How to quickly induce your first period without harm to the body

The first menstruation usually occurs at 10-15 years of age. Earlier or later periods are considered a deviation that needs to be diagnosed. It is the first menstruation that indicates that the body is actively maturing. Accompanied by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Girls or their parents sometimes try to find out how to get their first period. Usually, alternative medicine methods are used for this purpose. However, you must first consult a doctor. Otherwise, you can harm the health of adolescents. Only a doctor can choose a safe way to call your period.

Teenage girls get their first period

Tender age

The period of puberty in girls occurs between 10 and 13 years. The body undergoes serious hormonal changes. Girls at 11–12 years old change both externally and internally. Increased growth of dark, coarse hair begins in certain areas of the body, shapes become rounded, and the mammary glands become more pronounced. There may be slight transparent or whitish discharge from the genitals, a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back, and slight discharge from the mammary glands.

The cause of these manifestations is a powerful release of the female sex hormone - estrogen - into the blood. An increase in the level of this hormone leads to the appearance of the first menstruation (menarche) at 11–12 years of age. The physiological process of turning a girl into a girl is long and takes about 2 years. From a medical point of view, menarche is a key event in a girl's sexual development. They mean the emergence of the ability to conceive a child.

What is the nature of menstruation

Menstruation is a natural process of cleansing the female body. Bloody discharge appears monthly. Menarche (first menstruation) occurs during adolescence. This happens around 11-15 years of age.

During menstruation, the endometrium is shed. Menstruation consists of its remains and blood. There may be a small amount of clots in the discharge.

Normally, the amount of discharge during menstruation does not exceed 150 ml. Color ranges from scarlet to red-brown. Menstruation stops after menopause. Menopause occurs in women aged 40-50 years.

It is during menopause that the supply of active eggs ends. After menopause, a woman is no longer able to bear children. Aging processes are activated.

With the onset of menopause after 50 years, menstruation stops

Girls' emotional maturation

Maturation is not limited to hormonal changes. The psyche also changes. The girl becomes more suspicious, restless, and secretive. She is overly susceptible to criticism. Any event, for example, a rude response from a mother, a quarrel with other 12-year-old girls, or an admiring glance from a classmate, leaves a noticeable mark on the soul and leads to stress.

During this period, peers willingly share with each other the changes occurring in their bodies. The onset of menstruation becomes a source of pride for a girl and the envy of her friends. In an effort to realize their own “I want my period,” girls begin to think about how to induce menstruation for the first time at the age of 13.

In most cases, a girl does not need to specifically induce her period, since nature sets the necessary biorhythms. Menstruation at 13 years old or 2-3 years later, as well as earlier, is the norm for girls. Inducing girls' first periods early is dangerous to their health.

A couple of lines for teenagers

During puberty, the menstrual cycle is unstable. As a result, delays are the norm. If a teenager is not sexually active and pregnancy is completely ruled out, then there is no need to panic, scour the Internet for tips or listen to girlfriends. And taking medications that induce menstruation is generally strictly prohibited!

It is clear that at this age it is too early to think about children, but you should not deprive yourself of this opportunity in the future. If any health problems arise, it is best to consult a doctor.

Natural development

If a girl at the age of 11 does not have periods, then there is no reason to worry. The time has not yet come. Doctors believe that this age is the preparatory period. Parents should not panic if there are no critical days at age 12 and even a little later. The task of parents is to create an atmosphere of comfort and trust around their child. Be a good example for your own child. After all, the first period will definitely come.

The future girl should try to get proper rest, eat a moderate and balanced diet, move a lot and worry less about menstruation for the first time.

The arrival or delay of the first critical days in girls aged 10–13 years is influenced by a large number of factors. These include:

  • general physical condition and growth rate of the child’s body;
  • features of the endocrine system;
  • specific structure of the genital organs;
  • metabolic rate;
  • the girl has suffered severe nervous stress or serious illness;
  • overweight girl;
  • smoking and taking strong medications.

In any case, if a delay in menstruation occurs for the first time in girls 11–12 years old, a competent gynecologist will evaluate the above reasons in their entirety and prescribe appropriate therapy individually for each patient. Taking medications by girls to provoke menstruation for the first time, even of herbal origin, without indications and medical supervision is strictly prohibited and even dangerous. This can permanently compromise fragile women's health.

