Can thrush go away on its own without treatment?

Thrush or candidiasis is a very common and quite serious fungal disease. It primarily affects women of childbearing age, and is less common in men and children. The genital organs are the most vulnerable to infection; in everyday life, the term “thrush” most often refers to various forms of urogenital candidiasis, in particular vulvovaginal candidiasis. A fungal infection can affect mucous membranes, skin, nails, and less commonly, internal organs.

The widespread prevalence and frequency of occurrence of the disease contribute to the formation of the erroneous opinion that thrush can go away on its own without treatment and that it is not necessary to see a doctor.

Causes and symptoms

The causative agents of the disease are opportunistic yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Normally, the development of candida is restrained by other representatives of the microflora. A change in the balance of microflora can be caused by:

  • Changes in hormonal levels associated with endocrine diseases, the use of hormonal drugs (including contraceptives),
  • Physiological changes in hormonal levels during the menstrual cycle and with the onset of pregnancy,
  • Prolonged or unjustified use of antibiotics,
  • Conditions of immunodeficiency,
  • Negligent attitude towards intimate hygiene,
  • Wrong choice of hygiene products.

With urogenital candidiasis the following are observed:

  • Copious cheesy discharge with a sour odor,
  • Pain, burning, itching in the genital area,
  • Swelling and redness of the mucous membranes,
  • Pain and burning during sexual intercourse and when urinating.

Indications for treatment

Whether thrush goes away on its own without treatment depends on whether the presence of candida in the vaginal flora is a manifestation of vaginitis (in acute or chronic form), or whether it is bacterial vaginosis. In the second case, specific anti-candidal treatment may not be required; it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor and normalize the flora. If there are signs of vaginitis, then antifungal antibiotics are required. Signs of vaginitis are:

  • swelling and hyperemia (redness) of the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • curd-like discharge, white coating on the walls of the vagina and vulva;
  • burning and itching in the genitals;
  • deterioration in general health.

In addition, it is necessary to treat thrush when it has developed against the background of immunodeficiency conditions. Even if local symptoms are absent or mildly expressed, the infection with reduced immunity can spread to the mucous membranes of other organs and even become generalized. Patients with immunodeficiency, as well as those suffering from severe concomitant pathologies, are recommended to periodically take anti-relapse courses if their candidiasis often worsens.

Does thrush go away in women?

Candidiasis is very common in women, about four times more often than in men. Cases of vulvovaginal candidiasis are registered among representatives of all age groups with a maximum occurring between 25-45 years.

Symptoms of candidiasis can occur for no apparent reason and also spontaneously subside without prior treatment. The woman will most likely come to the conclusion that the thrush has gone away on its own and will not see a doctor. In medicine, there are actually known cases of spontaneous self-healing, when the body completely got rid of a fungal infection, but they are quite rare. That is, theoretically, there is some probability that thrush can go away on its own. In practice, a much less optimistic scenario is much more common, when “thrush that went away on its own without treatment” returns with every hypothermia. That is, it becomes chronic.

Among the causes of candidiasis manifestations is a state of immunodeficiency, that is, getting rid of candida is possible only with a very strong immune system. The structure of the female reproductive system is favorable for maintaining a population of potentially pathogenic microorganisms. The Candida population can live indefinitely in the vagina, where it is warm and moist. Hygiene products do not penetrate into the vagina, the acidity of the mucous membrane changes quite often and the next exacerbation of candidiasis is only a matter of time.

Candida belongs to opportunistic microorganisms. They constantly live on the skin and mucous membranes without causing harm. The proliferation of fungi is inhibited by lactobacilli, which make up about 95% of all microflora. When the acidity of the mucous membranes is impaired, the immune system is weakened, or hormonal levels change, part of the bacterial flora dies, thereby freeing up living space for fungi. Fungi multiply rapidly and cause an inflammatory reaction.

Theoretically, thrush can go away on its own if a woman eats well, leads a healthy lifestyle and maintains intimate hygiene. However, the modern rhythm of life and the high daily level of stress reduce the likelihood of self-healing to a minimum. Thrush is one of those diseases that requires the help of a doctor.

The disappearance of symptoms and recovery are not always the same thing. Without appropriate treatment, candidiasis becomes chronic. Symptoms of the disease smooth out or disappear completely, but under certain circumstances they worsen again. Exacerbations of chronic fungal infections occur 4 or more times a year. Fungi are activated against the background of hypothermia, severe stress, physiological and other hormonal changes.

With chronic candidiasis the following are possible:

  • Attachment of secondary infections,
  • Generalized fungal infection, in which internal organs are involved in the pathological process,
  • Bleeding
  • Severe allergic reactions,
  • Miscarriage and infertility.

Unconventional methods of treating thrush

Alternative medicine is a very good addition to drug treatment. The use of folk remedies is based mainly on creating an alkaline environment, which is destructive for yeast-like fungi.

But you should always remember that alternative medicine is prescribed as an additional therapy during drug treatment.

