I'm drinking duphaston and there's a threat of miscarriage and I'm starting to have brown discharge

The hormone progesterone plays an important role during pregnancy , which prepares the endometrium of the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg and promotes its further development.

Progesterone protects the fetus from possible reactions of the woman’s immune system aimed at rejecting the fetus in the first weeks after fertilization, suppresses the contractile activity of the uterus and controls its normal functioning.

Lack of progesterone production in the first trimester of pregnancy leads to detachment of the ovum, threatening miscarriage and spontaneous abortion. The drug Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, the use of which helps maintain the hormone at the optimal level necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

What kind of discharge occurs when taking Duphaston?

Duphaston is a drug that contains synthetic progesterone. This is a hormone produced by the ovaries. But some women have too little of it in their bodies. Therefore, they cannot get pregnant, or every pregnancy ends in miscarriage. Therefore, the drug must be prescribed in the presence of such problems. However, discharge is quite often observed while taking Duphaston.

Video about Duphaston

Description of the drug

Due to a lack of progesterone, a woman’s reproductive system suffers greatly; endometriosis, uterine fibroids and other pathologies may appear. The emotional state of a woman also depends on this hormone; it is necessary for the formation of a female figure. And when its level in the body drops, the outline of the figure becomes close to the male type.

The level of progesterone in the female body depends on the phase of the cycle, and different values ​​will be observed. In the first phase – 0.32-2.25 nmol/l. During ovulation, the norm is 0.49-9.41 (therefore, if progesterone is 1.4 nmol/l, there is no need to take the drug). Its highest values ​​should be observed in the luteal phase - 6.9-56.6 nmol/l. If pronounced deviations are observed, you need to take the drug.

Therefore, the indications for taking Duphaston are the following situations:

  • Temporary infertility in a woman. It is diagnosed when the patient is unable to become pregnant for a year with regular unprotected sex.
  • A history of miscarriages.
  • Unstable menstrual cycle. Especially if menstruation has not been observed for several months in the absence of pregnancy.
  • Frequent occurrence of light bleeding between periods.
  • Pain during menstruation, the appearance of heavy discharge.
  • Endometriosis.

The medicine is available in tablet form and is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. It is necessary to take the drug in compliance with all recommendations of the attending physician. It is usually prescribed in the second phase of the cycle. Discharge very often appears after Duphaston; this condition occurs in many patients and is the norm.

But if they do not go away within several months, this is a reason to be wary. The adaptation period to the drug should last no more than 2 months. Otherwise, vaginal discharge indicates some pathology of the reproductive system.

Heavy bloody discharge is also not considered normal. They may indicate uterine bleeding and therefore require specialist supervision.

Why does discharge appear?

Brown discharge when taking Duphaston is a consequence of several factors:

  • A woman’s body is being rebuilt
    as it receives an increased amount of progesterone. The functioning of the reproductive system is stabilized, it prepares for the onset of ovulation and conception.
  • Restoration of the mucous membrane.
    If it is updated, highlights appear.
  • Incorrect use of the drug.
    It must be taken according to a certain schedule, otherwise your period may begin prematurely.

Therefore, when the gynecologist prescribes any new medications, you need to ask him whether they can trigger the occurrence of discharge. This way you can be prepared for changes that may occur during treatment.

In most cases, brown discharge with Duphaston is normal. However, if a woman experiences severe pain or other discomfort, she should consult a doctor. The medicine should not lead to the appearance of such symptoms.

Usually, spotting when taking Duphaston is very scanty and spotting. They can be observed constantly, but most often they appear only a few times a day. Many women who have taken Duphaston experience such discharge after any physical activity.

What is not the norm?

Brown discharge when taking Duphaston is not always normal. If additional symptoms are observed, spotting may be one of the side effects of the drug. Associated symptoms may include:

  • increased sensitivity of the breast, especially the nipples;
  • severe headaches that do not go away for a long time and do not decrease even after taking medications;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • skin rashes, itching;
  • bleeding from the vagina.

Side effects may appear if the doctor has prescribed the wrong dosage of the drug, or the patient does not follow all of his recommendations for taking it.

Brown discharge

against the background of Duphaston are not a reason for its cancellation. But the dosage must be adjusted.

However, in most cases the drug is well tolerated by the female body. And side effects can be observed only in 5%.

