Garlic treatment with folk remedies in gynecology. Garlic in gynecology

Tampons with garlic

Garlic is a plant that helps cope with many diseases.
The beneficial properties of this product can be listed for a long time. Garlic has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, disinfectant, and antioxidant effects. As a rule, it is used to treat colds and viral diseases. But few people know that the plant is actively used in gynecology. Tampons with garlic can relieve thrush, uterine erosion, and restore the normal layer of endometriosis. This is what we will discuss in today’s article.

How it affects the body

Garlic is a medicinal product of natural origin. It contains a unique vitamin complex and minerals (zinc, selenium, phosphorus, iron).

Garlic juice contains allicin, which quickly relieves inflammation and fights pathogens without affecting healthy cells.

Natural properties of the plant:

  1. Quickly and effectively restores and strengthens the human immune system. A couple of cloves of garlic eaten per day will be enough to prevent the flu or ARVI.
  2. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Fights fungus and other harmful microorganisms.
  4. It is an excellent disinfectant.
  5. A natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process.
  6. Promotes regeneration and restoration of damaged cells.

Garlic tampons are actively used in gynecology. They are often used by patients suffering from thrush. Tampons allow you to quickly deal with fungus and restore normal vaginal microflora.

How does garlic affect your health?


Garlic is one of the most common spices used in most countries around the world. The unique taste that it brings to any dish makes it indispensable in cooking.

But garlic is also a storehouse of vitamins and a natural medicine. Phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins B, C, D - this is not a complete list of all the useful things this plant contains. However, the most important of all, doctors call selenium, which is part of garlic.

It protects the body from the formation of various types of tumors and inhibits the aging process of tissues. In the course of scientific research, this was proven by Professor Karmia Borek from Tufts University in Boston.

In addition, it has been found that moderate but regular consumption of garlic by women prevents the development of breast and uterine cancer.

It is no coincidence that nutritional supplements based on this plant are especially popular in the United States. They are used as prevention against cardiovascular diseases and oncology. In recent years, garlic-based dietary supplements have taken first place in sales in the United States.

British scientists, as an experiment, suggested that women over fifty years of age eat different types of onion plants. Volunteers included garlic, leeks, onions, and shallots in their diet every day.

After a month, the researchers noted a hardening of their bone tissue. Thus, it was concluded that garlic has another beneficial property - it prevents osteoarthritis.

This disease, which destroys the knee and hip joints, is most susceptible to women 50 and older.

Until recently, garlic was considered a panacea for bad cholesterol. US research laboratories initiated studies that were supposed to confirm or refute the effect of garlic on human cholesterol levels.

To do this, a group of people recruited for the experiment had to regularly eat garlic for a certain period of time. Almost three dozen studies showed a decrease in cholesterol in subjects within three months, another eight experiments showed a decrease in cholesterol within six months.

But then the cholesterol level began to rise and reached its original values.

In parallel with the Americans, a similar study was carried out by scientists from the University of Exeter (UK). They came to the same conclusion: garlic affects cholesterol, but only for a short time.

Therefore, scientists recommend that women who actively use garlic for their diet avoid fatty foods at the same time.

Otherwise, it is pointless to fight high cholesterol and excess weight, even if you eat garlic around the clock.

Scientists from the United States of America and Sweden have scientifically proven the benefits of garlic for hypertension. Today, this disease is taking first place in the world, “rejuvenating” every year. Forty-year-old hypertensive patients are almost a common occurrence. And among women “over 50” it is almost impossible to find someone who is not hypertensive.

Garlic dilates blood vessels and thus reduces blood pressure. However, there is also danger here. Hot garlic substances accelerate the blood. And if this process becomes excessive, the person feels dizziness, nausea, pain, arrhythmia, and in some cases even suffocation.

Therefore, people with coronary heart disease, varicose veins, pathologies of the coronary arteries, and thrombophlebitis should not abuse garlic, but it is better to abandon it altogether. Garlic is especially dangerous for those who are prescribed blood thinners, such as aspirin.

