No bleeding after medical abortion

Even the most minor surgical intervention entails serious consequences for the human body. When it comes to terminating a pregnancy, what is at stake is not only the successful course of the operation, but, above all, the body’s ability to restore reproductive function in the future. That is why, having decided to have an abortion, a woman should have all the necessary information about this procedure.

Abortion itself is a complex operation, if only because it interrupts a complex and multi-level process - pregnancy. For the opportunity to conceive a child, the female body prepares for almost half of its life. Therefore, termination of pregnancy in itself cannot be an absolutely bloodless and painless process.

Even any type of abortion performed by the best professionals is always accompanied by discharge. In this article we will try to figure out why the absence of discharge after termination of pregnancy is considered a dangerous symptom.

Normal and pathological discharge after abortion

The following are considered normal discharge after an abortion:

  • Uniform color and character (usually bloody, with a transition to viscosity), no odor
  • Duration – no more than 12 days
  • Absence of severe pain and other types of ailments (sharp mood swings, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).

Subject to all doctor's instructions, such as:

  • No excessive physical activity
  • Balanced diet
  • Taking vitamins
  • Abstinence from sexual activity for a month after an abortion; the woman’s menstrual cycle, as a rule, is restored, and all subsequent discharge does not go beyond the normal range.

Symptoms of the development of pathology can be considered:

  • Absence of discharge of any kind after abortion
  • Yellowish, brown discharge with an unpleasant odor
  • Alternating bloody and yellowish (brown) discharge.

If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe an examination of the body. It should be noted that quite often deviations from the norm in the nature of discharge after an abortion indicate that previously the woman did not treat the work of her own body with due attention and “did not notice” the development of the inflammatory process or infection.

After an abortion, when the body is quite vulnerable, even ordinary thrush can lead to the development of complications.

The main danger posed by the complete absence of discharge after an abortion is considered to be an ectopic pregnancy. Since abortion, regardless of the method in which it is performed, acts directly in the area of ​​the uterus, it is normal for this organ to bleed, rejecting the fetus.

The heterogeneous nature of the discharge may indicate that an inflammatory process has developed in the uterus or other organs of the reproductive system, which is fraught with serious health problems for a weakened female body.

The dangers of abortion

Many women throughout their lives ask themselves the question: why exactly is medical abortion dangerous? The thing is that this procedure is carried out in such a way that the fetus is removed by scraping the walls of the uterus. However, there is a strict restriction for such a procedure - early pregnancy, up to twelve weeks. Moreover, the safest period for an abortion is considered to be the sixth or seventh week.

Postoperative rehabilitation is carried out within the hospital.

The abortion procedure is carried out using a special instrument that expands the canal, after which curettage begins. Since the procedure is very painful, it is performed under general anesthesia. To prevent possible complications, the woman is under the supervision of a specialist for some time after the abortion.

The abortion procedure poses health risks

Even more interesting:

Ulcers due to thrush in women

Pits on fingernails reasons photo

Do not be mistaken that abortion seems to be a harmless procedure, which in theory cannot be carried out with complications and so on. But this process is more dangerous as a means of abortion than many others. Complications after an abortion in this case are more of an obligatory factor than a deviation, because many people know that abortion in most cases even causes infertility. During the next pregnancy, there may be some abnormalities, diseases and pathologies that threaten the life of the mother and child. The result does not depend on the clinic and the conditions of the operation; the consequences can be very different.

Possible complications

An abortion obviously sets us up for possible complications, in the form of blood clots, which affect the physical and psychological health of a woman:

  • After some time, you may notice an increase in aggressiveness;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome may appear;
  • The functioning of some glands is disrupted;
  • Disturbances are also observed in the functioning of the uterus and the appearance of scars;
  • Many women experience bleeding after a medical abortion;
  • The menstrual cycle is being restructured;
  • Subsequent infertility may occur.

This list is, of course, not exhaustive. These are just the most common symptoms found in women who have had an abortion. It all depends only on the individual reaction of the body.

