Carefree pads - daily and for critical days

The history of the use of feminine pads goes back to the distant past. Menstruation and women's health issues forced women to get creative. The pads were made from various fabrics, animal skin, and papyrus. A few decades ago, our mothers used cotton wool, gauze, and cotton fabric. The life of a modern woman has been simplified by sanitary pads, which appeared 15-20 years ago. Manufacturers took into account all the wishes of women and created products that meet hygiene requirements.

Today there is a wide variety of gaskets on the shelves of pharmacies and stores. Women have the opportunity to choose according to the individual characteristics of the body. The scope of application is by no means limited to use on menstrual days. All types pursue a single goal - to make a woman’s life easier during periods of temporary difficulties, to absorb liquid.

Period pads

What pads are best to use during menstruation? Maintaining hygiene during these few days is very important. Since sensitivity increases, and with the wrong hygiene product, you can even get an infection. Therefore, manufacturers pay the greatest attention to this type of gaskets. Gaskets are in greatest demand because their main quality is versatility. Every woman used them more than once. Each type of product has its own characteristics and properties.

Pads for critical days

During menstruation, women use products that absorb blood discharge well. These are highly sought after protection materials these days. They differ from each other in a number of parameters.

Firstly, sanitary pads are classified by size. Products with 3 drops are intended for girls, and products with 5–6 drops are intended for adult women. When the discharge is moderate, it is not recommended to purchase a large product. But during periods of intense menstruation, it is better to stock up on large and wide hygiene products.

Secondly, they differ in design. Some products have special wings for fastening, others have grooves that are designed to prevent blood from leaking. Gynecologists recommend using pads with wings, as these hygiene products are more functional and reliable.

Construction of gaskets and their features

The design of different types of products can also be different. Some have special grooves, due to which the blood does not spread, others have wide wings, which also protect against leaks and prevent staining of linen and clothes. Some species are designed in such a way that they do not have wings. But what kind of pads are better to use during menstruation, if not those that protect better and with which a woman will feel more confident?! The choice of pads should be approached in accordance with her individual preferences and body characteristics.

History of gaskets

Self-adhesive gaskets were invented only in the early 70s. It so happened that progress avoided this topic for a long time. Until this time, girls had to attach hygiene products to their underwear using suspenders, pins, and various belts. Of course, the gauze and cotton wool fell out, then we had to use rubber underwear with a secure hold, which created a “greenhouse effect.”

It would seem that with the advent of the self-adhesive alternative, the end of women's suffering came , but new problems began. In the late 70s, due to the use of synthetic materials, a serious threat of developing a disease called toxic shock syndrome appeared. By the 90s of the last century, the number of victims of the disease exceeded several thousand.

Modern pads have an excellent structure, do not rub delicate skin and do not allow the product to leak during sudden movements. A woman can choose any clothes and lead an active life.

Materials from which these hygiene products are made

The materials from which gaskets are made can also vary. Some may have a cotton component inside. But such products are less and less in demand among women, since they are not always reliable. Others have a special sorbent that perfectly retains moisture and turns it into a gel.

Differences may be in the top layer. Typically this is either a synthetic porous material or fluff pulp. Like any material, each layer has its pros and cons. In the first case, the discharge is quickly absorbed without leaking, but after using such pads, irritation may occur. In the second case, they are not so practical, but they are advised to be used by women who have increased sensitivity of the genital mucosa.

Disposable day and night

Produced by many, “Bella”, “Always”, etc. You can also buy products made in Europe and China. They are more expensive in price, but their quality is almost no different from domestically produced hygiene products.

Dimensions and level of moisture absorption

When choosing products, it is important to pay attention to the “droplets”, which indicate the size and maximum volume of liquid that one pad can absorb.

