Nut from Saudi Arabia for infertility how to use

What kind of fruit is this and what are its benefits?

Mokhilkhin is a fruit for infertility, which is recommended for women and men in folk medicine if they have problems conceiving a child. The nut grows in Saudi Arabia. According to legend, the plant has been used in Islamic folk medicine since the 9th century and was mentioned by Avicenna. And if then he could draw conclusions about the medicinal properties only from the results of observations, today research methods help to establish exactly whether the nut helps or not.

Mokhilquin nut in its chemical composition contains:

  • lipids and proteins;
  • polyunsaturated and saturated fats;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid.

A study of the composition of the nut brought from Mecca (a holy city for Muslims in Saudi Arabia) makes it clear that mokhilhin is really useful. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

These substances increase sperm motility in men. If a woman's body is deficient in omega-3, eggs lose the ability to implant normally in the uterus after fertilization. Nutrients for a full conception are also not enough.

Mokhilkhin is really useful for the body during reproductive age, but not only this nut has such a composition. Unsaturated fatty acids are also found in other more accessible nuts: walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews.

An easy way to get rid of infertility in women and men

Hello! In this article I will tell you about such a miraculous nut called mokhilkhin.

this is what the nut and its crushed brother look like

This nut grows in Mecca.

The nut owes its popularity to oriental medicine, thanks to which today there are many ways to overcome serious diseases and pathologies, including infertility.

This nut is considered an effective remedy for treating infertility - both female and male.

According to legend, since the 9th century, Islamic folk medicine has recommended the Arabic nut mohilquin for infertility. Avicenna himself, a medieval philosopher, scientist and doctor widely known in the Islamic world, mentioned the incredible healing properties of mokhilkhin.

This is Avicenna

An amazing feature is that this fruit can eliminate infertility in both men and women. And for this reason, it is advisable for both partners to take it at once.

The fruit is effective for male infertility caused by inactive sperm. The nut is also effective for infertility of unknown origin.

The composition of the nut is rich in many useful substances and elements that are considered essential for the body and have a healing effect.

This Arabian miracle contains Omega-6 and Omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids), which have a positive effect on metabolism, including at the cellular level. Among the huge list of beneficial properties of PUFAs with the general name Omega, stimulation of the reproductive system is indicated.

If the body is deficient in polyunsaturated fatty acids, a man may experience erectile dysfunction or fertility problems.

If we talk about the female half of the population, with a deficiency of these healthy fats, there is a threat of miscarriage due to the weakening of the ability of the fertilized egg to stay on the wall of the uterus.

The composition of the mokhilkhin fruit is rich:

  • proteins;
  • polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus, zinc and other trace elements;
  • B vitamins, vitamin C and many other vitamins.

The effect of the eastern drug on the female body is:

  • eliminating inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle and stimulation of ovulation;
  • elimination of non-menstrual bleeding not associated with the tumor process;
  • normalization of the production of female sex hormones, on which the effectiveness of fertilization depends.

In the male body one can expect positive dynamics in the form of:

  • increasing the production of healthy and motile sperm;
  • restoration of erectile dysfunction;
  • restoration of fertility.

If you take mokhilquin nut for pregnancy, the following positive processes occur in the body:

  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • elimination of non-infectious inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • elimination of pathogenic microorganisms that negatively affect the reproductive system;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body, strengthening immunity at the cellular level;
  • calming effect due to mild sedative properties.

Before taking mokhilquin nut, you should consider contraindications for use:

  • period of menstruation;
  • allergy or individual intolerance to nuts;
  • period of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • history of pancreatitis;
  • psoriasis, eczema or neurodermatitis;
  • renal or liver failure.

We'll tell you how to prepare it and take it in three different ways.

First recipe

(you will need four nuts):

  • chop the fruits, grating them on a fine grater;
  • Pour half of the resulting mixture into 2 liters of boiling water;
  • let it brew for 12 hours;
  • Take 30 minutes before meals for both spouses;
  • on the second day, do the same with the remaining mixture.

