What can cause a woman's breasts to enlarge?

  • Reasons for breast enlargement not related to pathologies.
  • Pathological reasons.
  • Let's find out the reason.
  • Treatment.
  • Preventive measures.
  • Conclusion.
  • Breast enlargement (edema) is a common occurrence. It is not always accompanied by pain, but can confirm the occurrence of various pathologies. You should definitely pay attention to the swelling of the gland. Keep track of the frequency, remember the sensations. This will help the doctor get a complete picture of what is happening. What are the signs, causes of the problem? Are there effective methods to eliminate them?

    Breast swelling - signs

    An enlarged mammary gland does not necessarily signal illness. In parallel with the swelling, a new symptom develops that causes inconvenience - contact a specialist:

    • the pain does not go away even if the woman lies or sits;
    • physical activity is impossible;
    • fluid from the milk ducts;
    • breasts have enlarged.

    Headaches, abdominal cramps, loss of activity, and general deterioration in health may also indicate illness.


    Unfortunately, enlarged mammary glands often signal the development of some disease. Moreover, the disease is not always associated with the glands themselves: the cause may also lie in pathologies of the genitourinary or endocrine systems. A particularly alarming sign is the disproportionately noticeable enlargement of only one breast in women; such a symptom requires immediate contact with a mammologist, since it often indicates the presence of both benign and malignant formations in the breast.

    In general, all pathological causes of breast enlargement outside the menstrual cycle are as follows:

    • The presence of a severe hormonal imbalance, due to which the norms of female hormones in the blood are exceeded.
    • Disorders of the endocrine system, for example, diseases of the adrenal glands or thyroid gland.
    • The presence of various diseases of the mammary gland: mastitis, mastopathy, cyst formation, cancer.
    • Development of diseases of the genitourinary system: gynecological diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature.
    • If an uncharacteristic phase of the cycle has begun, or previously no changes in the gland were observed, but the breasts have enlarged, it is better not to delay with the thought “it will go away on its own” or, even worse, to self-medicate, you need to contact a mammologist.
    • When the cause lies in hormonal imbalance or endocrine system disorders, timely hormonal therapy can restore balance and return the breast to its normal state. If any breast disease is detected, treatment will depend on the stage of the disease: in the initial stages, conservative treatment is effective, but in advanced cases, surgical intervention may be required.
    • And finally, gynecological diseases of various types are cured with individual methods and medications, after which the bust usually restores its previous shape.

    Swelling of the mammary glands - physiological causes

    A woman’s body is a complex system with specific features. Breast swelling with a certain frequency is a natural phenomenon and does not pose any danger. There may be several reasons.

    Premenstrual period

    The growth of the mammary gland is provoked by an egg that has matured. The level of hormones that tell the brain that fertilization is about to occur increases. All systems begin to prepare for breastfeeding, excess fluid accumulates in the tissues. Feelings – chest hurts, tightness.

    Nature of the phenomenon:

    1. The period before ovulation - an increase in the level of the hormone estradiol, estriol, estrone. The substances are catalysts necessary for the growth of the milk ducts.
    2. After the egg matures, progesterone predominates. It stimulates the growth of cells in the mammary gland.

    Such processes should not frighten a woman. But if the pain has intensified and you suffer with every PMS, it’s worth visiting a specialist.

    Puberty adolescence

    Adolescence in girls provokes swelling of the nipples. The reason is the formation of hormonal levels, the synthesis of substances that affect changes in the body. Clothes that are too tight can cause discomfort. As soon as puberty is completed, all unpleasant sensations will disappear.


    Your menstrual cycle is off, and your breasts are swollen? First signs of pregnancy. Make sure you are pregnant and consult a doctor to rule out any pathologies.

    Enlarged glands, heaviness, discomfort are normal phenomena during pregnancy. This is due to progesterone, which prepares the body for feeding the baby. Glandular tissue cells grow. As the fetus grows, the breasts become even more sensitive and increase in volume. A comfortable bra and loose clothing can help reduce discomfort.


    During the feeding period, the soreness of the mammary glands increases sharply. Milk is produced, the lumens of the ducts expand, and the breasts become fuller. Joins:

    • tissues become significantly denser, stiffness;
    • increased temperature of the glands;
    • localization of pain in certain areas;
    • lump-like lumps - palpable after expressing milk;
    • redness, cracked nipples.

    To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you should follow the baby’s feeding regimen and regularly express milk. Ignoring the recommendations can lead to a problem – mastitis. A complex disease is accompanied by acute pain, sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgery.


    Termination of pregnancy is an intervention in the functioning of the body. Hormones have already begun to be synthesized, mammary tissue is preparing for lactation. The consequence of surgery is a serious imbalance in the functioning of the reproductive system. The result will be swollen breasts and periodic pain.


    The period when the restructuring of internal systems associated with age-related changes begins. New processes lead to swelling of the glands. The reason is that glandular tissue is being displaced from the breast, the place of which will be taken by growing fibrous and fatty tissue. Provokes breast growth:

    • underwear that is too tight;
    • drinking large amounts of liquid;
    • excessive salt intake;
    • caffeinated drinks.

    Increasing pain is not a good symptom; you should consult a doctor.

