White discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester

Characteristics of normal discharge

In late pregnancy, discharge may become thinner than during previous months, which is associated with an increase in the production of estrogen in the female body. As a result of the influence of these hormones, the permeability of the vaginal walls increases, which leads to an increase in the amount and change in the nature of vaginal secretion.

During the third trimester of pregnancy, discharge is considered normal if:

  • are transparent or have a white tint;
  • not accompanied by burning, itching, pain in the genital area and other unpleasant symptoms;
  • have a uniform consistency without admixtures of thicker particles.

important If there is a change in the nature of normal discharge, especially the appearance of blood, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The color of the discharge will tell you about the problem

Copious and cheesy white discharge during pregnancy, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, can be caused by thrush (candidiasis). The expectant mother needs to get rid of this fungus as quickly as possible.

Down with thrush!

In ordinary life, thrush is usually treated as a common occurrence that does not surprise anyone. Sometimes, if a woman already has it, she may not even make attempts to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon. During pregnancy, such an attitude towards your body is, of course, unacceptable, because the baby can become infected with thrush. For example, during the birth process, if the mother has it in the third trimester of an interesting position or in the second, then the baby will have to be treated for a long time.

If this disease began in you when the first trimester of pregnancy began, the fungus can even cause damage to the child’s organs. Therefore, listen carefully to your body and monitor the nature and color of the discharge. And if you have white discharge during pregnancy and are accompanied by itching in the genital area and an unpleasant odor, consult a doctor who will recommend a drug that is “compatible” with your situation.

It should be?

However, if your discharge during pregnancy is whitish or light-colored, then you should not have any cause for concern. Because such discharge in the first, second or third trimester is the absolute norm - they are called leucorrhoea. They are caused by the work of hormones in the “pregnant” body, and during pregnancy their nature and volume changes. At first, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, they are thick. But the first trimester ends, the second begins - estrogen becomes the main one, therefore the discharge of leucorrhoea during pregnancy becomes more intense, and the discharge itself becomes liquid.

Almost every pregnant woman has them - this is a feature of bearing a baby. You don't have to worry about their presence if they don't cause you any particular inconvenience. Such discharge has no odor and is not accompanied by itching or burning. Be sure to follow all the rules of hygiene and use panty liners, changing them as needed - then the discharge of leucorrhoea during pregnancy (there will be a lot of it in the third and second trimester) will not irritate you; on the contrary, you will learn to cope with it.

What does the color pink tell you?

What kind of discharge occurs during pregnancy? There are a great many of them and each option can provide additional information about the woman’s well-being and the baby’s development. Ideally, a pregnant woman will have light discharge during pregnancy, but life is so structured that rarely anything happens according to the rules. Therefore, the expectant mother may be very frightened by pink discharge during pregnancy. Let's figure out why they arise.

The first trimester is characterized by the fact that restructuring begins in the female body, therefore almost every second trimester experiences spotting during pregnancy, and even minor bleeding occurs. The phenomenon can also indicate that the fertilized egg has reached the wall of the uterus and is safely entrenched in it. Or report that due to the increased sensitivity of the genital organs during sex or during the next examination, a small vessel ruptured - that’s why it smears during pregnancy.

Regardless of what trimester you are in now, pink discharge during pregnancy can indicate small detachments of some micro-sections of the placenta - drops of blood accumulate under them, then appear outside. Sometimes such discharge is possible on the days when a woman begins her menstruation (especially if this is the first trimester of pregnancy), then you have spotting because the body still remembers about menstruation. The discharge may even be accompanied by your usual back pain - it should stop in the second trimester, otherwise the phenomenon will indicate pathology.

In the third trimester (especially towards the end), some expectant mothers notice the phenomenon - in such cases they may say that the plug is coming off. The mucus may indeed contain pink specks or have a pink tint. And all because during pregnancy, due to the growth of the uterus, small capillaries burst (this is the norm), and the released blood is “preserved” in the resulting plug.

All of the above may not cause you concern - these phenomena are short-lived, and they are also not distinguished by any smell. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible if you have more than just smearing, but the discharge is so profuse that you had to change several pads. Indeed, in this case we can talk about both the threat of termination of pregnancy and a sexually transmitted infection.