When combined with garlic, they can cause internal bleeding.

Dr. Dan Gunter talks about the antifungal properties of garlic. The process of crushing a garlic clove releases the volatile substance allicin, which gives garlic its persistent odor. When exposed to air, it is converted into diallyl disulfide (DDS) and diallyl trisulfide (DTS).

Scientists have found that both substances, once in the human body, penetrate through the cell membrane into yeast cells, block metabolism and thereby kill the yeast cell. Researchers also suggest that DDS and DTS activate the human immune system, thereby helping to fight fungal yeast.

In a similar way, garlic fights various types of viruses. It is no coincidence that during the flu season, doctors recommend eating more onions and garlic.

It has long been known that garlic is an enemy of various types of fungal diseases. Many women have decided to use this to treat fungal infections of the uterus and vagina.

For this purpose, they independently prepare something in the form of an ointment based on garlic and make tampons from it, which they insert into sore spots. Doctors from American, Russian and European clinics talk about the fight against this kind of witchcraft.

Gynecologists have to treat burned genitals for months.

Ladies harm their hair follicles and facial skin with garlic. They burn warts, papillomas, even acne, after which garlic burns remain on the skin.

Doctors are sounding the alarm: from a medicinal plant, garlic in some cases turns into a plant that harms the body. And only because ladies self-medicate. Garlic actually helps in the fight against papillomas and hair loss.

But you need to know exactly how to use it and calculate the dose well when preparing potions.

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Indications for use

For what gynecological diseases can garlic tampons be used:

  • Thrush or vaginitis. The disease is considered one of the most common among female pathologies. Characteristic symptoms: vaginal itching, copious discharge with an unpleasant fishy odor. If treatment is not started in time, this can lead to serious disturbances in the microflora.
  • Erosion. An illness that can develop into cancer. Pathogenic cells are observed on the uterine mucosa. Symptoms: profuse leucorrhoea, spotting after sex, nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Endometriosis. The mucous membrane becomes too thick, and the inflammatory processes that occur can lead to the formation of cysts. Symptoms: heavy periods with dark clots, sharp pain in the ovaries and lower back, infertility.

How to cook

Before we talk about recipes for preparing garlic tinctures and decoctions, we need to mention a few words about the tampons themselves. It is not recommended to use hygiene products that are designed to absorb secretions during menstruation.

These tampons are very dense, there is a high probability that a woman will experience toxic shock syndrome. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to make the product yourself. It's quite simple, there are several ways.

  • take sterile cotton wool, roll it tightly, be sure to secure it with threads;
  • wrap on top with a bandage or narrow gauze;
  • Secure at the bottom with a thick thread.

The size of a cylindrical tampon should be small, in this case it will not injure the mucous membrane and can be easily inserted into the vagina.

  • twist the cotton wool into a tight ball;
  • then apply the desired medicine;
  • wrap with a sterile bandage on top;
  • Secure the thread at the bottom.

Such a tampon will resemble a comet with a tail. It is not easy to insert into the vagina. To avoid problems, many people make a tampon on a pencil, which is then removed.

Now let's look at the preparation of medicines from garlic:

  1. Take a few medium-sized cloves of garlic, peel them, chop them very finely, and cover with boiled warm water. Do not use boiling water, otherwise the plant will lose its properties. Let the broth brew for 15-20 minutes. Strain the resulting mixture, place the prepared tampon in it so that it absorbs the broth well. Place the tampon deep into the vagina for 2-3 hours. Do the procedure daily for a week. Watch the sensations, there should be no burning sensation. This decoction can be used for thrush and inflammation of the appendages.
  2. You can also combine ingredients. Grate a few cloves of garlic on a coarse grater, add a teaspoon of honey, and place the mixture in a tampon. Make sure that the cotton wool is tightly twisted and the prepared product is not in direct contact with the vaginal mucosa. Otherwise, you may get burned. A tampon with honey and garlic works great against endometriosis.
  3. The following remedy will help get rid of erosion. Take a couple of heads of garlic, make small cuts on them, and be sure to wash them with boiled water. Place the plant in the swab. Procedures can be done daily for 7-14 days.


