Delayed menstruation and blood after cauterization of cervical erosion and subsequent life

  • Do not lift heavy objects;
  • Try not to get too cold;
  • Do not take hot baths.

The most common method of treating cervical erosion is cauterization. It is carried out using chemical reagents, laser, low-temperature coagulation and galvanoelectrophoresis. To speed up the healing process, a woman must follow all the doctor’s recommendations:

  • Do not lift heavy objects;
  • Try not to get too cold;
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • Do not take hot baths.

Very often, after cauterization of cervical erosion, patients turn to the gynecologist with a new problem: some complain about cycle failure in the form of delays, and some, on the contrary, note heavy discharge with pain.

First menstruation after cauterization

The first menstruation after treatment for erosion may begin differently for each patient. For some, the cycle does not go astray, and menstruation comes on time, while for others there is a delay. Both options are considered normal.

The nature of the discharge may also change. With a disease such as erosion, the discharge is scanty, with the frequent appearance of blood clots. After cauterization, the nature of menstruation becomes the same as it was before. This can only be determined by the patient herself, who controls the menstrual cycle. After the elimination of the pathology and complete healing of the scar in its place, the nature and regularity of menstruation are completely restored.

When should your period start?

The first time after cauterization of your period you should wait only about a month.

Before they begin, discharge of various types is observed. At first it may be blood, and then clear discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor. This is quite natural, as it indicates the healing of the scar.

The time of the onset of menstruation is also influenced by the size of the erosion itself. The larger the affected area, the larger the size of the scab, which will take a longer period to heal. The scar itself does not affect the appearance of menstruation. The effect is that the affected area is expanded and is subjected to greater processing during cauterization, which is stressful for the whole organism. In such situations, the appearance of the first menstruation after cauterization is considered normal, even after two months.

It is also possible for your period to start much earlier. This is the body's reaction to stress. But it is still worth contacting a specialist, since sometimes the appearance of heavy discharge can be bleeding caused by damage to the scab. It is worth noting that the period that menstruation will last is individual for each woman. It is important that it is no shorter than 3 and no longer than 7 days. Usually the first discharge after treatment lasts longer.

Why are periods late?

Delayed menstruation is quite common and is caused by the following reasons:

  • Psychological stress caused by worries about treatment;
  • The reaction of uterine receptors to the equipment used for cauterization;
  • The reaction of the tissues of the cervical mucosa to injury during the procedure.

As a result of such reasons, there may be a delay of 10-15 days, and not only for the first time.

For three or four cycles, women notice not only a delay, but also painful sensations. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen after erosion is a fairly common condition; after a while they disappear or become less noticeable.


In addition, the classification of erosions can clarify their features:

  • ectropion - displacement of the internal cervical tissue forward and outward due to strong mechanical pressure, usually occurring during difficult childbirth or late-term abortions;
  • endometriosis - vertical displacement and overlap of different types of tissue of the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • leukoplakia - hardening and ossification of multilayer epithelium in any area of ​​the mucosa.

Polyps of the cervical canal and viral condylomas are considered a separate category of erosions.

What should be the normal monthly period after cauterization of erosion?

Why is there a lot of discharge?

After cauterization of erosion, many patients report heavy periods, sometimes with the appearance of large blood clots. This is natural during your first period. The organ was subjected to severe stress after such a procedure, and this is how it responds to the intervention.

Other reasons for heavy discharge may be:

  • Various damage to the scar, they can be caused by lifting heavy things or other violations of the doctor’s recommendations;
  • The doctor can also damage the scab with an instrument during a careless examination, which is carried out some time after treatment, but then everything should stabilize.

In some cases, women may find the discharge to be excessively abundant, but in reality it is not. Indeed, under the influence of erosion they were more scarce, and the patient got used to this. In any case, only a doctor should dispel all doubts.

Should go longer. This is a natural state if their duration does not exceed seven days. With longer discharge, we are talking about bleeding, which is a very dangerous phenomenon for the body and requires medical attention.

Why is the discharge scanty?

It is also quite normal for menstruation to be more scanty, which is caused by the impact of instruments on certain areas of the cervix. Prolonged coagulation, which occurs during the cauterization process, sometimes leads to a narrowing of the canal. Signs of this condition are not only scanty discharge, but also sharp pain in the lower abdomen in the lumbar region.

It is much worse if after cauterization there are no periods at all.

This indicates that the discharge collects in the uterus, which threatens a rather severe inflammatory process. This explains after and during cervical erosion. This complication requires surgery.

Is the nature of menstruation different from usual in the presence of erosion?

Erosive processes on the cervix develop differently in each woman. The asymptomatic course of the disease in many cases leaves the woman in the dark about the presence of pathology. Its detection occurs during an examination, the regularity of which the patients do not observe. But a woman who is attentive to her health may notice some distinctive features during menstruation.

Menstruation with cervical erosion begins with spotting brownish discharge. When maintaining an active sexual life, almost all patients with erosive pathology experience spotting for 2-3 days before the onset of the critical days, since the erosion areas swell at this time, and increased separation of the damaged epithelium occurs.

Sometimes brownish discharge may appear at the end of intimacy or the intermenstrual period. In most cases, the menstrual cycle is normal. With a long-term progressive disease, deviations may appear that affect the regularity and abundance of discharge.

