Hormone replacement therapy - a European method of treatment

Hormone therapy - hormone replacement therapy - is the most effective method of treating diseases and conditions associated with hormonal imbalances and aging of the body.


Hormones in the human body are bioactive elements produced by the thyroid gland, pituitary gland of the brain, adrenal glands, gonads, and pancreas. Even with a minimal deviation of their concentration from the norm, doctors diagnose significant changes and disturbances in the functioning of many organs and entire systems. Visual signs - obesity, increased hairiness, decreased performance. Internal - malfunctions in the reproductive and cardiovascular systems, etc.

In this case, hormone therapy comes to the rescue, which allows the patient to cope with the existing problem.

General mechanism of their action

The physical and emotional state of a person is influenced by hormonal levels. They take part in almost all vital processes. The body monitors their quantity, and if there is a deficiency or excess, it sends signals about the imbalance of hormones. To restore balance, special medications are prescribed.

There are various reasons why women are prescribed hormonal pills. But to do this, she needs to undergo certain tests to determine the exact ratio of hormones. Then these drugs will benefit her body and restore hormonal levels.

The use of hormonal treatment in men

The majority of pathologies in andrology are associated with dysfunction of the endocrine glands and a reduced amount of testosterone. This entails the development of infertility in men, erectile dysfunction, endocrinopathy and other pathologies. In such cases, if the hormone testosterone decreases and drops to 12 nanomoles per liter, they resort to its artificial analogue.

Hormone replacement therapy lasts until the hormonal levels are completely normalized. Hormone therapy methods are also used for malignant prostate formation; with this diagnosis, the effect of testosterone is blocked.

Indications for use

There are a number of indications when these medications would be appropriate:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • deficiency of hormones produced;
  • disorders in the female reproductive system;
  • mastopathy/fibroids;
  • contraception;
  • acne;
  • menopause

In any case, before using them, a woman should consult a doctor. He will be able to accurately determine which hormone deficiency is observed in the body. The doctor will determine the reason, because there are pills for each of the listed indications.

Hormone treatment for children

This type of therapy in children is practiced very carefully, since improper use of even the weakest hormonal drug can significantly harm the baby’s health. As a rule, children are prescribed medications that quickly break down in the body. Insulin is also prescribed to the child with extreme caution. When diagnosing infectious pathologies and malfunctioning of the glands of the endocrine system, anabolic steroids are recommended for children. However, they are contraindicated for infectious diseases of an allergic nature.

It is important to remember that children should never be given hormonal medications on their own. Hormone therapy should be used only after consulting a doctor, strictly observing the dosage, and also constantly monitoring the baby’s health. If any changes are observed, you should immediately show the child to the doctor.


Like any medical drug, hormonal drugs have contraindications for use:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol and drug addiction);
  • increased blood clotting;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • excess body weight;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • migraine;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • high risk of blood clots;
  • diseases associated with hormonal levels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis.

For the listed contraindications, a person is prescribed a specific treatment. And the medications he takes may be incompatible with hormonal pills. Therefore, you cannot buy them yourself without medical advice.

Treatment with hormones in oncology

In such a direction of medicine as oncology, treatment with hormonal drugs is used in situations where the disease is sensitive to the above therapy. In cases where such a technique is useless, it is not practiced. Most often, hormonal therapy is used for the following diagnoses:

  • Tumors of the mammary glands.
  • Prostate and uterine cancer.
  • Malignant formations of the ovaries.
  • Kidney cancer.

The therapeutic principle is that hormone-dependent malignant tumors need hormones for growth, and drug treatment is to block them and thereby prevent the growth of tumors. This technique is used both in the early stages of the development of the disease and in the later stages.

There are several types of this method: surgical removal of glands that produce hormones, radiation therapy, with the help of which ultraviolet rays stop the synthesis of hormones and taking hormonal medications - hormone replacement therapy .

