What does the cervix look like before menstruation?

Many women are interested in what color their periods should be normally, because this indicator indicates the state of women's health. Menstrual blood has a darker shade than that circulating in the circulatory system. This is due to the fact that it does not coagulate. Various factors provoke color changes, including stress, physical activity and various pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Menstruation, why they are needed, features

The beginning of the menstrual cycle often raises a natural question from girls - why are they needed, and how to perceive their body now, what has changed .

In fact, the topic of what menstruation is and when it begins is quite interesting and extraordinary. Menstruation means the beginning of a certain cycle, indicating that the girl’s body is ready for reproductive function. However, the beginning of the cycle does not at all mean that the girl is ready for motherhood. Menstruation usually begins in girls aged 11 to 15 years and indicates the physiological readiness of the body.

The beginning of menstruation, what they look like, photo

Answering the question of what menstruation is and when it begins, photo, first of all I would like to note that in the first days of menstruation a process occurs that is accompanied by a fairly slow rejection of the endometrium with slight blood loss.

On the second or third day, as a rule, the uterus recovers and by the sixth or seventh day the menstruation process is completely over. Then the cycle begins again, during which the endometrial layer thickens in preparation for fertilization; in the absence of the latter, the cycle ends with the beginning of menstruation.

We pay special attention to the fact that in the presence of a disease such as endometriosis, it is possible to isolate clots of a special type, which are the remnants of functional endometrial tissue.

The onset of menstruation in girls depends on the characteristics of the body, but the standard age range is 11-15 years. However, they can start earlier as well as later. But if menstruation does not begin when you reach the age of sixteen, you should consult a specialist.

What can color say?

The color of monthly discharge can serve as a definite indicator for a woman of the health of the reproductive system. Normally, the discharge should be a rich dark red color. There should be no foreign pungent odor or pus.

Changes in the nature of the discharge may indicate a hormonal imbalance or even the appearance of neoplasms in the uterus, ovaries, or the development of pathology.

Scarlet blood

If on the second day the blood during menstruation is scarlet in color, then we can say that this is an ideal indicator. The woman’s reproductive system works correctly, there are no deviations. Such secretions have a subtle smell of iron.

The preservation of this color on the third day of menstruation should alert you, especially when the discharge is scanty. Such blood can be released in a young girl during the start of her cycle, then this is considered the norm, as well as during the onset of menopause. In a young woman of reproductive age, the scarlet color of the blood, which persists throughout menstruation, indicates possible problems. A gynecological examination will clarify the picture. It may be:

  1. Pregnancy with developmental pathologies.
  2. Polyp in the uterus.
  3. Recent abortion.
  4. Malignant formation of the pelvic organs.
  5. Infectious disease.

Menstrual discharge with a scarlet tint can be a complication after gynecological surgery. An intrauterine device and taking COCs may explain the color of such discharge.

Many women ignore this symptom, considering it the norm. This is a mistake that leads to serious consequences. You need to see a doctor, undergo the necessary diagnostics, and take tests.


Orange-colored menstrual discharge cannot be called normal. The shade indicates that most of the menstruation is mucus, particles of the endometrium, which is rejected.

If your periods are orange, then doctors talk about a decrease in female hormones in the body. Such a condition should not cause concern only for young girls in the first years of the establishment of the menstrual cycle; in the future, it is a reason to check the reproductive system. An orange undertone may still appear before the onset of menopause.

In young women, menstruation of this color indicates the presence of problems with metabolism in the body. This may be due to high blood pressure. Unsuccessful curettage and intrauterine device can also affect menstruation in a similar way.

A woman should see a doctor, get tested for hormones, and undergo the necessary examination. Timely prescribed treatment stabilizes the condition.


Discharge of a faded, almost gray color during menstruation is quite dangerous. They may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy or an infectious disease. In this case, you need to undergo a gynecological examination to rule out the development of diseases.

Such discharge may be a consequence of a woman being in a stressful situation for a long time. Physical overload, poor nutrition and lack of proper rest can also affect the color of menstrual flow.

The gynecologist will explain the situation and, if necessary, prescribe medication or give the woman recommendations for lifestyle correction.