    Natural causes

    The condition of the female breast is closely related to the reproductive system of the body. Any hormonal fluctuations immediately affect the mammary glands, most often leading to their enlargement and increased sensitivity. In some cases, swelling of the glands in women, pain, high sensitivity of the nipples and other symptoms are associated with two natural and safe causes. They are:

    • Ovulation
    • Pregnancy

    In the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs: a mature egg breaks out of the follicle and begins its journey through the fallopian tube. This process is accompanied by a sharp jump in female hormones in the woman’s body, which are necessary to prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.

    One of these hormones, estrogen, is what has a powerful effect on breast fatty tissue and increases it. As a result, the nerve fibers are under pressure from the rapidly expanding tissue, so breast enlargement is accompanied by pain and swelling. When menstruation occurs, the pain and tension in the glands subsides, and by the end of it all symptoms disappear completely.

    If pregnancy occurs, breast swelling and enlargement can be one of the earliest signs for a woman. The condition of the mammary glands is influenced by the same hormones, estrogens and prolactin. The first maintains the uterus in the desired condition, while the second is responsible for preparing the glands for the upcoming feeding of the baby. During pregnancy, the breasts can increase by 1-2 sizes during the first trimester, and along with it the nipple and the areola noticeably enlarge and darken. Vessels and veins also appear on the chest, which is associated with increased blood flow in this part of the body.

    If the above conditions are the cause of painful enlargement of the mammary glands, there is no need to worry. Breast swelling before menstruation is one of the manifestations of PMS, which is a consequence of a slight hormonal imbalance. By consulting with a gynecologist, you can adjust your hormonal levels and get rid of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. When it comes to pregnancy, the situation is somewhat different: the process of bust enlargement is not only normal, but also obligatory, as the glands prepare for feeding.

    Reasons for breast enlargement not related to pathologies

    In addition to natural processes, breast swelling is sometimes associated with:

    1. Hormonal contraception - a side effect may be breast enlargement, accompanied by pain and discomfort. You need to consult a doctor and choose a different drug.
    2. Depressive disorder and stress.
    3. Use of medications. The greatest risk comes from antidepressants, which can unbalance hormonal levels. The body increases the frequency of formation of some substances and sharply reduces the level of others.
    4. Injuries, any mechanical damage to the breast - the tissues swell, redness and pain appear. You need to see a doctor.
    5. Excessive consumption of salty foods on the eve of monthly bleeding. The body accumulates fluid, and salt aggravates the process, preventing lymph from being freely excreted from the body.

    A narrow, tight bra or tight-fitting clothing can also cause breast swelling.

    Pathological causes

    Severe discomfort, noticeable breast enlargement is a signal from the body about the development of diseases:

    1. Mastopathy - manifests itself both during menopause and at any age. Signs - after the next menstruation, the breasts become full, sore, and there is a feeling of heaviness. The diagnosis can be cystic, fibrous, diffuse or focal mastopathy.
    2. Fibroadenoma (during pregnancy). It is associated with the appearance of benign tumors. Causes pain and swelling of the glands. The pathology cannot be treated during pregnancy, since medications cannot be taken.
    3. Oncology - a disease of a malignant or benign nature causes breast swelling.

    It does not matter whether the swelling of the glands is caused by physiology or pathology. You should not ignore the symptoms, but consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis.

    Subtleties of structure

    Before discussing the possible reasons why breasts may become enlarged, it is necessary to understand all the intricacies of its structure. Mammary gland, a complex formation that includes three types of tissue:

    • Glandular
    • Connective
    • Fat

    Glandular tissue is precisely the part of the breast in which the milk ducts leading to the nipple pass. It can be called the main tissue, since it and only it is responsible for the formation and secretion of milk during lactation. The shape and size of the bust is given by adipose tissue, the more of it, the larger the size. That is why, with a sudden weight loss, a woman’s breasts also drop significantly. Connective tissue becomes a kind of layer between glandular tissue and adipose tissue.

    In addition to tissues, the glands also contain numerous blood vessels and nerve endings. During puberty, a girl’s body begins to actively produce female hormones that affect the condition of the breasts. The glands begin to swell, become sensitive and painful. This process continues until about age 20 and is finally completed by age 25.

    Changes in breast size can be caused both by natural causes associated with hormonal changes during certain periods of life, and by various pathological phenomena, both in the mammary glands themselves and in the body as a whole.

    We identify the reason

    There were no injuries, but pain and swelling are observed? Take advantage of medical advances - all possible diagnostic methods are at your service. They will allow you to identify pathologies in the early stages:

    1. Palpation of the chest.
    2. Ultrasound of the adrenal cortex.
    3. Mammography.
    4. Enzyme immunoassays.
    5. MRI and CT of the adrenal glands and brain.
    6. Ultrasound of the glands and thyroid gland.
    7. Blood test for hormone levels.
    8. Urine testing for nitrogen.
    9. Examination of the pelvic organs.

    The doctor will prescribe diagnostic procedures.

    Preventive measures

    The physiological processes that occur in the mammary glands are embedded in the genetic code. Therefore, prevention of tissue edema is impossible. Moderate exercise helps normalize carbohydrate metabolism. This is a guarantee that hormonal imbalance will not occur. It is worth limiting your use of:

    • soy;
    • potatoes;
    • flax;
    • asparagus;
    • wheat;
    • dates.

    These products pose a threat to normal metabolism.

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