Treatment for a small uterus - folk remedies

Subspecies of small queen

The normal sizes of the uterus are:

  1. Longitudinal - at least 7 cm.
  2. Transverse - at least 4 cm.
  3. The thickness of the muscle layer is at least 2 cm.

A small uterus may be accidentally discovered during an examination by a gynecologist or on an ultrasound. Some women do not even suspect that they have such a pathology. And in some representatives of the fairer sex, this feature manifests itself quite painfully: problems with the menstrual cycle, frequent bleeding, problems in reproductive function. In gynecology, this feature of organ development is divided into 3 types:

  1. Hypoplasia . The uterus is smaller than the standard size, but not less than 5.5 cm. With hypoplasia, there may be some irregularities in the menstrual cycle. But often the reason for a visit to the gynecologist is infertility.
  2. Infantilism . The size of the uterus is 3-5 cm. The development of the organ corresponds to childhood.
  3. Aplasia . The size of the organ is less than 3 cm. The uterus is in a developmental stage similar to that of a newborn.

If a woman is diagnosed with hypoplasia, this is not a death sentence . If appropriate treatment is prescribed, under the supervision of a doctor, she has every chance of becoming pregnant, carrying and giving birth to a healthy baby. If a woman has infantilism or aplasia, then the chances of motherhood are practically absent.


Symptoms of pathology

Hypoplasia is usually discovered by chance. In rare cases, girls turn to a gynecologist with complaints about:

  • discharge between periods,
  • minor cycle disruption.
  • problems with conception.

When aplasia or infantilism is diagnosed, disruptions in the cyclicity of menstruation are more pronounced. Critical days may be completely absent. When they are present, patients are concerned about:

  • soreness,
  • oligomenorrhea,
  • decreased libido.

Causes of uterine underdevelopment

  1. Pathology of fetal development . If during pregnancy the expectant mother did not eat properly, did not receive enough vitamins, suffered from infectious diseases, and often experienced stress, then all this can affect the development of the unborn child’s organs.
  2. The lack of sex hormones in the blood, starting from an early age, leads to hormonal imbalances and impaired development of reproductive function.
  3. Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems, frequent colds and infectious diseases.
  4. alcohol, drugs , and potent medications in childhood and adolescence
  5. Unbalanced nutrition , lack of vitamins and nutrients during the period of growing up of a child negatively affects the growing body.
  6. Increased physical activity and strenuous sports can harm a girl’s fragile body.
  7. Frequent stress and nervous shocks in childhood and adolescence negatively affect the formation of the reproductive system of the future woman.
  8. Unfavorable environmental conditions in the region, increased background radiation, and air pollution can provoke pathologies in the development of the reproductive system of the younger generation.
  9. Genetic predisposition . This feature of the development of the body is transmitted through the female line.

What is the main danger

Verdict: A small uterus faces the following possible complications:

  • infertility,
  • toxicosis of the 1st trimester,
  • problems with the ovaries,
  • early birth,
  • miscarriage,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • chronic inflammation,
  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • weak labor activity,
  • bleeding.