Prevention of complications

To minimize possible complications that may arise after cauterization of cervical erosion, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor:

  • It is important not to use tampons during the healing period of the scab, which can injure the remaining scar. To protect laundry from secretions, you should only use pads.
  • Every woman should protect herself from lifting weights, hot baths and visiting saunas, steam baths, and swimming pools for at least a month.
  • Sexual activity should be resumed only with the permission of a doctor.
  • It is very important to monitor the nature of the discharge after cauterization. Do not confuse an unpleasant odor with a putrid odor. And if the discharge also acquires a yellow and greenish color, then you should immediately go to the doctor. This condition indicates the penetration and development of infection.

Certain disruptions in the menstrual cycle after cauterization of erosion should be considered normal. But you should not let the recovery process take its course, and if there is the slightest change in condition or deviation from the norm, you should immediately go for a consultation to find out the causes of complications.

Cervical erosion today is not the most popular ailment among diseases of the female genital area. Erosion can occur in a woman as a result of childbirth, injury and abortion, as well as as a consequence of hormonal imbalances in the body. Erosion is associated with the destruction of epithelial cells, so menstruation after erosion may have distinctive features, as opposed to the previous character.

For some time, pathological changes in the cells of the epithelial layer of the cervix do not appear. Erosion is visible only when a woman is examined by a gynecologist through a gynecological speculum, but not all women take regular visits to the doctor seriously. If you pay close attention to yourself, there are features that you can identify on your own - for the most part, menstruation becomes different with erosion of the cervix. Cervical erosion is characterized by brown discharge 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation. This is due to the fact that before critical days, erosion also swells and begins to separate cells.

Precritical daubing occurs in women who are sexually active. After sexual intercourse, small amounts of bloody or brownish discharge are observed. In other cases, critical days pass as usual. If the disease lasts more than one year, hormonal disorders can affect the abundance of menstruation. If there is more discharge, or, conversely, less, this indicates sexual dysfunction.

When there is no menstruation for a long time

Often there is a delay in menstruation. Delays may occur if the eroded area is very large and exists for a long time. The appearance of the disease is often caused by hormonal imbalances. Erosion that appears for other reasons can provoke menstruation failure. The first thing that should alert you is problems with the length of the cycle. Unstable critical days with cervical erosion can be repeated irregularly with discharge between menstruation. Erosion can also provoke discomfort during menstruation.

If a woman has not had her period for a long time and has been diagnosed with cervical erosion, she should take a pregnancy test. The disease does not eliminate the risk of becoming pregnant, but you will still have to get rid of the disease after some time.

When to treat erosion?

The question is whether it is possible to cauterize erosion before menstruation, mainly by those women who do not know that a scab forms on the surface of the erosion after cauterization, which releases a clear liquid as it heals. In addition to menstrual blood, it increases the risk of infection at the site. Therefore, before critical days, cauterization of erosion is not done, even if the doctor has the most modern equipment.

When is the best time to treat erosion?

They try to cauterize the erosion during menstruation, when the tissues of the cervix are softened and the cervix is ​​slightly open. The gynecologist has access to the entire field of action, where he can remove all altered epithelial cells. In addition, the doctor has less chance of injuring healthy tissue during manipulation.

On what day moxibustion will be prescribed depends to a large extent on the abundance and duration of critical days. It is important that the cervix remains open enough so that the gynecologist can see all the damaged tissue. Usually cauterization is carried out on the 2-3rd day of critical days. If critical days are very abundant, then on the 5-6th day.

Menstruation after cauterization that occurs earlier than the specified period is also possible. And this is possible as a result of the stress suffered from cauterization and is also a normal phenomenon if nothing else bothers the woman. Premature menstruation can also be bleeding due to damage to the scab. If menstruation begins prematurely, you should seek help from a specialist.

How long menstruation will last after cauterization of erosion depends on the woman’s body. The main thing is that critical days last at least 3 days and no more than 7. For most women, the first menstruation after cauterization is very long.

If menstruation is delayed Menstruation after cauterization of erosion may also be delayed for the following reasons:

- reaction of mucosal tissue to injury; — reaction of uterine receptors to the influence of equipment; - a stressful condition caused by manipulation.

All of the above reasons can delay your period by about 10 days. In this case, painful periods for 3-4 cycles are considered normal. Any of the methods for eliminating erosion can cause a delay in menstruation. Over time, the pain should go away or become less noticeable.

Heavy menstruation

In certain cases, women may notice heavy periods after cauterization of erosion with large clots. They may only be like this once, so don’t worry too much. Your organ has suffered severe stress from radical treatment, so it reacts in a similar way.

Other causes of heavy menstruation may include:

— Careless use of instruments during a routine gynecological examination, which is carried out with the patient a certain time after the manipulation, can also damage the scab. Gynecological examination is carried out using mirrors. And in this case, menstruation after the removal of erosion may be more abundant. In the next cycle everything should return to normal.

— Damage to the scab caused by violation of the regime and heavy lifting.

Sometimes your menstruation may seem excessive, but in reality it is not. It happens that erosion can affect the nature of menstrual flow, making it more scanty, so a woman accustomed to scanty periods may mistake normal menstruation for heavy menstruation. The doctor could dispel all doubts about the discharge.

After cauterization, your period may take longer. It is quite normal if menstruation lasts 7 days. Prolonged bleeding is not menstruation, but a dangerous condition that requires urgent medical attention.

Scanty periods

A very likely occurrence after cauterization of erosion is scanty periods. Scanty periods after cauterization of erosion are complications caused by the manipulation. A scanty period may be the result of too much pressure from the device, which could lead to a narrowing of the canal. If scanty periods are characterized by pain in the lower back and lower back, there is reason to believe this is the cause.