Treatment of cervical cysts with folk remedies

The uterus and cervix are a glandular secretory organ. In a normal state, the glandular ducts are open and there should be no obstacles to the outflow of secretions. But under the influence of external factors (macroscopic stone, pollen, thickening of secretions, scars on the cervix, etc.

) the tubule becomes blocked and the outflow of secretions stops. The secretion in the duct accumulates, stretching it, and as a result a retention cyst is formed. The difference between such cysts and other formations will be their content: watery or mucous filling.

As well as their shell, which will consist of flattened epithelium of the glands and their ducts.

In most cases, the formation of such a cyst on the cervix is ​​asymptomatic. The patient learns about it during a routine gynecological examination.

In most cases, retention cysts resolve on their own and do not require conservative treatment.

In the absence of an obvious inflammatory process in the pelvis, the doctor will suggest observing the process and may prescribe various herbal remedies. This treatment is commonly called “traditional medicine”.

Herbs and plants

Many herbs and plants have a strong antiseptic effect, which will prevent infection from developing and will help the brushes resolve faster. Folk remedies can be taken orally, douching, tamponade, etc.

Garlic has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. The fact is that it contains a large amount of phytoncides - volatile substances that have an antimicrobial effect. Phytoncides are capable of killing various types of protozoa: bacteria and fungi. Effectively used in gynecology, including in the treatment of cervical retention cysts.

A peeled clove of garlic is pressed a little to release the juice, wrapped in a sterile gauze bandage and inserted into the vagina. To make it easier to remove the “garlic swab”, it is recommended to tie the slice with a thick thread, having previously disinfected it with a solution of chlorhexidine. For greater effectiveness, the tampon should be inserted before bed and left overnight.

The course can be up to 10 procedures.

It helps well in the treatment of cervical cysts, when, due to prolonged stagnation of secretions, the inflammatory process began to spread deep into the cervical canal. Used in the form of douching. One tablespoon is poured into 250 ml. boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, cool and insert into the vagina. Douching can be done for a week.

The leaves are pre-crushed. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp and take 1 teaspoon orally up to 3 times a day.

  • Hog queen and red brush

Currently, these herbs are the most popular and effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

A huge number of herbs have medicinal properties. Many of them are successfully used in gynecology. For greater effectiveness, various herbal mixtures have been combined, which have a proven effect in the treatment of cervical cysts. Such policies can be purchased at a pharmacy and made independently.

Other traditional methods of treating cervical cysts

It is believed that food products also have medicinal properties. In particular, propolis and honey have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system as a whole, helping to normalize the level of hormones in the female body. To treat retention cysts, you can make honey swabs or moisten them in a diluted propolis solution to avoid burns.

There are descriptions of treating cervical cysts with baked onions. I bake the onion in its husk, without seasoning, and consume it. It should be understood that foods enriched with vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Consequently, all regeneration processes proceed faster.

Hydrotherapy or a contrast shower, providing good blood circulation in the uterus and its cervix, has a positive effect on the resorption of retention cysts. But you should be careful with this method. Not recommended for acute inflammatory processes or in the presence of hyperplasia of the pelvic organs.

Herbal remedies for the treatment of cervical cysts

To prepare the collection you will need:

  • Common chamomile flowers 60 g;
  • Melissa 60 g;
  • Borovaya uterus 30 g;
  • Sage 30 g;
  • Oak bark 60 g.

To prepare the infusion, you need to mix all the ingredients. Pour in 2 liters of water and cook the mixture over moderate heat for no more than 7-10 minutes, without letting it boil too much.