Abortion is a procedure that is deliberately intended to cause damage, as a result of which the woman’s internal genital organs are severely injured. As a result, severe bleeding occurs, especially during surgery.

This is not the most common phenomenon that is observed during this procedure, but it is very serious and requires emergency care, including a blood transfusion. If this symptom occurs, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. The inability to stop bleeding after an abortion results in the appearance of bloody clots - this is an extremely serious symptom that can even lead to removal of the uterus.

Duration of discharge after termination of pregnancy

Normally, discharge after an abortion lasts on average about 10 days. After a surgical abortion, deviation from this norm is allowed for another 2-3 days.

Based on the observations of doctors, the following factors influence the quantity and quality of discharge after termination of pregnancy:

  • The nature of the menstrual cycle formed before pregnancy
  • Blood clotting level (the higher it is, the shorter the discharge lasts)
  • The presence or absence of chronic diseases, in particular diseases of the reproductive organs.

If before pregnancy and subsequent abortion a woman had an unstable cycle, then after termination of pregnancy, most likely, the discharge will form according to a familiar pattern.

Another reason to monitor the nature of the discharge is the risk of internal bleeding. In other words, if after an abortion there is no discharge for at least one day, there is a great danger that bleeding has begun, but the internal organs are already suffering from it.

Let us remind you that it is impossible to independently influence, let alone stop, internal bleeding. Therefore, if there is no discharge after termination of pregnancy, you should immediately seek medical help.

The female body has a high degree of self-healing. Therefore, it is quite possible to cope with the consequences of abortion without developing complications.

The only condition is attention to one’s own health, availability of reliable information about all the nuances of termination of pregnancy and readiness to seek medical help at any time.

About discharge after an abortion - watch the video:

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, it means she has good reasons for this. Termination of pregnancy - despite the prevalence of the operation and the variety of methods - is a big health risk.

After a surgical abortion, adhesions almost always appear between the pelvic organs, while a medical abortion causes hormonal imbalance. Regardless of the method, there is a risk of uterine bleeding, which requires surgical intervention to stop.

Lack of bleeding after removal of the fertilized egg also causes complications. Blood accumulates in the uterine cavity, creating a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic flora. This can lead to blood poisoning.

What can cause bleeding

In fact, there are many causes of bleeding, so only the most common of them are presented below:

  • Low quality of the fetal removal operation performed.
  • Low activity of the uterus after the procedure.
  • Possible infection during and after surgery.

Regardless of the statute of limitations for the procedure, you need to contact a specialist if any suspicious symptoms are noticed. Blood will definitely flow after a medical abortion, but this may be a process of cleansing the body, or it may be a consequence of organ dysfunction. If you have any suspicions, it would be a good idea to conduct an examination and diagnosis by a doctor, since the operation carries a very high risk of disrupting the functioning of the uterus.

One of the main tests after an abortion prescribed by doctors is an ultrasound (ultrasound) to make sure that the fertilized egg is completely removed and the uterus is completely cleansed so that nothing interferes with its recovery.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

In some cases, along with heavy bleeding after an abortion, poor health and elevated body temperature occur. This is quite serious and indicates a progressive infection, the treatment of which cannot be delayed.

And yet, not only after the onset of serious consequences, but also before the operation itself, examinations and tests are necessary to prevent the occurrence of infertility and possible complications. Using an ultrasound examination, the approximate gestational age is determined, which determines the possibility of carrying out and the result of the operation. After the ultrasound, it is best to take a general blood and urine test, check the blood for group and rhesus, test for HIV and others that may be prescribed by the attending physician.

When carrying out a medical abortion, bleeding is considered normal for a period of no more than 2 weeks, with various impurities such as clots and others. It is possible that there may be mild to moderate pain and bleeding, but if severe and very noticeable pain occurs, it is better to consult a specialist for advice. Preventive treatment in this case will be taking antibiotics or special injections that will affect the source of inflammation. All this must certainly be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication is under no circumstances recommended, as this can cause much more harm.

