“Pimafucin” (cream, ointment) for men with thrush - features of the drug use

Pimafucin ointment, or rather cream, is a remedy for the external treatment of fungal infections. According to the instructions, it is prescribed for thrush, nail fungus, and skin. Ointment analogues are antifungal external preparations that limit the development of candidiasis. They differ in composition and excipients.

The pharmaceutical industry produces three types of drugs under the brand name “Pimafucin”

– cream, suppositories and tablets.
There is no “Pimafucin” ointment, but this name is often used when talking about the cream. In the further description we will also use the usual designation “ointment”
, although in fact the drug is a cream.

Composition of the drug

The active substance in Pimafucin is natamycin. It contains 20 mg per 1 g of ointment.

There are also a lot of excipients:

  • 100 mg decyl oleate;
  • 50 mg cetyl ester wax;
  • 1 mg propylarhydrosibenzoate;
  • 15 mg sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • 150 mg propylene glycol;
  • 2 mg methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • 135 mg cetostearyl alcohol;
  • pure water.

All of these elements in small quantities also have a beneficial effect on skin affected by fungus.

Pharmacological properties

Pimafucin ointment, the instructions for use of which should be known in case of use, has fungicidal and antifungal properties at the sites of application. After applying the cream to the affected area, its active substance comes into close contact with sterols, which are located on areas of the cell membranes of fungi.

Because of this, microorganisms cease to function in the usual way and begin to disintegrate, which inevitably leads to their death.

Many yeast-type fungi are negatively affected by contact with natamycin. This substance has a particularly strong effect on the common Candida albicans. Dermatophyte fungi are not as susceptible to the effects of natamycin. No particular resistance of the body to the influence of the active substance of the ointment was found in clinical practice.

Operating principle

The effect of Pimafucin is due to the ability of the active substance (natamycin) to bind to sterols.

This component puts pressure on the membrane, promoting the death of the microbial cell. One of the main advantages of the drug is considered to be the low likelihood of developing resistance. Pimafucin can be used by everyone, regardless of gender and age. Other advantages of the drug include:

  • eliminating the possibility of addiction to the medication;
  • low likelihood of adverse reactions;
  • fungicidal effect;
  • high degree of efficiency;
  • no effect on fetal development;
  • Possibility of use for people suffering from immunodeficiency.

As part of medical experiments, it was found that Pimafucin is the most effective against fungi of the genus Candida. When eliminating the dermatophyte, the effectiveness of treatment is lower. The drug has a targeted effect without entering the bloodstream. It is for this reason that the number of adverse reactions is minimal.

What does it help with?

Pimafucin ointment, instructions for use of which are contained in the package, can help if you have:

  • various manifestations of fungal infections of the skin or mucous membranes of the body by microorganisms that do not tolerate the substances of the drug;

  • diseases such as vulvitis, balanoposthitis or vulvovaginitis - all that usually manifests itself due to the influence of the Candida fungus;
  • manifestations of candidiasis on the skin or nails;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • External otitis caused by exposure to a fungus or as a complication after candidiasis.

Directions for use, doses for women, men, children

This medication is intended for external use. It is indispensable if a person has vulvitis or vulvovaginitis. If these diseases appear, you should apply the cream to the problem area 1-2 times a day.

If vulvitis or vulvovaginitis progresses, then in addition to ointment, Pimafucin may additionally be prescribed in the form of tablets for internal use or vaginal suppositories. For dermatomycosis, the cream is also applied to the problem area of ​​the skin or nails 1 to 4 times a day. The same conditions of use apply to children if they have diaper rash.

Candidiasis of the skin and nails is treated in the same way.

If the external auditory canal is affected by mycosis, ointment should be applied to the affected area 1-4 times a day. Before applying a thin layer of cream, the ear should be cleaned of dirt. Immediately after applying Pimafucin, a turunda made of cotton or wool should be inserted into the ear.

Pimafucin ointment. The instructions for use state that before applying the composition to the ear, it should be cleaned.

The duration of use of the drug may vary. It all depends on the course of the disease. Even if the symptoms of the disease go away, it is still worth smearing the affected area for a few more days.


