Herbs and foods with estrogen. Table, list, how to use, recipes for decoctions

The hormone estrogen in women. Products containing estrogen - the hormone of female youth.

A woman always wants to look attractive and be beautiful. But beauty comes from the inside and this is, first of all, health. And women’s health is greatly influenced by hormonal levels—the content of hormones in the body. One group of these female hormones is called “estrogens.” In principle, they are also present in the male body, but in much smaller quantities and affect the appearance and health of a man only in a situation of their obvious excess.

The main effect of estrogens is aimed at ensuring the reproductive function of women.

Estrogen is a word that consists of two parts:

Oistros - irrepressible desire, passion;.

Genes - defiant or another more literal translation - liveliness (brightness) genus.

Thus, if one can say so, it is a hormone of sexuality. And it is precisely rounded shapes, breasts and even the female “Giggle” that, from the point of view of doctors, are ensured by these hormones. Therefore, naturally, estrogen deficiency manifests itself in:

Depression and sudden mood swings; Weight gain;. Tides;. Fast fatiguability;. Low self-esteem and inattention to one's appearance; Decreased sexual desire and sensitivity. That is why it is also called the hormone of youth. As long as a woman feels feminine and attractive, age does not matter.

But simply based on these signs it is impossible to diagnose yourself with a reduced amount of estrogen. Both depression and fatigue can be the result of a host of other diseases. Hormonal levels can only be determined by taking tests. And it is doctors who, after tests, prescribe replacement or therapeutic hormone therapy. But it has already been confirmed and proven by everyone that artificial hormones act much harsher and stronger than phytoestrogens - plant hormones. The main problem of hormone therapy is that with a long-term intake of artificial hormones into the body, a woman’s own body actually stops producing them (even though they were so in short supply. And it is no longer possible to restore this process afterwards.

Phytoestrogens act much more gently and not so aggressively.

Therefore, if you find yourself with low estrogen levels, it is better to maintain their level by consuming foods and herbs that contain plant hormones.

By the way, this is also a good way to level out hormonal levels after childbirth, when a sharp drop in the amount of estrogen produced leads to postpartum depression and severe hair loss.

There are 3 types of plant hormones with estrogenic activity: isoflavonoids, lignans and coumestans.

Estrogens in food: Flax seeds. This is the number 1 product in terms of the amount of plant hormones (a group of lignans with estrogenic activity. In addition to the hormonal effect, flax seed has many other beneficial properties for the female body (antitumor, cleansing the body, antioxidant properties .... Ground flax seed is used with a large amount of liquid (like bran. It is added to porridge or eaten with honey. The therapeutic (maximum) dose is 2 tablespoons per day. The plant hormone lignan is also found in sesame and sunflower seeds. Legumes (green peas, beans, chickpeas) and, first of all, soybeans, since they contain isoflavonoids - a type of phytoestrogens. But doctors are increasingly saying that large amounts of soybeans are not good for the body. Moreover, according to the latest data, 90% of soybeans are genetically modified. And therefore I especially want to highlight and add a type of legume crops - lentils This is simply a unique product for women: lentils contain the maximum amount of protein for a plant product; cooks for only 15-20 minutes; Lentils also contain tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin, which relieves depression. Bran. Coffee. A study that was conducted with women who drank up to 500 ml of coffee per day showed that in 90% of those examined, estrogen levels were increased by 70%. Pay attention to this, because it is the increased level of estrogen that prevents women from losing excess weight in the lower abdomen and hips. Therefore, for coffee lovers who want to lose weight, quit drinking coffee is task number 1 for you. Apricots. Of all fruits, it has the highest content of the hormone lignan. You can eat them fresh or dried (dried apricots. By the way, among the famous Hunza people, who are famous for their health and longevity, apricots are the main food throughout the year. This plant hormone is also found in products of animal origin, but at the moment all doctors clearly agree , that using them to raise hormone levels is undesirable.This is due to the fact that all modern meat and milk comes with hormone additives and contains various chemicals that promote the rapid growth of animals.