It only gets worse when the patient has missed her critical days after cauterization. Then the discharge begins to accumulate in the uterine cavity, which threatens serious inflammation. Cervical stenosis requires urgent surgical intervention.

How to avoid problems with menstruation after cauterization

To protect underwear from transparent discharge after cauterization, a woman should use pads. A tampon can injure the scab, which increases the time it takes to heal and also provokes infection. Also, a woman during this period is contraindicated:

- heavy physical activity; - sex life; - sauna, bath, swimming in a pond.

You should take care of yourself for at least one month. Permission to have sex is given by the doctor after examining the woman after cauterizing the erosion.

You should also distinguish between a simply unpleasant odor and a clayey odor. If the discharge has a greenish or yellowish tint, and is accompanied by fever and pain, this means that the woman has not been protected from infection and should seek help from a doctor.

Complications caused by cauterization of erosion

As mentioned earlier, one of the complications may be cervical stenosis. With a slight narrowing, if the woman does not intend to give birth in the future, you can live with this new feature for a hundred years without worrying. However, young women should remember that such a complication in the future may cause infertility due to the inability of sperm to enter the uterine cavity. Other negative consequences of cauterization may include:

- Inflammation of the scab. Failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations after the procedure can lead to infection of the wound, which is characterized by the appearance of slight bleeding. Inflammation of the scab is similar to menstrual periods, only thicker and more painful.

— Development of endometriosis. This may be indicated by painful menstruation. After cauterization of cervical erosion and endometriosis, menstruation becomes more abundant, as the area of ​​the endometrium excreted during them increases. As a result of therapy, endometrial cells are implanted into the wound surface.

Women should not be afraid to remove erosion by cauterization, since menstruation is quickly restored after manipulation. With the help of modern equipment, cauterization of erosion is very gentle, so cauterization is indicated for both women who have given birth and those who have not. You should not refuse treatment for erosion for fear of erosion. The disease in its advanced form can turn into a malignant tumor.

Any surgery on the female reproductive organs can cause menstrual irregularities. After cauterization of cervical erosion, critical days should appear on time, but a very real situation may arise when there are heavy menstruation or a delay in menstruation. This is usually caused by hormonal imbalance due to stress and surgical trauma. However, other reasons are possible, so if there is a delay or irregularity in menstruation, you should consult a doctor.

Complications caused by cauterization of erosion

One of them has already been mentioned, this is cervical stenosis. With a slight contraction, when menstruation is restored, the woman is not going to give birth anymore; with this feature, you can live for another hundred years without worrying about anything. But young people should keep in mind that this complication can cause infertility due to difficulty in sperm penetration into the uterine cavity. Other possible negative consequences of cauterization:

  • Development of endometriosis. This becomes clear from the pain of menstruation. And the periods themselves, after cauterization of cervical erosion, become more abundant, as the area of ​​the endometrium excreted during them increases. Its cells are implanted into the wound surface formed as a result of therapy;
  • Inflammation of the scab. Failure by a woman to follow the gynecologist’s recommendations after manipulation leads to infection of the wound. This also manifests itself as significant bleeding. It looks as if after cauterization of the erosion, menstruation began, painful and thick.

No matter what, women should not be afraid to get rid of the disease in this way. Menstruation is quickly restored after the intervention. Modern equipment performs it so sparingly that it is also indicated for nulliparous women, which was previously avoided. Not treating erosion for fear of infertility is much more dangerous than getting rid of it. An advanced disease can develop into a malignant tumor.

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In what phase of the cycle is cauterization performed?

To treat erosion, methods are used that are used in different phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • diathermocoagulation is carried out in phase 2 so that menstruation comes against the background of a scab covering the wound after surgery;
  • cryodestruction is used before the onset of menstruation to prevent the risk of endometriosis;
  • Radio wave and laser therapy ensures rapid healing of the wound, so the operation is performed after menstruation on days 5-7, so that by the first day of the next critical days there are no problems on the cervix.

It is important to strictly follow the rules for preparing and performing surgery to remove cervical erosion, which will be the best prevention of long-term complications.

Choosing the time for cauterization

Treatment of the patient always begins with relief of inflammation so that the infection does not spread further. Then the epithelium is restored.

A number of cauterization methods have been developed:

  • laser – tissues are treated with a special beam;
  • chemical – drugs are used;
  • cryodestruction - tissue is exposed to cold;
  • diathermocoagulation - exposure to electricity.

The doctor chooses the cauterization option; he takes into account the degree and volume of lesions, the patient’s age, her physical and psychological condition. The operation is performed on the fifth to seventh day of the female cycle, when menstrual flow has stopped. At this time, the cervix is ​​closed, and the boundaries of the erosive formation are clearly visible.

In the second half of the cycle, the uterus begins to open, pseudo-erosion - the outer part of the internal mucous membrane of the uterus - becomes visible from the outside. There should be at least 14 days left between the cauterization procedure and the start of the next menstruation, during which time the wound will have time to heal.

You should not cauterize shortly before critical days; menstrual flow is a breeding ground for microorganisms that can lead to serious inflammatory diseases.

What are the causes of menstrual irregularities

Problems with the menstrual cycle associated with cervical surgery arise due to various reasons, which are identified individually in each case.

