How can a gynecologist determine pregnancy during an examination?

As a rule, there comes a time in every woman’s life when her menstrual cycle is delayed. Such an event primarily suggests the possibility of pregnancy. To test their lucky assumption, women go to the hospital to see a gynecologist for qualified help.

During a medical examination, it is possible to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not only after 4 weeks. Abroad there is a slightly different system. When a woman comes to the clinic regarding this issue, she is immediately sent for an ultrasound. During the examination of the perineum, the condition of the labia is assessed. If there is a state of venous congestion, which is characterized by swelling and blue discoloration of the labia, then this is a clear sign of pregnancy.

A similar situation during pregnancy occurs with the walls of the vagina, which change their color to dark red, and the posterior vaginal vault becomes smooth and distinctly inflated. The external os of the cervical canal also takes on a dark red-blue hue, and viscous transparent mucus is released from the canal itself.

Also quite common is the method of vaginal double examination, which consists of inserting two fingers of one hand into the vagina, and carefully palpating the uterus with the other hand. A gynecologist determines by hand the degree of softening of the uterus and evaluates the increase in the volume of the uterus itself and its appendages, which change as pregnancy progresses. In certain cases, pregnancy may be accompanied by asymmetry of the uterus and ovaries.

Methods for determining pregnancy without a gynecological examination

A fairly common method for determining pregnancy is a blood test. This test provides a more accurate result than a pregnancy test performed at home. This superiority is due to the fact that human chorionic gonadotropin, which is secreted by the chorion, is found in much greater quantities in the blood than in the urine. Of course, a positive result of such an analysis is not always an accurate guarantee of pregnancy. A similar situation is observed if the woman has undergone hormonal therapy, or there is a hydatidiform mole, which is a non-viable result of conception.

A good gynecologist can independently determine pregnancy already at 5 weeks. In this case, an ultrasound still needs to be done, but only to confirm the specialist’s conclusion.

What tests are prescribed additionally?

The following additional laboratory tests are carried out:

  • bacteriological examination of urine;
  • biochemical blood markers;
  • blood test for the presence of acute and chronic infection using ELISA or PCR;
  • parasitological examination of feces;
  • a smear from the vaginal cavity for cytological examination.

The above laboratory tests are necessary for timely diagnosis of diseases, and for timely prevention of specific complications. When diagnosing pregnancy, the most important task of the gynecologist is to carry out differential diagnosis with other pathological conditions that may exhibit similar symptoms.

Every woman who detects delayed menstrual bleeding and notices any changes in well-being should contact a qualified specialist. It is strictly forbidden to carry out independent treatment and prepare for independent childbirth, without dynamic observation; this can threaten the life of both the child and the mother.

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Reviews from pregnant women

Maria: “My husband and I tried to conceive a child during ovulation, which was exactly that day according to my calculations. A little time passed and I felt nauseous, my stomach began to ache and my appetite woke up, my periods came on time, but were quite scanty. I went to the doctor who told me I was pregnant. But I still feel nauseous and my lower back hurts. At what minimum period can a doctor determine pregnancy? And could she not see the pregnancy?

Lilia: “I’m 8 months pregnant now. The doctor was unable to see the pregnancy when she was 6-8 weeks old. I went to the hospital and had an ultrasound only after I lost consciousness. It was the ultrasound that confirmed my pregnancy. The surprising thing is that the tests still show negative results. Who would have thought. As for menstruation, already during pregnancy they lasted for several days. As I found out later, this removed everything unnecessary from the body. Don't rush, just wait a little, everything will be fine! At the time I visited the doctor, I was 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Many people say that the doctor can determine at least 4-5 weeks. I think that a doctor can determine pregnancy no earlier than 5 weeks. And besides, remember physiology, the embryo does not immediately enter the uterus, so time must pass before it can be noticed.

Olga: “Please tell me! I had a delay of 8 days, I took tests several times, but each time they showed a negative result. Just yesterday, a week later, my period came. Do you think such a delay in menstruation may indicate pregnancy or not? And please tell me how you get your periods during pregnancy, usually or in smaller quantities?

