How to prepare a decoction of onion peels for menstruation

Delayed menstruation not associated with pregnancy most often occurs against the background of some pathological changes in the body or with climate change or increased physical activity.

One of the most popular folk remedies is onion decoction for menstruation. When properly prepared and consumed, it normalizes the menstrual cycle and promotes the onset of menstruation exactly on time.

Recipes for onion peel decoctions to induce menstruation, reviews

Menstrual disorders occur in almost every woman of reproductive age. Modern medicine and pharmaceuticals offer many means of correcting sexual disorders, but folk remedies remain relevant to this day. Onion peel for menstruation receives a lot of positive reviews, and we’ll talk about the effectiveness and correct use of it.

Useful properties of onions and their peels

The old proverb “Onion cures seven ailments” justifies itself, because this plant is used as a remedy for many diseases of different body systems. In addition to its base, onion peels are widely used in medicinal recipes, since they have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and a number of other beneficial properties. It is used in the form of infusion and decoction. These methods help to cope with the following disorders:

  1. Phlebeurysm.
  2. Food poisoning.
  3. Dermatitis, fungal skin lesions.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Colds.
  6. For cosmetic purposes.
  7. For the treatment of gynecological disorders.

This powerful functionality is due to the beneficial substances contained in onion peels:

  • Phytoncides are biologically active substances produced by plants that fight bacteria, fungi and protozoa. They have the greatest antiseptic effect.
  • Flavonoids are substances that are especially useful for women, as they have a positive effect on the production of one of the main sex hormones, estrogens.
  • Quercetin has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.
  • Ascorbic acid is widely used in medicine. Often used in gynecology to induce menstruation.
  • Vitamins E. Everyone knows the positive effect of Vitamin E on periods when they are delayed.
  • Vitamins B
  • Carotene.
  • Potassium salts, calcium, iron.

Benefits of onion peels

It is a source of many useful substances.

It contains the following components:

  • vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP;
  • carotene;
  • cellulose;
  • sulfur and fructan compounds;
  • antioxidant quercetin;
  • minerals;
  • flavonoids.

A decoction of onion peels affects the body as follows:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • used as a laxative;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • tones;
  • relieves pain;
  • removes toxins;
  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • carries out the prevention of malignant tumors;
  • acts as a choleretic agent;
  • has an antiseptic effect.

Taking the decoction has a positive effect on people suffering from:

  • allergic reactions;
  • asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • renal pathologies;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • problems of the genitourinary system;
  • oral infections;
  • skin diseases.

Unlike traditional healers, medical specialists have always ignored the medicinal properties of the husk. For painful periods, onion decoction helps eliminate discomfort, and in case of delay, taking the product causes menstruation and normalizes the cycle.

The husk is a powerful antioxidant. This remedy strengthens the immune system, reduces the level of bad cholesterol, and is used as a cancer prevention.

The golden scales of onions contain vitamins of groups B and PP. Antioxidant properties are provided by ascorbic acid and tocopherol. The latter, by the way, affects the reproductive function of both sexes. The husk contains carotene, fiber, sulfur compounds, fructans and flavonoids. Micro and macroelements include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, etc. Sulfur compounds have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

The husk serves as a natural antihistamine. When taken, allergic symptoms are significantly reduced. In addition, husk decoctions are an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

Onion peels and women's health

In gynecology, onions and their peels also have widespread use.

Tampons with onion pulp are inserted internally for cervical erosion.

Sitz baths made from onion skin decoction are used for certain bacterial and fungal diseases and as a preventive measure for vaginal discharge.

A similar decoction is drunk:

  • to balance hormonal levels and restore the menstrual cycle.
  • during painful critical days.
  • to call for menstruation.
  • when menstruation is delayed, the causes of which are not serious violations.
  • with amenorrhea and hypomenstrual syndrome (short, scanty, infrequent periods).

Is the husk used for menstruation?

A decoction of onion peels is used to induce menstruation in case of delays and amenorrhea.

Substances contained in onion scales have the following effects:

  • prevent thrombosis;
  • reduce blood clotting;
  • stimulate the contractile function of the uterus.

Ultimately, when drinking the decoction, menstruation may begin within 1-2 days. If after two days the bleeding has not started, and the patient is sure that according to her individual cycle the bleeding should open, you should contact the antenatal clinic to find out the reasons for the absence of menstruation. There can be many reasons. This includes pregnancy, neoplasms that block the exit to the cervix, and hormonal dysfunction. In the first and second cases, it will not be possible to induce menstruation with onion skins, and it is not advisable to use onion decoction.