Brown mucus: causes and consequences

If light discharge during pregnancy gives way to brown (it may smell like raw meat), then you should definitely consult a doctor as soon as possible. The fact is that this is the color of the discharge if there is coagulated blood in a woman’s body. There is a high probability that you will need hospitalization, and you will have to stay in the hospital for the remaining months of your interesting situation.

If you're currently in your first trimester of pregnancy and have been secreting brown mucus around your expected period, it may be more than just a memory of the past. There is a high probability that she is telling you about a lack of a hormone such as progesterone, which is needed to maintain pregnancy. If this is the case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, because in such cases there is a high probability of miscarriage. This condition is treated with hormonal drugs; the woman must remain in bed during treatment.

The body, regardless of what trimester of pregnancy you are in, can signal to you that the vessels that supply the uterus with blood regularly lose it, that is, bleeding occurs in the uterus. In these cases, the baby, of course, does not suffer from blood loss, he simply does not have enough oxygen, which makes his existence inside the mother painful. In such situations, the mother is hospitalized in order to protect her from stress and to be able to monitor her condition, providing her with the necessary medications.

In the second trimester (or third), discharge will indicate possible placenta previa, which can determine in advance the moment the baby is born. Indeed, in most cases, due to the fact that the placenta blocks the baby’s “exit”, doctors have to perform a caesarean section. Discharge of this “color” can indicate various types of gynecological diseases, as well as the discharge of a mucus plug.

Is green the color of illness?

Discharge in pregnant women may also be yellow. What does it mean? To begin with, keep in mind that this color is also dangerous and if such discharge appears both in the second and third trimester, consult a doctor immediately. After all, they may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. In particular, yellow mucus (it may have an unpleasant odor) will tell you about gonorrhea, which during pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and baby. It is possible to cure it - there are drugs that are allowed in your interesting situation.

If the yellow color, having barely appeared, degenerates into green and the smell of stale fish is added to it, know that you most likely have an acute infection or an inflammatory process. However, if you are taking antibiotics, the “greens” may only be telling you about problems with the vaginal microflora. After treatment is completed, this balance can be restored using a number of medications.

In the second or third trimester of pregnancy, if you see yellow spots on your underwear, do not panic. Perhaps you have a delicate problem that is common to many pregnant women - urine leakage. The last trimester is the time when it is useless to fight it, because it is simply impossible to control the process. After all, liquid is released a little when a pregnant woman sneezes or laughs. The main thing is not to get upset or worry - it will go away after giving birth. In some cases, yellow discharge appears in the second trimester or in the third, and then suddenly disappears without any consequences for the body.

Remember that discharge from pregnant women can normally be not only transparent, but also slightly yellowish. However, if you have any suspicions, you must undergo all the relevant tests to be on the safe side. Remember that in any trimester it is important to pay attention not only to the color of the discharge, but also to its nature. They should not be foamy, cheesy or have a smell.


Types of pathological discharge

During the third trimester of pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the appearance of possible alarming symptoms. Vaginal discharge at this time may indicate the development of pathology if it has the following characteristics:

  • White discharge with a heterogeneous cheesy consistency in most cases indicates the occurrence of candidiasis (thrush). Treatment when such symptoms appear is only under the supervision of a doctor, since some pharmaceutical drugs can harm the health of the unborn baby.
  • Mucous discharge of a bright yellow or green hue appears when a bacterial infection is attached. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  • A very thin consistency of vaginal discharge with a simultaneous increase in its quantity may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible to undergo an examination and eliminate the causes of this pathology.
  • Brown or bloody discharge . If an admixture of blood particles is observed before the expected date of birth, this may indicate the onset of placental abruption or the approach of premature birth. In this case, you must urgently contact a medical facility.

additionally Coloration of discharge in pink, red or brown color closer to the date of planned delivery usually occurs as a result of the passage of a mucus plug. This means that childbirth is very close, so you should hurry up and pack your things for the maternity hospital.

Discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester: white, liquid

The problem of discharge during pregnancy haunts many women. The question of what is normal and what is pathology is relevant for different periods. First of all, expectant mothers worry about the condition of the fetus. And even when the due date approaches, these worries do not subside. What kind of discharge there may be in the third trimester is an important issue that requires consideration.

