How long does it take for Livarol to be eliminated? Directions for use, dosage

One of the most effective ways to combat thrush is Livarol suppositories. They belong to antifungal agents. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole, which copes with all common types of fungi that parasitize the vagina. One dose of Livarol contains 400 mg of this component. It was synthesized in the 70s of the last century and since then has been successfully used in the treatment of fungal diseases.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The suppositories contain the antimycotic ketoconazole

(active ingredient) and auxiliary components - butylated hydroxyanisole (antioxidant), as well as macrogols, which provide the drug with viscosity and for these purposes are usually used in the manufacture of drugs in the form of suppositories.

Based on their mode of action, antifungal drugs are divided into fungicidal and fungistatic: the former kill the pathogen, the latter
down its development.
Ketocanazole belongs to the second group. Ketoconazole in the suppositories has the property of suppressing the development of ergosterol in the fungal membrane and, in addition, making the cell wall less permeable. The substance prevents the ripening of adult mushrooms, as if destroying them from the inside. At the same time, although the manufacturer assures that the pathogen cannot become addictive to the active substance, practicing gynecologists have the opposite opinion on this matter.

The active substance is active against higher fungi (eumycetes), yeast-like and dimorphic fungi, dermatophytes, in particular trichophytes, microspores, epidermophytes, and even non-fungal staphylococci and streptococci. Candida, Pityrosporum, Torulopsis and Cryptococcus are yeast-like fungi. Ketoconazole is ineffective against pathogens such as Aspergillus, Mucor (white mold), Sporotrix shenkin, as well as most Dermatiaceae fungi.

Did you know?
People began to distinguish fungal diseases as a separate group a long time ago, but it was possible to identify the specific causative agent of a particular disease relatively recently. In particular, opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida (the causative agent of thrush) were “identified” only in the middle of the century before last. Before the discovery of special drugs that suppress the development of fungi (the so-called antimycotics), these infections were treated with conventional antiseptics and potassium iodide. Ketocanazole in suppositories acts locally
, is not absorbed into the blood and, as is commonly believed, does not have any effect on other organs except the immediate area of ​​administration.

What is it prescribed for?

The main use of Livarol suppositories is the treatment of candidiasis, both acute and chronic (relapses).

In addition to treatment, the drug is also indicated as a means of treating and preventing other vaginal infections caused by fungi that are sensitive to its active substance (streptococcal, staphylococcal and others).

In particular, prevention of fungal diseases is necessary when, for one reason or another, including pregnancy, past infection, long-term treatment, etc., the overall resistance of a woman’s body to pathogens decreases or the natural microflora of the vagina is disrupted.

Use at different stages of pregnancy

According to the generally accepted formula in medicine, it is prescribed during pregnancy provided that the risk of a negative effect on the fetus of the disease itself significantly, or at least obviously, exceeds the risk of a negative effect on the fetus of a particular drug. Since thrush is extremely dangerous for an expectant mother, the instructions provide for the use of Livarol suppositories during this period, but with reservations and restrictions, especially depending on the period.

The first trimester is the most “unpleasant” period for a gynecologist. On the one hand, it is for the fetus, which is not yet sufficiently protected by the maternal placenta, that any medications are most dangerous, since their active substances can act on the fetus almost unhindered. On the other hand, for the same reason, the risk of any infection is especially high during this period, when the main “laying in” of all organs and systems of the unborn baby occurs.

Livarol is one of the mildest antimycotics, and suppositories act locally, so the risk of exposure to ketocanazole on the fetus would seem to be minimal, and yet, according to generally accepted practice, the use of these suppositories is prohibited until the twelfth week after.

Despite all the declared harmlessness and directed action against the pathogen, ketoconazole, as it turned out, is still truly dangerous for the fetus in the early stages of its development.
It turns out that this substance has the ability to suppress the production of not only ergosterol in mushrooms, but also sex hormones of the embryo, and, therefore, after exposure of the fetus to ketoconazole, a child may be born with various disorders of sexual characteristics. The only exceptions can be isolated, especially severe cases, when the risk of losing a child as a result of progressive thrush is really higher than the incompletely studied consequences of the action of an antifungal substance on the fetus.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, the placental barrier has already been formed, and, therefore, the baby is much safer. If the expectant mother suffers from thrush, at this stage she may be prescribed treatment with Livarol, but only a doctor can assess the degree of threat and compare the risks.

The third trimester of pregnancy is difficult, like the first, but for different reasons. If thrush in the first place can carry with it the threat of failure (miscarriage), now there is a risk of infection of the fetus, and this can happen both during and later.

