What to do if pregnancy is unwanted? Gynecologist about types of abortions and their consequences

The news of pregnancy does not always make a woman happy. The solution may be abortion, which, unlike neighboring Poland, can be done absolutely freely up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. But how safe is it for a woman? Is it easy to get pregnant again after an abortion? We asked these and other questions to gynecologist Ekaterina Aleksandrovskaya.

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The doctor reminds that, at the request of a woman, an interruption in Belarus can be done up to 12 weeks, counting from the first day of the last menstruation. For social reasons, when the pregnancy was the result of rape or occurred in a woman deprived of parental rights, the pregnancy can be terminated up to 22 weeks.

If doctors believe that there is a threat to the health and life of the woman or fetus, the pregnancy can be terminated at any stage. This decision is made by a medical advisory commission. You need to understand that after 22 weeks we will not be talking about abortion, but about artificially induced premature birth, after which they will try to deliver a viable child in the hospital intensive care unit.

Mini abortion. Medical abortion

No matter how hard we try to plan everything in life, sometimes circumstances turn out unpredictably.
The birth of a child is an important and responsible step and, of course, the baby must be desired and planned. If you decide that termination of pregnancy cannot be avoided, then you should think about how to preserve your health as much as possible and avoid unwanted consequences.

Types of abortions

  • Abortion without surgery (medical abortion)
  • Mini abortion (vacuum aspiration)
  • Surgical termination of pregnancy in the early stages

Abortion should not be considered as a method of birth control and should only be performed in emergency cases.

Vacuum aspiration or mini-abortion is the termination of an unwanted pregnancy in the early stages of up to 5 weeks, by sucking out the fertilized egg with a special vacuum suction. This method is less dangerous to a woman’s health than a conventional medical abortion, since vacuum aspiration significantly reduces the possibility of complications: damage to the uterus, bleeding, infection.

After all, the longer the pregnancy, the higher the risk of complications after surgery to terminate it. In the early stages, the size of the fertilized egg and the uterine cavity is small. If pregnancy is terminated before 5 weeks using vacuum aspiration, then the vessels and walls of the uterus are less damaged and it will be easier for the body to recover.

Why do doctors recommend the vacuum aspiration method?

  • Vacuum aspiration makes it possible to terminate pregnancy in the early stages.
  • The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.
  • The vacuum aspiration procedure lasts no more than 5-7 minutes (excluding the time for its preparation). The procedure for removing the fertilized egg is performed using vacuum suction rather than scraping with a curette.
  • Suction is performed through a flexible plastic cannula, which does not cause serious damage to the uterus.
  • During vacuum aspiration, cervical dilators are not used, which does not damage its muscular apparatus and does not lead to further miscarriage.
  • The healing period of the uterine cavity after vacuum aspiration is much shorter than after an abortion.
  • There are no serious consequences leading to infertility

What to do if you want to terminate your pregnancy?

First of all, a woman should contact a gynecologist to confirm the presence of pregnancy. Delayed menstruation may be associated with ovarian dysfunction, stress, weight loss or sudden weight gain. Special rapid tests or ultrasound can be used to determine pregnancy. The doctor must make sure that the pregnancy is not ectopic.

In order for an abortion operation to be successful, certain rules must be followed.

Before the vacuum aspiration procedure, you must undergo an examination by a doctor and pass all the necessary tests. After vacuum aspiration, the woman needs to lie down for 0.5-1 hour, and after 3-4 hours she can return to normal life.

However, there are special precautions that must be strictly observed to reduce the risk of serious complications. Usually, 4-5 days after vacuum aspiration, a discharge similar to menstruation appears, but this is not menstruation, but a peculiar reaction of the body to hormonal changes after vacuum aspiration.

Medical abortion

Until 22 weeks of pregnancy, medical abortion is performed in Belarus, which complies with WHO recommendations. Only if a woman has contraindications, the surgical method is used.

— Up to 7 weeks, medical abortion is carried out on an outpatient basis: the woman takes pills in the presence of a doctor, and after 10-14 days she comes for a control ultrasound. If the period is more than 7 weeks, then pharmaceutical termination of pregnancy is carried out in a hospital, including a day hospital at a clinic.