Anastasia: Now there are very good and accurate tests. True, I don’t know how things stand with this in Russia. But with their help, we can determine pregnancy even before the expected period. I determined my pregnancy using a test a week before my period was due.

Tatyana: “Yes, undoubtedly this is a very sensitive topic for every woman. It is impossible to answer such questions unequivocally, because everyone makes mistakes, both tests and doctors. Before menstruation, the uterus swells, and doctors can sometimes mistake this fact for pregnancy... And vice versa, a period of 4 or 5 weeks will be mistaken for the premenstrual state of the uterus. Try doing the test not with a special test “stick”, but in the laboratory of your clinic. Good luck!".

Elena: “The doctor determined my pregnancy already in the third week. On your own and without an ultrasound! Probably, what kind of doctor you come across still plays a huge role. Try to trust your health only to highly qualified professionals."

Signs that indicate possible pregnancy

When determining pregnancy, specialists in this field pay attention to a combination of various signs that indicate the likelihood of conception.

The main part of these signs is determined during a gynecological examination:

  1. Venous congestion of the genital organs. Even in the first week of pregnancy, blood flow in the pelvic area increases significantly. This phenomenon contributes to a pronounced change in the appearance of the woman’s genital organs. From the first days after conception, blood flow in the pelvic area increases significantly, which leads to a change in the appearance of the genital organs, which is easily visible both during visual inspection and during examination in mirrors. The labia swell and acquire a blue tint, the same situation occurs with the walls of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix;
  2. Changes in the size, shape and consistency of the uterus. The uterus in a state other than pregnancy is quite dense and is characterized by its inherent size and pear-shaped shape. A different situation arises when a woman is pregnant. The uterus softens significantly, changes shape from pear-shaped to round, and as pregnancy progresses and the period increases, it increases in size. Such changes are noticeable starting around the fifth week; until this point, it is almost impossible to determine pregnancy based on examination;
  3. The uterus becomes easily excitable. This sign plays a significant role in two-handed examination. As a result of this, the uterus contracts quite sharply and becomes significantly denser. After completing this examination, the uterus returns to normal;
  4. Asymmetry of the uterus. During examination, a gynecologist may detect asymmetry of the uterus. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the embryo can be located on both the left and right horn. This symptom is observed until approximately 8 weeks, after which the uterus returns to its rounded shape;
  5. Severe softening in the area of ​​the isthmus of the uterus. This symptom is observed at approximately 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. A gynecologist can detect this sign based on the degree of thinness of the uterine isthmus, which during this period is so thin that it is almost imperceptible;
  6. Cervical mobility. This symptom is a direct consequence of the previous one, that is, the cervix becomes more mobile due to the strong softening of the isthmus of the uterus;
  7. Also, a consequence of the softening of the isthmus of the uterus is that the uterus itself deviates quite strongly forward. The anterior surface of the uterus also undergoes external changes, which thickens significantly, but this symptom does not appear in all women;
  8. Lack of menstruation. This symptom rather leads to the idea of ​​​​the need to visit a gynecologist, rather than the pregnancy itself. Despite popular opinion, this sign is far from the most reliable, since it can be a consequence of many other reasons;
  9. Special tests. This sign makes it possible to independently determine pregnancy at home. The test strip measures the level of hCG in the urine, which increases during conception. But this method is also not reliable enough, so it is impossible to clearly judge pregnancy only by doing such a test;
  10. Laboratory blood test. This method is partly similar to the previous one, since here the level of hCG is also measured, but not in the urine, but in the blood. But it is also impossible to clearly judge pregnancy based on this sign, since an increase in this hormone can also occur for other reasons.

Signs to accurately determine pregnancy

Along with probable signs, there are also those that are guaranteed to determine pregnancy. They usually make it possible to determine pregnancy after a few weeks.