If the dosage is normal, but unpleasant symptoms still appear, there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. You should not stop the course of treatment, but only reduce the dose. But if the symptoms become more pronounced, the treatment regimen will have to be adjusted. In approximately 2% of women, the doctor must stop taking the drug due to individual intolerance. They have to undergo a re-examination so that the specialist can choose a more suitable treatment regimen. In most cases, Duphaston is replaced with Utrozhestan. This is another progesterone substitute. After it, discharge may also be observed, but yellow in color.

Discharge during pregnancy

If there is pathological discharge during pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed to reduce the likelihood of miscarriage. Due to this, the discharge should stop.

But if during pregnancy brown discharge began due to Duphaston, you need to consult a doctor. If they occur immediately after starting to take the medicine, they may not be dangerous. But you need to see a gynecologist to rule out pathologies of fetal development.

If a pregnant woman experiences brown discharge in the early stages after taking Duphaston, the dose may simply need to be adjusted. Usually it is increased, but only a doctor can do this. It is prohibited to drink an increased dose of the drug on your own, as this can be very dangerous.

You should immediately go to the hospital if the following symptoms occur:

  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back.
  • Increase in body temperature to high levels.
  • Copious bleeding, presence of clots.

During pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed to maintain pregnancy and prevent miscarriage. The drug itself does not have a negative effect on the fetus. But discharge when taking Duphaston during pregnancy may indicate a possible miscarriage. Therefore, it is important to immediately consult a specialist.

Discharge after drug withdrawal

After stopping Duphaston, brown discharge may also appear. And if a woman very abruptly stops taking the drug, the whole issue may be a withdrawal syndrome. This condition is characterized by a deterioration in general well-being, unstable menstruation, and ointments between periods.

The body must produce enough progesterone on its own. And for this process to stabilize, it takes time. Therefore, you need to stop taking pills gradually, reducing the number of pills you take every day.

Other reasons

Discharge may also be due to the following reasons:

  • If a woman does not decide to stop taking the drug, the discharge may be caused by pregnancy
    . The medicine is prescribed from 5 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle. If conception occurs, the egg attaches to the uterine cavity, causing light spotting. It is recommended to take a pregnancy test. If she sees two stripes, which indicates a positive result, she needs to talk to a doctor. After all, dosage adjustment may be required.
  • Improper development of the organs of the reproductive system
    . In this case, the discharge may be associated with any hormonal changes.
  • Thrush
    . It can begin due to decreased immunity or after taking antibacterial drugs. In this case, there is a white discharge while taking Duphaston tablets.

The medicine must be prescribed after the examination. This way the doctor will be sure that the brown spot is associated with taking Duphaston. But if such a symptom does not stop within the last few cycles, an ultrasound may be required.

Who can and cannot use it

Gynecologists prescribe the drug to women for the following conditions:

  • lack of progesterone in the body;
  • manifestations of endometriosis;
  • amenorrhea;
  • uterine pathological bleeding;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • PMS;
  • infertility caused by a lack of hormones;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • the appearance of bleeding during pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • in hormonal therapy of gynecological diseases.

Important information: How long can a tourniquet be applied to a limb when bleeding and how to do it correctly

The product should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to dydrogesterone and the constituent substances of the medication. You should take the pills with caution if the patient experiences skin irritation or liver dysfunction during pregnancy.

If taken incorrectly, the medicine can cause side effects, including:

  • anemia;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dysfunctional bleeding;
  • allergic reactions in the form of skin irritation, burning, rash, swelling.

If any adverse reactions occur, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What does brown discharge (spotting) mean after taking Duphaston?

Medicine is developing every day, and for several years now a woman has had the opportunity to take synthetic drugs that replace the active substances produced by the body. After a number of grandiose discoveries in medicine, hormonal drugs have become very popular, which help the female body to work as usual, even in cases where the performance of some organs leaves much to be desired. One of these drugs is Duphaston.

What is this drug

Duphaston is used as a substitute for the natural hormone progesterone. The drug is based on the substance dydrogesterone. The drug is not prescribed to every woman, just to improve her well-being. Experts prescribe Duphaston to those representatives of the fairer sex who have a lack of progesterone. A lack of this natural hormone can cause serious harm to the body. Due to insufficient progesterone, a woman may experience problems with the menstrual cycle.

Another reason why Duphaston is prescribed is pregnancy planning. If ovarian function is impaired, pregnancy will not occur. After a detailed examination, the doctor will not only prescribe the drug, but also indicate on which days of the cycle it should be taken. As a rule, in order to become pregnant, Duphaston is taken for several months.

