Grandaxin during menopause: how and for how long to take it?

During menopause, problems with the nervous system may occur. Feedback from women about Grandaxin during menopause is generally positive. It helps to cope with panic attacks, uncontrollable fear, depression during menopause and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is worth noting that such symptoms may be accompanied by other unpleasant sensations, which make it even more difficult during menopause to maintain your usual lifestyle and painlessly accept a new stage of changes in your body.

In addition, very often Grandaxin is prescribed during periods of nervous exacerbations in the spring and autumn, in order to provide the nervous system with effective support without the appearance of pronounced signs of disturbances.

Grandaxin during menopause: how to take feedback from women

Menopause can be accompanied by various imbalances and pathologies. The main feature of the drug is the absence of side effects such as drowsiness, inhibited reactions, and anticonvulsant action. The drug is considered a psycho-vegetative regulator, therefore it is used only during the daytime. But one of them is sure to be suitable for relieving menopausal neuroses.

Tell me, please, does Grandaxin affect blood pressure in any way, namely does it increase it? When taking the drug simultaneously with analgesics, antidepressants, sedatives and hypnotics, the medicinal effect of the latter is enhanced. Only Grandaxin helps. I didn’t have the strength to get up until lunchtime.

The psychotherapist prescribed Grandaxin to me, I took it strictly according to the recommended course for more than a month. They can have a pure white color or a light gray tint. If such a condition arises from the pills, then I will say that the world is not nice.

During menopause, Grandaxin helps cope with anxiety, constant emotional stress, irritability, and stop the development of neurotic pathologies. If you cannot take Grandaxin, then it can be replaced with drugs with a similar effect on the body. The gynecologist recommended taking Grandaxin as needed. Medicines - instructions, reviews. Remens - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of drops, homeopathic medicine tablets for the treatment of menopause, menstrual irregularities, endometritis and adnexitis in women, including during pregnancy.

Ladies I know said it was all menopause. The first time I was prescribed it was a long time ago, I was treating a hernia in my back, and the pain was excruciating at the time. If the above measures do not lead to normalization of blood pressure, norepinephrine or dopamine should be administered. The drug is not prescribed during periods of exacerbation of diseases, severe conditions after a heart attack, stroke.

Indications, contraindications, recommendations for taking Grandaxin

Problems with the nervous system worsen during menopause. They can occur even in reserved, balanced women, due to raging hormones. It is not necessary to immediately switch to HRT; there is a chance to cope with nervous breakdowns in a more gentle way. The main thing is to prevent the development of persistent neuroses, regular panic attacks and deep depression. Indications for visiting a doctor and prescribing a daytime tranquilizer are:

  • climacteric neurosis;
  • a persistent feeling of fear, anxiety;
  • attacks of aggression, irritability, tearfulness;
  • prolonged nervous tension;
  • increased panic attacks;
  • lethargy, loss of interest in the environment, apathy;
  • PMS;
  • disruption of adaptation after severe stress;
  • depression;
  • psychopathy.

In these cases, a course of treatment is prescribed. Like any drug, Grandaxin also has a number of contraindications, the main reason for refusing to take the drug is an acute allergic reaction to tofisopam. It is quite rare, so the percentage of drug refusal due to allergies is very small. The drug is not prescribed during periods of exacerbation of diseases, severe conditions after a heart attack, stroke. Also contraindications are:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • glaucoma;
  • aggression and deep depression;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • heart disease;
  • organic brain damage;
  • incompatibility of drugs when prescribing contraceptives, cephalosporins, analgesics.

Grandaxin during menopause, reviews from women, how long can you take it

The first few days you will feel a little drowsy - then you get used to it and don’t need to take tranquilizers. Emotional stress is dangerous to health, because over time it develops into neuroses, which are much more difficult to cure. The simultaneous use of tacrolimus, sirolimus, cyclosporine and Grandaxin is contraindicated. The condition improved, and the apathy began to fade away, the desire to drink no longer arises, I returned to the usual rhythm of life.

