7 options for fortune telling by menstruation and basic signs

» Signs » Current signs for menstruation



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In ancient times, women could always find out their future for the next month in advance. They could know in advance whether they would experience happiness or have to face difficulties or problems. In those days, there was a belief that such women were witches. But this is not entirely true. They simply knew how to pay attention to all life situations, and could accurately interpret all the signs of menstruation.

Current signs for menstruation

Fortune telling by phase of the day

Based on astrological treatises, we can conclude that the planetary location directly affects both the well-being and the future of a person. Based on the time of day at which a woman’s bleeding began, it is possible to draw up a kind of proven horoscope for menstruation, characterizing the psycho-emotional background and characteristics of relationships with loved ones in the coming month, regardless of the zodiac sign. It is worth noting that while waiting for your period, you need to constantly check your personal hygiene products, because fortune telling will be most accurate if you focus on the moment the first blood clots appear.


The most favorable time for the start of menstruation. Many astrologers are confident that this early time interval foreshadows the imminent start of a love affair and the harmonization of a woman’s internal background. The morning hours foreshadow a quick awakening, and mystics associate this time with rebirth. The coming month for the girl will be filled with love and mutual understanding both with the opposite sex and with everyone around her. Positive vibrations will fill a person and give an extraordinary surge of vital energy.

Day (until 1 p.m.)

The beginning of menstruation at this time is characterized by seers in two ways. On the one hand, “daytime” menstruation is the key to success in everything regarding work and self-realization. On the other hand, menstruation, which begins in this phase of the day, is a direct recommendation from the Universe to devote more time to loved ones, because the family boat can leak.


The interpretation of predictions based on menstruation, or rather, not the time of their start, says that the “arrival” of critical days during twilight does not bode well. “Evening” menstruation is a kind of warning, signaling possible problems and serious conflicts in both business and personal spheres. This phase of the day can give an idea not only of events approaching a woman from the outside, but also characterize her internal state. Menstruation, which began in the late afternoon, is evidence of mental discomfort and boredom, which has covered the girl’s existence with a thick veil.


The most unfavorable time for the onset of menstruation from an esoteric point of view. Having studied treatises on magic and philosophy, one can come to the conclusion that night is not only a time of mysteries, but also a harbinger of death, giving rise to the dominance of the unconscious, the “animal” in human nature. Menstruation that begins at night portends an imminent separation from a loved one, possible scandals and a series of financial failures. It is worth noting that predictions based on the menstrual cycle are not fatal and cannot answer the question of why this or that event occurred. Although they are plausible. Everything that menstrual blood portends can come true within one cycle, i.e. before the start of the next critical days. It is precisely because of its “shortsightedness” that many attribute this type of foresight rather to comic prophecies and do not take them seriously, and the desire to tell fortunes is inspired not by necessity, but by a thirst for fun.

Find out whether love spells work on menstrual blood and how to properly perform the ritual to bring your loved one back.

Folk signs about menstruation that come from ancient times

Some signs are also associated with the time of day when menstruation begins. Here's what folk experts say about this:

  • If bleeding began early in the morning, they promise you pure and sincere love. This can be love not only for a man, but also for a child, family members, and good friends. Be that as it may, you are guaranteed good and loving relationships with those whom you consider your family.
  • If your period began from 10 am to 5 pm, the sign promises that the next month will be joyful and pleasant. During it you will forget about what sadness is.
  • If your period begins in the evening, then the sign promises you tears and melancholy. Moreover, people say that the later they start, the worse the coming month will be.
  • It is believed that if menstruation begins at night, this is a sign of impending separation. You must be prepared to spend some time alone.

Early morning - before 11.00. Such periods will be the best harbinger - a harbinger of love, conflict resolution. This does not necessarily mean romantic relationships - maybe you will find harmony with relatives or friends.

Overflowing energy and successful solutions will be your companions for the near future.

Menstruation starting early in the morning is the most favorable sign

Day – from 11.00 to 13.00. Another time that predicts exceptionally good events. They will occur especially often in the work area. Success, pleasant surprises, inspiration - expect it all.

Noon – from 13.00 to 17.00. Perhaps you should exercise caution. You need to rely solely on yourself, and it is better to avoid doing things that could turn into trouble. The likelihood of failures is especially high.

Evening – from 17.00 to 21.00. This option is more favorable than the previous one, but you still won’t be particularly happy. But to feel sadness - yes. A feeling of uselessness and loneliness is possible.

