The use of Klimalanin tablets to eliminate the symptoms of menopause

The menopause period is quite difficult for most women due to a number of unpleasant symptoms. One of them is hot flashes, which interfere with normal life. A woman cannot rest, relax, or sleep peacefully. In order to completely eliminate these symptoms or make them less pronounced, special medications are used, including non-hormonal ones. One of them is Klimalanin. Available in tablet form. One package contains 30 tablets. What is the non-hormonal drug Klimalanin: instructions for use, price and reviews about it below.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of round tablets with flat sides. Each contains 400 mg of beta-alanine.

One package contains 30 tablets

In addition to this substance, there are also auxiliary:

  • Silicon hydrated;
  • Palmitatyl glycerol stearate;
  • Wheat starch;
  • Magnesium stearate.

The manufacturer of Klimalanin is Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati, France.

Is Klimalanin a hormonal drug or not?

Klimalanin tablets are not hormonal and are suitable for the vast majority of women without causing adverse reactions or consequences.

Indications for use and composition of Klimalanin

The main active ingredient of this drug is beta-alanine. This amino acid interferes with the release of histamine, a substance that is responsible for hot flashes. The drug also contains excipients. The main indication for use is hot flashes during menopause. The components of the drug, entering the blood, do not allow the superficial blood vessels to expand sharply. And this eliminates the feeling of heat, prevents headaches and dizziness, and reduces sweating.


The only contraindication to the use of the drug Klimalanin is excessive sensitivity to its components.

Photo gallery of components:


Silicon hydrated

Palmitatyl glycerol stearate

Wheat starch

Magnesium stearate

Analogues of Klimalanin

The main analogue of the active substance is: Beta-alanine. According to the pharmacological group, the drug has a huge number of analogues:

  • Klimadinon;
  • Klimara;
  • Hormoplex;
  • Feminal;
  • Ovestin;
  • Sibazon.

Another analogue is Qi-Klim vitamins, drops and tablets.

The reasons why a woman needs an analogue of the drug may be different. Perhaps an analogue is needed in order to save money, so that it costs less, or with a slightly different composition if there is an allergy to the components. Or you may not be satisfied with the effectiveness, and you need something more effective. It is better to consult a doctor so that he can recommend an effective analogue.

Many people are interested in opinions about Klimalanin - reviews from women and doctors left on the Internet are mostly positive, rarely do any patients complain that the drug was useless.

Instructions for use

Some women do not know how to take Klimalanin: dissolve or swallow.

Tablets of this drug are taken orally, 1, 2 or 3 tablets per day, depending on the doctor's prescription.

The principle of application is not important. The only thing noted is that if the tablet is dissolved under the tongue, the hot flashes disappear faster

How to take Klimalanin before or after meals? Most doctors recommend taking the medicine after meals.

Contraindications and side effects of tablets

There are no serious contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Those with gluten intolerance or sensitivity should also be careful or avoid taking Klimalanin altogether because it contains wheat starch .
As for side effects, allergic reactions such as itching and skin rashes are extremely rare. Transient paresthesia of the limbs can be observed extremely rarely. The drug is not addictive, so you can take it for a long time, or in courses, depending on what the doctor prescribed and your own well-being. There is no evidence that its use can negatively affect the ability to drive vehicles.

Since the drug is not hormonal, it can also be used by women with oncology, as well as those with a high risk of thromboembolism.

Klimalanin is well tolerated, does not have a negative effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the respiratory system, does not burden the liver and kidneys, and does not cause fluid retention and edema.

Analogues substitutes

There is no other drug like Klimalanin.

There are only similar effects:

  • Qi-klim;
  • Mardil Zink;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Remens;
  • Klimakt-Hel and many others.

Photos of analogues:

Qi-klim Klimadinon



Klimalanin during menopause

The drug Klimalanin is a non-hormonal anti-menopausal agent. Refers to plant estrogens. Its properties are similar to hormonal drugs, but, unlike hormones, it does not have a harmful effect on the body.

The main active ingredient of Klimalanin is the amino acid beta-alanine . This acid is produced by the body in youth; with age, its synthesis decreases significantly.

The medicine reduces histamine synthesis, but does not have an antihistamine effect. Klimalanin reduces the manifestation of autonomic reactions during menopause: hot flashes, heat, sweating. The medicine also relieves fatigue, increases performance, improves memory and concentration. Usually the drug is well tolerated and does not have a negative effect on the liver, heart, or kidneys . Does not retain fluid in the body, does not increase blood viscosity. Therefore, Klimalanin is approved for use by women with a tendency to form blood clots.

A good effect is achieved by using Klimalanin together with cardiac medications. This reduces hot flashes, restores normal heartbeat, and stabilizes blood pressure.

Indications for use

Indications for use of Klimalanin are:

  • hot flashes during menopause;
  • increased fatigue, apathy;
  • nervousness, depression;
  • decrease in muscle mass.

The drug is prescribed not only to women after 50 years of age, but also at a younger age with artificial menopause that began as a result of surgery.


Klimalanin is approved for use for fibroids, but only after consultation with a doctor.


The drug has minimal contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • gluten intolerance;
  • childhood.

You should not start taking the drug before the onset of menopause symptoms..