Next, let the broth sit for half an hour. The decoction should be taken orally in the amount of one glass per day, in portions if desired. You can do douching.

The full course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Repeat if necessary.

To prepare the collection you will need:

  • Plantain leaves 100 g;
  • Common chamomile flowers 100 g;
  • Oak bark 100 g;
  • Sage 200 g;
  • Marigold flowers 100 g;
  • Yarrow 200 g;
  • Nettle leaves 200 g.

After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, take 2 tablespoons of the prepared mixture and pour 500 ml. water. Boil for about 5 minutes, strain and let it brew for a while. The resulting solution can be used for douching or moistening tampons. Tampons are inserted into the vagina before bed. Can be left overnight.

To prepare the collection you will need:

  • Oak bark 60 g;
  • Marigold flowers 60 g;
  • Yarrow flowers 60 g;
  • Zyuznik grass 60 g.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Next, 4 tablespoons of the collection are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and infused for about 15 minutes. The infusion can be douched and taken orally 30 minutes before meals.

Dandelion water infusion

For preparation you will need pure dandelion root. It must be ground on a grater or in a blender. Take one teaspoon of the resulting pulp and steam with boiling water (1 cup). Let it brew for 15-20 minutes, strain. Drink 1/3 cup 2 times a day on an empty stomach. Start taking it 5 days before the expected start date of your cycle. Finish with his advance.

Dandelion decoction in a water bath

Grind the dandelion root. Pour 500 ml. water and cook in a water bath for 3 hours over low heat. Strain, cool and pour into a container with a tight-fitting lid. Take 3 tablespoons up to 3 times a day before meals. Keep refrigerated.

Honey candles

For cooking you will need 150 g. high-quality butter (not spread) and 1 tablespoon of honey. The oil is heated in a water bath, then mixed with honey. Candles are formed from the resulting substance and placed in the refrigerator.

Important! Do not forget about possible allergic reactions to certain components of the collection, infusion, etc. If there is redness, itching or burning, you should seek help from a specialist.


The main symptoms and treatment of thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

  • Reasons for appearance
  • Methods and main symptoms of thrush infection
  • How to treat thrush in pregnant women

Have you been fighting thrush for many years without success?

Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure thrush by taking it every day.

Sometimes the onset of pregnancy is overshadowed by the appearance of symptoms familiar to every woman. This is itching, burning and abundant cheesy discharge with a specific odor, which does not go away on its own, as it is caused by the inflammatory process and hormonal changes in the body. Thrush in early pregnancy is common even in the first trimester. It happens that it is the signs of candidiasis that serve as confirmation of pregnancy.

Reasons for appearance

So what connection can there be between the active reproduction of the fungus of the genus Candida and the “interesting situation”? The most direct:

  • A change in hormonal status already in the first trimester is marked by an increase in progesterone, which begins from the first days of fertilization until the very late stages. Progesterone helps the embryo implant into the uterus and affects the psychological state of the woman. Because the level of this hormone can fluctuate, mood swings and changes in the vaginal microflora occur. During ovulation, similar processes occur. That is why if you suspect pregnancy and have thrush, the chances increase.
  • The body deliberately weakens the immune defense so that the embryo successfully strengthens in the uterus and is not rejected as a foreign body. Hence the poor health in the first trimester - toxicosis, the presence of protein in the urine, nausea - in a word, all the signs of poisoning.
  • Over time, your health becomes better, your mood is smoother - the level of another female hormone - estrogen - increases. The embryo has strengthened, but thrush may now appear.
  • Another hormone that begins to be released in pregnant women, human chorionic gonadotropin, activates the thyroid gland. It helps restore cells and rejuvenates a woman’s body throughout pregnancy. Thanks to this hormone, the expectant mother looks good and is happy. However, this hormone, or rather its fluctuations, can cause candidiasis.

Rules of feminine hygiene for thrush

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for thrush and diseases caused by Candida fungi, recommended by our subscribers! Read more…

Having discovered the main signs of thrush, every woman asks herself the question: how to cure thrush at home? How to wash yourself when you are sick so you can forget about it forever? The article will help you understand everything.