No better than the same Afobazole or Valerian, as someone wrote above, which is better. There are a lot of reviews about this drug. I felt good, there were emotions, but there were no heavy thoughts in my head and I accepted the world as it is. Is this really how the drug works, just one tablet? It is dangerous to use the medicine after the expiration date.

  1. In order for a doctor to register, he must register.
  2. Medicines such as valerian, afobazole, persen, etc.
  3. An exception is reactions to drug intolerance, since these conditions pose a serious danger to the health and life of the patient.
  4. I used to suffer from panic attacks, but I learned how to stop them.
  5. Today I drank a whole one, three hours passed, and my head hurt a lot.

How does it interact with other medications?

Very often, during menopause, a woman is forced to take a variety of medications. When using several products at once, it is worth paying attention to the fact that their active substances can enhance or weaken each other’s effects on the body. In one case, you risk getting an overdose, and in another, the drug may not have the intended effect.

It is prohibited to take Grandaxin at the same time with the following drugs:

  • Tacrolimus.
  • Sirolimus.
  • Cyclosporine.

In this case, Tofisopam can increase the level of these drugs in a person's blood.

There are also combinations with Grandaxin, in which you need to be especially careful:

  • Antidepressants, sedatives, antipsychotic drugs, analgesics (the effect is enhanced).
  • Liver enzyme inducers (reduce the effectiveness of the tranquilizer).
  • Some antifungal agents (ketoconazole and itraconazole increase the level of tofisopam in the blood).
  • Antihypertensive drugs (increase the effect of the tranquilizer).
  • Disulfiram (inhibits the metabolism of Grandaxin).
  • Antacids (affect the rate of absorption of tofisopam).
  • Oral contraceptives (reduce the rate of metabolism of tofisopam).

All such cases are discussed with a doctor, who will prescribe a regimen and duration of administration, as well as the order of medications.

Reception with HRT

All hormonal drugs have a significant list of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, global medicine is looking for alternatives. If previously we only talked about phytohormones, now the use of drugs like Grandaxin is increasingly coming to the fore.

But studies have shown that this drug almost does not change the frequency of hot flashes, but still reduces their intensity, and also reduces negative emotions regarding the symptoms of menopause. According to the data, while taking the tranquilizer, the total number of unpleasant symptoms decreased by 50%. All this is the result of relief of psycho-emotional as well as neurovegetative disorders.

The drug not only reduced autonomic disorders and general anxiety, but also had a beneficial effect on blood pressure. Therefore, a tranquilizer can be used to solve problems with blood pressure both at the beginning of menopause and in postmenopause.

Experts agree that Grandaxin has a significant beneficial effect on a woman’s body during menopause. By correcting neurovegetative and psycho-emotional processes, the remedy reduces the manifestation of menopause, allowing a woman to painlessly move to a new stage of life.

Therefore, this tranquilizer can be part of complex therapy for menopause, but only under the supervision of doctors. It is very important to immediately determine the possibility of taking the drug, so that later it will be easier to analyze the person’s reaction and the specifics of the processes in the body.

Grandaxin for menopause instructions composition analogues reviews

I read the reviews and now I’m scared to take this drug. Caution is required when treating patients with depersonalization, as well as with organic brain damage, such as atherosclerosis. No specific side effects were identified in male patients compared to the female group. Regarding the therapeutic effect, both drugs have a sedative effect and reduce anxiety in patients. It was prescribed to me by a gynecologist for unpleasant conditions during menopause.

Contraindications to taking the drug

Contraindications to the use of the drug are quite small. The use of the product is limited in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the product. Also, the use of Grandaxin is not recommended for those who have severe disorders:

  1. aggressive conditions;
  2. deep depression;
  3. excessive excitement, both motor and emotional;
  4. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  5. apnea;
  6. liver failure;
  7. pathologies of the excretory system organs;
  8. taking medications that are incompatible with tofisopam (cephalosporins, some contraceptives);
  9. impaired absorption of glucose and galactose;
  10. atherosclerosis;
  11. epilepsy;
  12. various organic brain lesions;
  13. distress syndrome;
  14. angle-closure glaucoma.

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor assesses the woman’s condition, carefully studies the medical history and performs tests.