Did you know?
Mushrooms of the genus Candida manage to remain viable for some time in the open air.
In particular, once on hands (for example, after a woman washed her genitals), they remain alive for the next quarter of an hour. By touching the baby during this period, the young mother has every chance of infecting him with candidiasis. Untreated thrush is also dangerous due to premature birth, oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus, slowing of its growth (the baby is born with an abnormally low weight), early discharge and other complications. For the woman herself during this period, thrush also poses a particular danger, since it is likely to expand to organs adjacent to the vagina, thus increasing the source of infection.

It is important to consider that Livarol can be used in late pregnancy. It is able to completely save the expectant mother from the disease and its recurrence, and therefore prevent the possibility of infecting the unborn child.

Considering all that has been said, the use of Livarol suppositories in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, from the point of view of weighing the risks, is clearly indicated. But at the same time, a woman does not have the right to make such a decision on her own; only the attending physician can prescribe the drug, taking into account the entire clinical picture.

How to put

Livarol is quite easy to use. The structure of the suppositories is very soft, they are inserted without problems and dissolve quite quickly, spreading over the walls of the vagina in an even layer.

Of course, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, just before bed (after all planned activities, including sex).

After thoroughly washing her hands and genitals with warm water, the woman needs to lie on her back, bend her knees and spread them apart, remove the candle from the protective packaging and insert it into the vagina as deeply as possible. After this, continue to lie on your back for a while so that the suppository dissolves, distributes and begins to act. Then you can, without getting up, put on your panties, not forgetting to take care of the padding to avoid stains from leaking medicine, take a comfortable position and go to the kingdom of Morpheus.

Under no circumstances should one candle be divided into parts.
Each suppository represents a single dose of the drug; any cutting or truncation will lead to the fact that the active substance will be distributed incorrectly, which means that you will not only not achieve the desired result, but also risk removing a drug-resistant pathogen with your own efforts! In the morning, you just need to wash the external genitalia with warm water; you don’t have to remove any traces of the drug from yourself.

For greater convenience, vaginal suppositories should be stored in the refrigerator so that the wax-like substances that make up their base do not melt first in the packaging and then in your hands.

Orange vaginal secretion

Orange secretion occurs most rarely when taking the drug.

It may be related to:

  • the body's reaction to suppositories;
  • the remains of a candle;
  • a certain amount in the secretion of blood and suppository substances.

The appearance of such secretion is not systematic, and it disappears immediately after completion of the course. If there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, swelling of the external genitalia), then there is no cause for concern.

A course of treatment

The duration of treatment for thrush in a pregnant woman with suppositories can only be determined by a doctor. Usually, in the acute course of the disease, the course is from three to five days (and after the second suppository, the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis may disappear without a trace).

However, with chronic thrush, treatment is sometimes extended for ten days. That is why Livarol is usually sold in blisters of 5 candles, and there can be one or two blisters in a box.

As already mentioned, the daily norm is one candle before bedtime.

Secretion released like sand

When assessing the nature of secretion after suppositories, women sometimes note the following situation:

"I do not know what to do. I put on 5 suppositories, but the course was prescribed for 10 procedures. When I woke up in the morning, I noticed heavy discharge like sand on my daily planner. There is no itching or burning, but it’s very scary, because I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

In the absence of characteristic symptoms of thrush, you should not worry too much about such secretion, because it indicates the release of the remnants of the suppository from the vagina. Of course, it does not occur in all cases, but it does not indicate a pathological process. In this regard, you can consult a doctor and take a smear. But this is already being done to test the effectiveness of the treatment. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe a different drug.

Risks and side effects

Taking into account the fact that ketoconazole in the composition of vaginal suppositories acts locally, without entering either the stomach or the blood, as a rule, such treatment does not cause any side effects, except, in fact, individual intolerance. However, the manufacturer warns about the possibility of the following negative reactions of the body to the drug:

  • unpleasant sensations in the vagina or manifestation on the skin (burning or itching, redness, rashes similar to hives, other types of irritation, swelling, hyperemia);
  • systemic allergic reactions of various manifestations;
  • in the stomach, nausea;
  • dizziness.

By storing the drug correctly, avoiding overdose or using suppositories after their expiration date, and following the instructions of the attending physician, the likelihood of such manifestations is minimized; however, upon noticing any negative change in condition after the administration of the suppository, a pregnant woman should immediately discuss this issue with her gynecologist and discuss the advisability of continuing therapy.
If unpleasant sensations arise locally and cause severe discomfort, it is worthwhile, without waiting for the morning, to thoroughly wash with warm water to wash off the maximum amount of the irritant.

