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Erosion is an ulcer on the epithelium of the cervix. However, you can often encounter what is called this term for almost any redness in this place: ectopia, postpartum eversion, and cervicitis. The tactics for treating “erosions” are different: it all depends on its size, whether the cervix is ​​structurally changed, what tests are performed from the vagina and cervical canal, and so on. One of the popular and relatively safe procedures, the effectiveness and necessity of which can be debated for a long time, is cauterization. It can be carried out by laser, electric current, liquid nitrogen and other methods. After the procedure, the healing process itself begins; to speed it up, various suppositories are used after cauterization of the erosion. Which suppositories should be used and when, is it really necessary?

General description of the drug

There are a lot of reviews about Depanthol candles.

To begin with, it is worth noting that this drug belongs to the pharmacological category of tissue repair stimulants. Depantol contains only two active ingredients: dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine. The substance dexpanthenol belongs to the B vitamins, and its effect is aimed at accelerating the process of tissue regeneration, and, in addition, at the speedy restoration of damaged skin.

Antiseptic included

Speaking about chlorhexidine, it should be clarified that it is, first of all, an antiseptic that is capable of productively destroying pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, it is effective against spores of pathogenic bacteria, as well as yeast and protozoa. According to reviews, Depantol suppositories can significantly improve the condition for cervical erosion.

It is worth noting that the medicine has taken pride of place in the field of gynecology. Today, there are many drugs belonging to this pharmacological category, but the drug Bepanten remains a complete analogue of Depantol. Both drugs have identical indications for use and chemical composition. Which medication should be chosen should be decided by a competent specialist, that is, a doctor who will rely on the diagnosis. There are mostly positive reviews about these drugs.

Instructions for use for Depantol suppositories also describe the indications in detail.

Various release forms

The danger of erosion is that it is asymptomatic. This means that in order to identify a defect in the integumentary epithelium, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Often, experts define ectopia, which means the presence of an area formed by cylindrical cells of the cervical canal.

The only symptom of pseudo-erosion is mucous discharge, which appears as a result of the functioning of the glands of single-layer epithelium at the site of erosion. During sexual intercourse or examination by a gynecologist, spotting may occur due to trauma to the spot, which is susceptible to external influences.

Signs of erosion are detected by visual examination of the cervix and assessment of the condition of its mucosa.

  1. True erosion looks like a wound that can bleed upon contact with the doctor's instrument. With true erosion, an inflammatory process often occurs.
  2. Congenital erosion looks like a reddish spot, which differs from the healthy pale pink mucosa. There are usually no signs of infection.
  3. Ectopia is manifested by the formation of a spot, which can have different shapes and sizes. A characteristic symptom of pseudo-erosion is the presence of an inflammatory process.

To treat cervical erosion, the only form of release of Depantol is used - vaginal suppositories. Each suppository contains 0.016 g (16 mg) of chlorhexidine and 0.1 g (100 mg) of dexpanthenol. The package contains 5 and 10 suppositories.

The drug is also available in two more forms, used for other pathologies:

  • Cream for external use;
  • Spray for external use.


Vaginal suppositories are used for the following diseases:

  • The presence of exocervitis and endocervitis.
  • Treatment of erosion. These suppositories are used during the recovery period after cauterization of erosion in order to regenerate the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus.
  • Therapy of chronic and acute vaginitis.
  • After various obstetric and gynecological interventions or operations.

The anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties of Depantol suppositories make it possible to frequently use them after childbirth. "Depantol" after childbirth is used for rapid regeneration of vaginal tissue. This drug has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

According to reviews, Depantol suppositories show different effectiveness for different types of discharge.

Depantol - instructions for use

Depantol suppositories are intended as an effective medicine for vaginal diseases and are used intravaginally. Possessing antimicrobial activity, positive dynamics are observed at the very beginning of the course of treatment, but the prescribed therapy is indicated to be completed to the end. The use of this antiseptic is indicated for 7 to 10 days, but if necessary, this time interval is increased to 20 days. To treat erosion, it is necessary to insert a suppository deep into the vagina in the morning and evening.