A strict taboo should be placed on intimate relationships until the end of the bleeding. It is advisable to begin sexual activity around the fourth week. During this time, in the most common cases, complete recovery after surgery occurs. If you break this rule, then it is worth remembering that there is a very high risk of infection, which can cause great harm to the health and fertility of a woman. In addition, we must not forget that there is a risk of becoming pregnant even in the first menstrual cycle after an abortion.


Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before 16 weeks.

  1. The optimal period for vacuum aspiration is up to 6 weeks;
  2. Surgical intervention – up to 12 weeks;
  3. Medical abortion – up to 4 weeks.
  4. If termination of pregnancy is necessary at a later stage, medical indications are required. At the woman's request, doctors will not jeopardize her health and their reputation. After 18 weeks, a fetal destruction operation is performed.

Whatever the fertilized egg is peeled off with - a hormonal shock, a vacuum or a curette - the endometrium, into which the fertilized egg has managed to penetrate, is separated along with it. This layer of the endometrium is penetrated by blood vessels, and the longer the pregnancy, the more abundant the bleeding should be.

Everyone knows what happens when the integrity of blood vessels is compromised. Even if the knee is torn, capillary bleeding can continue for about an hour.

And here the blood vessels, which were ready to supply oxygen to the new organism, are damaged - which means that the blood must drain for a long time.

If a woman imagines what happens in the body during an abortion, she should understand: the absence of bleeding after an abortion is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

If the blood does not come out, it means that it accumulates in the uterine cavity or even penetrates the tube. Should she go somewhere?

After some time, additional symptoms of complications caused by cervical spasm will appear:

  • bursting pain in the sacrum and lower abdomen;
  • heat;
  • nausea, and maybe vomiting.

Sometimes women are happy that there is no bleeding the day after an abortion, without wondering why this happened. In most cases, a sudden cessation of bleeding indicates a blockage of the fallopian tube. Even if no additional symptoms occur at first, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist before the inflammatory process worsens.

Features of pharmabort

This type of termination of pregnancy is performed in the early stages without surgery, using special medications.

Two types of drugs are used, one of which contains Mifepristone. Its purpose is aimed at stopping the action of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining the vital functions and development of the fetus. Once in the body, this substance leads to the death of the embryo. The second drug causes contractions of the uterus and miscarriage of a dead fetus. They are produced in the form of tablets.

With the help of medical abortion, it is allowed to terminate an unwanted pregnancy only in the early stages (up to the seventh week). Pharmabort has a number of contraindications, which include:

  1. Previous menstrual irregularities.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Age under 18 and over 35 years.
  4. Gynecological ailments (in particular, polyps, endometriosis, tumors).
  5. Anemia, hemophilia.
  6. Liver, kidney, adrenal failure.
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an inflammatory nature.
  8. Lung diseases.
  9. Cardiovascular disorders.

Duration of uterine bleeding after termination of pregnancy

To be able to correctly assess their condition, women need to know how long post-abortion bleeding should last and what consistency the discharge should be.

  1. After a surgical abortion, the bleeding on the first day is quite profuse, the color varies from scarlet to dark red.
  2. By evening, the amount of discharge should decrease and resemble the first day of menstruation in volume. However, the consistency of the discharge is completely different - there should not be any clots or fibrin threads in it.
  3. On days 2-3, the amount of blood flowing decreases, the discharge becomes darker, then changes color to brownish.
  4. The bleeding continues for at least 2 weeks.
  5. If after 4 weeks you notice bloody inclusions in the natural mucous secretions, you should consult a doctor. This symptom most often indicates the onset of the inflammatory process.

Recovery period

The duration of discharge after pharmaabortion directly depends on how the rehabilitation proceeds. After all, 70% of complications arise due to the patient’s incorrect attitude towards her weakened body, which has been subjected to severe stress.

If you follow simple rules after a pill abortion, you can notice the absence of discharge and an improvement in well-being within a few days.