  • If there are 2 drops on the top of the package, then such pads can absorb up to 100 ml of menstrual flow. They do not have protective wings and are minimal in size. Practical to use, as they are not noticeable in tight clothes. Suitable for use with light discharge - in the last days of menstruation.
  • 3 drop pads are classic and can be used on any day of your period. Their thickness is 3-4 mm, and their length is 16-20 cm. They absorb up to 150 ml of secretions and are equipped with protective wings.
  • Pads with 4 drops “Super” prevent leakage during particularly heavy menstruation. They are elongated, thick (6-7 mm) and equipped with wide wings. You can use maxi in the first 2 days of menstruation. It is important to remember that when using “maxi”, you need to wear wide trousers - they are very noticeable in tight clothes.
  • 5 drop pads. Suitable for use at night and when the discharge is as heavy as possible.

Top layer material

The top layer of the pad is in contact with the skin of the perineum and the edges of the vaginal mucosa. When discharge gets in, the top layer absorbs moisture and remains moderately dry. There are 3 types of top layer:

  • Soft is a delicate cotton fabric that does not cause irritation upon contact with the skin and mucous membranes. Quickly absorbs moisture, but if the menstrual flow is too thick, it cannot remain dry. Pads with a cloth top layer should be changed every 3-4 hours, since the moist blood environment provides an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Ultra is a top coating made of synthetic material, most often polyethylene. It has a mesh shape, instantly absorbs secretions and remains dry. However, synthetic mesh does not allow air to pass through. Because of this, allergies or irritation of the skin of the external genital organs may occur - redness, diaper rash, pimples. Irritation is often accompanied by burning and itching.
  • Natural fabric – covering on reusable pads. It has noticeable disadvantages - it always remains wet, does not distribute moisture well enough in the inner layer, and sometimes allows leaks along the edges.

Internal filler

Sanitary pads differ in the material of the internal filler:

Cotton filler absorbs moisture well and does not allow it to spread. Some manufacturers add absorbents to cotton wool to block the spread of unpleasant odors. There are also lightly scented cotton pads infused with a floral scent. Scented filler removes menstrual odor. One of the popular scented pads is Naturella products with the scent of chamomile.

A filler in granules that turns liquid secretions into a gel. The ability of granules to give a liquid a gel-like structure helps prevent leaks. This filler makes hygiene products as reliable as possible during heavy menstrual flow. Granular filler is often used for night pads, as well as for Maxi products.

Fabric-cotton filler . Used in reusable pads. It is characterized by good absorption, hypoallergenicity and allows the skin to “breathe”. Filling made from ordinary cotton wool and scraps of cotton fabric can be used in the independent production of reusable products.

Types of gaskets and their descriptions

Pads are produced with varying degrees of absorbency. This is the main criterion for choosing this hygiene product. It is this feature that plays a key role when purchasing gaskets. Gaskets come in the following varieties:

  • Should be used by women who have scanty discharge. The packaging usually says Light and has a design of five droplets, three of which are painted over.
  • For moderate discharge, Normal pads with four colored droplets are suitable.
  • If there is heavy bleeding, it is better to use Super and Super Plus, as they absorb well and protect well from leaks. The treasured five drops are depicted on the packaging.
  • Since there can also be discharge at night, special pads were created for this time of day. They absorb well and are slightly larger in size than daytime ones. Usually called Night.

Main types of feminine pads

The hygiene product is easy to use and affordable, so all women in this situation buy and use it.

There are about a dozen well-known brands that produce a wide range of gaskets, as well as many little-known manufacturers. The products differ in size, material, design, and absorbency.

  • For critical days with a minimal amount of discharge, small, thin pads are used; for normal days, medium-sized pads; if bleeding is observed, the largest size pads are used. Night pads are in a separate category. They differ from the usual ones in their shape - they are widened on one side to prevent leakage when lying down.
  • To prevent leakage, some gaskets are equipped with grooves, patterns on the surface in the form of small funnels, others with wings, and others with both. There are also products without additional functions or wings, but they are not in great demand and are slowly disappearing from the market.
  • Hygiene products differ in material. Inside, cotton or a special sorbent is used to absorb moisture, the latter is more effective. The upper part can be cotton or synthetic. In the first case, moisture is absorbed more slowly, leaving a feeling of humidity, so women still prefer synthetic fabrics. Often made in the form of small funnels, which perfectly allow moisture to pass through and retain it inside. In addition, there may be a special gel substance inside the pad that thickens the blood. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.
  • There are pads with fragrances that retain unpleasant odors and without them. This component does not play a special role, but women still like a pleasant aroma more than its absence.
  • The main criterion is the ability to absorb. They are conventionally divided into several types. Light for light discharge, Normal for normal discharge, Super and Super Plus for heavy discharge, Night for use at night. Each of them has symbols in the form of droplets from one to eight.