There are other reasons for appointing Duphaston. This may include diagnosing a woman with endometriosis, obvious premenstrual syndrome, as well as heavy uterine bleeding and similar health problems.

Reception after conception

The role of progesterone is not only to prepare the body for pregnancy, but also to maintain the resulting pregnancy. Its functions:

  • relaxation of smooth muscles to prevent miscarriage;
  • preparing the mammary glands for feeding.

Thus, with a lack of hormones, the normal course of the gestation process is impossible. Therefore, if indicated, doctors recommend the use of Duphaston during pregnancy.

How does the drug affect menstruation?

Women who took Duphaston as prescribed by a doctor often complain that instead of menstruation they only had brown discharge. Others complain that instead of the normal amount of blood discharge, they have a scanty dark red smear.

Why is this happening? This is exactly the reaction to be expected from a hormonal drug. Under its influence, the body begins to function somewhat differently, which affects menstruation.

If, instead of the expected volume of menstruation, a woman notices very scanty discharge, should she worry about this? It is worth noting that there is no need to worry too much about this. In order for the second phase of the cycle to complete successfully, a sufficient layer of endometrium must form. This growth occurs under the influence of a hormonal drug. But sometimes the effect of medications does not occur immediately, so there is no need to panic right away, give the medicine time to accumulate in the body.

You shouldn't joke with hormonal drugs. Under no circumstances should you “prescribe” yourself to take hormonal medications. Duphaston should be taken strictly according to schedule and only in the dosage recommended by the doctor.

If you take it spontaneously or do it irregularly, the menstrual cycle may simply become unbalanced. Restoring balance will be much more difficult than preventing it.

Should everyone take it?

Of course, not all expectant mothers need to take the drug during the gestation period. The drug is prescribed if indicated (history of miscarriages) and after a series of tests. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug “just in case” on the advice of friends, either immediately after the delay or during the first weeks. Only a doctor can recommend use!

The decision to take the drug yourself can have unpredictable consequences. Pregnancy is not the time to experiment with your health. Even one day of taking a hormonal drug without a prescription can cause a malfunction in the body.

Therefore, it is worth repeating once again: Duphaston is strictly forbidden to be taken during planning, immediately after a delay, or during pregnancy, if the drug is not recommended for use by a doctor!

To achieve a positive result, you need to know exactly what day of the cycle you need to start taking the pills, how many weeks you should continue taking them, and how to properly reduce the dose.

The instructions cannot provide detailed answers to these questions, since they provide a standard treatment regimen. And to obtain a positive result, Duphaston is prescribed individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Behavior of the body after drug withdrawal

Menstruation may disappear altogether, and brown discharge will appear instead after a woman stops taking Duphaston. With what it can be connected?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy. To verify this or rule out this option, you should take a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG.

If conception has occurred, you should consult a gynecologist. The specialist may advise continuing the course of taking Duphaston to minimize the risk of miscarriage. During pregnancy, the drug will still have to be discontinued, but this must be done carefully and gradually.

What if after stopping the drug, pregnancy does not occur, and instead of menstruation there is still only slight brown discharge? The issue may be the condition of the reproductive system organs.

To find out why, instead of the normal volume of discharge, only spotting appears, you should contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination for hormone levels.

What conclusion can be drawn regarding the drug? Definitely, it will be very useful for the patient to whom the doctor prescribes this drug, taking into account the goal and the characteristics of the woman’s body. If during treatment or after discontinuation of the drug, brown discharge and dark red spotting began instead of menstruation, then this may be a normal reaction of the body.

To understand why such changes occur, you should maintain contact with the gynecologist who prescribed the course of treatment with Duphaston. You cannot treat it yourself even after the cause of the problem has become clear to you. Treatment with Duphaston takes place only on the recommendation of a doctor and exclusively under his close supervision.

Why did unusual discharge begin when taking Duphaston?

In some cases, the female body produces insufficient amounts of progesterone, which causes the development of infertility and recurrent miscarriages. The woman suffers from menstrual irregularities and other gynecological problems.

If progesterone deficiency is diagnosed, the drug Duphaston may be prescribed. It helps replenish the lack of hormone. The product has a minimum of contraindications, but its use may be accompanied by the development of unpleasant side symptoms. For example, when taking Duphaston, a woman’s physiological secretions may change.