  1. After the fertilized egg is released, do not delay visiting the doctor and ultrasound for more than 3 days to make sure that the fetus is completely rejected.
  2. Eliminate physical and emotional stress.
  3. For the first 2-3 days, stick to bed rest.
  4. Avoid alcohol, saunas, solariums and swimming pools.
  5. Do not take a bath, wash in the shower with water no higher than 37 C.
  6. Avoid drinking hot drinks for several days.
  7. Avoid sexual activity for at least 2 weeks.
  8. Wash yourself with high-quality intimate hygiene products, without dyes or fragrances, that maintain the acid-base and water balance of the mucous membranes.
  9. Take general strengthening medications.
  10. It is advisable to consult a doctor to restore hormonal levels.

Treatment of a dangerous condition

The condition in which blood accumulates in the uterine cavity is called hemotometra. There are additional reasons why this complication occurs.

  • In addition to cervical spasm, which is impossible to predict, this is caused by a polyp located in the cervix and blocking the passage or tumor.
  • Blood can also stagnate due to endometrial cancer. It is impossible to induce bleeding at home. Some folk “healers” give advice on how to induce bleeding after an abortion - they suggest having sex with a partner.

Under no circumstances should this be done! An infection will likely enter the body and sepsis may develop - blood poisoning. This condition is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Hematometra treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

Depending on the clinical picture, uterotonic drugs that enhance the contractile activity of the uterus or antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles may be prescribed. Vacuum aspiration may be necessary to remove accumulated secretions and clear the uterine cavity.

If the problem cannot be solved with medication, the uterine cavity is probed or hysteroscopy is performed - during this operation, the cervix is ​​dilated and a device is inserted into it, which projects everything that happens in the uterine cavity on a screen. This procedure examines and treats at the same time.

If the inflammatory process has already worsened, then it is necessary to use antibiotics. Sometimes antiseptics and antibacterial agents are introduced into the uterine cavity using the same hysteroscope.

Pathological discharge

Despite the fact that medical abortion is considered the first in terms of safety, complications resulting from it occur no less. Although there is no exact definition of the duration of discharge, approximate characteristics of the norm indicate a period of up to 7 days. If heavy bleeding lasts more than 3 days, with severe stomach pain, the pad is completely saturated with blood in an hour or two, then the fetus is not completely rejected. In such a case, the uterine cavity is cleaned. Find out about the duration in the article at the link.

If this symptom is accompanied by an increase in temperature, general malaise, nausea, discharge that has acquired a brown, yellow purulent color and smell, and the pain in the lower abdomen intensifies and radiates to the side or back, then we are talking about an inflammatory process. It can develop due to an incompletely removed dead embryo. Its dead particles provoked sepsis of adjacent tissues, which endangers not only the health, but also the life of the woman.

If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Scanty discharge

The low intensity of the blood coming out also indicates a deviation from the norm, however, if we are talking about discharge after taking Mifepristone (the first tablet), then the sign most likely indicates the effect of the drug and the abortion that took place. A woman may notice intense mucous discharge, a yellowish secretion, or a slight spotting.


Heavy and increasing bleeding with pain also occurs due to the development of endometriosis, because the internal tissue of the uterus, the endometrium, is primarily affected during fetal rejection.

Infections and bacteria

Hormonal changes and chemical attack with medabortion drugs place a huge burden on the body, significantly reducing its resistance, immunity and disabling metabolism. At this moment, when the genitals are an open wound, they are especially vulnerable to attack by pathogenic microorganisms. The balance of the microflora of the mucous membrane and vagina is disrupted. Opportunistic bacteria, which are found there in moderate quantities in everyday life, begin to dominate in its composition. When they received reinforcement from the outside, it is impossible to avoid the development of the inflammatory process against the background of bacteria, infections and viruses.

If they become yellow, gray, dirty white, and there is itching and burning in the vaginal mucosa, then there is a possibility of developing bacterial vaginosis. It often occurs during surgical and drug interventions in the reproductive system.