Estrogens are also present in the following herbs: sage; hop; ginseng root; arnica; chamomile; Linden; liquorice root.

Foods that will increase progesterone

If necessary, you need to adhere to a certain diet and introduce foods into your diet that increase progesterone in the body. In addition, you should study which foods contain progesterone in order to immediately receive it from food. Here are just some of the menu items:

  • Dairy products: high-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk and other derivatives.
  • Numerous types of meat will help increase progesterone. It would be optimal to have rabbit, chicken, and pork in your food.
  • Due to the fact that the synthesis of the P4 hormone increases with the intake of cholesterol, it is necessary to take it with food. These are lamb, beef, kidneys, liver, brains, quail and chicken eggs.
  • It is recommended to snack on pumpkin or sunflower seeds between main meals. In addition, it can be walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds. You can introduce foods rich in progesterone either one at a time or in combination.
  • Natural progesterone is found in marine fish: salmon or tuna.
  • From river fish, choose silver carp; in addition, black and red caviar and seafood will help.
  • It is not always possible to find progesterone in food; many simply activate its production in the body. Such activators are starchy foods: baked and boiled potatoes, rice.
  • The sex hormone is produced with greater force when consuming baked goods or other products made from wheat flour. However, you should be extremely careful with such products, because with an increase in progesterone you can gain excess weight.
  • When considering which foods contain progesterone, we must not forget about vegetables. Eat tomatoes, cauliflower, leeks, corn, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, radish, squash and all types of legumes.

Important! Sex hormone deficiency can occur due to drinking irregularities. Every day you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water without gas. You can replace water with rosehip decoction, herbal teas or infusions.

Once you have learned how to get progesterone from food, you can reorganize your menu to include the right foods.

How to increase the hormone estrogen. 3 ways to increase estrogen

  1. Care should be taken to stop smoking. Tobacco provokes vasospasm, which negatively affects blood circulation in the reproductive organs. It is also highly undesirable to smoke while taking contraceptives, due to the increased risk of vascular disorders.
  2. Regular exercise. In women, estrogens are produced, in addition to the ovaries, by adipose tissue. Therefore, with a lack of adipose tissue, there may be a decrease in estrogen levels. But it is moderate, especially cardio, exercise that improves the condition of blood vessels and blood circulation in the pelvic organs. You can use yoga, Pilates and other static exercise techniques to gain flexibility and muscle development without an obvious decrease in lipid tissue.
  3. Proper nutrition. A high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet reduces estrogen. The opposite situation is when, due to excessive excess weight, the functioning of the ovaries deteriorates, since the estrogen-producing function is taken over by lipid tissue. Also, adipose tissue produces more estrone than estradiol, and it has an increasing effect on the risk of breast cancer. Balance is important - find out the amount of fat per day for your weight and age.

Herbal teas and rules for their use

Herbs that boast a high content of this substance include the following: licorice (plant root), chamomile (inflorescences), linden flowers, hop leaves, sage and ginseng root. What has more estrogen? The leader of the plants is sage. Herbs are usually brewed as follows: one tablespoon is poured with boiling water in an amount of 150-200 mg.

If herbal tea is prepared from the roots of a plant, then it is advisable to preheat it in a water bath. To do this, place two tablespoons of dry crushed root in a liter jar and pour two glasses of cool water. Next, the jar is placed in a pan of water and heated on the stove. The water in the pan boils and thus heats the water in the jar.

Herbs that help increase estrogen levels in the female body are an excellent alternative to hormonal drugs. Herbal components act gently and gradually, without exposing the body to additional stress. Women suffering from menopause and frequent mood swings will benefit from drinking decoctions of fenugreek, red clover and hops.

Hibiscus contains a sufficient amount of phytoestrogens, so hibiscus tea is especially useful for women who experience menstrual irregularities. Another unique plant is the red brush. A decoction of this perennial herb can quickly restore the balance of hormones, but this does not mean that it can be taken by everyone.

Before drinking red brush, you must get a doctor's permission - improper use of this herb can cause serious hormonal complications. A preliminary consultation with an endocrinologist is not the only condition for taking medicinal herbs. Please note the following rules.