Natural Treatment

How to get rid of thrush at home without using antibiotics is a pressing question for women of any age.

Without a doubt, an antibiotic is an effective drug in the treatment of candidiasis. But taking this type of medication causes a number of negative factors affecting the body.

An imbalance leads to a weakened immune system. And, as a result, thrush relapses.

You should start treating candidiasis at home only after visiting a gynecologist. He will be able to determine the stage of development of the disease in women and prescribe the ideal alternative to fight against thrush. Often therapy is not limited to pills alone. Doctors prescribe treatments and prescriptions that include herbs and other natural ingredients.

In addition, you can get rid of thrush by washing. For such a procedure it is necessary to use folk remedies. They will help to quickly cure the disease.

Folk remedies for thrush help relieve inflammation and carefully heal the female body.

The most effective remedies are considered to be soda, honey, laundry soap, tar soap, and medicinal herbs (oak bark, chamomile, tea tree oil).

Hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate are also used in the treatment of candidiasis (it helps fight against thrush, used in the form of a solution).

Garlic for thrush

Candidiasis is a form of yeast found in small quantities in the body. Fungal infections occur due to an imbalance of bacteria in the body. When there is a lack of lactobacilli in the vaginal microflora, Candida fungi overgrow, which leads to a yeast infection. There are many natural methods that can help you cure candida at home at less cost and without any side effects. Treating thrush with garlic is a proven way to get rid of yeast. A useful plant helps get rid of candidiasis and prevent all fermentation processes in the body. Experts give only positive reviews when treating thrush with garlic.

What will the article tell you?

Garlic for treating Thrush

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How to use Garlic to treat Thrush , as a natural, effective and quick remedy for treating this unpleasant condition.

Garlic kills yeast! Those who bake bread, for example, know that you can’t add garlic to the dough right away, otherwise it won’t rise.

Therefore, fresh garlic is an effective remedy for treating Thrush. And tested by me personally!

Many of us who are faced with this terribly unpleasant condition immediately run to the pharmacy and buy Fluconazole, which relieves symptoms, but does not fight the main cause. Moreover, Thrush still returns, often even stronger and stronger. Therefore, it is very important to take this issue seriously and pay attention to natural methods of combating this scourge.


The use of spices for medicinal purposes is not allowed if:

  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • hemorrhoids and skin infections;
  • inflammatory liver and kidney diseases;
  • epilepsy and asthma;
  • allergies.

It is better for nursing mothers to refrain from taking garlic internally. The baby may not like this product.

It is also safer for pregnant women not to use garlic in the treatment of thrush.

Those who have insufficient blood clotting should not get carried away with the spice.

It is also necessary to remember that after eating garlic, a person may become absent-minded, his attention and reaction speed decrease.

The spice has a strong antifungal effect. But using garlic alone in the treatment of candidiasis is not enough. Any disease, including thrush, should be treated as prescribed by a specialist. Garlic medicines will only serve as an effective supplement and prevention of the disease.

What is Thrush?

This is vaginal candidiasis caused by a group of microscopic fungi or yeasts called Candida.

The most common manifestations are itching, inflammation, discharge and discomfort. In my opinion, this is one of the worst conditions; unpleasant sensations cannot be quickly relieved by almost anything.

Thrush is a very common phenomenon. Three out of four women experience it at least once in their lives.

The main cause of Thrush is an imbalance of the vaginal microflora. Good bacteria synthesize a special acid that prevents the growth and development of Candida. Therefore, when the microflora is disturbed and there is a lack of beneficial bacteria, this leads to Thrush and Candidiasis.