Physiological changes

Everyone knows that pregnancy is a new state of the body. All systems and processes adapt to it. The main changes affect the hormonal sphere and genitals. After conception, there is a gradual increase in the concentration of progesterone, the main protector of pregnancy. This is necessary to reduce the excitability of the uterus and relax the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the small pelvis. Under the influence of this hormone, the secretion of the glands of the mucous membrane of the genital tract increases, and as a result, physiological discharge (leucorrhoea).

Progesterone stimulation in the first trimester is accompanied by mucous discharge. They are transparent or whitish, but quite thick. From the second half of pregnancy, the balance of hormones shifts towards estrogens. They are necessary for the growth of the uterus and preparation of the breast for lactation. The secretion of glandular cells becomes more intense, the discharge becomes liquid and more abundant, but other parameters do not change. They can persist until the very end of pregnancy.

Immediately before childbirth, the so-called mucus plug comes out of the cervical canal. In turn, this is accompanied by an increase in the amount of discharge with a pinkish tint. And in the first stage of labor, when the cervix opens and the fetal head begins to move down, amniotic fluid is released. This phenomenon does not go unnoticed, because the volume of discharge immediately becomes 500 ml or more. They become like water and may turn yellowish.


Having considered the physiological causes of discharge in the third trimester, one should begin to analyze conditions of pathological origin. They are the main cause of worry for pregnant women and cannot be ignored. When it comes to late pregnancy, it is worth thinking about the following conditions:

  • Infections.
  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • Placental complications.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid.

Each of these situations must be promptly diagnosed and eliminated, because there is a very real risk to the fetus. Therefore, a woman should pay attention to any symptoms that seem suspicious to her.


Inflammatory diseases of the genital tract initiated by microbial agents are a very common situation in gynecology. During pregnancy, women are also not immune from this pathology. And the first thing they pay attention to is the change in the nature of the discharge:

  1. Colors: cloudy, greenish-yellow, brown, gray.
  2. Appearance: foamy, curd-like, creamy.
  3. Consistency: liquid or thick.
  4. Smell: sour, putrid, “fishy”.

In addition, there are also subjective signs of pathology. Women note the appearance of unpleasant sensations, indicating an infectious process in the urogenital tract. These include:

  • Burning, dryness and itching in the vagina.
  • Discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Temperature increase.

On examination, the vaginal mucosa is hyperemic (reddened), swollen, with areas of plaque and contact bleeding. The danger is that the process may spread to the overlying sections with infection of the child. Then at birth he will have certain symptoms: skin rash (vesiculopustulosis), conjunctivitis, rhinitis, vulvovaginitis in girls, etc. There are also more serious consequences of intrauterine damage in the form of meningoencephalitis, pneumonia, enterocolitis, sepsis. Possible slowdown of intrauterine development, premature birth and even fetal death.

Sexually transmitted infections in late pregnancy seem no less dangerous than in women in the first trimester.

Bacterial vaginosis

The nature of the discharge strongly depends on the composition of the microflora in the vagina. And if the natural biocenosis is disrupted, and beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria are replaced by others (gardnerella, E. coli, fungi), then pathological signs appear. The discharge becomes more abundant, liquid, grayish in color and has an unpleasant odor. They intensify after physical activity or sexual intercourse. But there will be no other symptoms indicating an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. This is the main difference between bacterial vaginosis and genital infections.

Placental complications

If spotting appears during pregnancy in the third trimester, then it is necessary to exclude placental pathology. We may be talking about premature detachment or presentation. In the first case, the following symptoms appear:

  • Local pain at the site of detachment.
  • Scanty bleeding from the vagina.
  • Protrusion of the uterine wall (not always).
  • Deterioration of the fetus' condition.

The situation when more than half of the placenta is detached is extremely unfavorable, since it is characterized by intrauterine death of the child. In other cases, signs of fetal hypoxia will be observed. If the process follows a central type, that is, detachment occurs in the middle of the placenta, then the blood is not released out, but can permeate the wall of the uterus. This is fraught with other complications - consumption coagulopathy or DIC syndrome.

Placenta previa is immediately manifested by massive bleeding that begins when the cervix is ​​opened or during some diagnostic procedures. In this case, the cervical canal is completely or partially blocked. The baby cannot be born on its own, and the bleeding cannot be stopped by anything other than surgery.

