There is no blood after vacuum abortion

Termination of pregnancy is always a great stress for a woman’s body, so a situation where the stomach hurts after an abortion is the norm, not a pathology. In addition, the consequences of abortion are not only physical, but also psychological. After all, this is a rather difficult situation, and it can provoke a depressive state in a woman.

It happens that after an abortion complications arise that require medical intervention. It is imperative to be able to diagnose and distinguish alarming symptoms from the norm, so that if problems arise, you can sound the alarm in time. We will talk further about why the stomach hurts after an abortion and by what signs a woman can recognize pathological conditions.

Contraction of the uterus

First, let's talk about the types of normal: after an abortion, pain in the lower abdomen and some other symptoms are considered a natural physiological consequence of medical intervention.

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During the development of pregnancy, the uterus, located in the abdomen, increases its size, and after this process is interrupted - abortion - it begins to return to its previous shape. The process of its recovery is accompanied by spasms.

In addition, this process should normally be accompanied by bleeding in addition to abdominal pain. After an abortion, there must be discharge; this is not a negative sign, as it might seem at first glance. The blood marks that a woman notices occur for a natural reason. During pregnancy, the embryo is tightly fused to the inner surface of the uterus. At the place from which it was removed, a small wound is formed, which also causes abdominal pain.

You need to be very attentive to the nature of the blood discharge, since it is possible to recognize the pathology at an early stage and receive medical help in time:

  • If there is a lot of blood and the discharge does not stop on its own for a long time, this may be a negative sign indicating pathology. This happens, for example, if the walls of the uterus were accidentally perforated with medical instruments. This is a very dangerous violation, since in the absence of proper and timely medical care, it can even lead to the death of the patient.
  • If the discharge is moderate or scanty, and also stops on its own, we are talking about the norm. The wound that appears in the uterus will heal naturally.
  • If the discharge is scanty or absent, you need to go for an examination to a gynecologist, as this may indicate a dangerous pathology. The uterus may contract excessively, preventing the blood caused by the separation of the embryo from the walls from leaving freely.

Problems arise frequently and can lead to a number of negative consequences. It happens that they lead to infertility and even death.

In addition, the situation is also pathological if the stomach hurts for a long time after an abortion. Normally, the stomach should hurt after an abortion for no longer than 5-6 days. If pain persists even after this period, you should undergo an examination.

Features of symptoms

Patients feel unpleasant sensations of aching and spasmodic nature. These period-like pains after an abortion are accompanied by bleeding that does not exceed a moderate amount.

Treatment methods

For natural pain in the lower abdomen after an abortion, treatment is not required . If you are concerned about your health, you can consult a specialist and undergo additional examination. However, this is usually not required - an abortion performed in a good certified clinic by a professional doctor usually does not lead to any serious problems and is tolerated relatively easily by most patients. But even with such a procedure you cannot do without abdominal pain.

Why is there no discharge after vacuum aspiration?

Vacuum aspiration is a procedure used to terminate a pregnancy. Compared to curettage, this is a more gentle procedure. Mini-abortion using vacuum is considered a relatively safe and less traumatic method, but this operation involves surgery and requires postoperative rehabilitation.

Discharge always occurs after a vacuum, but it is different for all women. By color, character and intensity, they judge how well the vacuum abortion was performed and how the body is recovering.

Features of vacuum abortion

In the absence of contraindications, such cleaning is done in the early stages of pregnancy. This method has a number of advantages over traditional curettage and medical abortion.

Curettage involves general anesthesia, and this is a very large burden on the body. The operation itself is accompanied by heavy blood loss and the likelihood of infection. Medical abortion has a negative impact on hormonal levels. Failures lead to negative consequences.

Vacuum abortion is painless. The woman does not need anesthesia; the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The hormonal levels are not seriously affected.

Even with a slight violation of the integrity of the endometrium after vacuum aspiration, minor discharge is observed. The presence of bleeding indicates that the level of blood clotting is normal and the mucous membrane is healing successfully. If there is no discharge after an abortion, consult a doctor. There is a possibility of developing postoperative complications.

Normal discharge after vacuum

The presence of discharge after vacuum cleaning is a sign of self-cleaning of the uterus. They are observed for a short time and begin immediately after the procedure. On average, the body recovers in 1–3 days, but much depends on the state of health and individual characteristics.