Night – from 21.00 to dawn. This period has always been particularly disliked by our ancestors. Perhaps because it foreshadows separation and suffering. Perhaps your friends or loved one will be too busy or go somewhere else.

If your period begins at night, you should expect melancholy and separation

Let's try to interpret the signs of menstruation, depending on what time of day they began:

  • Morning means love. It can be anyone, a husband, a child, parents, just close people... You are guaranteed a strong relationship with your family for the whole month.
  • The day brings joy with it. Thanks to the start of your period during the day, you won't have to be sad all month.
  • The evening will bring dullness and boredom. And the later your period comes, the sadder your month will be.
  • Night means separation. Be prepared that in the near future you will have to be left alone for some period.

Signs based on the time of day do not depend on the exact time on the clock. It is important to remember in what period the beginning of critical days will occur.

  • If the beginning of the cycle occurred in the morning (between dawn and 12 noon), then this is an excellent omen. For a whole month, the girl will enjoy good luck and harmony on the personal front. Reconciliation with someone with whom there was a quarrel is possible. There will also be mutual understanding with relatives and friends.
  • When the beginning of the cycle occurs between 12 noon and sunset, the woman will experience a calm and joyful period of time. You don’t have to worry: no quarrels or scandals will happen during this period.
  • Not such rosy prospects are foreshadowed by the beginning of “these” days in the interval after sunset and before midnight. Throughout the coming month, a female person will be subject to boredom and torment from melancholy.
  • The most unfavorable time for your period to start is from midnight to dawn. Over the next weeks, separation from your significant other may occur. Moreover, this can be either a long trip or a break in relations. To prevent irreparable things from happening, try to be more tolerant and make concessions, at least for a while. Try to pay as much attention as possible to your loved one, do not leave him alone with his problems.

Ancient people believed that a woman during this period of the body had incredible abilities, which, if desired, she could turn into both good and evil. In connection with these features, our ancestors compiled a number of signs that are still valid today.

  1. You should not cook food during this period. This is due to changes in taste and preferences.
  2. Previously, a girl with her period was not allowed to go near anything that could turn sour.
  3. Menstruation at an early age promises a girl the presence of more than two children.
  4. In “these” days, a woman was forbidden to look at a naked person. It was believed that this could lead to numerous rashes on the body.
  5. Gardening and gardening are prohibited. This is especially true for planting and watering.
  6. A woman was not allowed to attend services in the temple or approach the icons.

Signs on the menstrual cycle can predict both the near future and the future fate of each girl. By learning about all possible blows of fate in advance, they can be easily prevented.

Signs according to menstruation by day of the week

After you have explained what the time of day at which menstruation began means, take a calendar and find out what the menstruation signs promise you by day of the week.

A hard day - anxiety and troubles. Perhaps it will be a pleasant excitement, or it may turn out to be worries about troubles and attempts to resolve them. It is unknown how pleasant this prediction may turn out to be. For a modern person, no day goes by without troubles. But still, your worries and concerns will not be entirely ordinary, and you will be able to emphasize them among everyday worries. Most likely, the reason will be something you haven’t thought about before.

Tuesday not only promises changes, although it also suggests that the following weeks are the best time to change your life, make an important decision and make a choice. People you have long forgotten about may appear in your life, or new acquaintances

There is a high probability of reconciliation with friends, the main provisions of the new relationship.

The start of your period on Wednesday means trouble. You shouldn’t be sour, because the prediction of these signs only applies to one monthly cycle, which does not last very long. Rather, you are already prepared for these problems and know about their existence, so they will not be able to take you by surprise. Perhaps next month the signs will be more optimistic, but for now you should beware of strangers and not trust those who do not deserve it.

Thursday - to the guests. Either your period will come to you, or someone will invite you. Perhaps you will stand at a feast, receive an invitation to a wedding or other celebration. If a holiday falls during the period that the sign refers to, then you will spend it in a cheerful company. It is possible to meet interesting people who may be your friends.

Friday warns you to be patient. A serious unpleasant event awaits you, perhaps even trouble or destruction. But pleasant events in your life will also be present. The coming month will be rich in events, both pleasant and very unprofitable.

Saturday is the best day for the start of menstruation, because if you believe the interpretations of the signs of menstruation by day of the week, you will have a desire of any nature come true. Perhaps you will be popular in love, the beginning of a new relationship, and this is also a sign for a wedding or engagement.

