Laser treatment of cervical erosion (laser coagulation) - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Allara Today

Cervical erosion is a common pathology, expressed in changes in the composition and properties of the cells of this part of the organ.

On gynecological examination, this disease, depending on its severity, may appear as a normal irritation of the outer covering layer of cells (epithelium), as an ulcer (one or more) or as growths. In all cases, this condition is dangerous, since even mild erosion becomes a target for harmful microorganisms that cause inflammation. In addition, without treatment, cervical tissue may degenerate into an oncological tumor. Of course, this does not always happen, but it is better not to hope for a lucky break and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Treatment of erosion can be performed using different methods, but in a modern, well-equipped clinic you will definitely be recommended laser therapy. What it is, how the method works and why it is considered the best, say gynecologists from the Diana clinic.

Reviews for: cauterization of cervical erosion


I did this procedure twelve years ago. I still remember everything. The pain can be tolerated. The procedure does not last long. The most unpleasant thing began after the operation. I had a lot of erosion. Maybe that’s why the discharge was strong. I had to see a doctor. He prescribed injections and pills. For more than ten years this problem has not bothered me.


Cauterization of erosion was carried out using current. It hurt a little, but everything healed quickly, no complications. Negative consequences of electric cauterization can only occur if the gynecologist’s recommendations are not followed.

Feelings during the procedure

Is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion? No, if the doctor uses modern treatment methods - exposure to argon, laser, radio waves. The procedure is painless even with cryodestruction due to the influence of cold. The patient feels only moderate discomfort and slight stretching in the lower abdomen. These sensations disappear within 2 hours, less often they last up to 3 days.

Cauterizing erosion with electric current is a painful procedure. The patient experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen and often complains of nagging pain. Local anesthesia is used, but it is not always sufficient. The unpleasant odor when using current also does not make this manipulation the method of choice.

Conization of the cervix: indications for surgery and methods of implementation

Reviews for: cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current

Kira: Having carried out diagnostics and discovered erosion of the cervix, the doctor advised to cauterize it with an electric current. I had all the tests in hand; after looking at them, the gynecologist said that there were no contraindications for the procedure. Five days ago, cauterization was performed. The action is not pleasant. There were no bloody discharges, but watery ones appeared. After consulting with a specialist, I found out that they are acceptable and there is nothing wrong with it.

Anastasia: After consultation with a gynecologist, it was decided to cauterize the cervical erosion with electric current. The feeling is unpleasant. After the operation was performed, discharge appeared in the form of water. This state lasted for about a week. Then blood began to appear periodically. This lasted ten days. At first I panicked, then I talked to my doctor and calmed down. If before the procedure there was constant discharge, then after it there was none.

Alice: I’ve been meaning to cauterize the erosion for a long time. I finally made up my mind. Current was used on the doctor's advice. The procedure lasted no more than five minutes. There was no pain, but it was unpleasant. The smell during the operation is like in a dental office. After cauterization, the discharge did not bother me. A little yellow water appeared, sometimes blood. Everything went well. I feel great.

Radio wave coagulation

Operating principle: destruction of a mucosal defect using radio waves. It is performed using the Surgitron or Fotek device.


  1. Short-term exposure without damaging healthy cells.
  2. Fast recovery without scarring.
  3. Minimal risk of bleeding.
  4. There is no possibility of tissue infection.
  5. Painless procedure.

How to treat erosion in nulliparous women

Radio wave treatment of erosion has only one drawback - high price. Not every government agency has the necessary equipment and trained specialists. Radio wave ablation is often performed in private clinics. This is the method of choice for nulliparous women, as it ensures complete tissue healing and makes it possible to safely give birth to a child.

Treatment with radio waves

Reviews on: cauterization of cervical erosion with surgitron

Veronica: During pregnancy, I was diagnosed with cervical erosion. Treatment had to be postponed because I was expecting my first child. A year later I returned to this problem again. The doctor advised to cauterize the erosion with the Surnitron device. The procedure did not cause me much pain. Thanks to her, I completely got rid of the ulcer on the cervix. If it suddenly appears again, I will give preference to this method of getting rid of it.

