Can an infertile woman have periods?

The menstrual cycle allows us to indirectly judge the state of the patient’s reproductive health. Cyclic discharge is entirely dependent on hormonal triggers produced in the brain. The result of this influence on the ovaries manifests itself in the form of interesting days. Menstruation in case of infertility may not differ from the norm. However, deviations that signal the presence of pathology are more often observed: delays, cycle prolongation, irregularity, changes in the nature of discharge.

What are the reasons?

Infertility is the result of some disease (mainly inflammatory), but not an independent disease.

There are many factors due to which fertilization of the egg does not occur. The main ones are the following:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • endometriosis;
  • high prolactin levels;
  • improper development of the reproductive organs;
  • tubal obstruction;
  • sexual mental disorders;
  • pituitary tumors.

The development of infertility is influenced by several factors simultaneously. Sometimes such causes cannot be identified even with a thorough examination of the patient (in about 10% of cases).

Based on the reasons why pregnancy does not occur, several forms of infertility are distinguished.

Uterine form

In this case, the inability to conceive is caused by uterine defects. These include tumors, duplication of the uterus, the presence of a septum in it, deformation, and underdevelopment. Some of these pathologies are congenital, and some are acquired during intrauterine interventions.

Endocrine form

Infertility is caused by hormonal imbalance and menstrual irregularities, which lead to the absence of ovulation. An imbalance can be caused by excess prolactin, low progesterone levels, or polycystic ovary syndrome.

Immune form

This form occurs if a woman has some kind of immunity against the embryo or sperm, which is quite rare.

Tube shape

The development of infertility is characterized by the inability of the egg to enter the uterus through the fallopian tubes due to their absence or obstruction. The obstacle is created by adhesions or weakening of the functions of the intratubal cilia, which promote the egg to the uterus.

Infertility due to menstrual irregularities

Not all girls have periods during infertility, because the reproductive system continues to function even if fertilization is impossible, so menstruation begins every month in the absence of pregnancy.

The natural menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days.

Most girls who cannot have children have problems with irregular menstrual cycles. They often experience delays in menstruation, the cycle is unstable, and can last less than 21 days or more than 40 days. In this case, the likelihood of conceiving a child is significantly reduced, because ovulation occurs rarely or does not occur at all.

Causes of irregular menstrual cycle:

  1. Thyroid diseases. Diseases of this organ lead to deficiency or excess of hormones. As a result, the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted and ovulation is absent. The most common cause of infertility is a disease such as hypothyroidism.
  2. Hormonal disorders. If hormones deviate from the norm, the maturation and release of the egg does not occur, which leads to the absence of ovulation. Follicle maturation is influenced by luteinizing hormone and progesterone.
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome. Cysts form in the organ. These formations are visible on ultrasound.

Symptoms of infertility

We can talk about infertility only when, under favorable conditions, a woman is unable to become pregnant. These conditions are considered: regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives, a healthy spermogram of the sexual partner, the woman’s age from 20 to 40 years.

The most common symptom is menstrual irregularities. Thus, the patient may experience painful periods, irregular cycles, or a complete absence of menstruation.

Often, signs of infertility may not appear at all. In this case, a medical examination is necessary so that the doctor identifies indirect symptoms (under or overweight, gynecological diseases, underdevelopment of the mammary glands, infections, etc.).

What is infertility?

This diagnosis is made when pregnancy does not occur after regular intimate life for a year.
The period is approximate and may increase. There are many reasons for this disorder and most of them are associated with hormonal imbalance, which is manifested by disruptions of the menstrual cycle, irregular, painful periods or their complete absence.

Conception occurs with the participation of two germ cells: an egg and a sperm. The egg is produced in the ovaries. If it is not fully matured or does not leave the ovary, fertilization does not occur.

There are different forms and types of infertility. But many are interested in how to find out about infertility by the nature of the menstrual cycle. Does it mean that if you don’t get your period every month, this is an indication that you won’t be able to get pregnant?