  1. Certain decoctions should be drunk on certain days of the cycle. Only a doctor can give more precise recommendations based on the specific clinical picture.
  2. You should not drink herbal teas containing phytoestrogen during menstrual bleeding - you need to give the ovaries a chance to rest.
  3. It is strictly not recommended to combine herbal treatment with oral contraceptives.
  4. Medicinal decoctions should not be drunk constantly. The average duration of one course is three monthly cycles, after which it is necessary to take at least a month break.
  5. The body's reaction to herbal teas may not be predictable - much depends on individual tolerance. At the first sign of adverse symptoms, you should immediately abandon this method of treatment.

Lack of the hormone estrogen. Symptoms of deficiency

Among the main most noticeable symptoms of a lack of the female hormone estrogen are:

  1. Deterioration of skin condition. The appearance of symptoms of dryness, the formation of wrinkles. The skin becomes thin and inelastic.
  2. Large formation of papillomas over a short period of time.
  3. Prostration.
  4. Mood swings.
  5. Dysregulation of heat exchange.
  6. Heart problems.
  7. Absent-mindedness, loss of concentration.
  8. Memory impairment.
  9. Bones become brittle.

Such symptoms of estrogen deficiency are often observed during menopause. If a decrease in the level of female hormone occurs at a young age, then the signs of deficiency will be the following:

  • a teenage girl will experience delayed puberty and a late manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • a young girl may have very hairy skin, similar to a man's;
  • late onset of menstruation and development of infertility.

Symptoms of a lack of the female hormone estrogen in a girl after puberty are as follows:

  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • the condition of the skin, hair, and nails worsens;
  • stretch marks appear on the skin;
  • loss of breast firmness;
  • insufficiency of vaginal secretion;
  • problems with appendages;
  • bladder problems, frequent cystitis;
  • loss of the ability to conceive a child on your own.

If the above symptoms of deficiency occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is important to know that in addition to various disorders, insufficient production of the female hormone estrogen increases the risk of diabetes, heart attack, cataracts, uterine prolapse, etc.

After forty years, with a lack of the female hormone estrogen, weight may increase significantly. Similar symptoms are observed with problems with the thyroid gland. To accurately determine the causes of the disorders, you will need to undergo a full examination of the thyroid gland and take a TSH test.

What foods contain a lot of phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogens are substances found in plants. They are responsible for division and reproduction, and also protect against ultraviolet rays and fungal diseases. Virtually any plant contains these compounds, only their concentration differs.

Some foods are high in phytoestrogens. They can enter the body simply during meals.

Phytoestrogens got their name due to their action in the woman’s body. They bind to certain receptors, like the female sex hormone. When there is a hormonal imbalance, phytoestrogens entering the body bind to free receptors, slightly increasing their concentration. This is their positive influence.

The negative effect is a decrease in the level of natural estrogen. This occurs if the baseline level was within normal limits. Then plant substances begin to compete with hormones for receptors, displacing them and reducing their concentration. This anti-estrogenic effect is detrimental to women. For this reason, without preliminary tests, it is not recommended to change your diet and start eating more foods containing plant compounds.

Hormone-like substances of plant origin are divided into three main types: isoflavonoids, lignans and coumestans. Today there is no consensus regarding their action and effectiveness. Various studies are being conducted, but official confirmation has not yet been received. You need to understand that by taking foods, herbs, infusions, tablets with phytoestrogens, it is impossible to induce the growth or production of estrogen. Drugs that increase its concentration are only of synthetic origin.

The question of many women, where phytoestrogens are found, can be safely answered - in every plant. Only their composition and concentration differ significantly from each other.

NameAction provided
Soybeans Studies conducted at the end of the 20th century revealed that women in some Asian countries live longer than European ones and are less susceptible to menopausal disorders. This was associated with eating soy and soy products. But there is no confirmation of this hypothesis.

Another group of scientists claims that long-term consumption of soy by men negatively affects their reproductive function. Changes in the quality and structure of sperm are so severe that they can cause infertility.