Side effects

Despite many positive reviews, hormonal drugs have side effects. But this does not mean that they will manifest themselves in everyone - everything is individual. The likelihood of their appearance increases if a woman chose them herself.

Side effects include unwanted hair growth, the appearance of acne, pimples, deterioration of hair condition, etc. When taking hormonal contraceptives, there may be pain or pulling sensations in the mammary glands, allergic reactions. The most common side effect is problems with weight, most often weight gain.

If you abruptly discontinue the drug, you should not immediately expect results. Especially if the exposure to hormones was long-term. The body will need time to restore balance, and in some cases you will have to consult a doctor for treatment.

Types of hormonal treatment

There are several main areas of hormonal therapy:

  • Substitute . This treatment involves replacing the lost function of a particular hormone with a synthetic analogue. As a rule, it is used for endocrine pathologies, in gynecology, etc. An example is insulin for diabetes, taking hormonal drugs for thyroid diseases, etc.
  • Stimulating . Treatment with stimulating hormones is prescribed in case of stimulation of certain organs, such as the endocrine gland. They resort to the use of neurohormones from the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland. Basically, this treatment process lasts a short period.
  • Braking . It is used when the production of hormones is too high, as well as in the case of various types of neoplasms. For the most part, inhibitory treatment with hormonal drugs is practiced in conjunction with the use of radiation or surgery. This technique is practiced in gynecological and urological practice, in oncology, etc.


The drugs are divided into groups of hormones:

  1. Glands of the adrenal cortex - they are used to combat allergic reactions and inflammatory processes. They also act as a pain reliever.
  2. Thyroid gland - with a deficiency or excess of hormones.
  3. Sexual ones, which include androgens, estrogens and gestagens.
  4. Medicines with an anabolic effect.
  5. Pituitary gland.
  6. Pancreas, which includes insulin.

Tablets are selected based on the results of the analysis to restore hormonal balance.

How does the procedure work?

Before choosing a drug, the attending doctor conducts a comprehensive examination of the woman to find out if she has any concomitant diseases that would contraindicate the use of parenteral contraceptives. The hereditary history must be studied.

In addition, the doctor always warns the woman about possible side effects and complications, and also gives recommendations on how to behave in such cases and where to turn.

On what day of the cycle should the injections be given?

Injections of hormonal contraceptives can be done on the following days of the female cycle:

  • one and a half months after birth, if the woman is breastfeeding;
  • on the fifth day after birth, if the woman does not plan to breastfeed;
  • a week after artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • on any day of the cycle in the absence of pregnancy (preferably on the seventh day).

Dosage of the drug and method of administration

Almost all injectable contraceptive formulations are administered intramuscularly. The gluteal muscle is best suited for this. The injection is given in the outer upper quadrant of the buttock.

Injections of drugs should be performed by a nurse in the manipulation room of a medical institution. This will help avoid local complications and side effects.

Each parenteral contraceptive has its own dosage, which is precisely indicated in the instructions for use. For example, a single dose of Depo-Provera is 150 mg or 1 ml of suspension, and Net-En is 200 mg or 1 ml.

Scheme and duration of use

Injections of hormonal contraceptives are done according to the following schemes:

  • Depo-Provera - this contraceptive injection is designed for 3 months, so it is given every 12 weeks;
  • Deladroxate – requires re-administration every 12 weeks;
  • Net-En - injections are indicated every eight weeks;
  • Mezigina - injections must be given every four weeks;
  • Cyclofem - the drug is administered once a month.

Features of application

Therapy that is based on taking hormonal drugs is called replacement therapy. The patient has to take such medications for a long time to make up for the deficiency or excess. Each group of hormones has a specific mechanism of action that must be taken into account.


Hormonal contraceptive pills are classified as oral contraceptives. And they are one of the popular ways to protect against unplanned pregnancy. The mechanism of their action is based on the influence of female hormones on the reproductive system. Tablets are prescribed only by a gynecologist to avoid negative effects on the body.


