Aloe extract liquid for injection - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Irina Aloe bought a pacifier from this company on February 22 at a pharmacy for 60 rubles,

Infertility is divided into two types: absolute and relative. The first occurs if there are irreversible changes in the reproductive system. Second, when the chance of pregnancy is not excluded, but the probability is very low.

Absolute infertility is caused by 4 factors:

  • Absence of the uterus;
  • Absence of fallopian tubes;
  • Absence of ovaries.

If none of the listed factors is observed, then infertility can be cured.

Often the cause of infertility can be inflammatory processes or hormonal disorders in a woman. Then they use injections for infertility.

General recommendations of traditional medicine for the treatment of infertility:

1. Both partners need to give up bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse.
2. Eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. They increase immunity, especially tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, carrots, onions, garlic, parsley.

3. Completely exclude wheat bread and semolina porridge from the diet. It has been noticed that if you feed chickens white bread, their egg production is noticeably reduced.

4. It is better to replace sugar with honey.

5. Be sure to eat two apples a day or drink natural apple juice. You can replace it with apple cider vinegar - 2 teaspoons per glass of warm water with two teaspoons of honey 2-3 times a day.

6. Iodine is necessary for normal metabolism and normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Add dried seaweed to your food - half a teaspoon per day. By the way, you can add salt to salads this way.

7. Zinc is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive (childbearing) organs of both men and women. It treats inflammation in the prostate gland, promoting conception. The most zinc is found in sprouted wheat grains, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, oats, figs, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, honey, as well as in seafood - squid, crabs, oysters.

8. Deficiency of selenium in the body leads to infertility and prostatitis. Selenium is found in sugar-free corn seeds, brewer's yeast, walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, and garlic. However, selenium is not absorbed if the body has an excess of carbohydrates, of which there are many in pies and pastries. You must abstain from sweet foods.

9. Vitamin E plays an important role in human reproductive activity. Its daily requirement is 400 mg. For comparison, 15 g of sunflower oil contains 50 mg of this vitamin. Sunflower seeds, sprouted wheat grains, and oats are rich in it.

10. Relieves a number of inflammatory processes and improves the function of the reproductive organs with mumiyo with carrot juice. Dissolve 1 mummy tablet (0.2 g) per 100 g of carrot juice for 15 minutes. Take morning and evening 30 minutes before meals. 20 days on, 10 off. And so on for 2-3 months, for both partners.

11. It is beneficial to drink 1 liter of unboiled goat milk per day. This healing product restores impaired metabolism and promotes rejuvenation of the body.

12. Include eggs in your diet.

13. Natural calcium - egg shells - helps eliminate inflammatory and cystic processes. Take raw egg shells crushed into powder (one egg per day). Wash the egg with soap, break it, remove the inner film. Air dry and grind into powder. Take half a teaspoon 2 times a day after meals, washed down with green tea with a mug of lemon, which is eaten with the peel.

14. Men should not overheat their genitals, because... at temperatures above 38°C, sperm become less active and cannot meet a mature egg.

15. On the eve of the most favorable days for conception, refrain from intimacy. The sperm must mature, and this happens within two days. Alcoholic drinks, which reduce the activity and motility of sperm, are also contraindicated these days.

This complex treatment should begin on the waxing moon.

Pay attention to favorable days for conception, depending on the length of your cycle.

Treatment should be carried out for at least 3-4 months, maximum until the final result is achieved.


Aloe vera, beneficial properties, application, treatment, 32 recipes, contraindications

The aloe vera plant manifests its truly healing qualities thanks to its biochemical composition, which includes simply a huge number of components, which, when combined, have an extremely positive effect on the human body. Among them are minerals, various vitamins, microelements, enzymes, almost the entire range of amino acids, including essential ones, biologically active substances, mono and polysaccharides, substances with an anesthetic effect, essential oils, etc. Another component found in this plant was identified - acemannan, which stimulates the body's protective functions, destroys cancer cells and fights the spread of the AIDS virus.