  1. Stress.
    Any operation is always stressful for a person. At the stage of preparing and taking tests, the woman begins to worry, and by the time of the procedure, emotional stress can increase many times over. For some women, these psycho-emotional disorders can provoke problems with the timely arrival of menstruation.
  2. Hormonal imbalance.
    There are many hormone receptors in the area of ​​the cervical canal and cervix. Any injury leads to changes in the endocrine background with temporary disruption of the ovaries after surgery to remove the eroded surface.
  3. Reflex reaction.
    The cervical canal contains pain receptors. Irritation of these structures during and after cauterization provokes reflex changes that affect the nervous system and the regulation of the reproductive system.
  4. Pregnancy.
    Delayed menstruation is one of the signs of pregnancy, even if there has recently been cauterization of cervical erosion. A woman needs to take a pregnancy test in order to find out about the changed situation in a timely manner.
  5. Gynecological diseases.
    Heavy periods may indicate the following diseases:
      polyp of the cervical canal;
  6. hyperplastic processes in the endometrium;
  7. uterine leiomyoma;
  8. endometriosis.

If menstruation is disrupted after cauterization of cervical erosion, we must try to find the reason in order to return the woman to a regular cycle.

Causes of pathology

There is no consensus among gynecologists regarding the causes of the pathology. The most common theories include:

  1. The development of the disorder is associated with inflammatory processes that provoke accelerated production of epithelium in the area of ​​the cervical canal. As a result of the action of discharge from the uterus on the lining surface, erosion develops. After this, herpes viruses, gonococci, chlamydia and trichomonas enter the damaged surface of the mucosa, causing inflammation.
  2. Damage occurs as a result of a violation of integrity during surgery, as a result of abortion or labor of a woman. The listed events can cause cervical eversion and further development of epithelial destruction processes.
  3. Changes in the ratio of hormones in a woman’s body. Such changes can be caused by early and vigorous sex life with frequent changes of partners or a weak immune system. In addition, pathology is caused by such reasons as inflammation and other ovarian dysfunctions, labor activity at a late or early age.

Determining the etiology of the disease is an important diagnostic step, allowing you to choose the most optimal treatment option.


A preliminary diagnosis of cervical erosion can be made by a gynecologist during a routine examination, after which he writes a referral indicating what tests the patient needs to undergo. Additional studies may include:

  • performing colposcopy, which involves examining the cervix using optical means.
  • organ biopsy.
  • conducting smears in the area of ​​the vaginal area of ​​the cervical canal is performed to check the presence of uncharacteristic cells in the body.
  • An ultrasound of the pelvic organs in a woman is designed to determine the presence of hormonal and inflammatory pathologies.
  • PCR test to check the tumor for the presence of the HPV virus.
  • blood tests to determine the concentration of hormones in the body.
  • examinations aimed at studying the microflora of the vagina.

After examining tissue samples from the patient, the doctor suggests medication or surgical treatment, which may include cauterization with radio waves.

What to do if your period is late

If, in due time after cauterization, there are no typical cervical erosions from the vagina, then the first thing to do if there is a delay is to do a pregnancy test. Even if conception occurs after surgery on the cervix, there is no reason to fear: after cauterization, you can bear the fetus.

If the pregnancy test is negative, anovulation may be a possible cause of menstrual problems. The absence of an egg becomes the main factor influencing the untimely arrival of menstrual periods. The delay in menstruation in this case is explained by serious hormonal changes. The doctor will prescribe treatment that will ensure normalization of the cycle.

How cauterization of erosion affects a woman’s menstrual cycle

Surgical manipulation can cause disruption of the regularity of menstruation. During 3 cycles after treatment, there may be delays or the onset of menstruation earlier than the expected date. Cycle disruption occurs when using any cauterization method; it occurs when:

  • cryodestruction;
  • chemical coagulation;
  • radio wave treatment;
  • diathermocoagulation;
  • laser vaporization.

There is no cause for concern if, after cauterization of the erosion, there is a delay in menstruation lasting 7-10 days. Starting menstruation a week earlier is also considered normal.

After surgery, cycle disruptions are not the only problem. At the same time, pain may occur in the lower abdomen.

What to do during heavy periods

Most often, severe bleeding from the uterus after cauterization of cervical erosion occurs against the background of worsening gynecological diseases. If the doctor previously detected leiomyoma or endometrial hyperplastic processes on an ultrasound, then after surgery on the cervix, problems can be expected. To prevent complications associated with female diseases, the doctor will give recommendations for treatment.

The first menstruation that comes after cauterization of erosion can be long and heavy, which is associated with reflex or hormonal disorders. Sometimes there is a delay in menstruation, during which it is necessary to check the possible occurrence of pregnancy.

The female body is fragile and any, even the most minor, surgical intervention can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion is delayed and is characterized by prolonged, heavy bleeding.

Cauterization is a trauma to the delicate and sensitive uterus, as is conization, when the affected area of ​​the cervix is ​​removed in the form of a cone. The first months after surgery, cycle disruptions are observed. Your period may come late or early until the tissue damaged by erosion heals, and this is normal. Although in any case, if unpleasant painful symptoms appear after cauterization of erosion, you should see a gynecologist.

Usually, on the 9-10th day after cauterization, there is a slight spotting, and the vaginal discharge is scanty. Since they appear just before menstruation, women often confuse them with the arrival of menstruation. However, rather, these are bruises that appear for a completely natural reason, due to healing.

A little later, a watery serous discharge begins to leave, often with an unpleasant putrefactive odor. The uterus is injured and at the time of healing of erosive areas, any minor influence, for example, lifting weights or having sex, can lead to the following consequences: discharge.