Signs of infertility are as follows:

  • late menstruation (after 16 years);
  • excessive thinness, which resulted from strict diets;
  • pathologies of the structure of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • uterine hypoplasia;
  • scanty periods that last less than 3 days;
  • cycle longer than 40 days;
  • Irregular menstrual cycle.

For any cycle irregularities, you should go to the doctor, especially if your periods do not start at all for a long time.

The fight against female infertility

Treatment of infertility always begins with eliminating disruptions in the menstrual cycle. The type of treatment for female infertility is prescribed by a doctor based on test results.

  • Treatment aimed at restoring natural functions is carried out through stimulation of ovulation, as well as laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.
  • Reproductive technologies include treatment using a partner's sperm (intrauterine insemination) or transferring an embryo grown in a laboratory into the uterus (artificial insemination).
  • If any diseases or disorders lead to infertility, the woman is prescribed medication depending on the type of pathology.

It is impossible to make a serious diagnosis on your own. To know for sure, you need to consult specialists. There can be many reasons why you cannot conceive a child. It is worth knowing what signals sent by the body may indicate possible infertility. Do infertile people have periods, and what function do they perform?

Menstruation can signal various disorders

About the role of menstruation

We need to pay attention to the regularity of the cycle. If there are problems, this may indicate possible problems with conception. Keep track of how your periods go (there may be pain). In case of infertility, menstruation occurs, but this does not yet indicate the absence of the disease.

Gynecologists explain whether menstruation occurs during infertility. Menstruation is one of the stages of the menstrual cycle during which the inner layer of the uterus is shed and is accompanied by bleeding. They occur only if conception does not occur. The inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) detaches and comes out, blood vessels in the uterus open, and at this stage discharge occurs. From the beginning of menstruation, a new menstrual cycle is counted, which should be regular.

With various disorders in the body, cycle disruptions can occur. They lead to problems with conception. However, infertile women also have periods.

At the moment when menstruation begins, the body begins to prepare for the next phase of the cycle, and the egg begins to mature in the ovaries for future fertilization. Then ovulation occurs. If conception does not occur during ovulation, then the body prepares for the menstruation stage, the endometrium again begins to exfoliate, and everything happens according to the same pattern.

Infertile women can also have periods

Menstruation in infertile people

And with infertility, menstruation occurs. Regular menstruation can occur in girls or women who, for some reason, are unable to conceive. Your periods may come, but the problem is how they proceed, whether there are any deviations. Their presence indicates that there are no malfunctions in the body, but the fact of ovulation must also be taken into account. One of the causes of infertility is menstrual irregularities. When menstruation does not occur for several months, we can talk about amenorrhea.

Hormone imbalance (excess of the hormone estrogen and lack of progesterone) is another cause of infertility. Menstruation may be present during infertility; the reason for the inability to conceive may be different.

What does delayed infertility mean?

Violation of the menstrual cycle in a healthy woman in the majority

cases means pregnancy. What does a delay indicate if a woman is diagnosed as infertile?

  1. A woman's inability to conceive is due to many reasons. In some cases, doctors know exactly why this does not happen, in others they shrug their shoulders. If everything is normal with the body, pregnancy does not occur for mysterious reasons, a delay in menstruation can mean fertilization, conception. The test should be performed one week after the expected start date of menstruation. A faint second line also means a positive result.
  2. In case of infertility, a delay in menstruation means a hormonal imbalance. An imbalance occurs due to nervous experiences, shocks, excessive physical activity, excess weight, strict diet, moving, hypothermia.
  3. The delay is caused by medications and hormonal drugs. Increased body temperature with viral and colds.
  4. If the menstrual cycle is disrupted, you should pay attention to other alarming, painful symptoms. The cause may be gynecological or sexually transmitted diseases.

In case of infertility, menstruation occurs, just like a healthy woman. The normal duration of menstruation is 3-5 days; a delay of 7 days is not pathological. The reasons for cycle disruption are different. Most cases are associated with an imbalance of sex hormones.


Infertility concept

Infertility is considered to be the absence of pregnancy for a year. Most pregnancies in young couples occur within 3 months of trying to have a baby. For more mature couples, the period increases to a year.