Side effects

A small amount of the active substance enters the bloodstream; it does not have any particular effect on other organs. The polyethylene oxide base dissolves in the body, distributing the active substance ketoconazole. The mucous membrane is cleared of pathological exudate.

There are few side effects. All of them disappear after completion of the course of treatment. In some cases, irritation of the vaginal mucosa occurs. Itching, swelling, and redness may appear. If you have such symptoms, you should douche with water. Nausea and dizziness are rarely observed.

If signs of hypersensitivity appear, you should stop using the product. There is no information about how Livarol interacts with other medications.

The drug does not affect the speed of reaction when driving, but women with hypersensitivity may experience dizziness. There is no information about overdose.


Livarol has few contraindications. In addition to the mentioned hypersensitivity and the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, suppositories should not be used by nursing mothers, as well as by children under 12 years of age.

So, thrush during pregnancy can and should be treated. Livarol suppositories are suitable for these purposes as the most effective, mild and relatively safe drug. You should not use suppositories in the early stages, or self-medicate; otherwise, with the help of local therapy, you can get rid of an unpleasant and dangerous disease in just a few days.

The drug "Livarol" is part of the group of antimycotic drugs. The drug contains the active component ketoconazole, which affects certain types of fungi that infect a woman's vagina.

The medicine is produced in a form that contains 400 mg of the active substance. Packages of the drug are available for sale, containing five and ten candles in the shape of torpedoes of cream or white color.

The drug "Livarol" (suppositories). Instructions: description

Vaginal destroys fungi that infect a woman’s vagina. The drug "Livarol" is an antibiotic that exhibits a fungicidal and fungistatic effect, having a detrimental effect on dermatophyte fungi (epidermophytes, microspores, trichophytes) and yeasts (pitirospores, candida). Ketoconazole, an imidazole derivative, also exhibits activity against staphylococci and streptococci.

The drug "Livarol" (suppositories). Instructions: indications for use

The main purpose of the medicine is to treat thrush. The drug is used to localize the manifestations of acute chronic thrush, which has periods of exacerbation and temporary attenuation of the process (remission). The drug "Livarol" (tablets and suppositories) is prescribed for the prevention of thrush when taking antibacterial drugs, after infectious diseases that significantly reduce immunity, and in cases of disturbances in the vaginal microflora for various reasons, including during pregnancy.

The drug "Livarol" (suppositories). Instructions: contraindications

The effectiveness and high quality of the drug determines the virtual absence of contraindications for its use. It is necessary to refuse treatment with the drug in case of individual intolerance, manifested in allergic reactions to the ketoconazole component and other components of the drug. During gestation, suppositories can be used starting from the 12th week, when the unborn child’s main systems and organs have already been formed. It is necessary to use Livarol suppositories with caution when feeding a child and pregnancy. In such cases, the use of the drug is possible only after preliminary consultation with a gynecologist.

The drug "Livarol" (suppositories). Instructions: side effects

During treatment with the drug, burning and itching in the vaginal area may occur, redness of the mucous membrane and signs of irritation may occur, which are detected by the gynecologist during examination. Side effects include the appearance of urticaria on the skin, and in rare cases, dizziness, nausea, and vaginal discharge.

Before using the product, remove the candle from the packaging by pulling both edges. Then, lying on your back, inject the medicine deep into the vagina. It is best to perform the procedure before bedtime, so that after inserting the suppository you do not have to get up and the medicine does not leak out.

When using candles, you should adhere to the following scheme. The drug is administered one suppository daily during the course of treatment. In mild cases of thrush, therapy lasts from three to five days; in severe chronic forms of the disease, the course of treatment is ten days.

During lactation and pregnancy, the dosage and course of treatment are not reduced. If necessary, Livarol suppositories are also prescribed during menstruation. In this case, the effect is reduced as a result of the drug being washed out.

It is noteworthy that alcohol does not have any effect on the effectiveness of the product.

Analogues of the drug "Livarol" are the drugs "Ketoconazole", "Nizoral", "Oronazole", "Mikozoral".

A common disease in women is. To combat candida, many doctors recommend using Livarol suppositories, which have a local effect and do not penetrate the blood. What is special about the product? Is it possible to use vaginal suppositories during pregnancy and how to do it?

General information

Components such as butyloxyanisole and macrogol accelerate the penetration of the drug into the mucous membrane. The composition also contains polyethylene oxide, polyethylene oxide-1500.