To choose the best pads, you need to consider all these factors as well as your needs. The concept of “best” is individual.

Sold in pharmacies and specialty stores.


This product is designed for women during the postpartum period. They absorb a large amount of bloody and mucous secretions, while being safe, hypoallergenic, and comfortable. More and more often, women take precisely such unique products to the maternity hospital. Of course, you can use any pads for critical days, but in this case all the features of the female body during the period after childbirth are taken into account.

  • Tena;
  • MoliMed;
  • Hartmann Samu Steril;
  • Canpol Babies;
  • Peligrin.

The products are sold in pharmacies, supermarkets or ordered online.


Specialized products for women with urinary incontinence. Widely used after childbirth, during menopause, as well as during menstrual periods with heavy discharge. They are distinguished by high absorbency, size, and additional sides to prevent leakage. Made from hypoallergenic fabric, they retain odor well, quickly absorb moisture, and do not cause diaper rash.

They are distinguished by quality and affordable price.


This category includes anionic and herbal pads. The first are innovative products with a special anion chip inside. When used, anion molecules are released that eliminate odor, prevent the development of pathogenic microflora, prevent skin irritation, and maintain pH levels. Manufacturers claim that their products prevent the development of gynecological diseases and promote recovery.

The cost of the products is quite high, so they are not widely sold; they are bought online.

Products of Chinese origin can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered online.


Women began to actively use such hygiene products relatively recently. Some use them every day, others under certain circumstances - the days before and after menstruation, during ovulation, in the second half of the cycle, when the discharge becomes thicker and more noticeable. Use daily hygiene products when treating with vaginal and rectal suppositories.

The product range is extremely wide. They differ in shape - they repeat the outlines of different models of underwear, in color - red, blue, black, white, in material - cotton, synthetic, and in their ability to absorb. Panty liners are extremely thin, invisible, and do not have wings. They are often flavored.

In general, every well-known brand produces a series of pads for critical days and daily aids. The latter also indicate the number of droplets - from 1 to 5.

There are special test pads that are used in late pregnancy to determine the beginning of the release of amniotic fluid. The indicator turns blue when the reaction is positive.

Girls' first periods and pads

What pads are best to use during menstruation for girls 12 years old? More on this later.

With the first menstruation, girls begin a new stage in life. The body matures, the body begins to take on the proportions of a woman. At such a sensitive moment, someone should educate the girl about how important it is to maintain intimate hygiene and choose the right products for this. At such a young age, hygiene products must be chosen very carefully. What pads are best to use during menstruation for 10 year old girls? Anatomical characteristics and individual characteristics of the body are the two main parameters by which you need to select pads.

A very large selection of products for use during menstrual periods will make even an adult woman confused, what is it like for girls? Which pads are best for teenagers to use during their periods if they don’t yet understand the differences between them? Here it is important to properly advise the child. This shouldn't be too difficult.


Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to receive reviews and subjective ratings of the best pads for menstruation and more, comments, they will be useful to other users!


Initially I started using Bella pads. They were the first to go on general sale at an affordable price. They saved me, of course, but I remember that period with horror - my legs chafed, they leaked, they constantly left stains on my clothes, underwear, they rustled, they stood out against the background of my trousers. When I started making money, I instantly switched to Olweiss. Since then I have been using it for 15 years. Once a friend lent her Naturella - it was terrible. There is a feeling of wetness, nothing is absorbed, a stain has appeared, which has not happened for many years. In general, I don’t cheat on Olweiss, they never trick me. They cause irritation in the end, but I take a bath, lie in the bath, everything goes away.


For me the best ones were Kotex. I use it during critical days and periodically use it daily. Soft, reliable, comfortable. And daily ones can also be chosen to match the color and shape of the linen. Affordable price, high quality.


