PMS in men - fact or fiction?

A lot of ridicule and myths have accumulated around male PMS. Many people even doubt its existence: PMS in men - what is it, they don’t have a uterus, after all? However, depressive-irritable, hormonally based periods do occur in men. They are called MIS (stand for male irritability syndrome).

Women often complain: their life partner meets any demands and requests with hostility, accusing them of “sawing” or “taking out the brain.” Such a sharp reaction can be deciphered simply: your friend is having “those days,” you need to take care of him and yourself.

What are prebiotics and probiotics for the gut?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can be included in food products, for example, yogurt and kefir, medicines or dietary supplements. Their main task is to normalize the intestinal microflora, destroying bad bacteria.

Prebiotics are substances that are needed for the growth and development of good bacteria. If there are a lot of prebiotics in the body, beneficial bacteria feel comfortable and protect you from negative environmental factors.

The list of foods with prebiotics is long. These components are found in large quantities in fruits (bananas), vegetables (onions, corn, garlic, beans, peas), as well as in dairy products, bran and cereals.

Prebiotics include organic compounds:

  • oligofructose;
  • inulin;
  • apple pectin;
  • calcium pantothenate;
  • lactulose;
  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • algae extracts;
  • glutamic acid;
  • carotenoids.

When choosing probiotic yogurts in the store, pay attention to the number of lactic acid bacteria. In a high-quality drink there will be at least 10 7 CFU per 1 gram of product.

How does PMS manifest in men?

Men, of course, do not have symptoms such as engorgement of the glands, pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, but psycho-emotional disorders are present.

• A man gets tired quickly, and fatigue does not set in in the evening, but in the very morning. And this state continues all day. The result is reduced performance.

• Irritability is another characteristic sign of PMS in men. Literally everything irritates him, he is constantly dissatisfied.

• Apathy and a depressive state that has no basis. The man becomes indifferent to everything, he doesn’t want to do anything, he doesn’t want to see anyone.

• A man suffering from PMS constantly, at any time, feels sleepy.

• Sudden changes in sexual activity are possible: from a lack of sexual desire to violent manifestations of passion.

The role of pro- and prebiotics in the body

The main function of the intestines is to protect the body, which is impossible without good bacteria. This organ protects a person from poisoning, infections and eating disorders. Each organism has an individual intestinal microclimate - a community of bacteria that interact with each other and control everything that gets inside.

If harmful bacteria or other irritants enter the intestines, prebiotics and probiotics eliminate them, improving internal processes.

They supply the body with energy, biologically active substances, vitamins, regulate the digestion process and produce vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting. Due to stress, serious illness or treatment with antibiotics, bad bacteria penetrate the intestines and multiply, fighting the microflora. As a result of this struggle, there are fewer good bacteria, which affects your condition: the stomach begins to growl, flatulence appears, the digestion process is disrupted, which leads to nausea, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation.

This greatly affects your immunity: it weakens and cannot fully protect against viruses coming from the outside, so you get sick more often.

Long-term mood changes are not normal

Bad days that cause lewd relationships are one thing. Persistent emotional or physical symptoms are something else entirely and may indicate that you should see a doctor.

“[The symptoms] are serious if they bother you. Contact your doctor if your symptoms bother you. See a sex therapist if you need help revitalizing your sex life, or a mental health professional if you're experiencing depression or anxiety."

says Brito.

Likewise, if you have bleeding from your genitals, you should see a doctor. This is not a form of male period and may be a sign of infection or other condition.

American scientists in the 1960s hypothesized that men also have a monthly cycle. Photo: Facebook.

The pharmaceutical concern Bayer recently conducted a study showing that men regularly experience periods. The reason is hormonal fluctuations, which affect both libido and the general condition of a man and his emotions. At this time, he either sulks or gets irritated over trifles.

Scientists believe that the frequency of male tantrums ranges from 23 to 33 days. There is an opinion that in addition to all of the above, the moon greatly influences his well-being and sexual desire: a man wants his woman in accordance with the monthly cycle with two peaks: the main peak occurs on the full moon, and the second on the new moon.

In general, it makes sense to start keeping a men's menstrual calendar.

Are you confused by the word “menstrual” in this context? In America, the term manstruation is actively used - you can use it.


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Updated: September 2021.

Pros and cons of probiotics and prebiotics

In recent years, the topic of restoring microflora with probiotics and prebiotics has become very popular, so many nutritionists and adherents of a healthy lifestyle are confident in their benefits. Many people take drugs in capsules, powders, and “live” yoghurts to eliminate dysbiosis, strengthen the immune system and cleanse the liver.

However, there are those who are skeptical about probiotics and prebiotics. They are confident that the diagnosis of “dysbacteriosis” is a myth, and tests to determine it are a simple marketing ploy, since the ratio of bacteria “out” is not related to what lives inside a person. Skeptics do not consider it necessary to help the intestines, since they can easily recover naturally, and the effectiveness of good bacteria has not been proven.