A similar pharmacological prescription for thrush, and discharge after Depantol suppositories will stop within 2-3 days. The pathogenic fungus reduces its harmful activity, so the unpleasant odor from the vagina, burning and severe itching disappear. Abnormal discharge becomes scarce and soon stops appearing altogether. It is better to start treatment when menstruation has already ended, and the risk of uterine bleeding is minimal. Intensive therapy must be completed to the end, otherwise recovery is incomplete and relapses are possible.

How to use the drug?

The treatment regimen is usually prescribed by a doctor. This takes into account the patient’s age, existing clinical manifestations, concomitant diseases and other aspects. The dosage is determined individually. Features of the use of these candles are as follows:

  • Suppositories of the drug "Depantol" are inserted into the vagina, as a rule, to an average depth.
  • The dosage per day is one or two suppositories.
  • The duration of the treatment course is ten days.

If necessary, the course of treatment is extended to twenty days. It is worth noting that these suppositories can be used during menstruation, as their active components remain effective. But it is best to start treatment immediately after the completion of the critical days.

According to reviews, Depantol suppositories are absolutely safe during pregnancy.

Instructions and dosage

The drug is used intravaginally - lying on your back, the suppository is carefully inserted directly into the vagina, as deep as possible.

Beforehand, a woman must carry out all the necessary personal hygiene procedures to prevent infection.

The dosage depends on the individual characteristics of each patient and the degree of development of the pathology.

One suppository of the drug contains 0.1 g of dexpanthenol, 0.016 g of chlorhexidine and other excipients sufficient to obtain a suppository weighing 3 g.

Suppositories must be placed once a day, preferably at night, and the duration of the course of treatment can vary from several days to 1-2 weeks.

In fairly complex cases of pathology, the frequency of use of suppositories can be increased to 2 times a day.

During pregnancy and lactation

As noted earlier, these suppositories can be used during pregnancy; their use is also allowed during breastfeeding. This drug does not contain any chemical components that could cause harm to the child or mother. It should be emphasized that this remedy does not help you get pregnant. But if the cause of reproductive dysfunction is a fungus, then the use of this drug is completely justified.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of Depantol candles.

Depantol suppositories in gynecology: why and how to use?

Depantol vaginal suppositories are widely used in the treatment of various gynecological pathologies. Depantol is a combination drug that has healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The main components of this drug are dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine.

This article discusses indications, contraindications, instructions for use and analogues of the drug Depantol in gynecology.

We suggest you read Why the face turns red and burns: causes of redness and what to do

Depanthol is available in the form of vaginal suppositories. These candles are white, gray-white or yellow-white in color. The shape of the suppositories is oblong, one end is slightly pointed, the other is slightly concave. This form provides the most comfortable administration of the drug.

Each suppository contains 100 mg of dexpanthenol and 16 mg of chlorhexidine. Macrogols weighing approximately 3 grams are used as auxiliary components.

Each box of Depantol contains two blisters of 5 suppositories.

The medicinal effect of Depantol is due to the action of its constituent components.

Dexpanthenol. Actively involved in metabolic processes in the epithelium, dexpanthenol promotes restoration, hydration and reduction of inflammation in damaged tissues. In addition, panthenol stimulates cell division and restores the collagen framework of the skin and mucous membranes.

Chlorhexidine is a substance effective against many pathogenic bacteria, including the causative agents of syphilis, gonorrhea, mycoplasma and chlamydial infections, as well as some protozoa (Trichomonas) and viruses (herpes). Chlorhexidine is effective even in the presence of pus, which makes it possible to use it in severe inflammatory processes.

Depantol has a double effect: it fights the causative agent of the disease and restores the damaged mucous membrane of the genital tract.

The official instructions for the drug state that data on pharmacokinetics have not been obtained. This means that it is not possible to assess the path of Depanthol through the body.

Depanthol is a local medicine.

When used transvaginally, the components of the drug are not absorbed and distributed throughout the body. Therefore, the action of Depantol occurs only in the affected area.

This means that it is not correct to talk about the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug.


Depantol can be used in the treatment of many diseases and pathological conditions, including the following:

  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the genital tract (traumatic childbirth, RDS, polypectomy of the cervical canal, complicated colposcopy);
  • cervical erosion;
  • acute and chronic vulvovaginitis of bacterial etiology;
  • fungal diseases of the genital tract (thrush), as a component of complex treatment;
  • kraurosis and leukoplakia of the vulva.


