Nettle during menstruation: how to take tea, infusion, decoction, reviews

With a pathologically increased volume of blood secretion during menstruation, a woman’s well-being sharply worsens: weakness occurs, which can sometimes lead to fainting.
There is indifference to the environment or, conversely, inexplicable aggression, debilitating nagging pain. The main reasons are a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, hormonal imbalances, and a decrease in the intensity of uterine contractions. Ordinary nettle will help you get rid of problems instantly: in case of heavy periods, decoctions and drinks from it will restore the natural balance of the body in a couple of days. The plant leads among others in the content of vitamins that improve the composition, speed of circulation and blood clotting, as well as iron, necessary to increase hemoglobin. In addition, it has unique wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, prevents the penetration and proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the reproductive organs.

General information and distribution area

Nettle belongs to the flowering plants of the nettle family. It is known for its pointed and jagged leaves, which can burn if touched. It is not for nothing that people also call the grass stinging grass, zhigalka and stinging grass.

In the modern world, the plant is most used in the industrial sphere, for which it is specially grown and processed.

Northern Europe is considered to be the original homeland of the beetle, although now it grows almost all over the world.

What do you need to remember?

To eliminate unpleasant complications and direct the power of the herb as effectively as possible to the problem, traditional medicine suggests adhering to a number of rules. You should remember the basic requirements:

  • do not start traditional treatment without prior agreement with a gynecologist, medical examination, diagnosis - in case of serious diseases accompanied by bleeding, the use of nettles is allowed only as auxiliary measures, the main attention is paid to drug therapy;
  • prepare homemade medicines only from high-quality plant materials (especially if you collect nettles yourself);
  • strictly follow the dosages specified in the recipe - exceeding homemade compositions and techniques may result in adverse reactions and addiction;
  • If after a course of treatment the bleeding does not lose intensity, be sure to re-visit the doctor who will help find out the reason for the lack of results.

You should also not continue the course of traditional treatment if you experience unpleasant discomfort after taking it - it is better to turn to other means of alternative medicine.

Nettle is a reliable helper for women with many types of bleeding (postpartum, menstrual, postoperative bleeding), but only if the plant is used correctly.

In order to prevent complications, unpleasant consequences, and deterioration of general health, it is better to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge in advance, study the recommendations of alternative medicine, and consult a specialist.


In total, there are more than 50 species in the genus. On the territory of the Russian Federation, only five of them can be found: dioecious, stinging (monoecious), jasmine, hemp and Kiev.

Only two of them have medicinal properties and vitamins: dioecious and stinging.

The two species have virtually no differences in chemical composition or appearance. The only difference is that stinging nettle usually grows in bushes up to 50 cm in height, while dioecious nettle can even reach up to two meters.

Treatment of bleeding with nettle decoction

The most effective and simplest option to cope with bleeding is to undergo a course of treatment with nettle decoction.

Homemade medicine acts in several main directions at once - it stops bleeding, regulates the menstrual cycle, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the internal genital organs.

The healing properties of propolis with milk, the use of tinctures from it, contraindications

If the remedy is used to reduce the amount of discharge during menstruation, alternative medicine recommends starting use a week before the critical days. Step-by-step folk recipe:

  1. Rub dry grass leaves with your hands (you will need 15 grams of plant mass).
  2. Bring water (240-260 ml) to a boil and steam the mixture.
  3. Place the container on the stove and boil for 3 minutes with minimal bubbling.
  4. Remove, leave to brew, strain after half an hour.

Use the herbal remedy throughout the day, preferably drinking in small (only 20-30 ml) portions.

The duration of treatment is prescribed individually - if the treatment is carried out to reduce discharge during menstruation or stop bleeding, the course takes only two weeks.

If the role of nettle decoction is to contract the uterus, normalize the monthly cycle, you will have to undergo longer alternative treatment, taking the composition for up to two months.


Stinging nettle is a perennial representative of medicinal plants. It can reach a height of 1.5-2 m. Its stem is straight, slender, dense and covered with small hairs.

