Duphaston for polycystic ovary syndrome: how to take, treatment effectiveness, chance of getting pregnant

10.13.2020 Alena Masheva Health

In this article we will look at how to use Duphaston for polycystic ovary syndrome.

The medication for this pathology is prescribed to many women due to its effectiveness. Each pill contains 10 grams of dydrogesterone. This artificial hormone replaces endogenous progesterone, which is absent or deficient. Usually the body stops producing this substance as a result of hormonal imbalance.

We will tell you below how to drink Duphaston if you have polycystic ovary syndrome.

Pharmacological properties of the drug "Duphaston"

The active ingredient of Duphaston is an artificially created analogue of progesterone. Without a sufficient amount of the hormone in the female body, disorders of many functions of the reproductive system occur, and the volumes of other necessary substances change.

"Duphaston", getting inside, restores the balance between them, due to which the following occurs:

  • Normalization of menstrual function. Often the problem arises due to insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle, in which the uterine mucosa must develop to a state ready for replacement. And it is caused by progesterone deficiency. The drug replenishes it, and as a result, after taking it, menstruation occurs.
  • Reducing pain during menstruation, normalizing general well-being. Discomfort in the abdomen and malaise in general are also caused by a lack of gestagens, which Duphaston eliminates.
  • Creating the necessary conditions for pregnancy. In addition to the release of the egg, the special condition of the endometrium is important. It should be so loose and thick that the embryo can easily attach and be held in it. This is only possible with a sufficient amount of progesterone, which is what Duphaston provides.
  • Decreased concentration and influence of estrogens. These hormones are also full components of the general background. But their excess leads to many pathologies, including tumors, and the appearance of other types of formations on the reproductive organs. "Duphaston" brings the balance of substances to equilibrium, eliminating the consequences of disorders, such as endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis. It also copes with the uterine bleeding caused by them.

The essence of pathology

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal endocrine disease in which a woman’s natural ovulation process is disrupted, that is, the egg does not leave the ovary after maturation..

Thus, infertility develops and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. In addition, the patient experiences a sharp increase in body weight, and excessive hair appears on the legs, arms, and even on the face.

The disease provokes a hormonal imbalance, since first of all the functions of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and the ovaries themselves, that is, the organs that produce the necessary hormones in the female body, are disrupted.

The appearance of the ovaries, which, with the development of pathology, are quite enlarged and contain many small cysts (non-developing follicles), has become the determining factor in the name of the disease.

Use of the drug for polycystic disease

Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with duphaston is indicated at the initial stage of the pathology. Accompanying the disease, as well as one of its causes, is a hormonal disorder. The levels of estrogens and gestagens, androgens are disrupted, which leads to the impossibility of ripening and release of the egg from the membrane. Within a few cycles, the gonads become strewn with cysts.

The uterine mucosa develops much more slowly, one of the consequences of this is delays and absence of menstruation. The inability of the egg to mature, as well as problems with the endometrium lead to infertility. That is, a whole list of symptoms arises that Duphaston effectively combats.

How to start treatment:

  • Before using the product, you need to make sure that there is a progesterone deficiency, that is, get tested.
  • Duphaston is prescribed one tablet daily. The dosage regimen varies depending on the doctor’s instructions; the start may be the 10th or 14-16th day of the cycle.
  • It should be completed on the 25-27th day. After this, menstruation begins, during which there is a pause in taking the drug.

In addition to restoring the balance of hormones, Duphaston improves immunity, which is important for polycystic disease. It does not affect weight, so it is allowed if it is in excess.

Duphaston for polycystic ovary syndrome makes pregnancy more likely. Therefore, it is often prescribed to women with this diagnosis who are planning it. The drug may also be needed when the goal is achieved. It will support the development of the fetus and reduce the risk of premature termination that exists with the disease. You should stop taking Duphaston with a gradual reduction in its daily dose.

Description of the drug

Duphaston is prescribed to many women for polycystic ovary syndrome due to its effectiveness. Each tablet contains 10 grams of dydrogesterone. This artificial hormone helps replace endogenous progesterone in women, which is missing or deficient. The body stops producing the hormone as a result of hormonal imbalance.

Despite the fact that duphaston is not included in the list of indications for polycystic disease, many gynecologists prescribe this drug to patients. This is due to the drug’s ability to regulate the monthly cycle, disruptions in which occur with polycystic disease. This medicine does not have the ability to normalize the cycle for all women. If the drug is ineffective, doctors prescribe utrozhestan.