There are two degrees of infertility: in women who have not given birth (1st degree) and in women who have given birth (2nd degree). Main reasons:

  1. For first degree infertility: diseases of the endocrine system acquired at birth, abnormal development of the female genital organs.
  2. For second-degree infertility: hormone imbalance, fallopian tube obstruction, chronic stress, poor diet, surgery, abortion, sexually transmitted infections, infection and inflammation of the reproductive system, ectopic pregnancy, sexual disorders.

There are other types of infertility:

  • relative infertility, treatment of which is possible;
  • absolute infertility, the cure of which is unrealistic;
  • endocrine, caused by hormonal disorders;
  • immune, in which the woman’s body perceives sperm cells as a virus and produces antibodies;
  • idiopathic, the nature of which cannot be determined during examination.

Main causes of infertility

Is there a connection between menstruation and infertility?

Among all the factors of infertility, endocrine disorders occupy a leading place in the absence of conception. These changes usually leave their mark on menstrual function, which is directly affected by hormonal influence. When disorganization appears at any level of regulation, a distortion of the cycle is noted, fraught with infertility.

The ideal female cycle is two-phase, the middle of which is ovulation. Normal periods provide:

  • regular supply of eggs for potential conception,
  • functioning of the corpus luteum with sufficient production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone,
  • growth of the endometrium, ready to implant an embryo,
  • reduction of local immunity to minimize embryo rejection.

Hormonal changes leading to lack of conception are present in varying degrees of severity and determine the patient’s treatment tactics. Signs of infertility in women are:

  • late onset of menarche,
  • problems with being underweight or overweight,
  • irregular, scanty discharge,
  • abnormal duration or shortening of the cycle duration, bleeding period,
  • disorders of the structure of the reproductive organs,
  • distortion of the formation of sexual characteristics.

Do you have periods during infertility?

There are many reasons for the absence of pregnancy. An optional condition is a violation of the cyclicity of bleeding in women. In the absence of conception, the patient's cycle may remain completely normal. Upon further examination, other mechanisms of infertility are discovered: abnormalities in tubal patency, immunological conflict, autoimmune disorders.

Important! Experts consider a couple to be infertile when no conception is observed for 24 months in the absence of contraception and regular sexual activity. At the same time, problems among women determine the formation of only a third of childless families. The remaining 2/3 are due to pathologies of the man and both spouses.

When interviewing the patient, the gynecologist pays attention to the regularity of the discharge. Irregular menstruation is the first sign of hormonal imbalance. It turns out that with infertility, there are periods, but conception still does not occur: the sex cells do not develop in the required volume, do not leave the ovary, and fertilization is simply impossible.

An equally important point is to determine the presence of ovulation. Most often, anovulation leads to cycle disruption. However, in certain cases, the appearance of monthly discharge is noted even when the female reproductive cell has not been released. 2-3 anovulatory menstruation per year is considered acceptable. At the same time, the woman does not feel much difference from normal menstruation. With pathology accompanied by the absence of ovulation in cycles, conception does not occur, although menstruation itself comes regularly.

The influence of menstruation on conception

Menstrual function reflects the state of the female body. And if the cycle is irregular, and menstruation is a “test” for a woman, the likelihood of problems with conception also increases. But this doesn't always happen. Sometimes even a cycle “clockwise” does not guarantee the absence of any pathologies in the gynecological field.

In order to understand how menstruation affects conception, it is necessary to understand what it is and why a woman regularly secretes blood from the genital tract.

Menstruation is the process of shedding the inner layer of the uterus, as a result of which blood vessels are exposed, and all together this leads to spotting. Menstruation is an indicator that conception did not occur in this cycle. After which the body begins to prepare for the next month.

So, from the beginning of the cycle, the endometrium grows under the influence of estrogens. At the same time, the egg in the follicle must mature in the ovaries. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. At the same time, the woman’s hormonal background changes to the predominant content of progesterone in the blood. At this time, the endometrium begins to “loose” and prepare to receive an already fertilized egg. The next hormonal surge indicates that conception did not occur in this cycle, and the inner layer of the uterus begins to gradually be rejected. And after a few days everything repeats itself again.