Indications for use and composition

With low levels of the hormone progesterone in the blood, the mood worsens, irritability and unjustified aggression appear, sometimes leading to the development of depression. When the body cannot produce the hormone in full quantities, doctors prescribe Duphaston. The active substance is dydrogesterone (10 mg). Additional components: lactose monohydrate, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. This drug is very close in chemical and pharmacological properties to natural progesterone. When taken, thermogenesis is not disrupted, which makes it possible to determine ovulation by measuring basal body temperature. It has no side effects on the body. Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, detected in plasma 2 hours after taking the drug. Complete excretion in urine occurs after 72 hours. The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. The occurrence of which portends a threat of miscarriage.
  2. Endometriosis.
  3. For menstrual irregularities or absence.
  4. With reduced levels of progestins.

Description of the drug

Very often, women diagnosed with progesterone deficiency are prescribed Duphaston tablets, and discharge that does not quite correspond to physiological ones is an integral part of the treatment. This is absolutely normal - and there is nothing to be afraid of. Most often, women complain of spotting brown discharge after taking Duphaston.

The drug itself is a synthetically produced hormone, progesterone, and is used to treat infertility. It is necessary to take the drug in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when the uterus is actively preparing for the onset of a potential pregnancy.

The duration of the course and dosage are individual. They depend on the initial level of progesterone and general well-being.

Duphaston - helps the female body

Duphaston is a medical drug used in the treatment of various menstrual disorders associated with impaired levels of the hormone progesterone. Thanks to the active ingredient of duphaston - the synthetic hormone dydrogesterone - this medication is effective in the treatment of painful menstruation. Painful menstruation - impact on the quality of life, endometriosis, infertility.

Duphaston tablets contain the active ingredient dydrogesterone, a synthetic hormone similar to the natural hormone progesterone. Dydrogesterone is used in the treatment of various menstrual disorders caused by progesterone deficiency in a woman’s body.

Possible adverse reactions

During treatment with a hormonal agent, the development of side symptoms is possible. Most often, women complain that after taking Duphaston, spotting begins instead of menstruation (pink or dirty-red discharge). Severe breakthrough bleeding is also possible. In this case, hospitalization is recommended.

Brown discharge when taking medication is acceptable.

After discontinuation of Duphaston, the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge is also possible. Causes:

  1. Withdrawal syndrome. If you abruptly stop taking the medication, specific symptoms may develop - deterioration in general health, delayed menstruation, and the appearance of intermenstrual spotting. To avoid the development of such a condition, drug withdrawal must be carried out according to a special scheme: the dose is reduced gradually. This will help prepare the body to produce progesterone on its own.
  2. Beginning of gestation. According to the traditional scheme, the drug is taken in the second half of the menstrual cycle, and if fertilization has occurred, then bloody smear may indicate the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. If menstruation does not occur, then it is necessary to conduct a test that will either confirm or deny pregnancy.

A woman’s body reacts sensitively to various changes. Brown discharge is not normal in all cases. Sometimes the causes can be serious illnesses, in particular:

Before treatment with the drug, a complete medical examination is mandatory. But the onset of spotting, according to women’s reviews, occurred precisely during the period when therapy began.

If after three to four months of treatment the discharge has not disappeared, then you need to undergo an ultrasound examination to exclude pathologies of the reproductive system.

special instructions

When taking Duphaston, severe bleeding may occur, which, under the supervision of the attending physician, can be controlled by increasing the dose of this drug. If blood loss is observed after a course of treatment, then it is necessary to take a biopsy of the uterine mucosa to determine malignant changes.

The drug is prescribed with caution in the presence of certain diseases or in cases of dysfunction of the liver, cardiovascular system, or kidneys. A complete examination of the body is required. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the active substance.

If the patient has taken a dose greater than prescribed, it is recommended to rinse the stomach and apply symptomatic treatment.

To treat many gynecological diseases, doctors often prescribe hormonal drugs. Disturbances in the endocrine system and a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle and difficulties in conceiving and bearing a child. Duphaston is one of the widely used drugs for correcting progesterone levels.

While taking the pills, women's menstrual cycle normalizes and their general well-being improves. However, in some cases, unexpected reactions of the body to the course of treatment may occur. Some women are bothered by brown discharge while taking the medication. To find out the exact cause of this condition, you should consult your doctor.

Duphaston and pregnancy

The drug is often prescribed to women who have conceived in order to maintain pregnancy. Bloody spotting or brownish discharge typical of non-pregnant women is not observed when taking Duphaston. Most often, yellow or copious white vaginal mucus appears, which is due to changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora and the general functioning of the reproductive system.