This condition can occur due to many factors, but the most common of them are:

  • pregnancy
  • taking antibiotics
  • diabetes
  • weakened immune system
  • hormonal imbalance
  • abuse of carbohydrates and sugar

Garlic for treating Thrush

Fresh Garlic is a natural, powerful antibiotic. It contains a special substance Allicin, which has strong antibacterial activity. It is this that stops the formation of biofilm, which protects Candida. This biofilm increases Candida's resistance to antibacterial drugs, leading to what is called chronic recurrent thrush.

Garlic for the treatment of Thrush should be taken in 2 ways.

Taking Garlic orally

To do this, you need to take a clove of fresh Garlic and peel it. Grind and leave for 10 minutes. This greatly increases the amount of active garlic Allicin. And then simply take it orally with water. 2-3 times a day for a week will be enough.

Often Thrush is a local manifestation of Candidiasis throughout our body, which begins in the intestines. Therefore, it is logical to treat this condition from the inside!

Using Garlic Vaginally

Yes, you didn't think so! I can say from personal experience that nothing starts fighting Thrush faster than garlic. And used in a very unusual way.

When used vaginally, Garlic kills Candida without affecting beneficial bacteria in any way, that is, without disturbing the microflora, which distinguishes it from antibacterial drugs.

Method of use:

  1. Take and peel a clove of fresh garlic.
  2. Using a knife, make small shallow cuts on it. And leave for 10 minutes. This increases the amount of Allicin.
  3. Carefully put it where you want it overnight.
  4. We take it out in the morning.
  • Usually one day of treatment is enough, but I always carried it out over a course of 5-7 days. For prevention, so to speak.
  • Garlic can be used at any time of the day or night, but since there is a connection between the vagina and the mouth (as strange as it may seem, but as soon as the garlic gets there, you will feel a garlicky taste in your mouth), many avoid using it during the daytime. .
  • The more cuts you make in the garlic, the stronger the antibacterial properties it will have. Start with 1-2 cuts, observe the body's reaction and gradually work your way up to 5-6.
  • You can thread a thread through the clove to make it easier to remove.
  • I don't thread it, but instead I found a simple and easy way: squat down, insert your middle finger, bend it and catch the garlic, take it out. If it seems to you that it is very deep, tense your vaginal muscles, push and you will be able to catch it with your finger.

Here you can read about my experience of suffering and treating Thrush in natural and effective ways.

Have you tried treating Thrush with garlic? What results did you get?


Garlic in the vagina

The use of traditional medicine in gynecology has long been popular. And all because many natural plant resources have unique medicinal properties. Their composition is being studied and will continue to be studied, because the number of useful chemicals is countless.

  • 1 Properties
  • 2 Indications
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 Application
  • 5 Harm


Garlic, as a remedy with high medicinal potential, is widely used all over the world; it is included in the list of substances containing a unique composition of beneficial compounds. It contains more than two thousand biologically active substances, among which a special place in gynecology is occupied by:

Sulfur-containing compounds, including organic sulfides, the main of which are alliin and allicin (phytoncides). It is precisely thanks to these substances that garlic is the most popular bactericidal agent all over the world.

Garlic phytoncides are able to overcome cell membranes and kill those cells that are already affected by the pathogen.

Garlic has high activity against both gram-positive flora (streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, Protea, Klebsiella) and against gram-negative flora (Escherichia coli), which is often resistant even to the most modern antibacterial drugs.

In addition, garlic is also active against fungal flora, especially yeast-like fungi Candida. Almost all of the previously listed pathogens of bacterial infection are capable of infecting a woman’s genital tract, this is due to the fact that their reproductive system is “open” and is closely connected with the urinary tract and the environment.

Carotene is a substance that can increase the body's protective activity against bacteria and viruses (a powerful immunostimulant). Helps women with immunodeficiencies fight fungal and bacterial infections of the genital tract.