What conditions can lead to infertility? The main ones include the following:

  • Physiologically, a woman may not ovulate every month, and this is considered normal. But the absence of an egg within three cycles is a pathology.
  • With visually unchanged genitals, a woman may not experience full growth and maturation of the follicle. As a result, there is a trigger for the onset of menstruation, but fertilization cannot occur, since the egg does not develop until the moment of ovulation.
  • A long cycle may indicate problems with the ovaries, excess estrogen or lack of progesterone. Any of these conditions can lead to serious problems with conception. Often this results in heavy periods and infertility.
  • Irregular menstruation is a sign of disordered connections between the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and ovaries. This may also be one of the symptoms of polycystic ovaries and the absence of full ovulation.
  • A short menstrual cycle may indicate a lack of estrogen. As a result, the endometrium cannot fully “prepare” to receive a fertilized egg. In such situations, scanty periods and infertility can often be observed.

Painful periods

Irregular periods indicate a disorder in the connections between the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and ovaries. The cause of infertility can be hidden in any link. The situation provokes an imbalance of hormones, along with this the development of gynecological diseases. Moderate pain during menstruation is present in all women; if it becomes unbearable, it is necessary to consult with specialists. Painful periods and infertility may be associated with the presence of the disease.

  • Endometriosis. The disease itself does not affect conception; the consequences of endometriosis are dangerous. Excessive growth of the endometrium and its subsequent rejection causes severe bleeding, resulting in miscarriage. Endometriosis provokes blockage of the fallopian tubes and changes the structure of the endometrium. The menstrual cycle is disrupted to a greater extent, there is bleeding, severe pain in the abdomen, lower back, dizziness, and weakness. The situation repeats itself every month. There may be bleeding between periods.
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system. The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of sex hormones. With constant imbalance, diseases of the reproductive system develop. Among them are polycystic disease and metabolic syndrome.
  • Endometritis. The inflammatory process develops asymptomatically at first, then makes itself felt with painful sensations that worsen during menstrual periods.

Ovulation is an important factor

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the follicle. Ideally, this process occurs in the middle of the cycle. But in practice you have to deal with something else - ovulation on 3, 7, 18, 21 and other days. The only fact remains undeniable: if there is no release of the egg, then conception cannot occur. This is why anyone planning a pregnancy is advised to track their ovulation. There are several ways to do this. These include:

  • The most informative way is to determine ovulation using ultrasound. But this requires regular examinations by a specialist. It makes sense to do this if you suspect some pathology and to convince yourself of the absence/presence of ovulation.
  • A generally accessible and simple method is to plot basal temperature. In this case, you can not only calculate ovulation, but also evaluate the woman’s hormonal profile. The basal temperature chart has important diagnostic value when examining a couple with infertility.
  • Ovulation tests. The modern pharmaceutical industry has long produced entire systems, single- and reusable, for determining the expected time of release of the egg from the follicle. The technique for performing them is simple, similar to the principles of conventional pregnancy tests.
  • Ovulation can also be approximately determined by a woman’s general well-being, by changes in cervical mucus, etc. But these methods are very approximate and are of value only in combination with others.

We recommend reading the article about the onset of ovulation. From it you will learn about the maturation of the egg in a woman’s body, the beginning of ovulation and its duration, characteristic signs, as well as ways to determine days favorable for conception.

Myths about menstruation

There are a large number of misconceptions about problems with conception and menstruation in women. For example, many people believe that you cannot have regular periods if you are infertile; there are always some deviations. However, this statement and many more similar ones are false. The most popular “myths” include the following:

  • If a woman is bothered by pain during her menstrual period, she will have problems conceiving. In fact, pain is present in 60% of girls, the degree of which depends, among other things, on the individual threshold of sensitivity. Pain can also be a sign of endometriosis. In this situation, infertility may indeed be present.
  • A long cycle means obvious problems with conception. In this case, it all depends on the cause of such a violation and the duration. If the menstrual cycle is slightly lengthened, this often does not cause problems with conception. In these situations, it is recommended to monitor ovulation more closely.
  • In case of infertility, periods are always heavy and irregular. Of course, this indicates problems, including in the woman’s hormonal profile. But it is not directly related to infertility.
  • Ideal periods indicate a woman’s complete health. But in reality there are many reasons for infertility. And a regular menstrual cycle speaks only of an ideal hormonal background, without affecting, for example, the patency of the fallopian tubes, etc.
  • Many people do not know whether infertile women have periods and think that such women do not have periods. Definitely, in their absence there can be no talk of pregnancy. But with infertility, there is not always a pathology of menstruation.