Aloe vera supports the functioning of metabolic processes in the body, especially in the intestines. The plant contains a rare element called ulcin, which prevents the development of peptic ulcers. Aloe vera can penetrate deeply into skin cells and tissues, remove toxins and waste, and also stimulate lymph cleansing processes. The cleansing qualities of aloe vera are due to its bactericidal, antifungal, and antiviral properties, so it is considered effective and, most importantly, a natural antibiotic.

Aloe is a natural anti-allergic and anti-stress plant, as it has the ability to enhance the adaptogenic function of the body. The plant also stimulates blood circulation, significantly increasing the overall tone of the body, which is important for elderly patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

This unique plant with beneficial and healing properties accelerates cell regeneration processes, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of burns, wounds, cuts and other injuries to the skin. Aloe effectively stimulates the production of collagen, a protein base with


Traditional recipes for infertility!

    Infertility can be primary or secondary. Primary infertility is when a woman, despite regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives, has never become pregnant; secondary when a woman became infertile after one or more pregnancies, even ending in childbirth. The causes of the disease are mainly the following: general and genital infantilism (underdevelopment), infertility of the husband, inflammation of the ovaries (former or present), severe flexion of the uterus, diseases of the fallopian tubes, previous gonorrhea, previous abortions.

Treatment of infertility should follow the path of curing the underlying disease that caused it. Sometimes infertility is caused by a lack of vitamin E

, which is called the reproduction vitamin. It is found in wheat, peas and beans, buckwheat and oatmeal, onions, rose hips, sea buckthorn, as well as in eggs and liver.


1) Infusion of plantain seeds. It is done as follows: 1 teaspoon of seeds is ground into powder, poured with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. Then the infusion is filtered and cooled. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 12 days.

2) Pour 1 tablespoon of sundew herb into one glass of boiling water and leave in a warm place for one hour. Strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day;

3) Lesser periwinkle: 20 g of dry plant is boiled in 250 g of vodka for 5 minutes, cooled, filtered, stored in a cool, dark place. Take 15 drops 3 times a day;

4) Gentian cruciform: for infertility, take a decoction of rhizomes and roots. Pour 2 teaspoons of dry crushed roots into 3 cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals;

5) Round-leaved wintergreen: leave 2 teaspoons of dry crushed leaves for 2 hours in a dark place in a sealed container in a glass of boiling water. Strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals. It has a good effect in the treatment of adnexitis.

6) Tincture: leave 50 g of dry crushed wintergreen leaves for two weeks in a warm and dark place in 0.5 liters of vodka. Take 30 to 40 drops 3 times a day with water;

7) For infertility, use plantain seeds: pour one tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat, cool. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals;

8) Common wormwood or Chernobyl. It is believed that this is the best herb for all female diseases.” Tincture is a pharmaceutical preparation. Infusion: infuse 1 tablespoon of dry herb for 4 hours in 300 g of water in a sealed container, boil, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day;

9) Wheat: fresh juice from the germ or unripe wheat is useful for both women and men to drink for infertility;

10) Golden rhododendron: in the form of vodka tincture it is used in the treatment of infertility. 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves is poured into 200 g of vodka. Infuse for two weeks, take one teaspoon 3-4 times a day in 1/4 glass of water;

11) Knotweed (bird knotweed). Many women were cured of infertility in a simple and accessible way by drinking knotweed without measure, like tea. Infusion of knotweed herb: 1 cup of dry herb per liter of boiling water;

12) Aloe preparations are used in the treatment of infertility. Leaves are cut from a 5-year-old plant that has not been watered for 7 days before, and stored in a dark place for 8-10 days. After this, the thorns are cut off, the leaves are crushed with a stainless knife and poured with honey, pork or goose fat and melted butter, taking each 6 times more than aloe. The mixture is taken 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon per glass of hot milk. At the same time as taking aloe, drink a decoction of plantain seeds (see above);

13) Nettle seeds (the whole panicle with immature seeds), boiled with grape wine, drink 1 tablespoon before meals, and nettle powder is eaten with onions and eggs;

Negative reviews

I bought an aloe pacifier from this company on February 22 at a pharmacy for 60 rubles, it can only cause harm, I advise you to avoid this manufacturer.