Consequences of a small uterus

  • Menstrual irregularities : absence of menstruation, scanty and painful periods, vague discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  • Late onset of menstruation in girls . As a rule, after 16 years.
  • Miscarriage . Miscarriages occur because the uterus does not have time to grow and therefore rejects the fetus.
  • Premature birth , weak dilatation of the cervix, weak labor – all this can be a consequence of a woman’s small uterus. This occurs due to a deficiency of hormones, thin, loose myometrium due to pathology of the development of the uterus.
  • Inability to get pregnant . Due to hormonal disorders with underdevelopment of the uterus, pregnancy does not occur. Or the uterus is so small that the development of pregnancy is simply impossible.
  • Due to developmental disorders of the uterus, the risk of ectopic pregnancy , when a fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube. Basically, such a pregnancy is terminated through surgery. If an ectopic pregnancy is not terminated promptly, it may result in the removal of one or both fallopian tubes. Which in turn will lead to infertility in the future. Or an ectopic pregnancy can cause bleeding. If it is not stopped in time, it will lead to death.
  • Decreased sex drive . With hormonal imbalance due to underdevelopment of the uterus, a woman’s libido – sexual desire – may decrease. Also, some women with this pathology have difficulty experiencing orgasm during sex.
  • Severe toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy . Toxicosis is a reaction of the female body to pregnancy. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the body perceives the fetus as a foreign body. Due to changes in hormone levels, the woman’s body experiences discomfort during this period. It mainly manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting. It is important to ensure that vomiting does not cause dehydration, which can cause irreparable harm to the unborn child and woman.
  • Weak resistance of the body to infections of the reproductive system . Against this background, endometritis and cervicitis often occur. Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterine mucosa. With chronic endometritis, intrauterine adhesions occur, which lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes and, consequently, to infertility. Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix. Progressive cervicitis causes inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Uterine bleeding . Bleeding may occur randomly throughout the menstrual cycle or may appear as too much menstrual flow. Large blood losses are threatening to the health and life of a woman.


To detect diseases, you will need to undergo a bimanual examination. A specialist can notice the disease during an ultrasound examination. Sometimes, to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes additional examination methods:

  • CT,
  • MRI.

Identifying the exact cause of the development of pathology is necessary to prescribe a suitable course of therapy.

Important: The appearance of aplasia and hypoplasia can be provoked by neoplasms of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. With such formations, the hormonal background changes, the uterus is unable to grow and develop normally. Hormone therapy threatens accelerated tumor growth.


After detecting an abnormality on ultrasound, consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist is required. For a small uterus, hormone therapy is considered the most effective treatment method. Doctors select a treatment regimen individually in each case.

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It is important for patients to adhere to a proper diet rich in vitamins and minerals, and also not to forget about special physical exercises.


Taking hormonal medications is supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures. The following have a good effect:

  • magnetotherapy,
  • paraffin therapy,
  • laser exposure,
  • mud therapy.

Physiotherapeutic methods are necessary to improve blood circulation, accelerate reparative processes and organ growth.

What treatment is prescribed for hypoplasia?

Hypoplasia is caused by a lack of hormones, hence the only method for treating it is to enrich the organ with hormones. Treatment by introducing hormones can be replaced by the usual intake of vitamins. In addition, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy, which consists of a slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen.

Hypoplasia can also be treated with massage, stimulating the egg both externally and internally. This gives a rush of blood to the organ, which helps it enlarge.

Two popular methods can be distinguished:

  • The first is laying down the clay. The clay is brought to a soft state (like wasabi) and applied to the lower abdomen. Cover the top with cling film and let it lie there for about two hours.
  • The second effective way is sex. It simultaneously stimulates the uterus, providing a rush of blood to it, and in addition, promotes the production of hormones that the organ needs so much.

To use any of these methods, you must first consult your doctor.

The female body develops and forms from the moment of fertilization until the age of 21-23. If certain factors occur, development may stop or be suspended. The reproductive system in women is especially fragile, the slightest negative impact on which can lead to disastrous results. This system is formed at the beginning of the second trimester and during the period of 11-16 years, which are critical for the body. It is during this period that the negative impact on the body is the main cause of the occurrence of such a pathology as a “small uterus”. A small uterus is a stop in the growth and development of the organs of the woman’s reproductive system until it reaches the required size.


