How to take Duphaston if your period is late: instructions and reviews from a gynecologist

Why are there no periods after Duphaston? It is not always possible to immediately and unambiguously answer this question. Especially if certain results are expected from taking the drug, as, for example, after a course of therapy with Duphaston, a woman expects that the menstrual cycle will return to normal and that menstruation will come on time. As a rule, this is true, and in most cases expectations are met. But in some cases, stopping the drug does not give the desired result. What does this mean and what to do in such cases in the future?

For what reasons are there no periods after taking Duphaston with a negative pregnancy test?

Gynecological practice shows that the women's health of every representative of the fair sex of childbearing age is determined by the regular menstrual cycle. If a delay in menstruation is detected and the pregnancy test is negative, the doctor prescribes the patient to take duphaston. This drug based on a progesterone substitute helps restore hormonal levels and actively stimulates the functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system. This article will describe situations in which menstruation does not occur after taking this drug.

How to restore your menstrual cycle

What should I do if, after using Duphaston tablets, my period still does not come within the stated days?

In the first week after stopping the drug, you must take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist. Visual examination and hCG analysis detect gestation at the earliest stages, when human chorionic gonadotropin appears in biomaterials after conception. The gynecologist assesses the real situation and issues a referral for a more extensive examination.

If there is no pregnancy and no menstruation, the woman gives urine and blood tests. If necessary, the doctor may request other biomaterials for biochemical and clinical research. It is very important to determine the patient’s hormonal status. To do this, each hormone produced by the ovaries, pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands is calculated in the laboratory.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs can increase the value of diagnostic data. The sonologist (ultrasound specialist) pays increased attention to the ovaries and adrenal glands. Progesterone levels are analyzed on days 21–23 of the menstrual cycle. Duphaston is discontinued on the 25th day of the cycle. This must be taken into account.

A woman is offered a CT scan if a tumor is suspected.

According to indications, ovarian puncture and analysis of thyroid hormones are prescribed. Depending on the results obtained, a negative test after Duphaston therapy can be considered a signal of the development of serious pathologies:

  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Estrogen deficiency.
  • Cicatricial changes in the uterus.
  • Malfunction of the adrenal glands.
  • Delayed onset of ovulation.
  • Oncological changes in the pituitary gland or genital organs.

Description of the drug

The effective product "Duphaston" includes the component dydrogesterone, which is a substitute for progesterone. The drug is available in the form of tablets, each of which contains 10 mg of the active substance.

Despite the relative safety of the drug, its use as self-medication is extremely unacceptable. Side effects that occur due to incorrect dosage of the drug or individual intolerance of the body to the components included in Duphaston have been identified. These include:

  • causeless headaches;
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands.

Taking into account the listed conditions, it is important to remember that treatment with the drug can only be started after consultation with a doctor. Duphaston can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. A single dose may include 1-2 tablets of the drug. Take the drug 1 to 3 times a day.

The frequency of administration and dose are determined by the gynecologist.

When you can’t be treated with Duphaston:

  • with diagnosed kidney diseases;
  • with poor blood clotting;
  • This drug is not prescribed to little girls and adolescents.

Taking into account the listed contraindications, in some cases the doctor may prescribe additional examinations before taking the drug.

Possible side effects

Even the safest period drug can cause side effects. Duphaston in the absence of menstruation can cause the following negative reactions:

  1. Recurrent headaches, sometimes accompanied by nausea and dizziness.
  2. Pain in the liver and stomach area. The skin becomes yellowish in color, and general malaise is observed. The drug may aggravate the condition of existing kidney and liver diseases.
  3. Uterine bleeding, as well as hypersensitivity of the mammary glands.
  4. Enlarged veins, heaviness in the limbs, swelling. Symptoms appear against the background of vein pathologies.
  5. Allergic reaction. Rashes and spots occur, which are accompanied by swelling and severe itching, as well as discomfort in the affected areas.

The drug contains dydrogesterone, which was created on the basis of male progesterone. For this reason, reactions associated with an increase in its level do not appear in the female body.

Usually the drug is well tolerated by patients; if side effects occur, you should stop taking it.

Why do you not get your period after taking the drug?

Medical practice shows that the appearance of menstruation after taking the drug does not occur if the pregnancy test result is negative in the following situations:

  • Incorrect drug treatment as a result of self-medication.
  • The doctor prescribed the wrong dose of the drug.
  • The patient has a hidden pathology that was not detected after diagnostic measures.
  • The patient had certain contraindications to the use of Duphaston.
  • Depressed emotional state of a woman.
  • Serious hormonal disorders in the body caused by low levels of estrogen hormones.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the organs of the immune and reproductive systems, such as the ovaries, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands that appear while taking the drug. Delayed ovulation - after taking Duphaston, the natural hormone progesterone increases significantly, but at the same time the second phase of ovulation is slightly delayed.