I injected aloe vera twice in combination with other medications. last spring and November. It seems to have a resolving property. no result yet

Aloe is a natural stimulant. Like any stimulant, it stimulates not only the good. So you need to be sure that you have nothing bad to stimulate. I wrote this just in case. I personally am afraid to inject him.

A paramedic I know said that aloe stimulates the growth of cancer cells. And the gynecologist prescribed them for me. Now I don’t know and I’m afraid to inject them.

I didn’t want to take this drug and, as it turned out, for good reason. However, they still persuaded me to take this medicine. I was promised significant relief (I suffer from radiculitis). But in the end I got diarrhea, high body temperature and also high blood pressure. What about radiculitis? I decided to bypass this drug. Well, at least it's inexpensive. But for a medicine this is a weak plus (when it is the only one).

Instead of helping, this medicine provoked severe allergic reactions in me. I was extremely dissatisfied. Plus it’s worth adding the price, which the manufacturer for some reason decided to inflate simply to the point of indecency, as well as pain immediately after injection. Do I recommend this drug to anyone? I think no. It is not so effective that you have to endure side effects for the sake of it.

Aloe injections may have side effects. The first of them is pain. Injections are prescribed with caution to people prone to allergic reactions. Administration of the drug to such patients may cause skin rashes, redness, itching, and in rare cases, anaphylactic shock. Also possible: increased temperature, blood pressure. With an overdose and a long course, digestive disorders may occur - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

Traditional treatment of infertility

Green plants for future dads. A way to increase sperm viability. A polluted environment, pesticides and heavy metals have a negative impact on sperm. Therefore, men planning to have offspring should take care of cleansing the body by including green plants in their diet: broccoli, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, spinach, artichokes and asparagus.

Auxiliary means for the treatment of infertility - Nutrition should be complete, no fanatical diets that lead to thinness, but excess weight is undesirable. — Meat and fish dishes must be flavored with sage. Sage and sorrel should become your favorite herbs and be present on the table almost every day. — It is useful to drink a mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juices (6:2:1), carrot-spinach juice (6:2), pure beet juice (but not more than 50 ml twice a day), eat a salad with plenty of fresh carrots and dill greens. — As for the psychological attitude, healers recommended paying more attention to caring for a cat, especially a pregnant one, and a ficus tree, which it is advisable to place in the bedroom.

Neutral reviews

I read the comments, who is for and against - for some reason no one writes about the consequences after intramuscular injections, is it really only me who has bumps on both buttocks, it is impossible to touch, I refused the last injection, it became unbearable, irritation on both sides, etc. What needs to be done to make the cones resolve. Has anyone come across this?

  • decreased immunity after completion of the course

Yes, I recommend aloe extract! But only on the face, not inside! Briefly about my experience and why aloe extract was rated a C in my review.

Let me make a reservation right away: this may not be the case for everyone, I was just unlucky and this is an individual reaction of my body.

I was prescribed aloe extract on two occasions: twice - for the treatment of adhesions (many years ago) and recently - for the treatment of chronic otitis media.

The extract was administered - as prescribed by the doctor - not subcutaneously, but intramuscularly. Exactly this manufacturer. It has such packaging that you won’t confuse it with anything else.

There were no side effects from the aloe extract injections themselves.

No results for adhesions and otitis media either. Neither positive nor negative.

But I can say one thing with confidence: immediately after stopping the course, immunity drops greatly! In addition to severe colds, rashes of papillomas (small warts) appeared on my skin.