I tried different pads, all of them gave me terrible allergies - itching, burning from the first days. I use Naturella, it’s a little inconvenient in terms of effectiveness, but it’s safe.

Which pads to choose for a girl?

What pads are best to use during menstruation for teenagers 12 years old? The entire use of the pad consists of simply gluing it onto the underwear, but the choice consists of several points:

  • The selected products must be of high quality. When using pads made from cheap and low-quality materials, allergies and skin irritation may occur. While it is unknown about the reactions that may occur on the skin, it is better to avoid pads made from unknown materials. It is better to start with hygiene products with a hypoallergenic surface.
  • Teenagers weigh less than adult women, so to begin with, pads for heavy bleeding will be unnecessary. Everything here is purely individual: the volume of discharge and the girl’s weight. In this case, you need to tell what the differences are between these means. Explain the difference between sizes and number of droplets. And next time you don’t have to worry about what the girl will choose.
  • Purchasing several packages at once. Let it be different brands and sizes. A teenager who is menstruating for the first time needs to know that the amount of discharge depends on the day of her period. Therefore, in case the gaskets from one package do not fit, you can use others.

Pads for girls aged eleven. Their distinctive features

Typically, manufacturers do not produce separate products for women and girls. Only two companies are exceptions in this regard. These are Kotex and Bella. Due to their convenience and bright design, Kotex Young Normal Deo and Bella For Teen pads are in great demand. What pads are best to use during menstruation for 11 year old girls? This question should be asked by every mother who is concerned about the health and comfort of her daughter.

They must have the following distinctive features:

  • so that the liquid is absorbed better and faster, they must have a special mesh coating;
  • there should be an absorbent area in the center of the gasket, which will provide protection against leaks;
  • neutralization of odors with the scent of aloe;
  • should not cause discomfort, therefore products for girls were designed in such a way that they are narrower compared to hygiene products for women;
  • they are invisible under clothes due to their small thickness;
  • minimizes irritation due to cotton covering.

Kotex hygiene products for teenagers fully meet these requirements. Therefore, when wondering which pads are best to use during menstruation for girls 12 years old, pay attention to the products of the Kotex company. There is only one drawback to this product. This is a high cost compared to other types of the same products. What pads are best to use during menstruation for girls 14 years old? Kotex products are also suitable. The pads are completely suitable for the girls' build. Therefore, despite the price, they are popular.

Hygiene rules for a girl who is menstruating

It’s not enough to choose the right pads; on critical days, you also need to follow certain hygiene rules. During such a period, the female body needs special attention. Basic recommendations that a girl should follow when her period begins:

  • Water procedures twice a day. Since the genitals quickly become dirty during menstruation, germs multiply many times faster. To avoid inflammation or infections, you need to carefully monitor your intimate hygiene. What pads are best to use for 14 year old girls if there is no way to take a shower? In this case, hygiene products do not affect this. You can use wet wipes instead of a shower.
  • On such days, it is better to choose a soft cleanser with a special composition that will reduce possible irritation. It is recommended to use intimate hygiene gel; it kills all harmful bacteria and leaves you feeling clean for longer. What pads are best to use during menstruation for girls 16 years old in this case? You can also use ordinary hygiene products, which are always used. If cleansing occurs with soap, then it is better to choose hypoallergenic pads, since soap itself can cause irritation, and other menstrual products will only provoke it more.
  • Gaskets are usually changed at least every 6 hours. Sometimes this needs to be done more often.
  • What pads are best to use for girls 12 years old if they experience excessive sweating in the genital area during menstruation? They can be used as usual, you just need additional talc or baby powder.
  • It is advisable to wear underwear made from cotton fabrics, since synthetics do not allow air to pass through well and make it difficult for the skin to breathe. And during the beginning of the menstrual cycle, this is especially important.

Every girl should know these rules as soon as she has her first menstruation.