How to induce menstruation for the first time without harming the body

A girl learns about her period either from her friends or mother, or by chance when her period comes during puberty.

If there is no bleeding yet, and the girl really wants to become more mature thanks to their regular presence, she may be interested in the question of how to induce her first period. When to expect menarche and whether to accelerate the onset of this process, you will find out further.

Age norms of menstruation in girls

Puberty in girls begins between 9 and 12 years of age. At this time, the body undergoes serious changes, and some changes affect hormonal levels.

Girls in puberty are very sensitive and, in the absence of proper sex education, they believe that if they do not have periods at the age of 13, this is a serious deviation. The classic version of the onset of menarche is identified with the age of 12–14 years. But it is not uncommon today to have earlier or later periods that stain the laundry for the first time.

Too early or late discharge is explained by physiological characteristics of development. With active figure formation and intensive growth, periods in adolescents begin early. If a girl looks younger than her peers, she will see spotting later. This is not considered a deviation if the wait does not exceed 2 years.

The mother must monitor her daughter’s health and provide timely information about sexual development. Too early menstruation, for example, at the age of 9, or late menstruation, which first began at the age of 16, require immediate contact with a pediatric gynecologist. The doctor will assess the situation and determine the cause of the anomaly.

But a specialist will not teach you how to induce menstruation for the first time, since each organism develops individually. If there are no violations, menarche will come on time, when the reproductive system is fully ready to perform the menstrual function.

Attempting to induce periods on your own at home is dangerous for the body. After reading articles for adult women, a teenage girl can significantly undermine her health.

If an inflammatory process occurs in the reproductive system or a tumor develops, stupid interference in one’s own body will lead to severe bleeding, the formation of cysts, infertility and other complications.

The date of your first period must be remembered. It determines the gynecological age of the girl. The doctor specifies the year of the onset of menstruation when diagnosing diseases, pregnancy and childbirth.


Harbingers of menarche

The following symptoms will help girls aged 11–15 years to understand that their first period will soon begin:

  • Regular rashes on the face.
  • Lower abdominal pain.
  • Aching in the lower back.
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands.
  • Transparent discharge from the genital tract.
  • Irritability and vulnerability.
  • Nausea and loss of appetite.
  • Hair growth in the armpit and groin area.
  • Leucorrhoea (physiological discharge of pale yellow or white color).

Discomfort appears approximately six months before menarche. If several symptoms or all of them bother a teenager at once, you shouldn’t think about how to get your first period at age 12 or a little later. Everything will happen at the right time.

If a girl has celebrated her 14th birthday, has secondary sexual characteristics, feels normal, but has not yet had menstruation, there is no need to worry.

If your mother and older sisters had late menarche, you can wait a little longer, but lead an active lifestyle, rest enough hours and eat well. It is important to learn not to give in to stress from a young age.

If menstruation does not begin until the age of 16 in the presence of secondary sexual characteristics, and the doctor has certified the normal development of the genital organs, the girl suffers from physiological amenorrhea. This condition is not pathological and does not require medical intervention.

But if, even after 16 years of age, critical days do not come, the teenager must be shown to a gynecologist and receive recommendations for diagnosis and treatment. The onset of menstruation at 17 years of age is considered late and pathological.

At the discretion of the doctor, the patient may be prescribed Duphaston, a hormonal drug used for cycle disorders and delayed menstruation. You cannot take pills without the knowledge of a specialist, because...

You can disrupt hormonal levels.

The physiological delay of menstruation in adolescents has various reasons: sharp fluctuations in weight, obesity or excessive thinness, poor nutrition, emotional and physical overload, stress, infectious and endocrine diseases. Heredity plays a certain role in the formation of the cycle.

How do girls' first periods go?

Physiological processes occur differently in different people. Girls can experience menarche at the age of 11 or 15, and this is not considered an anomaly. The duration of a normal menstrual cycle is 28 – 30 days. Sometimes the schedule is different - a girl faces critical days once every 21 - 35 days. The duration of the cycle is influenced by the amount of sex hormones.