Side effects

Side effects are expressed in allergic reactions such as skin itching, urticaria, Quincke's edema. There were no cases of anaphylaxis while taking the drug . There is also no data on overdose and interactions with other drugs. To avoid negative reactions, do not exceed the recommended dosage and take the drug together with other similar drugs.

Sometimes after using large doses of the drug, a tingling sensation may occur in the fingers. This is a normal phenomenon when taking amino acids; there is no need to discontinue the drug. To reduce tingling sensations, it is recommended to take Klimalanin together with glycine.


Climalanine comes in tablets, each containing 400 mg of beta-alanine.


Take Klimalanin 1-2 tablets per day, regardless of meals. For pronounced symptoms, the dosage may be increased to 3 tablets. Duration of treatment is up to two weeks. If symptoms return, a repeat course is recommended.

The tablets should be stored away from direct sunlight at a temperature not exceeding 26 degrees, in places inaccessible to children. The drug is a prescription drug.


Klimalanin has analogues. However, these drugs contain a different active substance, but are analogues in their mechanism of action.

Analogues of the product:

  • Mastodinon.
  • Qi-clim.
  • Remens.
  • Klimadinon.
  • Trioginal.

Complete analogues of Klimalanin are:

  • Beta-alanine.
  • Abyufen.

The average price of the drug is 420-470 rubles.

You should not prescribe the drug yourself; before use, you should consult your doctor . It is advisable to donate blood to check hormone levels, and also do blood biochemistry to find out what substances are missing in the body.

Which is better Klimalanin, Estrovel or Cyclim-alanine?

You can’t just look at a drug or read reviews about it on the Internet and guess 100% that it will definitely suit you.

Even doctors, when prescribing medications such as Klimalanin, Estrovel, Cyclim-alanine, cannot be sure that it will help against menopausal symptoms

It's all about the individuality of each organism, because not everyone likes the same food, clothing styles, etc. The same is the case with medications.

Sometimes you have to try several products until you find the right one.


The average price of Klimalanin, a package of 30 tablets, is 420-470 rubles. The price may vary slightly in different cities and pharmacy chains. The drug can also be purchased online with delivery.

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Reviews from doctors

Maksyutov Vladislav Sergeevich, gynecologist : “I’m actually not a fan of homeopathic medicines and I always doubt their effectiveness. But what to do if hormonal drugs are contraindicated for a woman, and the symptoms of menopause are pronounced. I prescribe Klimalanin tablets quite often to my patients. The situations are completely different: some are simply delighted with their actions, while for others they do not help at all. Everything here is individual.”

Soboleva Evgenia Andreevna, gynecologist : “It is very difficult for the female body to endure menopause. Only in rare cases is it possible to do without special medications. I don’t think that you need to immediately resort to hormones, this can be unnecessary and there are many side effects. Why poison the body if you can achieve the same effect even with the help of Klimalanin tablets.”

Reviews from women about Klimalanin: does it help?

Yulia, 55 years old, Vologda:

For me, Klimalanin turned out to be an absolutely useless drug, the effect of which I did not feel. I took it on purpose for 2 months so as not to get ahead of the curve and wait, hoping that there would be an effect. But it wasn’t there, and the doctor prescribed me another drug, which helped me already on the 10th day of taking it.

Elena, 51 years old, Sestroretsk:

Klimalanin helped me cope with hot flashes. I calmed down and my sleep returned to normal. I don’t always drink it, but in courses, taking breaks. I didn't notice any side effects.

Natalya, 49 years old, Naro-Fominsk:

Nobody prescribed it to me. The pharmacist recommended it at the pharmacy, so I bought it. After I take the pill, a wild itch begins, but after 5-10 minutes it goes away. I've only been drinking it for three days now. The tides are still there, but not as strong. Let's see what will happen next.

Alena, 52 years old, Krasnogorsk:

I suffered from hot flashes for more than a year, nothing helped. I can’t take hormonal medications, so I used homeopathic ones, which have almost zero effect. I went to another doctor, whom several people praised me very much. It was she who prescribed Klimalanin to me. In the first week I took 3 tablets a day, then I started taking 2. Now I also take 2. The hot flashes have become less pronounced. But the doctor said that I need to take it constantly, because as soon as I stop, everything will start all over again.

Reviews from women

Margarita, 52 years old : “I tried a bunch of non-hormonal drugs for menopause, because I can’t use hormonal ones. Nothing helped and I gave up. At my next doctor’s appointment, I was advised to take Klimalanin tablets. The first two weeks there were no changes, but after 14 days the symptoms improved. And now they practically don’t bother me at all.”

Anna, 48 years old : “I took Klimalanin for 2 months in the hope that tomorrow it would help. But the miracle never happened. Tomorrow I’m going to the gynecologist to prescribe something else.”

Instructions: how to use the drug?

Usually, if Klimalanin is prescribed by a doctor, he himself determines how to take it. It is advisable to have it prescribed by a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe something else if a more serious drug is required. On average, if the hot flashes are not very pronounced, take two tablets. If the hot flashes are severe, 3 tablets per day may be prescribed, but no more. The average course of treatment is 5-10 days. Afterwards, as a rule, the hot flashes disappear for a while. As soon as they appear again, you can resume taking the drug and take another course .

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