The release form of the product is vaginal suppositories. One package contains 5 or 10 torpedo-shaped candles, colored beige, yellow or white. The weight of one candle is 2-3 grams.

The main advantage of Livarol is its local effect with unexpressed systemic effects. The drug affects only a specific area - the vagina and vulva. The medicine stops biosynthesis, so the fungi cannot build their membranes. This is ensured by the fungistatic effect of ketoconazole. "Livarol" also has a fungicidal effect, destroying the multilayer cell wall of the fungus.

Ketoconazole successfully eliminates:

  • dermatophytes;
  • yeast mushrooms;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci.

The candles are Russian-made, they are produced by STADA CIS.

The medicine should be stored in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at room temperature. Heat sources should be avoided. The shelf life of candles is 2 years. The price of the drug is 320 rubles (5 pieces per package).

Description and action

is one of the most common diseases faced by women of any age, and one of the most “gentle” medications can be called Livarol. Livarol
suppositories are based on the active ingredient - ketoconazole. The principle of its operation is based on reducing the synthesis of ergosterol, which is necessary for the active development of the fungus. The walls of the mushroom consist of 5-6 layers, protecting it from external influences. When the fungus is exposed to ketoconazole, the lipid composition begins to change and collapse, which leads to the death of the microorganism. The use of vaginal suppositories prevents them from being nourished and multiplying again. The active substance of the suppositories acts both against yeast fungi, and, and. Therefore, doctors prescribe the drug for antibacterial and antimycotic purposes.

The composition of one suppository is as follows: 400 mg of ketoconazole, macrogol or polyethylene oxide base, butyloxyanisole. Suppositories for thrush are produced in the form of torpedo-shaped suppositories. Color – white, with a yellowish or grayish tint. Suppositories are packaged in contour cell blisters of 5 suppositories. There are a total of 10 suppositories in a cardboard package for the treatment of candidiasis (thrush).

In what cases are candles used?

Why is Livarol prescribed to women? The use of the drug is recommended in case of the following gynecological problems:

  • Vaginal candidiasis or thrush (acute and chronic form);
  • Fungal-staphylococcal or fungal-streptococcal infections;
  • Disturbances of the vaginal microflora, the causes of which may also be pregnancy;
  • Urogenital.

In gynecology, it is often practiced to prescribe vaginal suppositories Livarol in order to support the body after antibacterial or chemical therapy. Even with long-term infectious diseases, the remedy is also used, since a weakened one often provokes the development of candidiasis.

After just five vaginal suppositories, you can feel positive changes in the patient’s symptoms:

  • Severe itching in the genital area goes away;
  • Swelling of the external genitalia decreases;
  • The pulling and painful sensations in the lower abdomen subside;
  • The curdled discharge with an unpleasant sour smell disappears.


There are practically no cases when the use of vaginal suppositories is prohibited. The drug should not be used by pregnant women during the first trimester, as this may lead to undesirable reactions of the body. But the 2nd and 3rd trimester are not contraindications to the use of suppositories. Women during breastfeeding, as well as children under 12 years of age, can use the drug only with the permission of a doctor. Contraindication is individual intolerance to individual components of the suppositories. In this case, hives, rash, itching and redness of the mucous membrane may occur. In rare cases, nausea, vomiting, and pink vaginal discharge may occur.

Some women are interested in whether Livarol can be used during menstruation? The fact is that during this period the uterus secretes a large amount of blood and mucus, which leads to “washing out” of the active drug and a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, for some vaginal suppositories, it is recommended to delay treatment until the discharge has stopped. Most experts recommend not interrupting treatment, even during the menstrual cycle. Thanks to the oil base, suppositories are perfectly inserted deep into the vagina and actively begin to act on its walls. At the same time, the therapeutic effect of the product does not change in any way, and even if they flow out, most of them still manage to have an effect on the fungus.


Livarol suppositories during menstruation can be combined with other medications without fear of problems from the body or allergic reactions.

Watery discharge after suppositories

Abundant secretion, having the consistency of water, is allowed when treated with Livarol suppositories. Such information is not always indicated in the instructions, which is why it raises doubts among women.

Bloody mucus from suppositories

Red discharge during treatment cannot be associated with the use of suppositories.

Yellow and green discharge

Yellow or greenish color of the discharge most often indicates re-infection or improper use of the suppository. Sometimes there are situations where yellow and green leucorrhoea are released due to poor hygiene during the procedure.