Onion peel for delayed menstruation

On women's forums you can find a large number of reviews about onion peel decoction for delayed menstruation. They say that this remedy helps provoke the onset of menstruation even in case of hormonal imbalance. This occurs due to the fact that the substances contained in the membrane help to increase the tone of the uterus, which, under their influence, begins to actively contract and reject the endometrium, thereby provoking the onset of menstruation.

But you should be careful about inducing menstrual periods in this way, and you should first visit a gynecologist and establish the cause of the cycle disruption and delay.

You should not drink a decoction of onion skins during pregnancy or serious pathologies of the reproductive system.

This method causes menstruation in case of a slight delay (5–7 days) due to the following factors:

  1. Stress experienced.
  2. Great physical and emotional stress.
  3. Change of climate, place of residence.
  4. Minor imbalance of sex hormones.
  5. Wrong lifestyle.
  6. Low or overweight.

Sometimes calling menstruation is necessary not because of irregularities, but due to certain circumstances: planned events, vacation, sexual contact.

If we are talking about a delay, and it is observed for several cycles in a row, then there are serious disturbances in the body, which must be reported to a specialist.

If menstruation needs to be induced within 24 hours, many women resort to Pulsatilla. Reviews of Pulsatilla for delayed periods are mostly positive.

How to use onion peel to induce menstruation

The golden skin of onions contains natural healing substances, flavonoids, and vitamins used in pharmaceutical practice. One of these substances is quercetin, which is added to medications and dietary supplements.

It was noted that this substance stimulates muscle tone, including the tone of the uterus, eliminates blood clots, cleanses and strengthens blood vessels and thins the blood.

Therefore, for a long time, when there are delays, onion peels have been used for menstruation.

Onion peel contains many useful substances

How does husk affect the female body?

Women use a decoction of onion peels to induce menstruation. This remedy also turns out to be very effective for amenorrhea, a disease in which there are no periods. A weak decoction can be drunk in small quantities during menstruation as a pain reliever. It normalizes hormonal levels.

It is well known that onions have bactericidal properties, which is why onion tampons are used in gynecology. They serve as an effective anti-inflammatory and disinfectant for erosions, trichomoniasis, etc.

What are the contraindications

There are few contraindications to the use of onion peels, but nevertheless they exist. This is an individual intolerance to onions. Such immunity is extremely rare.

Much more often people suffer from low blood clotting.

They should be careful with onion decoctions and infusions, since long-term use or high concentrations of the decoction can cause heavy and prolonged bleeding.

If blood clotting is low, then onion decoction is not recommended

What side effects may there be

The main side effect of taking onion broth is heavy periods and decreased blood clotting. Therefore, the daily intake of a strong (red-brown, rich) decoction should not exceed 1 glass.

What are the recipes for using it?

To induce menstruation with husk, you need to prepare a strong decoction, just as it is made for dyeing eggs. The dose of onion peel infusion for menstruation is regulated - no more than one and a half glasses should be drunk during the day.

This entire portion can be divided into three times, half a glass each. The recipe for onion broth for menstruation is simple. To prepare the required volume, take 2 cups of water and 1 cup of crushed husks. The drug is simmered over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

After decanting the broth, the raw materials should also be squeezed out.

To prepare a fortified drink for pregnant women in the second or third trimester, take 1 tablespoon of chopped onion peel per 400 grams of water. The broth is boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. There is no need to top up the evaporated volume.

This video will tell you how to prepare a tincture from onion peels:

Women are well aware of the strengthening effect of onion peels on hair roots. A strong decoction, as for coloring eggs, is applied evenly to the hair and tied under a film for 20 minutes. Then the hair is rinsed. Hair takes on a golden hue. In the old days, this product was used to tint gray hair.

Tea drinks are prepared from onion skins, which:

  • cleans blood vessels,
  • stimulate blood flow,
  • strengthen blood vessels.

They serve as a preventive and even therapeutic agent in the fight against atherosclerosis, and are prepared according to a recipe that is offered for pregnant women.


Contraindications and side effects

Such a powerful set of useful substances, in addition to beneficial effects, can also have side effects. To prevent them, you need to take into account contraindications to the use of onion peel decoction:

  1. Combination with hormonal drugs (without a doctor’s permission) and other medications.
  2. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If you are allergic to this plant or substances contained in its husk.
  4. With poor blood clotting.
  5. During pregnancy.

Side effects can make themselves felt in the form of gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea), dizziness, allergic reactions (rash, redness, itching).

