Discharge during pregnancy at 38 weeks in the form of snot in women

38 weeks is how many months? - that’s a full 9 months! At this time, although your pregnancy is not yet complete, you can give birth at any time. You may have noticed that your belly has dropped, and this is because your baby is already preparing for labor (called "lightning"), although the time of labor may be different for each woman. Now that the baby is fully developed, he weighs about 3.1 kg and is about 48.9 centimeters long. Yes, he is ready to say hello to the outside world! Childbirth at 38 weeks of pregnancy is possible, and the baby has every chance of survival.

Harbingers of imminent birth:

  • the stomach drops;
  • pressure on the stomach and diaphragm is reduced;
  • appetite appears;
  • a thirst for activity appears and so on.

But there are also unpleasant companions to the prenatal process: swelling increases, anxiety increases, sleep deteriorates, and false contractions appear.
It is important to learn to distinguish real contractions from false ones. The pain from the latter spreads only to the abdomen and does not radiate to the back or pelvis. You can check them very simply: just move a little or change position, this will ease the condition and relieve discomfort if the contractions are false.

Expectant mothers, especially those giving birth for the first time, are concerned about the question “How can I understand that I am starting to give birth?” The answer is simple - listen to your body and notice the slightest changes. The harbingers of labor look like this:

  • the stomach drops;
  • the breathing process is facilitated;
  • the uterus is toned;
  • weight loss is noted;
  • discharge appears or increases;
  • the mucus plug comes off;
  • trips to the toilet become more frequent;
  • False contractions become more and more intense, this is a kind of training of the uterine muscles.

The final chord for departure to the maternity hospital will be the release of amniotic fluid.

As for the birth itself, each woman experiences it differently. Some can do it on their own in 40 minutes, others take an hour or more. If the contractions are weak or disappear altogether, then doctors try to induce labor artificially by injecting special stimulating drugs. In some cases, a caesarean section has to be performed.

The indication can be both the state of health of the mother in labor (often the woman initially knows that she will undergo this operation) and complications that arise before or during childbirth. Now you know enough not to be afraid of anything and boldly go to the maternity hospital to finally see your baby and experience this long-awaited happiness.

And yet, if childbirth is to occur on one of the days of the 38th week, it would be nice to be fully prepared for it. And you can prepare for childbirth by discovering its harbingers, which in any case, to one degree or another, will appear by this time. Moreover, there are actually quite a few harbingers of childbirth.

A stoppage of weight or a complete decrease in weight will indicate that labor is imminent: shortly before the start of labor, five minutes before, the mother may discover that her body weight has decreased by 1-2 kg. As the weight stops or even decreases, a decrease in appetite or its complete absence is possible. Sometimes a woman literally forces herself to eat, because she doesn’t feel like eating at all.

It is likely that shortly before giving birth you will notice a slight increase in discharge with the presence of mucus - particles of the mucus plug. The mucus can be beige, pinkish, or brownish in color. The fact is that when the uterus opens and contracts, small vessels rupture, which explains the coloring of the discharge.

Childbirth can also be preceded by prolapse of the abdomen - the baby moves closer to the birth canal and presses its head against the bottom of the uterus. In this regard, the uterus stops putting pressure on the internal organs, mommy’s breathing becomes easier, and heartburn disappears. But there is a need for more frequent urination - having dropped, the uterus puts pressure on the bladder. And, since the baby’s head is pressed tightly against the pelvis, you will probably feel pressure in the sacral area and nagging pain in the groin.

Causes of discharge

If pregnancy in the last two weeks of gestation has led to the appearance of nagging pain, then many mothers begin to prepare for childbirth. But more often, such painful cramping urges are just training; they are still weak, so they cannot push the fetus out of the uterus. Mommy needs to ask the doctor in as much detail as possible about painful training contractions in order to be able to distinguish them from signs of the beginning of labor.

When an infection occurs, the vaginal secretion may become cheesy, acquire purulent or flaky inclusions, as well as an unpleasant and even foul odor. Such symptoms require urgent consultation with a doctor, otherwise infection of the fetus may occur. Such conditions must be treated. In general, the cause of the appearance of unusual discharge in later stages is fungal or inflammatory infections, rupture of water or the passage of a mucus plug. Also, discharge may appear after sexual intercourse or as a precursor. In any case, if unusual discharge occurs, you should have an unscheduled examination by a gynecologist.

Fungal pathologies: candidiasis

If vaginal discharge acquires a cheesy consistency and a sour smell, then such manifestations often indicate the development of thrush. Gynecologists diagnose vaginal candidiasis in approximately half of pregnant patients. Moreover, women often unsuccessfully try to cure the pathology. Against the background of thrush, the discharge from the vagina becomes intensely white, in appearance it resembles a curd mass. Such discharge greatly irritates the genital mucous membranes, resulting in symptoms such as redness, itching, discomfort, burning when urinating, etc.

If a similar fungal infection is discovered shortly before delivery, then urgent treatment is necessary. The cause of exacerbation of thrush at such a late stage is previously incorrectly treated pathology or a recurrent course of the disease. Usually, mothers are prescribed Diflucan, Terzhinan or Pimafucin, etc. Doctors also recommend washing with saline or soda solutions. But pregnant women should not douche for candidiasis, otherwise there is a risk of fungal pathogens entering the uterine body, which is dangerous for infecting the baby. Self-medication for candidiasis is strictly unacceptable; a course of therapy should be prescribed by a gynecologist.

Inflammatory infections

The appearance of yellow discharge at 38 weeks may indicate serious illness. This discharge may be mistaken for thick vaginal mucus.

  • Unlike the norm, pathological mucus emits an extremely unpleasant odor and also causes itchy irritation on the genitals.
  • Sometimes pregnant women notice the appearance of pain in the lumbar region and pelvic structures. A similar clinical picture indicates the addition of an infectious process.
  • Infection can enter the body during unprotected intimacy, which is why it is so important to use barrier protection during sexual intercourse during pregnancy.
  • Sometimes it happens that the infection is present in the mother’s body even before conception, and during pregnancy it becomes chronic and worsens, which is much more dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus, because chronic inflammation is almost impossible to completely cure.