Nature of the discharge

Irregular periods indicate problems in the female

body. As a rule, this is due to an imbalance of sex hormones. Estrogen deficiency leads to a lack of ovulation - the egg either does not develop or is very weak. Lack of progesterone does not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the walls of the uterus, and rejection occurs. The cause of infertility can be either a lack of the hormone of the first phase or the second. Moreover, the nature of menstruation differs in each case.

  1. Menstruation and infertility due to estrogen deficiency. The main cause of problems with conception. Causes a lack of ovulation or the development of an inferior egg. The duration of the cycle may change in one direction or the other. Menstruation is scanty with little bleeding and lasts 1-3 days.
  2. Infertility due to excess estrogen. In this case, everything is fine with ovulation, but increased levels of the female hormone provoke a number of gynecological diseases. Often these are uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometritis. Under the influence of estrogen, a thick layer of endometrium is formed. It is more difficult for the uterus to reject it, and when this happens, heavy bleeding begins. Signs of the disease are delayed menstruation, severe pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, and heavy discharge that lasts about 7 days.
  3. Menstruation and infertility with a lack of progesterone. The problem can be called conditional. Since in most cases it is solved by taking hormonal drugs containing synthetic progesterone. The lack of the hormone prevents the fertilized egg from developing fully. Pregnancy begins, delays menstruation, but then breaks down, causing bleeding.

Real causes of infertility

The established opinion that the cause of infertility always lies in the woman is not relevant today. According to statistical data, in the overall structure this burden is divided almost equally among men and women. That is why, if there are problems with conception, both need to be examined.

It is after this time that you should immediately seek medical help so as not to miss the period when it is still possible to use various modern reproductive technologies.

Male factor

The following reasons underlie male infertility:

  • Pathology of seminal fluid. This includes an insufficient number of sperm, a large number of abnormal forms, defective ones, as well as their complete absence in the ejaculate with apparently normal sperm.
  • Impaired motility of male germ cells: from slight to complete absence of sperm activity.
  • The presence of an obstacle to the movement of sperm along the vas deferens.

To detect the problem, it is enough to submit the seminal fluid for analysis. A spermogram will give an idea of ​​the man’s involvement in infertility in a couple.

Numerous diseases can lead to pathology in the qualitative and quantitative composition of sperm. The most common ones include:

  • varicocele,
  • genetic diseases,
  • sexual infections,
  • past diseases, for example, mumps and others,
  • genital injuries,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • taking medications and others.

Only a doctor can finally establish the cause and, possibly, eliminate it.

Female factor

The structure of female infertility is more diverse. Therefore, the examination of girls takes longer, sometimes even using surgical techniques. The following pathologies lead to the main problems with conception:

  • Tubal infertility. This is the most common reason for lack of pregnancy. Do menstruation occur with this type of infertility? Yes, and often the girl does not notice any pathological symptoms, and sometimes even previous sexually transmitted infections. In such situations, most often the inflammation is asymptomatic. And the problem subsequently arises in the obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Endocrine infertility. This includes all diseases that directly or indirectly disrupt the ovulation process. These are polycystic disease, pathology of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, metabolic syndrome and others.
  • Endometriosis. By itself, it does not cause infertility; complications of this pathology are dangerous. Most often, endometriosis leads to disruption of the patency of the fallopian tubes, inferiority of the endometrium, etc. In these situations, painful periods and infertility are often combined.
  • Early ovarian depletion, which leads to menopause at 35 - 40 years. This can often be observed after various operations, for example, for cysts or endometriosis.
  • Immunological infertility is caused by the formation of special antibodies in a woman’s cervical mucus that destroy or immobilize sperm. As a result, they cannot penetrate the egg.
  • Genetic infertility when a girl's normal chromosome complement is disrupted.
  • Also, various anomalies in the development of the genital organs can cause the inability to get pregnant.