The doctor emphasizes that hormonal drugs are not used for medical abortion, as some women think:

— These drugs contain a substance that blocks receptors for progesterone, which supports pregnancy. And also prostaglandin, which is responsible for the opening of the cervix and contraction of the uterine muscles during childbirth. This is what the effect of abortifacient drugs is based on.

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Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion)

Vacuum aspiration is a safe mini-abortion

. It is allowed only in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 5 weeks of pregnancy or the 21st day of delay. The essence of the procedure is that a special device - a vacuum suction - creates negative pressure in the uterine cavity, which allows the fetus to be removed. All manipulations are performed under strict ultrasound control. Vacuum aspiration is considered a modern and humane method of abortion; it does not require hospitalization or a long rehabilitation period.

Vacuum aspiration: advantages of the procedure

  • Gentle method:
    the fetus is removed using a vacuum suction, rather than being scraped out with a metal instrument, and cervical dilation is not required, since suction is carried out through a small flexible hose.
  • Safety of the method:
    minimal trauma to the uterus and preservation of the woman’s reproductive function. Complications are possible only in 1% of cases.
  • Efficiency:
    the procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.
  • A mini-abortion is performed on an outpatient basis
    , and within a couple of hours after the procedure the woman can return to her usual activities.
  • Both general and local anesthesia are possible.
  • Fast healing
    and restoration of the uterine cavity.

Surgical termination of pregnancy

A surgical abortion is performed in a hospital in one of two ways: by vacuum aspiration or using a sharp instrument - a curette. As a rule, after such procedures, a woman is under medical supervision for 1 to 3 days.

Vacuum aspiration, performed before 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, is also called a mini-abortion. This is the most gentle surgical method. Under anesthesia, a tube is inserted into the uterine cavity, which is connected to a machine that creates negative pressure. This is the so-called vacuum, thanks to which the fertilized egg and part of the endometrium are removed from the uterine cavity. This entire procedure is carried out with minimal intervention - without dilating the cervical canal of the uterus.

For a period of more than 7 weeks, a larger diameter tube is required for vacuum aspiration, because the size of the fertilized egg is already quite large. Because of this, the operation is performed with dilation of the cervix.

Indications for mini-abortion

Termination of pregnancy using vacuum aspiration can be carried out at the woman’s personal request. However, there are also medical indications for this procedure:

  • Exacerbation of severe autoimmune diseases.
  • Exacerbation of endocrine diseases.
  • Severe kidney damage: glomerulonephritis and others.
  • Epilepsy in severe form, which is not amenable to drug treatment.
  • Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver at a late stage.
  • Acute leukemia and some other diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Diabetes mellitus type I and II.
  • Bleeding in the duodenum or stomach, which is of ulcerative origin.
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage.
  • Rubella.
  • Incessant vomiting during pregnancy that does not respond to medication.
  • Heart defect (some types).
  • Severe mental disorders.
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction.

Not 100% guarantee!

Not in all cases, taking abortifacient drugs or surgical abortion terminates the pregnancy: sometimes it persists despite the procedures performed. What do they do in this case?

— Before 12 weeks of pregnancy, another abortion is performed, but surgically. If the deadline is missed, then the woman will have to bear this child (unless there are social or medical indications for this). Due to the intervention, there is a risk of premature birth and the development of placental insufficiency during pregnancy. As for pathologies in a child, they are unlikely to be provoked by an unsuccessful abortion; there are many other reasons for this.

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The gynecologist had similar cases in practice:

— The woman did a vacuum until 7 weeks, but still remained pregnant. And since she found out about this too late, when her pregnancy was more than 12 weeks old, she could no longer have a second abortion. She recently gave birth, although prematurely - at 34 weeks, but everything is fine with the child.


A mini-abortion cannot be performed in the presence of acute infections. It is in this case that the risk of various complications increases. First, you need to carry out drug therapy as prescribed by your doctor, and after complete recovery, talk to a specialist about the possibility of vacuum aspiration. And also among the contraindications:

  • Non-developing pregnancy.
  • Lost pregnancy (anembryony).
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Blood clotting disorders.