On our website you can read reviews about Pimafucin cream for women:


Marina, 34 years old, Moscow : “The gynecologist prescribed the cream to me during pregnancy. I usually don’t go to the doctors, but when registering at 9 weeks, I took smears, in which the laboratory assistant found fungi. Even without tests, I noticed a white-yellow discharge and itching. I carefully read how to apply Pimafucin cream for women. After 1.5 weeks, the itching decreased and there was no discharge. The doctor said that before the birth she would prescribe the medicine again - prophylactically. Since a child passing through the birth canal can become infected with a fungus.”

Larisa, 22 years old, St. Petersburg : “I started getting thrush after I took antibiotics for a week for a sore throat. In general, we treat one thing, and another... you understand. There was an unpleasant burning sensation when urinating, itching, and cheesy discharge. A very unpleasant disease. I decided that I wouldn’t take pills anymore (I felt sorry for my liver) and started using Pimafucin. Everything has passed."

Zhanna, 18 years old, Pskov : “My boyfriend “rewarded” me with thrush. I had never been sick before. He is my first sexual partner. I didn’t go to the gynecologist because she knows my mother. I bought Pimafucin cream for thrush in women at a pharmacy on the advice of a friend. I used the medicine strictly as written in the instructions, the itching and discharge went away. It turns out that in order to get rid of thrush, both sexual partners must be treated. I proposed to my boyfriend, but he refused.”

Vera, 45 years old, Murmansk : “Oh! I have thrush - chronically. Often occurs after an illness or in the spring against the background of hypovitaminosis. What I didn’t do. Until the gynecologist explained to me how to use Pimafucin cream for women with thrush. Such a good drug, I am absolutely delighted. I always have it in my refrigerator now. As soon as unpleasant itching, burning, or white discharge appears, I treat it locally.”

Alla, 34 years old, Sevastopol : “It seems to me that all women who are sexually active have such a disease as thrush. Antifungal cream helps me. When I saw it on the counter at the pharmacy, I thought it was for men, since there was no applicator in the box. I asked the pharmacist: “Is Pimafucin cream suitable for women?” She said, "Yes." I read in the instructions how to apply Pimafucin ointment.”

How and how much to use ointment for thrush?

The cream is good if you need to fight the external manifestations of thrush. After just a couple of applications to the affected area, itching, dry skin, and burning disappear. The cream also copes well with redness and inflammation, which can occur not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membrane. The cream is equally good in situations where thrush has affected the skin or genitals.

In case of emergency, men are recommended to use Pimafucin only in this form.

If a man has candidiasis in the genital area, then apply the ointment to the damaged area 2-4 times a day. If thrush is not at the initial stage, then in addition to the cream, it is also recommended to use tablets. Treatment may take 14 days.

If thrush affects a woman, then treatment with Pimafucin proceeds in a similar way. The duration of the course can also take two weeks. The course can be completed a little earlier, 10 days after the start, if the patient recovers quickly.

The cream can also be used after home douching, which is often prescribed to girls if they are worried about thrush. Apply the ointment only to clean and dry skin.

Contraindications and side effects

Pimafucin should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its components. The main active ingredient of the drug, natamycin, rarely provokes allergic reactions. There are also no serious side effects associated with taking the drug.

In the first days, the drug causes mild nausea. This does not mean that treatment should be stopped - the symptoms disappear quite quickly. In persons suffering from pathologies of the stomach and intestines, it can cause digestive upset. In men, Pimafucin ointment, used for thrush, can cause irritation. But it also disappears after some time and does not require any therapeutic measures.

special instructions

The ointment contains cityl alcohol. If a person is hypersensitive to it, then after applying the ointment a slight burning sensation may occur.

Pimafucin in the form of a cream is available for administration to newborns in case of diaper rash.

The drug does not in any way affect the ability to drive a car or control machinery.


Pimafucin is considered a popular ointment, and therefore there are plenty of analogues for it. They act in almost the same way as the original drug, but at the same time they have some differences in composition, application and some other points.


A popular ointment whose main ingredient is clotrimazole. There are also many additional elements. Among them are white vaseline, dihydrate, benzyl alcohol, and liquid paraffin.

Candide is good for treating:

  • lichen in the form of bran;
  • mycosis on the skin or legs;
  • erythrasmas;
  • candidiasis vulvitis, balanitis or paronychia;
  • candidiasis on the skin;
  • dermatitis caused by fungi.