If the pregnancy was terminated after your period was supposed to start, the discharge lasts no more than 2-4 days. After a week, bleeding may return. This is normal and occurs under the influence of hormones. After a mini-abortion, progesterone production suddenly stops.

Some women may experience scanty discharge after vacuum aspiration for 6–10 days. This duration is due to the fact that the abortion was performed when menstruation was delayed on the eve of the critical days.


On the 1st day there is heavy discharge. During this period, the damaged endometrium is actively restored in the uterine cavity. After an abortion, primary bleeding is scarlet in color and of medium intensity, lasts no more than 3–4 days and may contain clots. These are the remains of the epithelium and fertilized egg. Over time, the volume and quantity of discharge decreases. They turn pale and become uniform.


One of the signs of a successful vacuum abortion is brown discharge. If they are odorless and the woman does not feel pain or discomfort, this condition is considered normal for the body. When interacting with oxygen, the blood coagulates and darkens, which is why the brown tint appears.

Usually such discharge lasts 2–4 days. In cases where they do not stop and the volume increases, it is necessary to see a doctor.

After some time, menstruation begins after vacuum aspiration. It is not always possible to determine the exact time of its onset, so we recommend reading additional information on this topic.

Pathological discharge

Copious discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy is classified as pathological. If you have to change the pad every half hour, call an ambulance. The reason for this abundance may be poor cleaning. Sometimes the membranes of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus. This leads to inflammatory processes and requires repeated surgery.

You can recognize the onset of inflammation by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort, itching, burning in the genitals;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, chills, fever;
  • pain in the back, abdominal and pelvic areas;
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

Menstruation after vacuum cleaning returns to normal after about a month, but there may be deviations in the timing when atypical bleeding is observed instead of menstruation. Dangerous conditions include the presence of an unpleasant odor in the discharge and the heterogeneous structure of the discharge.

Another cause for concern is the protracted nature of the bleeding, when the discharge after vacuum aspiration lasts more than 4 days and has a color and consistency that is atypical for this condition.

After a mini-abortion, you need to pay attention to these characteristics of vaginal secretion. Any changes may indicate the onset of complications and the development of diseases.


Chronic endometritis

Another reason why the stomach hurts severely for a long time after an abortion is an inflammatory process that has become chronic, or chronic endometritis. It, like all other chronic diseases, is very difficult to treat and requires serious comprehensive measures to get rid of not only the inflammatory process itself, but also its possible complications.

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After all, such an inflammatory process, if not cured in time, will lead to the surface of the uterus changing its properties and, as a result, no longer being able to accept a fertilized egg and attach it to one of the walls. It is for this reason that a woman may develop infertility in the future.

Features of symptoms

As for the symptoms of the chronic form of endometritis, this pathology causes severe stomach pain. In addition to the abdomen, the lower back may also begin to bother you, and the menstrual cycle may become irregular . The degree of abundance of menstruation also changes, and spotting from the vagina may occur in the middle of the cycle. All these deviations cannot be treated with medications, which can be considered a characteristic feature of chronic endometritis.

Treatment methods

Treatment must be comprehensive and most often long-term. It represents measures to get rid of the underlying disease, as well as its consequences. The most commonly used treatments are medication and restorative physiotherapy.

What to expect during surgery

The consequences of surgical abortion are the most noticeable for a woman’s body. Discharge is possible after curettage of a frozen pregnancy during the first month, abundant at first and scanty after the second week. Since the fetus is removed in parts during such an intervention, its remains can leave the uterus for a long time.

When curettage of the uterine cavity, the endometrium can be significantly injured, so the entire recovery period is accompanied by bleeding. The condition of the patient who has undergone this operation may be noticeably worse than with other types of termination of pregnancy, including due to the operation being performed at a later date.

Discharge after a surgical abortion is permanent and can be colored in different shades of brown and red. Black blood clots may be present. Gradually they become pale pink and fade away.

When cleaning in the first trimester of pregnancy and curettage of a frozen fetus, most often the discharge does not last more than two weeks. If the cleansing was carried out in the second trimester, then in the first days copious dark discharge is acceptable, gradually replaced by ichor.


Another, less frequent, and at the same time more dangerous reason for stomach pain due to abortion is blood poisoning, in other words, sepsis. The problem is very dangerous for the health and even the life of the patient, since if help is not provided on time, the infection that enters the blood quickly spreads throughout the body and leads to the death of the woman.