The main thing this herb is known for is its leaves. They are heart-shaped, the tips of which are covered with small teeth.

The whole plant is covered with tiny needles that contain a special acid, which, when you touch the plant, gets on the skin and causes itching and burning.

Methods of use

For medicinal purposes, nettle can be taken internally and used externally. There are various ways to prepare medicinal products. The most common and frequently used of them are discussed below.


You can prepare decoctions from dry herbs and fresh herbs. The classic recipe includes:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of herb collection;
  • 250 ml water.

It is not recommended to store decoctions for more than 2 days after preparation. Take them 3 times a day, 100-150 ml.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing the decoction

  1. Preparation of nettles. You can prepare a decoction from all parts of the plant, including the rhizome. It is best to collect large leaves of the plant. Large plants are chosen to collect rhizomes. They have the most developed root system.
  2. Preparing the plant. The nettles are washed with running water and crushed.
  3. Boiling. The herb prepared for the decoction is poured with water at room temperature and placed in a boiling water bath. The nettle is boiled on it for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Cooling the decoction. The broth removed from the water bath is filtered and left to infuse and cool for 10 minutes.


To prepare the juice, young sprouts of the grass are used before it begins to bloom. The plant must be collected in environmentally friendly places, away from roads, landfills and dirty drains.

The juice is used to cleanse the body of toxins and increase hemoglobin. Drink it immediately after preparation, 20-25 drops before meals. The maximum shelf life of juice in the refrigerator is 3 days.

Step-by-step instructions for making juice

  1. Preparation of raw materials. Sprouts of young grass, 20-25 cm long, are washed with running water and discarded in a colander. After excess water has drained from the plant, it is ground in a meat grinder.
  2. Juice extraction. The chopped herb is placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out. To improve the taste of the juice, you can add 1 teaspoon of natural honey.

Hemostatic effect

Such a high content of vitamins and nutrients in nettle allows us to consider it one of the most important helpers for various types of bleeding.

The fact is that the plant contains components that have a beneficial effect on blood composition. For example, it contains vitamin K, which has a hemostatic effect.

The high content of burning iron perfectly cleanses the blood, restores blood vessels, and is responsible for the condition of the blood and fluidity.

In addition, the use of the herb promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin, which helps stop the process of anemia during bleeding.

Can nettle be used to stop menstruation?

In folk medicine there are many different remedies that have hemostatic properties. For example, nettle helps with menstruation due to the fact that its components improve blood clotting.

The most important substances for the female body are the following:

  • Vitamin K - has a positive effect on the synthesis of proteins involved in blood clotting. Lack of clotting factors leads to blood loss. Women experience long, heavy periods, which lead to anemia. If vitamin K is present in the body in sufficient quantities, proteins of the blood coagulation system contribute to the production of prothrombin, proconvertin and Christmas factor - important elements of proper hemostasis.
  • Iron - nettle decoction compensates for blood loss.
  • Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that reduces the number of free radicals and supports the functional activity of various body tissues, including the endometrium. Ascorbic acid helps iron to be absorbed in full.
  • Calcium is a mineral that binds heparin and is involved in all phases of blood clotting. This property thickens the blood and facilitates the formation of a blood clot. Calcium deficiency impairs hemostasis and interferes with platelet fixation on damaged vessels. As a result, a low-quality blood clot is formed that is unable to stop bleeding.
  • Vitamin E - accelerates tissue regeneration and protects them from harmful environmental influences.
  • Chlorophyll – enriches the blood with oxygen, increases the tone of the uterus, participates in the formation of blood clots, and accelerates metabolic processes.

It is better to find out from a gynecologist whether it is possible to drink nettle during menstruation. The plant has a gentle effect on the reproductive system, but in the absence of a physiological need, there is no point in using the medicinal herb. In gynecology, nettle is widely used to treat diseases with bleeding symptoms and to stop intense, long periods.

Nettle extract normalizes hormonal status and the menstrual cycle. In addition to stopping bleeding, nettle increases vascular tone and accelerates wound healing.