The appearance of rich brown discharge when taking Duphaston can be considered a sign of placental abruption. At the same time, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage increases significantly. If such symptoms develop, a woman needs to review the dosage of the drug.

Bleeding during pregnancy during treatment with Duphaston is possible in two cases:

  • the onset of spontaneous abortion;
  • the development of an ectopic pregnancy, when the fertilized egg attaches to the lumen of the fallopian tubes.

A woman should remember that if there was discharge at first and then stopped, then this is not a reason to calm down. The development of a miscarriage is not excluded, so the pregnant woman will be recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination.

Side effect

Side effects from taking Duphaston are rare. Most often, side effects are observed when there is intolerance to the drug; they manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions. Side effects in the form of bloody spotting are eliminated by adjusting the dose upward.

So, Duphaston can be used during pregnancy only as prescribed by a doctor. Remember that self-medication can cause harm! Therefore, carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations, strictly following the treatment regimen prescribed by the specialist.

How to avoid discharge

To prevent spotting from appearing while taking Duphaston, you must first undergo a full medical examination. A woman will need:

  • blood test to determine estrogen and progesterone levels;
  • bacterial seeding of vaginal microflora to identify pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Ultrasound examination of the organs of the pelvic region.

Since taking the drug should begin in the second half of the cycle, i.e. after ovulation has occurred, in order to correctly determine the period, the woman may be recommended to measure her basal temperature.

For this purpose, it is best to use ordinary mercury thermometers, as they provide more accurate readings. The release of the egg occurs in the middle of the cycle. Its onset is indicated by an increase in temperature to 37.2–37.5 degrees.

Measurements must be taken in the morning, without getting out of bed. The resulting numbers must be recorded in a special diary. They start taking Duphaston from the day when there was a sharp increase in indicators.

Bleeding when taking Duphaston

Treatment with hormonal drugs is almost always accompanied by uncharacteristic spotting , so Duphaston and brown discharge while taking it are an acceptable type of temporary disorder.

After entering the body, progesterone levels increase. If the drug is prescribed to induce menstruation, then the growth of the hormone serves as a signal for the body that ovulation has occurred. This is accompanied by the onset of endometrial tissue rejection and menstrual bleeding.

When prescribing the drug for medicinal purposes, when there is a deficiency of progesterone in the female body, its use should begin after the onset of ovulation. In this case, the woman may experience bleeding of varying intensity. The reason for this is the body’s reaction to the supply of the hormone. In the case of prolonged use of Duphaston - for several months - intermenstrual flow stops.

The development of breakthrough bleeding requires a revision of the dosage of the hormonal agent. As a rule, it increases and the problem is solved. A qualified specialist should adjust the dosage regimen and dosage of the medication. Stopping taking the drug without the instructions of a gynecologist is also prohibited, since the development of unpleasant side symptoms is possible.

Duphaston is a specific drug, treatment of which should be started only after consultation with a specialist. Quite often, duphaston is prescribed for ovarian cysts, endometriosis, polycystic disease and other gynecological diseases. Do not forget that only a doctor should select the dosage and prescribe a course of treatment.

General position

It is also used to normalize pregnancy, since thanks to the active components of the substance, the sex hormone progesterone is restored. At the first formation of discharge, some patients stop taking the pills without the knowledge of the doctor, while others do not pay attention and consider this normal. Doctors inform the female gender in advance that if any deviations from the norm or unpleasant symptoms appear, then it is necessary to come for a consultation to find out the cause of the discharge.


Any hormonal drug must be taken at the same time; skipping a medication is not allowed. If you increase or decrease the dose of the medicine without a specialist’s prescription, spotting or heavy bleeding may occur, which will lead to unpleasant complications.

when will the “daub” stop

Girls who were prescribed Duphaston when there was a threat, tell me how quickly your discharge stopped after you started taking it. I'm 8 weeks pregnant. There is a slight discharge. I’ve only been drinking Duphaston for 3 days, but I really want everything to return to normal as soon as possible. The child is very welcome.

The discharge stopped on the first day (I mean scarlet blood), namely, the brown spotting was there for about a month, the doctor said that this was normal, because... blood clots formed at the site of detachment come out. I think I wrote it correctly. The main thing is not to be nervous, everything will be ok.

I was prescribed it and took it for up to 12 weeks, but I also had some spotting during the preservation period. its OK now. You should see your doctor - it’s no joke.