In complex forms, antibacterial drugs such as Naxogin, Amoxicillin, etc. are prescribed. In severe forms, a cesarean section is indicated so that the baby safely avoids infection while moving through the birth canal.

Placenta previa or abruption

A dangerous condition for a pregnant woman is the appearance of bloody discharge. At the end of gestation, such manifestations can also threaten dangerous complications. Pathology can be confirmed using an ultrasound examination, as well as during a gynecological examination. Placental abruption can be provoked by quite a variety of factors such as sexual intercourse, severe gestosis, physical overload and stressful conditions.

Placental abruption can also occur due to its presentation - an extremely dangerous condition for the fetus and the woman. Approximately 7-25% of patients diagnosed with complete presentation experience perinatal mortality, and in 3% of cases, maternal death occurs from uncontrolled bleeding of hemorrhagic shock. In case of presentation, placental tissues are formed not in the upper uterine region, but in the area of ​​the pharynx. When the uterus begins to actively grow, the inelastic placenta does not have time to stretch, so the vessels around the uterine os begin to rupture and detachment occurs.

Sexual discharge during detachment of placental tissues can be abundant, although sometimes it can be quite scanty. In case of detachment, the patient urgently needs emergency medical care, which usually comes down to delivery by cesarean section. In very difficult cases, the uterine body is also removed along with the fetus.

Plug exit

If at 38 weeks the mother finds a clot of pinkish mucus on her underwear, then this sign indicates the release of the mucus plug. This happens especially often after undergoing a gynecological examination in a gynecologist’s chair. The doctor just needs to assess the softness and degree of cervical dilatation, the readiness of the cervical canal for the upcoming labor. To do this, the doctor needs to insert his fingers into the cervical canal, which leads to damage to the mucous plug. Therefore, after a few days it partially comes out.

Pinkish or brownish mucous discharge at 38 weeks is not considered pathological if there are no additional suspicious symptoms. But the removal of the cork indicates an imminent meeting with the baby. Therefore, it is worth packing things for the maternity hospital in advance, so that when labor begins you can go to the hospital urgently. By the way, after the plug comes out, mothers should not take a bath, use vaginal suppositories or pills, and during sexual intercourse they must use a condom.

Outpouring of waters

Sometimes at 38 weeks, mothers experience copious watery discharge, which indicates the release of amniotic fluid.

  • If such conditions occur, you must go to the maternity hospital immediately, since they indicate the beginning of the birth process.
  • It is impossible to predict exactly when the outpouring will begin; this process is completely unpredictable. It occurs painlessly and suddenly.
  • When the amniotic sac ruptures, the woman notices a copious discharge of clear or greenish fluid.
  • A greenish tint indicates oxygen starvation of the baby, so you should urgently go to the doctor.

The main thing is not to panic. Immediately after separation, girls usually begin to experience contractions. Weak at first, then frequent and strong. Mommy should remember that the outpouring of water is considered the beginning of the birth process, which cannot be stopped, so you cannot hesitate. The less time the baby spends without amniotic fluid, the better for him.

Opening of the cervical canal

The appearance of pinkish discharge at 38 weeks indicates the opening of the cervical canal. This process is controlled by prostaglandin substances. The discharge of amniotic fluid or the passage of the cervical plug may not occur. By the end of gestation, the cervix softens, and its canal expands, the tissues become loose and become more sensitive. When the doctor performs a gynecological examination, trauma may occur, which will be accompanied by pinkish discharge.

When such a manifestation appears, you need to carefully monitor your sensations. Usually such leucorrhoea is harmless and short-lived. You just need to calm down, relax as much as possible, it won’t hurt to get a good night’s sleep and rest. If the symptoms do not go away, the spotting intensifies, and painful sensations appear in the uterus, then you need to collect documents and go to the maternity hospital.

After sexual intercourse

Sometimes unusual discharge bothers mothers after sexual intercourse. After ejaculation, seminal fluid, which has a fairly thick consistency, is released into the uterus. After a few minutes, the seminal fluid mixes with the female secretion, liquefies, and begins to gradually flow out. Some mothers confuse such discharge with amniotic fluid leakage.

At 38 weeks, it is better to avoid sexual intercourse without a condom. This will help avoid such a symptom. In addition, if the mucus plug has come away, then sexual intercourse without barrier contraception is dangerous due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine body. If, in addition to discharge after sexual intercourse, you feel discomfort and persistent cramping pain, then you need to go to the hospital.

Harbingers of childbirth

Often, discharge occurs as a precursor to labor. Typically, such conditions occur in almost all patients, although childbirth also occurs quite often without them. Characteristic signs of precursors include various conditions:

  1. Increased vaginal discharge;
  2. Stopping weight or even losing one or two kilograms;
  3. Sagging of the abdomen, which leads to noticeable relief of breathing.

Delivery at this time is considered completely natural, exactly on time. From this point on, delivery can occur at any time. You can understand its onset by the opening of uterine bleeding.

A little theory

Discharge usually intensifies at 38 weeks of pregnancy. However, the amount of cervical fluid generally becomes larger at the very beginning of the period. Why is this happening?

When a female and a male cell meet in the body of a representative of the fairer sex, conception occurs. During this period, the corpus luteum, located in the ovary, actively produces progesterone. Under the influence of this hormone, the tone of the uterus is normalized, the endometrium becomes thicker, and the muscle organs relax.

During this period, a mucus plug begins to form. The amount of mucus increases, and some of it remains in the cervix. This formation will accumulate its volume until the last weeks of pregnancy. This plug allows you to protect the baby’s developing body from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. It is worth noting that not all women experience this lump. Many people have no idea that there was some kind of blockage in their body.