Vacuum aspiration: preparation

Before you sign up for vacuum aspiration, you should consult with your gynecologist. This is necessary in order to make sure that there is a pregnancy and that it is proceeding without pathologies. At the appointment, the specialist will conduct the necessary tests and ultrasound diagnostics, and also write out directions for taking the necessary tests. If there are no contraindications, you will be scheduled for a convenient date and time for a mini-abortion. If you are determined to terminate your pregnancy, then you should do it as soon as possible. The fact is that in the last days of the term, the fetus may already be too firmly implanted into the uterine cavity and additional curettage will be required to remove it.


Immediately after the procedure, the woman needs a short rest. It is recommended to lie down for at least thirty minutes, and in the next few hours remain in a calm state and protect yourself from stress. Restore your peace of mind and feel free to return to your normal activities, but do not forget about the following points:

  • A week after the mini-abortion, be sure to go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Diagnostics will make sure that the pregnancy has really been terminated, since in 1% of patients it continues to develop. This is possible for several reasons. First, the procedure was carried out in too short a time. Second, ultrasound was not used for control. Third, the doctor did not recognize an ectopic pregnancy.
  • In the next six months, you will need to visit the gynecologist at least three times. The specialist will monitor the progress of recovery and, if necessary, prescribe additional therapy.

Adverse reactions

Vacuum aspiration is an absolutely safe procedure. Complications are possible only in 1% of cases. This is a very low figure. Moreover, women often begin to panic when the body reacts normally. For example, some patients, 2-3 days after termination of pregnancy, experience discharge similar to menstruation - this is how the body reacts to hormonal changes. If we talk about complications, these could be:

  • Fetal remains that require repeated vacuum aspiration.
  • Inflammation.
  • Bleeding.
  • Rupture of the uterine wall.
  • Infertility.

We do not encourage you to do vacuum aspiration. We will be glad if this type of service becomes less in demand. But we understand that there are situations in life when abortion is the only right decision.

Vacuum aspiration in Minsk is done at the Sante Medical Center.

The procedure takes place in four stages:

Stage 1. Visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist:

  • the doctor conducts a survey, examines him in a gynecological chair, and conducts the necessary laboratory tests;
  • a pelvic ultrasound (PUS) is performed to determine pregnancy;
  • the doctor talks with the patient about making a decision to terminate the pregnancy

Stage 2. Taking mifepristone (not earlier than after 3 days).

The doctor examines the results of laboratory tests, conducts a second conversation with the patient, after which the drug mifepristone is given, which prevents the further development of pregnancy.

Stage 3. Taking Mirolut (about 2 days after the 2nd visit).

The patient is taking misoprostol (Mirolut), which increases uterine contractions.
After 2-3 hours, spotting appears - the expulsion of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity begins, which may be accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, after a few days the bleeding decreases and completely stops by the beginning of the next menstruation.

Specialization questions:

Hello! Please help me solve the problem with PMS. Especially 5 days before menstruation, my head starts to get really crazy) Tearfulness, aggression, depression, etc. appear. And so on every month. What to do?

How to reduce pain with chronic anedexitis?

Is it possible to work as a manicurist in the 1st trimester?

Vacuum abortion is considered one of the most gentle ways to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The vacuum aspiration method involves creating uniform negative pressure in the uterine cavity, under the influence of which the fertilized egg is separated from its walls. In this case, the likelihood of bleeding is minimal. The procedure is prescribed by a gynecologist. The reason for such interference in a woman’s body is certain indications.

  • The medical method of terminating the pregnancy did not produce any results.
  • Pathologies in fetal development were discovered.
  • The presence of a severe chronic illness in the mother herself will not allow her to safely bear a child.
  • Based on her own subjective reasons, a woman wants to terminate her pregnancy and get rid of the fetus.

If this type of problem arises, you should use the 2doc doctor search service in Minsk and sign up for an online consultation.

