Treatment of chronic cervical cervicosis: modern methods and folk remedies


Before starting treatment, the doctor determines the cause of the development of chronic cervicosis.

The main provoking factors include:

  • Long-term use of intrauterine contraceptives. When installing a spiral, the mucous membrane of the cervical canal may be damaged, which provokes ectopia of the prismatic glandular epithelium.
  • Abortion. One of the consequences of abortion is cervicosis.
  • Injury to the mucous membrane during a gynecological examination. Most often, doctors carry out the procedure carefully. But in some cases, injury can occur when performing diagnostic sampling of material from the cervical canal.
  • Regular infectious and inflammatory processes of the cervix. Cervicosis is caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonococci, and trichomonas. Conditionally pathogenic flora - staphylococci or streptococci, Escherichia coli, enterococcus - play a very important role in the formation of chronic endocervicosis. It is vaginal dysbiosis that causes recurrent ectopia of the columnar epithelium. At the initial stage of development, the disease does not manifest symptoms. Consequences occur only in the absence of treatment, when the inflammatory process spreads and affects large areas of the mucosa.
  • Vaginal prolapse.
  • Ectropin.

Cervicosis always occurs as a result of improper healing and chronic inflammation of the vaginal part of the cervix. Lack of therapy leads to the transformation of an acute form of true erosion or a focus of trauma into an area of ​​ectopia or cervicosis. Otherwise, cervicosis and ectopia are called pseudo-erosion.

Cervicosis of the cervix: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The chronic form of cervical endocervicosis has its own characteristics. In order for this process to transform into a recurrent one, the presence of another chronic pathology is required.

In gynecology, this disease is also called pseudoerosion. A long-term disease is considered fertile ground for the formation of dysplasia and subsequent malignancy.

The essence of endocervicosis is that the epithelial tissue, which is characteristic of the cervical canal, is determined in the area of ​​the outer vaginal part of the cervix.

The normal anatomical structure of the cervix involves lining the endocervix with prismatic epithelium, which consists of glands, and the outer part of the cervix is ​​formed by another type of integumentary tissue - stratified squamous epithelium.

Under the influence of a number of external and internal causes, the glandular epithelium covers areas of the vaginal part of the cervix. This condition is called endocervicosis or pseudoerosion. And pathology takes a chronic course due to unfavorable factors and diseases.

Further, if a woman has a human papillomavirus infection of the genital tract, dysplastic processes may develop.

In chronic endocervicosis, dysplasia due to HPV develops in almost 100% of women.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Chronic cervicosis is the result of various pathological conditions and certain processes.

The reasons are:

Sexual infections that form an eroded lesion on the cervix, which subsequently heals incorrectly - with the formation of pseudo-erosion.

Hormonal imbalance during menopause, pregnancy, and pathology of the ovaries and thyroid gland.

  • Frequent trauma to the cervical uterus during curettage, abortion, diagnostic procedures, and labor.
  • Vaginal dysbiosis.
  • Douching, self-medication.
  • Mechanical damage to the cervical mucosa when using chemical or barrier contraceptives.

A decrease in immunity after a long illness, against the background of chronic bronchopulmonary infections, diseases of the urinary system, often becomes the cause of chronic gynecological diseases and the formation of recurrent endocervicosis.

Clinical signs

The signs of cervicosis are similar to erosion. The chronic form may have no symptoms for a long time and go unnoticed. Endocervicosis is often diagnosed during a routine examination by a gynecologist.

The main symptoms include:

  • Constant mucous discharge, mixed with pus, often with an unpleasant odor.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Periodic aching pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain in the perineum, rectum and groin is possible due to the long-term process.
  • When a sexually transmitted infection occurs or becomes active, the discharge intensifies and a rise in temperature is possible.
  • Bloody impurities in the discharge after sex cannot be ruled out.

Unpleasant sensations in chronic endocervicosis of the cervix intensify during sexual intercourse.

On examination, a change in the endocervix is ​​noted in the form of an area of ​​redness. The cervix is ​​covered with mucopurulent discharge.

What is cervical endocervicosis

The precursor to the disease is true erosion, which occurs against the background of inflammation of the cervix. Hormonal disorders also play a role in the development of endocervicosis, and in some cases the pathology is congenital. In gynecology, it is believed that the disease develops against the background of excess estrogen, the female sex hormone.

Hormonal imbalance causes the boundary between the cells of the cervical canal and the squamous epithelium to move. The cylindrical epithelium gradually replaces the vaginal mucosa, which reduces the protection of the uterus from various infections, problems with fertilization appear, and the risk of dysplasia and cancer increases.