Sunday is for joy and fun. You will spend this month in a good mood, and no amount of gunpowder can spoil it for you. Interesting activities and options for spending your time, chatting with friends, and possibly going on vacation await you. A memorable bazaar is possible, both good and bad.

Negative signs

Some signs tell us that during menstruation a woman’s energy changes for the worse. For this reason, there are beliefs about what not to do during menstruation.

In the old days, a girl was not allowed much during her menstrual cycle. She was not allowed to undertake responsible work, but was engaged in minor household chores. According to Slavic belief, a stream of forces capable of harming others passed through a girl during menstruation:

  • You cannot harvest from trees and fields so that they do not dry out;
  • a girl with menstruation was excluded from preparing food for the whole family - otherwise the dish would turn out too salty or bland;
  • It is unacceptable to roll up canned food during menstruation, it can break the jars;
  • a woman should not take up cutting meat, otherwise bleeding will occur for a month;
  • kneading dough and baking baked goods are also contraindicated during the cycle, otherwise it will come out unbaked;
  • You should not be near wine barrels due to possible souring of the product;
  • In ancient times, it was believed that if a woman on her period looked at a naked man, he would get a skin rash.

A girl during her menstrual cycle has no right to attend church due to the prohibition of shedding blood inside the temple.

True fortune telling for menstruation by time of day

You need to pay attention to the time of the onset of menstruation and seek help with the interpretation:

Early in the morning (before eleven) is the most favorable time for the onset of menstruation. In this case, over the next month you will receive a lot of attention from the opposite sex and will find yourself in harmonious relationships with those around you. If you are in a state of conflict with someone, then very soon this situation will improve.

During the day (from eleven in the morning to one in the afternoon). You can also calm down - daytime foretells you only joyful and positive events, and also indicates that Lady Fortune will accompany you in everything.

At noon (from 14 to 17 hours). If the onset of your period falls during this period, fortune telling indicates that you may encounter major troubles and failures

You should be careful and trust only yourself.

In the evening (from 18 to 21 hours). The evening onset of menstruation is more favorable than in previous versions, but events that will make you sad are not excluded

You may also feel lonely over the next thirty days.

At night (from 22 pm to 6 am). If your critical days began at night, you will most likely experience a painful separation from people close to you in spirit. It is also possible that separation will be provoked by deception or dishonesty of your loved ones. During the entire cycle, other unpleasant surprises are not possible.

But even in that situation, if you received a not very harmonious prediction, do not rush to be upset. The monthly cycle is only thirty days and, most likely, the subsequent cycle will definitely change the situation for the better.

Positive signs

Signs can have a positive meaning, because menstruation itself means that the female body is functioning normally and is capable of procreation.

Beliefs say that during menstruation a girl acquires an unknown power that protects her from the evil eye and affects everyone who is nearby, so for a long time there have been rituals that can be performed during this period:

  • a girl with her period should walk around the house 3 times, then natural disasters and fire will not be scary;
  • the threshold was smeared with menstrual secretions so that evil spirits would not enter the house;
  • By sprinkling livestock with menstrual secretions, you can expect excellent offspring.

Interpretation by day of the month

1 – good luck awaits you in the next few weeks, and this applies to any area of ​​life.

2 – contempt for one of your acquaintances will occupy your thoughts.

3 – quarrels and conflicts are almost inevitable, try to watch what you say, you risk offending someone. The consequences can be quite unpleasant.

4 – happiness is about to appear on your doorstep. Are you ready to meet him? Take a break from gloomy thoughts and learn to see the good in everything.

5 – high probability of a profitable purchase. Or maybe someone will just give you a nice gift.

6 - rumors and gossip about you or your friends will reach your ears. All you should do at this time is not take anything to heart. And even more so, do not pass on dubious information to anyone else, otherwise sooner or later the person you discussed will do the same to you.

7 – how are things going in your personal life? If you had a fight with your loved one, try to find the strength within yourself to reconcile with him. And if you are still single, be fully prepared - very soon you will meet your destiny.

8 – if you decide that now is the time to make your significant other jealous of you, give up this idea. The sign about menstruation says that on this day you should control yourself, trying not to do stupid things. Otherwise, you risk losing your loved one.

9 – expect trouble. Remember: your main weapon is calmness and confidence that you can cope with any task. Watch your words - it cannot be ruled out that these troubles will arise because of your love of gossip.