Vacuum termination of pregnancy

This technique is used only in the relatively early stages of pregnancy - up to 7 weeks. The earlier the better. The main advantage is the reduction in the degree of negative impact on female reproductive function. There is no need to use retractors or other traumatic instruments. The risk of cervical insufficiency disappears.

An important advantage is the low level of discomfort. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the use of general anesthesia, which in itself poses a danger to women’s health. You can almost always get by with local anesthesia alone.

The operation has the following features:

  • it can be carried out starting from 20 days after the start of the delay;
  • flexible plastic cannulas are used instead of dangerous metal instruments;
  • the procedure takes only a few minutes;
  • after a few hours, the woman is able to return to normal activities.

Why is it important to contact professionals?

Although vacuum aspiration is a relatively safe procedure, there is still a risk of complications. They can only be prevented if you contact trustworthy professionals. In this case, the likelihood of negative consequences is reduced to almost zero.

The specialists of our center guarantee patients not only physical, but also psychological comfort. The moral state of a woman has a serious impact on the healing process! Doctors will issue a set of recommendations. You will not be allowed to engage in physical labor for several days. It is forbidden to even wash the floor or carry a heavy bag.

2-3 days after the operation, discharge similar to normal menstruation may appear. Don't worry - this is normal. The body is being rebuilt hormonally. Soon everything will stop. You can always contact our specialists for inspection and consultation.

Benefits of honey

  • High level of professionalism. Doctors of the first and highest qualification categories work here. Employees regularly improve their skills and learn new methods of solving patient problems.

  • Result guarantee. We are responsible for the effectiveness of procedures and strive to complete everything in accordance with the highest requirements.
  • Efficiency. You don't have to stand in line to get vacuum aspiration in Minsk . In some cases, reception is carried out on the day of application. We work from morning until late evening.
  • Maximum comfort for every patient. The staff is extremely attentive to the well-being of visitors. We make sure you are comfortable.

We have a modern laboratory. This makes it possible to conduct effective research and prevent complications. The center provides a wide range of medical services. You no longer need to look for doctors - Alphamed has everything you need!

Main contraindications to mini-abortion

Termination of an unwanted pregnancy using vacuum aspiration is not indicated for every woman. If the doctor determines the presence of an infectious disease that can be transferred to the uterine cavity, abortion is out of the question. Such intervention is fraught with a threat to a woman’s life. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized egg is not found in the woman’s uterus), vacuum abortion is strictly contraindicated. Poor blood clotting becomes another obstacle to such a procedure.

Risks and complications of abortion

As with any medication, medical abortion may have side effects such as vomiting. In this case, the woman will have to re-take the drug under the supervision of a doctor or have a surgical abortion. Allergic reactions to medications are also possible.

— Surgical abortion has significantly more complications than medical abortion. This is a trauma to the cervix or damage to the endometrium, which can interfere with endometrial growth in the future and cause problems with conception and pregnancy. An even more dangerous complication is uterine perforation, when the uterus is accidentally punctured with a sharp curette. And sometimes internal organs can be damaged and, as a result, internal bleeding may occur in the abdominal cavity. Then the woman requires urgent surgical intervention.

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With a surgical abortion, unlike a medical abortion, there is a risk of purulent-septic complications and infection of the uterine cavity, warns the gynecologist.

— The occurrence of inflammatory processes is often associated with incomplete removal of the fertilized egg, when some of its parts remain in the uterine cavity after surgery. And sometimes even from these parts a so-called placental polyp is formed in the uterine cavity. It manifests itself as bleeding, which occurs a few days or even a week after the abortion. In this case, the woman may need further surgery to remove the contents of the uterus.

Abortion at a later stage has the same complications, only the risk of trauma to the uterus is even higher, and therefore the consequences can be more dire, the doctor emphasizes. A psychological aspect is also added to the physiological aspects:

— If termination of pregnancy is carried out for medical reasons, when there are some problems in the fetus, then the woman often also experiences psychological trauma due to the difficult choice and loss of the unborn child. Alas, this is sometimes forgotten when talking about abortion.

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