Beans, peas, beans In terms of the amount of isoflavones, these legumes are practically not inferior to soybeans. But due to other unpleasant consequences for the body, it is impossible to eat enough.
Milk, dairy products They are saturated with phytoestrogens from the grasses that the cow ate. But here another question arises, because it is impossible to control an animal’s nutrition on an industrial scale, so the composition and amount of hormone-like substances cannot be predicted.
Coffee Scientists actually discovered phytoestrogens in the grains of this plant. But to obtain sufficient concentration, you should drink enough to get at least 200 mg of caffeine. This applies only to natural grains, with a minimum amount of pesticides. But after 45 years, as well as for people with high blood pressure, drinking any caffeine-containing drinks is dangerous to health.
Flaxseed oil, flax seeds Many women decide to switch to this type of vegetable oil or add flax seeds to their dishes. But few people know that this can only be done by absolutely healthy people. Contraindications include pregnancy, acute or chronic diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder, and pancreas.
Sunflower seeds, sunflower oil On the one hand, they contain a natural substitute for the female hormone, but on the other hand, their high calorie content leads to increased body weight. Therefore, you should not exceed the recommended doses (up to 25 mg per day).
Cereals It is the sprouts of these plants that are more concentrated. But there are a lot of difficulties with obtaining and consuming them.
Parsley, carrots, cabbageImportant note: they should be eaten unprocessed. But each vegetable has its own negative consequences when consumed in large quantities. For example, carrots turn the skin yellow.

Medicinal herbs containing phytoestrogen: photo, description, list

Almost all herbs contain phytoestrogens. But their concentration is quite different.

Some doctors may recommend that patients take tea, tinctures, and herbal decoctions, which can alleviate local manifestations of hormonal imbalance. These include:

  • Red clover. Some researchers note a decrease in hot flashes during menopause and recovery from an irregular menstrual cycle. But this plant has a number of contraindications and side effects. Among them are pregnancy (can cause miscarriage), thrombophlebitis, blood diseases (thinning it, causing bleeding). It is also strictly forbidden to take it even externally for cancer-related diseases, for example, uterine fibroids.
  • Burdock. The leaves have no benefit, although they are eaten in some countries. Contains a small amount of phytosterols.
  • Hop cones. The concentration of substances in hops is quite high. It has been noticed that women involved in the assembly of this plant often suffer from infertility. The cones are used as raw material for making beer. Scientists believe that the characteristic “beer belly” in men is the effect of phytoestrogens on them. Brewer's yeast has the same effect.
  • Fennel. It refers to aromatic products that are used in cooking as an additive. Adherents of herbal medicine claim that it restores hormonal levels and reduces pain during menstruation. A large concentration of essential oil entering the body has an extremely negative effect on it: a rapid heartbeat is observed, a person has difficulty breathing, and neurotic disorders develop.
  • Borovaya uterus. Some doctors prescribe various dietary supplements and decoctions based on this plant. It is generally accepted that it has a positive effect in the treatment of infertility, gynecological inflammatory diseases, adhesions, and uterine bleeding. But the synthesized substances accumulate in the liver, causing poisoning, as well as a number of other side effects: blood clotting is reduced, causing bleeding, and irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines occurs.
  • Oregano. It is believed that it stops bleeding, restores hormonal levels, and reduces the manifestations of menopausal syndrome. But it is strictly forbidden to take it in any form by pregnant women (even a single dose provokes a miscarriage), patients with high blood pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and many others.
  • Wild yam. With its help, they regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate menopausal syndrome (hot flashes). Side effects include: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Its use is strictly prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, uterine cancer, breast cancer, and endometriosis.
  • Sage. Some scientists note that taking infusions and teas allows you to restore hormonal levels and overcome infertility caused by a malfunction. But this herb has a number of contraindications, including: the hemostatic effect can disrupt the natural process of menstruation, cause serious disturbances, stimulate the appearance of uterine tone, abortion, placental abruption. If you have fibroids, fibroids or other gynecological diseases, you should also not take the plant. Breastfeeding, kidney disease, high blood pressure are also contraindications.
  • Linden. A fairly harmless plant with a small concentration of phytoestrogens. It is a diaphoretic, so it puts a significant strain on the heart. For this reason, it is strictly prohibited to replace daily tea with it.
  • Mint. Thanks to the menthol included in the composition, it has a more pronounced calming effect. But some scientists argue that to reduce symptoms such as excess weight (masculine fatness) and facial hair, you need to drink mint tinctures or mint tea. This suppresses testosterone.
  • Cohosh. The unique properties of the root of this plant were discovered by the Indians who lived in what is now the United States. They determined that with its help, menopausal syndrome is reduced, osteoporosis is slowed down, and dry mucous membranes are combated. Medicines are made based on the herb, where the doses are precisely measured. Self-medication is unacceptable, because the active substance is poison. Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, the presence of estrogen-dependent tumors, and liver disease.