Condition of the fetus at 38-39 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

Although childbirth can occur on any day of this week, until it occurs, the pregnancy continues. How is your baby doing?

In male children, by this time the boy's testicles have already descended into the scrotum, but if this has not happened by the time of birth, there may be difficulties in the future. So the doctor should definitely check this “nuance” in the baby.

The original stool meconium is already formed by the 38th week of pregnancy. The small intestine will push it out after birth, but it may hurry up: then the black-green mass goes directly into the amniotic fluid, the baby can swallow it, and the baby’s body in this case is also covered with greenish mucus.

However, now the baby has already become very beautiful! The facial features have been sharpened, the skin has acquired a pleasant pinkish tint, smoothed out, the original fluff and grease have almost disappeared, and hair has probably grown on the head. You can find information about the eye color of a newborn: most of them are born with light eyes, but very often the iris later darkens.

You obviously noticed that the baby has become less active - for good reason. There is very little space left, but it continues to grow! At week 38, the weight of the fetus is more than 3 kg, and the height exceeds 50 cm. Naturally, these are average data, and you need to focus more on the “dimensions” of mom and dad at birth.

Listen to the movements. Firstly, these are the last moments of enjoying this sensation. Secondly, if the child does not show any signs, you need to inform the doctor.

In general, by the 38th week of pregnancy, although the baby is not so active, its movements are detected by the mother very well. In half a day, if everything is fine with the baby and he does not experience any difficulties, the baby will make itself known about 10-12 times. If the baby kicks much more often, or, on the contrary, calms down, consult a doctor immediately.

Future mom

Perhaps you are worried about upcoming contractions: how to recognize them so as not to mistake them for false ones. Be calm in this sense: you are unlikely to “sleep through” childbirth. Real contractions are more painful and noticeable; they are repeated periodically, increasing in frequency and intensity.

As for the baby, by this time he gains weight from 3 kilograms or more, grows at least 47 cm, and loses the vernix and lanugo (fine body hair). Its development is complete, all internal organs are formed. The lungs are prepared for the first breath, the heart is prepared for the blood supply to the body.

The level of development of the kidneys, intestines and brain also indicates the ability and readiness for birth and independent life outside the mother’s belly. The skin is smooth and pink. He already feels his mother’s mood and can adopt it.

During this period, the norm for fetal weight gain is considered to be no more than 30 grams per day. He still receives food through the placenta.

Hair and nails continue to grow. The latter can create some discomfort in the form of scratches. In the ultrasound photo you can already see a fully formed person.

At this time, he begins to change his position and tries to position himself with his head forward. More than 95% of babies are born this way. With the help of special exercises you can help him lie down correctly. But he moves less and less, because day by day he becomes more and more cramped. The uterus, which surrounds him quite tightly, interferes. He makes no more than 10 movements a day, and tries more and more to rest. After all, there is still childbirth ahead.

But this does not mean that you should not listen to the baby’s movements. Don’t be afraid to contact your gynecologist if you feel like you haven’t felt any movement or kicks for a long time.

Height, weight of the child and frequency of movements

By this stage of pregnancy, your baby becomes less active. There is very little room left in mom’s belly, but your big baby continues to grow!

The baby’s movements and movements at 38 weeks of pregnancy are very well felt by the mother, do not forget to monitor his activity. In 12 hours, if the child does not experience any difficulties, he reminds his mother about himself up to 10 times with jerks.

If the baby pushes more actively or calms down for several hours, consult a doctor immediately!

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus can be more than 3 kilograms, and the height can be 50 cm. These are fairly average indicators, since here you need to focus more on the data of the baby’s parents at birth.

What is the norm?

Is discharge always normal at 38 weeks of pregnancy? Certainly not. Every expectant mother needs to know what is normal and when it comes to a pathological process. Be sure to visit a doctor and find out in more detail about your discharge. What should they be like normally?

During the entire period, a woman may notice thin or creamy discharge. They are light in color and resemble milk in appearance. Also, this mucus has virtually no odor. Sometimes a representative of the fairer sex can say that they smell of slightly sour milk. The consistency of such mucus is always homogeneous.

It does not contain lumps, blood or other impurities. This situation is normal. Any deviation from the described picture may indicate pathology. However, if you are already 37-38 weeks pregnant, there may be other discharge. Let's consider the possible reasons for the appearance of this or that mucus discharged from the vagina.

Causes of mucus formation

Ekaterina, 24 years old: “Hello. I'm now in my ninth week. In the last couple of days I have noticed thick mucous discharge in the form of snot. Does anyone know why they might have appeared and is this normal? Marina, 30 years old: “Hello everyone. Tell me, during pregnancy, is discharge that looks like snot and has no odor dangerous?”

Hormonal changes

The mucous, transparent discharge itself is produced by glands that are located in the uterus and around the cervix. Their number varies according to periods of the menstrual cycle. This happens before conception. After it, everything changes a little, since the hormonal background no longer depends on the phase of the cycle, but increasingly on the duration of pregnancy. Thus, mucous discharge in pregnant women is the result of increased hormone production.

This process begins from the moment of ovulation. At this time, the sexual secretion has a watery consistency and is abundant. Such changes create a favorable environment for fertilization. After conception itself, progesterone is responsible for the secretion of mucus. It is this hormone that is responsible for the safety and development of the fetus. If there is a deficiency, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Towards the middle of pregnancy, estrogen comes into play. This hormone slightly changes the intensity and consistency of mucus.

It must be remembered that the listed processes are not accompanied by any uncomfortable sensations for the woman. They are among the natural and not causing concern.

Inflammatory process

Discharge in the form of mucus during pregnancy can also appear as a result of one or another inflammatory process. Among these are increased proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, diseases of the genitourinary system, genital tract infections, systemic and some chronic diseases, etc.

Signs that complement this symptom, together with test results, can give a clearer picture of the condition of the expectant mother.

Below we will take a closer look at how to distinguish normal discharge from pathological discharge by color, consistency and, of course, the period of pregnancy.

Discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy: possible causes. Doctor's advice and recommendations

At 39 weeks, the baby changes his position, he presses his knees to his chin, turns his head down and prepares to go out. By this time, a woman has also long been ready for childbirth; she may often be visited by harbingers of childbirth, vaguely reminiscent of true contractions.

If the plug comes off, minor spotting may appear at 39 weeks of pregnancy. Usually at this stage the mother literally lives “out of a suitcase” and is ready to go to the maternity hospital at any moment.

She constantly listens to her feelings and waits for the onset of labor, although some at this stage, on the contrary, begin to be very worried and afraid of childbirth.

It is important to monitor your diet throughout the gestation period.

Giving birth soon

At the thirty-ninth week, the baby is already fully formed and strengthened. A woman stops gaining weight and may even lose a little weight, as her body prepares for the upcoming birth.

Many mothers noted that at this stage, a couple of days before giving birth, they suddenly had a strong desire to redo all their household chores and their well-being noticeably improved.

Therefore, if an unexpected desire appears to carry out general cleaning, it is worth knowing that the woman will begin to give birth in a day or two.

By this time, the baby is no less tired than you of living in a cramped stomach, because there is not enough room for him to straighten up. He cannot move properly; his arms and legs are constantly bent.

Therefore, when leaving home, try to take documents and an exchange card with you, and it is better not to go anywhere alone.

Almost the entire pregnancy is now over, labor can begin at any minute. Mommy is already accustomed to constant aching pain in the lower back, bones and muscle tissue.

The body has already become accustomed to excess weight, although the high load on the vertebrae, pelvis and back has not yet disappeared.

It is recommended to talk more with the baby, because he hears well and understands everything perfectly.

  • The cervix shortens so that at the right moment it can quickly open and release the baby;
  • The tummy drops noticeably, which brings the baby as close as possible to the exit of the uterus;
  • At week 39, painful sensations may dull somewhat, swelling stops, lower back ache and stomach pain stop, which indicates the onset of labor within the next few days;
  • Mom is often worried about training contractions, when the uterus begins to contract intensely, signs of contractions appear, which soon pass;
  • The tremors become less and less frequent, and the fetus noticeably drops down and presses on the perineum;
  • Since the uterus also descends, the pressure on the diaphragm and lungs decreases, so the woman’s breathing becomes easier;
  • Mucous discharge with bloody streaks may appear, which indicates that the plug is leaving the cervical canal;
  • The pressure on the bladder becomes simply unbearable, which forces mommy to run to the toilet much more often.

Smoking is very dangerous for the expectant mother; it negatively affects the development and growth of the fetus.

If a woman has a large belly, then it becomes very difficult for her to walk, as well as to do anything. Mommy is advised to rest more often and take warm baths to properly relax.

Usually, in first-time mothers, the tummy drops noticeably, but in those who are giving birth not for the first time, it may not drop until the onset of labor. The skin on the tummy is very stretched, which causes a lot of negative sensations in a woman, such as itching and flaking.

A clear pigment line runs vertically from the navel downwards, which will disappear on its own approximately 1-3 months after birth.

Stretch marks are also considered quite normal. If mommy monitored the condition of the skin, wore a bandage and lubricated the skin with special products against stretch marks, then there should be no stretch marks. If they are, then over time they will lighten and acquire the shade of normal skin, making them less noticeable.

Vaginal discharge requires special attention at 39 weeks of pregnancy. Some of them are completely physiological and do not cause any cause for concern.

They may vary in consistency, smell, color, structure and other parameters. In general, they can be divided into watery and mucous, curdled or bloody, and purulent.

The nature of the discharge can say a lot about the course of pregnancy and the condition of the mother.

During pregnancy at 39 weeks, bloody discharge can act either as a negative symptom or as a norm.

If the discharge is insignificant, it has a mucous structure and contains only streaks of blood, then this may indicate the gradual removal of the cervical plug, which protected the baby from external negative factors throughout the entire pregnancy.

But if the bleeding is more pronounced or abundant, then this may indicate the development of premature placental abruption. This condition requires urgent medical attention.

To relax them, it is recommended to take a No-shpa tablet and go to the gynecologist.

Heavy bleeding may also indicate the presence of intrauterine bleeding, which also requires urgent intervention by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

A brownish tint to the discharge may occur after sexual intercourse or a medical examination. Typically, such discharge goes away on its own the next day.

Brown discharge may indicate that labor has begun within the next two hours.

White discharge

Often, at 39 weeks of pregnancy, white discharge occurs, which can seriously frighten the mother.

  • Usually, if curdled whitish mucus is found on the underwear, which provokes unpleasant discomfort in the perineum and irritation of the external genital organs, then they speak of the development of candidiasis.
  • At such a late stage of gestation, thrush can be dangerous for the baby, because during delivery he may well become infected with such an unpleasant fungal disease from the mother.
  • For the pregnant woman herself, candidiasis during childbirth is dangerous because the pathology leads to softening of the vaginal tissues, as a result of which the woman in labor can suffer many injuries and ruptures during delivery.
  • With candidiasis, leucorrhoea has a characteristic sour smell, so it is difficult to confuse it with any other discharge.

If a pregnant woman develops thrush, she must be treated before delivery in order to protect the baby from infection, which is fraught with large-scale candidal lesions of the mucous membranes of the eyes, oral cavity, etc.

It is important to do all checks and analyzes in a timely manner

If a woman finds clear watery discharge on her underwear at the end of pregnancy, this may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid.

Normally, within 3 days from the moment such discharge appears, the labor process should completely end, and if the waters break quickly, then delivery should occur within the next 24 hours.

Otherwise, there is a real risk of complications in the baby or infection.

If the leakage is insignificant, then it is quite difficult to determine it. To determine the nature of such secretions, special tests are used, which work on the principle of determining the acidity of secreted liquids.