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Sepsis most often occurs if an abortion is performed illegally, in inappropriate or out-of-hospital conditions, and also if the hospital does not meet sanitary requirements and standards.

Features of symptoms

Severe pain in the lower abdomen, as well as a sharp increase in temperature to high levels. Nausea or vomiting or fainting may occur. The pathology is very dangerous, as it develops rapidly, and the critical point, after which medical assistance will not have any effect, occurs very quickly.

Treatment methods

A patient with such abdominal pain urgently requires hospitalization. In this case, it is best to urgently call an ambulance, since no measures taken independently will produce results, but will only take away precious time, which a woman has critically little of when she has blood poisoning.

Why is there no blood after an abortion? What to do?

Some women, having had an abortion, note that bleeding has not started. If there is no discharge, this is a sign that the abortion did not take place and is a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist.

How much does a gynecologist consultation cost?

The price of seeing a doctor in St. Petersburg in our clinic is 1000 rubles. If an abortion is performed, the cost of the appointment and ultrasound examination is included in the cost of termination of pregnancy. You can make an appointment with a gynecologist in our clinic through the online form or by using the clinic telephone numbers listed on the website.

Why should there be bleeding after an abortion?

Abortion, regardless of the method chosen, is associated with injury to the uterine mucosa, so bleeding is inevitable. This also applies to pharmaceutical abortion, which is not associated with physical intervention in the body, but still causes detachment of the endometrium (the inner layer lining the uterus).

During a medical abortion, a woman takes a drug that causes the fertilized egg to be rejected. It comes out together with endometrial particles. When detached, the vessels connecting the organ with the embryo are damaged. Through them, blood containing oxygen and necessary nutrients flowed to the fertilized egg.

What should the bleeding be like after a medical abortion?

Unlike the surgical method of terminating pregnancy, when bleeding occurs immediately, since the gynecologist injures it while curettaging the uterus, pharmacological abortion does not cause heavy bleeding in the first days.

The interruption occurs in two stages:

  • The first tablet stops the growth and development of the fertilized egg. At this time, the vessels and arteries maintain their integrity, so there should be no bleeding with scarlet blood.
  • The second pill, taken two days later, directly causes a miscarriage. Bleeding begins when the fertilized egg is expelled from the uterus. The shorter the term, the less damage the abortion will leave in the uterus.

The hypothalamus perceives the termination of pregnancy as the beginning of a new cycle, so after a week there is a high probability of normal menstruation, which patients mistake for post-abortion bleeding.

Reasons why there is no blood after pharmaabortion

One of the reasons why there will be no blood after a medical abortion is an ectopic pregnancy.

Some women, especially often in the early stages, resort to self-termination of pregnancy without undergoing a full range of tests and ultrasound. As a result, an ectopic pregnancy remains undetected and cannot be interrupted by medication. The embryo continues to develop, which threatens to rupture the tube quite quickly.

To avoid this, an ultrasound of the uterus must be done before the abortion. Since an ultrasound examination visualizes the embryo only from the 5th week of obstetric pregnancy, in the early stages you need to additionally take a blood test for the hCG hormone. A low concentration of this hormone indicates an ectopic pregnancy, which is terminated in a completely different way than a regular uterine pregnancy.

Bleeding after vacuum abortion

Vacuum aspiration is a gentle method because it does not injure the cervix. After it, bleeding has the same intensity as during normal menstruation. However, in some cases there is almost no blood after vacuum aspiration. This is one of the signs of the development of such a pathology as hematometra - the accumulation of blood inside the uterus and the impossibility of its release to the outside.

Pathology often occurs in young girls after abortion or surgery. This is due to poor contractility of the muscular lining of the uterus or other existing diseases of the organ.

Hematometra is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen, rapid heartbeat, and decreased blood pressure. If the problem is not identified in time, it develops into pyometra - purulent formations inside the uterus due to congestion due to infection. With a hematometer, cleaning or hysteroscopy is performed.

Bleeding after surgical abortion

The absence of bleeding after surgical abortion is a consequence of cervical spasm, which leads to the development of hematometra.

