Borovaya uterus for uterine fibroids: how the course of treatment proceeds

When benign tumors appear in the body, they try to get rid of them quickly, but at the same time they look for conservative ways to remove tumors.

Rapid treatment is especially important when tissues grow on the mucous membrane or genitals, because in an unfavorable situation they can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

When the number of cells in the muscle layer of the uterus increases, it is called fibroids. For treatment, boron uterus is often used for fibroids.

Indications and contraindications for herbal medicine

Many healers and herbalists are of the opinion that the medicinal plant boron uterus is a panacea for all female diseases.
Gynecologists consider it a fairly effective folk remedy, which can only be used for certain conditions. For example, for patients with fibroids, it is recommended only in the following cases:

  1. Infertility has been diagnosed due to a small myomatous node - folk recipes are needed, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system and improving the health of the reproductive system.
  2. The neoplasm was detected at the very beginning of development and is small in size - means that stabilize hormonal levels are needed.
  3. With the onset of menopause, the node in the uterus began to decrease in size - means will be needed to eliminate the symptoms of menopause and, thereby, improve the woman’s quality of life.
  4. After surgical removal of fibroids, herbal medicine is prescribed during rehabilitation to speed up the patient’s recovery.

In the presence of fibroids, the use of traditional medicine with boron uterus is carried out only with the permission of a doctor and exclusively as an additional therapy.

Only a doctor can answer the question: is it possible for a specific patient to use boron uterus for fibroids and how exactly to drink it. To do this, he needs to get an accurate diagnosis.

Ortilia does not treat large fibroids, and is also contraindicated in the development of such a serious complication as necrosis - necrosis of tumor tissue due to torsion of the node's stalk or disruption of its nutrition.

What is a hog queen

Borovaya uterus is the most popular name among the people for the medicinal herb, which is officially called Ortilia lopsided. The name very accurately reflects the attitude of our ancestors to medicinal herbs.

Ortilia is a perennial plant that grows in coniferous and mixed forests, which are popularly called pine forests. Women went to the forest to look for herbs that would help get rid of gynecological problems and get pregnant. Our ancestors called mother the womb.

pharmachologic effect

Successful treatment of benign neoplasms with boron uterus is due to the presence of a unique composition of active components:

  1. Phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone are substances in their composition that are very similar to female sex hormones. Since hormonal imbalance provokes the development of tumors, taking phytohormones will inhibit their growth and promote resorption. Borovaya uterus, due to the influence of phytohormones, has an effect on uterine fibroids.
  2. Hydroquinone is an antioxidant with good diuretic and antiseptic effects.
  3. Cumanins - have a diuretic and bactericidal effect, and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce blood viscosity.
  4. Arbutin – has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Flavonoids are antioxidants that provide laxative and choleretic effects.
  6. Citric and tartaric acid - help strengthen the immune system and accelerate metabolic processes.

In addition, the plant contains various microelements and vitamin C.

How does the herb work on fibroids?

Phytohormones are the main components of the boron uterus. Phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone are grown copies of sex hormones. Due to the fact that with fibroids there is an altered hormonal balance, neoplasms appear in the uterus. Hormones of plant origin prevent the spread of the tumor, resolve it, and prevent relapses.

To improve the effectiveness of disease control, boron uterus and red brush are used together. Red brush is a medicinal plant that affects the body at the cellular level and eliminates the cause of the disease, not the symptoms. It contains phytohormones, which helps stop the growth of malignant tumors.

Important! With large fibroids, the use of folk remedies can worsen the condition, so their use in this case is not justified.

After the course of treatment, an exacerbation of the disease is possible. There is no need to give up therapy - you need to continue to use the plant, because then improvement and complete recovery occurs.

Beneficial features

What effect does the boron uterus have on the female body as a whole:

  1. Reduced blood loss due to the ability to stop bleeding and reduce vascular permeability.
  2. Anti-inflammatory therapy. The herb not only inhibits the development of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the body, but reduces swelling, eliminates allergic reactions and promotes the rapid elimination of substances formed during the metabolic process.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It actively supports the normal state of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems of the female body.