Taking any remedies, including homeopathic ones, is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor who can correctly recommend the dosage.

Negative consequences of self-administration of hormone-like substances Many women, having received information from relatives, friends, and the Internet, find various recipes for taking phytoestrogens in food or herbs. The danger of such a step is as follows:

  • lack of information about basic hormonal levels;
  • different concentrations of substances in different foods or herbs;
  • a large number of contraindications or side effects.

An examination by a doctor is a mandatory step in prescribing any medication. You can make an appointment with a specialized specialist or get a free consultation here https://45plus.rf/registration/.

Progesterone - what is it?

  • prepares the endometrium lining the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg and ensuring the vital activity of the embryo;
  • helps stabilize the swollen endometrium, preventing it from being rejected during pregnancy;
  • blocks contractions of the uterine muscles - reduces the sensitivity of the uterine myometrium to physiological stimulants of contraction, which can lead to spontaneous abortion;
  • helps in preparing the mammary glands for lactation - causes their engorgement, controls proliferation and glandular transformation of the alveoli, where milk is synthesized and secreted;
  • increases the viscosity of mucus in the cervix - forms a barrier that helps prevent bacteria and other foreign agents, including sperm, from entering the uterine cavity from the vagina;
  • suppresses the immune reactions of the maternal body to prevent embryo rejection - the fetus is not recognized as a foreign body and is not rejected;
  • causes the growth of the uterus;
  • strengthens the muscles of the cervix, protecting against premature birth;
  • relaxes the muscles of the uterus, prepares the pelvic ligaments for relaxation during childbirth to ensure the expansion of the pelvic bones for the passage of the fetus through the birth canal at the time of birth;
  • causes fluid retention in the body;
  • affects metabolism in the body - increases the production of cortisol by the adrenal glands, increases the production of aldosterone, lowers the level of somatotropic hormone, reduces insulin sensitivity (stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas in response to glucose entering the body), affects the body’s ability to accumulate fat, creates optimal conditions for the accumulation of glycogen in the liver.

Estradiol, what is it?

  • A number of other hormones are stimulated by estradiol - oxytocin, somatotropin, aldosterone, corticotropin.
  • Improves metabolism in bone tissue and reduces their weakening. Which explains why a disease such as osteoporosis develops in old age after estradiol begins to be produced in smaller quantities.
  • Stimulates fat deposition. A diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat reduces estradiol in a feedback loop, which can lead to cessation of menstruation.
  • Reduces appetite and cholesterol levels.
  • Retains water and calcium in the body. Its increase leads to edema.
  • Prevents the development of coronary heart disease in women by improving metabolism on the walls of blood vessels.
  • It has a depressing effect on erythropoiesis (a type of hematopoiesis), reducing its intensity. Therefore, after puberty, women have lower values ​​of red blood cells and hemoglobin than men.
  • Has an immunostimulating effect.
  • Plays a role in tumor protective function against colon cancer.
  • The hormone estradiol is involved in the protection of nervous tissue in Alzheimer's disease, brain injury and ischemic damage during stroke.
  • Participates in memory formation.
  • It is considered a hormone of sexuality and good mood in women.

Estrogen and progesterone hormones. Female hormones: progesterone and estrogen

Progesterone and estrogen are female sex hormones produced by the ovaries. Their synthesis is directly influenced by the pituitary gland through its own gonadotropic chemicals.