Yarrow and calendula. Douching with a decoction of yarrow, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and calendula, which has antiseptic properties, has proven positive. The herbs are mixed in equal proportions, then take one teaspoon of the mixture and pour one glass of boiling water. Allow to cool and syringe. The course of treatment is seven days.

Garlic. The use of garlic, which has a pronounced antifungal property, is quite effective. Douches with garlic water. To do this, take three small cloves of garlic, mash them well, transfer them to a glass container and pour one liter of warm boiled water. Douching should be done twice a day for a week.

A collection of yarrow, juniper and sage provides good assistance in the treatment of thrush. Juniper has a pronounced bactericidal effect, and sage is a good immune stimulant, in addition, it is known for its antibacterial properties. Grind the dried herbs, take one teaspoon of the composition and pour one glass of boiling water. Let simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Take the resulting decoction one-third of a glass before meals. Douching is also carried out with this decoction.

Honey has excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with liquid honey and insert it into the vagina for thirty minutes. This procedure helps to very quickly relieve the symptoms of thrush. Douching with honey water is also used. Honey is diluted in warm boiled water one to ten.

Chamomile . Douching with chamomile infusion, which has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, has proven itself well.

Can thrush go away on its own? A question that is often answered incorrectly, which can lead to serious consequences, including disruption of the reproductive function of the female body.

With improperly selected treatment, a chronic infection develops, which leads to adhesions in the pelvic organs, obstruction of the fallopian tubes and infertility.

Does thrush go away in pregnant women?

Pregnancy is the most amazing period in a woman’s life, including from a physiological point of view. During this time, the body undergoes profound changes. The endocrine system functions in a completely different mode, and the immune system weakens. Against the background of changes associated with the need to bear a child, susceptibility to infections, including fungal ones, increases.

At this time, you should not seriously expect that thrush will go away on its own. Weakened immunity and hormonal changes contribute to the progression of the disease, but not to self-healing. This is exactly the case when an inflammatory process left to chance is much more dangerous than the use of medications. Fungal infection of the reproductive system organs provokes uterine hypertonicity. In the early stages this can lead to miscarriage, in the later stages it threatens premature birth.

With untreated candidiasis, there is a fairly high probability of infection of the child during childbirth. Therefore, even if the symptoms have disappeared, you should tell your doctor about the episode of thrush.

Intrauterine infection of the fetus with candida is a rare complication, but very dangerous, since the fetus eventually dies.

During pregnancy, only local treatment is used. Additionally, the woman is prescribed probiotics to restore normal microflora and means to strengthen the immune system. Your doctor may also recommend dietary changes.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Is thrush contagious?

Normally, yeast-like fungi such as Candida are constantly present in the body. They are opportunistic. They live on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, mouth, and skin. If the human immune system works normally, then these fungi are beneficial to the body because they take part in the formation of certain vitamins.

If for any reason the number of bacteria increases, a bacterial imbalance develops in the body. In this case, thrush is very contagious.

The menstrual cycle and candidiasis

Chronic candidiasis may worsen in the last week of the menstrual cycle due to hormonally caused changes in the acidity of the vaginal environment. In particularly difficult cases, exacerbations are observed before each menstruation. After the start of menstruation, the acidity changes again to less favorable for fungi and the clinical manifestations of the disease subside on their own. To a non-specialist it may seem that thrush goes away on its own, but in fact, the spontaneous disappearance of symptoms indicates a chronic course of the disease.

Chronic candidiasis is very difficult to treat; there is an opinion that in this case only stable remission is possible, but not complete recovery. Treatment of the chronic form of the disease is carried out systemically.

Self-healing of thrush in men

In men, urogenital candidiasis is much less common than in women. This is partly due to the structural features of the genital organs. Candida that penetrates the urethra is usually quickly washed out naturally.

However, under certain circumstances, the development of the disease becomes possible. Usually the provoking factor is immunosuppression associated with other diseases. Among the pathologies accompanying candidiasis in representatives of the stronger sex, sexually transmitted diseases lead. Clinical manifestations of candidiasis mask the course of a concomitant infectious disease. Hoping for possible self-healing from thrush, a man may not seek medical help, thereby worsening the situation. In particularly advanced cases, complications are possible, including erectile dysfunction and infertility.

If there is a permanent partner in a couple, there is a constant transmission of candida to each other. As a rule, if characteristic lesions are identified in one of the partners, treatment is prescribed to both.

When wondering whether a man’s thrush can go away on its own, it is quite possible to get an affirmative answer. During unprotected contact with an infected partner, some of the candida inevitably ends up on the man's external genitalia. Normally, the immune system suppresses the development of the fungus before clinical symptoms of the disease appear.

If the immune system is weakened, candida actively multiplies, causing characteristic itching, burning, and a whitish coating appears on the mucous membrane and skin. This means that you should not delay your visit to the doctor. In the acute form of the disease, the patient is prescribed local treatment. External preparations are quite effective and are considered safer than capsules or tablets.

What can I do to make it go away faster?