Aloe is very effective, it stimulates the immune system too much, with a very strong drop in immunity after stopping the course of aloe extract.

But I did not see the absorbable effect of aloe either on adhesions or on scars.

Liquid Aloe extract is nothing more than an assistant, appearing in the form of a certain complex of vitamins. I read very different reviews about him. I just cured bronchitis and decided to take a course of this drug to improve recovery and strengthen the immune system. In principle, this is a good option. After completing the course I felt an improvement in my condition. Overall, I rate the drug positively. The only “but” is its price tag - too expensive for an assistant.

Aloe will help cope with the problem

To treat infertility due to adhesions and tubal obstruction, try taking an aloe-based mixture. The plant must be at least 5 years old. There is no need to water it for 10 days, then cut off the leaves and put it in a dark, cool place for 4 days. After this, cut off the thorns, chop the leaves and pour natural honey and ghee. In terms of volume, both honey and oil should be 6 times more than leaves. Take the mixture 2 times a day, a tablespoon, regardless of meals. Store the medicine in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is at least two months. In this case, you need to eat more peas, beans, wheat sprouts, buckwheat and oatmeal, rose hips, sea buckthorn, eggs and liver. It is useful to add young nettle, plantain leaves, and knotweed to salads. Also, eat a piece of licorice root the size of a bean 3 times a day and drink alcoholic tinctures of Eleutherococcus, ginseng or golden root in courses (30 days each).

Drugs to stimulate ovulation. Injections and pills to help you get pregnant

Drugs that help you get pregnant are divided into three main types: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) drugs, hCG drugs and progesterone drugs.

2) HCG helps the largest follicle to remain large enough to release an egg for sperm to fertilize;

Ovulation may not occur for various reasons: due to hormonal imbalances, inflammation of the pelvic organs, and so on. If you have not been able to get pregnant for a year because ovulation has not occurred, your doctor may prescribe injections and pills to help you get pregnant - stimulating it.

Ovulation stimulation should be recommended by a doctor after a series of examinations,


Wintergreen will come to the rescue

For obstruction of the fallopian tubes, chronic adnexitis, and infertility, wintergreen rotundifolia is effective. To prepare the infusion, take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs and pour 300-400 ml of boiling water. Then let it brew, strain and take 1/3 of the volume with honey 3 times a day, an hour before meals. For infertility, the course of treatment should be 3-6 months. To prepare a tincture of wintergreen, take 50 g of dry herb, pour 0.5 liters of vodka over it and leave for 20 days. Take 40 drops 3 times a day an hour before meals.

Vitex sacred for female diseases

The healer of women's ailments is the sacred vitex - the tree of Abraham. Vitex helps you get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. It is used for dyshormonal disorders, amenorrhea, menopausal syndrome (especially effective in combination with the herb rue officinalis - the feeling of heat is relieved, sweating is eliminated, headaches, hot flashes go away, and vigor appears. Vitex is also used to rejuvenate the female body, for the treatment and prevention of fibroids and mastopathy. An infusion is prepared from Vitex: pour 2 tablespoons of the fruit into 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes in an enamel pan under a closed lid over low heat, leave for 40 minutes. Drink 0.5 cups regardless of meals. You need to take the infusion in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The course of administration is 2-3 months or more. But here’s how to prepare an alcohol infusion: 50 g of vitex fruits, wash down with 0.5 liters of vodka (crush the fruits), leave for 2-3 weeks, strain. Take 30 drops for 1 tablespoon of water 2 times a day.

A standard diagnostic test includes 2 stages.

I. At the first stage, the anamnesis is analyzed:

the presence of past and current infectious diseases, urogenital diseases, injuries, operations, exposure to toxins, elevated temperature, stress

, history of fertility (fecundity).

An examination is carried out, as well as ultrasound and TRUS (transrectal ultrasound). They do immunoassays and a spermogram.