  1. Fetal heartbeat. This sign allows you to absolutely reliably judge pregnancy. An instrument such as a stethoscope can be used to determine the baby's heartbeat. This method can only be used 20 weeks after conception.
  2. Parts of the fruit. This sign is used in external obstetric examination, which allows not only to clearly indicate pregnancy, but also to determine the position of the fetus and the location of parts of its body. This method is used from the second trimester of pregnancy;
  3. Vaginal sensor. This method is the earliest of the reliable ones, but no less truthful. You can use a vaginal sensor to determine pregnancy already after 3 weeks from the moment of conception;
  4. Ultrasound. The most common method of all reliable ones.

Early tests and examinations

Mandatory early medical examination includes:

  • General blood analysis. The level of red blood cells, hemoglobin, leukocytes, and platelets is determined.
  • Biochemistry of blood. The concentration of glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin, etc. Gives an idea of ​​the health status of the expectant mother.
  • Analysis for blood group and Rh factor. It is important to accurately determine these indicators, since during childbirth a woman may need a transfusion. If there is a Rh conflict between mother and child, it is necessary to take timely measures.
  • Test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis types B and C. If one of the diseases is present, a course of treatment is immediately prescribed.
  • Analysis of urine. Helps assess the level of kidney function, since when carrying a child they experience extreme stress.
  • Narrow specialists. ENT, ophthalmologist, dentist, therapist.

Methods for determining pregnancy by a gynecologist

Women perceive the news of pregnancy quite differently. For most, such news is great happiness and women eagerly await the cherished phrase: “You are pregnant!” But there are also women for whom, for various reasons, the news of pregnancy becomes an unwanted problem. Regardless of this, you should find out about pregnancy as early as possible. So, for expectant mothers, such news will help avoid negative influence on the long-awaited child, and will give the opportunity to take care of the baby’s health from an early date. If a woman finds herself in the opposite situation and she aims to terminate the pregnancy, then in this case too, early detection of pregnancy is desirable. The process of ending a pregnancy is quite complex, and an early abortion will be an indispensable benefit to a woman’s health. As the period increases, the risk and danger of abortion increases. Therefore, at the first suspicion of pregnancy, any woman needs to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.

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Can a gynecologist determine early pregnancy during an examination? There are a number of indirect and reliable signs, judging by which a specialist can make a diagnosis of pregnancy. The first reason that makes any girl think about pregnancy is a delay in menstruation, which, together with nausea and drowsiness, is a guarantee of pregnancy for many. But this sign is only suggestive, not reliable.

A pregnancy test is a fairly common determinant of pregnancy. If all conditions for conducting this test are met, there is a certain probability that the result obtained will be reliable. According to the rules of the test, it is necessary to collect morning urine, since such urine contains the highest concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced in a woman’s body only during pregnancy. But in the short term, the level of these hormones can be quite low. This will lead to consequences such as a false negative result. The test may also show a false positive result, which is a consequence of certain diseases. As a result, you cannot rely on the test readings alone. A more accurate level of hCG in a woman’s body can be shown by a blood test, since the level of these hormones is quite higher there.

Examination on a gynecological chair is also a very common method of determining pregnancy. In this case, the gynecologist evaluates the condition of the vagina and cervix, which, if pregnant, should have a loose bluish mucous membrane. Also, as pregnancy progresses, the uterus enlarges. In the early stages, this symptom, as a rule, is practically not expressed and, therefore, the doctor often invites women for a re-examination in a week.

Ultrasound. This method allows you to determine pregnancy from the 3rd week of conception. In the early stages, it is also possible to prescribe a repeat ultrasound if there is a slight delay in menstruation.

Doctor's capabilities are limited

A home test, available at any pharmacy and even at the supermarket checkout, has a great advantage over a medical examination in the earliest stages. The test immediately after the delay, and sometimes even before it, will show a second strip, reacting to a special hormone - hCG, which is produced by the chorionic villi after the embryo is implanted in the uterus (this usually happens a week after ovulation).