Idiopathic infertility occurs, in which a complete examination does not reveal any obvious causes in either the man or the woman. In the general structure of pathology, such cases occur in 10% of couples with problems conceiving.

Despite the fact that menstruation reflects the state of the reproductive function of a woman’s body, it is not always possible to judge the possibility of independent pregnancy by their nature and cyclicity. Whether pain during menstruation, their irregularity, or something else in a particular situation leads to infertility, only a gynecologist can answer after a complete examination of the woman. If you have problems conceiving, you shouldn’t wait for a “miracle” for many years. Especially for a woman, every year is priceless, so you should seek medical help at the first question. This is the only way to take advantage of all the possibilities of modern medicine and experience the joy of motherhood.

Can a woman be infertile if she menstruates?

Gynecologists call infertility a woman’s inability to conceive if, after a year of regular unprotected sexual activity, pregnancy does not occur. There can be many reasons for female infertility. The most common of them:

- inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;

— surgical intervention (removal of an ovary, cyst, fibroid, etc.);

- obstruction of one or both fallopian tubes, adhesions;

- hormonal imbalance, structural anomalies of the reproductive organs (curved cervix, “baby”, bicornuate or saddle-shaped uterus, etc.);

- underweight women and poor nutrition.

To identify the real reason for the inability to get pregnant, a comprehensive examination is necessary, not only of the woman, but also of her partner. Male infertility is also not uncommon.

Is there a relationship between menstruation and infertility?

Many women are concerned about whether there can be infertility with regular periods? Regardless of the reason for the inability to become pregnant, a woman should have her period unless she has had surgery to remove the uterus or both ovaries. The fact is that menstruation and infertility have little to do with each other. However, sometimes this connection can still be traced.

For fertilization to occur, ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) is necessary. It happens that for some reason (inflammation, hormonal changes, etc.) ovulation never occurs, but your period comes on time.

Approximately 3% of infertile women cannot conceive precisely due to lack of ovulation. The solution to this problem is a comprehensive examination of the body.

You can determine the presence or absence of ovulation at home using a special test.

Painful menstruation does not affect your ability to conceive. On the contrary, moderate pain in the middle of the cycle and during menstruation is evidence that ovulation is occurring. But very heavy discharge with severe pain is a reason to consult a doctor.

There may be a gynecological disease (endometriosis, fibroids, etc.). Also, an irregular cycle is not always an indicator of infertility. However, if you are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, for example, it is likely that your periods may be irregular.

No menstruation - no ovulation - no pregnancy.

Timely diagnosis of a woman’s health problems and timely treatment not only contribute to the regulation of menstruation, but also eliminate most of the obstacles to the happiness of becoming a mother.

Menstrual irregularities should be a cause for concern for those girls who want to get pregnant. Irregular periods and severe pain during menstruation may indicate problems in the reproductive system, namely infertility. But what if you don't have your period at all and the pregnancy test is negative? Is the absence of menstruation associated with the inability to have children?


So, why don’t your periods come, and how can this phenomenon be explained? As practice shows, women sometimes suffer from cycle disorders. The reasons for the absence of menstruation may lie in various factors, but only an experienced specialist can determine the exact prerequisites and prescribe quality treatment. And we, in turn, will consider the most common cases.


If you haven’t had your period for a week, the first thing that comes to mind for the average girl who is sexually active is “am I pregnant?”

And this is not surprising, because it is pregnancy that can explain the fact why menstruation does not begin, while it should have come a long time ago. Special tests will help confirm or refute this fact.

But even if the result is negative, this possibility should not be ruled out.

Ovulatory abnormalities

Another reason besides pregnancy is the condition of amenorrhea. This is a special disease in which delays occur.

When ovulation is abnormal, very late maturation of the egg or the absence of this process may occur. Such anomalies may appear due to inflammatory processes and other underlying diseases.

So, if you are looking for an answer to the question of why your periods disappeared, the answer may lie in this condition.