The congenital form is caused by abnormal hormonal function of the ovaries. Usually it does not require treatment, but if infection, inflammation or concomitant pathologies occur, therapy may be required. Doctors distinguish several types of pathology; let’s consider them in more detail.

What is the chronic form?

Chronic cervicosis is usually asymptomatic, only sometimes a woman may notice unusual discharge, burning, itching, or blood after sexual intercourse.

The form occurs against the background of untreated erosion and concomitant gynecological pathologies. The chronic course is dangerous because if the patient has the human papillomavirus in her body, dysplasia soon appears, and then cancer.

Treatment of the pathology is complex; the woman undergoes drug and minimally invasive therapy.

A woman must take care of her intimate health, avoid casual sex and abortion, and treat gynecological diseases in a timely manner to avoid complications.

Any negative factors can affect the course of the pathology and cause progression with unpleasant consequences.


There are many reasons for the development of endocervicosis; they are divided into acquired and congenital. The hereditary form is most often caused by improper genetic development of the epithelium, when it is replaced by cylindrical and flat. Congenital pathology occurs due to puberty, changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, or hormonal imbalance.

This condition is considered physiological and does not cause suspicion. Usually, congenital endocervicosis goes away on its own without any treatment. The acquired form develops for the following reasons:

  1. Abortions, hormonal disorders, difficult births with ruptures.
  2. Inflammation that appears against the background of a fungal, viral or infectious lesion of the cervix.
  3. Injury to the cervix, which can be caused by an intrauterine device, douching, or the use of chemical contraception without the consent of a doctor.


Clinical picture

Chronic cervicosis most often does not manifest symptoms and can occur unnoticed by a woman. This is precisely the main danger of the pathology, since treatment is not started in a timely manner.

Possible clinical manifestations include:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen. It appears in many gynecological diseases.
  • Discharge. Their volume increases gradually. They may be white or have a yellowish tint.
  • Bleeding. Appear after sexual contact or examination by a gynecologist. Manifests itself in the form of spotting and goes away on its own.
  • Discomfort in the area of ​​the external genitalia. In some cases, itching occurs, which is the reason a woman seeks medical attention.

Chronic cervicosis at the initial stage is quite difficult to notice. Therefore, doctors recommend that if one of the signs or discomfort occurs, consult a doctor. Timely medical care will help to avoid the transformation of pathology into a chronic form and the development of complications.

Cervicitis of the cervix: traditional and folk treatment

Inflammation of the vaginal cervix, characterized by cloudy discharge, painful urination, discomfort during sexual intercourse, dull or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, is nothing more than cervicitis of the cervix.

Treatment of this disease is carried out in different ways and is prescribed depending on the identified pathogen, its sensitivity to antibiotics, and the nature of the inflammatory process. If treatment is not timely, acute cervicitis progresses to the chronic stage, which leads to thickening of the walls of the cervix, the formation of erosion, infection of the upper genital area and other serious complications.

Most often, cervicitis is diagnosed in women of reproductive age, less often during menopause. Since in most cases the inflammatory process is asymptomatic for a long time, cervicitis can only be detected during routine medical examinations by a gynecologist or when a patient comes in with complaints of another disease.


Since chronic cervicosis most often does not manifest symptoms, the pathology is diagnosed during a preventive gynecological examination. To confirm the diagnosis, establish the degree and form of pathology, the following diagnostic methods are prescribed:

  • Examination of the cervix using special mirrors.
  • Cytological examination. To do this, a specialist takes a smear from the walls of the organ. The material is then sent to the laboratory.
  • Bacterial sowing Biological material is collected from the cervical canal and vagina.
  • PCR diagnostics. It is prescribed to determine the presence and type of infection that caused the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Colposcopy. The cervix is ​​examined using a special device. It helps to significantly increase the viewing angle and visually determine the extent of inflammation.

Based on the research results, various changes are revealed on the mucous membrane of the cervix, and the type of pathological microorganisms is determined. But based on all the data, the doctor prescribes a certain course of therapy.

Traditional treatment of cervicitis

If a woman has been diagnosed with cervical cervicitis, treatment should begin immediately. Many therapeutic methods for eliminating cervicitis in modern gynecology have been developed, however, the main task of each of them is to eliminate the cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the cervix (infections, hormonal, immune and metabolic disorders), as well as the treatment of concomitant diseases.

Specific therapeutic therapy for cervicitis involves the use of various antiviral, antibacterial and other medications, the choice of which is determined by the type of pathogen, its sensitivity to a particular antibiotic, the form, type and stage of the inflammatory process.