Second recipe

– mokhilkhin with milk (you will need six nuts):

  • the crushed mixture of two nuts should be poured with warm milk;
  • let it brew for a while and take it before meals until the mixture runs out;
  • Prepare the remaining four nuts step by step according to the recipe and take the mixture to both spouses.

The course lasts three days. If there is no desired effect in the form of pregnancy, repeat the course of treatment after three weeks.

Recipe three

– mokhilkhin with milk and honey (you will need two nuts):

  • Chop the nuts and pour in warm milk;
  • let it brew for several hours, add natural honey;
  • Take the mixture three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

You can buy nuts here


Does it help you get pregnant?

According to Eastern traditional medicine, nuts against infertility are beneficial for both women and men. In the female body they are:

  • eliminate foci of inflammation in the fallopian tubes;
  • restore ovulation;
  • eliminate bleeding between menstruation;
  • improve hormonal levels.

When taking mokhilquin, men are promised restoration of erectile function and increased sperm motility.

But it is important to understand that there is no universal cure for infertility. There are many reasons for reduced reproductive function - from organic formations in the fallopian tubes to the production of antisperm bodies. No drug can cure all types of infertility at once, so you should not hope for a miracle of sudden recovery.

Taking mochiquin-based products can actually work - using the placebo effect. But not only that, the benefits of its composition are not a myth. However, this nut will not solve all problems of conception in women and men.

The beneficial properties of mokhilquin can have a positive effect on reproductive function, take part in normalizing the synthesis of sex hormones, and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs due to the content of vitamin C and omega-3. There is a general strengthening and supporting effect. But a complete cure with just one nut is self-hypnosis.

Mokhilquin nut for infertility: does it help or not, doctor’s comments

To treat infertility, many remedies are used, including traditional medicine. Mokhilkhin is another saving fruit from infertility. Rumors about the miraculous properties of this nut are spreading throughout the Internet. One of the proofs of the effectiveness of this fruit in treating infertility is that it has long been used in Middle Eastern folk medicine.

In some pharmacies, mokhilquin nuts are sold individually.

Briefly about the mokhilkhin fruit

This nut grows primarily in Saudi Arabia. According to popular belief, this fruit was used by Avicenna in the treatment of infertility since the 9th century. Centuries later, mokhilquin is still used to treat infertility in both men and women.

Chemical composition of mokhilquin:

  1. Zinc.
  2. Potassium.
  3. Vitamin B.
  4. Proteins and lipids.
  5. Phosphorus.
  6. Fats (both saturated and polyunsaturated).
  7. Ascorbic acid.

Based on this set of chemicals, we can definitely say that mokhilquin undoubtedly has beneficial properties. It is especially worth noting that this wonderful nut contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. Elements such as omega-3 and omega-6 are extremely necessary for human reproductive health.

Such substances are very useful for men's health, because they can increase the activity and motility of sperm. For women, the presence of omega-3 nuts is especially important.

This substance promotes normal implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus.

In addition to these essential elements, mokhilquin contains other beneficial substances, but omega-3 and omega-6 are especially beneficial for the reproductive system of both sexual partners.

To be fair, it is worth noting that not only mokhilquin, but also many other nuts have similar properties of stimulating reproductive functions. For example, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts and even cashews can be considered comparable in chemical composition.

Not only mokhilquin can boast healing capabilities for the reproductive system; other, more common nuts also have similar properties.

Mokhilkhin helps to get pregnant

This noble nut really helps you get pregnant. After all, it contains so many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of both men and women.

Why mokhilquin is useful for women:

  • positive effect on hormonal levels;
  • normalization of the ovulation cycle;
  • neutralization of foci of inflammation in the fallopian tubes;
  • improving the quality of discharge between menstrual days.

Long-term consumption of mohilchina nut in men improves spermatogenesis and normalizes lost erectile function.

However, one cannot fully rely on mokhilquin in the treatment of infertility . After all, there is no universal remedy for treating this complex disease. Treatment should be based on the causes of the disease. There are a great many reasons leading to infertility and a certain approach is needed everywhere.

