After postinoration, infertility is possible

Can Postinor cause infertility photo Can Postinor cause infertility ? Every woman should know that this contraceptive is a “firefighter”, that is, emergency. Many young ladies use this drug quite often, having inattentively read the instructions, which specifically say about the possible consequences and complications. Postinor is extremely dangerous, in some European countries it is even banned, unfortunately, not in Russia. The consequences of taking this contraceptive are very severe, including infertility.

Can Postinor cause infertility? The principle of operation of the contraceptive drug.

Can Postinor cause infertility photo Can Postinor cause infertility?? Every woman should know that this contraceptive is a “firefighter”, that is, emergency. Many young ladies use this drug quite often, having inattentively read the instructions, which specifically say about the possible consequences and complications. Postinor is extremely dangerous, in some European countries it is even banned, unfortunately, not in Russia. The consequences of taking this contraceptive are very severe, including infertility.

The principle of action of the contraceptive drug Postinor.

To understand why Postinor causes infertility , you need to first study its mechanism of action. The active component of the drug in question is levonorgestrel; one tablet contains 0.75 milligrams of this substance, which corresponds to a “killer” dose. To make it clearer, 20 ordinary oral contraceptive pills contain the same amount of levonorgestrel.

One package of Postinor contains 2 tablets, they should be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex, with a 12-hour break. The drug works as follows:

  1. it blocks ovulation, which means that a mature egg cannot leave the ovary;
  2. with successful ovulation and fertilization, the drug prevents the egg from implanting in the uterine cavity;
  3. Postinor changes the cervical mucus, it thickens, and therefore sperm cannot penetrate the uterine cavity.

The principle of action of the drug

The main component of Postinor is levonogestrel in high concentration. This is a synthetic gestagen analogue of progesterone.

The substance has the following effects:

  • disrupts the process of follicle maturation;
  • prevents the release of the egg;
  • changes the intimate environment of the vagina, the viscosity of cervical mucus increases, which serves as unfavorable conditions for the life of sperm - the process of conception is blocked;
  • When the fusion of germ cells is completed, the receptor response of the endometrium changes, the embryo is unable to implant into the wall of the uterus.

The concentration of the hormone is so high that experts do not recommend using the product more often than once every six months. Postinor is intended exclusively for emergency one-time protection. Frequent, uncontrolled use leads to serious consequences, in particular, the formation of infertility.

Direct connection: Postinor and infertility? Why does the drug lead to such consequences?

Since one tablet simply contains a huge dose of the active ingredient, the female body experiences a severe hormonal shock when taking the drug. For this reason, Postinor is recommended only in emergency cases and is prohibited for permanent use. The instructions say that it is not advisable to take Postinor more than four times a year. Some inattentive women neglect the recommendations and use the contraceptive uncontrollably, up to several times during one menstrual cycle. Of course, after this they have to pay with their own health.

Since Postinor is a powerful hormonal agent, it affects the ovaries. Over time, their function begins to deplete, and they begin to produce less of their own hormones. Namely, the female menstrual cycle, and therefore reproductive ability, depends on sex hormones. Due to insufficient release of estrogens and progesterones, the menstrual cycle is disrupted (menstruation is irregular, discharge is scanty and very painful). These phenomena end with a complete absence of menstruation (that is, amenorrhea). As a result, the woman loses the ability to conceive and becomes infertile. If you visit a doctor in a timely manner, the menstrual cycle can be restored, however, even this does not always help.

In addition, it is prohibited for girls in adolescence (under 16 years) to take Postinor. The reproductive system of adolescents is just beginning to develop; the functioning of the ovaries is still insufficient. When using Postinor at such an early age, menstrual function is almost always disrupted and infertility develops. Even doctors cannot cope with such a situation.

Plus, it is undesirable for women who experience menstrual irregularities to take Postinor, since this is already a sign of inadequate functioning of the ovaries. Even with a single dose of Postinor tablet, infertility may occur.

How to take Postinor

The drug belongs to emergency contraception. This means that in certain cases additional precautions against unwanted pregnancy are necessary.

