tired, sat down on the ground, took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat from her face, erased the aches and illnesses. She got up from the ground and walked further - All her ailments and pain were gone. She doesn’t hurt anywhere anymore. servant of God (name) The body does not hurt, does not ache, does not tingle. The keys are the locks to these words.


Close the mirror and fill the seam with candle wax. It will need to be taken to the cemetery and buried there in the grave of a woman with the same name as yours. This way the disease will remain there forever, and will no longer harm you. This method treats the early stage.

Egg spell

We perform deliverance rituals on the waning moon, on Women's Day

Used if you think that the fibroids are caused as damage. Then you need to roll it out with an egg. To do this, take a fresh chicken egg. The fresher the better. Say the text of the conspiracy against fibroids 10 times while rolling the egg over your stomach in the uterine area:

“Just as a tumor once attacked the servant of God, let it recede at this very hour! Go away, painful pain, wet and burning, dry and viscous, go away, tumor, away from my insides, from my stomach! My words and thoughts are firm, may it be as I say! Amen".

The egg will then need to be taken to the river and buried there. Don't break it! Otherwise, the disease will return to you again. A woman must do this herself.

Advice from practitioners of healing magic for women's health

A woman can remain healthy and happy at any age. There are many dangers; uterine fibroids are just one of hundreds. Practitioners of healing magic have solutions for all ailments, illnesses and illnesses. Some believe that women's diseases are the result of the evil eye or damage. To prevent this from happening to you, protect yourself.

How to stay healthy for many years

Practitioners advise you:

  • Check with your doctor regularly. You may not know you are sick. Regular examination is best done once every 6 months;
  • If you are engaged in magical practices, especially black magic, then always put protection on yourself. A “rollback” from your ritual can hit the reproductive organs hard;
  • Use talismans to protect your health: Star of Lada, Lunnitsa. These are Slavic amulets that protect a woman’s health;
  • The strength of the fibroid spell depends on your experience. If it doesn’t work out the first time, try another plot.

Remove fibroids at a late stage

You won't be able to do this on your own. If you have already started the disease, then there are only two options:

  • go for emergency surgery;
  • go to a healer.

The healer will give you a treatment for the disease, this may take 1-2 months. Decide for yourself what to do. If the disease is caused by damage, then it is difficult to reprimand it; it clings tightly to you. On the other hand, surgery will help get rid of the problem entirely. Both of these methods are time-consuming, painful and expensive. It is better not to bring the fibroid to the stage where you have to completely remove the uterus and ovaries.

Traditional medicine knows the answers to all questions. This method was used to treat patients even when there were no modern drugs and research methods. They have been tested by thousands of women who managed to maintain health and life.


Spell for sleep

Healthy and sound sleep plays a huge role in the healing process. This ritual should be performed before going to bed. This is not a drug, so it can be used daily. After a short period of time, your health will improve, and the possibility that the disease will begin to recede will increase. Even a short nap can charge you with energy and vigor. Such a conspiracy will help turn off all “worry centers” that negatively affect not only the flow of your sleep, but also illness.

The most important thing is to avoid any negative aspects before going to bed. It is better to refrain from watching films and reading books that make you feel anxious. Remember that the basis of a magical ritual is confidence in its effectiveness. The following prayer will help during the ritual:

“Constantinople, a city in a crystal country, where a miracle lives on a malachite wall. That miracle sparkles with bright rays: it conjures up foggy images. Everyone gets what they deserve. Some are the disease, some are the cure. You miracle, look at me. Give me health in the night city! Let all my fears and concerns remain with you, protect me from misfortune. Amen".

Knife plot

Many people ask the question, “Is it possible to talk fibroids into a knife?” The answer is yes. Yes, there really is such a possibility.

The newly purchased knife should be placed on top of some item of clothing and rotated so that it rotates counterclockwise, while the woman should repeat:

“The damask knife is in my hands, the gates have opened, the horses are harnessed. So that all the illness falls on my knife. Sleep your sickness in eternal sleep, don’t get up. Amen. Amen. Amen". After the last words, you should tie the knife in the chosen clothing and bury it somewhere away.

Conspiracy on the mirror

In order for the fibroid to be reflected in the mirror and leave the woman forever, you should buy a new mirror, but this should only be done when the moon is waning. It is very important that there is no haggling during the purchase; you need to pay the full amount and not take change. To make the effect stronger, you will need things like holy water and church candles.