Bloody and whitish mucus with a cheesy consistency and a sour milk smell indicates the development of Candidiasis. This fungal disease is sexually transmitted, and is also a consequence of stress on the body, including medication. Most often, thrush occurs due to the prescription of antibiotics.

Complications and prevention of hematomas

The consequences of stagnation of blood in the uterine cavity can be the following complications:

  1. infectious and inflammatory process of the inner walls of the uterus - endometritis, which in turn causes endometriosis;
  2. pyometra - purulent contents accumulate in the uterine cavity, which are subsequently distributed through the bloodstream throughout the body - the infection can penetrate any organic system and cause serious damage;
  3. peritonitis - an infectious-inflammatory process invades the peritoneum, and pus accumulates there;
  4. pelviperitonitis is a local infectious and inflammatory lesion of the serous covering of the peritoneum.

All complications are quite serious and conservative therapy no longer helps when they appear. Most often, the infected organ - the uterus - is removed to stop the inflammatory process.

But even if antibiotics stop the infection before serious complications develop, the risk of infertility increases.

Despite the fact that abortion is considered one of the most dangerous operations in terms of consequences, preoperative preparation is treated carelessly not only by patients, but also, unfortunately, by doctors.

Gynecologists do not consider it obligatory to conduct an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs before the abortion procedure. Even if the test shows the presence of pregnancy and the condition is confirmed during a gynecological examination, it is advisable to ask for a referral for an ultrasound scan or perform the procedure at your own expense.

If the presence of neoplasms is known in advance, the further development of hematomeres can be prevented.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

In everyday life, abortion is understood as the artificial termination of pregnancy.

The normal course of the period after an abortion is the key to successful recovery of the body after a traumatic intervention. An important question is how much blood bleeds after an abortion. This article is devoted to this topic.

Taking drugs for miscarriage

Medical abortion takes place in two stages:

  • fetal development stops;
  • embryo detachment occurs.

The uterus, from which the fertilized egg has detached, is under stress. To speed up tissue restoration, it is advisable to drink contractile drugs, for example, tincture of water pepper. During embryo detachment, hospitalization and observation of the process and the patient’s well-being by the attending doctor are recommended.

Visually, the embryo at the stage of development up to 6 weeks resembles a blood clot or a pink lump. Gynecologists have doubts about how safe this type of abortion is, because it is caused by a remarkable volume of hormonal agents, which completely disrupts the woman’s hormonal levels. It is extremely difficult to restore the correct balance of hormones later. Moreover, the number of endocrinologists in the field of gynecology is minimal.

What does bleeding after interruption represent?

Blood loss after an abortion is normal. On the day of curettage or vacuum aspiration, damage to the vessels of the uterine wall occurs. Any pregnancy is always accompanied by increased blood supply to the genital organs, so abortion is accompanied by heavy bleeding. If the period after the intervention proceeds favorably, then in the next few hours the heavy discharge will end.

The next stage of blood loss after an abortion is considered to be a normal menstrual-like reaction. This bleeding begins on days 2-4 and is similar to a normal period. The blood has a brownish tint and its volume per day is small. Sometimes such bleeding after an abortion has clots. This is considered normal, since the remnants of the fertilized egg come out of the uterus. A menstrual-like reaction should not exceed 10 days. A new cycle begins from its first day. The next period should come in 21-40 days.

Means to prevent unwanted pregnancy

To prevent a new pregnancy, it is worth choosing the right means of contraception. To do this correctly, it is worth consulting on this matter with the specialist who performed the operation.


Specific contraceptives for pregnancy can be special medical products, as well as the installation of an IUD. An intrauterine device is placed only if children are no longer planned in the future. Blood after an abortion is like the formation of a new cycle, so next month your period should come in accordance with the day of the operation. In this case, a long delay is also a reason for concern and contacting a specialist.