The doctor cannot detect traces of hCG, and during a standard examination on the chair, he will not see anything special that would indicate an “interesting situation” - the uterus is still of normal size, not enlarged, because the size of the baby at the beginning of the delay is less than a millimeter. That is why you should not run to the gynecologist with an obviously positive pregnancy test before the delay or in the first days after it - the doctor, alas, will not see anything except your joy and the “striped” test.

A visit to the doctor should be timed to coincide with the time when ultrasound diagnostics can confirm the fact of pregnancy. Before the delay and immediately after it, the ultrasound doctor is unlikely to see anything in the patient’s uterus.

The fertilized egg begins to be visualized at the 5th week of pregnancy, and at the 6th week the heart of the embryo begins to beat, and this can also be heard and seen. Usually by this time the first physiological signs appear, which will allow the doctor, if necessary, to confirm the fact of the “interesting situation” during examination.

Important questions about determining gestational age

  1. How can you calculate the gestational age based on the date of your last menstruation?

The method of calculating the gestational age based on the last menstruation is the most common and quite simple. It is used by both ordinary women and doctors.

To determine the duration of pregnancy, you need to remember the date of the last menstruation. From this date it is necessary to count the number of weeks until the date of calculation. The resulting number will be the gestational age.

Using the method of calculating the gestational age based on the last menstruation, it is also very convenient to calculate the due date. For this kind of calculation, a special Nägel formula was created. Based on this formula, the date of birth is found by counting back 3 months from the date of the last menstruation and adding 7 days to the resulting date. The resulting date will be the approximate date of birth.

Calculating pregnancy based on the last menstrual period is a very simple, but, unfortunately, inaccurate method. The result of this method exceeds the true period by about 2 weeks.

  1. How can you calculate the gestational age, knowing the date of conception?

It is important that conception, as a rule, occurs in the middle of the cycle, within 24 hours after the mature egg leaves the ovary. The process of releasing an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

The method of calculating the gestational age by the date of conception is suitable only for those women who know exactly about their ovulation. In this case, when calculating the gestational age, the report is kept from the date of ovulation. If a woman does not know the exact date of ovulation, then she can use the average values. The average ovulation value for a 28-day cycle occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, that is, somewhere on the 14th day of the cycle. If a woman’s menstrual cycle is irregular, then the average values ​​calculated in this way will not be suitable.

The day of ovulation, i.e. The moment when an egg ready for fertilization is released can now be determined using tests existing for this purpose and using ultrasound. Able to determine ovulation by how you feel. Usually at this time, women are accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen, as well as fairly copious discharge from the female genital organ. If the date of ovulation is still unknown, then the method of determining the gestational age by the date of conception is not suitable for you, because it will not be possible to obtain reliable results.

  1. How to calculate the gestational age based on the date of the baby's first movement?

Happiness for a woman is brought by the day when the baby first begins to move in the mother's tummy. This manifestation of activity in children begins at different times. It depends on whether this is the mother's first pregnancy. If this is so, and the future baby is the first-born for the mother, then he begins to move around the twentieth week. If this is not the first pregnancy for the mother, then the woman can already enjoy the movements of the long-awaited baby from the eighteenth week.

This method does not always allow you to determine the exact duration of pregnancy. There are exceptions to every rule. There are many women who enjoy the first movements of their baby much earlier than the specified time, and there are also women whose babies begin to move a little later.

Many doctors agree that women often confuse the long-awaited first movements of the baby with the ordinary work of the intestines, which work much more actively in women during pregnancy.

  1. How is gestational age calculated using an online calculator?

In order to calculate the gestational age, you can use a special online calculator. The operating principle of this calculator is based on the method of calculating the gestational age based on the date of the last menstruation. This method is presented above.

In order to calculate the gestational age using this calculator, you first need to know the following data:

  1. date of start of last menstruation;
  2. average duration of the menstrual cycle;
  3. average duration of the luteal phase.

The calculation results will be known immediately after you enter all the necessary data into the calculator.

Doctoral terms

The first incomprehensible thing that women who come to an appointment with their “strip test” after a delay usually encounter is completely different terms from the doctor’s mouth. The doctor, without examining anything, simply asks when the last period was, and using a round obstetric calendar, calculates the obstetric period - it is usually longer than the real one, which confuses expectant mothers.