The use of mokhilquin can give a positive result even as a consequence of the placebo effect. Don't rely entirely on this wonderful nut. When treating infertility, an integrated approach is needed, including the diagnostic stage.

Mokhilquin nut can be very useful in combination with certain medications. But the decision to add it to the course of therapy should be made solely by the doctor.

With complex treatment, mokhilquin can improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs due to its high content of omega-3 and vitamin C. In addition, it can have a general strengthening effect for the whole body.

It is worth remembering that a complete cure for infertility with mokhilkhina alone is impossible.

The best recipes with mohilquin nut for the treatment of infertility

Remember that the use of mokhilquin in the treatment of infertility must be agreed with the attending physician. The thoughtless use of this nut, in some cases, can even be harmful.

Mokhilquin decoction for infertility (for men and women):

  1. Take 4 nuts and finely grate them.
  2. Half of the resulting powder should be poured with boiling water (2 liters).
  3. Leave for at least 12-14 hours.
  4. Take 1 glass half an hour before meals.

The duration of the course is determined only by the doctor. As a rule, it does not exceed one month. If you cannot get pregnant after the course, a new course is prescribed.

Mokhilkhina decoction No. 2:

  1. Grind two nuts on a fine grater.
  2. Pour in warm milk.
  3. Let it brew for 1-2 hours.
  4. Eat this portion together with your husband before meals.

The course of admission is no more than three days. If conception does not occur, you need to repeat the course after 3 weeks, not earlier. This decoction recipe can be supplemented by adding a spoonful of honey to the resulting mixture.

You need to grate the nut on a fine grater to make the broth thicker.

The nut itself is not a miracle cure for infertility, but the beneficial components in its composition can strengthen the body, which will not be superfluous in the fight against infertility.

It should be remembered that the thoughtless use of even herbal remedies can provoke the development of other diseases, which in turn can aggravate infertility. Make it difficult to treat. Therefore, before using mohilquin nut, as well as other herbal remedies, consultation with a doctor is required.


Before using the mokhilquin fruit, you should definitely consult with an andrologist or gynecologist, and also make sure that there is no allergy to the components.

How to prepare a decoction of the mokhilkhin fruit:

  • Grate 4 nuts;
  • Pour 1/2 part with 2 liters of boiling water;
  • leave for 12 hours;
  • drink a glass 30 minutes before meals for both husband and wife;
  • on the second day, repeat the same with the remaining half.

Then you don’t need to take a decoction of mokhilquin for a whole month. If, despite attempts, pregnancy does not occur, the folk recipe recommends repeating the course again.

Another option: pour two crushed mokhilkhina with warm milk and eat it before every meal during the day with your husband. Repeat for three days in a row, and then attempt to conceive. After 3 weeks, the course of treatment with mokhilquin is repeated if conception has not occurred. Another recipe allows you to improve the taste of the composition with milk by adding a spoonful of honey.

Treatment with mohilquin nut will not give a miraculous result, but it will help as a source of useful nutrients, vitamins and unsaturated acids. Before taking any folk remedies, be sure to consult a doctor, because the combination of folk remedies with some medications can be dangerous.

What do gynecologists think about the treatment of infertility with mokhilquin nut. Mokhilkhin fruit for infertility how to use

Mokhilkhin is a fruit for infertility, which is recommended for women and men in folk medicine if they have problems conceiving a child. The nut grows in Saudi Arabia.

According to legend, the plant has been used in Islamic folk medicine since the 9th century and was mentioned by Avicenna.

And if then he could draw conclusions about the medicinal properties only from the results of observations, today research methods help to establish exactly whether the nut helps or not.

Mokhilquin nut in its chemical composition contains:

  • lipids and proteins;
  • polyunsaturated and saturated fats;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid.

A study of the composition of the nut brought from Mecca (a holy city for Muslims in Saudi Arabia) makes it clear that mokhilhin is really useful. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

These substances increase sperm motility in men. If a woman's body is deficient in omega-3, eggs lose the ability to implant normally in the uterus after fertilization. Nutrients for a full conception are also not enough.