The prescription of the drug is carried out after studying all the characteristics of the patient, her metabolism and possible deviations in health, which appear quite often during menopause.

Grandaxin instructions for use reviews analogs prices in pharmacies

A decrease in estrogen production has a sensitive effect on the emotional sphere, bringing with it a feeling of anxiety, sudden bursts of irritability, turning into a depressive state. But I’m afraid that I’ll go back and now, after such reviews, I’m afraid to take Grandaxin. Tfu-tfu - no side effects. It has a vasodilating effect, stabilizes the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system, is especially effective for nervous disorders accompanied by unmotivated fear, pills for depression and obsessive anxiety.

I was going through a breakup with my boyfriend, was very nervous about it and often cried. Try to sleep a lot, just try, because during an exacerbation it is impossible to sleep - you fall into a mess of delirium, and wake up just as abruptly. Antihypertensive drugs such as calcium channel antagonists and clodinedine may enhance the effect of the active substance Grandaxin. Grandaxin is effective both during premenopause and postmenopause. Grandaxin works very well for me.

Composition of the drug and its features

The drug is based on tofisopam. It has a vasodilating effect, stabilizes the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system, and is especially effective for nervous disorders accompanied by unmotivated fear and obsessive anxieties. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed after 2 hours. The drug does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms.

Additional components of the medicine include:

  • potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • MCC;
  • gelatin;
  • lactose monohydrate.

1 tablet contains 50 mg of active ingredient. The package contains 20 or 60 pieces in sealed blisters. The recommended dose of the drug is 1 - 2 tablets per day. The maximum is 6 pcs. for severe nervous disorders during menopause.

Important! The exact dosage and duration of taking the drug is determined by the doctor. Self-medication is dangerous to health.

The main feature of the drug is the absence of side effects such as drowsiness, inhibited reactions, and anticonvulsant action. Does not affect the ability to think analytically and make quick decisions. Moderately activates the processes of the nervous system, allowing you to remain alert throughout the day. The gentle action gradually increases intensity and also gradually reduces the impact on the body. After 8 hours, the period of removal of the drug from the body begins.

Note! Unlike other tranquilizers, Grandaxin does not affect the ability to drive, so there are no restrictions in this direction.

During menopause, emotional disturbances and neurotic reactions are often observed, therefore, if necessary, long-term use of the drug under medical supervision is possible. He will draw up a plan for how to take Grandaxin during menopause, based on test results, taking into account individual characteristics and general well-being.

Grandaxin reviews - Neuroses - Russia's first independent review site

  • I won’t say that it’s all about the pills, but they definitely added peace of mind and confidence to me.
  • Grandaxin, for example, did not work for me.
  • It turns out that an adult can take one or two tablets at a time, but not more than three times a day.

It has an anxiolytic effect, not accompanied by a sedative, muscle relaxant, or anticonvulsant effect. They are set individually, taking into account the patient’s condition, the clinical form of the disease and individual sensitivity to the drug. My husband and I took him seriously when we realized that he had serious alcoholism, we coded him, treated him with a psychotherapist, and then a new alarm bell appeared - withdrawal syndrome.

Therefore, most of the drugs recommended for menopause are not suitable for me. If menopausal symptoms do not cause any particular trouble, then it is better to choose a drug with minimal impact, the main task of which will be to reduce emotional stress and stabilize mood. It is worth noting that such symptoms may be accompanied by other unpleasant sensations, which make it even more difficult during menopause to maintain your usual lifestyle and painlessly accept a new stage of changes in your body. Grandaxin helps, but it alone is not enough; you need to take the drug for a long time. This site uses cookies to store data.

Features of taking the drug

It is worth noting that there is no addiction to the drug: it does not affect reaction speed and attention, so female drivers can take it without fear. To avoid insomnia, it is best to take the tablets in the morning. The specialist will prescribe how long to take the drug based on the patient’s testimony. However, menopause is not a reason to change standard prescriptions, and even vice versa: the doctor can even prolong the use of the medication if necessary.

On average, the daily dose of the drug is 1-2 tablets.