Dark, black

Dark, almost black color of blood during menstruation often indicates the development of endometriosis. If your period comes with blood clots, this becomes an additional symptom of pathology. As the disease progresses, the inner uterine layer begins to thicken and it is difficult for secretions to leave the uterus. With endometriosis, periods are not only black in color, but also have an unpleasant odor, signaling the disease.

Also, dark color of menstrual blood may indicate:

  1. Uterine distension.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  4. Development of benign neoplasms in the genital organs.
  5. Reduction of the cervical canal.

You should not engage in self-diagnosis or use alternative medicine methods for treatment. You should consult a doctor, undergo the necessary examination, and take tests. Timely treatment will eliminate the problem.


Brown menstrual blood is not normal. It signals a problem developing in the body.

  • Such discharge may indirectly indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Discharge of this color, accompanied by pain, is a signal of hypothermia. In this case, you need to go to the doctor without using painkillers to relieve attacks of pain. Ignoring the problem can lead to infertility.
  • An incorrectly selected contraceptive can later cause brown periods.
  • Discharge of this color with an unpleasant odor often indicates the development of a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Brown periods appear after an abortion. If the condition does not normalize within 3 months, you need to seek help from a gynecologist.
  • Brown blood can be seen by girls who decide to dramatically lose weight and radically change their diet.


Normally, pink blood may appear in the first days of menstruation. The discharge also contains glandular secretions from the cervix, vagina, and endometrial particles. If the blood does not darken after three days, remaining pink, you need to go to the doctor. The cause of this condition may be hidden in anemia, low iron levels. Properly prescribed therapy stabilizes the situation.

Dark red

Dark red menstrual blood is considered an indicator of the normal and good functioning of a woman’s reproductive system. The saturation of the shade may change depending on the use of contraceptives, weight loss or gain.

Dark red discharge during menstruation occurs in most women. You need to be wary if there is an unpleasant odor, clots, or pain.

A woman who knows the nature of her periods immediately sees when the slightest changes occur. These symptoms can warn of the development of diseases and malfunctions of internal systems. Don’t ignore your body’s signals; this will help maintain your health and well-being for many years.

Menstruation in girls 12 years old, what to look for

Note that the onset of menstruation is characterized by the fact that a few days before the onset, certain symptoms may occur indicating the imminent arrival of menstruation. This is caused by premenstrual syndrome, which causes some discomfort. Most often these are the following signs :

  • quite frequent mood swings;
  • the appearance of weakness, apathy to almost everything happening around;
  • increased irritability.

The appearance of blood stains on your underwear can also indicate the onset of your period. Note that even girls 12 years old can have heavy discharge, so you shouldn’t be surprised by this. As a rule, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

In addition, critical days are not always accompanied by painful sensations, as many believe. Some teenagers learn about the onset of menstruation only when blood appears, while others are quite bothered by aching pain in the lower abdomen. Often, menstruation, its intensity and pain syndrome are determined by hereditary factors.

Composition of menstrual discharge

The onset of critical days is due to the rejection and release of the endometrial layer. In this case, small vessels are damaged, which are the main component of this layer of the uterus. As a result, blood during menstruation has a red or brown tint. This color of menstruation is considered normal.

In addition, the discharge includes mucus and other particles of the cervix and vagina. Due to the presence of additional components, the color is diluted and the volume of regulation increases. This is also the reason for the appearance of clots in the first days.

It is also worth telling what the color of the discharge indicates. Some women are interested in whether scarlet blood is a pathology. This largely depends on its volume. It is known that during bleeding, the blood has exactly this shade. Accordingly, if your periods are scanty, then such changes may be a variant of the norm. When menstruation, accompanied by bleeding, acquires a scarlet color, pathology can be suspected.

When talking about what blood should be like during menstruation, doctors take into account many factors. In some cases, even black or light menstruation is considered normal if it is not accompanied by additional symptoms.