Mokhilkhin is really useful for the body during reproductive age, but not only this nut has such a composition. Unsaturated fatty acids are also found in other more accessible nuts: walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews.

Cost of a nut for infertility

The price for one mokhilkhin fruit varies between 300-350 rubles. You can buy it on specialized websites.

Research on the effects of nuts on sperm

It is no secret that nuts have a beneficial effect on the quality of male sperm. Various studies and experiments are still relevant today. In the United States of America, for example, at one Californian university, a special commission was even created to study the properties of the nut.

The main task of the Californian commission is whether walnuts help overcome male infertility or not. A study conducted by the commission found that men who took a handful of walnuts daily for 90 days had markedly improved sperm quality.

In another experiment conducted by the commission, 117 young people under 35 took part.

Some of the experimental subjects ate half a cup of drupes a day, while the second group adhered to their usual diet, without taking walnuts.

During the experiment, the men ate both raw and dried nuts, mixed the drupes with sauces and juices, and used the kernels to prepare a variety of dishes.

The result of all the studies conducted showed that a man’s lifestyle and diet directly affects the quality of sperm and reproductive function. It was also noted that omega-3 acids, which are contained in the nut kernel, play a major role in the maturation of sperm and the quality of sperm directly depends on them.

“What is bad is not healthy” - an old Polish proverb very clearly describes the fact of abusing something. Walnuts are no exception; excessive consumption of drupes leads to a decrease in sperm activity and count.

Green nut tincture

  • green unshelled nuts;
  • sugar as desired (not recommended for diabetics);
  • honey;
  • vodka or alcohol.

The nuts are poured into a jar and filled with vodka or alcohol, then you need to let it brew for about a month in a place protected from light.

When using honey instead of alcoholic ingredients, the process is similar, only you need to twist the nuts and move them with honey, then add water. Application: teaspoon, twice a day, two months, before meals.

Mokhilkhin with milk

To prepare it you need six nuts. Step-by-step instruction.

  1. You need to chop two fruits, then add warmed milk (150 ml) to them. Both partners should eat the nut three times a day before main meals. One mokhilquin is enough for three doses.
  2. The remaining days prepare the mixture according to a similar recipe.
  3. If after three days of use there is no positive result, repeat the course after 21 days.

Nut preparation for conceiving a descendant

Conceiving a child is no less important than raising it. Parents, before this important step, should strengthen their body in every possible way. It is necessary not only to exclude from the daily diet the intake of certain medications, the use of alcohol and tobacco products, but also to add useful natural substances to the food, which contain many vitamins.


What is the benefit

The therapeutic properties of mokhilquin are explained by its unique composition. It is enriched:

  • proteins and fats (saturated and polyunsaturated);
  • amino acids and carbohydrates;
  • zinc, phosphorus, potassium and other important trace elements;
  • various vitamins (groups C and B).

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are better known as Omega. These essential substances have unique properties that help all organs and systems work harmoniously. At low concentrations of omega acids:

  • the man suffers from weak potency, his sperm loses activity and mobility;
  • the woman experiences a weakening of the egg, increasing the likelihood of miscarriage.

To avoid these unpleasant situations, mokhilquin must be taken systematically.

Modern medicine uses several effective recipes with Arabic nuts to overcome infertility.

Mokhilkhin milky-honey

This recipe for infertility involves the use of two nuts, 200 ml of warm milk, a tablespoon of honey. Step-by-step instruction:

  • chop the fruits as much as possible;
  • pour milk over them, let steep for 2-3 hours;
  • add honey, mix thoroughly (gradually adding parts of honey is recommended).

Before use, Mokhilkhin milk-honey should be mixed again and allowed to stand for 25-30 minutes. This will help the nut better absorb the beneficial properties of other ingredients.

The mixture is used by partners according to the following scheme: a tablespoon three times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 6 days.

Green nut tincture

This recipe involves using:

  • 8 green unshelled nuts;
  • sugar (as needed);
  • honey;
  • 0.5 l of vodka/alcohol.