Menstruation does not become regular right away. For several months in a row or even 1 - 2 years, bleeding may not be strictly according to the calendar.

There is no need to panic yet, because the body is just adapting to unusual conditions. If the time gap between the first and subsequent menstruation exceeds 3 months, or spotting lasts longer than 10 days, the child and mother should consult a gynecologist.

The menstrual process itself can be described as follows. As the body matures, the size of the uterus and ovaries increases. The inside of the uterus becomes overgrown with endometrium. In the absence of pregnancy, this layer is rejected.

If a girl is not sexually active, the egg remains unfertilized. The endometrium, intended to anchor the placenta, becomes unnecessary.

This is how menstruation occurs monthly, first appearing at the age of 12–13 years.

Let's consider several options for the course of menstruation that may alert a girl:

  1. Bloody discharge is observed for 5 days, but after a short time it appears again. For teenagers, menstruating twice a month is a common problem. It does not require medical intervention, since the cycle is initially unstable and susceptible to various factors - weather, colds, stress.
  2. My period lasts for 2 weeks. Prolonged bleeding indicates minor abnormalities in the body, but is not a symptom of a serious illness. A teenager’s first period can take a long time due to serious changes in the body. Leaving the period of childhood, he learns to get rid of the mucous layer of the uterus.
  3. Unpleasant smell of discharge. When exposed to air, menstrual fluid acquires a foul odor. At first they are thick and dark. This is the endometrium coming out. Recommendation: Increase hygiene. Frequent washing of the intimate area and timely change of pads will relieve the girl of the unpleasant odor and increase self-confidence.

PS If a young girl has any questions regarding the onset of menstruation, she should resolve them with her mother and gynecologist. It is important for a mother during menarche to gain her daughter’s trust and explain how growing up occurs.


Folk recipes

As you know, herbal medicine is one of the most accessible and gentle. Herbs have a mild healing effect and have virtually no contraindications for use, with the exception of allergies. Some vegetables and fruits have therapeutic properties when taken in a certain way.

To stimulate menstruation in girls for the first time, drugs are used that have the property of enhancing the production of female sex hormones, as well as thinning the blood, causing menstruation. It can be herbs, roots, some fruits and vegetables that cause girls to menstruate for the first time.

For example:

  • onion peel decoction;
  • parsley tea;
  • ginger root;
  • beet juice;
  • infusions of angelica or elecampane;
  • bay leaf decoction;
  • papaya in large quantities.

Reviews from girls indicate the high effectiveness of onion peel and parsley decoctions for inducing menstruation. Menstruation appears in one day. However, taking these infusions by girls to induce menstruation for the first time simultaneously leads to stool upset, which is a side effect.

Menstruation in girls can also be delayed due to nervous tension. To combat stress, doctors recommend using tea made from chamomile, mint, and lemon balm. Relaxation helps to normalize the functioning of all internal subsystems, as well as the arrival of menstrual periods for the first time and the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle in girls.

Abuse of herbal medicine by girls can be dangerous, despite the gentle effect of treatment. Uncontrolled use of decoctions and infusions to induce the first menstruation can lead to severe bleeding, which can only be stopped in a hospital setting. The exception is soothing teas, which girls can drink even after the onset of regular bleeding, if the girl says: “I don’t want my period.”

Causes of menstrual cycle disruption

The first thought that arises during a delay is pregnancy. Only one question remains - is it desirable or not? But, if there is interest in this material, then, most likely, motherhood is not included in the plans. The easiest way to confirm or refute a suspicion is to take a pregnancy test.

In case of an unwanted pregnancy, a positive test result leads most women to panic and other fears and concerns. Some are afraid to have a medical abortion, some do not want others to find out, and some simply do not have money for paid medical services. There can be many reasons, so women act on the principle: the main thing is the desired result. Much to our dismay, such health experiments have extremely negative consequences.

There are many examples in medical practice where “abortion at home” completely deprived a woman of the opportunity to subsequently feel the joy of motherhood. Bleeding is the minimum consequence of such experiments, and the maximum is death. In this case, you need to make a decision, thinking with your head, and not relying on emotions. Seeing a doctor is the safest and most careful method. But it’s still worth thinking about the possibility of having a child.