Composition and properties of the plant

The boron uterus contains an increased amount of substances that work as organic female hormones - progesterone and estrogen. If progesterone in the blood is low, then painful sensations in the chest, severe pain during menstruation, emotional instability, and miscarriage appear. If there is little estrogen in the body, a woman begins to experience hot flashes, insomnia, and nervousness. Therefore, the boron uterus has the following effect:

  1. Relieves attacks of hypertension.
  2. Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  3. Normalizes the state of the nervous system.
  4. Reduces the risk of cancer.
  5. Rejuvenates the female body from the inside.
  6. Stabilizes the functions of the endocrine glands.

In addition to phytoestrogen, the boron uterus contains a whole complex of useful and necessary substances with various properties:

  • Hydroquinone beta D (Arbutin) – accelerates metabolic processes and relieves inflammation.
  • Hydroquinones are natural antioxidants that protect the body from infectious pathogens that appear along with tumor formations in the uterus.
  • Coumarin is a natural anticoagulant that reduces blood clotting and acts as an antiseptic.
  • Saponins and bitters are an ideal means for thinning the blood in the pelvic organs, stopping inflammation and destroying infection.
  • Flavonoids and tannins stimulate the functioning of the digestive organs and liver, have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
  • Vitamin C – improves the functioning of the central nervous system, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system and hematopoietic processes.
  • Complex of organic acids - stimulate the body's defense system, relieve fatigue.
  • A complex of microelements and resinous substances - normalize the functions of the immune system, prevent allergies, stimulate the functioning of the pelvic organs.
  • Bitters – prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the blood and normalize blood glucose levels.

Beneficial properties for gynecological diseases

Ortilia has a whole range of beneficial properties necessary for the treatment of the following gynecological diseases:

  • various inflammatory processes and erosions;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • fibroids of various types;
  • endometriosis.

This fact has contributed to the fact that gynecologists prescribe complex treatment to patients with these diseases, in which drug therapy is supplemented with traditional medicine, including ortilia.

In addition, microelements, vitamin C, organic acids and other beneficial substances included in ortilia help speed up the recovery of women with gynecological problems and quickly restore their reproductive system.

Directions for use and doses

The general course of treatment with boron uterus for fibroids lasts 3 months, but it is divided into 3 stages, taking into account the woman’s menstrual cycle. Each stage lasts 3 weeks, and there is a 7-day break between stages.

It is not advisable to take Ortilia during menstrual bleeding. Therefore, a woman, knowing her menstrual cycle, needs to calculate the course of treatment so that there is a break during her critical days.

A variety of products for internal and external use are prepared with the female herb. Throughout the day, the patient takes no more than a glass of infusion or decoction, dividing it into 3 equal portions. The alcohol tincture is drunk three times a day, 40 drops.

Real patient reviews

Irina, 40 years old

I got fibroids. It’s small, so the gynecologist advised me to drink a decoction of the uterus. I drank a decoction and did douching. After three full courses, I was examined - and nothing was found! After treatment with boron uterus, it became much easier for me to endure painful periods, and my sleep improved.

Lilia, 34 years old

Myoma was inherited from my mother. That's why we discovered it at an early stage. I did not poison the body with pills and other traditional methods of treatment. I bought hogweed grass and red brush. I brewed and drank daily, with two-week breaks. Now everything is clear for me and I can get pregnant.

Larisa, 36 years old

Endometriosis and a cyst developed against the background of nodular fibroids. Severe pain and bleeding appeared. To remove complications and stop the growth of the tumor, the doctor recommended a collection from one-sided orthilia. I took an alcohol tincture, bought it at a pharmacy. Within two weeks I felt a little better, the pain decreased.