Candide gel is prohibited for use if a person has hypersensitivity to one of its elements. Also, the drug should not be used by a girl during her menstrual cycle, as well as during pregnancy in the first trimester. If a woman is breastfeeding, she should also use this cream with caution.

The ointment is applied only externally. In this case, those areas of the skin to which the cream will be applied must first be washed with soap and then dried thoroughly. Use soap only with a pH parameter. Apply a small amount of cream to the skin and rub lightly to form a thin layer. Use this procedure 2-3 times a day.

The duration of treatment cannot be said with certainty. It all depends on the degree of fungal infection, its location on the body and the effectiveness of the course of treatment.

If you treat ringworm, you will have to use Candide for 1 month.

If you need to get rid of pityriasis versicolor, then you will have to use less ointment: 1-3 weeks.

If fungi manifest themselves on the feet, then even after getting rid of the symptoms, the cream should be applied without skipping for another 2 weeks.

Side effects from using Candida:

  • itching and burning in those areas of the skin where the cream was applied;
  • the formation of swelling or blisters at the application sites.

If side effects occur, it is better to stop using the cream.


Antifungal cream, 2%, homogeneous. The color can be white or slightly grayish. It has a specific smell and does not contain unnecessary particles. The main substance is miconazole nitrate. 1 g of ointment contains 20 mg. There are also excipients: chlorocresol, cetomacrogol 1000, disodium edetate.

The cream helps against dermatomycosis that appears as a result of exposure to fungi on the body, which can be affected by miconazole. Even if secondary infection by microorganisms occurs, the substance can still help. If a person has hypersensitivity to imidazole or any other substance of the drug, then you should not use the cream.

Also, you should not resort to it if the patient has impaired microcirculation or has diabetes.

Mycozon ointment is an antifungal agent that should be applied to the affected area of ​​skin only in the morning and evening. In this case, the skin should initially be prepared by washing and drying it. If necessary, an occlusive dressing can be used. The cream should be applied regularly, and not only until the symptoms stop, but also for several days after that to finally get rid of the fungus.

When using a cream, mycological control is mandatory, as it allows you to understand how long the therapy will be. The course can last from 2 weeks to 6.


Cream 1% Used to eliminate fungus on nails. its color is white and its smell is subtle. The active substance is terbinafine hydrochloride. There are also excipients such as benzyl alcohol, polysorbate 60, sodium hydroxide, cetyl palmitate.

Terbinafine can be used not only to treat fungal infections, but also simply sometimes applied for prevention. With its help you can get rid of fungal infections on the skin, athlete's foot in the groin area, and mycoses on the feet. This cream can also be used to treat ringworm and yeast infections. Terbinafine also helps with diaper rash.

The cream should not be used by those people who have hypersensitivity to the main substance of the drug or to its auxiliary elements.

Terbinafine should be used carefully for those who have occlusive diseases associated with blood vessels in the legs, poor bone marrow blood production, liver or kidney failure, metabolic problems, and tumors.

Also, people who like to drink alcohol or are under 12 years of age should not use the cream.

Terbinafine cream can be applied 1-2 times a day, while rubbing lightly. It is worth applying it not only to the affected area of ​​the body, but also to the healthy areas adjacent to it. If you need to apply the drug to those areas where high humidity is usually observed, then at night you should apply a gauze bandage to that area.

The duration of use can vary from 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on the type of disease and its severity. The duration of therapy should be discussed with your doctor.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis

Yeast-like fungi are opportunistic flora and do not show themselves for a long time. When general and local immunity is weakened, they multiply very quickly and cause the clinical picture of thrush in women: itching and burning in the vagina, cheesy discharge, pain when urinating, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. In addition, vaginitis causes discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Predisposing factors:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  3. Use of oral contraceptives;
  4. Therapy with immunosuppressants and glucocorticoids;
  5. Recent antibiotic treatment;
  6. Wearing tight underwear and synthetic clothing.

Price in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

CityPharmacyCost of the drug (RUB)
TomskLive Pharmacy289
Saint Petersburg"Violet"425

Pimafucin ointment is a popular safe medicine and is effective if a person has a fungal infection. According to the instructions, the drug does not cause serious side effects from use and can be used by pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding, and people of all ages.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

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