Use during pregnancy

Naturally, just buying Livarol suppositories and using them without a doctor’s prescription is not the best idea and it’s better never to do this, and this is especially true for pregnant women
. If you go to the form of expectant mothers, you can see many topics raised by them about whether it is possible use Livarol suppositories during pregnancy. There are both opponents of their use and supporters.

As evidenced by numerous reviews, the Livarol suppository during pregnancy is often prescribed by gynecologists during the manifestation of thrush against the background of a weakened woman. However, their use in the first trimester is not recommended and treatment is best started in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. The fact is that at the initial stage of fetal development, when the nervous system is formed, part of the active substance is able to pass through the placenta and enter the bloodstream of the embryo, thereby having a negative effect on the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to refuse to use them. Starting from the third or second trimester, when the organs are more or less formed, the risk of negative effects is minimal.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, many women note that immunity is reduced and hormonal balance is disrupted. This leads to the appearance of fungi. Livarol is on a small list of medications approved for use during pregnancy.

In the first trimester, the drug is strictly prohibited. It can have a detrimental effect on the development of sexual characteristics of the embryo. Only sometimes, based on clinical data, is it prescribed at the end of the 1st trimester.

Even taking into account the fact that a minimal amount of the substance enters the blood, Livarol is prescribed extremely rarely during pregnancy. In some cases, its use is permissible in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, if the benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the child. You should discuss the use of the product with your doctor.

Instructions for use

Livarol suppositories during acute manifestations of candidiasis, accompanied by itching, burning during urination, as well as cheesy discharge, are recommended to be used for at least 5 days. During this period of time, the active substance will be able to cope with fungal microorganisms and restore normal microflora. If a mild form of the disease is observed, then by the third time positive changes and the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms are visible. In case of chronic manifestation of thrush, the course of treatment will be long. How long the course lasts depends on the complexity of the problem. Doctors usually recommend using all 10 suppositories.

Vaginal suppositories are placed at night. The process looks like this:

  1. You need to take a shower.
  2. Then lie on your back or side.
  3. Open the blister and take out one candle.
  4. Carefully insert the suppository deep into the vagina and push it with your finger.
  5. It is advisable not to get up for 30 minutes so that the product does not leak out.
  6. In the morning, discharge after the candles may appear in the form of a whitish-gray substance on the surface of the underwear, so you can use panty liners at night.

Mode of application

Candles should be used once a day at night . The most convenient way to do this is while lying down. The suppository needs to be released from the blister and, bending your knees, insert it deep into the vagina. The suppository cannot be split into pieces, otherwise the distribution of the active substance will change. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days. If candidiasis has become chronic, use of the product can be continued for up to 10 days. In such cases, it is allowed to combine treatment with Livarol with systemic antifungal agents. This will eliminate parasites not only on the vaginal mucosa, but also in all places where they managed to penetrate.


Livarol is not the cheapest suppository for the treatment of thrush, so you can try cheaper analogues, but in this case you should carefully study the reviews.
Women often wonder if it is possible to buy cheaper suppositories that will help get rid of thrush no worse than Livarol. Of course, there are a number of drugs that are both inexpensive and effective. But as practice shows, only those drugs that are purchased as prescribed by a doctor help best. The fact is that he selects funds based on the complexity of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. However, there are analogues of Livarol that contain the same active substance, but the cost of which is slightly lower (sometimes higher). Such drugs include:

  • Ginesol - course of treatment for about 5 days. Cannot be used by people with liver diseases and.
  • Primafungin - 3 suppositories that can be used even during pregnancy.
  • Lomexin - 3 suppositories that cannot be used during pregnancy and menstruation. The effect is achieved in two days.
  • Nystatin is an excellent cheap drug. True, sometimes it leads to. It is usually prescribed for the chronic course of the disease.
  • Macmiror - tablets that are also used during pregnancy. High efficiency, but they are also expensive.
  • Clotrimazole - one suppository is given at night. The course of treatment is up to one week.

Can a suppository cause bleeding?

This question is of great concern to patients who are accustomed to associate negative changes with the remedy, and not with hidden pathologies in their body. And here the patient begins to read the composition of the drug and pay attention to the smallest characteristics.

The active substance of the Livarol suppository is ketoconazole. The fact is that this substance has some significant side effects on the body. Ketoconazole can cause low levels of platelets in the blood, a condition called thrombocytopenia. A lack of platelets negatively affects blood clotting. As a result, high bleeding may occur, but most often this is noted in the form of nosebleeds.