Many doctors recommend taking duphaston to women who want to become pregnant after treatment. This drug helps stimulate egg maturation, which sometimes does not occur in patients with polycystic disease. Let's try to figure out why patients with polycystic disease cannot get pregnant.

Progesterone is a hormone that is responsible for the pregnancy process. It is involved in preparing the uterine endometrium for the meeting of a fertilized egg. During the first three months of pregnancy, the corpus luteum produces progesterone, which is necessary for the existence of the embryo. Starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the placenta is responsible for the production of progesterone. Thus, the female body needs this hormone throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

The success of conception also depends on progesterone, since this hormone affects ovulation. Progesterone relaxes the uterine muscles, which prevent the implantation of the embryo. Therefore, it is necessary to cure hormone deficiency at the pregnancy planning stage. While carrying a baby, a woman needs to monitor the concentration of progesterone in the body to prevent the risk of losing the child. In order to compensate for the lack of hormones, drugs such as duphaston or utrozhestan were invented.

The medicine is available in the form of coated tablets. Excipients are lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate and corn starch. The shell contains hypromellose, titanium dioxide and polyethylene glycol. The drug is packaged in 20 pieces in blisters, which are in cardboard boxes.

Ancillary drugs to combat reproductive diseases

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a complex disease that is difficult to respond to conservative therapy. Therefore, in addition to Duphaston, it is necessary to take vitamins, possibly homeopathic medicines. They help return the balance of hormones to normal values ​​for a healthy body. It can be:

  • "Aevit";
  • "Ascorbic acid";
  • "Gerimaks", containing B vitamins.

Homeopathic remedies can normalize the functions of the ovaries:

The diuretic Veroshpiron will help cope with the increased concentration of androgens.

"Duphaston", despite its popularity, can help with polycystic disease, if it is not the only remedy against the disease. A woman with this diagnosis also needs proper nutrition with a minimum of fats and sugar, and physical activity. Otherwise, treatment with the drug will be reduced only to inducing menstruation against the background of its withdrawal.

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endometrioid, polycystic ovary syndrome. Hormonal ovarian cyst: treatment with hormonal drugs.

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Previously asked:

Hello, my name is Svetlana. I’m 34 years old, I’ve had polycystic ovary syndrome all my adult life, I hardly ever get periods. But with God’s help, I had a child, he’s almost 2 years old. After giving birth, my period never recovered. Although I took Duphaston during pregnancy and inserted utrozhestan. Now I am again adding duphaston from 16 to 25 d.c. I wanted to ask if duphaston alone is enough to try to get pregnant again? I just know that Wobezym is another good drug. Can it be included in treatment and how? Starting October 19, I should start drinking duphaston again. Or is something else possible in combination? Thank you! .

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Chance to become a mother

Taking the drug in question during the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome makes the occurrence of pregnancy most likely, since medications that contain progesterone prepare the endometrium for the process of natural implantation of the egg. It is for this reason that it is prescribed to women who are planning to have a child. In addition, taking the described remedy in some situations is advisable even after the woman has already conceived, because the substances that are part of this medicine help maintain the proper development of the fetus, reducing the risk of miscarriage due to disruption of hormonal levels.

Next, we will find out how this medicine helps women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

PCOS: treatment with duphaston

Another frequently used drug used to treat gynecological pathologies is duphaston; PCOS is no exception. This drug is widely used both in gynecological practice and in obstetrics.

Duphaston is a drug of synthetic origin, the active ingredient of which is dydrogesterone. It is not progesterone, however, it is very close in structure and properties to it. It is available in tablet form, and its dosage is 10 milligrams per tablet. It is this drug that is indicated for use in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, since it does not have an androgenic effect.

The drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for the use of progesterone:

  • Endometriosis;
  • Infertility caused by luteal phase deficiency. Which is laboratory confirmed;
  • Disorders of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, which are accompanied by progesterone deficiency, can be used in combination with estrogen preparations.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia;
  • episode

As already mentioned, duphaston belongs to the group of hormonal drugs, so in no case should it be prescribed without consulting a competent specialist. Since you may not only not get the desired positive effect from taking it, but, on the contrary, aggravate the existing situation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Duphaston has been widely used all over the world for more than 50 years for the treatment of various gynecological pathologies.

During this period, specialists have accumulated significant clinical experience in using the drug not only in gynecology, but also in obstetrics.

Duphaston is quite effective, but has a fairly small number of side effects and contraindications.

But, unfortunately, recently there have been many negative reviews about the action of this medicine.

As a rule, they are all based on insufficient qualifications of doctors who prescribe the drug to women without a thorough preliminary examination, as a result of which the effectiveness of Duphaston is significantly reduced.