Vitamin E is also usually prescribed in this situation. When I started having a little smear, I prescribed it for myself, even before going to the doctor, the doctor then said that I was great. She calls it the vitamin of life. I took 200 tablets once a day.

Unfortunately, I ended up cleaning and duphaston didn’t help (the discharge only decreased a little), after magnesium everything went away, but when they stopped dripping, it all started again - and a sad result(

I had this happen in my third month, I was scared - terribly! Everything happened over the weekend, and on Monday I flew to the gynecologist, I can tell you everything - there will probably be a miscarriage. She looked at me, smiled and said, no, everything is fine with the fetus, this happens before 17 weeks of pregnancy - it’s not scary. But to strengthen the muscles of the uterus, she prescribed Magnesiocard 5 mmol. This is magnesium in powders of 5 milligrams. You must drink one sachet in the morning and one in the evening until week 36! All discharge stopped the next day after taking Magnesium. Now I’m at 39 weeks, everything is fine, this hasn’t happened again (Thank God).

Be sure to take vitamins for pregnant women, lie down as much as possible - in principle, only get up


Early bleeding

the period is 3 weeks. I went for an ultrasound and they said that everything was fine. In the evening, my stomach began to pull and my lower back hurt, and as a result I started bleeding with mucus, like during menstruation. I called the doctor and was prescribed Duphaston and suppositories with papavrine. Tell me what is this? How will this affect the baby?

Elena, my eldest daughter and I had something similar: a brown smear, a constant tug in the lower abdomen. The doctor said it was a threat, and also prescribed duphaston. I took it until about 20 weeks. Don’t worry, the main thing for you now is not to overwork yourself, walk slowly, rest more, no natural sexual activity. After that, everything went away and nothing hurt at all in the second trimester. The main thing is to set yourself up only for positive emotions. This will not affect the child in any way.

in the early stages, spotting is most likely due to the placental layer, I had this at 4-5 weeks, I spent about three weeks on the injection of no-shpa and dicinone, the discharge is dangerous because bleeding and miscarriage can begin, you need to constantly lie down, don’t run or jump, don’t lift more than 2 kilograms, take full care for up to 3 months and everything will be fine. Your doctor is very strange. because it’s easy to prescribe hormones over the phone, without tests. well, very STRANGE.

Brown threads before menstruation against the background of Duphaston.

17:02 — 01 November 2010 Author: Iman, Sharm el-Sheikh

Good afternoon For the 2nd month now, as prescribed by the doctor, I have been taking Duphaston in the second phase, 2 tablets per day. In the last cycle, before normal red periods began at the end of taking the pills, there were creamy pink-beige droplets for a day and a half. In this cycle, too, in the last days of taking Duphaston, there is some discharge like brown snotty threads, and there are few of them, but they are there... And the basal temperature is creeping down, there is almost no hope for pregnancy. And there is no endometriosis, I have already had 2 laparoscopies, the first just for it 6 years ago. In general, it’s somehow strange, I’ve had something similar, but a long time ago, only once or twice in my life, and here it’s possible for 2 months in a row with Duphaston... When my period starts, I’ll visit my doctor and ask. But what do you think? Stupid me, I kept looking at the pregnancy charts to see if anyone’s BBT dropped on the 13th or 14th day after Oh, I tortured Rhino about her “daub”... But no! This is not pregnancy, this is not her...

0 0 0 #14, 02:51 — 04 November 2010 Author: Iman, Sharm el-Sheikh

Dr. Ibrahim apparently did not hear Utrozhestan’s words. Prescribed Cyclo-Proginova this month.

0 0#13, 18:49 — 03 November 2010 Author: Iman, Sharm el Sheikh

Horror, pieces of meat on the gasket. Looks like scraps of raw liver

0 0#12, 17:54 — 03 November 2010 Author: Iman, Sharm el-Sheikh

Maybe replace it with Utrozhestan, really? Or herbs that are drunk in phase II (Elecampane, etc.)? Yesterday I started having M, the pad was not red but black. We are going to see Dr. Ibrahim this evening.

0 0 Author: Irysa, Kaliningrad

I visited my G., told her about the strange discharge and she said not to take Duf anymore. Now I’ll get ready for lapara

0 0#10, 13:55 — 02 November 2010 Author: Iman, Sharm el-Sheikh

As soon as M comes (and they, the bastards, keep delaying and don’t come!), go straight to your doctor for an appointment. And in general, I looked - everyone is prescribed Duphaston for a different number of days. I'm at 14, maybe that's too much, and it's better to take from 16 to 25? But G said after taking the last pill on 29 DC to get tested for hCG, and if B doesn’t, then stop. And at 25 DC, what will HCG show me? By this time, the BT will not have time to fall, so that I know that I no longer need to donate blood, as in these last two, for example, months.