The functioning of the reproductive system, that is, growth, reproduction, development, appetite, sexual desire and even mood, directly depends on the amount of progesterone and estrogen in the female body. These are one of the most important biologically active substances that are directly involved in the regulation of these functions.

Estrogen is the sex hormone that contributes to the formation of the female figure and female character. The highest concentration of this chemical is observed in the preovulation period of the menstrual cycle. Estrogen has a positive effect on the overall condition of the skin, making it more elastic and firm, promotes cell renewal throughout the body, prolongs youth, and ensures healthy and shiny hair. In addition, it sharpens mental activity, strengthens the immune system, tones, improves mood, prevents the deposition of cholesterol and helps burn excess fat. The estrogen level is calculated based on estradiol, the most active type of this hormone. It is different in different phases of the menstrual cycle. On average, the level of this chemical varies from 55 to 225 pg/ml.

Progesterone is the hormone of the second half of the female cycle or, as it is also called, the hormone of pregnant women. The latter is due to the fact that it is during the period of gestation that the most active production of the fetus occurs. If a woman is not pregnant, then progesterone takes on the function of preparing the body for this event. Its main task is to help the development of the egg and the subsequent development of the embryo. Progesterone also affects the growth of the uterus, mammary and sebaceous glands. In the second phase of the female cycle, the level of this hormone increases noticeably, as a result, most girls’ mood deteriorates, weight gain occurs, and edema appears.

The main signs of progesterone deficiency are associated with “prolonged” periods, brittle nails and increased activity (including sexual activity). A significant decrease in level can provoke uterine bleeding and cause problems associated with bearing a fetus. The level of progesterone in women also depends on a particular period of the menstrual cycle. In the luteal phase it ranges from 7 to 57 nmol/l, in the follicular phase – from 0.3 to 2 nmol/l.

Both progesterone and estrogen are essential components of the female body. They are both equally necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Therefore, if any unusual symptoms occur, you should not resort to self-medication or try to ignore them; it would be best to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible in order to check the amount of progesterone and estrogen contained.

Reasons for low hormones

With normal, full ovulation, a decrease in the hormone in the blood can be caused by:

  • intense long-term stress;
  • taking a course of antibiotics;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • emotional experiences;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • sudden fluctuations in body weight;
  • low-calorie diets;
  • diseases transmitted by inheritance.

How to normalize estrogen levels in women. Symptoms of High Estrogen Levels

Patients with a pronounced excess of estrogen have the following symptoms:

  • overweight;
  • acne;
  • discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • migraine;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • long and heavy menstruation;
  • bleeding during ovulation;
  • emotional and mental instability;
  • formation of cysts, fibroids, tumors;
  • increased blood cholesterol;
  • formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels;
  • vascular thrombosis.

Excess hormone leads to sore nipples and breasts; such patients are often diagnosed with mastopathy. The patient suffers from excessive emotionality and has serious depression. During menstruation, headaches often occur.

The woman suffers from insomnia, forgetfulness and hair loss. The patient complains of chronic fatigue and weakness. All symptoms are nonspecific; they occur in many other diseases, so it is important to be examined by an experienced doctor who will prescribe a series of laboratory and instrumental tests.

With such symptoms, a woman needs to undergo regular blood tests to determine the dynamics of hormone levels. The analysis is taken on days 5-7 and 21-24 of the menstrual cycle. The material is collected on an empty stomach, early in the morning. The gynecologist examines such patients every 3 months. An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs will be required once every 6 months.

Reasons for decreased progesterone levels

A decrease in hormone levels not only makes it impossible for a woman to become pregnant, but also often leads to illness.

The reasons why the amount of progesterone decreases may lie in the following:

  • frequent stress and emotional turmoil;
  • inadequate and unbalanced nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • low production of luteinizing hormone;
  • fluctuations in the menstrual cycle;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • prolonged use of hormonal drugs;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system.

But the production of the substance can also decrease against the background of frequent and heavy physical activity.

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