In some cases, the outcome of the uterus is hindered by an endometrial polyp located at the base of the cervix or inside the cervical canal. A large polyp significantly narrows the cervical canal duct and prevents large particles of the fertilized egg and endometrium from coming out. The woman experiences severe pain and her temperature rises.


Lack of bleeding is a symptom of pathology, just like too much bleeding. The problem cannot be ignored; you should immediately contact a gynecologist so that sepsis does not start due to the accumulation of blood inside the uterus.

Cost of some services in our clinic

Medical abortion MIROPRISTONE (appointment with a gynecologist, ultrasound included)4500 rub.
Medical abortion Mifepristone (appointment with a gynecologist, ultrasound included)6500 rub.
Medical abortion MIFEGIN (France) (appointment with a gynecologist, ultrasound included)9400 rub.
Gynecologist appointment1000 rub.
Appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist on contraception issues1500 rub.
Expert pelvic ultrasound (all organs)1200 rub.
Ultrasound of the uterus (for pregnancy)1000 rub.

bleeding, complications after abortion


Tissue debris and blood clots

It also hurts after an artificial miscarriage if, during the abortion, all tissues of the embryo were not completely removed from the uterus, or if, due to severe spasms, blood clots appeared there. Since they cannot freely leave the overly contracted uterus, the process of decay begins.

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This leads first to the appearance of abdominal pain, and then to infection of the body with toxic substances - if the tissue from the uterus is not removed. This is also a dangerous pathology that can result in the death of a woman.

Rehabilitation period

On average, rehabilitation after vacuum cleaning lasts 2 weeks, but this period varies. Its duration depends on the woman’s age, lifestyle, the presence of chronic diseases, and the quality of the operation performed. Some representatives of the fairer sex need a couple of days to recover, while for others the condition returns to normal over many months.

To avoid serious consequences, women are prescribed bed rest. During this period, hot showers, alcohol, sex, visiting baths and saunas, and lifting weights are contraindicated. It is very important to maintain personal hygiene. It is recommended to use gentle products for daily washing, wear natural linen, and regularly change hygiene products.

The body’s recovery takes longer and is more difficult in cases where there is bleeding with an odor, prolonged brown discharge, and clots and lumps appear in the vaginal secretion. Rehabilitation with such complications requires treatment and constant medical supervision.

Perforation of the uterus

Also, the stomach after an abortion may hurt if the procedure was accompanied by complications, for example, if the doctor damaged the uterine wall with surgical instruments. If an abortion is performed in a good certified clinic, this happens extremely rarely. But visiting medical institutions that provide low-quality services is not recommended - such an incident is more likely to happen there.

Damage to the walls of the uterus is called perforation and can lead not only to abdominal pain, but also to serious consequences, such as sepsis or disruption of the functioning of other pelvic organs, if they are also affected. Perforation of the uterus most often occurs during an abortion using the curettage method, since the procedure involves the direct use of surgical instruments interacting with the uterine cavity.

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Features of symptoms

Due to perforation of the uterus during an abortion, a woman feels severe pain in the lower abdomen and also notices heavy bleeding from the vagina. In cases of sepsis, other symptoms of blood poisoning may appear.

Treatment methods

A woman should immediately seek medical help if she suspects that the walls of the uterus were damaged during the abortion. The sooner help is provided, the lower the risk of developing complications in the form of blood poisoning or disruption of the functioning of other pelvic organs. Symptoms - abdominal pain - should not be treated at home, as there is a high risk of only harming your health even more.

How long is the discharge after vacuum aspiration and what should it be like?

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages is carried out in a gentle way - through vacuum aspiration. During the intervention, the fertilized egg is removed using a special device that operates on the principle of a vacuum cleaner.

Despite its relative safety in comparison with other abortion methods, not a single patient is immune from complications. It is for this reason that it is so important to monitor your well-being after the operation.

Discharge after vacuum aspiration is the most important diagnostic criterion, which can be used to determine both the normal course of the recovery period and the development of the pathological process.

The nature of normal discharge after a vacuum

Regardless of whether a regular abortion was performed, or the woman came to the doctor with a frozen pregnancy, there should be discharge after vacuum aspiration and it indicates cleansing of the uterus.

They are short-lived and appear immediately after the procedure is completed. Usually 2-3 days is enough for the body to fully recover. However, it is difficult to predict how long the discharge will continue in a particular case, because the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the presence of chronic diseases, play an important role.