The only absolute contraindication to the use of Depantol is an allergy to depanthenol (and its active form - vitamin B5), chlorhexidine and macrogols.

A relative contraindication to the use of Depantol is the presence of malignant tumors of the external female genitalia, vagina and cervix.

Depantol suppositories can be used during menstruation. The drug does not affect the cycle, and menstrual flow does not reduce the concentration of active substances in the lesion.

Before using the suppository, the vulva should be toileted. It is better to administer suppositories in a lying position. Depantol suppositories are inserted into the vagina, pointing the sharp end forward, to a depth of 5–7 cm.

After this, you should remain in a horizontal position for about half an hour (under the influence of body temperature, the candle will melt and the semi-liquid mass may flow out).

During menstruation, you should follow exactly the same algorithm of application.

The standard daily dosage of Depantol is two suppositories, morning and evening.

Side effects

Cases of the development of undesirable side reactions and complications during the use of Depantol are extremely rare. Below is a list of the most common ones:

  1. allergy to dexpanthenol or chlorhexidine, which is manifested by redness of the vulva, itching and burning in the vagina;
  2. spotting that occurs after using Depantol suppositories for the treatment of bacterial vulvovaginitis, erosions or inflammatory processes of the genital tract; these secretions are not directly related to the components of Depantol; This phenomenon should probably be considered a reaction of microorganisms to chlorhexidine;
  3. microtrauma of the vaginal mucosa; most often this complication occurs when Depantol suppositories are administered immediately before sexual intercourse; in this case, as a result of friction of the suppository, which has not yet lost its solid state, against the vaginal wall, microdamages may occur, which may also be accompanied by light bleeding.

In case of allergic reactions, the use of Depantol should be stopped, the genitals should be toileted and antihistamines should be taken. Treatment for bleeding does not require treatment.


Before administering suppositories for candidiasis, hygiene measures are mandatory. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use ordinary soap. Only the one purchased at the pharmacy is used. After washing, the genitals should be wiped dry. In addition, you should completely ensure that there are no soap residues.

On the Internet you can read a lot of reviews about Depantol suppositories left by patients. But many women, in connection with the prescription of the drug, have various questions about their use, which they ask on the forums. Therefore, before we move directly to the reviews, we will find out how gynecologists commented on their questions about the use of this drug.

Questions from patients and comments from specialists

Women on gynecological forums and in their reviews often ask questions regarding the use of the drug, let’s consider the main ones:

  • Is it possible to use these suppositories after cauterization of erosion? As part of the answer to this question, it is noted that this drug is very effective for the treatment of erosions of small size, and is recommended as an additional therapeutic medication after cauterization of ectopia. Reviews of Depantol suppositories for cervical erosion will be presented below.
  • Is it possible to have sex after using the product? Experts admit this possibility, but with the use of a condom.
  • Why does itching occur after using this drug? According to reviews of Depantol suppositories, itching during use of the drug is one of the side effects that is caused by an allergic reaction. Doctors write that itching is usually felt on the third day of using suppositories. As a rule, this phenomenon goes away immediately after discontinuation of this drug. In addition, itching occurs when the active components of the drug come into contact with soap and other detergents. Doctors note that in the presence of mild symptoms, treatment must be continued. But if the allergy manifests itself clearly, therapy should be stopped. Following self-cancellation of the drug, additional consultation with a specialist is required, who should prescribe another treatment.
  • Why does spotting appear after Depantol? On forums, doctors write that spotting when taking these vaginal suppositories is normal, but only if the bleeding is minor. Against the background of extensive bleeding, which is accompanied by pain, and, in addition, deterioration of well-being, urgent discontinuation of the medication is required, along with mandatory consultation with a doctor.
  • Why does Depantol leak? Considering that these suppositories, in addition to active ingredients, also contain oil bases, once in the body they quickly dissolve. Depantol suppositories are a drug intended for local treatment, and they are not absorbed into the blood. When dissolved in the vagina, the main components destroy pathogenic microflora, and the residues directly flow out. Doctors in their comments advise using this remedy before bedtime. If double use was prescribed, then in the morning after administering the drug you should remain in a supine position for as long as possible.
  • Is it possible to use Depantol after childbirth? Doctors emphasize in their comments that the use of this remedy after childbirth is allowed.
  • Is it possible to use Depantol during menstruation? It is noted that during menstruation, the beneficial components that are contained in these suppositories and have a therapeutic effect are removed from the female body along with the flowing blood, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of this drug. Thus, in this case, candles can be used, but the effect will be weak.
  • Can Depantol be used during pregnancy? As doctors write, pregnancy in this case is not a contraindication.
  • Is it possible to drink alcohol during treatment with Depantol? No interaction of the components of this drug with alcohol has been identified.
  • Can these suppositories be used for cervical erosion? The presented remedy is used for the complex treatment of this disease.