Many married couples are interested in the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant with a small uterus?” What are the chances of a favorable conception and pregnancy and what to do if treatment does not bring the desired result? We will try to find an answer to all these questions. So, a small uterus and pregnancy are concepts that are often combined, and it is a small uterus that is almost always the reason for early termination of pregnancy or the absence of pregnancy at all. You should not immediately talk about infertility and the impossibility of bearing a child if you have been diagnosed with a “small” uterus. Treatment and the use of modern hormonal drugs makes it possible to increase the size of the uterus if it is not embryonic, that is, its development has stopped in the prenatal period, which significantly contributes to the onset and gestation of pregnancy, and with the help of modern diagnostic equipment it is possible to exclude the development of complications both at the stage of pregnancy planning, and when it comes.

Some argue that it is the small uterus in case of infertility that is the main reason for the lack of pregnancy and pregnancy. Other experts argue that the size of the uterus does not have any effect on the onset and progression, because the uterus is a muscular organ that has stretching properties, so pregnancy is possible even with significant deviations from normal sizes. Often a small uterus is combined with dyshormonal disorders in the body and lack of ovulation, which already indicates certain problems with conception.

Small uterus - what does it mean during pregnancy. Let's dwell a little on the size of the uterus during pregnancy, or more precisely on what is the reason for their discrepancy with normal values. How to get pregnant if your uterus is small? The answer is definitely simple - the size of the uterus is not an obstacle to pregnancy, but there is a possibility of complications. The size of the uterus increases simultaneously with the growth of the fetus, and to prevent miscarriage in this case, a course of hormonal treatment is carried out, and during critical periods of pregnancy the woman is subject to hospital observation.

Small uterus during pregnancy - what does it mean and why is it dangerous? The first trimester in the development of pregnancy against the background of uterine hypoplasia is the most unfavorable, because it is during this period that the probability of spontaneous abortion is much higher compared to the further course of pregnancy. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, implantation of the fertilized egg may not occur; at the stage of organogenesis, the likelihood of developing pathologies and anomalies increases, and finally, at the end of the first trimester, the formation of the placenta occurs. During this period, there may be detachment, leading to termination of pregnancy.

Small uterus: is it possible to get pregnant and what difficulties await a woman? There is a possibility of pregnancy on its own, especially if a woman undergoes a course of hormonal therapy aimed at increasing the size of the uterus. Most often, a woman with a small uterus is faced with hormone deficiency and the presence of a thin endometrium, which cause infertility.

The uterus does not correspond to the gestational age, less than normal is quite rare, but this is often associated with a number of reasons: with oligohydramnios, an incorrectly established gestational age, incorrect position or presentation of the fetus, as well as if the woman has a wide pelvis. How to correctly determine that the uterus is less than the gestational age? It is accepted among all obstetricians and gynecologists that in order to determine the duration of pregnancy, it is necessary, in addition to calendar methods and ultrasound examination, to determine the height of the uterine fundus, which changes at different stages of pregnancy. The average statistical indicators of the height of the uterine fundus at different stages of pregnancy are accepted and changing them by 3-4 cm is allowed due to anatomical and constitutional features.

So, if your uterus is small, is it possible to get pregnant? Yes, in most cases, pregnancy and a small uterus are often combined and are detected even if the woman is pregnant. But doctors say that under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the uterus grows along with the fetus, but almost always it is necessary to control the level of hormones from the outside. It should be understood that the small size of the uterus is not a contraindication to conception or pregnancy

Therefore, in this case, the only method for having a child is surrogacy, because the development and maturation of eggs in these women is normal.

To speed up the process of pregnancy, in addition to hormonal therapy, a course of gynecological massages and physiotherapeutic procedures is recommended to enhance blood circulation in the pelvic organs and the growth of the endometrium in the uterus. Only after a complete examination does the doctor have the right to decide on the advisability of hormonal treatment. Treatment is carried out in combination with vitamin therapy and the use of a complex of minerals, normalization of the diet and work and rest regime. Sometimes the desired pregnancy occurs without hormonal treatment, but only after vitamin therapy, proper nutrition and a physical complex. procedures and gynecological massages.

Methods for enlarging the uterus

There are a number of ways to enlarge a small uterus when it is hypoplastic.