Treatment of the disease can be carried out in the following ways:

  • Antibacterial therapy is appropriate if pathogenic bacterial flora is detected. Medicines can be taken orally or used topically in the form of suppositories (Terzhinan, Fluomizin, Hexicon, Polygynax and others).
  • Antiseptics in the form of suppositories, for example, Betadine. The drug has a disinfectant effect. The composition includes iodine, which has a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The drug should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, as it has certain contraindications.
  • Antiviral drugs for identifying viruses of the herpes family, papillomaviruses.
  • Immunomodulators are prescribed without fail. Interferon inducers and interferon preparations are used - Cycloferon, Viferon, Kipferon, Groprinosin, Kagocel and others.
  • Immunostimulants, for example, Polyoxidonium. The use of the drug helps to significantly speed up the therapy process. The dosage and duration of use is determined by the doctor depending on the stage of the pathology.
  • Probiotics are used in the form of drugs to restore vaginal and intestinal flora.

Possible complications

Chronic cervicosis is dangerous because the disease cannot always be detected at the initial stage of its development. Lack of therapy can negatively affect not only a woman’s health, but also the condition of her reproductive system.

Also, altered mucosal cells are susceptible to frequent inflammatory diseases. During pregnancy, the pathology can progress.

Chronic cervicosis is a common disease that can lead to serious consequences. The lack of therapy affects not only a woman’s life, but also the ability to give birth to a child - cervicosis can cause temporary infertility. That is why, when the first signs appear, you must consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Treatment with unconventional methods

When the first symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. However, treatment can be combined with folk remedies. These methods will help get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

  • Douching with herbs helps a lot. For this, a decoction of oak bark is used. The temperature of the broth should be no more than 36 degrees. Pour 15 grams of the product into half a liter of boiled water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. You need to douche up to 4 times a day.
  • Chamomile has proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Take 30 grams of this plant and pour two glasses of boiling water. Cool to 35 degrees and soak the tampon with the infusion. Insert it into the vagina for 15 minutes. This should be done three times a day.
  • Douching is done with a decoction of sage. Take 20 grams of the product and pour two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Let the broth brew for 6 hours and add two more glasses of water. Douche several times a day.
  • Calendula decoction is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as douching or soaked into tampons.
  • Add currants and viburnum to your food. This is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients that strengthen the immune system, which is very important for cervicosis.

What is this?

At the very beginning, you need to understand the concepts that will be actively used in this article. So, cervicosis: what is it, what is this disease? This is a disease of the cervix. It refers specifically to inflammatory processes. In case of illness, the cervix becomes slightly enlarged and deformed. At the same time, its glands can also grow, cysts and cystic cavities often appear, and the cells of the mucous membrane of this organ can also change. This disease most often occurs as a result of a long-term inflammatory process, which does not have any therapeutic effect.


If cervicosis (what it is - we figured it out) is identified in time and adequate treatment is started, it can be dealt with without consequences. Otherwise, a woman’s reproductive function may be impaired. If this disease is detected during pregnancy, then even termination of pregnancy may be indicated. There is also a danger of cervical rupture during the woman's delivery. It is also worth mentioning that young women of reproductive age are at risk: from 20 to 40 years.

Separately, I would also like to say a few words about such a problem as chronic cervicosis. What it is? So, it occurs if treatment does not occur at its early stage. Soon the symptoms disappear, and the woman may mistakenly think that she has recovered. However, this is not so; the disease has transformed into a different form. In this case, only a specialist can identify the problem.

Chronic cervical cervicosis - treatment and prevention

Hello, dear blog visitors! Many women are diagnosed with cirrvicosis during their lifetime. After this, they wonder what it is and can they live with it? You should not be afraid of this disease, but it is better to start treatment on time. In this article we will tell you what chronic cervical cervicosis is and how to treat it.


  • Classification of forms of the disease
  • Causes of chronic cervicosis
  • Clinical picture
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment of cervicosis
  • Treatment of chronic cervicosis is carried out in the following way:
  • Possible consequences of the disease
  • How to treat chronic cervical cervicosis during pregnancy?
  • Treatment with unconventional methods
  • Preventive actions
  • To prevent the onset of the disease, follow simple rules:

Classification of forms of the disease

  • Atrophic cervicosis is manifested by the death of cervical tissue. Develops due to a chronic form.
  • Bacterial is caused by a pathogenic infection.
  • The viral form is caused by a virus, such as HPV.
  • The purulent nature of the disease is accompanied by purulent discharge.
  • Candidiasis is of fungal origin.
  • Cystic cervicitis can be caused by a variety of pathologies, resulting in the proliferation of cervical tissue and the appearance of cysts. Erosion often leads to this condition.
  • Nonspecific occurs as a result of the influence of factors not related to infection. The disease occurs in a latent form for a long period of time, which makes diagnosis more difficult.
  • With focal cervicosis, only certain areas of the cervix are affected.