The use of nettle as a hemostatic agent

Most often, doctors advise taking decoctions and preparations based on zhigalka for abrasions, cuts and other mechanical wounds.

In addition, the leaves of the herb are excellent for helping with excessive discharge during menstruation, anemia, uterine bleeding, anemia and other types of internal bleeding.

Nettle-based decoctions are excellent for prevention and cleanse the blood and blood vessels well.

During menstruation

This medicinal liquid is recommended for women who suffer from severe pain and heavy discharge during menstruation. The tincture helps restore hormonal balance, increase hemoglobin levels and reduce bleeding.

For cooking you need 1 tbsp. Dried and crushed leaves pour 220 ml of just boiled water. The resulting broth should be left for 15 minutes and strained. Should be consumed three times a day before meals in a dosage of 120 ml. The course of treatment is no more than 2-3 days.

For uterine bleeding

This recipe is very similar to the previous one. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour one tablespoon of dried leaves with boiling water (about 220 ml) and put on medium heat.

Boil for five minutes and then put in a warm place, after wrapping the pan in a towel or scarf. Let the resulting liquid cool until it cools completely and filter well. Take ¼ cup orally five times a day before meals.

For cervical erosion

To prepare this medicine, you need to squeeze the juice out of the leaves and dip a regular tampon in it.

Then insert the tampon into the vagina and change it several times a day. After a few days, the inflammation will decrease, the bleeding will stop and all symptoms will go away.

For anemia

To prevent anemia, you can brew medicinal tea based on herbal leaves, mint and honey.

For three liters of boiling water, add two tablespoons of dried leaves and mint. This infusion should be infused for several hours in a warm place, after wrapping the container in a warm scarf or other rag. Take one glass twice a day, morning and evening.

For internal bleeding

To prepare this recipe, you need to pour dried and crushed raw leaves into 220 ml of hot water.

Then put the mixture on the fire and heat it for a quarter of an hour. Then it must be cooled well and strained through a sieve or cheesecloth. Take the medicine several times a day, one tablespoon. The course of treatment should not be more than two weeks.

Preventative treatment

For preventive purposes, you can add the plant to the food you prepare. Since the herb is practically harmless, a small amount of leaves in food will not have any negative consequences.

You can add it to soups, borscht, meat and fish dishes, as well as to your morning omelet or scrambled eggs.

How to drink correctly?

If you regularly drink nettle during heavy periods, it will help prevent bleeding and also eliminate the symptoms of PMS. Your headaches and dizziness will stop, female hormones will be produced normally, and your period will rapidly decrease.

To reduce discharge

Heavy periods can occur as a result of pathology or be a natural feature of a woman’s body. If bleeding is not associated with illness, you can regulate your periods safely using simple nettle decoction recipes.

Important! It is better to drink nettle during heavy periods in the form of freshly squeezed juice, especially in the spring, when the plant can be found in any summer cottage. In winter, it is difficult to find juicy nettles, but dried leaves can be purchased at a pharmacy or picked in the summer at the dacha.

The hemostatic agent is taken in courses. It is advisable that the course of nettle therapy occurs on the days of menstruation, then ascorbic acid will strengthen the endometrial vessels during the period of its intensive renewal and thicken the blood, which will significantly reduce the volume of discharge.

For bleeding

To stop bleeding during menstruation, you can drink a special hemostatic decoction of nettle, prepared in a water bath:

  • Place one tablespoon of dried leaves in a container;
  • Pour one glass of boiling water;
  • Cover with a lid and keep in a steam bath for half an hour.

You should take a nettle remedy during your period to reduce or stop bleeding from the first day of your period. Drink at least one glass of fresh decoction daily.

Pay attention! A sudden stop of bleeding in those taking medications with nettle will not occur, but the duration of menstruation can be reduced by one to two days.

Contraindications and general recommendations

Despite the enormous benefits that nettle brings, it has several very important contraindications. You should not take herbal medications if you have the following diseases:

  • kidney diseases;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • high blood pressure;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergic reactions.