Regardless of the causes of thrush and the characteristics of its treatment, to get rid of this disease as quickly as possible it is necessary:

  • Adhere to the correct daily routine. In particular, it is recommended not to overwork and to rest well, especially to get enough sleep at night.
  • Eat properly and balanced. At the same time, it is worth excluding from the diet foods that can become food for pathogenic fungi - yeast, sugar, flour. It is recommended to include fermented milk products, sour fruits and berries, herbal teas, garlic, seaweed, etc. in the daily menu.
  • Give up bad habits, especially alcohol.
  • Eliminate the negative effects of stress.
  • Drink more ordinary clean water. It will help cleanse the body as quickly as possible and alleviate unpleasant symptoms.
  • Avoid the use of tight synthetic underwear, panty liners, tight trousers, jumpsuits, etc.
  • Avoid using detergents to care for the genitals. Ordinary clean water is quite enough for this. At the same time, doctors categorically prohibit women from washing the vagina from the inside - only external treatment is allowed.
  • Avoid taking baths and using sprays, creams and fragrances on the perineum.
  • Use only high quality white toilet paper (without dyes).

In order for thrush to go away as quickly as possible, you should first of all pay close attention to the needs of your own body. If a person is completely healthy and his immune system works without failures, then candidiasis will not bother him.


The myth about the harmlessness of such a disease can play a cruel joke. If, contrary to expectations, the thrush does not go away, a “conscious” and “savvy” patient is more likely to go to the nearest pharmacy for a drug advertised on TV. As a last resort, there will be an equally “conscious” pharmacist who will help you decide on the choice of drug. In fact, this way of solving the problem is more like playing Russian roulette than treatment. Firstly, Candida is not a species, but a genus; inflammatory reactions can be caused by different types and strains of fungi. They also have different reactions to the same drugs. Secondly, candidal lesions often mask the course of other infectious diseases. Eliminating the fungus in such cases does not completely solve the problem. Thirdly, with self-medication there is a very high probability of the pathology becoming chronic. That is, if you suspect a fungal infection, you should consult a doctor, undergo an examination to determine the type of pathogen and begin treatment appropriate to the specific case.

Ideally, the goal of treatment is the complete removal of candida from the body, but in practice it is achieved by suppressing the excess population of the fungus and restoring the balance of the microflora. For this purpose, antimycotic drugs are prescribed.

In uncomplicated acute cases of the disease, external agents are usually prescribed in the form of creams, ointments, vaginal suppositories and tablets, and less often - preparations for internal use.

Additionally, B vitamins, vitamin C and nicotinic acid are prescribed. During treatment, it is recommended to switch to a diet with a high protein content, eliminate sweets and alcohol.

If there is no effect, the patient may be recommended to be examined by an endocrinologist or other specialized specialists to identify possible concomitant diseases of non-infectious origin.


Prevention is always easier than cure. To reduce the likelihood of infection to a minimum and not to wonder whether thrush can go away on its own without treatment, it is enough to be attentive to your health.

  • Strengthen the immune system, promptly treat all diseases, including colds.
  • Follow the rules of intimate hygiene. It is best to use non-aggressive products that do not affect the natural level of acidity; use a separate towel. To eliminate the possible transmission of fungal spores through the surface of the soap, it is preferable to use liquid hygiene products with a dispenser.
  • Maintain sexual hygiene. The first place of honor is shared by condoms and fidelity to a partner.

Sweets can provoke fungal diseases , so they should be consumed in reasonable quantities. A balanced work and rest schedule plays a significant role in preventing infection. If possible, you should avoid emotional and physical overload, which weakens the immune system and is one of the factors that weakens the body's defense mechanisms.

How can you get thrush?

There are many ways to become infected with candidiasis. Sometimes pathogenic agents spread even from other pathogenic foci.

By everyday means

This is the most common way you can become infected. Fungal spores can remain on bedding for a long time. If you don't change it often, you can get infected.

Thrush fungus can be introduced into the body by using contaminated hygiene items. Shared towels and washcloths are especially dangerous. The pathogen is often spread through utensils.

Sauna, swimming pool

If you do not follow the rules of hygiene in public swimming pools and saunas, then you are likely to become infected with thrush while sitting on common seats or using common hygiene products.

In rare cases, candidiasis can be contracted while swimming if there is a person nearby who has candidiasis.


You can become infected with the disease if:

  • do not change enough of the gasket;
  • wash yourself incorrectly;
  • Use detergents with a lot of fragrances.

The risk group includes women with tuberculosis and diabetes. Drugs and alcohol are harmful and reduce resistance to bacteria. This way you can get candidiasis much more often.

Finally, women who wear synthetic underwear are more likely than others to develop candidiasis. This is why gynecologists advise women and young girls to wear underwear only made from natural fabrics.

Is thrush sexually transmitted?

Although thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease, it can be contracted through intimate contact. In most cases, a woman infects a man.

During sexual contact, the mucous membranes of the genitals closely interact with each other, which is why the transfer of pathogenic organisms is activated. You can also get this disease through anal or oral contact.


If a woman is diagnosed with thrush, then during contact of mucous membranes the child can become infected. In these cases, he suffers from oral candidiasis from the first day.

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