If pregnancy is ruled out, then going to the doctor should also not be put on hold, since there are a number of reasons for a missed period. And before you type “how to get your period” into your browser’s search bar, it’s worth understanding the reasons for their absence.

  • ovarian cyst. Additional symptoms: nagging pain in the lower back and aching pain in the navel area;
  • inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes;
  • pathology in the structure of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • venereal diseases;
  • disruption of the hormonal system;
  • benign or malignant tumor.

But the reasons for the delay are not always related to any disease.

  1. Prolonged stressful situations or lack of rest.
  2. Changes in weather conditions or climate. Flying to other countries can cause both a delay in the cycle and serve to speed it up. Sudden temperature changes in the off-season have the same effect.
  3. Diet. Sudden weight loss provokes a malfunction of the hormonal system.
  4. Little weight. Reaching a critical body weight will lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle.
  5. Taking medications. Quite a few medications have “impact on the menstrual cycle” among their side effects.

If there is no obvious cause, then you should listen to the accompanying symptoms: pain, unusual discharge, burning sensation and itching. In this case, the primary task is to determine the causes of the delay for their timely elimination, and not to induce menstruation. The gynecologist will take all the necessary tests and also write out a referral for an ultrasound scan. The results obtained will allow you to determine the diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Drug treatment

It happens that the first period does not come even at 17 years old. It is advisable for the girl, together with her parents, to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist, as well as other specialized specialists in the presence of chronic diseases. It is necessary to ensure that the girl is not pregnant through ultrasound diagnostics. It is also useful to do a blood test for the following hormones:

  • thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH);
  • thyroid hormones (T3 and T4 free);
  • progesterone;
  • testosterone hormone;
  • hormone estradiol;
  • follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH);
  • luteinizing hormone.

The doctor will tell you the specifics of the tests described and the procedure for taking them for the girl to obtain information about the time of her period.

Based on the results of the examination of the girl, to call the first critical days, it is possible to prescribe the drugs Duphaston or Utrozhestan, which fight progesterone deficiency. These drugs are famous for their wide range of applications and are used to treat infertility, when there is a threat of miscarriage and other disorders in a woman’s body.

Medicines are used by a girl to induce her first period in a gentle dosage and according to a specific scheme prescribed by the gynecologist. The dose is determined based on the girl’s weight, age and other characteristics. To induce critical days, take 20 mg of the drug in two doses at equal time periods. The girl's period will come instantly for the first time.

Psychological aspects of the problem

Since ancient times, menstruation and everything connected with it has been surrounded by a veil of mystery and led to the emergence of many superstitions, speculations and myths. The latter often carried elements of fear and surprise and had a frightening and unpleasant character. Therefore, during the period when a girl is ready to transition to the status of a girl, it is important to provide her with the necessary information, help and advice in order to prevent the emergence of a stressful situation and negative emotions in the still unformed body of a teenager.

At this difficult time for her, it is necessary to provide psychological support, create trusting relationships, answer questions of interest and help her understand incomprehensible phenomena. To solve this problem, the role of the mother is important, as a mentor and good friend, so that such an upcoming test as menstruation does not become an unexpected and unpleasant surprise.

Side effects of drugs

However, any drug has contraindications. Duphaston is no exception. The chemicals contained in this medicine may cause:

  • allergic shock;
  • digestive disorders;
  • stool disorder;
  • headache;
  • chest discomfort and other individual reactions.

Moreover, Utrozhestan, prescribed to induce menstruation for the first time, and having an identical effect, is tolerated much more easily by girls.

There is another drug that causes severe uterine bleeding. Some girls use it secretly from their parents or doctor. This is Postinor, used primarily as an emergency barrier during unprotected sexual intercourse. The drug has many contraindications, including age under 16 years. Its independent use by girls to induce the first critical days is extremely dangerous.

Medicines that can speed up menstruation if there is a delay, cause it ahead of schedule

Choosing pills that relieve delay and their dosage on your own is dangerous. Before starting to solve the problem, you must consult a doctor and conduct an examination. Based on the results of the study, the gynecologist will make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy.


The granules contain phytohormones. They relieve the consequences of stressful situations. The drug causes menstruation in 1 dose.