Placental complications are a dangerous obstetric pathology in late pregnancy, creating risks for the child and the expectant mother.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

If watery discharge, similar to those that are normally observed when labor begins, occurs much earlier, then it is necessary to exclude leakage of amniotic fluid. This occurs due to damage to the membranes and can create conditions for infection or premature labor. Symptoms are noticeable when moving or changing body position. A woman may feel fluid flowing down her legs, wetness in the perineum, or simply notice it by a wet spot on the pad.

Additional diagnostics

It is extremely important for a woman to understand what causes discharge in late pregnancy. But this can only be done after additional research. After conducting a gynecological examination, the doctor will refer the patient for diagnostic procedures:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood biochemistry (antibodies to infections, coagulogram).
  3. Analysis of secretions (microscopy, culture, PCR).
  4. Swabs from the vagina, cervical canal and urethra.
  5. Colposcopy.
  6. Ultrasound of the pelvis.
  7. Fetal cardiotocography.

Sometimes the decision to take action must be made immediately because emergency care is required. And in planned situations, the doctor will first evaluate the research results and then determine what to do next. But in any case, a woman should promptly contact an antenatal clinic to determine the cause of the discharge. If there is no reason to worry, then you need to tune in to a positive mood and expect a successful completion of the pregnancy.

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No discharge

An absolute absence of vaginal discharge during the third trimester of pregnancy practically never occurs, because as a result of hormonal changes in the female body, there is an increase in the production of mucus from the genital organs. However, it is advisable to contact a medical facility even if there is a very meager amount of mucus secreted, because only a doctor can determine whether this symptom is normal or indicates the presence of any undesirable changes in the pregnant woman’s body.

What and why is released from the breast during pregnancy?

Discharge from the female breast occurs not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. The milk lobules and ducts maintain themselves in working condition throughout their lives, secreting a small amount of liquid and then absorbing it independently. But during moments of strong stimulation of the breast, for example during sex, several droplets of clear or whitish liquid may be released from the nipple.

During pregnancy, in the first trimester, due to progesterone and estrogen, rapid growth of glandular and fatty breast tissue occurs, new cells appear and grow. Some of them are transformed into lactocytes, which mature, and by 17-18 weeks they begin to secrete colostrum in a minimal amount - a concentrated analogue of milk. The intensity of its secretion is regulated by the hormone prolactin.

Usually, early discharge is completely physiological and indicates the normal course of pregnancy. But sometimes they can be caused by other factors:

  1. Intraductal papilloma.
  2. Breast abscess.
  3. Neoplasms.
  4. Ectasia of the milk ducts.
  5. Fibrocystic mastopathy.
  6. Breast injury.
  7. Excess prolactin.
  8. Frozen pregnancy.

Often, the listed pathologies are accompanied by additional symptoms that should make a woman worry and consult a doctor.


To prevent the development of a bacterial infection and the appearance of unusual discharge, during the third trimester of pregnancy it is recommended:

  • give preference to underwear only made from natural materials;
  • Use panty liners only when outside the home. At home, the skin should be allowed to “breathe”;
  • Avoid using scented sanitary pads - such hygiene products can cause allergies;
  • regularly perform hygiene procedures related to keeping the genitals clean.

Closer to the date of expected birth, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor changes in the nature of the discharge, and if blood appears in the mucous secretion, prepare for a trip to the maternity hospital.

By observing the above hygiene rules and being attentive to your own health, the likelihood of having a healthy baby is significantly increased.

The appearance of fluid in pathology

Clear and yellow discharge from the breast is considered normal. But, if additional symptoms appear along with growth and enlargement, then this indicates the formation and development of a pathological process, and there is a danger to the life of the mother and baby inside the womb. The following symptoms may be observed:

  • the fluid from the nipples has changed color (greenish, brown, or mixed with blood);
  • discharge from only one mammary gland;
  • swelling (hard round growths) upon palpation;
  • uneven growth;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

The main reasons for the manifestation of such unnatural signs are infections and various inflammations in the tissues. Mechanical injuries that occur after a fall or impact cannot be excluded, which also poses a danger to future feeding. In addition, there is a risk of the appearance of tumors of a different nature, which, under the influence of increased production of female hormones, began to increase.

Any deviation from the norm must be known to the doctor in order to begin timely treatment without harming the developing fetus.

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