Causes of chronic cervicosis

Chronic cervicosis is called inflammation of the cervix. The causative agents of the pathology can be a variety of bacteria: candida fungi, ureaplasma, gonococci, chlamydia and many others. Women of reproductive age are susceptible to this disease. In a healthy body, the cervical canal should be sterile. To cause inflammation in it, predisposing factors are needed.

The pathological condition is caused by cervical ruptures, prolapse of the pelvic organs, the use of contraceptives without a doctor’s prescription, and erosion. The infection occurs against the background of injuries and operations performed on the cervix during childbirth, abortion, insertion of an intrauterine device, and curettage. Some pathogenic organisms can settle on the cervix without predisposing factors.

Clinical picture

The symptoms of the disease, even during an exacerbation period, can be very mild. As a rule, women experience whitish discharge mixed with pus and accompanied by severe itching. Patients suffer from severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Swelling occurs and the cervix descends. The muscle membrane and glands of the cervix are also involved in the process. The progression of the pathology will depend on the type of microorganism that provoked the disease and on the state of the woman’s immunity.

If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner the problem is identified, the fewer consequences there will be in the future and the sooner it can be eliminated.

Treatment of chronic cervicosis is carried out in the following way:

  • antibiotics are taken both internally and locally;
  • cold therapy is carried out, with the help of which itching and pain can be more easily tolerated;
  • laser therapy is indicated when conservative treatment does not help;
  • sometimes you need to do cauterization in the area of ​​pathological changes;
  • Treatment tactics are chosen only by a specialist.

Possible consequences of the disease

If treatment measures were taken on time, then cervicosis does not pose a threat to the patient’s health and does not affect the reproductive system.

In the case of a long course of chronic cervicosis, there is a risk of oncology. Moreover, the altered mucosa is more susceptible to various inflammatory diseases. During pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage. Moreover, the disease can lead to rupture of the cervix during childbirth.

How to treat chronic cervical cervicosis during pregnancy?

Treatment during gestation is carried out with antibiotics and antiviral agents. The drug sumamed is considered the most effective and harmless for a child. Along with taking these tablets, the specialist will prescribe products for topical use. Drugs are selected taking into account the type of microorganism and depend on susceptibility to antibiotics.

Local remedies are used only when the exacerbation subsides. Cervicitis of viral origin is very difficult to treat. This requires long-term treatment with antiviral drugs, immune boosters and vitamins.

Treatment with unconventional methods

When the first symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. However, treatment can be combined with folk remedies. These methods will help get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

  • Douching with herbs helps a lot. For this, a decoction of oak bark is used. The temperature of the broth should be no more than 36 degrees. Pour 15 grams of the product into half a liter of boiled water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. You need to douche up to 4 times a day.
  • Chamomile has proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Take 30 grams of this plant and pour two glasses of boiling water. Cool to 35 degrees and soak the tampon with the infusion. Insert it into the vagina for 15 minutes. This should be done three times a day.
  • Douching is done with a decoction of sage. Take 20 grams of the product and pour two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Let the broth brew for 6 hours and add two more glasses of water. Douche several times a day.
  • Calendula decoction is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as douching or soaked into tampons.
  • Add currants and viburnum to your food. This is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients that strengthen the immune system, which is very important for cervicosis.


Why can cervicosis occur (what it is is clear: a disease that affects the cervix)?

  1. This disease can occur due to the early onset of sexual activity by a girl (before 16 years of age).
  2. Hormonal imbalances are often the cause.
  3. Reduced immunity can also provide prerequisites for the onset of the disease.
  4. Injury to the cervix due to abortion, curettage, probing.
  5. Various diseases of the reproductive system can also provoke the occurrence of cervicosis.


What symptoms may indicate that a woman has cervical cervicosis?

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen (character of pain: nagging)
  2. A sanitary pad may contain small smears of blood (regardless of menstruation).
  3. There may also be various discharges. For example, purulent-bloody.
  4. A woman may also experience itching in the vagina.


You can understand that a woman has cervical cervicosis by the accompanying symptoms. However, to clarify the diagnosis, you still need to seek help from a specialist. Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. What research methods will the doctor use?