A possible reason for the appearance of discharge is scarring of areas subjected to mechanical impact or rejection of the scab (tearing off of a dry crust at the site of erosion), so doctors strongly recommend that women take care of their health for at least 3-4 weeks after surgery. The following should be avoided:

  • sexual contacts;
  • physical training;
  • lifting weights;
  • nervous overstrain.

Discharge is a natural reaction of the uterus to a burn, and this should not be a cause for concern.

Delayed menstruation

The female body is fragile and any, even the most minor, surgical intervention can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion is delayed and is characterized by prolonged, heavy bleeding.

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Cauterization is a trauma to the delicate and sensitive uterus, as is conization, when the affected area of ​​the cervix is ​​removed in the form of a cone. The first months after surgery, cycle disruptions are observed.

Your period may come late or early until the tissue damaged by erosion heals, and this is normal.

Although in any case, if unpleasant painful symptoms appear after cauterization of erosion, you should see a gynecologist.

Menstruation after cervical erosion may differ from those that were in a healthy state of the reproductive organ. Discharge can linger and vary in abundance. But after cauterization of the erosion, such disturbances in the menstrual cycle are considered normal, and over time the previous course of menstruation is restored.

Cervical erosion is the most common gynecological disease. Pathology is damage to the cervical canal, which could occur as a result of surgical interventions (abortion, cesarean section, difficult childbirth), as well as due to problems in the woman’s hormonal background.

Erosion is eliminated by removing the affected layer of the cervical epithelium. The most commonly used is cauterization. After such a procedure, periods may differ from previous discharge for some time, but over time they return to normal.

Cervical erosion may occur unnoticed. It is usually detected during a regular gynecological examination. It is worth noting that not all women regularly visit the doctor, which means there is a risk of developing the disease. To prevent this from happening, it is important to listen to your body, since cervical erosion has minor symptoms:

  1. Change in menstrual discharge - small amounts of brown liquid appear a few days before the start of menstruation.
  2. The presence of bloody discharge after sexual intercourse.
  3. Slight delay in the onset of the menstrual cycle.

It is precisely from these signs that erosion can be suspected. Otherwise, periods are no different.

Cervical erosion can cause scanty discharge between menstrual cycles. This occurs due to the fact that the affected epithelial layer is rejected along with the blood vessels. In advanced stages, the disease may be accompanied by heavy periods or their absence.

It is worth remembering that discharge after treatment of erosion is considered abnormal if it turns yellow or green. This condition indicates that an infection has entered the genitourinary system and inflammation develops.

A deviation from the norm is the presence of prolonged and heavy discharge that does not end for 7–10 days. If this occurs, it is important to consult a doctor, as this may be bleeding and lead to serious consequences.

If a woman notices that her periods have become more scanty, the menstrual cycle has been disrupted, and the discharge itself has begun to be delayed by several days, it is worth seeking help from a specialist. Such manifestations may indicate cervical erosion.

Cervical erosion must be treated without fail, otherwise the pathology can lead to deformation of the cervix and the uterine cavity itself, and provoke cervical cancer.

If the pathology was detected in the early stages, drug therapy is prescribed - suppositories, tablets, ointments, douching. In this case, menstruation will quickly recover after erosion, and the menstrual cycle will return to normal.

The cauterization procedure is almost painless, but after it is carried out, small wounds form on the walls of the cervix, which take some time to heal.

In this case, cauterization of erosion before menstruation is not recommended, because it can provoke irritation of the epithelial layer.

This occurs because the resulting wounds have to come into contact with bloody secretions, which form a favorable environment for pathogens and can cause inflammatory processes in the uterus and cervix.

The most favorable phase when it is recommended to cauterize erosion is considered to be the period during menstruation itself. The tissues are just soft, relaxed, and the cervix is ​​slightly open. At this time, the specialist clearly sees the affected areas of the epithelium and can easily eliminate them, practically without damaging the healthy cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix.

If we talk about the day on which cauterization occurs, then everything depends on the duration and abundance of menstruation. It is better to do the manipulation when the cervix is ​​still slightly open, but the discharge is already insignificant, so that it does not interfere with seeing the affected areas of the cervix. Therefore, cauterization of erosion is best done on the second or third day of menstruation.

After menstruation has ended, moxibustion is also possible. The main thing for a specialist is to correctly calculate the day when to carry out the manipulation, so that the wounds after it have time to heal before the next menstruation. This takes from 3 to 4 weeks.

This means that the procedure for removing erosion is recommended to be carried out on the second day after the end of menstruation.

Menstruation after cauterization of erosion may initially be disrupted. In the first stages after erosion, menstruation is delayed, characterized by scant discharge and a short menstrual cycle. Within a few months, the cycle will normalize and menstruation will return to its previous parameters. Of course, this is provided that the healing process of the cervix after cauterization of the erosion goes well.

As for the first discharge of the cycle after cauterization of erosion, it occurs no earlier than after 33–35 days. Before this, the woman will have a discharge with blood, then a clear discharge with a specific odor. This is how wounds heal after cauterization, and a crust comes out.

The onset of the next menstruation after cauterization of erosion depends on the extent of the lesion. The main role is played by the size of the erosion and the size of the trace from its removal. This means that the larger the wound, the longer it will take for the cervix to heal, and the longer the next menstruation will not occur. Therefore, it is considered normal if menstruation occurs almost 40–60 days after cauterization of erosion.