What to do to make your period come faster:

  • You need to put 7 granules under your tongue and wait for them to dissolve. Once in the blood, Pulsatilla begins to work immediately.
  • Wait for critical days: 24 hours after administration, discharge begins.


Thus, the first critical days come, as a rule, independently and, naturally, during the specified age period. Although the initial signs of maturation are observed long before them. The girl should try to accept her new self and come to terms with some inconveniences that arise once a month. After all, the onset of menstruation means the opportunity to give life and continue the human race.

Forcing your period for the first time is undesirable and even dangerous. Any action in this area must be carried out under the strict supervision of doctors and after a detailed examination. If medical problems arise, they are solved with specialized drugs that you do not need to be afraid of.

Precautionary measures

Women who implement methods that help to quickly induce menstruation at home if there is a delay, should take care of maintaining their health. Before resorting to artificial acceleration of menstruation, you need to weigh everything and assess the possible risks.

Those who suffer from diseases of the reproductive system are contraindicated from using folk remedies that induce menstruation. This can cause internal bleeding and other life-threatening complications.

Girls who have problems conceiving are contraindicated from interfering with the hormonal sphere of their body, as this can lead to infertility.

A woman experiences real stress when her period does not come on time. The only exceptions are those cases when a representative of the fair sex is looking forward to pregnancy. To check the presence of pregnancy or confirm its absence, you need to take a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG (10 days after unprotected sexual intercourse).

In all other circumstances, a woman begins to look for ways to induce menstruation. But at the same time, it is important to understand that the menstrual cycle is not a field for experimentation, which can be very dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

There are also cases when a woman wants to speed up the onset of menstrual bleeding so that it does not spoil some planned event in her life. Doing this constantly is very dangerous, because any interference with the natural course of the menstrual cycle is fraught with unforeseen consequences. Why do menstruation delays occur? How to induce menstruation at home? What methods are used for this?

You can’t do without the help of a doctor

In no case should you ignore the appearance of incomprehensible symptoms and menstrual irregularities. If they are one-time in nature and do not return in the next cycle, there is no need to worry. But there are cases when you definitely need to visit a doctor, and do it as quickly as possible, namely:

  • long-term medication treatment;
  • long delay in the onset of menstrual bleeding (no pregnancy);
  • lack of menstruation at 15-16 years old;
  • discharge of a pathological nature, as well as the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, a feeling of itching;
  • inability to overcome a stressful situation on your own.

You can quickly induce menstruation on your own at home using medications or folk remedies, but to avoid negative reactions of the body, it is better to consult your gynecologist.

Why is there a delay?

For every woman, menstruation may not come on time, and there can be many reasons for this phenomenon. Under no circumstances should you ignore such menstrual cycle disorders, nor should you try to solve the problem yourself. Only a doctor can determine the nature of such disorders after diagnosis.

The main factors for delayed periods include:

  • Pregnancy. Even if a pregnancy test shows one line (negative result), the possibility of conception cannot be discarded. You can get reliable results by taking tests and doing an ultrasound.
  • Hormonal disorders. Changes in estrogen or progesterone levels can cause hormonal imbalance and also lead to the development of serious diseases.
  • Excessive weight loss or weight gain, strict diets. Such changes lead to hormonal imbalances, which, in turn, negatively affect the course of the menstrual cycle, in particular, periods are delayed or do not come at all.
  • Climate change.
  • Menopause. The irregularity of menstruation at 40-45 years of age is explained by the gradual decline of reproductive function in women. A delay at this age is considered normal and does not require treatment.
  • Stressful situations, high loads. Chronic fatigue, disruption of the daily routine, poor quality sleep, emotional stress - all this negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive system in women. Heavy physical activity is undesirable at any age.
  • Taking certain medications. Drugs containing hormones affect the functioning of the reproductive system in women; anabolic agents, psychotropic or anti-inflammatory drugs can have a similar effect.
  • Termination of pregnancy (abortion), miscarriage.
  • Use of emergency contraceptives.
  • Hereditary factor.

The following diseases can also be causes of delayed menstruation:

  • amenorrhea;
  • inflammatory process in the uterine tubes or ovaries;
  • tumors (benign and malignant) of the internal genital organs;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • venereal diseases;
  • endocrine system disorders.
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