Before use, you should consult your doctor. When self-medicating, strictly adhere to dosages and strictly follow recipes.

Nettle juice for heavy menstruation, bleeding after childbirth

Despite the effectiveness of tinctures and decoctions, most women prefer to drink herbal juice, which has a higher concentration of beneficial elements.

The home remedy works quickly - a few doses are enough to reduce the amount of discharge and stop bleeding.

To prepare, puree the nettle greens in a blender (pass through a meat grinder), leave for half an hour to release the juice. Squeeze out the liquid, do not cook for future use - the product quickly deteriorates, fermentation begins, it is better to prepare the herbal medicine before each use.

Drink 20 ml of nettle juice twice a day. It is advisable to take it on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal. Do not increase the amount of the product - addiction will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the effect.

The recommended course duration is a week. If a home remedy is used at home to reduce the amount of discharge during menstrual periods, start drinking nettle juice at the beginning of menstruation.

What are the benefits of nettle for women?

The herb, which is used to treat all kinds of pathologies, relieves inflammation, eliminates allergies, heals wounds, strengthens the immune system, serves as a diuretic and laxative. The benefits of nettle for women have been known for a long time. Using drugs from the plant:

  • preserved hair thickness and shine;
  • rejuvenated the skin;
  • restored health.

Now the herb is added to shampoos and balms, which give curls strength and beauty. The leaves of the perennial are used for masks and compresses that are applied to the face. They give the skin freshness and tenderness.

The components that make up the plant have unique properties:

  1. Thanks to vitamin K, acne and pimples heal, swelling disappears, freckles and dark spots disappear.
  2. Eliminates various types of rashes, relieves inflammation of the epidermis, vitamin A.
  3. Flavonoids restore youth to the skin, organic acids give it an even tone.
  4. Heals wounds, restores immunity, vitamin C. It strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, prevents the development of rosacea.

There are more unique substances in nettle leaves than in lemons, black currants, and carrots. The freshly cut plant has special medicinal properties. When asked how young grass is useful for the human body, many answer that it saturates it with minerals and vitamins.

Watch a video about the medicinal properties of nettle juice.

The composition of the plant is strikingly diverse; the leaves contain:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • potassium.

Silicon has a positive effect on bones. Esculene, tannins, as well as vitamins B and C promote blood clotting and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.

Medicinal properties of nettle in gynecology

Nettle has long been considered a female plant, however, unlike traditional medicine, its use in gynecology is more effective, since it is based on comparing the properties of the biologically active components of the plant with the diagnosis. This takes into account the dosage, contraindications, duration of the course of administration, and dosage form, while folk recipes used according to the “finger in the sky” principle for self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Nettle owes its healing properties to its unique composition, which includes vitamins A, K, B, C, minerals, 9 out of 10 essential amino acids, phytoestrogens, chlorophyll, lignin and phytoncides. In combination, these substances actively influence all biological processes in the body, have a general strengthening and antioxidant effect, and normalize the functioning of all organs and systems. There are many areas of use of nettle in medicine, but it is in the treatment of gynecological diseases that this plant is most in demand.

How to prepare a herbal decoction?

What else is known about such a medicine as nettle decoction? Indications for use indicate that it can be used in complex therapy for any bleeding. But you should know how to properly prepare this decoction.

All parts of the plant are used to prepare the decoction. For bleeding, rheumatism of various origins, edema, gout and furunculosis, add 300 ml of water to a tablespoon of dry finely ground herb. Stirring, cook over low heat for about ten minutes, then leave for an hour and filter through cheesecloth. Drink a tablespoon up to four times a day.

If the decoction is to be used locally, for compresses, rinsing, or to strengthen hair, then it is prepared differently. One hundred grams of dry medicinal herb is poured with one liter of water and boiled for ten minutes.

For rheumatism, joint pain, tumors and gout, take 300 g of plant roots and fill them with three liters of water. Boil for twenty minutes and leave for two hours. For tumors, add 100 g of dry grass to the roots.

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