Option 1

Place the fruits in a jar and add alcohol/vodka. Close with a tight lid, put in a dark place, do not touch for a month.

Option 2

Chop the nuts and mix with 200 g of honey. Place the resulting mass in a glass container, add 0.5 liters of clean water, close tightly and let it brew for a month.

The consumption regimen for both recipes is similar: a teaspoon twice a day before meals. Duration of treatment – ​​8 weeks. The tincture effectively treats female and male infertility and helps increase sexual desire.

Honey miracle

To prepare a healing potion, you need to prepare 6 nuts and 250 g of honey. Peel the fruits and pass through a coarse grater. Add the entire amount of honey to the resulting mass, mix well, and refrigerate overnight. Take the drug one tablespoon three times a day, washed down with warm milk.

It has been proven that daily intake of 50-80 g of nuts has a positive effect not only on the reproductive organs, but also on the entire body as a whole. If a married couple suffers from infertility, eating these fruits can help solve this problem. The long-awaited pregnancy should occur within two months.


What is remarkable about the Arabic mohilquin nut?

This nut is considered an effective remedy for treating infertility - both female and male.

According to legend, since the 9th century, Islamic folk medicine has recommended the Arabic nut mohilquin for infertility. Avicenna himself, a medieval philosopher, scientist and doctor widely known in the Islamic world, mentioned the incredible healing properties of mokhilkhin.

Appearance of Mokhilkhin nuts

A notable feature of the miracle nut is that it is effective for combined infertility, when problems with reproduction are observed in both partners. It is advisable for the wife and husband to take the medicine based on the mokhilquin fruit simultaneously, even if the cause of infertility is only in one of the spouses.

If you have tried many treatment methods, completed more than one procedure, and the treasured stripes on the test stubbornly refuse to show the desired result, perhaps you should try something else. Mokhilquin is used for female infertility, which is caused by an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes.

The fruit is effective for male infertility caused by inactive sperm. The nut is also effective for infertility of unknown origin.

Area of ​​distribution of the miraculous mokhilkhin

It is believed that initially, for infertility, the mokhilquin nut began to be used in the Middle East - in the countries of Western Asia and North Africa, while Saudi Arabia became its “historical homeland”.

Today, thanks to modern information technology and the globalization of trade, this fruit has gained popularity in the world market.

Mokhilquin nut for the treatment of infertility: will a folk remedy help in conception?

To cure infertility, many use the recommendations of evidence-based medicine, supplementing them with proven folk methods.
One of the popular non-traditional remedies, which is surrounded by many myths and legends, is the mokhilquin nut for the treatment of infertility.

The nut owes its popularity to oriental medicine, thanks to which today there are many ways to overcome serious diseases and pathologies, including infertility.

What is remarkable about the Arabic mohilquin nut?

This nut is considered an effective remedy for treating infertility - both female and male.

According to legend, since the 9th century, Islamic folk medicine has recommended the Arabic nut mohilquin for infertility. Avicenna himself, a medieval philosopher, scientist and doctor widely known in the Islamic world, mentioned the incredible healing properties of mokhilkhin.

Appearance of Mokhilkhin nuts

A notable feature of the miracle nut is that it is effective for combined infertility, when problems with reproduction are observed in both partners. It is advisable for the wife and husband to take the medicine based on the mokhilquin fruit simultaneously, even if the cause of infertility is only in one of the spouses.

If you have tried many treatment methods, completed more than one procedure, and the treasured stripes on the test stubbornly refuse to show the desired result, perhaps you should try something else. Mokhilquin is used for female infertility, which is caused by an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes.

The fruit is effective for male infertility caused by inactive sperm. The nut is also effective for infertility of unknown origin.

Area of ​​distribution of the miraculous mokhilkhin

It is believed that initially, for infertility, the mokhilquin nut began to be used in the Middle East - in the countries of Western Asia and North Africa, while Saudi Arabia became its “historical homeland”.