Discontinuation of taking Duphaston without agreement with the observing specialist. When a gynecologist prescribes this drug to normalize the menstrual cycle, it should be taken strictly according to the recommended regimen. Even if your periods have returned to normal, you should not suddenly stop treatment with the drug. In this case, hormonal levels may malfunction, and the next period may not occur at the right time.

As practice shows, each woman can have one or more of the listed reasons.

Therefore, if after taking a course of Duphaston your periods have not started, it is important to immediately contact a competent specialist. To establish the specific cause of the delay, it will be necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient. If an ultrasound of the pelvic organs was not done before prescribing the drug, then it will need to be done in the near future.

Internal pathologies

If there is no positive test result, the problem may be a pathology of the woman’s internal organs. The best thing that can be done in this situation is to undergo a comprehensive examination, which includes an in-depth diagnosis of the endocrine and reproductive systems. Often the difficulty lies in organic damage to the pituitary gland or disruption of the ovaries and adrenal glands of the expectant mother. This may also be indirectly indicated by progesterone deficiency in the second phase of the cycle. Determination of hormonal levels, as well as an ultrasound examination of internal organs prescribed by a doctor, will answer this question. In addition, basal temperature must be measured, which makes it possible to observe the timing of ovulation.

Sometimes Duphaston is taken directly to delay the onset of menstruation. And although this drug can indeed have a similar effect, the imbalance of progesterone that occurs in this case can cause serious damage to reproductive function.

What delay in menstruation is considered normal?

If your periods are delayed after treatment with the drug, you should not start panicking in the first days of the delay. A sign of an anomaly is a delay in the menstrual cycle after taking Duphaston for 14-28 days. A shorter period can be explained by the following factors:

  • prolonged physical activity and lack of proper rest for the body;
  • change of climatic zones;
  • long stay in a state of stress and emotional overload.

If none of the listed factors affects the condition of the woman’s body, then she needs to consult a doctor for a more thorough diagnosis to determine the cause of the delay.

While watching the video you will learn about menstruation.

When choosing Duphaston to normalize menstruation, it is important to remember that treatment with the drug is considered effective only if the patient strictly adheres to the medication regimen. If irregularities in the menstrual cycle are detected after a course of taking Duphaston, it is recommended to immediately consult a specialist.

The effect of Duphaston on the female body

Despite the fact that the drug is a synthetically produced hormone, in terms of its physicochemical properties it is a complete analogue of dydrogesterone and has the same effect on the functioning of the main organs of the reproductive system.

The main function of Duphaston is to increase the level of progesterone in the female body, the deficiency of which causes the following unpleasant phenomena:

  • frequent headaches;
  • causeless changes in mood and emotional state;
  • soreness and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • feeling of apathy and fatigue.

Particularly pronounced discomfort is caused by low levels of progesterone in the period before the onset of menstrual periods, since its deficiency provokes uncontrolled weight gain and severe pain in the lower abdomen.

The concentration of this hormone changes significantly during the menstrual cycle, since its main supplier in the female body is the corpus luteum. It is formed after the release of the egg from the ovary at the site of the ruptured follicle, that is, after the completion of the ovulation process. This phase of the cycle is called the luteal phase.

At this time, the uterus is preparing for a possible pregnancy. If it occurs, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone until this function passes to the placenta. If conception does not occur, it degenerates into scar tissue, and progesterone levels decrease again.

If this physiological process is disrupted, Duphaston is prescribed to correct it. This can occur as a result of various diseases of the ovaries, since they are the main glands that produce female sex hormones.

The drug is indicated not only for disturbances in the physiological process of ovulation, but also for problems during the period of gestation, since this hormone helps the fertilized egg to securely attach to the uterine endometrium, and also reduces the risk of miscarriage, since it does not allow the uterus to contract and reject the embryo.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

Duphaston, unlike many drugs used as hormone replacement therapy, does not provoke accelerated estrogen synthesis and does not affect metabolic processes in the female body.

The effect of the drug on the monthly cycle

The doctor prescribes taking Duphaston in such a way that the substance enters the woman’s body in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Thanks to this, the amount of progesterone is restored. If the diagnosis was made correctly and the patient followed all the doctor’s instructions, then a delay from Duphaston should not develop.

When starting to take the medicine, a woman should be prepared for premature menstruation, which will represent a primary reaction to the drug. Also, the abundance of discharge should not cause concern (it can be either excessive or insufficient). If menstruation has not returned or existed but disappeared completely, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Due to the fact that some girls self-medicate, more and more situations arise when a delay is diagnosed while taking Duphaston. Intervention in hormonal balance must be precisely adjusted by a professional doctor. He will be able to correctly calculate the dose of medication

, days of its administration and duration.
In addition, there are some peculiarities in stopping the use of a medicine
. Trying to treat yourself will only make your health problems worse. It is most often quite difficult to restore the body after thoughtless intake of hormones, so it is better to entrust problems with reproductive function to a gynecologist.