Polina: I went through the procedure of cauterizing erosion with Surgitron. There's nothing wrong with it. As with other operations, there were unpleasant sensations, but there was no severe pain. For two weeks after cauterization, liquid discharge was observed. One of the disadvantages is that you have to give up sexual activity for a month.

Victoria: I had erosion for many years. To prevent a small ulcer from turning into a big problem, the doctor advised cauterizing it. We chose the method using the Surgitron apparatus. The procedure lasted about one minute. There was a slight pain. After the operation, there was liquid discharge for seven days. Then they stopped. After the examination, the gynecologist said that everything was fine, erosion would no longer bother me.

Capabilities and advantages of a medical laser

The content of the article

Today, when any information is available, few people will compare a medical laser device with a Jedi laser sword. However, modern equipment has much greater capabilities than weapons from Star Wars.

A medical laser can:

  • cut tissue of any thickness, replacing the scalpel, but in a safer way, since by adjusting the device, you can adjust the thickness and depth of the cut. It is for this reason that laser operations are the standard in eye microsurgery. A laser is used instead of a scalpel in operations on the brain, blood vessels and nerves;
  • cauterize wounds, erosions, blood vessels, replacing outdated chemical and electrical methods. Moreover, if any liquid can spread, damaging healthy cells, the laser hits the target exactly. The doctor can narrow the radius of acupressure to less than a millimeter. In addition, you can configure the device in such a way that the computer itself determines the degree and extent of the beam’s impact.
  • seal ruptures and cuts in blood vessels, stopping bleeding.

These are not all the properties of laser devices used in medicine, but even this knowledge is enough to understand why doctors are happy to recommend and use this method.

Reviews on: cauterization of cervical erosion with nitrogen

Stasya: Having diagnosed cervical erosion, the doctor advised cauterization with nitrogen. He warned me that there may be discomfort during the procedure. The whole operation lasted about ten minutes. There was no pain, just a little tugging in the lower abdomen. A month later I returned to normal life. There has been no erosion for more than two years now.

Maryana: Cauterization of the ulcer on the cervix was carried out using nitrogen. The procedure took place without painkillers, it was not required. The operation lasted about thirty minutes (including preparation for it). I remained in the hospital for another half hour. The doctor, making sure that everything was fine, sent me home. I had discharge for about a week, which turned out to be the most unpleasant thing. I had to repeat this operation five more times. Only after this, the erosion disappeared.

Daria: Cauterization of cervical erosion was carried out in two stages. I’ll say right away that the first part of the operation was accompanied by severe pain. At first it was even pleasant, I felt a slight chill. After half a minute, pain appeared and with every second it grew. In two minutes it was all over


Anna: The second stage of the operation went without any difficulties, the pain was tolerable. At home I had to take painkillers; my lower abdomen hurt badly.

Indications, contraindications

Laser cauterization of erosion is indicated in the following cases:

  • large or progressive erosion;
  • severe symptoms of the pathology, for example, bleeding, severe pain;
  • erosion in nulliparous girls;
  • absence of contraindications and concomitant diseases;
  • contraindications to other methods of treatment.

Laser therapy is a modern and effective method that is suitable for almost everyone; it will not cause unpleasant consequences.

However, the technique has contraindications:

  • pregnancy regardless of stage;
  • viral diseases of the reproductive organs, especially papillomas;
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases (they must be cured before the procedure);
  • venereal diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system, poor blood clotting.

It is up to the doctor to decide whether this procedure is appropriate in a particular case.

Reviews on: cauterization of cervical erosion in nulliparous women

Not all women who have not yet given birth are at risk of cauterizing erosion. There is an opinion among experts that after this procedure the reproductive organ loses its elasticity and childbirth is more difficult. Since it is undesirable to start the disease, some women use unconventional methods of treatment.

Karina: The gynecologist advises using Dead Sea preparations. Thanks to them, you can completely get rid of ulcers after just seven sessions. They are easy to use and are an excellent alternative to cauterization. Suitable for women who are afraid of the consequences after cauterization of erosion.

Olga: Having discovered erosion of the cervix, the doctor suggested cauterization. Since I had not given birth yet, I refused the procedure. I didn’t want to start the disease either. I decided to use alternative medicine (leech treatment). I found a good gynecologist - hirudotherapist. Attended five sessions. The procedure is painless, the results are excellent. Advice - do not carry out this procedure yourself.