It is important to begin therapy only after an examination and with the permission of a doctor, and also to strictly adhere to the dosage and prepare decoctions and tinctures not according to any spontaneous, but according to proven recipes, because thoughtless use of the drug can provoke severe bleeding.

Read about which pills can induce menstruation by clicking on the link.

How does the decoction combine with alcohol?

Onion-based alcohol tincture works:

  • as a diuretic, laxative;
  • pain reliever;
  • medicine for kidney stones;
  • a way to avoid problems with blood vessels.

But doctors do not advise combining liquid onion medicine with strong drinks. Alcohol reacts with microelements in the decoction. The toxicity of ethanol increases, and the hangover lasts longer and is more severe.

Onions should be used with caution by people with liver and heart diseases

Consequences of one-time use:

  1. Poisoning, serious intestinal disorder.
  2. The onion medicine will completely lose its therapeutic properties.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract worsen or occur.
  4. There is a double load on the liver, which leads to a malfunction of the organ.
  5. There is an interruption in heart rhythm.

How to induce menstruation with a decoction of onion peels

Delayed menstruation not associated with pregnancy most often occurs against the background of some pathological changes in the body or with climate change or increased physical activity.

One of the most popular folk remedies is onion decoction for menstruation. When properly prepared and consumed, it normalizes the menstrual cycle and promotes the onset of menstruation exactly on time.

Onion peel for delayed menstruation

You can use a decoction of onion peels for menstruation both as an independent means to stabilize the cycle, and in combination with other drugs prescribed by a doctor. Onion peels contain natural antiseptic substances that have a pronounced antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial effect.

The benefit of onion peels lies in the high concentration of active natural components. Thanks to this, the prepared decoction is used not only in gynecology, but also for the treatment of dermatitis, colds, varicose veins, and in case of intoxication of the body. The product is also used externally to strengthen hair.

However, the menstrual cycle does not always go wrong due to physiological reasons. For example, a delay in menstruation may occur due to stress or climate change. In case of exacerbation or development of acute diseases of the genitourinary or reproductive system, or pregnancy, the decoction will not cause menstruation and may even be harmful. Therefore, when using such a traditional medicine, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications.

Reception to stop bleeding

The decoction will not only induce menstruation, but also normalize and regulate the cycle. Onion skins contain quercetin, which lowers blood pressure and prevents clogged arteries.

Quercetin, when taken during heavy periods, stops bleeding and keeps the volume of discharge within normal limits.

Excessive use of the decoction can cause severe bleeding, which will be impossible to stop at home. Therefore, a woman must first familiarize herself with the contraindications and also consult a gynecologist in order to find out the true reason for the delay.

Contraindications to the use of infusion:

  1. frequent allergic reactions, individual intolerance;
  2. gastrointestinal problems;
  3. following a strict diet;
  4. taking potent medications.

Onion decoction is an effective, useful remedy for the onset of menstruation and reducing pain during them.

However, the use of any traditional medicine recipes should be approached with caution, as they can cause an exacerbation of the disease, the elimination of which will require drug treatment

Positive effects on the body

A decoction of onion peels contains:

  • phytoncides;
  • antioxidants;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • tocopherol;
  • quercetin;
  • vitamins of group P;
  • iron, iodine, magnesium and other trace elements.

The composition of the husk determines its effect on the woman’s body:

  • toning of blood vessels, strengthening the walls of small capillaries and large veins;
  • detoxification of the body, removal of toxins;
  • anthelmintic effect;
  • antiallergic effect;
  • increasing resistance to viral infections;
  • assistance in the fight against malignant neoplasms.

You can use onion broth not only as a means of stabilizing the menstrual cycle, but also for general strengthening of the body. One of the common reasons for the delay is a decrease in immunity and weakening of defenses after suffering from infectious or colds.

You can stabilize your periods if your period is delayed by increasing your immune defense and strengthening your body. A decoction of onion peels is one of those natural remedies that contain all the antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements necessary for the body. In addition, this product does not cause allergies.

What are the contraindications?

You can use onion peels with almost no restrictions, since the decoction is hypoallergenic. But there is a list of certain contraindications when taken to induce menstruation:

  1. Blood clotting disorder. Quercetin contained in onion peels promotes blood thickening and aggravates a woman’s health.
  2. Individual intolerance. Allergic reactions or intolerance to any of the substances that make up onion peels can provoke a skin reaction and exacerbation of asthma.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases. Duodenal or stomach ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis in the acute or remission stage are contraindications for taking onion decoction. Also, this remedy should not be used for diseases of the pancreas.
  4. Alcohol consumption. Contraindicated when using onion peels. Drinking alcohol will reduce the effectiveness of the decoction and may cause stomach upset during such treatment.