The maximum prescribed dose per day is 300 mg, that is, you can take 6 tablets, however, such doses are prescribed only for severe neuroses of menopausal origin in women. Taking the drug is not associated with eating food, so Grandaxin can be taken even in the morning, before meals, but doctors still advise taking the medication with juice or eating a light breakfast to avoid nausea. If the course of menopause is complicated by alcohol syndrome, tofisopam is prescribed for a long time - for about a month and a half.

Some women note: I forget to take a pill and take two the next day. This is extremely undesirable and even dangerous. If you cannot take the pill in the morning, you should delay taking it rather than take a double dose the next day.

The use of Grandaxin excludes the simultaneous use of alcoholic beverages and other tranquilizers. This can provoke negative consequences and severe reactions of the body: fainting, shortness of breath, serious allergic reactions. If a woman drank alcoholic beverages, the medication increases their toxic effect on the liver, and the effectiveness of Grandaxin is significantly reduced.

Antifungal drugs such as Itraconazole and Ketoconazole enhance the effect of Grandaxin.

The presence of nervous disorders in women during menopause requires immediate treatment. They cannot be ignored, as they can provoke both somatic pathologies and psychological problems. Grandaxin is the mildest drug that can be prescribed at the initial stage of the manifestation of neuroses during menopause.

Useful video on this topic:

Grandaxin reviews

Some women report mood swings, apathy and depression almost every day, while some are not bothered by these problems. It seems that Grandaxin is not suitable for me. Snezhana and others, I am giving you a warning for advertising the drug Grandaxin, albeit mildly, in reviews under the guise of ordinary visitors. I take it in courses for my nerves. The nervous system cannot be calm, drugs for menopause after 50 when you are being eaten from the inside!

When to use the drug?

The main indication for the use of Grandaxin is neuroses of various origins, including neuroses during menopause. The drug is recommended for the following disorders:

  • fears;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • nervous tension;
  • panic attacks;
  • depression;
  • alcohol syndrome;
  • irritability;
  • indifference to what is happening, apathy;
  • lethargy, emotional decline;
  • post-stress adaptation disorder;
  • cases of psychopathy;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • climacteric neuroses;
  • neurotic conditions provoked by other pathologies.

The broad capabilities of Grandaxin made it possible to conduct diverse observations of patients during menopause and evaluate its effect on the body.

The drug Grandaxin

Gynecologists prescribe the drug to restore a woman’s previous rhythm of life. Used to eliminate irritability, unreasonable fear, tension. Helps reduce depressive disorders when ovarian sexual function declines. In general, reviews of Grandaxin for menopause in women are excellent.

Features and composition

A tranquilizer is a derivative of a class of psychoactive substances (benzodiazepines). It is used for disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic system (psychovegetative regulator). It is used by doctors not only to treat psychiatric disorders, but also to reduce the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Prescribed to patients during the menopausal transition, sometimes during postmenopause.

The effect of the drug:

  • has a calming effect, suppresses anxiety;
  • relaxes muscle fibers (including the myocardium of the heart), reduces limb spasms;
  • improves mood, activates intellectual abilities;
  • The substances included in Grandaxin do not cause dependence.

The drug is produced in the form of disc-shaped tablets of white-gray color. There is an inscription on the bottom of the tablet and a line on the top. One plate contains 10 tablets. There is no characteristic smell.

The active ingredient is Tofisopam . Additional elements of the drug:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • octadecanoic acid;
  • talc;
  • gelatin;
  • potato starch;
  • magnesium salt of stearic acid;
  • lactose.

Absorption in the small intestine occurs actively. Does not accumulate in the body. The maximum concentration is achieved 2 hours after taking the drug. Most of the active substance is excreted by the kidneys (75−80%), a small amount is removed from the body with feces (20−25%).

Indications and contraindications

The period of menopause is rarely combined with disorders of the spinal cord and brain. Some patients experience depression and unreasonable fear. The other half of women are in a great mood. Experts say that the drug will help cope with abnormalities of the nervous and circulatory systems.