When should your period normally start?

Since in the first phase of the menstrual cycle the functioning of the reproductive system depends on estrogens, the drug should be taken after ovulation. During the second phase, the body needs a certain amount of progesterone, which promotes the attachment of the egg to the uterine wall when fertilization has occurred. If the pregnancy test is negative, this hormone determines when your period will start.

Progesterone deficiency during menopause is compensated with the help of dydrogesterone of synthetic origin. For this purpose, the hormonal drug is taken for 10 days.

On what day after the therapeutic course should my period begin? During reproductive age, menstruation occurs after progesterone levels decrease. A similar situation occurs when completing a course of hormonal medications.

Since Duphaston is a hormonal drug, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor according to the available instructions. If a woman takes pills in violation of the dosage or treatment regimen, her period may not come on time. When there is no menstruation for a long time after taking the drug, you should definitely consult a doctor. The cause of the delay may be pregnancy.

Depending on the physiological characteristics of the body, the reaction to the active ingredient of the drug can vary significantly among different women. For some, improper use of the drug delays the onset of menstruation, while for others, on the contrary, it provokes bleeding ahead of schedule. If menstruation for the first time comes earlier than expected, the woman should consult a specialist.

Any deviations from the norm, including the appearance of brown discharge that is not associated with regulations, are considered an acceptable reaction of the body to the action of a synthetic hormone in the first days of taking the drug. A sharp change in progesterone levels can affect women's health in different ways. However, non-standard symptoms should disappear by the end of the course. If conception does not occur during ovulation, menstruation will begin on time.

Taking Duphaston and pregnancy

This hormonal drug does not suppress ovulation. Therefore, drinking it and not using contraception is not recommended. Since a delay in menstruation after Duphaston is not a typical reaction to the drug, the girl’s first action should be to buy a pregnancy test.

If it turns out to be positive, ultrasound diagnostics is performed

, thanks to which the diagnosis is confirmed. Continuation of taking Duphaston during pregnancy depends on the doctor's decision.

Pathologies for which medication is necessary:

  • recurrent miscarriage;
  • threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • endometriosis;
  • luteal insufficiency.

Delayed menstruation with Duphaston associated with pregnancy is not a pathological condition

. And if a girl tried to get rid of hormonal infertility, then it is considered a sign of successful treatment.

Why is succession beneficial for children?

Discussion: 52 comments

  1. Wika:
    12/13/2013 at 1:28 pm

    It’s interesting, but once, during a delay not related to pregnancy, the gynecologist, on the contrary, prescribed Duphaston. A few days after taking it, my period came.

  2. Mayan:

    04/06/2014 at 17:29

    On the contrary, Duphaston was prescribed to me for amenorrhea. First, the doctor recommended measuring basal temperature for two months and taking hormonal smears, and then told me on what day to start taking it. Three days after stopping the drug, my period began.

  3. Olesya:

    04/08/2014 at 02:40

    I'm surprised how many girls are now prescribed this drug! Three friends are currently on duphaston, one of them is pregnant. I believe that anything related to taking hormones that causes the slightest discomfort or misunderstanding requires prompt consultation with a doctor!

  4. Hope:

    04/09/2014 at 14:19

    I took duphaston during pregnancy until the 16th week when there was a threat of miscarriage. I didn't have any side effects.

  5. Alina:

    04/09/2014 at 14:24

    I was also prescribed duphaston, as they found a threat of miscarriage. I’ve been drinking it since the eighth week of pregnancy, it seems that the doctor said that we’ll take it right up to the eighteenth week! Is this really necessary?

  6. Tanya:

    04/10/2014 at 10:06

    This is the first time I've heard about this drug! When I had a delay, my gynecologist prescribed me regular contraceptives. What effect does this drug have on natural menopause?

  7. Elena:

    07/25/2014 at 21:55

    I was prescribed Duf from 11 to 25 cycles to build up the endometrium and for conception. But after taking it in the 1st cycle, a follicular cyst formed, which resolved in the 2nd cycle. I didn’t take it in cycle 3. The result is that the follicle did not burst on the 25th day of the cycle, already the 3rd day of delay. The test is negative. I think my entire stable duf cycle was ruined... but didn’t help at all ((

  8. Irina:

    10/15/2014 at 19:15

    Hello!! The gynecologist prescribed me a duf on days 16-25 of my cycle; we haven’t been able to get pregnant for a very long time. And this month there was a delay of a week, the tests were negative, scanty menstruation for 2 days and it was all over. Now there is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, this has never happened before and the chest is very swollen. What to expect next?????


    10/19/2014 at 17:17

    I was most interested in your comment. Same situation. How did you end up?