If the abortion was performed after the expected start date of menstruation, then cleansing the uterus can last from 2 to 4 days, no longer. After about 7 days, some women start their periods again. This happens due to a certain hormone - a mini-abortion causes the cessation of progesterone production.

Minor discharge after vacuum aspiration may continue for 7–10 days, no more. Usually they are very scanty and have a spotting character. Such a long period of discharge is due to the fact that the intervention was carried out before the onset of menstruation.

Discharge immediately after vacuum aspiration

In the first 24 hours, the uterus cleanses most actively. During this period, rapid restoration of the endometrium occurs in the reproductive organ. The discharge is very bright in color, comes with medium intensity, you can even notice small clots on the pad. Over time, the number and volume of bleeding decreases. They change their color to brownish, which is the absolute norm.

In the absence of an unpleasant odor, pain in the uterus, or elevated temperature, brown discharge in women after vacuum aspiration indicates the correct course of the recovery period.

The color change occurs due to the interaction of the rejected substance with oxygen: the blood darkens and coagulates. This phenomenon is observed from 2 to 4 days. If the volume and intensity of such discharge increases, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

When to see a doctor immediately

Incorrectly performed vacuum aspiration is the main cause of the pathological condition that occurs soon. Due to tissue residues in the uterus, infectious processes may occur, which will require additional cleaning.

Intense discharge after an abortion is an unfavorable symptom. The need to frequently change hygiene products is an alarming signal for a woman, because in this case the most correct solution would be to call the emergency room.

The following symptoms may indicate the onset of the inflammatory process:

  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • severe cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • significant increase in body temperature;
  • itching in the genital area;
  • strong unpleasant odor from the vagina;
  • nausea, vomiting.

No discharge after abortion

A very dangerous symptom is the complete absence of discharge. After vacuum aspiration, the uterus should begin to recover. This is a fundamentally important point for the reproductive system.

During this process, damaged areas of the endometrium heal, and all excess comes out through the vagina.

Natural cleansing, in which blood and remnants of the fertilized egg leave the reproductive organ on their own, is a normal process.

If for one reason or another there is no discharge after vacuum aspiration, it can be assumed that the cervix is ​​blocked by a hematoma, due to pathologies in the structure of the reproductive organ, and an incorrectly performed abortion.

The accumulation of blood in the uterus cannot go unnoticed by a woman. The patient will experience the following symptoms:

  1. Severe abdominal pain.
  2. General weakness.
  3. Increased body temperature.
  4. No discharge.

After a mini-abortion, gynecologists explain to patients how many days the discharge should last and what the consequences of its absence are, as well as what changes in well-being to pay attention to. The task of every woman is to follow all recommendations.

It is important not to ignore alarming symptoms, and for this you need to carefully monitor the discharge after a vacuum abortion.

When will your period come after vacuum aspiration?

Menstruation after an abortion will come in the near future. However, it is worth understanding that “critical days” will not come on the same day as last month.

Your period after vacuum aspiration should begin within 3–5 weeks, since the first day of your last “period” will be the day of the abortion.

The nature of the menstrual cycle will not change - the duration in days, blood volume and pain will be the same as before.

Indications and contraindications for vacuum aspiration and its advantages

A vacuum abortion is performed after the fact of pregnancy has been confirmed, but the woman does not want to bear the fetus. Another indication for intervention is frozen pregnancy. In addition, there is a certain list of medical indications for an abortion, since pregnancy can have a negative impact on a woman’s health. This list includes:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infectious diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy, which can cause the birth of a child with pathologies;
  • diabetes mellitus in severe form;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • rape.

This method is used both to terminate an unplanned pregnancy and to carry out several gynecological interventions. So, vacuum cleaning is carried out:

  • to remove the placenta that remains in the uterine cavity after childbirth;
  • to stop uterine bleeding of varying intensity;
  • during a miscarriage, when doctors want to prevent the retention of fetal remains.

List of advantages of vacuum abortion:

  1. High efficiency. It can be said with a high degree of probability that after an abortion there are no remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterus.
  2. Low morbidity. There is no need to carry out dangerous curettage of the uterus.
  3. Women do not need to undergo preparatory procedures.
  4. The operation is completely painless.
  5. Various methods of anesthesia can be used.
  6. Short rehabilitation period.