Elena: I haven't given birth yet. During a routine visit to the doctor, a diagnosis of cervical erosion was made. She refused cauterization and decided to be treated with folk remedies. I took aloe juice, sea buckthorn and honey. Everything in equal quantities. I moistened a tampon with the solution and placed it on the cervix. The procedure was carried out at night for ten days. At the appointment, the doctor did not find any erosion.

Ksenia: Ten years ago I cauterized cervical erosion with nitrogen. Two years after the procedure, she gave birth to a daughter. Everything went well. The cervix dilated perfectly. After the birth of the child, the ulcer appeared again. Cauterized using Solkovagin. For nulliparous women, erosion can be cauterized, but only using a gentle method.

Eva: I was diagnosed with cervical erosion. I was afraid to do cauterization because I had not given birth yet. The doctor reassured me and said that the laser method was not dangerous. A year after the operation I became pregnant. The birth went well. The cervix opened quickly. No problem.

Ekaterina: A year before my first pregnancy, I had erosion cauterized. None of the doctors told me that there might be problems during childbirth. There weren't any. The cervix opened quickly, and labor lasted about four hours.

How does a laser work?

Many patients are interested in the question of how a medical laser works. Without going into physics and chemistry, we can describe this process as follows:

  • the doctor adjusts the device according to the necessary parameters (the Diana clinic has the latest ultra-sensitive device that allows you to adjust almost everything), focusing on examination data, ultrasound and computer diagnostics of erosion;
  • directs the adjusted laser beam to the eroded area and carefully treats the entire affected area (up to a millimeter);
  • the laser beam, penetrating to a given depth, causes the intracellular fluid in the pathological cells to boil, which immediately evaporates, and the dried cell membranes are the same crusts that fall off very quickly, leaving behind a clean, healthy skin.

The advantages of laser from the point of view of patients: the procedure is painless, bloodless, non-traumatic, and healing occurs without troubles in the form of tumors, scars, infection and postoperative pain.

Reviews on: cauterization of cervical erosion with solkovagin

Alina: I'm twenty-seven years old. Never gave birth. At an appointment with a gynecologist, cervical erosion was discovered. The ulcer was large. I decided to use Solkovagin for cauterization. I was very afraid, but in vain. The procedure lasted about seven minutes. I felt pain in the lower abdomen, like during menstruation. After the operation everything went away immediately, no discomfort.

Valeria: For six months I decided to undergo a cauterization procedure using Solkovagin. Five minutes of the operation flew by. I didn’t feel any particular discomfort. Pain, as during critical days. At a re-examination a month later, the doctor said that everything was fine.

Maria: I'm thirty years old. Five years ago I cauterized cervical erosion. Solkavagin was used. The procedure lasted about ten minutes. There was no discomfort felt. A week after the operation, pink discharge periodically appeared. For five years now there has been no erosion and no traces of the operation.

Features of the procedure

The prepared patient is asked to undress and is placed in a gynecological chair. The cervix is ​​exposed in the mirrors and a control examination is performed. After applying local anesthesia and treating the genital tract from mucus, the doctor begins to treat erosion. Pathological tissues are treated with one of the above methods. After the procedure, the woman is offered a short rest, after which she can go home. The doctor will set dates for follow-up visits that are needed to monitor the wound healing process. There are usually no complications during the procedure.

Reviews for: radio wave cauterization of cervical erosion

Anna: The procedure lasts a few minutes. I didn't track the exact time. During the manipulation it hurt only once. A week after the operation, bleeding appeared. They lasted a week (the doctor warned about this). There was no pain. Six months later, a re-examination was carried out. Everything is fine.

Elizabeth: The operation lasted no more than ten minutes. Twenty minutes before, an intramuscular injection (analgesic) was given. This was the most painful moment. I didn’t feel any discomfort during the procedure, just a little tugging in my lower abdomen. Three days later, pink discharge appeared. The doctor warned about this.

