Hirudotherapy during pregnancy. Leeches during pregnancy


Many women are afraid to use hirudotherapy during pregnancy, although doctors do not prohibit treatment with leeches in the first trimester, but in the second and third trimester, hirudotherapy can be really dangerous. The thing is that in expectant mothers, at about the 5th month, severe blood thinning occurs, and if you add to this leeches, which are known for their excellent blood thinning abilities, then blood clotting will drop to a dangerous minimum, which in turn can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

In the first trimester the picture is the opposite. Hirudotherapy can, on the contrary, prevent miscarriage. One of the main reasons for miscarriage in the early stages is a hereditary tendency to thrombosis, and this is where a leech can be very helpful in preventing this process. Several sessions of hirudotherapy during pregnancy in the early stages will prevent excessive blood thickening, which prevents the embryo from taking root and developing normally.

Treatment of infertility with leeches

There is an opinion that the therapeutic effect of leeches is limited to the fact that they suck out “bad” blood, cleanse the body and restore blood circulation. But this is not the whole truth about the wonderful sucking doctors. Their main secret is in the saliva that they inject into the bloodstream of patients. Healing saliva contains about 200 healing enzymes, and during the session they are distributed to all organs and systems of the body, “restoring order” where needed. No medicine can compare in composition to the healing mucus of a leech; no medical procedure is capable of so quickly mobilizing protective forces to fight the pathology hidden deep in the body.

Hirudotherapy for infertility in women is indicated if its cause is gynecological diseases

  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes due to adhesions;
  • benign formations in the uterus and ovaries;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Hirudotherapy for male infertility can give positive results in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • low sperm quality;
  • weak erection.

In such cases, a married couple has a chance to successfully conceive and give birth to a child after treatment with leeches.

Hirudotherapy (leeches) before IVF

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Today, hirudotherapy is increasingly included even in the IVF program for infertile couples. Recently, many patients, in parallel with joining the protocol, undergo hirudotherapy sessions before IVF - sometimes on their own initiative, sometimes, in other cases, with the consent of the attending physician. The treatment regimen is determined by the hirudologist based on the patient’s medical history and the progress of the protocol. In general, several sessions are performed before stimulation begins, then 1-2 sessions during menstruation at the very beginning of stimulation. And the most important stage: placing leeches before IVF in the vagina after puncture (if this is a fresh protocol) before transfer (24-18 hours before transfer).

This is justified by many indications. The body is brought into an optimal state before the protocol: gynecological diseases are corrected - leech saliva contains anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, vitamin and hormone-like substances that balance the endocrine system. Drugs that stimulate follicle growth thicken the blood, and this is undesirable for implantation and pregnancy.

Therefore, after the transfer, many patients are prescribed aspirin or Thrombo-Ass, which thin the blood. After leeches before IVF, the blood becomes less thick, without chemicals - this is a big plus. During stimulation, more than two sessions are not performed, since excessive blood thinning can lead to some complications during puncture. Blood circulation in the pelvic organs is stimulated, which is one of the reasons for the increased likelihood of implantation. The active substances contained in leech saliva also have a positive effect on implantation - this has been repeatedly proven.

Where are leeches used to treat infertility?

Infertility is not a case when a person can self-medicate. You need to find a specialist who you can trust with yourself, your significant other and your future heir. Only an experienced doctor can establish reflex zones where a leech should be placed for an effective effect on the body. Many factors are taken into account:

  • age;
  • floor;
  • cause and degree of infertility;
  • inflammatory processes and other problems in the body.

For each couple and for each patient, the treatment regimen will be individual. The areas where leeches work in the treatment of infertility are the same for both men and women - the lower abdomen and back; area around the navel; buttocks.

Execution technique

If you do not want to cause even more harm to your body, then experts do not advise using leeches on your own for infertility, without a preliminary medical examination and medical consultation.

How to place leeches

Before performing the procedure, the specialist must pay attention to the following patient indicators:

  1. Age of the person;
  2. Body constitution;
  3. Cause of infertility;
  4. Degree of advanced disease;
  5. Presence of contraindications.