How to take duphaston for PCOS?

Therefore, treatment with duphaston for PCOS is carried out both as monotherapy to correct the menstrual cycle in cases of proven progesterone deficiency, and in combination with an estrogenic component in the first phase. The regimen for using this drug may vary depending on the clinical situation and the doctor's view of this problem. Typically, treatment of PCOS with duphaston is prescribed from days 14-16 of the menstrual cycle to days 25-26. Then, after discontinuation of the drug, menstrual bleeding occurs, which is the first day of the new menstrual cycle. in it everything happens according to a pre-agreed pattern that was applied in the previous month.

Pregnancy on duphaston with PCOS

PCOS and duphaston are inseparable concepts when it comes to infertility treatment and proven insufficiency of the corpus luteum phase. Without enough progesterone in the mucous layer of the uterus - the endometrium. Sufficient secretory transformations, which are so necessary for the normal implantation of a fertilized egg, will not occur, and if implantation does occur, then the reduced level of this hormone can provoke a threat of miscarriage, and in some cases, spontaneous abortion. Pregnancy with PCOS is continued on duphaston until the placenta of the intrauterine developing child begins to produce progesterone in sufficient quantities. If a woman has achieved the desired pregnancy while taking duphaston, then in no case should you stop taking it after it occurs at the moment when the pregnancy test flashes. Only after a thorough examination and consultation with your obstetrician-gynecologist can you begin a gradual reduction in the dose of the drug. The duration of such actions is also prescribed by the attending physician.

How to take duphaston for PCOS and planning pregnancy?

The standard preparation of the endometrium for polycystic ovary syndrome with duphaston is its administration for three to six cycles according to the scheme: the start of administration is scheduled for the 11th day of the cycle, and the end - for the 25th day. This method of administration is intended for women who have a cycle lasting 28 calendar days. The standard dose is considered to be 20 milligrams per day both before and after pregnancy. Cancellation, as already mentioned, is carried out only by the attending physician if there is evidence for this. However, I would like to clarify once again that these are standards that may change depending on the clinical situation.

In some cases, a woman who does not receive hormonal therapy either before or after pregnancy is in dire need of progesterone medications. This occurs when there is a threat of miscarriage and low levels of progesterone. It is important to take into account the fact that it is advisable to prescribe an analysis to determine the level of progesterone in the blood only in the period from 16 to 22 weeks. At other times, according to the latest data, the results of the progesterone test should not be used as a basis for prescribing maintenance therapy with progestogen drugs. Sometimes utrogestan, micronized progesterone, is prescribed as a progesterone component, depending on the obstetric and gynecological situation.

Each case, each woman with an obstetric-gynecological disease requires an individual approach to prescribing a set of clinical, laboratory, functional studies, drug therapy regimens, as well as the duration of taking a particular drug. As for Duphaston, the drug has a pronounced progestogenic effect, which is applicable in all cases of confirmed luteal phase deficiency, normalizes the ovarian-menstrual cycle, and prepares the endometrium for pregnancy for successful implantation. The drug is quite serious, so duphaston is prescribed for PCOS; how to take it and in what mode is decided only by an obstetrician-gynecologist competent in this area.

pharmachologic effect

The active ingredient of the drug is artificial progesterone. Lack of the hormone causes various disorders of the female reproductive system.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is expressed as follows:

  1. Elimination of menstrual irregularities. In women diagnosed with PCOS, the first phase of MC under the influence of estrogens is successfully completed. Taking the drug promotes the development of the second (secretory) phase, providing the necessary level of progesterone. It is important to understand that the drug only normalizes the menstrual cycle, but does not in any way affect the occurrence of ovulation.
  2. Reducing the pain syndrome that accompanies menstruation. The deterioration of the general condition during menstruation is due to a deficiency of gestagens, which is compensated for by treatment with Duphaston.
  3. Creating conditions for the successful development of gestation. The condition of the endometrium is important for the attachment of a fertilized egg. The uterine mucosa must be of sufficient thickness and looseness so that the embryo can fully implant. To create physiologically necessary conditions, the body requires progesterone, which it receives when a woman takes the drug.
  4. Decrease in estrogen levels . Excess of the substance causes the development of various pathologies. Taking the drug helps normalize hormonal balance, preventing the development of complications of PCOS such as endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia.