10 – love literally breathes down your back. This means that everything will be smooth in your personal life.

11 – you can not doubt your friends. These people are loyal to you, they will always come to your aid and support you.

12 – an unexpected love interest may appear in your life. Be careful: the sign about menstruation starting on this day says that this could be a love spell. Try to control yourself.

13 – if your critical days began on the thirteenth day of the month, you should listen to your intuition. The whole point is that troubles and bad luck await you. Listen to your inner voice - it will help you overcome all obstacles.

14 – the next month will be full of pleasant events.

15 – be prepared for bad news.

16 – your careless words can offend people close to you. Watch everything you say over the next few weeks.

17 – minor difficulties are expected in your relationship with your significant other. Most likely, this will be a temporary separation - due to a large number of accumulated cases or business trips.

18 – your personal life in the coming month will be full of joys. Learn to enjoy even small manifestations of your partner's love.

19 – if critical days “arrive” on this particular date, you are lucky – great happiness awaits you ahead.

20 – there is a high probability of a serious conflict – or even separation – with a loved one. For single young ladies, this number portends unrequited love.

21 – you should be more careful. Remember: scammers never sleep! Keep an eye on your belongings and don't trust everything you hear.

22 – financial success. What could this mean? You will receive a bonus, win the lottery. Another option is that you need to think about changing your field of activity in order to earn more.

23 - you have nothing to worry about, all events in your life will bring you joy.

24 – unexpected guests will soon appear on your doorstep. Prepare to receive them. Maybe you will meet a person you have been wanting to see for a long time.

25 – new pleasant acquaintances await you. Some of them will develop into strong friendships.

26 – certain events occurring in your life evoke sympathy and even pity from your relatives. The people around you will take part in solving your problems.

27 – it seems that you urgently need a new cherished dream. Why? Yes, because the current one is about to come true.

28 – your life will be prosperous, problems can be resolved easily, practically without requiring your attention.

29 – critical days that begin on this day foreshadow a woman’s grief and frustration. You may have to cry.

30 – you can rejoice – your feelings are mutual.

31 – pleasant surprises await you. Maybe you go on vacation or meet an interesting person. Or maybe the one you like will make you a long-awaited proposal!

Feng Shui fortune telling

Fortune telling based on monthly Feng Shui is a variant of predictions based on the days of the week. But at the same time, each element has its own prophecy. The element Fire rules such zodiac signs as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Earth is Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are ruled by Air, while Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Water signs. This is how the beginning of menstruation is interpreted for various elements.

Monday. For Fire: acquaintance with influential people is predicted, and not always pleasant ones. For the Earth: positive emotions, success and pleasant events await. For Air: love affairs and romance are coming, stability in business, but health may fail. For Water signs: the beginning of something new that will have a significant impact in the future. Tuesday. Fire: career growth is possible. Earth: Financial changes can be both positive and negative. Air: difficulties at work are compensated by peace at home, but the risk of conflicts will be great everywhere. Water: your plans are close to being realized. Wednesday. Fire: mutual love and complete harmony await you. Earth: a responsible conversation will help you adjust your outlook on life. Air: pleasant events await you, but enemies and envious people will try to ruin the overall pleasant impression of the month. Water: luck in everything is the motto for the next month. Thursday. Fire: Beware of events that could ruin your plans for the future. Earth: lucky in everything, especially in love. Air: money and good luck in all your endeavors await you this month. Water: difficulties and obstacles can ruin all plans. Friday

Fire: caution in everything will help to avoid conflicts and showdowns. Earth: luck awaits you not only in love, but also in business

Air: Enjoy calm and stability. Water: for women I expect mystery and intrigue, there is a high probability of mental anguish. Saturday. Fire: turn plans into reality, luck is on your side. Earth: difficulties await you at work, but good luck on the personal front. Air: positive emotions and unforgettable events await this month. Water: get ready for gifts, surprises and pleasant events. Sunday. Fire: peace is guaranteed, enjoy it. Earth: difficulties will melt away by themselves, leaving room for joy. Air: a good time to implement plans. Water: enjoy the long-awaited vacation, problems will fade into the background.

As you can see, fortune telling on menstruation has many nuances and features. Choose any option or use all of them at the same time to make the most accurate forecast. And don’t forget about folk signs that will help in everyday life.

What should you not do these days?

In the old days, there were many superstitions about what a woman should not do during her period. Almost all of them were based on the fact that during menstruation a woman is unclean before God, and certain of her actions can provoke great trouble.