Authors | Last updated: 2019

Uterine fibroids, according to statistics, are the most common pathology in women of late reproductive age. A benign tumor can be asymptomatic or make itself felt by menstrual irregularities, be practically invisible or prevent a representative of the fair sex from leading an active social life - no matter what the tumor is, they still try to get rid of it in one way or another. Only very small nodes cannot be treated. Tumors measuring 2.5 cm or more should not be ignored. Such a knot can significantly complicate life, cause infertility, termination of pregnancy and other serious troubles.

Modern gynecology offers various ways to solve the problem, but many women stubbornly ignore the developments of domestic and foreign medicine, preferring traditional methods. Treatment with herbs, and in particular with boron uterus, deserves some attention. How to take it, can you drink it and is it worth it? Does boron uterus really help with fibroids or are these fairy tales from herbalists? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in the article.

Features of fibroid treatment

Treatment of uterine fibroids should be carried out by an experienced doctor who can accurately determine the shape of the node and prescribe adequate therapy in conjunction with the use of boron uterus.

Traditional recipes with ortilia have a positive effect on tumors that have grown in the muscle layer of the uterus. When the node is located on the submucosal layer of the uterus or protrudes beyond its limits, growing into the abdominal cavity, the medicinal herb will not be able to prevent its growth. It will only relieve some symptoms, and the disease will continue to develop.

In the early stages of the disease, conservative treatment is prescribed, but in later stages, surgical intervention may be required. Women are prescribed medications together with folk recipes if the node does not exceed 2.5 cm. The use of female herbs immediately gives a positive dynamics in the development of the disease.

What folk remedies exist?

Folk remedies for treating uterine fibroids include:

  • Herbal medicine. This method is based on the use of medicinal plants, from which infusions, decoctions, and douching solutions are made. This method is very effective in the case of concomitant endometriosis or ovarian cysts, which often accompany fibroids.
  • Hirudotherapy. For treatment, leeches are used, which have the ability to thin the blood in areas of inflammation and influence the sore spot with their healing saliva. This treatment method is often combined with traditional therapy.
  • Homeopathy. An unconventional method of traditional medicine, based on the patient taking dosed medications, which, with a large volume of consumption, can provoke the disease itself.
  • Bee products. Dead bees and propolis cope well with uterine fibroids.
  • Livestock products. One of the most effective is the use of quail eggs, which perfectly absorb all formations in the uterine fundus.

Methods of using the plant for fibroids

Let's look at the methods used to treat fibroids with the hog uterus. The herbs are used to prepare remedies for oral administration: alcohol tinctures, herbal teas, decoctions and infusions.

An infusion for douching is also prepared, which is an external remedy. The maximum effect is obtained by combining an external remedy with taking some remedy orally.

How to properly prepare and take

All active substances that are necessary for the treatment of benign tumors are found in high concentrations in the stems and inflorescences of ortilia. Therefore, only the elevated part of the plant is taken to prepare traditional medicine.

How to drink boron uterus correctly for fibroids:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a new portion of the product every day, and not make a lot and store it in the refrigerator.
  2. Taking medications with ortilia begins on the 5th-6th day of the menstrual cycle. The day depends on the duration of critical days, during which you cannot take medications.

The effectiveness of treatment is higher with the simultaneous use of medicinal herbs internally and externally. One day the patient begins to take some internal remedy and douche with a specially prepared infusion.

Oral preparations

How to properly take boron uterus for tumors in the form of tincture, decoction and infusion:

  1. They are drunk three times a day and always before meals.
  2. A decoction or infusion is taken in 1/3 cup.
  3. Alcohol tincture of boron uterus is dripped 40 drops into a spoon and drunk.

The plant has many bitter substances. A woman can drink the tincture with a small amount of water or dilute it in it and drink it at the same time.

External remedy

Douching with a boron uterus for fibroids is done only once a day - in the evening, when going to bed. For douching, the infusion is heated to a temperature of 36-37C.

Douching is carried out in shorter courses than internal treatment. It is recommended to douche for 10 days in a row, and then take a break until the end of the menstrual cycle. The new course begins on the 5-6th day of the new cycle.