  1. Inspection, palpation of the cervix.
  2. The lady will have to undergo smears for cytology.
  3. A bacterial culture from the woman’s vagina and her cervical canal will also be needed.
  4. PCR diagnostics. This is necessary in order to determine various urogenital infections.
  5. Colposcopy may also be performed. This method involves examining the cervix using a special device that significantly increases visibility.


If a woman is diagnosed with a disease such as cervicosis, treatment should be urgent and as effective as possible. Otherwise, the disease risks becoming chronic. But coping with this problem is much more difficult.

In modern medicine, specialists use a variety of treatment methods:

  1. Treatment with antibiotics: local and general.
  2. Cryotherapy, i.e. impact on the disease by low temperatures.
  3. Laser treatment.
  4. Diathermocoagulation is also often prescribed, i.e. the affected area is cauterized with a special apparatus.


When treating cervical cervicosis, a woman can be prescribed a variety of medications.

  1. This may be the drug "KOK Logest". This is a hormonal contraceptive. It may be prescribed if there is a risk of developing ovarian or endometrial cancer. Also, this drug perfectly fights inflammatory processes.
  2. The drug "Betadine". These candles have valuable disinfectant and antiseptic effects. The composition contains iodine, which is destructive to pathogenic microorganisms. However, this drug has many different contraindications. In particular, it should not be used by women who have problems with the thyroid gland.
  3. The drug "Polyoxidonium". This drug has a strong immunomodulatory effect. Using this drug, you can significantly shorten the course of treatment and speed up the time of recovery.

The dosage of drugs and the treatment cycle should be determined by the doctor, because everything depends on the stage of the disease.

Preventive actions

To prevent the onset of the disease, follow simple rules:

  • use contraceptives;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • treat infectious pathologies;
  • strengthen the immune system: eat fruits, vitamins, harden yourself;
  • During menopause, take hormonal medications.

A woman’s lifestyle plays a huge role. You should give up bad habits, eat well, drink enough water, and get enough sleep.

We told you what chronic cervical cervicosis is and how it is treated with folk remedies.

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Description of the disease

The vaginal epithelium becomes inflamed under the influence of various factors. The mucous membrane thickens, the lumen of the canal becomes almost impassable. The chronic form of the disease also affects neighboring organs. Inflammation enlarges the cervix and gradually deforms it. The structure of the tissue changes - glands grow, cysts appear, mucosal cells take on an unusual shape and differ from each other (dysplasia).

The causes of cirvicosis are as follows:

  1. Infectious (viruses, bacteria, opportunistic flora).
  2. Non-infectious (injuries, violation of personal hygiene rules, douching unnecessarily).

Knowing what provoking factors cause cervical cervicosis, the routes of infection and what it is, a woman can avoid complications thanks to timely diagnosis.

Why does cervical cervicosis appear, what is it and how to treat it

Approximately 30% of women of reproductive age experience manifestations such as cervical cervicosis. In some cases it is asymptomatic. Some people encounter non-specific symptoms that do not prompt them to consult a gynecologist early.

Description of the disease

Cervix with cervicosis and healthy tissue.

The vaginal epithelium becomes inflamed under the influence of various factors. The mucous membrane thickens, the lumen of the canal becomes almost impassable.

The chronic form of the disease also affects neighboring organs. Inflammation enlarges the cervix and gradually deforms it.

The structure of the tissue changes - glands grow, cysts appear, mucosal cells take on an unusual shape and differ from each other (dysplasia).

The causes of cirvicosis are as follows:

  1. Infectious (viruses, bacteria, opportunistic flora).
  2. Non-infectious (injuries, violation of personal hygiene rules, douching unnecessarily).

Knowing what provoking factors cause cervical cervicosis, the routes of infection and what it is, a woman can avoid complications thanks to timely diagnosis.


When it becomes chronic, conservative therapy is not effective and the patient is referred for surgery. The following methods are used:

  1. cryotherapy;
  2. laser therapy;
  3. photodynamic treatment;
  4. Cauterization with radio waves using the Surgitron apparatus;
  5. diathermocoagulation.

Endocervicosis is treated with laser beams. The effect occurs only on non-viable tissue. After contact with the laser, the damaged areas are removed. The attending physician must conduct a follow-up examination after 48 hours. One of the consequences of exposure to laser beams on the epithelium is temporary tissue swelling. Cervicitis of the cervix: symptoms and treatment

After the procedure, brown discharge from the genital tract is observed for several days. Full recovery after laser therapy takes 1.5 months. Photodynamic therapy is one of the gentle ways to treat cervical inflammation. The device destroys only affected cells without affecting functionally active ones.