Only after this they begin to install leeches. A woman or man must expose the place where the worms will stick, the doctor, using a special test tube and wearing medical gloves, transfers the parasite from the storage flask to the body, then the process occurs naturally - the leech itself determines the place where the bite will be made.

Depending on the indications, the duration of treatment will be from 10 minutes to one hour. In one session, from 2 to 7 leeches are used, depending on the installation area.

Treatment of infertility with leeches

Infertility is often associated with poor patency of the fallopian tubes in women or poor sperm motility in men - hirudotherapy helps solve these problems.

For women, the layout of the leeches is as follows:

  • upper lumbar area:
  • middle part of the buttocks;
  • area under the navel;
  • pubic area, perineum;
  • circumference around the coccyx;
  • anus;
  • hips;
  • arms and shoulder girdle;
  • shoulder blades, neck.

Sometimes leeches are placed on the labia and even in the vagina. Judging by the reviews of patients, such procedures are not pleasant, but they give a good effect. Treatment results in successful pregnancy and childbirth.

On the body of men, leeches are placed according to the following scheme:

  • solar plexus;
  • area of ​​the right hypochondrium (liver projection)
  • hypogastrium;
  • circumference around the navel;
  • small of the back;
  • kidney zone;
  • middle part of the buttocks;
  • crotch area.

What diseases can be treated with a leech?

Diseases associated with increased blood clotting and viscosity, blood stagnation, and deterioration of microcirculation respond well to treatment with leeches.

Firstly, these are thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, except for the acute stage, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. Then - chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases - prostatitis in men, uterine fibroids and endometritis in women. Coronary heart disease, hypertension, arthrosis and even some types of female infertility can also be treated.

Contraindications to hirudotherapy are all types of anemia, low hemoglobin, hemophilia and any types of poor blood clotting, cancer in the metastatic stage, severely low blood pressure, acute infections and allergies to leeches.

How often is hirudotherapy used in gynecology?

Gynecologists rarely give referrals for hirudotherapy sessions. Leech treatment is used in gynecology as an adjuvant in complex therapy or as a preventive procedure. The method has proven itself well in solving such problems:

  • relieving inflammation in endometritis;
  • increased patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • fight against adhesions in the fallopian tubes;
  • fight against fibroids and fibroids;
  • increased muscle activity of the uterus;
  • stimulation of endometrial growth.

Men most often go to hirudotherapy sessions to:

  • improve sperm quality;
  • relieve inflammation of the prostate gland.

Leech enzymes slow down the growth of tumors, reduce pain and discomfort in inflamed areas.

Contraindications and complications of hirudotherapy for infertility

Objective contraindications for hirudotherapy are malignant tumors, problems with blood clotting, anemia, low blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders, tuberculosis.

Complications from treatment with leeches are possible in two cases:

- in the presence of allergic reactions, individual intolerance to leech saliva,

- if the rules for applying leeches and treating wounds are not followed.

Both factors depend on the qualifications of the specialist and the reputation of the medical institution. It is forbidden to place leeches yourself, as this requires knowing certain points. In addition, it is necessary to use environmentally friendly biomaterial grown in special factories.

The hirudotherapist takes the necessary tests and assesses the state of health. Based on this data, an individual treatment plan is drawn up. A competent doctor eliminates the possibility of complications.

Benefits of leech treatment

The use of leeches in gynecology gives a good therapeutic effect. They are used to relieve inflammation of the labia, fallopian tubes, and in the treatment of endometriosis and uterine fibroids. The hirudotherapy procedure stimulates blood supply to the pelvic organs, helps reduce adhesions and cystic formations. Leech enzymes inhibit the growth of benign tumors, restore hormonal levels, and normalize the menstrual cycle. Thus, optimal conditions for conception are created in the woman’s body.