So, during menstruation, a woman should not go to church, since this state and Faith did not combine in any way, according to folk healers. Cooking and doing housework were also prohibited. Probably, many women are not averse to using this sign today.

You cannot plant a crop and harvest it, since in the future this will cause its complete absence. Some signs are downright scary. Thus, if a woman’s period began at the same time as the full moon, she was considered a witch and was forbidden to look at both people and livestock.

To believe or not to believe in omens is a personal matter for everyone. But do not forget about more serious things that you should not do on critical days, namely, swimming in open water, doing hard physical work, getting hypothermic and overheating. All this can also have negative consequences, but they will directly affect your health.

The last notes

  • Horoscope for August 9: how to spend this Friday for Libra and what changes do Taurus need?
  • Horoscope for August 8: what offers should Scorpio refuse and what problems will Virgo have?
  • Horoscope for August 7: what will Sagittarius be lucky in and what abilities will be useful to Gemini?
  • Horoscope for August 6: what chances await Capricorn and what changes does Leo need?
  • Signs for August 9: we bake pies with cabbage and dream about our betrothed
  • Signs for August 8: digging potatoes and hiding needles
  • Horoscope for August 5: an unpredictable day awaits Aries, and Aquarius will need rest
  • Horoscope for August 4: what ideas will Scorpio have and what difficulties will fall on Cancer?
  • Curious folk signs on August 17
  • Signs for August 6: breaking birch branches and collecting bird cherry

By duration

When interpreting signs, the duration of menstruation is also taken into account:

  • up to 3 days . Unrequited love. A woman will tell her chosen one about her feelings, but he will not reciprocate her feelings;
  • from 3 to 5 days . An unnecessary purchase will be made. Trying to save money, a woman will purchase an item that does not meet the requirements;
  • up to a week . Memories will come flooding back. Difficulties will arise at work;
  • more than 8 days . There is an ill-wisher around who is trying to disgrace the girl.

Signs for menstruation by day of the month

Along with the signs based on the day of the week when menstruation begins, many predictions are also known based on the day of the month, which completely coincide with the signs based on the lunar cycle.

Find the required number in the list and find out what awaits you in the coming days.

Successful start of new projects is expected. Possible encounter with misunderstanding of others and public contempt. The girl will cause a huge scandal. In the near future, a woman will have the opportunity to relax with unforgettable sensations. A favorable time for big spending on expensive gifts and household appliances. You need to be careful with your surroundings so as not to fall victim to false rumors. On the seventh, the best time comes for reconciliation with a person who has greatly offended a woman. A loved one will make a girl jealous of him, but there will be no reason to worry. On the ninth, the girl will face emotional swings and disturbances in peace of mind. A woman whose period begins on the 10th will soon have her heart filled with love. If the critical days began on the 11th, then the girl should remain in the circle of true friends, on whose support and help she can count at any time. At the end of menstruation, on the day that begins on the 12th, love adventures of an intimate nature are possible. Like Friday the 13th, this day promises only constant bad luck. Good news is expected. Unlike the previous day, the 15th will bring bad news. Be careful not to share your secrets so as not to make them public. Separation from family and children lies ahead. Go to the casino, luck is on your side. If you have long wanted to start life from scratch, then the 19th will be a great day to start. Get ready for your feelings to be unrequited. Beware of deception from a close friend. The girl will be lucky and a big profit awaits her (a bonus, a gift, a win). On this day, attention should be paid to family and material well-being. Career connections and useful acquaintances will be replenished with influential people on this day. There are only pleasant meetings and communication with loved ones ahead. The sign speaks of imminent problems that the girl can cope with only with the help of loved ones. The goals that have been set will soon be realized. There is a time of calm and material stability ahead. Unfortunately, you will be deeply disappointed in people dear to your heart. Get ready for an exciting trip with your family. There are new hobbies ahead and a reassessment of life priorities. Favorable time for setting goals.. Do not forget that any negative signs regarding menstruation can be turned around and made into predictions of success, just take care of things in another area of ​​activity

For example, problems at work, then spend time with your family, etc.

Don’t forget that any negative signs about your period can be turned around and turned into predictions of success, just take care of things in another area of ​​activity. For example, problems at work, then spend time with your family, etc.

Folk signs about menstruation that come from ancient times

Signs of menstruation, which are passed down from generation to generation, tell the story of the time of day when menstruation began. Each case has its own explanation; signs were very famous and revered among girls.