Normally, amniotic fluid is neutral in acidity, while vaginal discharge is acidic in nature.

Leakage can occur for various reasons. This condition is caused by sexually transmitted infections, tobacco smoking, uterine anomalies, insufficiency of cervical activity, abnormal embryonic position, etc.

It is impossible to stop the leakage of water on your own, so it is better to consult a doctor who can understand the reasons for this phenomenon and eliminate possible negative consequences if the time of labor has not yet arrived and the leakage is in no way connected with the onset of labor.

Unusual discharge

Also during pregnancy, including at 39 weeks, a woman may experience yellowish-white discharge, which usually indicates an increase in hormonal substances that support pregnancy.

In general, such discharge is considered normal if it does not have an unpleasant odor.

If a pregnant woman is bothered by yellowish, greenish or other foul-smelling discharge, this may indicate the development of a pathology such as an infection of bacterial origin, inflammatory processes in the tissues of the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

The mother needs to have time to undergo treatment before giving birth in order to avoid adverse consequences for the child, such as infection.

Due to the weakness and vulnerability of the infant body, the treatment of such infections in newborns is difficult, and the disease itself occurs with complications. Therefore, it is better to prevent the baby from becoming infected than to treat him for a long time and painfully.

Your baby

A characteristic feature of this period is a decrease in the child’s motor activity. He has already grown, there is absolutely not enough space in his stomach, because he occupies the entire uterine cavity.

  • The baby's weight is already close to 3 kilograms, and his height is about half a meter. These indicators may vary slightly depending on the individual characteristics of the parents.
  • All the baby’s intraorganic systems are already able to fully function outside the mother’s womb; the first feces, formed as a result of the baby’s ingestion of amniotic fluid, are already appearing in the intestines. Such feces will leave the body naturally after the baby is born.
  • The central nervous system has not yet been fully developed; all processes to improve the nervous system structures will continue after birth.
  • The baby does not yet have its own microflora in the intestines; it will appear only after the mother’s milk enters the body.
  • The baby already knows how to distinguish between night and day, he feels touches and changes in the psycho-emotional state of the mother, so excessive worries and stress are not at all useful for the baby.
  • The baby lives according to a certain schedule of sleep and wakefulness, and already knows how to focus his vision and suck his finger. By the way, the formation of the sucking reflex is very important, because it is necessary for adequate nutrition immediately after birth.
  • The baby's skin has acquired a natural shade and is no longer translucent, the wrinkles are gradually smoothing out, and there is hair on the head.

Watery discharge during pregnancy: normal or pathological?

The period of bearing a long-awaited baby is one of the most important stages in a woman’s life. Dramatic changes are taking place in her world, in particular in her body. Any changes alarm the expectant mother.

The most common phenomenon, which is accompanied by numerous questions, is various types of vaginal discharge. Watery discharge during pregnancy is both normal and pathological.

Let's figure out in which cases the appearance of such a sign is worth worrying about, and in which cases it is not.

Causes of watery discharge during pregnancy

Gynecologist-obstetricians say that mostly clear and white liquid discharge during pregnancy is normal, provided that it is not bloody and is not accompanied by painful sensations. They can be odorless or with its presence, viscous or like water. The latter are the most common.

Having discovered these in yourself, you should immediately exclude the leakage of amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid has a specific sweetish odor and a distinct yellow tint.

If these characteristics are present, you should immediately consult a doctor, since this is a threat to the fetus and mother.

Not all women are able to detect leakage of amniotic fluid, so if you have detected intense discharge, read the article “how to distinguish amniotic fluid from normal heavy discharge”

The mucous membrane covering the female genital organs produces mucus throughout life. This mucus, which is produced by the secretions of the cervix, is called cervical. At different periods, these secretions have different consistencies.

For example, the first day of the menstrual cycle is characterized by liquid discharge such as water. It is this that facilitates easy penetration of sperm to fertilize the egg.

With the onset of ovulation, this is a thicker, transparent secretion that performs a barrier function, protecting the internal environment from germs, various infections and bacteria, which helps protect the future embryo.

Discharge at different stages of pregnancy

Depending on the period of gestation, watery discharge occurs during pregnancy and changes its character. Transparent discharge during pregnancy throughout the entire period of gestation is considered normal. All these changes are caused by a shift in the hormonal balance and the dominance of certain hormones.

Liquid secretion in the first trimester (1st - 12th week)

It is under the active influence of the hormone progesterone that discharge in the early stages of pregnancy is so abundant. The secretion during the period from 5 to 10 weeks of pregnancy becomes thicker and more viscous thanks to this hormone.

Watery discharge in the early stages should not be excessively liquid.

Women who have watery discharge during early pregnancy should be aware that the presence of such discharge may indicate inflammation or another ailment.

At this stage, the secretion should not differ from usual, it has no odor, is not viscous, does not have a cheesy consistency, and is quite scanty. The presence of this symptom is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Please note that the first month of pregnancy can sometimes still be accompanied by spotting. In 8% of cases, it is possible to maintain menstruation until the fifth to seventh week of this situation.

Watery discharge in the second trimester (13 - 27 weeks)

But discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester becomes more liquid, and there is no need to worry about this.

At week 13, mucus begins to be produced by secretions already under the active influence of estrogens, which make it thinner and more watery. It is odorless and, as a rule, is not accompanied by pain or other uncomfortable symptoms.

Secretions released under the influence of hormonal changes make them more watery, and this is normal.


Do not forget that the eleventh and 25th weeks of pregnancy are the two most important, turning points, and it is at these moments that you should especially pay attention to the nature of the secretion.

Discharge in the second trimester usually does not have a specific odor. If there is an unpleasant odor, it is better to consult a doctor.

Discharge like water in the third trimester (28 - 40 weeks)

In the third trimester, the amount of secretion products continues to increase. The mucus produced is still controlled by estrogen, the level of which will increase almost twentyfold and increase the amount of liquid discharge at 35-37 weeks of pregnancy.