If a woman has had an abortion and thinks that she never wants to have children again, then a logical question arises: what to do to prevent an unplanned pregnancy? Well, only a specialist can answer this question. This is due to the fact that each organism is very delicate and individual, so there are no universal remedies and they need to be selected for each individual.

As for medications for abortion, choosing them yourself is very dangerous - most of them are hormonal and have a serious impact on health.

There are other effective means of contraception that a specialist can help you choose. The final choice, of course, falls on the shoulders of the woman. The choice is truly great and the doctor can only narrow it down to the individual characteristics of the person. To do this, you need to undergo research, pass the necessary tests, and then consult a specialist.

What kind of blood discharge after an abortion is dangerous?

Heavy bleeding after artificial termination of pregnancy can threaten a woman’s life. The amount of blood loss can be assessed independently. Normally, less than 4 maxi size sanitary pads should be used per day. The type of blood after an abortion is of great importance. The greatest danger is the release of scarlet blood. It is important to evaluate not only blood loss, but also other symptoms after interruption. The reason to seek medical help should be an increase in body temperature. Severe pain in the lower abdomen also cannot be ignored.

How to avoid complications

Large blood loss is always detrimental to a person; along with the blood, a woman loses strength, because along with this, kidney and heart failure occur. It is impossible to predict how a medical abortion will end. The body may react to the drug by not taking it in case of individual intolerance. To prevent this from happening, the doctor should choose the best remedy with a minimum list of side effects and contraindications, taking into account the patient’s weight and chronic diseases.

Consequences that are observed after medical abortion:

  1. If the embryo is up to 6 weeks old, no consequences are observed in 97% of patients. The rest are sent for vacuum suction and curettage.
  2. If the gestational sac is between 7 and 11 weeks old, medication abortion is not recommended. This is due to the high percentage of intense bleeding occurring within 4 days; after discharge, it lasts for another 4 days.
  3. At a period of 12 weeks or more, it is better to terminate the pregnancy surgically, as there is too high a chance that the embryo will not come out completely.

Factors influencing blood discharge after abortion

Any artificial termination of pregnancy is a serious trauma for the female body. Full recovery takes quite a long time. Discharge of blood after an abortion is a normal reaction of the genital organs to the intervention. It always takes some time for the inner layer of the uterine wall to return to normal. A number of reasons influence how much blood bleeds after an abortion. The most important factor is the type of induced termination of pregnancy. The timing of when it was completed also plays a big role. Other important points are the qualifications of the gynecologist, the state of the blood coagulation system, the presence of abortions and childbirth in the past, the age of the pregnant woman, and the presence of gynecological diseases.

The greatest blood loss is caused by a standard surgical abortion with curettage of the uterine walls. This intervention is performed for a period of 7-12 weeks. Vacuum aspiration and medications used to terminate a pregnancy usually result in less bleeding after an abortion.

Blood discharge after an abortion is associated with the duration of pregnancy. The more weeks a woman is late, the more blood she will lose after an abortion.

Diseases of the blood coagulation system generally predispose to prolonged bleeding. Large blood loss after interruption may be associated with similar diseases.

Repeated abortions and recent childbirth also contribute to heavy blood loss. Of the gynecological diseases, endometriosis and infectious diseases have the greatest impact on blood discharge after abortion.

How long does bleeding last during medical abortion?

It is common for blood to appear after taking abortifacient medications. Because pregnancy causes heavy blood flow, embryo rejection can cause heavy discharge. This is one of the complications of medical abortion. Ideally, bleeding should resemble menstruation in the first days of its appearance.

The bleeding continues for two or three days. The clots differ in the following properties:

  • acquire a dark burgundy or brown tint;
  • Every day there should be less and less discharge.

The duration of bloody discharge can be up to one month if a woman chooses abortion with medication late in pregnancy. As for restoring the monthly cycle, if the body is young, the hormonal levels should improve within the next six months.

How much blood flows after an abortion is normal?