Sale of nuts Mokhilkhin

Today, thanks to modern information technology and the globalization of trade, this fruit has gained popularity in the world market.

What microelements and vitamins is mokhilquin rich in?

The composition of the nut is rich in many useful substances and elements that are considered essential for the body and have a healing effect.

This Arabian miracle contains Omega-6 and Omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids), which have a positive effect on metabolism, including at the cellular level. Among the huge list of beneficial properties of PUFAs with the general name Omega, stimulation of the reproductive system is indicated.

If the body is deficient in polyunsaturated fatty acids, a man may experience erectile dysfunction or fertility problems.

If we talk about the female half of the population, with a deficiency of these healthy fats, there is a threat of miscarriage due to the weakening of the ability of the fertilized egg to stay on the wall of the uterus.

Useful substances included in the mokhilquin fruit

The composition of the mokhilkhin fruit is rich:

  1. proteins;
  2. polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  3. potassium;
  4. phosphorus, zinc and other trace elements;
  5. B vitamins, vitamin C and many other vitamins.

How mokhilquin nut can help with infertility

According to representatives of oriental alternative medicine, Arabic nut is recommended for both men and women for infertility.

Normalization of the menstrual cycle after taking mokhilquin nut

The effect of the eastern drug on the female body is:

  • eliminating inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle and stimulation of ovulation;
  • elimination of non-menstrual bleeding not associated with the tumor process;
  • normalization of the production of female sex hormones, on which the effectiveness of fertilization depends.

In the male body one can expect positive dynamics in the form of:

  1. increasing the production of healthy and motile sperm;
  2. restoration of erectile dysfunction;
  3. restoration of fertility.

If you take mokhilquin nut for pregnancy, the following positive processes occur in the body:

  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • elimination of non-infectious inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • elimination of pathogenic microorganisms that negatively affect the reproductive system;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body, strengthening immunity at the cellular level;
  • calming effect due to mild sedative properties.

Before taking mokhilquin nut, you should consider contraindications for use:

  1. period of menstruation;
  2. allergy or individual intolerance to nuts;
  3. period of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. history of pancreatitis;
  5. psoriasis, eczema or neurodermatitis;
  6. renal or liver failure.

Cooking recipes

In order for the treatment to be effective, you need to use proven recipes. Before grinding the mokhilquin nut, you should ensure the integrity of the fruit and its ripeness.

Grinding mokhilkhin nuts to prepare an infusion

First recipe (you will need four nuts):

  • chop the fruits, grating them on a fine grater;
  • Pour half of the resulting mixture into 2 liters of boiling water;
  • let it brew for 12 hours;
  • Take 30 minutes before meals for both spouses;
  • on the second day, do the same with the remaining mixture.

After treatment there is a month break, after which the course should be repeated if, after attempts, conception has not occurred.

Preparation of infusion with milk from mokhilkhin nuts

The second recipe is mokhilkhin with milk (you will need six nuts):

  1. the crushed mixture of two nuts should be poured with warm milk;
  2. let it brew for a while and take it before meals until the mixture runs out;
  3. Prepare the remaining four nuts step by step according to the recipe and take the mixture to both spouses.

The course lasts three days. If there is no desired effect in the form of pregnancy, repeat the course of treatment after three weeks.

Recipe three – mokhilkhin with milk and honey (you will need two nuts):

  • Chop the nuts and pour in warm milk;
  • let it brew for several hours, add natural honey;
  • Take the mixture three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.


Often, women, faced with infertility, are ready to do anything to solve this problem.

Many women do not consider it necessary to consult with their doctor about using a particular method or prescription.

The Muslim fruit mokhilkhin was no exception to the rule. Despite its beneficial properties, it has a number of contraindications that should be discussed with your doctor.

Before resorting to alternative methods of treating infertility, it is necessary to establish the true cause of this problem.

There are many reasons - from adhesions to endocrine, immunological or serious gynecological diseases - and they all require medical or surgical treatment.

Before despairing, men also need a comprehensive examination by a doctor, as the causes of infertility can be temporary and treatable.

: Mokhilkhin


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