It is worth noting that menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion may occur a little earlier than expected. This happens after suffering stress due to manipulation. But it happens that this is bleeding due to damage to the crust, which heals the wound after cauterization of the erosion. If the discharge starts earlier than expected, you should consult a doctor.

  1. Laser cauterization - tissue healing occurs quickly, but on the first day after the procedure, severe bleeding with odor and pain may be observed. If they stop the next day, this is normal and there is nothing to worry about.
  2. Cryodestruction. After such manipulation, the epithelium takes longer to recover (about a month). Healing is accompanied by increased secretion of aqueous fluid, after which menstruation occurs.
  3. Radiocoagulation is a procedure after which the discharge and profuseness are insignificant, and menstruation occurs almost on time.

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Women need to know that the first menstruation after cauterization of erosion may be more intense than it was before treatment. This happens, and in the next cycle everything should get better. Practice shows that normalization of menstruation occurs several months after treatment of erosion.

If menstruation is delayed after treatment of erosion, there are reasons for this:

  • stress experienced by the body due to the procedure;
  • disturbances in the cervical receptors that arise due to the action of the laser, which is used to cauterize erosion;
  • reaction of the cervical epithelium to the manipulation.

Such factors can cause a delay in menstruation after treatment of erosion by about 9–12 days. Such changes can be observed over several menstrual cycles, after which the discharge returns to normal. The main thing is to take care of yourself at this time and remember that during the healing period of the cervix, hard work and significant overwork have a detrimental effect on a woman’s health.

Contraindications after cauterization:

  1. Visiting saunas and baths.
  2. Sexual relations.
  3. Psychological and physical stress, fatigue.

The first time after cauterization, you definitely need to take care. This will mitigate the symptoms of the rehabilitation period and avoid infection in the woman’s genitals.

After cauterization of erosion, women may initially observe bloody and profuse discharge with large clots. If this phenomenon is isolated and there will be no repetitions in the next month, then there is nothing to worry about.

Another reason for heavy periods after cauterization of erosion can be damage to the scab (wounds after cauterization) caused by a stressful situation, overwork or heavy physical exertion.

Scanty menstruation may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. In this case, excessive narrowing of the cervix could occur, which could lead to the complete disappearance of discharge, which would collect in the uterine cavity and not be able to exit. This condition is extremely dangerous to health and requires surgical intervention by doctors.

Why is there a delay after cauterization of cervical erosion?

A delay in menstruation may well occur after cauterization of the erosive area. Such a mini-operation leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, but women should not worry, especially those who closely monitor the arrival of each menstruation and begin to panic if it does not start on the appointed date.

In 1.5-2 months everything should return to normal. The second uterine cycle will begin without delay.

The receptor apparatus of the uterus reacts negatively to the mechanical impact of medical equipment during the procedure, which often leads to a delay. In addition, delayed menstruation can be caused by injury to the epithelial layer of the uterus received during cauterization. Or the reason could be simple stress, a woman’s worries about her health and the effectiveness of the procedure.

Consequences of the procedure

Gynecologists distinguish between normal and pathological manifestations and note that the latter in a significant proportion of cases arise due to violation of safety measures after cauterization. Among the natural reactions of the female body to cauterization, experts call:

  • The patient complains that her stomach hurts for several days after the procedure, with a nagging pain localized in the lower abdomen. To relieve such manifestations, it is recommended to take painkillers.
  • Experts also include bloody discharge from the organs of the reproductive system after the intervention as normal reactions. Over the course of 1.5-2 weeks, a woman has a discharge from the genital tract, which first has a deep red, then a pinkish tint. Thus, dead structures and pathological cells are eliminated from the body.

Menstruation came earlier after cauterization

Cauterization of erosion leads to the discharge of blood clots and serous discharge. The uterine cavity is injured, and the resulting scab should sooner or later come out after the erosive area heals. A provoking factor for its early separation is lifting weights or women having sex immediately after the operation, when the uterus has not yet healed, and the resulting crust at the site of the removed papule has not had time to dry well.

Menstruation may come early with pain in the abdomen and lower back due to damage to healthy epithelial cells under the influence of hardware.

In addition, as a result of the intervention, sometimes there is a narrowing of the lumen in the cervix, which makes it difficult for the timely release of accumulated blood. It begins to flow gradually, which is often mistaken for the onset of menstruation. The condition becomes dangerous because bacteria multiply in the discharge, causing inflammation, and requires elimination through repeated surgery.

In what phase of the cycle is cauterization performed?

The purpose of cauterization depends on the phase of the cycle and the urgency of the procedure. There are 3 types of procedures:

  • diathermocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser radio wave therapy.

Diathermocoagulation is carried out urgently when there is a high probability of rapid growth of polyps and their degeneration into a malignant tumor; a biopsy of the cervix is ​​also often taken to rule out cancer.

Cryodestruction is carried out 2-3 days before the arrival of menstruation in order to avoid the development of endometriosis as a complication.

Laser radio wave therapy, as a low-traumatic method for the purpose of rapid healing of wounds, is carried out on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle, so that the cervix will heal before the arrival of the next menstruation.

It is better when moxibustion is performed between days 3 and 9 of the cycle. This is the time when the muscle tissue of the uterus is in a softer, relaxed state, and its cervix is ​​slightly open. It is easier for the gynecologist to view the entire cavity and perform a conization procedure in order to completely remove the modified affected epithelial tissue without leaving its particles. In addition, the doctor will not affect healthy nearby areas during the operation, which means that the healing process will be faster in the future.