Their levels are higher in women than in men. There are three subtypes of this hormone:

  • estrone, which appears with the onset of menopause;
  • estradiol, which is present in all women of reproductive age;
  • estriol is produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

But sometimes the concentration of estrogen is not normal. The reasons for this may be bleeding, difficulties with bearing a child, problems with the reproductive system and mammary glands. These drugs are prescribed by a gynecologist.

Drugs in this group can be prescribed to women who want to increase breast size. Of course, genetic factors also influence this, but the amount of tarragon also plays a role. There are hormonal pills that cause size changes. This effect is due to the influence of prolactin and progesterone.

Therefore, if a lady’s goal is to increase her bust, it would be useful to use a special cream and monitor her diet. But no one guarantees that a woman will experience a significant increase in breast size.

Also, estrogen hormones affect the process of conceiving a child. Therefore, a woman needs to undergo tests to determine the ratio of hormones in the reproductive system. If there are difficulties in conceiving, the gynecologist will prescribe medications containing estrogen and progesterone.

Thyroid gland

Thyroid hormone deficiency leads to:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • decreased cognitive activity;
  • completeness;
  • anemia.

Thyroid problems can occur even in young people. Signs may include constant loss of strength, apathy, and disruption of the functioning of other organs.

For weight gain and acne control

Hormonal pills can lead to weight gain. Therefore, they are prescribed to patients with anorexia or who are too thin. But this property is abused by athletes who want to build muscle mass in a short time. However, corticosteroids and sex hormones are prohibited in Russia, so they use somatostatin.

An endocrinologist can prescribe such drugs. He will select the optimal dosage so that weight gain occurs gradually.

Some people also rely on hormonal pills to combat acne. They normalize sebum production, which helps effectively fight acne. But this therapy has side effects:

  • sudden mood swings;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of a headache.

After completing a course of hormonal therapy, acne may return. Therefore, in parallel, you need to take antibacterial drugs, preferably not antibiotics. The endocrinologist prescribes pills that contain the hormones progesterone and estrogen. They help maintain normal levels of androgens, which affect the production of subcutaneous sebum.

Hormone replacement therapy in gynecology

In the treatment of female disorders and many gynecological diseases, hormonal therapy is considered one of the most effective methods. Indications for its use are:

  • Menopause period.
  • Ovarian exhaustion and dysfunction.
  • Infertility.
  • Hypogonadotropic amenorrhea.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Oncological tumors.

The use of hormone-based medications is also widely practiced after surgery.

For problems associated with infertility, medications are prescribed that stimulate ovulation. Their use lies in the fact that if there is a lack of natural hormones, a woman needs to use artificial analogues. In the case of amenorrhea, the therapeutic course is carried out in cycles; in this situation, hormonal therapy is carried out until the onset of menopause.

Patients diagnosed with uterine fibroids or endometriosis are prescribed a course of hormones that inhibit the production of gonadotropin hormone. The treatment course usually lasts from 3 months to six months.

During resection of the ovaries, women experience symptoms of menopause caused by a lack of sex hormone, which is replaced with hormonal drugs. You will need to take such medications throughout your life.

Everyone knows that during menopause, in the fairer sex, the amount of the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for sexual function, decreases. This significantly affects the health of women and causes many problems. But due to replacement therapy and taking an artificial analogue of this hormone, the female body returns to normal.


Popular drugs

Each group has a number of popular drugs that have many positive reviews and are highly effective. However, you cannot prescribe them yourself, because you need to know the exact ratio of hormones in the body.


This is one of the popular contraceptive options. Many women choose pills on their own, based on advertising and reviews. Therefore, side effects are often observed - weight gain, unstable emotional background, etc. But if they are prescribed by a specialist, then the risk of their occurrence is minimized.