Yulia: Having diagnosed cervical erosion, the gynecologist advised me to do cauterization using the radio wave method. At the beginning of the procedure, the doctor gave an injection of lidocaine. He explained that this was being done to prevent the patient from twitching. There was no pain, just a tightening in the lower abdomen. After the operation there was no pain.


Before cauterization, a woman must undergo a series of laboratory tests and instrumental procedures.

As a rule, the doctor recommends:

  • gynecological examination, during which the doctor examines the erosion and assesses its size;
  • smears from the vagina, urethra and cervix for pathological flora;
  • bacteriological culture - prescribed for unsatisfactory smear results;
  • general urine analysis;
  • colposcopy - intravital histological examination of the cervix under high magnification;
  • ultrasound scanning of the uterus and other pelvic organs;
  • PCR - for suspected infectious diseases;
  • blood test for viral hepatitis, syphilis, human immunodeficiency virus;
  • cytological examination of scrapings from erosion to exclude malignant diseases;
  • biopsy - prescribed when the results of a cytological examination are alarming, when it is necessary to examine a deeper layer of tissue;
  • pregnancy test.

A few days before cauterization, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, the use of suppositories, tampons, and douching. You should also not use blood thinners. You should definitely inform your doctor about allergic intolerance to various substances. It is advisable to empty your bladder and bowels before the procedure.

Reviews for: laser cauterization of cervical erosion

Darina: I cauterized cervical erosion with a laser. The operation lasted about twenty minutes, including preparation for it. First they injected a painkiller, then they began to perform the manipulation. I did not feel any discomfort during the procedure. There was only the smell of burning. A follow-up examination was carried out a month later. The result satisfied the doctor and me. The method is effective.

Christina: During a visit to the gynecologist, cervical erosion was discovered. To remove it, cauterization using a laser is prescribed. The worst thing that happened during the procedure was the smell of burnt meat. No pain was felt (an anesthetic injection was given). After the operation there was almost no discharge. A month later I had an examination with a gynecologist. Everything is fine.

Alena: I did cauterization with a laser. The procedure took no more than twenty minutes. Three days after the manipulation, suppositories were prescribed. I put them in every other day for the night. Duration of treatment is ten days. Immediately after the operation there was a slight discharge. This state lasted for two weeks. Then everything went away.

Cauterization: what is it and is it necessary to do it?

Cauterization is one of the methods of treating cervical pathology. During this procedure, the doctor physically removes the diseased tissue. The erosion disappears, leaving a wound surface in its place. Over time, the wound heals and new normal tissue forms. In some cases, the cervix regenerates with the formation of a scar, which interferes with the normal functioning of the organ.

The course of the recovery period depends on the method of treating the eroded surface, the woman’s behavior after the manipulation and the characteristics of her body.

Reviews for: Pain when cauterizing cervical erosion

Each person has their own pain threshold. What women say about pain during cauterization of erosion.

Irina: During the procedure there was no pain, most likely it was not comfortable. There was a slight tug in my lower abdomen, and the smell of burnt meat was unpleasant. After the operation, pain and discharge did not appear. There was no need to take painkillers.

Yana: I did cauterization of cervical erosion using radio waves. The manipulation lasted seven to eight minutes. It didn’t hurt much, it was a little hot, and there was a tightening in the lower abdomen. A few hours after the operation, all the discomfort went away. There were no allocations either.

Evgeniya: I cauterized cervical erosion with nitrogen. It was a little hot, my stomach was tight and it hurt, like during a period. After the procedure, no pain appeared.


Operating principle: tissue destruction with liquid nitrogen at low temperature.


  1. No pain: low temperature blocks the transmission of nerve impulses.
  2. No blood: cold causes blood vessels to rapidly constrict.


  1. Not suitable for large defects (more than 3 cm).
  2. There is no way to regulate the depth of exposure to tissue.
  3. There is a risk of scarring of the cervix after the procedure.
  4. There is a high probability of infection upon contact with the device.
  5. It is impossible to take altered tissues for biopsy due to complete destruction of the lesion.
  6. There is a risk of damage to intact tissues.
  7. A long period of rehabilitation with the appearance of copious watery discharge.

Cryodestruction can be used in nulliparous women, but more often doctors give preference to other methods of exposure.


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