    11/18/2014 at 21:22

    And I have a similar situation now. 12 days have passed since taking Duphaston, but still no periods(


    01/12/2015 at 21:55

    I also have a 12-day delay when stopping duphaston, how did it end for you?

  • Natalie:

    12/10/2014 at 02:07

    My period was late. An ultrasound found a cyst and prescribed Duphaston for 7 days, 2 tablets a day. So I took them. How long should I wait for my period after finishing taking the pills?..what period is considered normal? To know when to see a doctor???

  • Olga:

    08/27/2015 at 16:35

    After using duphaston for five months (as prescribed by a doctor to improve the condition of the uterus), the cycle became 46 days, ovulation is in question, and the doctor says that duphaston has no side effects.

  • NatashaNatasha:

    09/01/2015 at 22:23

    So I’m 6 days late after the last pill in this cycle. This has never happened before. I really want a baby doll and have been taking Duphaston for 5 cycles already. We restore the broken cycle. And there was already a cyst. Then it resolved. And now I look at + 6 days in my women’s calendar and hope... Usually months. They arrived 2-3 days after cancellation. The cycle was established at 27-28 days. But this time they are not there. Just after finishing taking D., a couple of days later there was a faint pale brown discharge, but not really much. I thought everyone was about to come. But no. My stomach has been hurting terribly for several days now. My chest hurts a little. I read on some forums - you have to wait up to 10 days for M. I’ll do a test the other day and go to the doctor. Good luck to all. And to the mothers of our beloved little ones)₽

  • Sasha:

    09/08/2015 at 15:41

    I really want to become a mother, I am 24 years old. It is time ))

    49 minutes ago

    I was prescribed duf. Call M. They came. Then I stopped taking them and after a while I started drinking too much. On July 17th I had an O. And I had sexual intercourse. Since then there have been no periods. My nipples and chest hurt, where my armpits are. Not much, and when my nipples hurt, sometimes they don’t hurt too much. I rarely feel nauseous. And my lower back hurts. What could it be? Delay 9 days.


      04/18/2016 at 13:09

      The last time I drank it, I waited for my period, everything was on time. But this month I haven’t taken Duphaston and I haven’t had my period for a week. I'm tired of this already. It turns out that menstruation occurs only on Duphaston? Has anyone gotten pregnant on this drug with the same problem?

  • Alyona:

    09/18/2015 at 11:16

    Good afternoon I was prescribed Duphoston from days 5 to 25 of the cycle, I took 1 cycle. I took my last pill on the 10th and still haven’t gotten my period. I took a test and it shows “-“. The lower abdomen ache a little, I’ve been feeling sick for the 5th day. Is it possible that I'm pregnant? Maybe I took the test early?!


      10/07/2015 at 16:01

      Good afternoon! It doesn’t depend on whether the doctor is paid or not, and paid doctors may be far from experienced, but that’s not the point! What I want to say about Duphaston, I was treating polycystic disease, it was very severe, and the doctor prescribed Duphaston to me, I was treated for sex years, of course, not only them, there was a full range of necessary drugs, polycystic disease cannot be cured with Duphaston alone, I am now 32, this was two years ago. And we defeated it very successfully, I developed a corpus luteum, but with polycystic disease it was not there at all.

      KatyaEnter your name...:

      04/07/2016 at 15:39

      Julia, tell me. I, too, have been treating polycystic disease since I was 16 years old, now I’m 27. I did laparotomy, took duphaston, but there were no results. What medications did you take and how did you cure him?

  • Ladder:

    11/10/2015 at 00:00

    I was also prescribed Duphaston from 16 to 25, the delay is 4 days, I don’t do a test, because... The doctor said it’s useless after duphaston, it shows up much later. You need to donate blood. I think I’ll wait a couple more days, if they don’t come, then donate blood. Good luck everyone!!))


      11/10/2015 at 1:29 pm

      Post later as success.

  • Regina:

    11/27/2015 at 03:26

    I now have the same situation as you, 6 days have passed since the withdrawal, no periods, the test was negative, I feel nauseous, tell me what happened in the end???

  • nadir:

    09/30/2015 at 23:25

    Hi all. I have the same problem, I took Duphaston, and now I’m on the 13th day of delay (for 2 days I had pinkish discharge and that’s all. The previous doctor prescribed it for polycystic disease and another paid and more experienced one scolded me...

  • Lana:

    26.11.2015 at 15:09

    They prescribed DUF in October, an endometrial polyp, after the appointment I went for an ultrasound, they were supposed to have a hysteroscopy operation, my periods did not come on time, the delay is already 13 days, the test is negative, the operation has not yet been performed, I don’t understand what it is, the trouble is sadness, nerves there are no(((

  • Enter your name…:

    09.12.2015 at 17:23

    Tell me, I took these pills for 3 months, from the beginning of my period and 10 days, to increase progesterone, at the 4th month the months just didn’t come, the test was negative, tell me, I probably ruined everything with them, and how long does it cause a delay?