Medicinal termination of pregnancy provokes bleeding 3-4 days after taking the first pills. At first, quite a lot of blood is released after an abortion. The first two days the bleeding exceeds normal menstruation. Then the intensity of the discharge begins to decrease and completely stops within a week. Medical abortion after 7 weeks is sometimes accompanied by heavy bleeding. That is why gynecologists recommend hospitalization in a gynecological hospital in such a situation.

Mini-abortion is a conservative intervention. There may be some slight discharge on the day of the procedure. Then, on days 2-4, menstrual-like bleeding begins. This reaction of the body normally lasts 4-6 days.

After an abortion with curettage, quite a lot of blood is lost. Heavy bleeding continues for several hours. This is directly related to damage to the blood vessels of the uterine wall. After curettage, its entire inner surface is actually an open wound. The woman is under the supervision of medical personnel throughout the bleeding period. She is given medications that help contract the muscles of the uterus. The most common injections are oxytocin.

Then the discharge stops for a while. A menstrual-like reaction occurs on days 2-4. Its duration should not exceed 10 days. The longer the pregnancy, the more blood will be lost after the abortion. If the interruption is performed after 9 weeks, then there may be a small amount of blood discharge for another month after the intervention. Bleeding after curettage is not only considered normal, but is also a necessary stage of the recovery period. If blood is not released after an abortion, then something is preventing its outflow. Fluid accumulated inside the uterus provokes inflammation.


Normally, after a surgical abortion and after childbirth, a woman begins to bleed. Its intensity, of course, depends on the duration of pregnancy and the method of abortion.

After a natural birth, a woman experiences lochia that lasts for at least a week. At this time, the appearance of blood clots in the discharge is an absolute norm.

Approximately 3-4 days after birth, the woman is examined by a gynecologist on a chair, he evaluates how well the uterus has contracted and whether there are any blood clots left in it. If the uterus contracts well, then there should no longer be large clots. If they exist, then there can be two main reasons:

  • the uterus contracts poorly for some reason;
  • Parts of the placenta remain in the uterus.

The first complication of childbirth is quite common. The uterus may not contract due to a number of factors:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • injuries of the birth canal, cervix during childbirth;
  • congenital anomalies, for example, bending, bifurcation;
  • tumors in the uterus, such as fibroids.

The second complication, that is, the presence of placental remains, is now less common. During childbirth, the obstetrician should carefully examine the placenta to ensure its integrity is maintained. If the doctor sees that the placenta is injured and part of it is missing, then he must remove the remaining pieces from the uterus.

After an abortion

Clots in the uterus after an abortion can also occur due to poor contractility of the uterus, which is not so common. The fact is that abortion is carried out in the early stages, the uterus at this time is still not very stretched, so it contracts successfully.

Most often, clots after an abortion remain due to a poorly performed procedure. If vacuum aspiration was performed, then it is quite possible that the fertilized egg did not come out completely, its particles remained.

When performing gynecological cleansing with curettes, not only the fertilized egg is removed, but also the entire endometrium from the uterus. If the doctor did not perform the curettage well enough, blood clots may remain in the uterus.

The reason for the retention of blood and clots in the uterus may be spasm of the organ. In this case, the cervix contracts tightly after an abortion, the uterus contracts rapidly, and the remains of the endometrium and blood remain inside. The better the cleaning, the less likely such complications are.

How to stop bleeding

When the patient has taken a drug to terminate the pregnancy, drugs to stop bleeding cannot be taken. The embryo can only come out with blood. If the bleeding is stopped, a purulent process will begin in the uterus, and everything will end in mechanical abortion (curettage). If the bleeding is very heavy, you should not wait for the situation to improve, call an ambulance, lie on your back and put a cold pack on your stomach.

See a gynecologist for 2-4 weeks after the abortion. Another examination is initiated after 1-2 months, in order to avoid inflammation of the reproductive system. Sometimes it is necessary to take a course of antibiotics and hemostatic agents, but not earlier than a week after terminating the pregnancy with drugs.

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