  1. The belief says that if menstruation begins at dawn, then the day will be successful and the month will pass peacefully. This was explained by the fact that at dawn the sun rises and nature awakens to a new day.
  2. Your period started during the day - the next month will pass smoothly and calmly, without incident.
  3. The onset of the menstrual cycle in the evening indicates the gloominess of the upcoming weekend and the following week. The belief was formed based on the daily routine of the housewife of that time. In the old days, people went to bed early, and the evenings passed languidly and boringly, which is why the onset of menstruation promised joylessness.
  4. The sign of menstruation that began at night did not bode well, because in the old days night was associated with fear and evil spirits. Legend has it that menstruation that begins at night predicts imminent separation from a loved one or illness.

Signs about menstruation - a combination of the date and day of the week

The function of the day of the week with which the beginning of menstruation coincided should be combined with exactly the month. Both predictions will be correct, and if they are opposite to each other, this means that we must expect both different twists and turns. Combining them with the time of day, you will get the most accurate and detailed horoscope for the next few weeks. Below you can read the interpretations of the numbers of the month.

1 - fate and luck in all areas of life.

2 - you will disdain someone.

3 - threat of quarrels and conflicts, try to stay away from such situations, no matter what you say, the consequences can be very unpleasant for you

There is a chance of a disagreement, be careful

4 - fun and happiness.

5 - a gift or other pleasant surprise, perhaps you will make a profitable purchase.

6 - gossip. It is not known whether rumors will reach you about someone you know or whether a sign about menstruation after this combination of date and day of the week will mean that someone is discussing you. Be prepared for this event, do not comment on gossip and do not pass it on, then they will answer you in the dark. You should not take gossip about you to heart, because there are no people in the plant whom no one discusses.

7 - love, and your job is to preserve it, perhaps you will meet your destiny or make peace with the one you love.

8 - zeal. You should not give your boyfriend any reason to be jealous. When you have to be jealous, try to control yourself and not do stupid things, especially if you have a tendency towards jealousy.

9 - worries, in the fight against which you will need calmness and self-confidence. Perhaps these problems will arise due to gossip about you or your desire to spread rumors about other people.

10 - you will fall headlong in love with someone. For girls who already have a suitable one, and for married women, the sign promises happiness in their personal or family life, excellent connections with their soulmate.

11 - loyalty of a loved one or devotion of friends.

12 - the birth of a temporary attraction or even love for a person. Beware that nothing serious will come of it and your feelings will be temporary. It is possible that this number foreshadows seduction or even a love spell.

13 is one of the most unlucky numbers, and they think so not only in our country. It promises a ride and troubles of various kinds.

14 - good news.

15 is bad news.

16 - popular wisdom warns you against gossip. If you love this process, try to keep your mouth shut for at least the next few weeks. But this applies not only to gossip, but also to offensive comments and other words that may offend your loved one.

17 - separation from a loved one. Don’t be upset, no matter how you say it doesn’t mean the end of the relationship; most likely, you will have to postpone your meetings due to a forced trip or lack of time.

18 - love and luck in your personal life.

19 - real weakness (why) and happiness await you.

20 - unrequited love, possible quarrel with the person you care about.

21 - who exactly wants to deceive you, be careful. Be vigilant, deserted (= sparsely populated) trust scammers and carefully monitor your belongings.

22 - luck in money. Doable, you will receive a bonus, open a new source of income and win the lottery. If you have never tried to earn more, it’s worth a try, a month will be very successful for this.

23 - happiness.

24 - unexpected guests and meetings, you must be prepared to receive them. Perhaps you will meet those you have been waiting for for a long time.

25 - dating, expanding your social circle.

26 - pity or benefit that you will receive from friends or relatives.

27 - fulfillment of a cherished dream.

28 is not living.

29 - tears and grief.

30 - mutual feelings.

31 is a pleasant surprise. Perhaps you are waiting for a vacation, a new acquaintance or hobby.

On your birthday

Many people perceive the onset of menstruation coinciding with their birthday as an omen. Some consider this to be the happiest sign, while others, on the contrary, are a harbinger that the whole year will be too unhappy.

For some, this is a reason to abandon the celebration altogether. In fact, among popular beliefs there is no sign associated with menstruation on a birthday. Folk sages pay more attention to the date, number and time of day of the beginning of this feminine phenomenon.

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