Emergency protection is indicated for:

  • unprotected contact;
  • unsuccessful protection in another way (condom rupture, earlier removal of the cap, missing more than 3 COC tablets);
  • forced sexual intercourse.

The Postinor package contains 2 tablets. The first capsule should be taken immediately after unprotected contact, the second - 12 hours after the first. Delay in using the drug reduces its effectiveness. It is allowed to use the medicine only for 3 days after intercourse. After a 72-hour interval, the effect of the drug is not observed. Also, the product does not affect implantation that has already occurred. If vomiting occurs in the first hours after using the product, you need to repeat taking the capsule.

Important! The effectiveness of Postinor directly depends on the time of taking the pills: the earlier the woman used the capsules, the higher the likelihood of success - pregnancy does not occur.

It is advisable to use Postinor during a regular menstrual cycle.


  • the effect of the drug is unpredictable;
  • existing reproductive disorders are aggravated.

After taking the medicine, it is necessary to use barrier contraception until the onset of menstruation. 5-6 days after using the product, menstrual-like discharge appears. This is how the woman understands that the drug worked. If there is no discharge or if it occurs later, you should consult a specialist and rule out pregnancy. After visiting a gynecologist, a method of permanent protection is selected. Repeated use of Postinor in one cycle is unacceptable.

Infertility after postinor: fact or fiction?

Most often, conception and the subsequent appearance of a baby is a desired event in the life of a married couple. However, there are situations when conception is not part of the plans of two. In this case, contraception comes to the rescue. But what to do when, in a fit of passion, a couple forgets about caution? Or did a reliable assistant—the condom—let you down? Or was there violence against the woman? Modern medicine in such cases offers oral contraception. One of the most popular drugs of this kind is Postinor. The effectiveness of this drug is very high, but many women, having not carefully read the instructions, abuse it. But infertility after Postinor is a very common phenomenon in the modern world.

Can the drug cause infertility?

Experts have proven that uncontrolled use of Postinor leads to infertility. This is not surprising, because the medication is considered a hormonal drug that has a strong effect on women’s ovaries. Taking this drug is a massive hormonal attack on the woman’s body in general and on the reproductive system in particular.

Frequent use of Postinor provokes depletion of the ovaries, they stop producing their own hormones, resulting in the impossibility of conception. That is why it is recommended to use the drug in the most emergency situations and not to allow more than one dose of the tablet in a certain period of time.

Side effects from taking Postinor

The medicine should not be used if there are problems with the liver or biliary tract, or if you are allergic to the components of the medicine. The drug is not used in adolescents. In the presence of unformed sexual regulation, Postinor causes consequences: infertility, miscarriages, cycle disorders.

During the reproductive period, side effects of using the product include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • increased fatigue;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • menstrual irregularities (usually delay);
  • the appearance of bleeding outside the cycle.

However, if conception does occur as a result of taking the pills, then the drug does not have a significant negative effect on the fetus.

The effect of Postinor on the development of infertility

In many countries, the sale of Postinor is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that the drug has a strong effect on the body of women and sometimes causes irreversible consequences. In Russian cities it can be purchased freely at pharmacies.

The drug contains a significant dose of a substance called levonorgestrel in the amount of 0.75 mg per tablet. In effect, this is equivalent to the work of 20 tablets of ordinary oral contraceptives. Once in a woman’s body, levonorgestrel acts on the internal genital organs as follows:

  1. Keeps the egg from leaving the ovary, preventing its full maturation and development.
  2. It interferes with the process of conception because it creates an environment unfavorable for sperm.
  3. Prevents the embryo from attaching to the uterine walls.

Important! Due to the high dose of hormones it contains, experts advise using Postinor no more than 4 times per calendar year.

It is unacceptable for teenage girls to take the medication. The reproductive system at an early age has not yet completed its formation. The entry of a large dose of hormones into an immature body can lead to irreversible consequences - menstrual irregularities and further infertility.

Women with menstrual irregularities are also not recommended to use Postinor, since this situation itself indicates problems in the functioning of the ovaries. The action of hormonal drugs will only worsen the problem, making further conception impossible.