Indications for taking the drug:

Side effects of the drug and overdose

Since tofisopam is a rather specific drug, it, like any tranquilizers, is not without side effects. Considering that the contraindications to Grandaxin are insignificant, negative manifestations are most often associated with violation of the rules for taking the medication. Possible side effects may include the following:

  • Headache.
  • The appearance of irritability.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Excessive nervous excitability.
  • The appearance of confusion.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Dyspeptic disorders.
  • Feeling of dry mouth.
  • Depression of respiratory function.
  • Muscle tension, pain.
  • Classic manifestations of allergies are itching, rash, and urticaria.

When the first side effects from taking the drug appear, it is canceled and replaced with an analogue.

An overdose of the drug is manifested by disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system. Since women during menopause are especially vulnerable to various kinds of external influences, an overdose can provoke such serious disorders as confusion, breathing problems, vomiting and coma. Since the drug does not accumulate in the body, such manifestations can occur when taking a large dose of tofisopam at once (more than 50 mg per 1 kilogram of weight). To ensure that the absorption of the drug occurs slowly, activated charcoal is prescribed. And in terminal conditions - the introduction of dopamine, norepinephrine and artificial ventilation. If you overdose on Grandaxin, you should not try to induce vomiting, since if the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted, this can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, when the first symptoms of intoxication occur, you should call an ambulance.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Generally, doctors' reviews of Grandaxin during menopause are positive. It reduces the manifestations of disorders of the autonomic nervous system, suppresses the depressive states of women during menopause. Most patients notice that the active substance normalizes blood pressure.

Patients who did not want to use hormonal drugs took Grandaxin 100 mg per day. After 10 days, the symptoms of menopause noticeably decreased. And after 6-7 weeks, the symptoms of menopause disappeared completely. The product is compatible with homeopathy (Remens), which improves treatment. Women are satisfied with the result; irritability, apathy, and depression disappeared.

The gynecologist prescribed me Grandaxin to restore a regular menstrual cycle. The product is not cheap, but the effect is excellent. I didn’t notice any side effects.

I took Grandaxin, but did not see any changes. The remedy did not help cope with irritability, apathy and nervousness. The drug is not available in every pharmacy.

I prescribe Grandaxin to patients with menopausal symptoms. But only 20% of women were satisfied with the result. The remaining 80% complained about the high price and low effectiveness of the drug.

An atypical benzodiazepine derivative that has a positive effect on a woman’s autonomic nervous system. Relieves restless sleep and apathy. Used to reduce the symptoms of menopause.

A psychotropic drug that reduces feelings of anxiety, fear, and improves sleep. Ideal for use in postmenopausal women. It has a small number of negative effects and practically does not cause allergic reactions.

Description of the drug

Grandaxin belongs to the group of tranquilizers. It is prescribed for severe anxiety, obsessive anxiety, and apathetic states. Emotional lability is considered one of the main signs of the onset of menopausal changes. The nervous system reacts sensitively to the slightest changes in hormonal levels. During reproductive age, the balance of hormones ensures the active functioning of the ovaries, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland. After 40-45 years, a gradual decline in reproductive function begins, the amount of estrogens decreases, causing changes in all body systems, disrupting the menstrual cycle. The first to sense an imbalance are the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Therefore, in premenopause the following appear:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system, which are expressed by hot flashes followed by a state of chills;
  • abnormal pulse rate, tachycardia;
  • sudden mood swings, emotional instability.

Important Tips

Menopause can be accompanied by various imbalances and pathologies. Therefore, the following must be taken into account:

  1. Side effects often occur against the background of problems with the liver and kidneys.
  2. Tofisopam is contraindicated in chronic psychosis and obsessive phobias.
  3. Cannot be used as monotherapy for severe depression accompanied by anxiety.
  4. Particular care must be taken in case of atherosclerosis.
  5. In people with epilepsy, the drug can intensify seizures.
  6. Among the auxiliary components there is lactose monohydrate, so women with lactose intolerance should be careful.
  7. The drug does not have a significant effect on concentration, but in this matter you need to consult a doctor, taking into account data on the patient’s reaction to the drug.

It is dangerous to use the medicine after the expiration date. The product may have no effect at all or seriously harm the body. Universal advice is systematic consultations with a doctor with a full description of the body’s reaction to the drug.

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