The ceremony is carried out in the evening, the only lighting in the room should be the light coming from a candle. We drink holy water and recite the spell:

“The Holy Mother of God had to walk along the road, she felt tired and decided to sit down on the ground. A patterned handkerchief wiped away the sweat from her forehead. That handkerchief can erase all ailments, remove all weakness of the body. May the servant of God be able to heal with such ease, may she stop hurting, twisting, whining, and bothering her. Amen. Amen. Amen". After completing the spell against uterine fibroids, you need to turn the mirror over and drop a little wax on its surface. It is strictly forbidden to look in this mirror. It should be buried as far from the house as possible.

Conspiracies for the early stages

Doctors determine the size of tumors by the height of the uterine fundus. These sizes correlate with the sizes characteristic of the development of a fertilized egg. If the size has reached 12 weeks, that is, 6 cm, surgery cannot be avoided. While the sizes are smaller, you can try conspiracies to treat fibroids.

Simple conspiracies

If the stage of tumor development is one to one and a half months old, try the spells given below. The simplest, but quite powerful slander must be read on a folding mirror. They buy it without taking change. A church candle can also be purchased without change. They prepare holy water, you cannot pay for it.

“The Mother of God walked, got tired, sat down on the ground, took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat from her face, erased the aches and illnesses. She got up from the ground and walked further - All her ailments and pain were gone. She doesn’t hurt anywhere anymore. servant of God (name) The body does not hurt, does not ache, does not tingle. The keys are the locks to these words. Amen.”

Next, the mirror is closed, and melted candle wax is poured onto the junction of the two halves. Then the mirror is taken to the cemetery and buried in the grave of a woman who has the same name as you. This action leaves the disease in the zone of the dead and leaves the living person.

The next spell for growing fibroids is read on the water, standing under the icons. Strong spells for growing fibroids are read under the icons of the Most Holy Mother of God, their Saint. They are placed in the room where the sick woman usually sleeps. Holy water is poured into a container, they stand so that the icons are near the head, and the container is held in their hands.

When the spell for water against fibroids is read, the water is poured under the icons. It is believed that treatment of a disease (neoplasms, polyps, cysts) with medical means after a slander will go faster. This text of the prayer was suggested by Natalya Stepanova.

All rituals from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are considered strong, effective, and quickly grant healing. She knows exactly how to talk about uterine fibroids for sure. The healer claims that such rituals performed on Palm Sunday become even stronger and accelerate healing.

Water spell

Most conspiracies and rituals are read on the water. A prerequisite for the ritual is the waning moon. The action should take place exclusively at dawn. Early in the morning you need to go to the spring.

You should sit down next to it, put your hands in the water and feel the surge of energy coming from the water. In this situation the plot is read:

“Water is healing, water is strength. She can take everything away, clean everything. So cleanse me too. Let all the illness that prevents me from living happily flow out of me. Water will heal me, it will heal me with its energy. Let all the illness flow out, let everything important and healthy remain. Give me health."

Having completed the ritual, you need to fill a glass with water from the spring and drink it immediately, without leaving a drop. Water spells are very effective, especially when they are pronounced at various springs.

The spell has incredible power; it must be repeated until the disease subsides.

Speak to fibroids on a scarf

You can remove the disease from the body using the old female method. Our great-grandmothers performed the ritual with a scarf. It is simple, effective, but gives the first results after the renewal of the Moon, so it is necessary to carry out the ritual on the first lunar day. For the ritual, buy a new head scarf. Put it on and read the whispered words. The plot goes like this:

“My little head is crying because there are women’s ailments, and so is my scarf. I ask you, if you have a woman’s illness, go to my head scarf, and leave the body of God’s servant (your name), leave my sinful body. All my burning pain, all my female illness, all my viscous pain goes away, leaving my body clean and healthy. As I speak, so I am healed, my word is my healing. Amen".

After reading the plot, remove the scarf. Take the headdress to the forest and bury it under a tree. While instilling, imagine how the body is cleansed, and all ailments and sores come out of it. Afterwards, go home and lie down to rest. After a while, the result will be noticeable, and you will gain good health. And you will be happy!

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