When using radio wave therapy, incisions are made and the affected tissue is removed. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. After complete recovery there are no scars left. The procedure allows a woman to carry a child to term and give birth through the natural birth canal. Carrying out a diathermocoagulation procedure on the cervix

A budget and painful option is diathermocoagulation. 2 electrodes are applied to the pathological focus where cervical cervicosis is located, which makes it possible to remove the affected tissue in a short period of time. After the procedure, scars remain, which create problems when planning a pregnancy.

Cryotherapy involves using low-temperature liquid nitrogen (up to 85˚C) on cervical cells affected by cervicosis.

The treatment method replaced diathermocoagulation, which is associated with the absence of complications after the procedure.

Tissue that has died after contact with nitrogen disappears. In its place, healthy, functionally active cells appear. Recovery duration is from 3 weeks to 3 months.

The appearance of unusual discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, or menstrual irregularities is a reason for examination. Timely diagnosis will allow for conservative treatment. The risk of complications in the early stage of the disease is practically absent. In advanced forms, a woman has problems bearing a child, and the likelihood of rupture of the cervical mucosa increases.



Chronic cervicosis of the cervix does not manifest itself for a long time. Some women notice a change in their condition early. The disease has the following symptoms:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of light, bloody discharge from the genital tract outside of menstruation;
  • itching in the perineum;
  • redness of the labia.

If at least one of the signs appears, you need to contact a gynecologist in order to detect cervical cervicosis at an early stage and begin treatment.

Causes of chronic cervicosis

Chronic cervicosis is called inflammation of the cervix. The causative agents of the pathology can be a variety of bacteria: candida fungi, ureaplasma, gonococci, chlamydia and many others. Women of reproductive age are susceptible to this disease. In a healthy body, the cervical canal should be sterile. To cause inflammation in it, predisposing factors are needed.

The pathological condition is caused by cervical ruptures, prolapse of the pelvic organs, the use of contraceptives without a doctor’s prescription, and erosion. The infection occurs against the background of injuries and operations performed on the cervix during childbirth, abortion, insertion of an intrauterine device, and curettage. Some pathogenic organisms can settle on the cervix without predisposing factors.


When visiting a gynecologist, an examination is carried out and a smear is taken to determine the flora in the vagina.

The need for analysis to make a diagnosis

Additional methods for detecting endocervicosis of the cervix are:

  1. Bacterial culture of a vaginal smear.
  2. Carrying out PCR (detection of sexually transmitted infections).
  3. Colposcopy (examination under multiple magnification).
  4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs to exclude an inflammatory process.

If a woman is confirmed to have endocervicosis, she is referred for treatment. Tactics depend on the severity of the disease. Medications are used whenever possible. In advanced forms, only surgical therapy is used.

Treatment of cervicosis

A conservative approach is suitable for a woman diagnosed with acute endocervicosis of the cervix. Non-drug treatment is used for chronic disease. The main goal of therapy is to combat the cause of inflammation.

Conservative treatment

Antibiotics are prescribed to treat infections caused by bacterial flora. Knowing what kind of disease it is and what complications will arise, a vaginal smear is cultured (determination of sensitivity to the drug). When treatment for cervical cervicosis is prescribed, the gynecologist continues to monitor the patient. Positive dynamics are the result of the effectiveness of conservative therapy. The following drugs are used effectively:

  1. "Monomycin".
  2. "Erythromycin".
  3. "Sumamed."
  4. "Doxycycline."
  5. "Tarivid."

For atrophic cervicosis, hormones are prescribed. The process is associated with the death of epithelial cells of the vaginal mucosa and its thinning. The mechanism of action of hormonal agents is aimed at restoring the epithelium and microflora of the genital organs. After completing the course, preparations containing lactobacilli are used. The goal of therapy is to populate the vagina with beneficial microorganisms and create an acidic environment.

Chronic cervicosis of the cervix is ​​difficult to treat. Surgical treatment is aimed at removing candylomas from the surface of the mucosa. Additionally, patients take cytostatics and interferons orally. If the disease is caused by genital herpes, then long-term use of antiviral drugs - Acyclovir or Valtrex - will be required. To increase the body's defenses, they drink multivitamin complexes and immunostimulants.

When the acute process subsides, local treatment is required and the disease goes into remission. Combination agents are effective:

  1. "Dimexide".
  2. "Chlorophyllipt".
  3. Silver solution.

The drugs are used for douching or inserted into the vagina in the form of a cream or suppository.

Cervical cervicosis | University Clinic

The patient has cervical cervicosis

Cervicosis is a pathology in which areas of atypical tissue form on the vaginal part of the cervix. Chronic cervical cervicosis is an inflammatory disease. If the pathology is not treated, there is a high risk of disease progression and transition to a malignant form.