Indications for the use of garlic in gynecology:

  • Treatment of bacterial vaginitis (colpitis) - inflammation of the vaginal walls, which is caused by specific microorganisms, such as Trichomonas, chlamydia, streptococcus and staphylococcus.
  • Treatment of vaginal candidiasis (thrush) – a fungal infection of a woman’s genital tract.
  • Cervical erosion (precancerous condition). Recent scientific experiments have shown that garlic, being a strong antioxidant, can have an antitumor effect by destroying free radicals that damage the DNA molecule and trigger tumor progression. Efficiency has been proven even with local exposure to the biologically active components of garlic.
  • Vaginal endometriosis in the initial stages.

It must be remembered that traditional medicine can only be effective at the initial stage of the disease, and not when the inflammatory process is too advanced. In the latter case, you should definitely seek help from specialized clinics and not self-medicate.


Contraindications for the use of garlic in gynecology:

  • Pregnancy regardless of gestational age. This is due to the fact that the components of garlic can increase the tone of the uterus, and in general during pregnancy it is better to refrain from invasive methods of treatment, especially at home.
  • Individual intolerance to garlic and its chemical components.
  • Menstruation, when the use of tampons can interfere with the normal cleansing of the uterine cavity and vagina. And this is one of the risk factors for the development of endometriosis.
  • The presence of open wounds or ulcers on the vaginal mucosa, which can cause very discomfort (pain and burning sensation).


It is possible to ensure the introduction of garlic into the vagina in various ways, for this they resort to the manufacture of the following medical devices:

  • Vaginal tampons - balls;
  • Vaginal suppositories with glycerin;
  • Vaginal tampons – cylinders;
  • Douching (after making decoctions and infusions).

Tampons - garlic balls at home: garlic powder is mixed with melted butter, cocoa, water or honey. Leave for two hours in the refrigerator. Directions for use: insert into the vagina before bedtime. Shelf life: no more than 24 hours, but it is better to make fresh ones every day so as not to lose the beneficial properties of garlic.

Vaginal garlic suppositories at home for the treatment of Trichomonas vaginitis. Ingredients: freshly squeezed garlic juice, glycerin (base) in a ratio of 1:20. Leave in the refrigerator until hardened. Directions for use: suppositories are inserted into the vagina and kept for up to 5 hours. The duration of such treatment is determined individually, but on average it is 8–10 days.

Infusion for douching in the treatment of Trichomonas colpitis. Method of preparation: pour 2-3 finely chopped garlic cloves with a glass (200 ml) of boiling water. After an hour, the infusion can be used for douching. Prepared immediately before use and cannot be stored.

Vaginal tampons, which you can make yourself or buy at the pharmacy. And before use, moisten it in the composition prepared before use.

Gynecological homemade tampon. Source:

Preparation of the medicinal composition: fresh juice of one clove of garlic should be diluted in warm boiled water (in a ratio of 1:10). Soak the tampon in the prepared garlic mixture and insert it into the vagina with smooth movements throughout the night. The duration of treatment is 5-6 days, provided that the technique is used every other day.


Most specialists in the field of gynecology, and not only, do not support traditional methods of treatment. They are considered ineffective and useless, and sometimes harmful to women's health.

Let's figure out why this happens:

Firstly, this is due to the use of these treatment methods at home, which is called self-medication, and as you know, not everything at home is completely sterile. This is the first danger.

After all, an invasive technique is used, which first of all requires sterility of hands, material and surrounding air. And at home it is impossible to ensure 100% sterility.

As a result, women create even more favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi in the vagina.

Secondly, the technique of inserting foreign objects into the vagina requires experience and knowledge. If the technique is not followed, you can damage the vaginal mucosa and cervix, which will become a prerequisite for malignant growth.

Thirdly, if the duration of exposure to garlic products on the vaginal mucosa is not observed, you can get a burn and irritation, and as a result, a decrease in the reactivity of the mucosa to infectious agents. All this will lead to chronic infectious diseases of the genital tract.

You need to approach self-medication by weighing the pros and cons, and when making such a decision, you need to make sure that this will not aggravate the current situation. It is better to consult an experienced specialist and then make a decision.


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