The examination reveals the presence of obvious abnormalities in the size and structure of the testicles, prostate, seminal vesicles, and penis. Height-weight ratio, as well as the severity of secondary sexual characteristics, indirectly hints at endocrine disorders.

Ultrasound examinations will show the condition of the testicles, their appendages and vessels, and the prostate.

Immunoassays: MAR test detects how many sperm are covered with ASAT (antisperm antibodies) in %, ELISA detects the amount of antibodies in the serum of the patient and his wife.

At the same stage, disorders such as varicocele (dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord), obstruction of the vas deferens or appendages (obstructive aspermia), as well as idiopathic infertility (for unknown reasons) are identified.

II. At the second stage.

Using the first stage data allows you to narrow your search. If the etiology is unclear, additional instrumental studies are carried out, examination for causative agents of urogenital infections, gene studies, centrifuged ejaculate, post-orgasmic urine are studied, and determination of the state of the endocrine system (for hormones). In case of azoospermia and pathospermia, the amounts of testosterone, gonadotropins FSH, LH are determined, and if a pituitary tumor is suspected, prolactin is determined.

If sperm motility decreases and immunological tests are positive, an examination is carried out for herpes and chlamydia viruses, since these are the organisms that act in a similar way and cause the formation of ASAT. STIs (sexually transmitted infections) are detected using an enzyme immunoassay combined with PCR (polymerase chain reaction).

Sometimes a testicular biopsy is performed to remove material for fertilization. For diagnosis, the method is too risky from the point of view of testicular damage.

In the vast majority of cases, these diagnostic procedures make it possible to establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment for infertility.

Onion for infertility

To make a man's sperm more active, let him take onion tincture. Pour 1 kg of onion into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for a week, strain and drink 1 teaspoon diluted in 0.5 glasses of water, 2 times a day. And if you like onions, then eat them raw, and in plenty!

Pumpkin and tomatoes, as well as healing infusion

Take 100 g of a dry mixture of plantain leaves and roots (3:1) and five buds of cloves (spice), pour 1 liter of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 20 minutes, strain. Add 250 g of natural honey, stir well and cook for another 10 minutes, constantly skimming the foam from the surface. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals, store in a cool, dark place. More often, on an empty stomach, eat 150-300 g of ripe tomatoes (prepared salads) and pumpkin pulp. She read that these vegetables are a must-have product on the menu of women suffering from infertility.

Cinquefoil erecta will help you get pregnant

Take the roots of galangal (cinquefoil erecta). Pour several pieces (5-10 g) of dry roots with 1 tbsp. boiling water and simmer for five minutes (the broth will take on a cherry hue). Drink everything cold during the day in fractional portions. Five or six months after starting treatment, pregnancy should occur.

Great recipe for infertility

For problems with conception, this recipe gives excellent results: Finely chop 50 g of garlic, add 50 ml of fenugreek herb oil and cook in a water bath until the garlic is softened. You should get garlic butter. Place tampons with this oil immediately after your period for 3 nights in a row. And so after every menstruation. This treatment has contraindications - erosion, dysplasia