Hirudotherapy is no less beneficial for men. after leeches have worked on the body, blood flow to the reproductive organs improves, erection and ejaculation are restored, and sperm quality improves. Leech bites secrete a special enzyme into the blood - hyaluronidase, which resolves blood clots that impede the movement of sperm along the vas deferens. The presence of the enzyme hyaluronidase is necessary for conception to occur and for the male seed to enter the female egg. Hirudotherapy restores hormonal levels in the male body - its disturbances are a common cause of male infertility.

leeches during pregnancy

Hello! Finally decided to write. I’ll try to remember everything... maybe someone, like me, will find answers to their questions. Grab some popcorn and sit back. For five years I couldn’t get pregnant, a bunch of surgery (my body was so tired and afraid of pain that I fainted on the table when the pipes were checked again), treatments, pills and even IVF, but all in vain. Only against the backdrop of all this did drug-induced fatty liver hypotosis develop. I want to say that I visited almost all the doctors in our city, and how much money was spent (more than 500,000). I did everything I could, I even remember I started being treated with traditional medicine - herbs, I even used leeches (not really, I went to a specialist). After 5 years of treatment, I can already diagnose and treat myself. I regret that I didn’t study to become a doctor. All the doctors said in unison that I myself would never be able to get pregnant (I have one tube and one ovary + everything is in adhesions). But I believed inside that we would become parents. Nobody believed, not even my husband. And how much I endured from my friends, when they were expecting children, they hid both the pregnancy and the child from me for up to a year or so.

And I’m generally silent about omens: I stole children’s things from my friends, planted a ficus tree, asked my pregnant friend to give me a Motilda doll, washed and took a shower with my pregnant friend, or rather, she was sweet to me, bought children’s socks, and the most interesting thing is that for some reason they were girly ones. socks.

In 2015, I spent the entire year telling everyone and believing that I would get pregnant this year. When I cross-stitch, I have to listen to music for the general background. I listen to music via YouTube and the video with the sermon of Father Vladimir Golovonin automatically switches to the answers to questions section. Since I’m busy, I “have to” listen, I begin to understand that he (Father Vladimir) is saying everything correctly. Thus, I became acquainted with the site “my spiritual lighthouse”. I found out that Anton and Victoria Makarsky also could not have children for a long time. I found Victoria on Instagram and wrote to her. To be honest, I didn’t expect an answer from her. It turns out they were reading an akathist to the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”. I went to the website of my spiritual beacon and joined in prayer. The main thing in reading the akathist is consistency. The Akathist is read at 20:30 every Sunday Moscow time, then they read it once, but now they read it 4 times. I got up at 03:30 and read with the church. Then I met a doctor, it turned out that she was a believer. She was recommended to me, since we had already decided for ourselves that we would no longer go to the doctors, but would go to Korea for an eco…I didn’t even want to see her. When she saw my folder, she said: “Hide your archive, you are a very difficult patient, but I’m giving us half a year and if it doesn’t work out, then only IVF.” I thought that this would be the last time I would go see her before Korea. The first month we were tested for infection, we were diagnosed with an infection - ureaplasma, as we went to the pool.

When I read the akathist, I believed that I would soon become a mother and somehow I felt so at ease and calm (and by the way, I read the akathist throughout my pregnancy and asked the Mother of God that my daughter would be born on Sunday too). Therefore, I probably didn’t feel a contraction for three days, and on Saturday night it was as if someone was telling me that today is Sunday, get up and read the akathist. And only in the operating room I realized that I read Sunday not at night, but in the morning. Because after a caesarean section, I would not be able to read the akathist standing or sitting. I remember that, together with the reading of the akathist, I began to embroider the “Unexpected Joy” icon with beads, and a month later I almost found out that we were waiting for our “Unexpected Joy”. How did you feel? Fear that this is not true or that it is ectopic, since there is one tube with adhesions. We ran to my doctor, she sent me for an ultrasound (we were 5.5 weeks). I don’t even know how to describe what we saw on the screen... so small and the question is, is everything okay? She told us that the pregnancy was going well. Of course, I was worried throughout my pregnancy and I had good tone, I was almost in bed for 5 months. I was hospitalized 3 times for conservation. The most important thing is that I BELIEVE that everything is fine, because with God it cannot be any other way. Before reading the akathist, I confessed and took communion.

And also love each other from the 9th day of the cycle to the 16th day twice - at night and in the morning. Do not get up after this and do not go to the toilet for as long as possible. preferably lie on your stomach. and before making love, you don’t need to take a shower, bath, etc. Eat proteins and vegetables.

I wish everyone cherished //.

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