This hormone affects the cervix, where mucous secretions are located. As a result, the mucus becomes liquid and more like urine, as it acquires a slightly yellow tint.

Discharge at the 25th week of pregnancy and all subsequent ones are the result of active estrogen production. They are abundant and reach maximum liquefaction at 38-39 weeks.

When is watery mucus a pathology?

The above changes in the nature of mucus secreted at all stages of the “interesting situation” are the norm. If you notice any deviations or changes, this may be a sign of a gynecological disease or pathology.

Mucus can be of a certain nature and accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Acquiring a certain shade. It can be dark yellow, brown, green, reddish. Clear discharge during pregnancy is the norm; anything else is a reason to consult a specialist.
  2. Change in consistency and structure. If sticky discharge is noticeable, foamy, cheesy, or with lumps, these are signs of pathology.
  3. An unpleasant odor (rotten, sweetish, fishy, ​​milky) may indicate an infection.
  4. Painful sensations, swelling, itching, burning, irritation, neoplasms in the mucous membranes also indicate abnormalities.
  5. Pain when urinating, a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, an increase in body temperature can also be a reason to consult a doctor.

Hygiene during intense liquid discharge

While carrying a child, the female body is especially vulnerable to attack by infections, bacteria and microbes. It is extremely important to prevent them from getting inside, which most often occurs through the genitals. Therefore, if clear discharge occurs during this special position, be sure to observe the following hygiene rules:

  1. You need to shower at least twice a day. Since secretions block and trap foreign organisms, they need to be washed off and eliminated as often as possible. If it is not possible to use a shower, then you should at least wash yourself every 3-4 hours.
  2. Change your underwear as often as possible.
  3. Use special intimate hygiene products with natural ingredients that maintain the pH balance of the skin and mucous membranes.
  4. The use of daily sanitary pads is recommended. But their choice should be approached with special attention. You should choose the highest quality products that do not contain artificial impregnations and synthetic materials.

By following these simple recommendations, you will avoid troubles in the form of infections.

Source: https://MesyachnyeDni.ru/vydeleniya/beremennosti/vodyanistye-vydeleniya-pri-beremennosti.html

Fungal infection: thrush

White discharge at 38 weeks may indicate that a woman’s vagina is affected by a fungal infection. About half of expectant mothers experience thrush. At the same time, many representatives of the fairer sex have been trying unsuccessfully to cure the disease for a long time. During thrush, vaginal discharge becomes intensely white.

If such discharge is discovered at the end of pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out treatment as soon as possible. Often, drugs such as Pimafucin, Terzhinan, Diflucan, and so on are prescribed for this. Doctors also recommend using soda and saline solutions for washing. Douching, which is carried out by many expectant mothers, is strictly prohibited during this period. Otherwise, fungus and pathogenic microflora can enter the vagina and affect the baby.

Possible dangers at 38 weeks and useful recommendations

At 38 weeks of pregnancy they may become somewhat stronger. Also, at the end of the period, the consistency and color of vaginal mucus often changes. This article will tell you what discharge means at 38 weeks of pregnancy. You will also find out the opinions of doctors, gynecologists and obstetricians on this matter.

A little theory

When a female and a male cell meet in the body of a representative of the fairer sex, conception occurs. During this period, the corpus luteum, located in the ovary, actively produces progesterone. Under the influence of this hormone, the tone of the uterus is normalized, the endometrium becomes thicker, and the muscle organs relax. During this period, a mucus plug begins to form.

The amount of mucus increases, and some of it remains in the cervix. This formation will accumulate its volume until the last weeks of pregnancy. This plug allows you to protect the baby’s developing body from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. It is worth noting that not all women experience this lump.

Many people have no idea that there was some kind of blockage in their body.

It is important to understand that pregnancy is a normal physiological process, so careful adherence to your doctor’s recommendations and a healthy lifestyle will help you avoid many troubles and make this period enjoyable in all respects.

Follow your diet and carefully monitor your diet to protect yourself and the fetus from possible additional difficulties due to excess weight. Focus your diet on:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruits (but it is better to avoid citrus fruits, which can cause allergies in the baby);
  • fish and lean meat;
  • cottage cheese, cheese and other fermented milk products.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the health of the expectant mother and baby.

A few simple rules will help your body effectively combat swelling:

  • lie on your left side more often;
  • try to stand and sit in one position as little as possible;
  • taboo – crossed leg position;
  • reduce the amount of fluid consumed;
  • If unpleasant symptoms appear, it is recommended to lie down and put a pillow or a blanket under your feet.

If your breasts are bothering you and colostrum is leaking, purchase special pads and a bra. Moreover, it will be useful to you during the period of feeding your baby.

From the moment the mucus plug comes out, the risk of infection increases. You should protect yourself from any, even the most insignificant, threat: do not swim in stagnant bodies of water, and generally protect yourself from water, try not to go far from home.

Sex at 38 weeks of pregnancy is more beneficial, although doctors' opinions on this matter vary. On the one hand, it can cause pain, since the uterus has already begun to open. You should be careful and choose your poses more carefully. On the other hand, joy hormones are produced and blood circulation improves, which is good for both mother and baby. Very often, it is sex that stimulates labor, causing a surge of hormones. The cervix opens better and contractions are coordinated.

Doctors' recommendations

Liquid secretion at 38 weeks is considered normal. If the symptom is too disturbing, you need to contact a gynecologist, who, if necessary, will select the necessary treatment. Typically, gynecologists recommend moving more in the last weeks of pregnancy, which will provoke the expansion of the pelvic bones, which is necessary to facilitate childbirth.

For prevention, it is necessary to carry out sanitation of the genital tract, for which women are recommended Miramistin, Chlorhexidine or Hexicon. These products perfectly disinfect the vagina and protect the baby from possible infection during birth. It is useful to carry out sperm therapy. Male semen contains a lot of prostaglandins, which help soften the cervical canal. You can have sex with your spouse without protection until the plug comes out, but you need to be 100% confident in your partner.