  • Inna:

    01/14/2016 at 08:41

    Good morning girls! I want to tell my story about duphaston! I am 32 years old, I was diagnosed with polycystic disease at the age of 19. I was treated for many years, I liked the hormonal hormones, facial hair grew, in 2006. They operated on it (laporascopy), but my periods never returned; they kept coming a couple of times a year. All the doctors put an end to my “infertility”; I had no hope left. But 4 years ago I went to another doctor, he prescribed me duphaston, and for three years I drank without interruption from days 16-25 of the cycle. But not long ago I was late and didn’t drink duphaston, and so for two months my periods came on time and suddenly I was late, I felt bad, but I didn’t even think about pregnancy, but it turned out that my father-in-law was positive, I almost died from joy (many will understand) . But at 8 weeks the development stopped and I lost the baby ((the pain is indescribable((half a year has passed since then and again I have no hopes of taking duphaston after it, there are delays and the condition is terrible, until recently my husband and I thought that I was pregnant and this morning my period came( ((I have depression and tears. I really want at least one child! My dears, I wish you all good health and may every woman who wants to become a mother this year! Thank you for your attention!


      01/15/2016 at 16:28

      Inna, don’t despair and most importantly believe! I was diagnosed with this at the age of 17 and from that age they started pumping me with these terrible hormones! At some point I gave up on myself, but I gathered my courage and went to a good doctor who believes in me and tells me to believe in the best and then everything will be fine! Ask God, thank him for giving you a child already! And now I’m just taking Duphaston and I have a delay. I didn’t take the test, I’m so tired of negative ones (((

  • Alyona:

    01/19/2016 at 01:11

    I have the same situation! The doctor prescribed douf from 16 to 25 d.c. Today is already the 10th day after the cancellation. Mes no. I don't know what to think...


      01/27/2016 at 16:04

      Alena Hello. I have the same situation as you. For what purpose were you prescribed this drug?

  • Natasha:

    04/21/2016 at 06:50

    The same course was prescribed, only for 6 months, the diagnosis was endometrial hyperplasia and cervical erosion. On the sixth pack, I mixed up the days and didn’t take Duphaston anymore, because... I’ve already lost my course, I haven’t had my period for four months... I don’t know what to think. Now I’m collecting my entire medical history and going for a full examination, I’m tired of just running around to doctors. I will undergo the entire examination in one where I have at least some confidence in the doctors. And good health and good luck to you)))))


    10.20.2016 at 13:53

    After hysteroscopy, the reproductologist prescribed Duphaston and Divigel for endometrial hyperplasia. Now there is a delay, it is not clear how to take the next course. What is clear is that the cycle was previously regular, but now it has gone astray. Pregnancy is unlikely. And I had an examination in one clinic, I took endless pills, but unfortunately there was no result yet. A friend of mine was cleaned and cleaned like this, and then adenomyosis of the uterus and the end of all dreams.

  • Ksenia:

    01/30/2016 at 00:42

    Hello everyone! My story is this: my periods always came as they wanted, from the very beginning at the age of 13, then from the age of 20 they generally began to come, first 4 times a year, then 3 and eventually once every 8-9 months! Doctors They threw up their hands, ended up diagnosed with polycystic disease, took duphaston, injected progesterone, my periods came on the drugs, and then I got tired of it and stopped taking the drugs and everything went back to the old way 1-2 times a year! Now I’m 29 and about 1.9 years ago my periods came and they began to come regularly, like clockwork, without any treatment! I went to the doctor to see if I could get pregnant (before this, you know, I had never gotten pregnant with such a cycle and thought that there was no chance, so I gave up on the doctors) - everything was surprisingly normal , polycystic disease has been ruled out, hormones are normal, the tubes are patent, there is ovulation, only progesterone is slightly higher than normal - I prescribed Duf with 15-26 dc for 3 months, and now after discontinuation (at the end of December I finished taking Duf, I had it in January) my periods have not come , I have only 4 days so far, of course, the test is negative, I’m waiting, I’m terribly angry, I’m crying that everything was normal before, I’m afraid that the hormones have gone and the cycle will return to 1-2 times a year again and goodbye to the long-awaited pregnancy then! ((( (((girls, write how it ended for you! And with dufay, the menstruation is scanty for 2 days - orange (there has never been such a color) and for 3 days it's a brown daub! In short, this is not normal, the color indicates something, just like the scarcity, on the 2nd I go to the doctor to explain to me what the hell is happening to the body!


      01/30/2016 at 00:47

      I forgot to write, I was prescribed Duf in order to level out my progesterone by substitution! And she predicted that by all indicators I would get pregnant in these three months, yeah, no matter how wrong it is ((((((

  • Olesya:

    02/03/2016 at 20:44

    I was prescribed from 11 to 25 dc, the delay was a total of 47 days... I did an ultrasound before taking DUFA at 3 weeks of delay and was diagnosed with PCOS. This is the 7th day of the abolition of duf, months. no... the tests are negative... I wait three days and go for an ultrasound again...