This effect cannot be associated with vaginal bleeding, because such a side effect occurs only if a person takes ketoconazole orally. And when using suppositories, the substance is practically not absorbed into the blood. A small amount of the drug in the blood is allowed, but it is not dangerous to health.

It turns out that local use of Livarol suppositories cannot cause internal bleeding and heavy bleeding. In addition, this remedy can be used by patients even with a reduced level of blood clotting, but only in the form of suppositories.

If you notice bleeding during therapy, then it makes sense to visit a doctor and determine their exact cause. This is especially true for pregnant women.


According to many, it is not necessary to purchase drugs that are very expensive. In practice, it happens that a cheaper remedy prescribed by a doctor is much more effective in combating candida than its expensive counterpart. The prices for Livarol candles (Ukraine, Russia) are quite reasonable, and the results are excellent.

Description: Antifungal Livarol suppositories in the fight against thrush. Release form and composition of suppositories. How to use the drug correctly and what contraindications exist. The possibility of using vaginal suppositories during menstruation, as well as during pregnancy. Analogs of an effective product and reviews of its action.

Thrush in women (urogenital candidiasis) is a common phenomenon.

The pathology is characterized by fungal origin and has nothing to do with sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, active candidal fungus causes discomfort to women and complicates gynecological diseases. It is also transmitted to a sexual partner if sexual activity occurs without a condom.

You need to start treating vaginal candidiasis as soon as possible, using effective topical remedies. Gynecologists often prescribe Livarol suppositories, an effective fungicidal drug that is suitable for women of any age, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Reviews about the drug

Let's look at the reviews of patients on the Internet left after treatment with Livarol suppositories.

I encountered the problem of thrush during my first pregnancy. Friends advised me to use Livarol because it has a gentle effect on the body. On the third day after Livarol suppositories, discharge appeared like sand. I went to the doctor and the gynecologist said that this was normal. It indicates the release of the drug components from the vagina. I have been treating thrush for 5 days, but have not yet noticed any improvement in my condition.

After suffering an infectious disease, my immunity was weakened. A cheesy discharge appeared after antibiotics, when I had already finished therapy. One of the first products I tried was Livarol. I learned about it thanks to the comments of women who spoke positively about Livarol. The drug helped me get rid of unpleasant symptoms in a short period of time - in just 4 days. After that, I drank the beneficial bacteria, and the problem no longer appeared.

Anastasia, 31 years old.

I treated advanced thrush with Livarol. Before this I used different candles, but they did not help me feel better. I also used tablets and traditional medicine. Only these candles gave a noticeable result in the fight against the problem. On the 2nd day after using it, the itching did not bother me as much. I periodically repeat the course of therapy so that thrush does not appear again.

Livarol suppositories are a modern drug for the treatment of thrush, produced in the form of vaginal suppositories. Its effectiveness is evidenced by reviews of women undergoing treatment for thrush. Its composition is safe because the active components of the product are absorbed into the blood in small quantities. Due to this property, suppositories are allowed for pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

During therapy, discharge may appear. White and transparent discharge should not cause concern. If they are not accompanied by other pathological symptoms (fever, irritation of the genital organs). The light-colored secretion appears due to the leakage of residual product and indicates the effectiveness of the treatment. Ladies should be wary of yellow or green discharge. They most often appear against the background of a secondary infection.

The bloody secretion is due to the fact that the active component in the suppositories helps thin the blood.

The secret should not stand out too much. If the red discharge is abundant, then you need to urgently contact a gynecologist and undergo a comprehensive examination of the reproductive system.

When treating candidiasis with suppositories, uncharacteristic leucorrhoea often occurs, and this makes the patient worry. One of the popular remedies is Livarol, the effectiveness of which reaches almost 90% if all the rules of therapy are followed. Treatment may be accompanied by discharge after Livarol, which can occur both during the course and after treatment.

Features of the drug

Levarol suppositories are an antifungal agent that is prescribed by doctors to eliminate and prevent fungal diseases of the vagina. When used, the drug effectively fights foreign microorganisms, thereby eliminating not only the symptoms of a particular disease, but also normalizing the vaginal microflora.

Livarol: composition and pharmacological properties

Livarol suppositories have a composition based on an active substance such as ketoconazole. The auxiliary ingredients are butylated hydroxyanisole and the base for vaginal suppositories. Medicinal units are packaged in contour cells. Each cardboard box contains 5 or 10 cone-shaped suppositories. The color of the medicine is white, yellow or pinkish.

The drug has fungicidal and fungistatic properties. This means that the active substance simultaneously inhibits the vital processes of the pathogen, destroys the structure of its body and provokes death. Livarol does not affect beneficial microflora.