Main characteristics

Johnson & Johnson produces Carefree pads in the following options:

  • "Kafri" sanitary pads for daily use. Suitable for everyday use. Protect underwear from natural secretions (including during ovulation and before menstruation). Gives a feeling of freshness and cleanliness for a long time. Carefree panty liners come in three varieties: Aloe, Cotton and Flexiform.
  • "Kafri" pads for critical days. Intended for use during menstruation. Provide reliable absorption of secretions.

The characteristics of Caffrey pads for every day are presented in the table:

KindsCarefree Original Aloe and CottonPanty liners Carefree Original Flexiform Panty liners Carefree Plus Long Panty liners Carefree Plus Large
PurposeOn every day
Description of packagingGeneral / individualGeneral
Number of pads per package20/3418/302420/36
Gasket size150 x 75 x 2.4 mm150 x 75 x 2.4 mm216 x 70 x 2.8 mm178 x 75 x 2.4 mm
Shape and fixationFlexible shape that follows the contours of the laundry. Without wings Flexible shape that follows the contours of the linen, with the ability to change. Suitable for tanga or thong underwear. Without wings Flexible shape that follows the contours of the laundry. Elongated. Without wings
Material and composition of layersSoft coating, distribution layer, absorbent layer, barrier coating, paper, fragranceSoft coating, absorbent layer, barrier coating, paper. Super absorbent layer
ColorWhite blackWhiteWhite blackWhite
Absorbency (drops) / wetness of the top layer2232,5
Odor controlBuilt-in odor control component
AromatizationAvailable for Carefree Aloe and Carefree Cotton freshNot flavoredNot flavoredAvailable for Carefree Plus Large fresh
Best before date2 years
Cost per package120-140 rub.130-150 rub.160-200 rub.150-190 rub.
Rating (on a 5-point scale)4,64,84,54,7

Characteristics of Carefree pads for critical days:

KindsCarefree Ultra Normal PlusCarefree Ultra Super PlusCarefree Ultra Night Plus
PurposeFor critical days
Description of packagingIndividual
Number of pads per package121010
Shape and fixationEllipsoidal shape (follows the contours of the underwear), with Velcro, with wings
Material and composition of layersCover layer (non-woven material), distribution layer, absorbent layer (cellulose), superabsorbent, protective layer (polymer film)
Absorbency (drops) / wetness of the top layer456
Odor controlBuilt-in odor control component
AromatizationNot flavored
Best before date2 years
Cost per package110-140 rub.120-150 rub.120-150 rub.
Rating (on a 5-point scale)4,54,64,6

Choosing pads for your first period

The variety of hygiene products for critical days can baffle even an adult woman, let alone teenage girls who still have no idea how they differ. During this period, it is important to help the child make a choice. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a mother, grandmother or aunt. The main thing here is to provide comprehensive support during this still unusual period for the girl.

If the process of using a gasket is not very complicated (take it and glue it), then the choice includes several aspects:

  1. For your first period in your life, you should choose high-quality products. It sounds a little abstract, but this point is important, since the use of cheap and low-quality products can provoke an allergic reaction or skin irritation. While the girl does not know about the body’s possible reaction to the materials used in production, it is better not to take risks and immediately prepare a package of pads with a hypoallergenic surface.
  2. The body volume of teenagers is much smaller than that of adult women, so you should not immediately purchase products like super, maxi or nightwear. This is a purely individual moment - the amount of discharge and the weight category at the beginning of menstruation, so the best option here would be to simply show the girl the differences between different sizes and the number of droplets, so that she learns to select the product on her own.
  3. It is better to immediately purchase several packages of different brands and sizes. A girl who has started her first period should immediately be explained that the amount of discharge varies depending on the days. If the first package does not suit you, it is good to have other types in reserve.

Differences between panty liners and regular pads

A regular sanitary pad is structurally similar to a daily pad. It consists of the same layers and performs similar functions, but they are still used for different purposes. Therefore, the shape, size and thickness of products change. It should be noted that conventional gaskets are made with a fairly wide adhesive base, since their capacity is designed for a large volume of liquid. Daily ones, on the contrary, are made as light as possible so that the woman does not notice them during the day. In addition, they cannot be used while sleeping, unlike regular ones, which are designed to be worn around the clock. They also produce special night pads for protection while lying down.