Menstruation in girls 14 years old: possible disorders

The intensity and regularity of menstruation in adolescents (menstruation in girls 14 years of age and older) is quite sensitive to the influence of various factors. That is, this is influenced not only by heredity, but also by ecology, family situation, physical and mental stress, lifestyle, nutrition, as well as the presence of diseases, etc.

It should also be taken into account that, as a rule, periods in adolescents are often irregular and therefore both the girls themselves and their parents are interested in the question of when to worry. There are several reasons for concern , which will be listed below:

  • no onset of menstruation before age 16;
  • absence of breast development up to 13 years of age;
  • sudden cessation of menstruation for a long period (from 3 months);
  • after the monthly cycle became regular, a failure occurred, after which the cyclicity of menstruation is irregular and sudden;
  • cycle too short or too long;
  • duration of menstruation for more than a week;
  • excessive bleeding, severe pain;
  • the appearance of bleeding between cycles;
  • sudden increase in temperature.

Menstruation in women: basic rules

The menstrual cycle in women occurs differently, as mentioned above, everything depends on the characteristics of the body and hereditary factors. For some, the cycle has virtually no effect on their well-being, while others suffer quite a lot from discomfort and pain.

There are several basic rules that should be followed in order to alleviate the condition and not harm the body. First of all, during menstruation, you should reduce physical activity and be sure to follow the basics of intimate hygiene.

Note that when carrying out water procedures during menstruation, there are some restrictions , these include:

  • ban on visiting bathhouses and saunas.
  • prohibition on visiting and swimming in pools and open bodies of water.
  • prohibition on taking hot baths.

These recommendations are primarily aimed at preventing infection and the occurrence of a disease such as endometriosis. Also, for these reasons, many experts do not recommend sexual activity during menstruation. This is explained by the fact that during menstruation the uterus is slightly open, which in turn makes it easier for various infections to enter its cavity.

What is the norm

Normal periods are caused by the rejection of the uterine lining, which is accompanied by rupture of small vessels. This causes a dark red (closer to burgundy) hue to the discharge, which lasts about 3-7 days. The presence of clots and mucus in the secretion is associated with the removal of particles from the endometrium of the uterus, which is also considered normal and does not require treatment.

The normal blood color during menstruation concerns the following shades:

  • red;
  • burgundy;
  • dark.

In teenage girls, at the stage of cycle formation, menstruation should normally be a rich red color, close to brown. Menstruation during menopause may have the same feature. In a healthy woman, scarlet color of discharge is allowed only for the first 1-2 days, then the blood oxidizes and becomes dark. In any other situation, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Among the general requirements of a gynecologist, patients are required to follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to carry out timely examinations at the first changes in the abundance, color and cyclicity of menstruation.

During the first day of the regulus (menstruation), the normal color is dark red with a thick, smearing consistency, which is due to the gradual release of a mature unfertilized egg. Over the next 3-4 days, the discharge may turn brown or even black due to the contact of the released blood with oxygen (oxidation process). At the start of a new menstrual cycle, it is important to take into account the state of women's health and general well-being, since the manifestation of uncharacteristic soreness of the regula can also be a symptom of pathology.

Among the reasons that provoke a change in the shade of discharge already on the first day, it is important to highlight:

  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • a sharp decrease or, conversely, increase in body weight;
  • the use of restrictive diets;
  • characteristic changes in the functioning of the reproductive system associated with the age of patients;
  • development of dangerous diseases.

What exactly caused the changes can only be determined by a gynecologist.

Menstruation and their role, video

According to the current definition, the menstrual cycle is the period from one menstruation to the next. That is, a woman has the opportunity to conceive a child every month. This is explained by the fact that monthly cyclical changes occur in the body of women of reproductive age, which are a kind of preparation for pregnancy.

The central event of the cycle, both in its significance and in timing, is the process of ovulation, which involves the maturation of the egg and its release, after which it can be fertilized.

That is, menstruation and their role, a video about which you can watch below, is a very important and significant process , without which the extension of the human race would not be possible. And therefore it is very important that women’s health is always in order. This requires a timely visit to a gynecologist and an appropriate examination. This will help you avoid possible problems, as well as plan the desired pregnancy and fully experience all the happiness of motherhood.


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