      03/12/2016 at 23:31

      I had a delay of 7 days due to the duf. The test was positive. Afterwards, scanty discharge began and lasted 10 days. What is this pregnancy or cycle related disorders?

  • Anara:

    03/11/2016 at 12:44

    I am 25 years old and my gynecologist prescribed duphaston to drink duphaston from days 14 to 25 of the MC. Now 6 days of menstruation have passed, no test negative


      02/14/2017 at 07:34

      Anara, good afternoon! I also have the same situation, I’m 25, I’m 5 days late, the test is negative?

  • Nuri:

    02/14/2017 at 07:37

    Anara, please share how your story ended?

  • Lyudmila:

    03/15/2016 at 21:53

    After taking duphaston (I took it from 16 to 25 days), I had a delay of 11 days, my chest was very sore and sensitive, I felt nauseous. I had an ultrasound a week ago, the doctor said that it was 100% not pregnant, the test showed the second stripe was slightly pale pink, but the doctor said that duphaston could show a positive result on the test. My gynecologist told me to come back in a week. Yesterday I took a two-line test, BT remains above 37. Tomorrow I’m going to the hospital, I’m terribly afraid, I hope for a long-awaited pregnancy. Girls, what do you think could happen? I started to find a place on the Internet that I can no longer find. I continue to drink Duphaston, months. don't go

  • janiyat:

    04/02/2016 at 14:54

    Hello. The cycle is stable for 30 days. In October, I had a miscarriage and was prescribed Duphaston without analysis on days 16-26, but I recently found out that ovulation is on the 18th day, so I decided to drink from 18 to 28 and today is the 5th day of the delay. All the tests were the same, one strip showed for my eldest girl on the 1st day of delay // but now I don’t know what to do. Blood test I can’t wait for the hospital, this is not an important old lady.


      04/03/2016 at 20:45

      My test streaked only on the 10th day of the delay after taking duphaston, the main thing is not to stop drinking it. It’s too early to go for an ultrasound, it won’t show. Take your basal temperature, if it’s above 37, then congratulations!!!

  • Irina:

    04/07/2016 at 23:32

    So the symptoms got to me, after ovulation my nipples hurt very much ((I couldn’t touch it, my breasts swollen, by 28 dc my breasts became less sensitive and shrunk, but they didn’t come either on the 3rd or 5th day after the withdrawal (I drank from 15~ 25dc) the test is negative!!! I don’t want to do it again, I took angiovitis along with vitamins, write who graduated from B!!!

  • Vika:

    04/18/2016 at 13:21

    Girls, who got pregnant on Duphaston? I drank for half a year. after the last dose months. came on time. I didn’t drink anymore. And now I’m already a week late. The test is negative, How long is it possible? It turns out that without this device you won’t get your period? I'm waiting for my doctor's call.

  • Anyuta:

    04/20/2016 at 22:34

    Hello! I have this story: I was supposed to have my period on the first of April, but I didn’t have it, there was a brown spot, and then every other day. On April 7, I went to the doctor and said my uterus was blue, it looked like I was pregnant, the tests were negative. My husband and I have not been able to get pregnant for three years. Then he says my hormones are elevated, hair is growing on my face and chest and I have gained weight. They prescribed duphaston, she said that if Ber keeps it, if not, then my period will come. Let's go and start drinking Janine. So I’ve been drinking for 10 days, I’ve already stopped drinking for two days and they’re still gone. I do not know what to do.

  • Victoria:

    05/31/2016 at 10:27

    Girls, so what? Did you get your period while stopping Duphaston?? I only got one for a month. Now I’m gone again. Already 11 days late(((

  • Kate:

    07/22/2016 at 16:41

    I’ve been drinking Duphaston for 20 days, I haven’t had my period for 4 days, but I don’t stop drinking!

  • Zarina:

    09/06/2016 at 15:30

    Hello girls!!! I was prescribed Duphaston because I don’t have periods. They did an ultrasound and revealed polycystic ovary syndrome; I haven’t had my period for almost 7 months. They told me to take 2 tablets for 7 days, I took it for 10 days, but I still haven’t had my period for 3 days, how many days should I wait approximately??? They should have come immediately??? or continue drinking until M????

  • Markha:

    11/15/2016 at 20:30

    Hello everyone, I always read different forums and find my own problems. In September I did an ultrasound and there was nothing, but in October they found a functional liquid cyst and prescribed treatment for 10 days. The treatment was completed, then I was prescribed the same month from the 16th day of the cycle to the 25th to drink Duphaston. Today is already the 28th day of the cycle, I just pray and beg Allah so that I get pregnant and don’t get my period. I’ve been married for 7 months, of course it’s not a long time, but I really want a child. I wanted to ask, do you think I will be able to get pregnant this month at all? My lower abdomen has been hurting for 3-4 days and my lower back has become very sensitive.