0 0

As I understand you, there was the same situation, at 13 weeks they removed an ovarian cyst, there was a very high risk of not being able to bear it, a spot appeared, I went straight to the LCD, they gave me a referral for hospitalization, I immediately took 4 tablets of Duphaston, and then I came to the hospital and they did it hemostatic injection, the following treatment was prescribed: duphaston 3 times a day, noshpu 3 times a day, motherwort 3 times a day, tranixamic acid 4 times a day, vitamin E 3 times a day. The next day the daubing stopped. She was in bed for 10 days. You shouldn’t be nervous in such a situation, but it’s better to see a doctor and go to bed to save yourself. Now we are 22 weeks old, I still take Duphaston, but I am already finishing drinking it with a gradual reduction in the dose. Wish you luck. New25 December 2010, 10:05

Thank you! I have already been discharged with improvements. It happens, of course, there is a sipping sensation, as if there is a lump in the lower abdomen, you can see this is the tone. I try to rest as much as possible and not get nervous. New23 December 2010, 15:38

on the day when M was supposed to start, a smudge started... (but I started doing tests even before that, and there was a weak second line, i.e. I already knew that I was taking it.). I ran and bought duphaston right away, on the same day on the ultrasound they said that there was no pregnancy, that I had started having M, and I don’t need to drink duphaston, I’ll just shift my cycle... well, I didn’t believe it, and a week later I went for an ultrasound again, already it was obvious that I was pregnant!)) but it was smearing...at 8 weeks it was absolutely terrible - I just...blood poured out...horror. but it stopped right away... at the hospital the doctor didn’t bother me too much, she said, if you miscarry, I’ll have to scrape it out... she didn’t see the point in ultrasound. again I said, no, first I’ll do an ultrasound... the next day, ultrasound - everything is fine, you won’t have a miscarriage, there’s not even a threat!!! In general, it smeared me until about 13 weeks or so. at 11 weeks they said that the placenta was just low, sexual rest... and that’s all. It’s already 33 weeks, I’m still calm)) I’m just afraid. I took 4 tablets of duphaston and gradually stopped taking it until 20 weeks. New23 December 2010, 18:07

When did the daub end? I’m almost 20 weeks, I don’t smear much, the placenta is low, but every time I see a smear and I can’t get used to it, I’m nervous (((I already stopped Duphaston 2 days ago. New December 23, 2010, 20:33

after 13 weeks it no longer smeared... at 16 weeks the ultrasound didn’t say anything about the placenta... apparently it had already risen. At 28 weeks I had an ultrasound and they said the placenta was high. New24 December 2010, 12:50

But for me it’s only getting stronger and stronger, sometimes the shade was after straining, but now it’s more brown... which means my placenta is still creeping...

How to take Duphaston during pregnancy and why?

Quite often, problems with pregnancy and its course are associated with a lack of the sex hormone progesterone in a woman’s body. Today there is a very effective drug that solves this problem. It is absolutely harmless to the mother and fetus, therefore it is widely used by obstetricians and gynecologists.

In addition, Duphaston during pregnancy can prevent even spontaneous miscarriage. It is used not only when carrying a baby, but also to treat many female diseases.

Duphaston is actively used in planning conception, especially in cases of recurrent miscarriage, infertility and ectopic pregnancy. If the birth of life is successful, you should not stop drinking it, as this can provoke spontaneous abortion.

Duphaston during pregnancy is recommended if there is a threat of miscarriage, which is accompanied by bleeding and abdominal pain. This occurs due to increased tone of the uterus. An indication for the use of Duphaston is also a history of non-developing pregnancy. Because it eliminates many of the risk factors.

The doctor decides how to take Duphaston during pregnancy, although there are general recommendations. However, each woman is individual, so the treatment regimen and dose should be selected taking into account the specific situation and the body's response to the drug. After 20 weeks it is not advisable to take it.

However, Duphaston cannot be stopped abruptly; the dose must be reduced gradually. Sometimes treatment with this drug is completed after 4 months, since by this time the placenta has formed, which produces the required amount of progesterone.

When planning pregnancy, the drug is taken 1 t. 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. If the fact of pregnancy is established, they switch to continuous pregnancy


Does hormonal imbalance interfere with conception?