Treatment of cervicosis at the University Clinic is carried out using modern, gentle methods, since the medical center is equipped with the latest equipment.

Forms of cervicosis

The disease is considered one of the most common in gynecology, as it is detected in every fourth woman aged 15 to 40 years. Most often, pathology develops with inflammation of the cervix.

As a result of a long-term inflammatory process, the squamous epithelium of the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​replaced by cylindrical and glandular cells.

The disease manifests itself in atypical areas of tissue on the mucous membrane.

According to the nature of the course, acute and chronic forms of pathology are distinguished. Depending on the causes, several forms of cervicosis are determined. The table shows the main types of the disease.

Type of cervicosisFeatures of the flow
AtrophicHealthy cells in the cervix die, causing the lining of the uterus to become thinner. If a woman's hormonal balance is disrupted, new epithelial cells are not formed. Sometimes they are replaced by atypical structures.
BacterialTissues are affected by sexually transmitted infections. Penetrating through the cell membrane, pathogens disrupt the normal structure of the cell and prevent its division.
ViralThe cause is viruses. This form of cervicosis includes lesions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Since HPV causes cancer, this form of pathology is considered a precancerous condition.
PurulentThis form develops if cervical inflammation is not treated for a long time. Manifests itself as purulent lesions of the mucous membrane.
CandidaThe cause of the lesion is fungi, which are normally present in the healthy microflora of the genital tract. Activation of fungi occurs if the immune system is weakened, hormonal levels are disrupted, and the cervical membranes are injured.
CysticPathological tissue proliferation leads to the formation of multiple cysts. The disease often accompanies cervical erosion. Treatment of this form of the disease is carried out only by removing the cyst and lesions.
FocalPathology manifests itself only in certain limited areas of the mucous membrane of the neck.
Non-specificThe reasons have not yet been established. The symptoms are vague.

Often it is not possible to determine the form of the disease, since the cause is a whole complex of factors.

Causes of cervical cervicosis

Doctors have still not come to a consensus regarding the causes of the pathology. The appearance of atypical lesions is associated with the structural features of the cervix and the location of the organ.

Since the cervix is ​​lined with several types of epithelium, the risk of cell degeneration is high. In addition, the lower part of the uterus is in contact with the vagina, which is often injured and infected.

This also has a negative impact on the cervical structures.

Common causes of cervicosis:

  • Infection.
    If pathogenic bacteria or viruses penetrate the cervical area, inflammation of the membranes develops. Particularly dangerous are STIs, such as chlamydia, ureaplasma, staphylococcus, mycoplasma, streptococcus, and HPV. Pathogens are able to penetrate inside cells, disrupting their nutrition and division. Prolonged inflammation also provokes tissue degeneration.
  • Installation of an intrauterine device (IUD).
    If the IUD is installed by an experienced doctor, the tissues are not injured. However, sometimes during installation and wearing of the spiral, it changes its position, damaging the mucous membranes. If inflammation develops at the site of injury, abnormal cell growth may occur.
  • Abortions and curettages.
    Any surgical intervention in the uterine area is a risk factor, since the cervical membranes are injured. Cervicosis is considered a common complication of abortion, curettage, and hysteroscopy.
  • Immune factor.
    If a woman has a weakened immune system, the body is unable to suppress inflammation, destroy infections, or ensure rapid healing of wounds after injuries. This becomes the background for the development of the pathological process.
  • Vaginal prolapse.
    When the pelvic floor muscles weaken, the vagina and cervix droop. When this happens, the cervical tissues become more susceptible to infection and injury.

If a girl is born with signs of atopic degeneration of cervical tissue, congenital cervicosis is diagnosed. This diagnosis is made in approximately 11% of cases during a girl’s first visit to a gynecologist.

Symptoms of cervicosis

The pathology is asymptomatic. To detect cell degeneration at an early stage, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. If preventive examinations are not carried out and the pathology progresses, the following signs may appear:

  • discomfort and pain during sex;
  • drops of blood after sexual intercourse;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • changes in the nature of vaginal discharge (for example, there is more of it or it changes color);
  • itching of the external genitalia (appears if the cause of the pathology is infection).

The sooner a woman turns to a gynecologist, the higher the chances of a complete cure.

Extended colposcopy

At the first stage of the study, the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is treated with Lugol's solution. If there are no pathologies, the cells stain evenly, absorbing the iodine solution.

Pathological areas remain unstained, since atypical cells do not absorb the dye. After staining, the cervical walls are examined using a colposcope.