  1. Hormonal therapy. It is the main method of treatment. In case of 1st degree of pathology, it is a replacement therapy for regulating the menstrual cycle. In cases of 2 and 3 degrees of pathology, it is used to stimulate the growth of the uterus, which allows it to increase in size. Preparations of estrogens and progestins are prescribed in a cyclic regimen. There is a break for menstruation. The course of treatment is 3–4 months with a break of 3 months.
  2. Vitamin therapy. To enlarge the uterus, vitamins B, E, A, C are used.
  3. Gynecological massage. Allows you to enlarge the uterus by improving blood supply. It has a positive effect both as an independent method of treatment and in combination with physiotherapy.
  4. Physiotherapy: electroreflexotherapy, endonasal electrophoresis with thiamine, Shcherbak collar, paraffin therapy, ozotokeria, UHF, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, inductothermy. Allows you to enlarge the uterus by influencing the body of the organ, ovaries, pituitary gland, hypothalamus.
  5. Balneotherapy.
  6. Spa treatment.
  7. Balanced diet.
  8. Physiotherapy.

Signs and causes of occurrence

There are several types of the disease:

. Aplasia

- stopping the process of uterine formation in the womb during the second trimester.
If this disease is present in a woman of reproductive age, the uterus of a newborn child or its complete absence is observed. A sign of the development of this pathology is the complete absence of menstruation. . Hypoplasia II degree
- arrest of development of the reproductive system organs during puberty.
The disease is characterized by the small size of the uterus, which does not exceed 6 centimeters. The ovaries are located quite high from the underdeveloped uterus, which are connected by long and thin tubes. With this deviation, tubal kinks are often observed, which are the cause of ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms of the disease are: ◦ late onset of menstruation, their painful course; ◦ unknown menstrual cycle; ◦ underdeveloped sexual characteristics: pelvis, labia, ovaries; ◦ absence of an ovulation period. . Hypoplasia of the III degree
- the uterus reaches 6-7 centimeters, while the ratio of the size of the uterus to the cervix is ​​proportional. This disease is not critical and can go away without treatment if you maintain an active, regular sex life. The presence of hypoplasia is often accompanied by a general underdevelopment of the woman’s physical condition. In addition, such women have reduced sexual desire.

The main causes of the disease, regardless of its degree, are:

1. Infectious diseases of any nature

(we are not necessarily talking about infections of the genitourinary system) suffered by the mother at the beginning of the second trimester or by the woman herself during puberty.
2. Various chronic diseases of all vital systems
3. Deviations in the functioning of the endocrine system.
Particular influence should be paid to the development of thyroid hypoplasia.
4. Hormonal disorders
, which are associated with a decreased amount of estrogen produced or increased testosterone levels.
5. Any operations that were performed on the organs of the female reproductive system
6. Insufficient amount of nutrients
that should enter the body during adolescence. The condition is aggravated by significant physical activity, stress and lack of sleep.

How to determine hypoplasia?

If you diagnose without the help of a doctor, then the only way is to observe the discharge during menstruation. If they are small, and the cycle itself is constantly disrupted, then this can be attributed to a sign of hypoplasia. But the final conclusion will be made by the doctor.

Having carefully examined the shape of the vagina, the condition of the fallopian tubes and the presence of gaps between them, the gynecologist will accurately make a diagnosis. A healthy uterus should not exceed 8.4 centimeters in length and 6.2 centimeters in width. The standard dimensions for the cervix are 2.5 to 3.5 centimeters. If the sizes do not match, then this indicates a violation of the growth of the uterus.



Normally, a woman's uterus is the size of a fist, but during pregnancy it can expand to the size of a football or more. However, expecting a child is not the only reason that the uterus enlarges.

An enlarged uterus can be the result of medical conditions that not only cause changes in the size of the organ, but also cause bleeding and pain. Diseases that lead to uterine enlargement sometimes require medical intervention.

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