How effective are folk remedies for fibroids?

The effectiveness of folk remedies against uterine fibroids is explained by their broad effect on the tumor:

  • Antitumor effect. Herbs can reduce tumor growth, and gradually stop it altogether. The phytohormones contained in medicinal herbs are capable of lowering the level of the body’s own estrogens, thereby equalizing hormonal levels and eliminating the cause of uterine disease in the early stages. You can name the most effective herbs, which include burdock, boron uterus, celandine, hemlock, cinquefoil, tartar, mistletoe and zyuznik.
  • Immunomodulatory effect. Plants help the body produce interferon and protect it from the harmful effects of the external environment. Ginseng, Schisandra fruits, Aralia, Eleutherococcus, and Rhodiola rosea are endowed with remarkable immunomodulatory properties.
  • Hemostatic property. By stopping uterine bleeding, pain is reduced and the menstrual cycle is regulated. Famous herbs that have these properties include nettle, chamomile, mantle, yarrow, hops and shepherd's purse.

The following forms of medicines are prepared from raw materials: decoctions, infusions, suppositories. Douching for fibroids is also very popular.


To get the effect of folk remedies, it is important that the woman brews the female herb correctly.

Herbalists have developed recommendations on how to properly brew boron uterus for fibroids in order to get the maximum effect from its use. All infusions and decoctions are taken according to the same scheme, we wrote about this above.


A water infusion is prepared at the rate of 100 g of dry herb per 1 glass of water. The herb is infused in an enamel or glass container with a tightly closed lid.

You need to place the herb in a bowl, pour boiling water over it and cover with a lid. Leave for 6 hours, and then strain through a natural dense fabric, such as linen. You can use gauze folded in several layers.

Infusion with ortilia and red brush

To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. l. dried ortilia grass and red brush. The herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and heated for 10 minutes in a water bath, making sure that it does not boil.

Further steps are similar to the previous recipe.


Herbal teas are called decoctions. You will need 1 tbsp. spoon of herbs and 300 ml of water.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Pour boiling water over the ortilia.
  2. Cook over heat for 5 minutes or in a steam bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Leave covered for 2 hours.
  4. Strain and then add boiled water so that there is exactly 300 ml.

Unpleasant bitterness can be removed by adding a sprig of oregano during steaming, or a spoonful of honey before use.


Alcohol tincture of ortilia can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. Despite the fact that the tincture is called alcoholic, it is prepared with vodka. The alcohol content in the product should not exceed 40%.

To prepare a tincture for 1 liter of vodka, you will need 100 g of dried female herb.

Step-by-step algorithm for preparing the tincture:

  1. Grind the dried plants and place in a glass jar, which is tightly closed with a metal lid.
  2. Pour vodka over the prepared raw materials.
  3. Close tightly and put in a dark place for 21 days, but shake daily.
  4. Strain.

It is recommended to store the product in a dark glass bottle.

Alcohol tincture of ortilia with red brush

A tincture containing both ortilia and boron uterus is popular in the treatment of fibroids. But it must be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of studies, tests and examination.

It is prepared according to the algorithm described above. To prepare healing drops you will need 25 g of each medicinal herb and half a liter of vodka.

Infusion for douching

For douching, prepare a decoction of 3 tbsp. spoons of ortilia and 1 liter of water:

  1. The herb is poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes.
  2. Leave covered for 5-6 hours.
  3. Strain.

Before douching, the infusion is heated to a temperature of 36-370C.