So, now let’s move directly to the reviews that women write about Depantol candles.

Which ones are used?

To assess a woman's health status, a preliminary examination is necessary. After this, the doctor can choose the most appropriate treatment method, including determining whether additional drug therapy is necessary.

The choice of suppository after cauterization of cervical erosion depends on the following conditions:

  • What type of processing was used. Some methods, for example, chemical coagulation, in many cases do not require the additional administration of suppositories.
  • How much the cervix has changed and the size of the erosion.
  • The state of a woman's immunity.
  • Qualitative and quantitative composition of the vaginal microflora on the eve of treatment.
  • Individual properties for wound healing.
  • Did any complications arise during the procedure?

In order to accelerate reparative processes, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, healing, enhancing tissue regeneration, based on medicinal herbs, immunostimulating and some other types of suppositories are prescribed.

Cauterization of the cervix with electric current

Another name for this procedure is diathermocoagulation. This is the oldest way. It effectively copes with erosions of various sizes, but has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, healing of the cervix after such treatment takes a long time, about two months. Secondly, discharge of a different nature is observed throughout the entire period: from mucous to purulent-bloody. All this is part of the normal healing process.

The essence of the procedure is to apply electric current to the tissue, as a result of which a scab is formed on the outside of the cervix. It begins to be rejected after 10 - 14 days. In this case, purulent-bloody discharge and crusts may be observed. Beneath it there are small blood vessels that can produce spotting during the entire recovery period.

At each stage of healing, it is recommended to additionally use suppositories and tampons with medications. This way the erosion will heal better. But still, after diathermooagulation, no matter what additional treatment is prescribed, a rough connective tissue scar forms on the cervix. In this regard, questions may arise with conception, because the cervical canal narrows.

Reduce inflammation and fight infection

Olazol suppositories are effective in the process of scab rejection, when a woman notices a discharge with an unpleasant yellowish odor and an admixture of blood. The suppositories contain chloramphenicol, boric acid, anesthesin and sea buckthorn oil. They relieve pain, have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, promoting the healing of erosion. Levomycetin and chloramphenicol affect gram-positive and -negative flora, which leads to a reduction in unpleasant discharge. Boric acid helps soften and remove the scab, and sea buckthorn increases the repair abilities of cervical tissue.

You can also use Levovinisole suppositories. They contain only chloramphenicol and chloramphenicol. They have a bacteriostatic effect. Levomycetin and chloramphinecol are broad-spectrum antibiotics to which resistance develops slowly. They can be used within a few days after cauterization.

Stimulation of repair processes

After the discharge approaches normal, its quantity decreases, you can begin to heal a new wound on the cervix. For this, the following vaginal suppositories are used after cauterization of erosion:

  • with sea buckthorn oil,
  • methyluracil,
  • solcoseryl and levomekol ointment in the form of tampons,
  • depanthol and others of similar action.

The choice is made by the doctor based on the clinical picture and the rate of recovery. Methyluracil suppositories have become most popular not only in gynecology, but also in oncology, proctology and other areas of medicine. They are one of the most affordable, but this does not make them less effective.

Methyluracil suppositories, according to the instructions, should be placed in the rectum. However, their intravaginal administration is widely used in gynecology. So the concentration of the drug near the erosion will be maximum. Methyluracil not only promotes tissue healing, but also stimulates local immunity and fights infection. Courses of treatment with it are long, at least 14 days.