The third camp understands the benefits of pro- and prebiotics, but is not sure that they reach the intestines. People argue that most of these bacteria are killed by hydrochloric acid, so there is no point in spending money on products containing them.

What are the symptoms of IMS?

The symptoms of so-called IMS mimic some of the symptoms women experience during PMS. However, IMS does not follow any physiological pattern the way a woman's period follows her reproductive cycle, since there is no hormonal basis for IMS. This means that these symptoms may not occur regularly and may not have a pattern.

Symptoms of IMS are vague and have been suggested to include:

  • fatigue
  • confusion or mental fog
  • depression
  • anger
  • low self-esteem
  • low libido
  • anxiety
  • increased sensitivity

If you are experiencing these symptoms, there is likely something else going on. Some of these symptoms may be the result of testosterone deficiency. Testosterone levels naturally fluctuate, but levels that are too low can cause problems, including:

  • decreased libido
  • Behavior and mood problems
  • depression

If these symptoms persist, make an appointment with your doctor. It is a diagnosable condition and can be treated.

Likewise, middle-aged men may experience symptoms when their natural testosterone levels begin to drop. This condition, colloquially called andropause, is sometimes called male menopause.

“When it comes to andropause, which is found in [anecdotal] studies, symptoms tend to be fatigue, low libido, and [it] tends to affect middle-aged men due to low testosterone levels.”

says Dr. Brito.

Finally, the term "male period" or "male structure" is used colloquially to refer to blood found in urine or stool. However, Brito says, bleeding from the male genitals is often the result of parasites or infection. Regardless of where the blood is located, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

The level of the same testosterone decreases gradually over the years (after 50 years it falls in at least 10–20% of the stronger sex), but this process cannot be ignored. Symptoms: weakened memory and attention, problems with erection and libido, increased sweating and fatigue. The most effective therapy is sex and sports. And even better - great love, like at 17 years old. Photo: Instagram.

When you need beneficial bacteria

Probiotics help normalize intestinal function, and prebiotics (fiber) speed up the passage of food and its digestion in the intestines.

Probiotics are prescribed for irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory diseases, diverticular disease, and for the prevention of antibiotic-associated colitis they can be used together with antibiotics on the recommendation of a doctor.

Be careful: self-medication not only will not solve the problem, but can also harm the body. Prebiotics are contraindicated in cases of intestinal stenosis, such as Crohn's disease, and an allergic reaction may occur to probiotics.

Many people try to stop diarrhea with probiotics. It is important to establish the cause of the disorder, otherwise you may miss the onset of a serious illness. In addition, each bacteria has its own “specialization”. For example, lactobacilli suppress putrefactive processes in the intestines and stimulate the immune system. However, without a doctor’s recommendation, it is not worth treating diseases with them: the effectiveness of certain microorganisms has been proven, and some bacteria are only being studied by specialists.

Also, microorganisms that inhabit the intestines secrete gamma-aminobutyric acid, which affects your mood. When the microbalance is normal, your mood improves and stress goes away.

Evidence-based effectiveness

Abroad, the manufacturer is required to prove the effectiveness of its products. For example, if beneficial bacteria have been added to a new yogurt, this does not mean that the product is healthy. In Russia, the law does not oblige manufacturers to conduct serious research, but there must be an evidence base.

For example, a well-known food manufacturer conducted double-blind, placebo-controlled studies involving 600 people. One part of the experiment participants drank a “pacifier”, and the second part drank a lactic acid product with a probiotic. When the study ended, an independent organization compared the participants' medical histories and found that people who consumed the probiotic product had less illness. So probiotics do strengthen the immune system and can speed up the healing process, but their effectiveness and safety in a specific product must be proven.

Lifestyle changes can help

IMS is not a recognized medical diagnosis, so "treatment" is aimed at:

  • manage symptoms
  • adapt to emotions and mood swings as they occur
  • find ways to relieve stress

Exercising, eating right, finding ways to relieve stress, and quitting alcohol and smoking can help prevent these symptoms. These lifestyle changes can also help with a variety of physical and mental symptoms.

However, if you think your symptoms may be the result of low testosterone, consult your doctor.

Testosterone replacement may be an option for some men with low hormone levels, but it comes with risks.

If your doctor suspects another cause, he may order tests and procedures to rule out other problems.

If you think your partner is showing signs of serious hormonal changes or low testosterone levels, one of the best ways to help them is to talk. You can help him seek professional help and find ways to cope with any symptoms, regardless of the underlying cause.

Requirements for probiotic products

One of the main requirements for probiotic products is the survival of the probiotic strain in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the finished product throughout the entire shelf life.

For such control, modern production facilities operate research centers and laboratories. Their main task is to select probiotic bacteria and study their properties. Some large production facilities have microbiological laboratories in which about 4,000 different strains have been collected. They determine which prebiotics and probiotics are better and more effective.

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