  1. "Diana 35" contains a small concentration of hormones. In addition to contraception, it helps to cope with the problem of seborrhea, reduce the amount of male hormones in the female body, and normalizes the production of sebum. Upon completion of the course, the woman can become pregnant.
  2. Lindinet 20 is one of the new oral contraceptives. It contains very small amounts of hormones, which minimizes the occurrence of side effects. Normalizes the menstrual cycle and is a preventive measure against the occurrence of diseases of the reproductive system.
  3. "Jess" is not only a contraceptive, but also an effective way to combat acne. Its main advantage is that there is no risk of weight gain.

There are other tablets with similar effects. They are prescribed by a gynecologist after the woman has passed all the necessary tests to choose the appropriate remedy.

Estrogen drugs

Therapy with their use is prescribed if a woman has problems with the reproductive system or during menopause. They help not only normalize its functioning, but also have a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

  1. "Dermestril" contains estradiol, it is prescribed during menopause. It not only helps normalize hormonal levels, but also helps cope with sleep disorders and sudden mood swings.
  2. "Divigel" has a beneficial effect on specific female organs. It also has a positive effect on the development of secondary female sexual characteristics and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large selection of hormonal drugs. But only a doctor can prescribe them, and he also determines their dosage and course duration.

What is hormone therapy and its main purpose?

The content of the article

Hormone replacement therapy is the use of hormones and their artificial analogues for medicinal purposes. Hormone therapy was first used at the end of the 18th century in a patient whose ovaries were removed in order to eliminate the development of breast cancer. The attempt was successful and this direction in medicine began to develop rapidly.

In the 20th century, active development in hormone treatment began in the fifties. Today, hormonal therapy is widely used in many medical fields and helps patients cope with many diseases and lead an active lifestyle. The main goal of hormonal therapy is to ensure and restore the normal functioning of organs, as well as eliminate the consequences of disorders caused by changes in the functioning of hormones. When treating any disorders and pathologies with hormones, the specialist selects the drug and its dosage for each patient individually, taking into account his condition, age, concomitant ailments, etc. Taking medications must also correspond to the natural processes in the body.

Where to buy hormonal drugs in Moscow with delivery

Online shopping is becoming increasingly popular. They allow you to save time on purchasing goods and purchase them at competitive prices. A wide range of hormonal tablets is presented in “Your Pharmacy No. 1”.

The network of this online pharmacy offers customers medications that meet all high healthcare standards. You can view the product in the online catalog, where all medications are divided into categories, which saves your time.

“Your Pharmacy No. 1” has 34 branches in Moscow, and any of them will be able to deliver your online order. Home delivery of medications is prohibited, so arrange for delivery to one of the branches closest to you. You can find out about their operating hours on the “Your Pharmacy No. 1” website and place an order at a time convenient for you.

Effects on the body of injections, creams and gels with estrogens

It is similar to the effect that is obtained from applying a patch. That is, estrogens from creams, gels, injections do not pass through the gastrointestinal tract, which means they do not reach the liver, being absorbed into the blood immediately. Because of this, their effect on the body is different, softer.

True, a significant disadvantage of these methods is that the level of estrogen in the body fluctuates. When taking oral hormones it is more permanent. This is explained by the fact that they are absorbed into the blood faster than when administered orally. But they are also eliminated from the body faster. This means that they have a weaker effect on organ functions than oral medications with estrogens.

The effect on the body of non-oral drugs with estrogens has this feature. They first sharply increase the concentration of estrogen in the blood, then their effect fades, and then the estrogen is eliminated from the body. That is, the level of estrogen in the body with this intake is unstable.

Especially compared to oral medications, which provide relatively stable levels of estrogen in the body. In order to influence the estrogen level in the body correctly, the endocrinologist must not only correctly calculate the dosage of drugs, but can also prescribe a combined method of obtaining estrogens. That is, use oral medications with estrogens, as well as creams, gels, patches, injections - of your choice.

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