One of the female sex hormones is progesterone; this substance plays an important role in the functioning of the reproductive system. As you know, the monthly female cycle includes two main phases - proliferative and secretory.

In the first two weeks of the cycle, the amount of progesterone is minimal, but after the release of the egg, its amount reaches its peak. Thanks to the hormone, the following changes occur in the body:

  • blood supply to the uterus increases;
  • the mucous layer lining the internal cavity of this organ thickens and loosens.

That is, the main function of the hormone is to prepare the body for pregnancy. If there is a lack of this substance, the fertilized egg cannot implant in the uterus and, accordingly, pregnancy does not occur.

Therefore, if difficulties arise with conception due to a lack of progesterone, Duphaston is prescribed. The drug contains a hormone analogue obtained synthetically. You will have to take the drug not for a day or two, but for at least several weeks, in some cases up to six months. Pregnancy during treatment usually occurs within 3-4 months.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you stop taking the drug immediately after a delay. The consequences of abrupt withdrawal can be very sad. When you can stop taking the drug and how to properly reduce the dose, only a doctor monitoring the course of pregnancy can tell you.

When carrying out IVF against the background of infertility, Duphaston is prescribed in almost 100% of cases. This drug blocks the action of the immune system, which seeks to destroy the fertilized egg as a foreign body. The dose is selected individually.

"Duphaston" - for infertility and to maintain pregnancy

It has been proven that a woman who dreams of motherhood and, for physiological reasons, cannot give birth to a child, experiences constant stress and is susceptible to depression.

In this state, reproductive functions weaken even more. That is why the issue of pregnancy planning and infertility treatment is among the most important medical problems of our time.

One of the effective and time-tested means of treating infertility and preventing miscarriages is the drug Duphaston, the indications for use of which are various reproductive disorders associated with a lack of progesterone.

Lack of progesterone is a common cause of infertility in women. Doctors call this condition luteal insufficiency, due to which in the second phase of the menstrual cycle the uterus does not secrete a special secretion and does not enter a state favorable for conception.

In this case, when planning pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed twice a day, 10 mg from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle. The recommended course of treatment with Duphaston before pregnancy is 6 months.

Often pregnancy occurs before the end of the course, and for many women this seems like a miracle. In fact, the body, having received a sufficient amount of progesterone, naturally prepared for conception (secretion of the uterus increased, changes occurred in the mammary glands, as well as in the psycho-emotional state). In such cases, therapy is not stopped, but continued under medical supervision. After analyzing your condition, the specialist will decide how and how much to drink Duphaston in the early stages of pregnancy, and if necessary, increase the dose.

Each of you probably has many questions related to the use of hormonal drugs. What to expect after therapy? How does Duphaston affect pregnancy? How long to take Duphaston


Hi all. Girls, I am very concerned about this question. I am 5 weeks pregnant. In the third week there was discharge. I drank duphaston.. After a week the discharge stopped, but before that there were cramping pains. A small piece fell out. I submitted it for histology. Note: A layer of dystrophic decidual tissue with foci of necrosis. There are no chorionic villi. After this, an ultrasound showed that the pregnancy was developing, but slowly. The gestational sac and ctr do not correspond to the due date (During my first pregnancy, my child was 3 weeks behind). I also started having brown discharge. The doctor told me to wait. Please tell me how long the discharge can last? I am very worried. I've had them for 3 weeks now. (there was a 5 day break)

I can’t say for sure about this situation, but when I started having discharge at 6 weeks, I immediately flew to the doctor and she immediately hospitalized me, according to the ultrasound it turned out to be a detachment of the ovum, I spent 10 days in the hospital with IVs, duphaston, dexamethasone, but -shpoy, etc. My doctor said that no dark or bloody discharge should be overlooked and, in my situation, it was better to be safe. I advise you to consult another doctor.

Brown daub is not good. and it’s better to take care of yourself at this time. lie down more... rest. drink noshpa three times a day, put on some antispasmodics in the morning and evening. Be sure to use Utrozhestan or Duphaston in the dosage that the doctor prescribes... if there is a threat, it is greater.

I had a hard time with my first pregnancy - miscarriage at 9 weeks with a 5-6 gestational age. No discharge, just a bit every other day. And this time, at 5 weeks, she went into conservation - her tone was increased and there were not enough hormones. I stopped drinking Duphaston before the New Year. I was injected with magnesium for two months to remove calcium from the body. Girls, don’t joke with discharge in the early stages: anything can happen.


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