The effect of dydrogesterone on the ovaries

Dydrogesterone affects pathology in different ways:

  • For follicular cysts, the drug reduces the level of its own estrogens - the main culprit in the development of the disease. The contents of the cavity decrease, the walls of the formation collapse, and it resolves;
  • With a corpus luteum cyst, Duphaston blocks the production of endogenous progesterone. Once in the bloodstream, the drug creates an excess of the hormone. The signal goes to the brain, where, through a feedback mechanism, the production of luteinizing hormone decreases and the synthesis of its own progesterone slows down. The cyst loses support and regresses;
  • In endometriosis, dydrogesterone promotes the resorption of heterotopias by suppressing excess estrogen synthesis, the main cause of the development of the disease.

An important feature of Duphaston is that this drug does not suppress ovulation, so it can be used at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Duphaston can also be taken during pregnancy planning, since the drug does not affect the ovulation phase.

The effect of using dydrogesterone occurs after 2-3 months. Under the influence of the hormone, the formation decreases in size and gradually regresses. A control ultrasound is performed 3 months after the next menstruation. During an ultrasound examination, the size of the cavity is assessed, and the result obtained is compared with the data from the previous examination.

In the treatment of ovarian endometriosis, Duphaston can be prescribed for a longer course - for 6 months. Control ultrasound is performed every 3 months after menstruation. During this period, the cyst should significantly decrease in size or completely regress.

Duphaston is not a panacea, and the drug does not always cope with its task. Dydrogesterone does not treat the cause of ovarian cysts, but only changes hormonal levels and promotes regression of the disease. It happens that within the allotted time the cavity does not resolve or decreases slightly. In this case, you cannot do without surgery.

Treatment regimen for polycystic ovary syndrome

Duphaston for polycystic disease is used only in the developmental stage of the pathology. PCOS is characterized by the development of hormonal imbalances. The disease is characterized by an increase in the volume of estrogens, androgens and gestagens, which causes the absence of ovulation - the egg not only does not mature, but also does not leave its shell. As a result, the surface of the female reproductive glands becomes covered with cystic formations.

The result of this condition is a dysfunction of the ovaries, which entails disruptions in the functioning of the entire reproductive system. In particular, the development of a disease such as a cervical cyst cannot be ruled out.

The regimen for taking Duphaston is determined individually and depends on the existing disorders.

During menstruation

PCOS is characterized by cycle delay due to progesterone deficiency. The medicine is prescribed precisely for the purpose of its normalization.

The treatment regimen is variable. The start of treatment can be the 10th or 14–16th day of the cycle (counting from the first day of the last menstruation). The final ones are the 25th–27th. Then, after two or three days, functional bleeding begins, during which the woman does not take pills.

When diagnosing dysmenorrhea (very painful periods), the medication is taken from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle.

During pregnancy

Duphaston is a necessary drug to take when carrying a child with diagnosed PCOS. Hormonal disorders associated with the disease complicate the course of gestation, and the risk of miscarriage is quite high.

It must be remembered that treatment with Duphaston in no way affects the maturation of the egg, that is, it does not stimulate the ovulation process.

The drug must be taken during the first 16 gestational weeks, since a woman can only obtain the necessary progesterone for the full development of the fetus in this way. From the fifth month of gestation, the fully formed placenta takes over the production of the vital hormone.

Side effects of Duphaston

Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with Duphaston may be accompanied by the development of side effects. The most common:

  • migraines, headaches - caused by hormonal changes;
  • anemia of hemolytic form - pathology is characterized by the destruction of red blood cells;
  • depressive states;
  • attacks of nausea, sometimes ending in vomiting, are caused by the effect of progesterone on the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • uterine bleeding - may occur with an insufficient dose;
  • allergic reaction – development of skin itching, urticaria, Quincke's edema (rare) is possible;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • white vaginal discharge;
  • weight gain – may be caused by fluid retention.

Additionally, we recommend that you read the information about discharge when taking Duphaston.


Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with duphaston is prescribed by a doctor individually for each patient. This drug, like any other, has a number of contraindications:

  • Allergy to components that make up the medicine.
  • High degree of destruction of red blood cells.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Problems with the functioning of the liver, in which the patient’s skin takes on a yellow tint, and pain appears in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.
  • Irregular hemorrhages that can be stopped with a high dosage of medication.
  • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.
  • Hives.
  • Periodic occurrence of swelling.

Please note: In addition, nursing mothers are prohibited from drinking duphaston. This medicine is contraindicated if the body is hypersensitive. If the patient has already had pregnancies that were accompanied by an allergic reaction, duphaston can cause Quincke's edema.

If a woman has contraindications for taking the drug, she should inform the doctor about this. Sometimes a gynecologist may prescribe medication if the patient has one of the above contraindications. It is necessary to treat polycystic ovary syndrome with duphaston under the close supervision of the attending physician.

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