Also effective are suppositories based on a combination of methyluracil and miramistin; an analogue is levomekol ointment. Using them, along with increased reparation, the antimicrobial effect increases. If you use ointment, it should be applied to a gauze pad and placed in the vagina for 2 to 3 hours.

“Depantol” is a newer drug, available in the form of an aerosol, gel, ointment and suppositories. It is based on dexpanthenol, which is actively involved in the healing process. It is quickly absorbed through the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix and does not lead to an increase in discharge.

All healing suppositories after cauterization of cervical erosion are recommended to be placed after douching with a solution of furatsilin or 3% hydrogen peroxide. This way cleansing and healing will happen faster.

Cauterization of the cervix by radio wave

Cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves

The method is similar to diathermocoagulation, but here the processing occurs using radio waves. This is one of the progressive and effective options for treating cervical erosion. As a result of radio wave treatment (there is no direct contact with the manipulator), not a scab is formed, but a thin film, which begins to be torn off after 10 - 12 days. There is no bleeding in 90% of cases, as well as purulent discharge. Spotting brown discharge may bother you for a short time. The entire reparation process takes about 20 - 30 days.

Since this method is less traumatic, there is less need for additional use of various candles. As a rule, suppositories are prescribed every 10 to 12 days to enhance tissue regeneration. As a rule, there is no need to use suppositories such as Olazol or Levovinisol. A course with methyluracil drugs and depanthol is enough.

Exposure to liquid nitrogen

Based on freezing cervical tissue. But only erosions of regular shape and small (up to 3 cm) sizes can be subjected to such treatment. In this case, a kind of scab of atypical structure is formed. On the 10th - 12th day it is rejected. Before this, light, watery discharge from the genital tract is possible.

Until the scab leaves, if sufficient sanitation has been carried out before the procedure, no additional treatment is necessary. After 10 - 12 days, you can use suppositories for healing. In this situation, preference is given to methyluracil and dexpanthenol.

Laser cauterization of the cervix

This is one of the progressive techniques. Under the influence of laser radiation, damaged tissues are removed, while healthy ones remain intact. The method does not leave behind scar changes. After laser cauterization, a thin film is formed, which comes off within 12–15 days. Spotting brown discharge or a slight increase in leucorrhoea may be observed. After rejection, you can also use any healing suppositories.

Cauterization of the cervix with chemical reagents

It is carried out for minor, shallow erosions and the absence of other pathologies of the cervix. As a rule, these are concentrated solutions of acids. For example, oxalic acid, vinegar and others. The principle of action is that the substance acts only on the columnar epithelium of the cervix, leaving the squamous epithelium practically intact. The surface layer of cells, impregnated with acids, is both a protection and a growth stimulator for the underlying layers. As a result, squamous epithelium is formed in place of the pathologically located cylindrical epithelium.

Such treatment is carried out in certain cases, usually with small ectopia (in most cases it also fits the “erosion” gradation). This is a painless and effective method of therapy.

Additionally, it is not necessary to use suppositories for healing after cauterization of erosion in this way if the technique is correct and there is no inflammation in the vagina initially.

We recommend reading the article about the treatment of cervical erosion without cauterization. From it you will learn about non-surgical treatment of the disease, the effectiveness of drug treatment, the use of Depantol, Hexicon and other drugs.

Depantol suppositories: reviews of the drug

Many women often use this medication. In general, based on the reviews, we can say that most of them are satisfied with the results of this treatment. Thus, Depantol is often prescribed by doctors after cauterization of erosion as a fast-healing medicine. In fact, as the ladies write in their reviews, the condition of the mucous membrane against the background of such treatment will very soon return to normal, and women’s health will soon be completely restored.

True, many patients have some doubts about treatment with Depantol suppositories, since they are afraid to use this drug during pregnancy, especially since examples of exacerbation of adverse reactions have been recorded more than once. But, as experts assure, nothing of the kind should be feared, and if any side effects are observed, they are usually not significant and do not threaten the health of the mother and developing fetus in any way. Some ladies report in their comments that they experienced a burning sensation when administering the drug and, therefore, voluntarily refused to continue treatment.

Also, many women noted the presence of discharge, sometimes it was bloody. According to reviews, Depantol candles provoke similar phenomena.