Experts recommend lying on your left side more often, resting more, and avoiding physical and psycho-emotional overload. But the main recommendations for a pregnant woman at 38 weeks of gestation are calmness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which will help to carry her to term normally and give birth to a strong baby.

Source of the article: https://jdembaby.com/pregnancy/problems/vydeleniya-na-38-nedele.html

Inflammatory process: infection

If you are 38 weeks, yellow discharge may be a sign of a serious pathology. Such purulent discharge often takes on a thick consistency. In addition, expectant mothers notice an unpleasant odor and itching. Sometimes there is pain in the pelvic area. The inflammatory process may be a consequence of a recently acquired infection.

It is often transmitted during subsequent sexual contact. This is why it is so important to use condoms during pregnancy. When the pathology was acquired even before conception, we are talking about a chronic form. This is more dangerous for the woman and her baby. Chronic inflammatory process is almost impossible to cure.

What do doctors recommend doing in this case? Gynecologists prescribe treatment for the woman. In this case, antibacterial drugs are most often used: Metronidazole, Amoxicillin, Naxogin and many others. It is worth noting that in more severe cases, a woman is prescribed a caesarean section. This is necessary so that the baby can avoid infection during the genital tract. That is why it is so important to undergo examinations and cure all infections before conception.

If second birth

38th week of pregnancy, second birth: everything is easier and simpler here, both mentally and physically. She already has experience, the woman knows what to expect. But some women in labor report increased pain during contractions. As for the cervix, it opens faster.

Most second pregnancies end in childbirth at 38 weeks; few reach 40 weeks.

This period is the best time to start reading special literature about child care and upbringing.

Your baby's development at 38 weeks

Your baby is almost ready to meet you! At this stage, you will see your doctor more often so that he can check if your cervix is ​​dilating, if the baby is in the correct head-down position, if he has descended into the pelvic chamber, etc. Your baby is kicking regularly.

During this stage, your baby is still storing a layer of fat to help him control his body temperature after birth. All of your baby's organs are well developed, although his lungs will be the last to reach full maturity.

The white, oily lanugo that protected your baby's skin in the womb is now almost gone. Although the baby is perfectly proportioned, her eye color is still undetermined - and you may notice the color changing during the first months of her life.

Child size

The average baby weight at 38 weeks pregnant is about 3.1 kg and the average length is about 49.8 cm. Your baby is about the same size as a leek (in length).

The fine lanugo hair that covered your baby's body has mostly disappeared. But he may still have spots when he is born, especially on his forearms and shoulders. There may be small dimples in her elbows and knees, and she may now be able to grasp things tightly with her hands.

Inside, your baby is just waiting to come out as he is fully developed. He continues to inhale and digest the amniotic fluid that will become part of his first meconium. His lungs are stronger.

Some trivia: Did you know that your baby's eye color at birth is not their permanent eye color? Your eyes may appear brown or gray immediately after birth, but exposure to light will change this. His true eye color will be visible when he is one year old. This is because the pigmentation in her irises needs natural light outside the uterus to finish developing. This is not an instant transformation. It will take several weeks or longer before she gets her true eye color. The pattern and color of her irises are as unique as her fingerprints.

Detachment or presentation of the baby's place is a dangerous pathology

If you experience spotting at the end of pregnancy, this can be very dangerous. The first thing doctors think about when a woman approaches with such complaints is placental abruption. This pathology is diagnosed using ultrasound and gynecological examination. There can be many reasons for this complication: physical activity, sexual intercourse, stress, gestosis, and so on. What do doctors recommend in these cases?

When placental abruption occurs, a woman needs emergency care. A caesarean section is usually performed. In particularly difficult situations, it becomes necessary to remove the reproductive organ. It is worth noting that if there is a delay, there is a high probability of intrauterine death. This is why it is so important to see a doctor immediately if you have stomach pain and bloody discharge.

With placenta previa, bleeding is considered less dangerous than in the case described above. However, it requires hospitalization. Often, such women are prescribed a planned cesarean section, which helps to avoid complications such as premature placental abruption.

Plug coming out

If you have discharge after your 38 week checkup, it is most likely a mucus plug. As you already know, it forms at the very beginning of pregnancy. During an examination at this stage, the doctor assesses the dilation of the cervix, its softness and readiness for childbirth. In this case, the doctor needs to insert his fingers into the cervix to obtain accurate data.

Mucous brown discharge at 38 weeks is not something dangerous. If there are no additional disturbing symptoms, then there is no need to rush to the maternity hospital. However, the removal of the cork is a signal that the long-awaited meeting will happen very soon. All items must be collected in bags. Labor can begin within a few hours after the plug comes out.

Physiological features

During the entire period of gestation, women periodically note some changes in the nature of leucorrhoea. They may enlarge, acquire an abnormal consistency or foreign impurities. It is completely abnormal if the leucorrhoea becomes bloody; such cases require urgent gynecological intervention. Discharge at the 38th week of pregnancy is characterized by increased abundance, but there should normally be no bloody spots.

There is no need to panic if the mucous discharge has become more profuse than before conception, because so many changes occur in the pregnant body during these months that the abundance of discharge is considered a completely natural phenomenon. But in any case, the appearance of brown marks on the underwear should alert the patient. Such conditions require consultation with a doctor observing the patient.

At the thirty-eighth week, mucous leucorrhoea of ​​a transparent nature is considered the most common. By this time, the baby has already formed, so labor can begin at any time. Sometimes at 38 weeks, girls notice a clot of mucus, which indicates a plug has come out. This means that the body is preparing for childbirth in the near future. Moreover, labor can begin either a day or two after the plug comes out, or a week or two after this event. These periods are considered quite normal.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

If you experience heavy discharge (like water) at the end of pregnancy, you should immediately go to the maternity ward. The discharge of amniotic fluid occurs absolutely painlessly and unexpectedly. No expectant mother can accurately calculate the moment when this will happen. When the amniotic sac ruptures, copious discharge (like water) is observed.