Special pads for girls

The only manufacturers that have paid special attention to teenage girls today are Kotex and Bella. Their products Kotex Young Normal Deo, Bella For Teen are especially popular due to their attractive design and comfortable structure. However, the most popular option among experienced women when it comes to choosing hygiene products is Olweiss pads and Naturella pads.

These discharge pads for girls have the following features:

  • special mesh coating that ensures rapid absorption of liquid;
  • the absorbent center of the gasket is thicker than the other parts - this provides protection against leaks;
  • the pleasant smell of aloe neutralizes unpleasant odors;
  • the products are narrower compared to conventional pads, which makes them more comfortable for girls;
  • the small thickness allows you to make the hygiene product completely invisible under clothing;
  • The soft cotton covering minimizes the development of irritation.

These pads meet all the basic requirements for choosing products for the first menstruation. The only drawback, according to buyers, is the price. It is higher than for regular Kotex or Bella products. Otherwise, the products take into account all the structural features of the young body, which is why it found a response among most girls.

How to use it correctly?

An important point after the start of your first period is to observe the rules of personal hygiene. At this stage, the female body changes and requires more attention than before. Among the main recommendations are:

  1. Daily washing twice a day. Rapid contamination of the genitals during menstruation can contribute to the proliferation of pathogens. To avoid inflammation or infection, you should carefully monitor your intimate hygiene. If it is not possible to take a shower, then special wet wipes will come to the rescue.
  2. For water procedures, it is better to give preference to intimate hygiene gel. Such products have a softer composition and minimize possible irritating effects. It is forbidden to use soap for these purposes, as it has a rather aggressive alkaline composition.
  3. Gaskets should be changed as soon as they become dirty, but at least every 6 hours. It's even better to do it more often.
  4. If you experience excessive sweating in the genital area while wearing pads, you can use baby powder or talcum powder. If signs of irritation appear, then you need to change the type of product and anoint the skin with baby cream.
  5. It is advisable to completely avoid wearing underwear made from artificial fabrics; preference should be given to cotton products that allow the skin to breathe. This applies not only to the period of critical days. It’s better not to start wearing thongs at all.

Compliance with such simple rules of personal hygiene should become the constant mantra of every growing girl. This will allow you to avoid a lot of unpleasant health problems (thrush, inflammation, irritation, etc.). Head over to one of our articles to find more information on how to use pads.

Menstruation is a special stage in a girl’s life. At this time, she will become acquainted with various hygiene products. It is better to start with gaskets, since these products are the simplest and safest to use. Subsequently, you can try something new (tampons, menstrual cups, etc.). Selecting the most suitable product will not happen immediately. Girls just have to try something new and choose. The most important thing during this period is to accustom your body to quality products that minimize the risk of developing negative effects on the body.

Recommend pads for teenagers. And are there any girls who used Kotex Young Normal Deo? If there are, what do you think about them? Comfortable? experts

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Zinovieva Natalya Yurievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ruslan Khamitov

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Lyubov Zhiglova

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Vadim Braverman

Psychologist, Energy therapist. Specialist from the site

Svetlana Chernyshova

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Klinke Olga Leonidovna

Psychologist, Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Tropina Natalya Vladimirovna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Samorukov Konstantin

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

How did you manage without gaskets before?

For many centuries, representatives of the fair sex were forced to use improvised means as devices for collecting menstrual blood: moss, wool, fabric or cotton wool. Now there is no reliable information about who invented and patented the first gaskets.

The appearance of disposable products for women is associated with the First World War, when cellulose bandages began to be used as dressing materials, absorbing several times more blood than their cotton counterparts.

In the early 20s of the 20th century, a revolution took place in the world of fashion, one of the results of which was the appearance of closed, tight-fitting underwear. This led to the beginning of mass production of feminine hygiene products and a change in their design: the products became more compact and thin, and were attached to panties with pins or rubber straps.

Only 50 years later, prototypes of modern disposable pads were developed, which had an additional absorbent layer and a self-adhesive surface. Over the past decades, hygiene products have improved significantly, becoming more convenient, practical and affordable.

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