Herbalist tips for treating infertility

The main role in the activity of the female body is played by hormones - these are biological informant substances that very quickly spread “news” throughout the body by entering the blood. For pregnancy to take place, the ovaries need to work like a clock: the menstrual cycle, roughly speaking, was at 100, that is, without failures. So that in this cycle the hormones “turn on” in their work at the right time and alternate during the time. So that progesterone (the main hormone - the guardian of pregnancy) is enough so that the immune system does not mistake the fertilized egg for some kind of neoplasm and gives it the opportunity to cling to the wall of the uterus. But if the endometrial layer in the uterus is insufficient, of course, there will be nothing to cling to and pregnancy will not take place. On the seventh day of pregnancy, the outer layer of the embryo begins to produce a hormone that gives the mother's body information that the pregnancy has taken place. The restructuring of the entire body begins immediately: the production of thyroid hormones almost doubles. And the thyroid gland itself increases in size, because it is responsible for the formation of a healthy and mentally competent person. The pituitary gland also increases in size and, as the “conductor” of the endocrine system, begins to work more intensely. First of all, it reduces the production of hormones that regulate the functioning of the sex glands, which stops the maturation of eggs in the ovaries. Increases the production of the hormone prolactin (as it is also called - the milk hormone), which leads to changes in women's mammary glands. But before all of the above happens, a woman needs to work every day for her health. The first thing she must pay attention to is that hormonal contraceptives disrupt the natural functioning of the entire body. The ovaries stop working as they should, due to the fact that the release of the egg is constantly suppressed. Past inflammatory processes and their modern methods of treatment greatly affect the microflora of not only the ovaries, uterus, but also the fallopian tubes, making them impassable. The first thing you need to pay attention to in the treatment of infertility is a blood test for hormones. Anti-Mullerian hormone is often low. Anti-Mullerian hormone is an indicator of ovarian function. If it is lowered, the ovaries are already working with deviations, and accordingly, the connection in the endocrine organs has gone wrong. Even when the pregnancy did take place, but was interrupted for some reason, this again indicates that there was a failure in the hormonal system. And again, purely conditionally, let’s put all the blame on the main “guardian of pregnancy” - progesterone. As soon as the placenta is formed, it intensively begins to help the endocrine system in the production of this hormone. And if a malfunction does occur, the placenta alone will not be able to protect the fetus, which is why the immune system “switches on” to work. Look how difficult it is and how fundamentally important it is for everything in our body to work harmoniously. There is no one general recommendation for the treatment of the problem under discussion - everything is individual for everyone. But hormonal levels can be restored by tincture of white cinquefoil roots. Inflammatory processes will be “removed” by the grass of the uterus, together with knotweed and yarrow. In conclusion, advice: to give birth to a child, a woman needs nothing more than to be healthy. And in order to be healthy, you need to give up some products: synthetic underwear, pads for every day, “intimate soap”, which contains substances that will not add health, and live a “sexual life” with no one, but with one single man. And most importantly, not from the age of 12-13, but to still give your body the opportunity to form and “mature”. Good luck everyone! Olga Borisovna Molostova, herbalist, Penza region, Nikolsk

how to inject aloe intramuscularly or subcutaneously

Hello! please tell me, the gynecologist prescribed me Mucosa compositum and Aloe liquid extract (intramuscularly) after treating trichomoniasis. and also take Azithromycin Sumamed during menstruation. open

The person we visited didn’t really explain anything. I just said. that your BEA is very bad) She prescribed Cortexin and aloe liquid extract injections. and tablets Caventon, and for blood pressure asparkam and diacarb open

day! I am 20 years old, I went to the doctor (problems with potency), and the doctor prescribed the following medications: Zoloft, aloe extract liquid for injection, Aevit, magnesium sulfate for injection, novocaine for injection and herbal nutritional complex for. open

Moms, tell me. My child's son is 8 months old. The doctor prescribed subcutaneous injections of aloe vera for conjunctivitis, but I heard that this can destroy male potency, what should I do? open (14 more messages)

Yes, not juice, there are such injections, in the pharmacy they sell “extracted liquid”. Purpose: 25 days, subcutaneously. But I’ll have to inject it, I already ran out this morning and bought it, but it costs 250 rubles, so why not throw it away? look

If you abuse sexual excesses for 3 years in a row at the age of 20, almost every day, delaying the onset of orgasm for longer sensations,... open

drugs (bromides, preparations of valerian, motherwort, etc.) followed by stimulating therapy, the intensity of which is gradually increased (vitamin B. extract liquid for injection, tincture of ginseng or lemongrass. see

Select the location where the injection will be given. Aloe extract. usually injected subcutaneously, so the upper arm


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