  • Galina:

    12/20/2016 at 09:12

    Good day. I had my month on November 3rd. from November 8 to November 28 (days 5-25 of the cycle) I took Duphaston, 2 tablets per day. should have arrived on December 1st. Today is December 20th and it’s not a month. the test is negative. no pain. what does this mean?

  • Lika:

    01/15/2017 at 19:46

    11/26/16 was the last time I had my period, the test was negative, I drank a pack of Duphaston, took the test again - negative. Previously, there were no problems with monthly delays. Tomorrow I'll go for an ultrasound. Has anyone had a similar situation?

  • Alec:

    06/03/2017 at 20:26

    The last time I had my period was on April 30, 2017, I took duphaston from cycle 16 to 25 for 3 months. 1 month after stopping duphaston, no periods. The test is negative. 6th day delay. Sometimes the lower abdomen and lower back hurt, but there is no MS. It's strange what could happen. Who had this happen?

  • Martina:

    10/11/2017 at 12:26

    Hello everybody! Let me tell you my story: I was prescribed Duphaston for a follicular cyst. I have been suffering with it for 5 years now... that is, no, and ovulation is rare. I’m planning a pregnancy, so I started looking for a treatment method to normalize ovulation and, preferably, get rid of the cyst. They prescribed me Duphaston from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle, in the first month my periods came as expected, same day as the previous ones.. In the second month I took it according to the schedule, but it’s already the 10th day and I haven’t had my period, my stomach started hurting 4 days ago just on the days when The menstrual days were supposed to come, and the breasts on the sides hurt, they even seemed to have increased a little (but it’s always like that before menstruation), but other than pain, nothing, silence for now.. I’m skeptical about hormonal drugs, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a side effect from Duphaston .. I’ll wait a couple more days and go for an ultrasound. In general, I think that each of us intuitively always knows better whether we are better off with the drug or, on the contrary, something is wrong. I advise you not to get carried away with such things, and not to drink it (Duf.) for a long time.. No matter what is supposed to happen, it will happen! . But, well done, girls, we are trying.. I’m sure we will be rewarded!!! =))) Good luck to everyone and don’t worry too much! ;)

  • Delay due to misuse or misdiagnosis

    Pathological delays caused by the use of Duphaston occur in two situations:

    • if the doctor makes an incorrect diagnosis;
    • when a girl takes medication uncontrollably.

    A delay can be recognized if a negative test was noted after Duphaston and there is no menstruation. They may simply not appear, which indicates the futility of the therapy. Or they may disappear during treatment, which will indicate a deterioration in the patient’s reproductive health.

    Very rarely the delay is associated with random external factors:

    • stress;
    • climatic changes;
    • excessive physical activity and others.

    Having discovered a similar problem, a woman should immediately go to the doctor

    . The sooner the recovery process is started or the real cause of the pathology is discovered, the greater the girl’s chances of remaining fertile. When taking Duphaston, delay is an important factor that requires a comprehensive examination.

    What is Duphaston prescribed for?

    Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. The drug affects the neurons of the female body that are sensitive to it. Most often used for menstrual irregularities and constant delays. When there is a threat of miscarriage, Progesterone relaxes the uterus, thereby increasing the chances of its normal development. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the level of the hormone in the blood. If progesterone is normal, and the cause of the pathology is other diseases, then its use is inappropriate. Today, the medication is often taken in combination with other drugs. The following diseases are recommended for use:

    • ovarian dysfunction;
    • pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
    • severe and sharp pain during menstruation;
    • endometriosis;
    • menstrual irregularities, constant delays or excessive bleeding two or more times a month.

    Indications for use

    Duphaston is prescribed for various abnormalities in the functioning of the female body caused by a lack of progesterone. There are several main situations when correction of hormonal balance with this drug is necessary:

    • Hormonal imbalances identified based on test results at the stage of pregnancy planning. Lack of progesterone can cause infertility; prescribing Duphostan will help overcome problems with conception and minimize the risks of complications in the first trimester of pregnancy.
    • Multiple cases of termination of pregnancy at its initial stage. The cause of this pathology is most often a dysfunction of the corpus luteum, in which progesterone is synthesized. As a result, the uterine endometrium does not develop normally, it loses the ability to retain the attached fertilized egg.
    • Endometrial proliferation , which occurs as a result of a lack of progesterone in the body. This condition threatens its detachment and massive bleeding. Duphaston acts on the receptors of the uterine mucosa, preventing the pathological process. The danger of the disease lies in the possibility of degeneration of enlarged endometrial cells into cancerous ones.