On what day of the cycle is erosion cauterized?

The decision about the need to treat erosion should be made by a doctor. The gynecologist must determine the type of erosion, assess the degree of damage to the cervix and select the most appropriate type of treatment. Treatment tactics are determined based on the results of a cytology smear, colposcopy and tissue biopsy.

Before prescribing surgical intervention, it is recommended to undergo a course of anti-inflammatory therapy if tests indicate the development of an inflammatory process. To prevent complications, it is recommended to treat the vagina with local antiseptics.

It is recommended to cauterize the affected areas on days 5-7 of the cycle. During this period, the cervical canal is still slightly dilated, but there is no extraneous discharge. This allows you to see and treat all damaged areas. But the date of the procedure can be postponed in agreement with the attending physician.

After cauterization, a scab forms in the treated area - a crust covering the wound surface. She begins to recede 8-21 days after the procedure; it is advisable that menstruation does not begin during this period. Their appearance impairs the process of covering the treated area with flat epithelium. Untimely surgical manipulation can cause incomplete tissue healing.

Cauterization of erosion before menstruation

If a woman is planning to cauterize her cervix with a laser or radio waves, then it is not necessary to wait until the end of menstruation. When using such methods, tissue damage is minimal, so the healing process occurs at an accelerated pace.

But when cauterizing erosion at the end of the cycle, the likelihood of a delay is higher. In addition, it will be difficult for a woman to control the discharge; menstruation can be confused with the onset of bleeding.

Attention! When cauterizing erosion before menstruation, the risk of developing endometriosis increases. Endometrial cells that leave the uterus during menstruation can take root on damaged cervical tissue.

Is it possible to cauterize erosion during menstruation?

It is necessary to begin treating erosive lesions of the cervix after the bleeding has stopped. You cannot burn tissue during menstruation; the doctor will not be able to completely clean the cervix and treat it. Due to constant discharge, it is impossible to fully inspect the damaged areas.

Indications for conization of the cervix

Conization is a widely used procedure in gynecology. The purpose of the operation is to remove the following elements:

  • neoplasms in the uterine cavity;
  • erosive areas;
  • malignant tumors;
  • tumor-like fragments of unknown etiology.

Conization is often performed to reduce the risk of developing cancer. During the procedure, a biopsy of the cervix is ​​often taken to examine the tissue for histology.

Conization of the cervix is ​​prescribed in the following cases:

  • detection of pathological areas in the cervical canal of the cervix;
  • dysplasia 2-3 degrees;
  • according to the results of histological examination;
  • if the development of cancer is suspected, when a cervical biopsy is necessary.

A similar operation is carried out using a loop, laser or radio wave. Almost any of the methods used to cauterize erosion leads to a delay in menstruation. The procedure is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in inflammatory processes;
  • for infectious diseases in the genital tract;
  • for invasive cervical cancer.

In general, conization takes no more than 20 minutes and does not cause pain due to the absence of nerve endings in the cervix. No anesthesia is required.

Removal of pathological tissue is carried out by applying alternating current to the loop and cauterizing the erosion. To prevent further complications and infection of the uterine cavity, the doctor will prescribe for women a course of antibacterial drugs and vitamins to maintain immunity.


Normally, menstruation resumes a month after the procedure.

Before menstruation, spotting is observed, which gradually changes color and consistency from transparent to thick and brown. This indicates active tissue healing after the cauterization procedure.

The duration of critical days after removal of erosion depends on the structural features of the woman’s body. Under normal conditions, this period usually ranges from 3 to 7 days.


The size of the affected tissue and the dynamics of healing have a direct impact on the arrival of menstruation. The larger the damaged surface area, the longer the wait for the cycle to resume.

After removal of erosion, premature menstruation often begins. This is due to severe stress. The onset of menstruation ahead of schedule is a reason for medical consultation

(this may be open bleeding after the procedure). The gynecologist will find out the exact cause of the phenomenon and monitor the healing process of the scar.

The nature of discharge after electric shock

The first menstruation can be scanty or heavy. Slight bleeding is normal.

Among the main reasons for scanty menstruation are:

  • the effect of the equipment used during manipulation;
  • complications after surgery;
  • narrowing of the cervical canal of the uterus (scanty periods will be accompanied by a sharp pain symptom).

If menstruation does not occur after removal of the erosion, this may indicate an accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity.

This phenomenon causes stenosis and requires urgent surgery.

If the bloody discharge has a strong odor, repeated cauterization and coagulation of the vessels is necessary. Also in this case, tablets are prescribed, the effect of which is aimed at reducing discharge. The total period of therapy is 30 days (during this time bleeding may continue).

What causes heavy bleeding?

Patients may experience heavy discharge with bloody impurities. This phenomenon is normal for the first menstruation after removal of erosion. What factors provoke high abundance outside the norm:

  1. Violation of the wound surface due to violation of the regime during the recovery period.
  2. Excessive exercise and heavy lifting.
  3. Damage to an unhealed scab by a gynecologist during a routine examination.

Thick bloody discharge is a sign of other gynecological diseases.

The cause of the phenomenon is weak blood vessels or insufficient blood clotting. If cauterization was performed 7-10 days before the cycle, bleeding may coincide with the onset of menstruation. In such a situation, a follow-up examination and repeated regular consultations are required.