Another category of patients are women who have encountered problems in the form of vaginitis. Their comments regarding the use of Depantol for treatment are generally positive, since in the shortest possible time women managed to get rid of an unpleasant sexual disease.

Thus, the opinions of patients are quite controversial, but we can say with great confidence that in most clinical situations a positive therapeutic effect is noticeable. This is facilitated by the competent use of Depantol suppositories in gynecology.

Cauterization of cervical erosion: the essence of the procedure and the role of suppositories in healing

Cauterization involves influencing tissues, causing them to die and then new ones to form at the site of the existing wound.

Initially, for this procedure, electric current and a diathermocoagulator device familiar to many were used, therefore, when denoting other, now modern methods, the word “cauterization” is used out of habit. Today it can be radio waves, liquid nitrogen, various chemical solutions, or a laser.

The benefits of the procedure are still associated with a lot of controversy; in each case, the manipulation should be approached by weighing all the pros and cons. Some time ago, cauterization was performed by everyone, especially after childbirth in women with erosion, ectopia, cicatricial deformities and other structural features of the cervix. Today, doctors approach such influences in a more differentiated manner.

In fact, erosion is an ulcer on the cervix of an infectious nature, which first of all requires anti-inflammatory treatment, after which it often goes away on its own. However, often even highly qualified specialists call any changes or redness on the cervix this way: ectopia, eroded ectropions and others. For them, cauterization is one of the possible treatment options.

Thus, after exposure of the cervical epithelium to some reagent, some of the cells die, and a regular wound with gaping vessels is formed. Then it is covered with a scab, which performs a protective function. Intensive healing processes take place underneath. Once the new tissue has almost formed, the crust begins to gradually come off, which is manifested by increased vaginal discharge.

Reviews from patients and benefits of the drug

So, the presented drug is a very popular medication used in gynecological practice. Many women on various forums confirm its effectiveness. So, based on the reviews that women leave on the Internet about these candles, we can name the following advantages and advantages of Depantol:

  • It is noted that Depantol suppositories perfectly help relieve inflammation.
  • Women emphasize that Depantol effectively restores and, in addition, nourishes the internal skin and mucous membranes.
  • Relief of symptoms of vaginitis and other gynecological diseases.
  • Effective aid in wound healing after cauterization of erosion.
  • Minimal side effects.
  • Possibility of use during lactation, and also during pregnancy.
  • The drug contains clear and relatively safe ingredients in the form of dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine.
  • Easy to use.
  • Effective restoration of the mucous membrane after childbirth.
  • Many women note the strong pharmacological properties of this drug.
  • Ladies also like the fact that there are no allergic reactions to Depantol suppositories during erosion. Reviews confirm this.

Disadvantages of Depantol suppositories

Apart from the positive reviews online, many women leave some complaints and also criticize this drug. So, let’s find out exactly why Depantol suppositories do not suit patients:

  • Many ladies are not satisfied with the fact that Depantol suppositories constantly leak after administration. This is especially inconvenient given the need to use them twice, when in the morning there is no time to lie in bed, but you need to quickly insert a candle and run to work.
  • Some write that these suppositories, unfortunately, did not help them heal erosion, which is apparently due to the fact that this drug is not suitable for all women.
  • Many women often experience itching and burning while using this drug. It is especially noted that Depantol suppositories irritate external wounds.
  • Some people complain about the cost of the drug Depantol.
  • Women also complain that this medicine has to be stored in the refrigerator, which is actually very inconvenient, especially when you are going somewhere or leaving.
  • Some write that these candles helped them, but not the first time.
  • Many also complain about the appearance of bloody discharge while using Depantol suppositories. Reviews of bloody discharge are few, but still occur.

Thus, based on women’s reviews, we can say that this remedy is very effective and in demand today. Ladies report that gynecologists often prescribe this drug for the treatment of certain female diseases. Reviews from patients confirm the effectiveness of these suppositories. The disadvantages most often include minor disadvantages regarding the fact that Depantol suppositories leak very often, and, in addition, cause itching and burning. In general, candles receive high marks on various websites and online forums.

So we looked at the instructions and reviews for the Depantol candles.

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