Livarol is able to suppress the activity of streptococci and staphylococci, which cause mixed infections and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. The use of suppositories in this case provides a complex effect and allows you to avoid treatment with a large number of medications.

Why are suppositories prescribed?

The drug in question is effective against any microorganisms. If you have heard about Livarol suppositories, but do not know exactly what they are prescribed for, we recommend that you study the main indications for the use of this remedy.

When is Livarol prescribed:

  • Vaginal candidiasis.
  • Urogenital dysbacteriosis.
  • Treatment of mild and recurrent forms of thrush.
  • Prevention of fungal infections in the field of gynecology, the development of which is associated with weakened immunity.
  • Supporting the body after antibacterial and chemical therapy, which led to disorder in the vaginal biocenosis.
  • Mixed fungal infections caused by staphylococci and streptococci.

At the early stage of thrush with mild pain and burning when urinating, the instructions for use of Livarol suppositories require use for 1 to 3 days. Suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina in a lying position. It is more convenient to do the procedures before bedtime so that the melted candle does not leak out. A cloth napkin or panty liner will help protect your laundry from getting dirty.

The acute form of thrush is treated with the drug for 3 to 5 days. Progressive candidiasis is manifested by symptoms such as:

To improve the condition, suppositories are administered at night, following the recommendations from the instructions.

Chronic thrush is treated with Livarol for 10 days according to the regimen of 1 suppository per day. A long course completely clears the genital tract of fungal infection and restores the bacterial balance of the vagina.


Livarol for children

Livarol suppositories are not prescribed to girls under 12 years of age. Upon reaching 12–15 years of age, the drug is used according to indications.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women can use Livarol only as prescribed by a doctor. The first trimester is a contraindication to treatment of thrush with Livarol during pregnancy. Doctors call individual intolerance to the components of the drug another contraindication to the use of suppositories.

Doctors explain the ban on the use of Livarol during pregnancy by the fact that a tiny proportion of the active substance of the suppositories enters the body of the expectant mother. Despite the insignificant concentration in the blood, ketoconazole can cause allergic reactions and have a toxic effect on the fetus, which is at the stage of formation of organs and tissues.


Livarol causes virtually no side effects. Only in overly sensitive patients can suppositories cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa. An allergic reaction is manifested by increased itching, swelling and redness of the tissues of the groin area. The skin may react to the medicine with hives or an itchy allergic rash.

In such cases, candles are canceled and more gentle analogues are selected:

  • Sebozol.
  • Ginesol.
  • Nizoral.
  • Mycozoral.
  • Lomexin.
  • Pimafucin.
  • Nystatin.
  • Fluomizin.
  • McMirror.
  • Primafungin.

Flagin, Sertaconazole, Ornisid, Candide suppositories (synonyms of Livarol) have a similar therapeutic effect.

How much does the drug cost?

Each contour package of Livarol is designed for 5 suppositories. The cost of five suppositories varies between 400 - 500 rubles. Accordingly, the price is 10 pcs. Livarol candles will be twice as large. In Ukrainian pharmacies, Livarol is sold at a price of 65 – 140 hryvnia. In Belarus, the cost of the drug ranges from 120 to 190 thousand rubles.

What are the advantages of Livarol compared to other therapeutic intravaginal suppositories?

The main advantage of the drug is the content of the powerful fungicidal substance ketoconazole. It blocks the synthesis of a protein important for the structure of the mycelium and prevents the emergence of new pathogenic agents.

Considering that candidiasis develops under the influence of various factors, there is always a reason to buy Livarol. Thrush is caused by diabetes mellitus, hormonal changes (including during pregnancy), chronic infectious diseases, antibiotic therapy and unprotected sexual intercourse. But the most important factor remains weakened immunity. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your health and prevent the body from losing resistance to pathogens.

During the period of using Livarol, it is important not to interrupt the treatment and complete it. If the drug is prescribed for a long time, and the unpleasant symptoms disappear earlier, the course must be continued until the doctor cancels the therapy. This will avoid relapses of thrush and prevent the transformation of the acute stage into the chronic stage.

An important point in the fight against thrush is the treatment of both sexual partners. It is recommended to cancel intimate life during therapy, and it is better not to use barrier contraception, since the drug reduces their effectiveness.

It is also recommended that a woman wear underwear made of breathable fabric (preferably cotton and without lace) and review her diet. The menu should be dominated by dairy and plant foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to completely avoid flour and sweet carbohydrate products or at least limit their consumption. Sweets negatively affect the vaginal environment and the composition of the microflora.