Taking folk remedies for prevention

In order to prevent uterine fibroids, you can use one of several suggested recipes below:

  • Flaxseed and oil. Flax contains natural antiestrogens, which prevent inflammation in the uterine cavity and normalize a woman’s hormonal levels. The most effective antitumor property of flaxseed oil and flax is the ability to resist the entry of carcinogenic substances into the blood and tissue cells, which are the source of tumor processes. To prevent illness, it is enough to sometimes take 1 tablespoon of oil. If you need to prepare a decoction of seeds, you need to boil water and add 4 tablespoons of seeds. For a week, half a glass a day should be drunk of this decoction. It is best to do this at least half an hour before eating.
  • Propolis. You can purchase propolis tincture at the pharmacy and use it in accordance with the attached instructions. As a rule, taking propolis tincture lasts for 5 days, 1 tablespoon with meals.
  • Burdock root. It is necessary to rinse the roots well and clear them of the outer film. Approximately 5 grams of crushed root is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for 24 hours. Within 7 days, add a small amount of tincture to tea or coffee. This preventive procedure can be carried out once every six months or a year, when fresh garden burdock produces a new harvest.

Uterine fibroids can be effectively treated with alternative treatment in the early stages of its formation. Although the traditional use of medicines also brings good positive results in later stages of the disease. Prevention of disease is an important point in the preventive use of medicinal herbs. Prevention should be carried out at least once a year and be sure to consult a specialist.

Contraindications and precautions

The medicinal plant should not be taken by women with the following diseases and conditions:

  1. During pregnancy and lactation.
  2. When taking oral contraceptives, the plant should not be used together with hormone-containing drugs.
  3. With increased acidity that accompanies gastritis or stomach ulcers, the active substances of the herb irritate the gastric mucosa and can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. There is a pathology of the biliary tract - taking a folk remedy will cause severe pain.
  5. There are disturbances in the functioning of the blood coagulation system - the herb contains coumarins, which contribute to increased bleeding.
  6. The presence of malignant neoplasms - the herb will not cure oncology, but on the contrary, it can worsen the patient’s condition.

Some women may have an individual intolerance to some substance that is part of the female herb. Therefore, before starting a course of treatment with a medicinal plant, you should carefully read its composition.

The decision to take prescriptions containing ortilia in the presence of benign tumors is made only by the attending physician. To do this, he needs to determine the shape of the node, its location and size. Only after this does he decide on the advisability of prescribing complex conservative treatment, which consists of basic drug therapy and additional treatment with traditional medicine.

Reviews from women about the product

I am 34 years old and during an examination my gynecologist discovered an intramural fibroid. An ultrasound determined that its size was 8 mm. The doctor did not prescribe anything, but said that we would wait to see if the node was growing. On the advice of friends, I bought an alcohol tincture of boron uterus at the pharmacy. I took the full course – 3 months. I went for an ultrasound and heard an encouraging result - the size of the node was 5 mm. I will take another course to be completely cured. Tamara.

I consulted a gynecologist with a complaint of pain in the lumbar region. A large submucous fibroid was diagnosed, which needed to be removed surgically. I started drinking boron uterus in the form of a tincture. After about a month, the pain began to bother me less, and after 3 months it was practically gone. An ultrasound showed that the node was no longer growing and other problems in the female part had disappeared. Unique grass! I'll take a break and start taking it again. Olga.

Cost of herbal remedies in pharmacies

Products from boron uterus are inexpensive and are sold at any pharmacy. Cost of different products:

  • The price in the pharmacy for a 30-gram package of dry raw materials is from 190 to 250 rubles.
  • The cost of herbal collection “20” is from 200 to 300 rubles.
  • One hundred milliliters of tincture of boron uterus in alcohol, two hundred - 300 rubles.

The cost varies depending on the city where the product is sold, but in principle it is available to everyone. Some people want to buy the product cheaper and take it secondhand in the market. In this case, saving in price can lead to disastrous results - there are many fakes on the market.

Reviews from gynecologists

Ortilia and small fibroids are considered in close conjunction. Doctors prescribe complex treatment for women, in which the main therapy is carried out with the help of medications, and additional therapy is carried out using female herbs, and sometimes together with a red brush.

Experts confirm that almost always such therapy gives a very good effect. In addition, the unique composition of ortilia increases the patient’s immunity, which contributes to her rapid recovery and restoration of reproductive functions.

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