Despite the fact that vacuum aspiration is a fairly gentle method of abortion, it is a surgical operation that has certain contraindications. This list should include:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • existing infectious diseases occurring simultaneously with elevated temperature;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs during exacerbations;
  • recent abortion;
  • abnormalities of the uterus;
  • the presence of tumors in the reproductive organ;
  • pregnancy period is more than 6 weeks.

Complications after the procedure

No abortion can give a 100% guarantee that complications will not arise in the near future. Typically, pathological conditions arise either due to incomplete removal of the fertilized egg, or due to the spread of an infectious process.

  1. Copious discharge. If over a long period of time a woman has to change 2-3 pads in 1 hour, this indicates serious problems.
  2. Discharge of an unusual color. The development of inflammation can cause the discharge to appear in an unusual color. They may be yellowish or have a greenish tint and always smell bad.
  3. Complete absence of discharge. The process of cleansing and restoring the uterus cannot take place without the appearance of discharge. Severe cramps in the lower abdomen. A little pain may be present, but if the spasms cannot be relieved even with strong analgesics, this is already serious.
  4. Increased body temperature. This condition is a sign that there is an inflammatory or infectious process in the pelvic organs.

If any of the listed complaints are present, a woman should seek medical help.

How to avoid complications

Abortion is a serious operation, and even the most gentle methods of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy are often accompanied by the appearance of certain disorders in the body. To avoid possible complications, every woman needs to:

  • pass all the necessary tests before performing vacuum aspiration;
  • undergo ultrasound diagnostics;
  • follow all the specialist’s recommendations after the intervention;
  • abstain from sexual activity for several weeks after an abortion;
  • choose the optimal method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Opinion of gynecologists

Any abortion must be treated with great responsibility, because the possibility of planning a new pregnancy in the future will depend on this procedure.

The most important indicator of the success of the surgical intervention is the discharge after vacuum cleaning, so every woman should monitor the intensity, color and smell of the discharge.

Normally they should:

  • be abundant only in the first 24 hours;
  • after 5–7 days decrease to a minimum;
  • have a normal odor similar to that of menstrual fluid.

If after a vacuum-aspiration abortion the patient feels general weakness, her temperature is elevated, the mucus discharge has an unusual color and smells bad, you should definitely seek medical help.

Some women, immediately after finding out about their pregnancy, begin to read information on forums about how to provoke a miscarriage. This should not be done under any circumstances - all kinds of traditional methods are unsafe, and when women come to the hospital after such attempts, they cannot do without curettage.

It must be remembered that timely vacuum aspiration is an effective and reliable way to terminate a pregnancy.


Which doctor should I contact?

Typically, the post-abortion condition is almost painless for the vast majority of women. In almost all cases, a woman can return to her usual rhythm of life already on the second or third day.

The pain can bother you for a week, and discomfort in the vagina can also cause inconvenience - these are natural consequences of medical intervention, without which no abortion can be done, even for the healthiest woman.

However, if pain or bleeding after an abortion bothers a woman and seems to her to be outside the normal range, then a visit to a gynecologist will help rule out pathology. Most often, women go to the same clinic where the abortion itself was performed, since the doctor is already familiar with both the patient and her medical history.

A visit to the local gynecologist at the antenatal clinic will also help, to whom any resident of Russia can contact free of charge if she has a medical insurance policy. The doctor should be informed that an abortion has recently been performed and that its consequences are alarming.

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If there is no discharge after the vacuum. Vacuum abortion: timing and reviews

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), a mini-abortion or vacuum abortion (these are the same thing) is performed up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, and by more qualified specialists - up to 15 weeks if they have an instrument of the required size.

Mini abortion procedure

How the procedure works

The mini-abortion process involves removing the embryo from the uterus using a vacuum suction - aspirator.


  1. The gynecologist determines the gestational age based on the results of an ultrasound (vaginal examination). The doctor must make sure that the pregnancy is not ectopic.
  2. Tests are carried out to detect infection: the presence of infection and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs can complicate a woman’s condition after an abortion. And therefore they are a contraindication to mini-abortion.
  3. The patient is given an information sheet and must sign the relevant documents.
  4. The patient is given local anesthesia. If desired, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
  5. A special catheter is inserted into the uterus through a canal, in some cases using cervical dilators. Using a catheter, negative pressure is created in the uterine cavity. The fertilized egg, under the influence of negative pressure, is separated from the wall and brought out.