With frequent relapses of thrush, women should undergo regular smear tests both during therapy and at the end of the course. This approach will help you figure out whether the drug is coping with its functions and consider replacing it with a more effective analogue.


The only remedy for thrush and diseases caused by Candida fungi that is truly effective

Treatment of thrush with vaginal suppositories with antifungal components gives the greatest effect and allows you to achieve quick results. You can buy these drugs at the pharmacy without a prescription, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before using Livarol suppositories: what are they prescribed for, how to take them, and whether they can be replaced with analogues if necessary.

Livarol suppositories contain ketoconazole as an active ingredient. This is a substance that has a fairly wide spectrum of action, including against fungi and bacteria. Ketoconazole is included in many antifungal drugs and is most effective as a local remedy against fungus.

Additional substances (base for suppositories) make treatment much more effective:

  • give shape and facilitate insertion of the suppository into the vagina;
  • reduce the intensity of inflammation;
  • soften the mucous membrane;
  • promote healing of minor injuries.

Suppositories provide only a local effect for fungal inflammation of the vagina and labia, but are ineffective against fungal cystitis and more serious diseases. However, in this case they can be used in complex therapy.

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Every woman sooner or later experiences cystitis. Pain when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, frequent visits to the toilet... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. Attention! The main mistake of those who become ill is the uncontrolled use of antibiotics, which kill all microorganisms, including those that are necessary for normal life. 88% of antibiotics bring only a temporary effect and seriously disrupt the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Perhaps it would be more correct to eliminate the cause rather than the effect? The only natural drug
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Indications for use

Livarol suppositories for thrush are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • For vulvovaginal candidiasis (inflammation of the vaginal walls and skin of the labia). In this case, they are the main means for treating the disease.
  • For candidal cystitis and endometritis, suppositories are prescribed as part of complex therapy along with systemic medications.
  • Can be used to prevent candidiasis during long-term treatment with antibiotics or glucocorticosteroids.
  • For chronic and recurrent candidiasis, suppositories are used to relieve exacerbation. In this case, the drug is an element of complex therapy, since fighting the fungus in the vaginal area is not enough.

Livarol can also be used as a prophylactic for candidiasis in other areas of the body to prevent the infection from spreading to the genitals.

Features and limitations of use

An overdose of Livarol was not observed in clinical trials. There are indications that when several suppositories are administered in a row, discomfort occurs in the vaginal area and a severe allergic reaction is possible. These phenomena pass on their own and quite quickly.

The use of suppositories in girls under 12 years of age is not recommended. There is no reliable data on the danger or safety of such treatment. Livarol can be prescribed to children only if there is laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis of genital tract candidiasis.

Under no circumstances should the drug be used in girls without a doctor's prescription.

White cheesy discharge after Livarol

White discharge, which may have a thick consistency similar to cottage cheese, is caused by the treatment. This indicates that the suppositories destroy harmful microorganisms, and the therapy is effective. To understand this situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the development process of thrush.

Candidiasis can be accompanied by both minor disturbances and complete coverage of the mucous membrane by candida. As a result, they become white, very much reminiscent of curd mass. The active substance Livarol (ketoconazole) destroys them upon contact with pathogenic microorganisms.

After this, the fungal colonies fall away from the vaginal mucosa, and together with the remains of the suppository come out in the form of secretion. It is worth noting that the curdled discharge should disappear as soon as there are no pathogenic microorganisms left in the vagina. If such secretion recurs after treatment, then it is possible that the therapy was not effective due to a severely advanced case, or re-infection has occurred.


Livarol suppositories for thrush are an effective remedy, but it is important to strictly follow the instructions and doctor’s orders. If this is not done, then their use may not only fail to produce results, but also lead to the exact opposite effect - relapses and chronicity of the disease.

Hello! Several years ago I had an acute case of urinary tract inflammation that resulted in cystitis. It was hellish torment!! If they told me: choose - either you give birth or cystitis, I would rather give birth again. Medicines did not help, and even if they helped, the disease returned again. My husband and I completely forgot about sex life, but we remember the sleepless nights from pain together and very well. This continued until I... Read the story.. "

I had chronic thrush - all I had to do was eat sweets, take antibiotics or make love to my husband, and these terrible symptoms would appear again! Doctors prescribed different pills, which were of no use. Oh, I tried so many things - it helped, but not for long. Finally, I was cured, strengthened my immune system, and all thanks to this article. It's been six months since the last relapse. I recommend it to everyone who has thrush - a must-read!

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