Doctors recommend not to panic at this moment. Most likely, after the water breaks, the woman will go into labor. Remember that from this moment the birth process has begun. You will no longer be able to postpone the birth of your baby. Therefore, do not hesitate. The less time the baby spends in a waterless space, the better for him.

Cervical dilatation

Pink discharge at 38 weeks may indicate that the cervix has begun to dilate. This happens under the influence of prostaglandins. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary for the mucous plug to come out and the amniotic fluid to leak out. Often such discharge is preceded by a gynecological examination. At the very end of pregnancy, the cervix begins to soften.

If you are 37-38 weeks and have started to have pinkish discharge, then you need to listen to yourself. In most cases, they do not pose any danger and are a short-term process. Try to calm down and relax. Lie down and get some rest. If the symptom does not go away and the discharge intensifies, then you need to take documents and things and go to the maternity ward.

What do different shades of mucous discharge during pregnancy indicate?

Elena, 25 years old: “The discharge at 32 weeks of pregnancy is of some dull yellow color.
Plus there is a slight irritation of the skin below. Has anyone had this? Did you go to the doctor?” Nadezhda, 24 years old: “I started having discharge at 26 weeks of pregnancy, white, but quite thick. It burns a little there. Is this thrush? Karina, 23 years old: “Hello everyone. Help is needed. I wasn’t sick the whole time, everything was fine. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, some mucous discharge began. I think I read that the plug should come off, but I don’t know how it happens. Can you explain please!" Marina, 33 years old: “I know that brown discharge at 36 weeks of pregnancy is a bad sign and you need to run to the doctor, but can anyone tell me who had this, what you were prescribed, how you were treated, and in general why this starts?” The lack of mucus color, as we have already determined, is a completely normal phenomenon for a healthy body. The course of the inflammatory process should be discussed when the secretion acquires some unnatural shade. There are many reasons for this: the proliferation of microorganisms, infections, diseases of the pelvic organs, etc. Let’s take a closer look at the different colors of sexual secretions.


White mucous discharge during pregnancy is one of the normal variants, but only when it is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. If the consistency is less like mucus and more like a white curd mass, then you most likely have thrush.

For thrush Curdled

This disease in itself is not so dangerous, but during childbirth it contributes to the infection of the baby, and therefore requires mandatory treatment.


Yellow secretion is a common symptom of advanced inflammatory processes, sometimes even purulent, as well as vaginal infections (gonococci, staphylococci and other bacteria).

If the mucus has acquired a bright yellow tint, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is the most obvious symptom of inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries. This phenomenon is quite dangerous in nature for the health of a pregnant woman and requires prompt treatment.

Brown and red

A brown or bloody secretion should alert the expectant mother, unless this is the expected time of her period or the end of pregnancy.

Brown Removal of mucous plug

In the first case, this symptom should not last more than two days and be accompanied by pain, burning and other unpleasant phenomena. In the second case, it may be the release of a mucus plug. At other times, you should immediately tell your gynecologist about the appearance of a symptom, since the presence of blood in the mucus may indicate a threat of miscarriage, which requires urgent measures and most often hospitalization.


Discharge like snot during pregnancy, which has a greenish tint, is the result of exposure to sexually transmitted infections on the body. If they have a foamy consistency, we have to talk about infection with gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

Green mucous discharge during pregnancy is always observed along with sharp pain when urinating and itching in the genital area.

Belly at 38 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts, droops

On the eve of the “arrival” of real labor pains, you will most likely feel some pain in the abdomen, and at the same time – in the lower back. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and the same pain in the lower back are considered one of the harbingers of an early birth. Therefore, do not worry if your stomach feels tight and hurts at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Moreover, if these pains arise from the prolapse of the abdomen. Do you feel like your stomach has sunk to the bottom? Be prepared to go to the maternity hospital very soon with your prepared things. In the meantime, rejoice in the fact that, thanks to your lowered stomach, it has become easier for you to breathe, and the heartburn has subsided. Don't panic if your belly doesn't drop: in some cases, your belly doesn't drop until labor begins, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Discharge after sexual intercourse

If you notice unusual vaginal discharge, it may be due to recent sexual intercourse. During ejaculation, sperm is released, which has a rather thick consistency. After just a few minutes, the substance liquefies and begins to flow out. Often women confuse it with leakage of amniotic fluid.

To avoid such symptoms, doctors recommend having sexual intercourse using a condom. If, in addition to the release of fluid, a woman feels discomfort and pain, then she should go to the maternity ward.

Pain at 38 weeks of pregnancy

You now know what discharge occurs at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy. Remember that at this stage your baby is already considered full-term. A long-awaited meeting can happen at absolutely any moment. Listen to yourself and watch the secretions. Sometimes they can change consistency, color, smell and intensity.

The drooping of the abdomen is just a consequence of the baby moving closer to the birth canal: having dropped, it presses its head against the bottom of the uterus, putting pressure on the pelvic bones. Hence - pain in the pelvic area, in the pubis, in the groin.

By the 38th week, some pregnant women complain of pain in the sacrum, the back of the leg - perhaps not up to the knee. This is a consequence of compression of the femoral nerve, which runs next to the uterus. But pain and even cramps in the calf muscles will indicate a calcium deficiency in the body.

If headaches are making themselves felt again, perhaps you should simply avoid nervous shocks, worry less about the upcoming birth, and get more rest. The best cure for headaches now is sleep in a dim, cool, well-ventilated room.

Be sure to monitor the degree of swelling and pay attention to whether any other warning signs are added to the swelling. So, some swelling at 38 weeks of pregnancy is considered normal, but! If, against the background of edema, you experience headaches, notice double vision, diarrhea suddenly appears, or you are vomiting, call an ambulance immediately: a set of such signs indicates preeclampsia, a serious complication of the second half of pregnancy.

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