This is an optical probe that is inserted into the vaginal lumen to obtain a magnified image of the mucous membranes.

During colposcopy, pathological foci are visible, but their type, the depth of damage to the membranes, and the stage of the disease cannot be determined. This requires laboratory tests.

Cytological analysis

A smear (scraping) is taken from the cervical membranes for analysis. To obtain the material, use a special spatula in the form of a brush. Excess mucus is first removed from the cervix to gain access to the epithelium. Then the spatula is inserted into the lumen of the cervical canal so that the brush touches its walls. Gently turning the instrument, the specialist takes a scraping of cells.

The resulting material is sent to the laboratory for microscopy. To identify abnormal cells, the sample is stained and examined under a microscope.

Ultrasound of the cervix

This study is carried out using an ultrasonic sensor. The method reveals the inflammatory process and cysts, but does not provide information about structural changes in cells. Ultrasound of the cervix is ​​most often performed using a vaginal probe. This allows you to obtain a more accurate image of the organs of the reproductive system.

PCR diagnostics and bacterial culture

Since the most common cause of cervicosis is infection, it is necessary to determine the specific pathogen. To do this, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method is used. Small sections of the pathogen's DNA are determined in the smear, and then they are subjected to replication (copying). As a result, a complete sample of the genetic material of the pathogen is obtained.

To select an effective treatment, biological material is inoculated on a nutrient medium. The resulting colonies are treated with various antibiotics to determine the sensitivity of the strains to the drugs.

Histological analysis

Histology is the most accurate method of diagnosis, since by examining a tissue section, the type and degree of atypia can be determined. A small section of the cervix is ​​taken for analysis, which is excised using a radio wave loop or scalpel. Histology is a mandatory stage in diagnosing advanced cervicosis if the doctor suspects cancer.

Treatment of cervical cervicosis

The approach to treatment is determined by the nature of the disease:

  • acute form -
    treated with medications;
  • chronic form -
    requires surgery to remove the pathological area.

Since the acute form of the disease is easier to treat, it is advisable to identify and begin treatment before the pathology becomes chronic.

Drug treatment

The selection of drugs depends on the form, type and stage of the disease. Conservative treatment of cervicosis is carried out according to the following rules:

  • If the cause of inflammation and tissue transformation is infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics or antiviral agents. They are selected based on the results of bacterial culture. The drugs are prescribed orally or in the form of suppositories and solutions for topical use.
  • If the atrophic form of the disease is diagnosed, sex hormones are prescribed. This stimulates the growth of healthy cervical epithelium, restoring the normal thickness of the mucous membrane.
  • During the entire course of treatment, the woman undergoes sanitation of the cervix and vagina. It is also recommended to use local anti-inflammatory drugs to speed up the process of membrane restoration.
  • After completion of treatment, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora. For this purpose, probiotics are prescribed.

Removal of pathological foci

If a patient is diagnosed with chronic or cystic cervicosis, pathological areas of the cervical epithelium must be removed. For this purpose, modern methods are used that minimally injure the mucous membranes.

To remove degenerated zones, the following methods are used:

  • Laser vaporization.
    Atypical areas of the cervix are evaporated under the action of a directed laser beam. The method does not injure healthy parts of the organ, as it acts selectively. Bleeding is also excluded, since the laser “seals” the vessels. The recovery period after laser vaporization is one and a half months. The first days after the procedure, bleeding, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and swelling of the treatment area are observed. The laser technique is safe for nulliparous women, but there is one drawback. Since the treatment area is completely evaporated, the tissue cannot be sent for histological analysis.
  • Radio wave therapy.
    This is a gentle technique for removing degenerated areas of the cervical canal. Destruction of the lesion occurs quickly, without pain, injury or bleeding. However, the cost of the procedure is relatively high.
  • Diathermocoagulation.
    To destroy the pathological area, it is exposed to high frequency electric current. This is an inexpensive method, but it is rarely used because it severely injures the patient’s reproductive system. After applying current, there is a high risk of bleeding, scars, and infection.
  • Cryodestruction.
    This is the destruction of anomalous zones as a result of ultra-low temperatures. An applicator containing liquid nitrogen is used to freeze tissue. The method is inexpensive and safe, but the recovery period can take up to three months.

Surgical treatment is rarely used, since this method is the most traumatic. If the doctor considers its use justified, a conical section of cervical tissue is removed.

Where can I get treatment for cervicosis?

To get rid of abnormal areas of the cervical canal, you need to contact the University Clinic. The treatment is safe for the patient, since experienced specialists in the treatment of cervical pathologies work here.



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