Use of hormonal drugs

When studying the problem of why menstruation disappears, it is worth paying attention to such a causative factor as the use of hormonal drugs.

In this case, the girl menstruates, but it does not happen regularly. The main means of such groups include contraceptives, estrogens and other pills.

Lack of menstruation can also occur with a sudden cessation of use of these drug groups.

LUF syndrome

It turns out that the absence of menstruation can be caused by the fact of a follicular ovarian cyst. LFU disease means a process in which the dominant type of follicle has fully matured, but its subsequent rupture does not occur.

The case may be periodic or one-time in nature, but at times it can cause a condition of infertility.

An exact answer to the question about the reason why the absence of “these days” appears, as well as to the question of how to restore menstruation, can only be given by a detailed examination - ultrasound and hormone analysis.


The answer to the question of why there is no period for a long time may be a state of amenorrhea. This phenomenon implies a delay in sexual development associated with a genetic pathology.

It manifests itself quite clearly, especially if serious infections act as a background, and there is also a negative impact from the environment.

How to get your period back - only a competent specialist can answer this question.

Stress factors

If your periods have stopped or haven’t started at all, the reason may lie in a constant state of depression and stress.

This pathology is very serious, especially if menstruation has disappeared and has been absent for a long time.

If a girl or woman has experienced a severe stressful shock, her period may not come for several months, so it is worth getting your nerves in order to solve this problem.

Gynecological diseases

Other common causes of lack of menstruation are gynecological diseases. The absence of menstruation can occur against the background of abdominal and back pain, nausea and vomiting, headache and dizziness.

There are situations when the test results are negative, and menstruation does not start for a long time. The reason may be the course of certain gynecological diseases.

Cyclic disorders can occur due to the following pathological conditions:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • adnexitis;
  • endometritis condition;
  • diseases associated with the cervix;
  • cysts;
  • problems with the functioning of the ovaries.

What should you do if a teenager or a mature woman has lost her period? Problems may lie in these conditions, so you need to urgently consult a specialist to determine the causative factors.

Only a doctor will be able to give a detailed and intelligible answer to the question of why there is no menstrual flow, whether it is possible to restore the cycle, and how to do it correctly.

Recovery may take a long time, but by normalizing the endometrium, you can return menstruation quite simply.

Beginning of menopause

The traditional answer to the question of why menstruation does not occur after 40 years is the onset of menopause. During this time, the woman’s reproductive system declines, as well as a restructuring of her hormone levels, which is accompanied by irregular discharge. And these are also common factors why menstruation cannot occur periodically and on time.


If critical days do not occur, this condition may occur as a result of abortion. The fact is that this event is carried out through mechanical curettage of the uterine cavity.

There is a possibility of excessive tissue removal, as a result of which the procedures will take longer than during the classic menstrual cycle. It is also necessary to restore the woman’s reproductive system.

Therefore, menstrual flow may occur 1.5 months after the abortion.

Diseases of internal organs

Can anything else affect the flow of menstruation? Definitely, it can. The disorder can also occur in the absence of pregnancy, if there are pathological conditions. All the body needs in this case is high-quality treatment. Sometimes this phenomenon means the presence of the following conditions:

  • problems with the functioning of the pancreas;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus of all types.

The endometrium can take an active part in these processes, which also requires regular treatment. After all, if there is no menstrual cycle, the first thing that can affect it is diseases associated with the endometrial formation system.

Fluctuations in body mass

If body weight is unstable and constantly increases or decreases, this may be a causative factor for this condition. Diets or overeating are a direct path to problems in the functioning of the sexual sphere.

Why can such phenomena occur? It's simple, there is a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in the body, and obesity may begin, accompanied by other health problems.

If active weight gain begins, then next month there is a chance that the cycle will increase, and menstruation may come later.

Changing of the climate

If menstruation has not started for a long time and has managed to stop, perhaps a change in climatic conditions is the “culprit” of this condition.

An attack that occurs later can easily be explained by a move to a different climate zone. The stopped cycle is due not only to acclimatization, but also to a change in the emotional background.

To restore the previous state, it is necessary to normalize all these points.

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