A mini-abortion is performed under the control of an ultrasound machine so that the doctor can see where the fertilized egg is located. The procedure lasts 5-7 minutes.

First stage

Second phase

Third stage

What happens after?

  • After the procedure, the woman should lie down for about half an hour, and if the procedure was carried out under general anesthesia - several hours;
  • After 2 weeks it is necessary to do a control ultrasound;
  • After the operation, you must abstain from sexual intercourse for a period of 3 weeks;
  • The menstrual cycle after a mini-abortion is restored on average after 1.5 months;
  • And, of course, let’s not forget that a woman’s psychological state is restored individually (for some it takes several months, for others several years).

Consequences and complications

When performing a mini-abortion, complications cannot be ruled out.

  • Possible complications of anesthesia:

Any type of anesthesia, even local, is associated with some risk. The consequences of anesthesia may be accompanied by problems with breathing, liver function or the cardiovascular system.

A particularly dangerous complication after anesthesia is allergic (anaphylactic) shock - an allergic reaction characterized by rapidly developing manifestations: a decrease in blood pressure and body temperature, etc.

This condition is unsafe and can be fatal.

Hormonal disorders, the consequences of which lead to disruption of the regulation of the entire reproductive system, ovarian dysfunction, and infertility.

  • Cervical muscle injuries:

Carrying out a mini-abortion during the first pregnancy, when the cervical canal is very narrow, as it did not expand during childbirth, may cause injury to the cervical muscles.

During the operation, large vessels may be affected, which will lead to heavy blood loss. And such consequences must be eliminated surgically, and in some cases there is a need to remove the uterus.

It is very dangerous; the remains of the fertilized egg can cause infection of the uterus, leading to the development of sepsis and infectious-toxic shock.

Less popular causes of pain

Also, the stomach after an abortion may hurt in some other cases.

  • It happens that your stomach hurts after a vacuum abortion. There is nothing unnatural in such symptoms, since this type of abortion method causes minor damage to the body, which leads to stress.
  • Also, pain after an uncomplicated termination of pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes that begin to occur in the body. From the moment of conception, the level of some hormones increases greatly, and when it is interrupted, it begins to normalize to its normal state. This is a natural process that most often does not require separate treatment. For control, you can visit a gynecologist, as well as an endocrinologist.
  • Stress. Often the cause of pain is excessive psychological stress, which, in combination with a general weakening of the body after an abortion, leads to somatic pain.

Possible complications

After any abortion, the female body is weakened. Regardless of what week of pregnancy and how the cleansing was carried out, the process is associated with damage to the uterine epithelium. This leads to a variety of complications. The most dangerous include high fever and heavy bleeding. These are clear signs of an ongoing infection.

In the first days after a mini-abortion, the temperature can reach 37.5 °C. If the readings are higher, call an ambulance. It is not recommended to bring down the temperature using usual methods and means. Infections and inflammatory processes are often accompanied by weakness, nausea, and painful conditions.

Early complications of mini-abortions include menstrual irregularities. This happens often after surgery and the inevitable hormonal changes. Menstruation may begin later or earlier than expected. It takes several months for complete recovery.

Treatment of a dangerous condition

  • In addition to cervical spasm, which is impossible to predict, this is caused by a polyp located in the cervix and blocking the passage or tumor.
  • Blood can also stagnate due to endometrial cancer. It is impossible to induce bleeding at home. Some folk “healers” give advice on how to induce bleeding after an abortion - they suggest having sex with a partner.

Under no circumstances should this be done! An infection will likely enter the body and sepsis may develop - blood poisoning. This condition is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Hematometra treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

Depending on the clinical picture, uterotonic drugs that enhance the contractile activity of the uterus or antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles may be prescribed. Vacuum aspiration may be necessary to remove accumulated secretions and clear the uterine cavity.

If the problem cannot be solved with medication, the uterine cavity is probed or hysteroscopy is performed - during this operation, the cervix is ​​dilated and a device is inserted into it, which projects everything that happens in the uterine cavity on a screen. This procedure examines and treats at the same time.

If the inflammatory process has already worsened, then it is necessary to use antibiotics. Sometimes antiseptics and antibacterial agents are introduced into the uterine cavity using the same hysteroscope.

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