The fact is that conception is possible only during the period of ovulation, and no one can know which of the sexual acts led to the birth of a new life, and whether ovulation was timely. Therefore, it is customary in the obstetric community to measure the period according to obstetric standards. Doctors calculate the timing as follows: the first day of the last menstruation is the first day of pregnancy.

That is, by the first day of the delay, a woman is already 4 weeks pregnant, and if she comes to the appointment after a week of absence of menstruation, then this is already a full 5 weeks. This should not be confusing - this method of calculating pregnancy is generally accepted throughout the world.

Gynecological examination to determine pregnancy

A gynecological examination by a specialized doctor will certainly make it possible to accurately verify both the presence and absence of pregnancy. In addition, it will not be difficult for an experienced doctor to even determine the approximate duration of pregnancy.

The gynecological examination itself is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the size of the uterus, because the first sign of pregnancy is its significant increase. Already in the fourth week of pregnancy, the size of the uterus reaches the size of a chicken egg, and after another four weeks the uterus increases to the size of a goose egg.

When using this method during examination, such as a two-handed examination, the specialist observes softening of the isthmus, which is the connecting link between the uterus and the cervix.

If we talk about the condition of the uterus itself during pregnancy, then during a professional gynecological examination, obvious signs of pregnancy are immediately visible - the uterus becomes larger, much softer and, in the early stages, asymmetrical. Asymmetry of the uterus is achieved due to a noticeable bulge at the site of the implanted fertilized egg.

Without fail, the gynecologist palpates, that is, carefully feels with his hands the appendages of the uterus, such as the fallopian tubes and ovaries. There are cases that even with a normal pregnancy, formations appear at the site of the projection of the uterine appendages. This phenomenon can be explained by the corpus luteum of pregnancy or a cyst of the corpus luteum itself in one of the ovaries. Such changes that occur in a woman’s body are usually not permanent, and after some time the structure of the ovaries should return to normal. Unfortunately, there are cases when new formations are irreversible and become pathological.

It is important to note that if a palpation examination is carried out by an experienced specialist, then he is definitely able to find out the gestational age with an accuracy of one day. If the pregnancy period already exceeds ten weeks, then it is no longer possible to judge the gestational age only by the size of the uterus. This determines the fact that from the second trimester of pregnancy, different women have completely different uterine sizes.

Pregnancy can be judged not only by an enlarged uterus, but also by a number of other factors that a gynecologist can identify during an examination. Such striking signs are venous plethora of the external genital organs, a change in the color of the vaginal mucosa and cervix to a dark blue color.

After about one or two months of pregnancy, women experience obvious changes in the condition and color of the skin. Many women develop unpleasant brown spots on their faces, the nipple circles darken, and a peculiar imprint remains on the midline of the abdomen in the form of a brown stripe.

After a few weeks, a characteristic white-yellow discharge appears in the vagina, which most often continues until childbirth.

If there are anatomical changes in the structure of the uterus, is it possible to see pregnancy?

In some girls, even at the stage of intrauterine development, the uterus may acquire a one-horned, two-horned, saddle-shaped shape, or a longitudinal septum may be located in the cavity of a normally formed uterus. Specific symptoms of pregnancy in such women may develop due to the following pathogenetic features:

  • The abnormal structure of the choroid plexus, which contributes to the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina during embryo implantation.
  • If the place of attachment of the fertilized egg is the cervical canal, then as the period increases, pain and bloody discharge will prevail.

Diagnosis of pregnancy is carried out in the same way as with a normal uterus; in most cases, the diagnosis of an abnormal structure of the uterus is established already during pregnancy.

Results and conclusions

Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, I would like to first of all note the fact that any woman who notices even the slightest signs of pregnancy should immediately contact a professional gynecologist. Today, when medicine has reached such a high level, there are many ways to determine both the pregnancy itself and its duration, so you can easily find out everything you need about your pregnancy. The sooner you do this, the healthier your baby will be.

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