Side effects of the drug Postinor

The drug Postinor contains a fairly large dose of the sex hormone - synthetic progestogen and levonorgestrel. After taking this medicine, a woman’s body takes a long time to recover, since it experienced a real hormonal shock. Often, Postinor is intended for use exclusively in emergency cases, for example, during rape. But uncontrolled use of this drug is very dangerous for the body.

The first side effect is uterine bleeding, which in some cases requires immediate medical attention, since after taking the drug the level of gestagen, which is responsible for the development of the inner layer of the uterine epithelium, increases sharply. In the case when Postinor is used quite often, regular uterine bleeding can provoke the appearance of exhaustion of the body and iron deficiency anemia.

Also, the side effect is expressed in the appearance of dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and infertility. Taking Postinor creates a hormonal shock, as a result of which the ovaries begin to produce less of their own hormones and become depleted, and this is a direct path to infertility. After taking it, menstruation may be irregular and accompanied by severe pain, after which it may disappear completely. This is a clear sign indicating female infertility. Therefore, a timely visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist often allows you to restore reproductive function, but it happens that the treatment does not bring the desired result.

We know from the media that this drug is a safe drug and is intended to prevent unwanted pregnancy, so sometimes young girls take this drug after each case of unprotected sexual intercourse to avoid pregnancy. But using Postinor in adolescence (excluding unpleasant cases) is especially dangerous, since ovarian function during this period is in the process of formation. Then infertility occurs quite often, and it is very difficult to treat. It is advisable that this drug be prescribed by a specialist.

Taking this contraceptive may be accompanied by other consequences, such as headache, vomiting, and lethargy. This drug is prohibited from taking by women with gallbladder disease, liver disease and thrombosis, as well as by those people who have suffered Botkin's disease.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that in many countries Postinor is not sold in the regular pharmacy system, and it can only be taken after consulting a doctor. Remember that with frequent use of the drug, an inevitable result may occur - infertility. Therefore, it is better to replace this drug with low-dose modern contraceptives.



Most often, a woman has a very high chance of becoming pregnant and bearing a healthy child after taking Postinor in the past. However, this statement is true only if the woman did not abuse the drug and thereby did not manage to cause irreparable harm to her health.

If a woman neglects the recommendations and uses the medication uncontrollably, she may have problems conceiving and bearing a baby. In this situation, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible.

Symptoms indicating problems with the ovaries due to the use of hormonal drugs:

  • irregular menstruation, accompanied by painful sensations;
  • menstruation becomes more and more scanty, disappearing completely over time.

Activities aimed at treating infertility after abuse of Postinor

When the specialist makes a conclusion about the patient’s health condition, he can prescribe treatment with drugs aimed at restoring reproductive function. Most often, women in such cases are prescribed suitable hormonal contraceptives. If a woman experiences bleeding during treatment between cycles, she may be prescribed antibiotic treatment, sometimes in a hospital.

It would be useful to visit an endocrinologist who will check the status of thyroid hormones and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Important! It is better to plan conception no earlier than six months after taking the last Postinor tablet. Otherwise, there is a high risk of various complications, including miscarriage.

To avoid problems with bearing a child, you should not plan to conceive immediately after taking Postinor


After taking the drug, it is recommended to visit a doctor to monitor the condition of the ovaries. Usually a specialist conducts an examination and takes a swab to obtain more reliable information. If the patient experiences unpleasant symptoms in the form of spotting bleeding or menstrual irregularities, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

If the patient has not been diagnosed with infertility, the doctor may prescribe vitamin complexes and products to normalize the vaginal microflora. Also, during the treatment period, a woman may be prescribed a diet.

The most important thing in this situation is not to let your condition reach a critical level. That is why a visit to a gynecologist is a necessary condition in the case of even a one-time use of Postinor.

With small volumes of the drug taken, the chances of a complete restoration of women's health are very high

A hormonal emergency contraceptive called Postinor can actually prevent unwanted pregnancies. But at the same time, it can cause irreparable harm to women’s health. That is why the consumption of this drug should be extremely reduced. The best solution would be to select more gentle medications for emergency contraception. To choose drugs of this kind, you should consult a gynecologist.

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