Symptoms of erosion

Typically, ectopia has no symptoms; occasionally, mild bleeding and pain are noted after intercourse. This is the result of microtraumas; if inflammation develops, the aching pain in the lower abdomen intensifies. The discharge acquires an unnatural odor, pus is released, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

Long-standing erosion is marked by slight spotting a couple of days before menstruation and after its end. Ectopia is characteristic of periods associated with changes in hormonal levels in the female body (adolescence, pregnancy, use of hormonal drugs). After hormones normalize, erosion goes away without treatment.

The cause of the pathology is mechanical damage during an abortion or instrumental examination. Sexual infection, accompanied by inflammation of the epithelium, also leads to ectopia. Before cauterization, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease.

With serious hormonal imbalance and ectopia, intermenstrual bleeding, excessively abundant or too scanty uterine discharge are observed. Erosive pathology is usually detected directly during a gynecological examination. The gynecologist prescribes a treatment regimen for a specific patient, much depends on her age and health condition.

There have been no “women’s days” for a long time: what to do?

Menstruation in the first 2 months after cauterization may be irregular.

Women often complain that their periods do not come on time.

Possible reasons:

  • Menstruation may not occur for a long time due to stress (negative psycho-emotional background leaves an imprint on the cycle) or reflex changes. The normal delay period for such factors is 10-15 days. After a few cycles, periods return to normal.
  • Critical days may be absent due to hormonal imbalance and pregnancy, since the cauterization procedure does not in any way affect the possibility of conception.

If cauterization was carried out without complications, but the delay persists for more than 15 days, go for a consultation with a gynecologist. The specialist will find out how the restoration of the uterine mucosa proceeds.


Doctors advise cauterization of erosion 14 days before menstruation. The operation is performed without anesthesia and lasts up to 20 minutes. The wound surface heals completely in 2-3 months. In addition to the delay, nagging pain in the uterine area is observed.

Reasons for delay

Failure of menstruation after the cauterization process occurs due to the following provoking factors:

  • the procedure itself,
  • pregnancy,
  • hormonal pathologies in the body,
  • stressful conditions.

Gynecological cauterization itself can provoke menstruation failure. After the procedure, women's health requires careful adherence to hygiene standards. The attending physician is obliged to give the patient strict recommendations regarding the care of the intimate area. If necessary, medications are prescribed.

The burn takes more than a month to heal, during which time watery discharge is observed, sometimes turning brown. After the procedure, the woman does not lose her fertility, she may become pregnant, which will cause a delay.

If after cauterization there are no periods for more than ten days, you need to be checked for pregnancy.

During the rehabilitation period, the doctor recommends abstaining from sexual activity and taking hot baths. Vaginal suppositories are prescribed to promote rapid wound healing. If you do not follow the instructions, severe inflammation may develop, severe pain in the abdomen will appear, and purulent secretion will begin to be released from the genital tract.

The delay after surgery is allowed no more than two weeks; the cycle is completely normalized after two to three months. If after this period the patient still experiences delays, she should make an appointment with a gynecologist to find out the reason. The technique used for cauterization does not affect the possibility of delays.

How to avoid looping problems after deletion?

To minimize complications during scab healing, it is important to follow the basic rules.

During the recovery period, only pads are allowed, since tampons have a negative effect on the damaged surface (they can also damage the wound area if inserted carelessly).

It is not recommended for 1 month after cauterization:

  1. have an active sex life;
  2. visit the pool and sauna;
  3. actively engage in sports, overload the body.


Weights above 3 kg are strictly prohibited for women after surgery. Jogging is allowed from the second week. Sexual intercourse is allowed to be resumed after a routine examination and permission from the gynecologist. You need to have sex with a condom for the first 2 months, since the partner’s flora is considered foreign to the vagina.

It is important to carefully monitor your discharge mid-cycle.

If the leucorrhoea has acquired a greenish tint, a clayey smell has appeared, and general health has worsened - these are signs of infection. In such a situation, emergency medical attention is required.

Remember that even with a normal cycle and no discomfort after cauterization, regular check-ups with a gynecologist are necessary. The specialist will monitor the epithelization (healing) process and, if pathologies are detected, will take prompt therapeutic measures.

Preventive methods

To avoid menstrual irregularities after erosion therapy, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation process. A woman should avoid procedures that may lead to increased blood circulation in the reproductive organs. Patients are prohibited from:

  • visit baths and saunas, refrain from other warming influences on the lower body;
  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • play sports, lift weights, and expose yourself to other types of physical activity that can cause bleeding;
  • massage on the lumbar region;
  • treatment with leeches;
  • swim in open water and visit the pool;
  • to take a bath;
  • undergo physical procedures that affect the lower abdomen.

To avoid menstrual irregularities after cauterization, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period. Avoid procedures that may increase blood circulation in the reproductive organs. Forbidden:

  • visit the bathhouse, sauna, hammam. It is worth refraining from any other warming effects on the lower part of the body;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • engage in strength sports, lift weights, and expose yourself to other types of physical activity that can cause bleeding;
  • massage the lumbar region;
  • resort to treatment with leeches;
  • swim in natural reservoirs and swim in the pool;
  • take a hot bath;
  • undergo physical procedures affecting the abdomen and lower back.

Carrying out cauterization, despite its safety, remains a serious intervention in the body. To reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes, you need to pay special attention to hygiene and refrain from using tampons. The first four weeks after the operation, sexual contacts are prohibited for the woman. In subsequent months, it is necessary to use barrier methods of contraception. When planning a pregnancy, you should visit a gynecologist.

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