    The use of the drug in such situations does not affect the menstrual cycle and does not interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg in the event of pregnancy.

    • During pregnancy, Duphaston can be prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage due to increased tone of the uterine muscles . In addition, progesterone prepares the female body for the lactation period and improves the condition of the uterine lining, thereby preparing it for the upcoming birth.
    • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle and severe pain in the lower abdomen a few days before the onset of menstruation and at the beginning of menstruation . This condition is often associated with changes in hormonal balance, and the use of these tablets helps in solving these problems.
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome. The cause of this pathology in most cases is also a hormonal imbalance, in particular, insufficient production of progesterone. During pregnancy that occurs against the background of polycystic ovary syndrome, there is a high probability of termination in the early stages or premature birth in the later stages.

    The cycle of a woman with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)
    To prevent such conditions in the first trimester, the prescription of Duphaston may be indicated; in later stages, progesterone synthesis occurs in the placenta, which to a certain extent normalizes the hormonal balance.

    • In some cases, this remedy may be part of a complex of therapy for menopause. In this case, it is prescribed to correct hormonal levels and alleviate unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

    For information on the use of progesterone during pregnancy, watch this video:

    Lack of menstruation while taking it

    In this case, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test. If the result is positive, you should consult a doctor to adjust the use of the drug, since its sudden withdrawal can provoke termination of pregnancy. If the result is negative, you need to repeat the test a few days later, since it may not detect the pregnancy hormone the first time at too early a stage. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, doctors often recommend not stopping Duphaston before the onset of menstruation.

    If the test is negative even after a few days, then the cause may be self-prescription of the drug. It is important to follow the rules for taking it and do it on certain days of the cycle. If you start taking the medicine before ovulation occurs, progesterone will block it. The second phase of the menstrual cycle will not occur, which will lead to a delay.

    There are other reasons why menstruation does not come, independent of taking Duphaston. Some of them:

    • inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs;
    • oncological diseases;
    • intoxication of the body.

    Additionally, the examination may reveal:

    • Galactorrhea. A disease affecting certain brain centers in the hypothalamus responsible for the production of prolactin. Such a deviation stimulates a decrease in the formation of follicle-stimulating hormone, which leads to a state of lactational amenorrhea.
    • Disorders in the hypothalamus. Lead to deficiency of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone. This is fraught with disruption of the functioning of the uterus.
    • Disorders in the pituitary gland that lead to a lack of the hormone thyrotropin or thyroid hormone. These substances are regulated by the functions of the thyroid gland. When their level decreases, menstruation does not occur.
    • Amenorrhea of ​​the uterus. The disease occurs due to damage to the endometrium as a result of interventions. The inner side of the uterus is covered with scar tissue, which prevents the endometrium from growing sufficiently and does not detach it in the form of menstrual bleeding.

    Minor reasons for the delay may be late ovulation and lack of estrogen.

    Additional reasons for missed periods

    Delayed menstruation in the absence of pregnancy can also be caused by other reasons. For example, this may happen in the following situations:

    • infectious diseases in the pelvic organs;
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • intoxication of the body due to poisoning with medicinal or toxic substances.

    The delay after discontinuation of Duphaston may be caused by one of these reasons, but all of them are easily determined during examination. After eliminating the cause and carrying out the necessary treatment, in most cases the menstrual cycle and hormone ratio easily return to normal.

    If you don't have your period

    Menstruation is the logical and correct end of the cycle. Its absence indicates that disturbances are occurring in the body. In order to diagnose pathology, the following examinations are carried out:

    • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
    • hormone analysis;
    • examination of the brain and thyroid gland;
    • checking compliance of the drug intake with the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

    It is unacceptable to leave such a situation unattended.

    Under normal conditions, menstruation begins from the next cycle after starting to take Duphaston. If they are not there, then you need to wait a few days. If the cycle was irregular before the medication was prescribed, then a delay of up to 10 days is normal.

    You should urgently contact a gynecologist if your period does not come after 10 days. The doctor may prescribe additional medications for treatment and correction of hormonal levels.

    Minor delays while taking Duphaston are normal. Most often, the drug is taken to increase the likelihood of conception. If the drug is used for more than 6 months, but pregnancy does not occur, it is necessary to undergo a detailed examination to eliminate the cause.

    When there is no need to take pills

    If your period is absent for less than 7 days, most likely the cause of the irregularities lies in the following:

    • Use of hormonal contraceptives;
    • Excessive physical activity.
    • Stress.
    • Abrupt climate change.
    • Obesity or underweight;
    • Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages;
    • Abuse of diets, improperly planned diet.

    A one-time delay is not a serious deviation, so drug treatment is not required. To restore the menstrual cycle, you need to eliminate the negative factor. If your period is delayed for a long time (more than a week), it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe an examination and identify the cause of the disorders, so that negative consequences can be avoided.

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