The effectiveness of therapy also depends on how the onion peels are brewed. The concentration of raw materials must not be exceeded, otherwise the decoction can cause heartburn, diarrhea, and indigestion. Also, experts do not recommend using the product against the background of strict restrictive diets or fasting.


Inducing menstruation with onion decoction is contraindicated if you have an individual intolerance to this component. In addition, the product should not be used in case of an allergic reaction to substances contained in onions. The infusion itself is completely harmless if you do not overdo it.

The product contains active substances that can cause side effects that occur when they enter the body in excess: dizziness, vomiting, nausea.

It is also not advisable to take the decoction if you have stomach and intestinal diseases, poor blood clotting, allergies, while pregnant, or during drug therapy. This ban is due to the fact that onion peels can reduce the effectiveness of the drugs. In general, taking the decoction is safe, but before deciding to use it for treatment, it is still better to consult a doctor about this.

Methods of preparation and dosage

An infusion based on onion peels is prepared for one time, since the product should not be stored. The entire prepared portion is required for a single dose.

  1. Pour 50 grams of onion peel into 500 ml of boiling water and simmer for about half an hour over low heat. In this case, the liquid should turn dark brown.
  2. During preparation, the water will evaporate and about 250 ml of the finished drink will remain. Strain it through a sieve and cool.
  3. Take 1 glass once a day, best in the morning before meals.

It is not advisable to use a decoction of onion peels for more than 2 days in a row. If menstruation does not occur 24 hours after taking this remedy, it is necessary to find out the cause of the cycle disruption.


There are several simple recipes for making decoctions from onion peels. Decoction for menstruation:

  • 500 ml boiling water;
  • 50 g husk.

Place the product in a glass container and add boiling water. Place in a water bath and cook until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. The result should be approximately 200-250 ml of decoction. Drink onion peel once a day on an empty stomach, on the second day after the onset of delays. If after a day nothing happens, then do not drink the decoction again to induce menstruation - you should contact a specialist to identify the cause of the delays.

For the treatment of weak discharge and amenorrhea, you can prepare the following decoction:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped husks.

Place a saucepan with husks and water on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce heat. Cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Strain the broth, drink 0.5 cups half an hour before meals.

To combat painful syndrome during menstruation, prepare a tincture:

  • peeling from two kilograms of onions;
  • 3 liters of boiling water.

Place the husks in a glass container and pour boiling water over them. Leave for one night until the liquid acquires a characteristic brown color. Drink ½ glass morning and evening on an empty stomach. The course of administration depends on the duration of pain.

It should be remembered that a decoction of onion peels for menstruation, with prolonged, uncontrolled use, can negatively affect the general health of a woman, the restoration of which may require drug treatment. Therefore, you should not ignore the rules of admission established by your doctor.

Onion swab

When menstruation is delayed, onion peel and pulp can be used not only as an infusion, but also as an impregnation for a medicinal tampon. To induce menstruation, you need to prepare the following remedy:

  1. Peel the onion, pour boiling water over it and grate it.
  2. Cut a piece of sterile bandage, fold it several times, and put onion pulp inside.
  3. Tie the edges so that the juice does not flow out, give the resulting product the shape of a cylinder.
  4. Leave a long thread at one end so that you can remove the tampon from the vagina at the end of treatment.

This home remedy is used at night, in the morning you need to remove it and carry out hygiene procedures. If there is severe burning or discomfort, immediately remove the tampon and douche with clean water or chamomile decoction.

Onion peels in gynecology are used only as an aid. There are also other herbs that induce menstruation. We recommend reading about them in more detail.

If the reason for the delay in menstruation is due to other reasons, and not a physiological malfunction in the body, the infusion may not help, but may harm the woman’s health. Therefore, it is always necessary to consult a doctor before using folk remedies.

Using onion peel decoction to induce menstruation

The monthly cycle is a complex process that occurs continuously in a woman’s body. The continuity of the cycle is determined by its regularity and systematicity. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the cycle fails. The monthly cycle slows down or, conversely, accelerates. The reasons may be different: a nervous situation, a delay or exacerbation of a chronic disease. Often women use onion peels for menstruation, calling them and speeding them up.

Features of the female cycle

Women know and anticipate the onset of their critical days. Any female body has its own individual mode of functioning and characteristics. Deviations and anomalies will help identify generally accepted standards of women's health.

On average, the cycle length of a healthy woman under 45 years of age is from 24 to 28 days. A cycle deviation of up to five days is allowed. The reasons that can cause a deviation from the norm can be very diverse: excessive anxiety, climate change, failure of the biological clock, etc.

Menstruation lasts from three to seven days, and is accompanied by bleeding and cramps in the lower abdomen. Discharge can be moderate or heavy , spasms can also vary in strength - it all depends on the individual physiology of the woman. In case of excessive bleeding and painful spasms, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

In cases where it is necessary to induce menstruation ahead of schedule, restore a broken cycle, or provoke menstruation after a delay, you can use traditional medicine, among which onion peel is the leader in this matter. For menstruation, inducing them or reducing painful cramps, according to some representatives, there is nothing better.

Usefulness of the decoction

The universal properties of husks have been known since ancient times. Initially, the product had cosmetic use. But a little later they began to use it to treat various diseases:

  • allergies;
  • dermatitis, fungal diseases;
  • food poisoning;
  • varicose veins;
  • colds and infections, bronchitis and pleurisy.

In addition, this decoction is used to strengthen and grow hair.

The versatility of the product is determined by its unique chemical composition. It includes a lot of useful components, such as:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin groups A, B and E;
  • flavonoid quercetin. This substance is a natural antioxidant. It is this that gives the immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect during treatment;
  • carotene is an effective assistant in the fight against aging processes in the body;
  • iron, calcium, potassium salts;
  • phytoncides - plant biologically active components that suppress and prevent the growth and development of harmful bacteria and fungi;
  • flavonoids are plant active substances that, once in the human body, have a positive effect on enzymatic functions.

Medicine for health

There are a great many recipes for a healing decoction and ways to use it. Among its most popular uses:

  • delay in the menstrual cycle;
  • causing bleeding;
  • irregular cycle (the decoction stabilizes it and brings it back to normal);
  • regulation of spotting;
  • amenorrhea - absence of discharge.

We can say that a decoction of onion peels for menstruation has a stabilizing effect. It stimulates the walls of the uterus and affects the hormonal background of the female body in a certain way. The decoction only helps if the problems were not caused by any other pathology. In any case, you should first see a doctor.

In case of menstrual dysfunction, the drug provokes intense contractions of the uterine walls. In other words, the decoction tones the uterus, and bleeding will begin within 24 hours. The onion infusion should be strong, about the same as for painting eggs. It is still not worth prolonging the use of the decoction or increasing the dose if the desired result is not achieved - any medicine in large doses can cause side effects.

The daily volume of infusion is no more than one and a half glasses. A side effect of taking onion broth in excess can be severe bleeding. It is impossible to stop the bleeding without the intervention of a doctor; in such cases, you need to call an ambulance. An interesting fact is that the usefulness of onions for sexual function in both women and men has been known since ancient times. Fresh juice was used to induce menstruation and enhance male potency. Onion broth contains a lot of useful and unique qualities that make the product an indispensable assistant in the treatment of a number of diseases.

Additional Information

Treatment with onion peels without proper supervision can cause serious harm and lead to severe bleeding, which can only be stopped by surgery. This can only be avoided by first consulting with a specialist. It is necessary to clarify the need to use the folk remedy, the permissible dose and duration of the course of treatment. Under no circumstances should you exceed the dose or duration recommended by your doctor.

More often, instability of the monthly cycle is caused by hormonal imbalance . Onion broth will help cope with this, having a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. If the delay is not caused by pregnancy, the decoction will cause menstruation, otherwise it will harm the health of the mother and fetus. Before prescribing onion medicine for yourself, you need to make sure that the reason for the delay does not lie in the occurrence of serious pathologies. Only then will a decoction of onion peels be useful and not dangerous if your period is delayed.


Before starting to use the product, you must familiarize yourself with its contraindications and consult a specialist. Otherwise, the risk of complications increases. The main thing to remember is that the product is not a cure for all menstrual diseases. It only helps relieve symptoms or provoke menstruation, if the cause of the problem does not lie in a serious pathological condition.

It should also be noted that this product is dangerous to the health of a pregnant woman and unborn child. Therefore, before using folk recipes, pregnancy should be excluded as a cause of missed periods.

Contraindications also include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • a strict diet excluding the consumption of onions;
  • individual intolerance.

Before using the decoction, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary, especially if a woman:

  • takes medications;
  • takes alcohol tinctures.

Onions are the simplest and most affordable product

However, it should be used with extreme caution to treat menstruation. First, you will need to undergo an examination that will help identify the cause of the delays.

If the decoction does not interfere with treatment, the doctor may allow its use.

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